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使命至上 笃行不倦揽风云——访北京大学教授其鲁
作者 王景 谢远景 《科学中国人》 2006年第9期F0002-F0002,1-5,共6页
“只有当最后一棵树被刨,最后一条河中毒,最后一条鱼被捕,你们才会发觉,钱财不能吃。……”品味着这首古老的印第安人的歌谣,我感慨万千:对于我们的大自然开发一定要适度,对于人类所生存的环境一定要注意保护,否则我们必然会陷入山穷水... “只有当最后一棵树被刨,最后一条河中毒,最后一条鱼被捕,你们才会发觉,钱财不能吃。……”品味着这首古老的印第安人的歌谣,我感慨万千:对于我们的大自然开发一定要适度,对于人类所生存的环境一定要注意保护,否则我们必然会陷入山穷水尽的境地。保护生态环境是我们共同的责任——今天当我们醉心于人类物质文明的辉煌成果,当我们高踞于人与自然关系中的主宰者和统治者的地位的时候,生态危机与地球环境的不断恶化犹如“狼狈狰狞的幽灵”,人类生存和发展面临着空前的危机。人与地球的和谐共存,如今正成为一种世界性和世纪性的目标。而作为世界第二大石油消费国的中国,石油价格的不断攀升对我国的能源安全提出了严峻的挑战。大力研发可再生能源,开发清洁能源不仅是挽救生态平衡的迫切需要,更是我国社会主义现代化建设的重大战略问题。正所谓时势造英雄,特定的历史时期赋予了特定的历史使命。岁月走到21世纪,当今世界的竞争异常激烈,但归根结底还是科学与技术的较量。当代人的历史使命就是大力发展社会经济,使祖国在激烈的国际竞争中立于不败之地。引领祖国在国际竞争的大潮中抢占先进生产力至高点的科研人员,为环境科技事业而不懈奋斗的科技贡献者们,当之无愧地成为时代之英雄。带着对时代英雄的崇敬,带着对新能源材料领域的好奇,笔者慕名采访了创建了中信国安盟固利公司的著名材料化学和锂电池专家、北京大学的其鲁教授。 展开更多
关键词 北京大学 保护生态环境 教授 印第安人 大自然 人类 其鲁
作者 王雅和 漠楠 屈永科 《新材料产业》 2009年第2期5-7,共3页
关键词 电动汽车产业 博士 二次电池 锂离子 正极材料 科技奥运 绿色奥运 北京奥运会 蓄电池 电动公交车 纯电动汽车 锰酸锂动力电池 动力锂电池 氧化锂钴 钴酸锂 其百 其鲁
作者 贺金瑞 《中国民族》 2002年第5期62-63,共2页
在中国,北京中关村作为全国少有的“高新技术产业试验区”,很多方面它都先走一步或者几步,很多概念从这里孵化,很多企业在这里萌芽。在新世纪,人们期望中关村成为中国高新技术产业的“晴雨表”,成为世界高新技术产业圈中不可忽视的一个... 在中国,北京中关村作为全国少有的“高新技术产业试验区”,很多方面它都先走一步或者几步,很多概念从这里孵化,很多企业在这里萌芽。在新世纪,人们期望中关村成为中国高新技术产业的“晴雨表”,成为世界高新技术产业圈中不可忽视的一个重要环节。经济学家魏杰指出:“中关村作为我国高新技术产业园区的领头羊,其发展应当反映我国整个高新产业发展的动向和趋势。”从这个视角看,留学归国创业的蒙古族人其鲁博士,在归国短短的一年半中,在中关村高新技术产业区开发出具有自主知识产权的锂电池材料并迅速产业化,其合成材料方法实现了技术创新,研究水平处于世界领先,这个重大成果将使我国落后的锂电池产业发生根本性变化。 展开更多
关键词 高新技术企业 其鲁 博士 锂电池产业 归国创业人员 技术 市场
作者 贺金瑞 《中国民族》 2004年第5期45-47,共3页
新型贮能锂电池材料及其产品,是十年来发展最快的产业之一,对促进全球信息化发挥了极其重要的作用。从2000年到现在,中国由原来在世界这个领域名不见经传,已发展成为世界上大规模生产锂电池材料的国家。而创造这个神话的就是国内规模最... 新型贮能锂电池材料及其产品,是十年来发展最快的产业之一,对促进全球信息化发挥了极其重要的作用。从2000年到现在,中国由原来在世界这个领域名不见经传,已发展成为世界上大规模生产锂电池材料的国家。而创造这个神话的就是国内规模最大、技术最先进、集研究、开发、生产于一体的中信国安盟固利(简称MGL)电源有限公司,该公司在产量和市场占有率上均雄居第一位。 展开更多
关键词 其鲁 中信国安盟固利电源技术有限公司 科学家 生平
作者 张晓雨 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第S1期99-109,共11页
关键词 正极材料 钴酸锂 氧化锂钴 锂离子二次电池 锂电池 锂离子电池 应用化学系 其百 其鲁 北京大学化学与分子工程学院 新能源材料 实验室
Determination of Nematicidal Effects of Some Biopesticides against Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on Kiwifruit 被引量:1
作者 Ilker Kepenekci Onur Dura Sami Dura 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第8期546-551,共6页
The aim of this study was to determine the nematicidal effects of some biopesticides againist root-knot nematodes (RKNs) (Meloidogyne incognita) on Bruno type kiwifruit seedlings. Research was conducted in the Ata... The aim of this study was to determine the nematicidal effects of some biopesticides againist root-knot nematodes (RKNs) (Meloidogyne incognita) on Bruno type kiwifruit seedlings. Research was conducted in the Atattirk Central Horticultural Research Institute (ACHRI, Yalova, Turkey) greenhouse during 2013-2014. Biopesticides observed in this study were: sesame oil (Devalone EC), castor oil (Ricinus communis), Myrothecium verrucaria (M. verrucaria strain AARC-0255, Inferno DF), Glomus spp. (Endomycorrhizal fungi, Endo Roots Soluble SP) and Paecilomyces lilacinus (Entomopathogenic fungi, P. lilacinus strain PL1, Bionematon SL). Nematicide Nemacur EC 400 (fenamiphos) was used as treated control (TC) and trials were set up as randomized parcel design (RPD) with seven characters and 10 replicates. Reproduction ratio was determined according to scale values in trial applications and second stage juvenile (J2) populations of M. incognita in soil. The results showed that the best nematicidal effects against RKNs were determined in castor oil (77.92% in 2013 and 73.61% in 2014) and P. lilacinus (61.03% in 2013 and 55.55% in 2014). 展开更多
关键词 Root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita sesame oil castor oil Myrothecium verrucaria GLOMUS Paecilomyceslilacinus kiwifruit.
The Changing Image of the Ottoman Turks in the Habsburg Monarchy During the 18th Century
作者 Alois Kernbauer 《History Research》 2015年第1期1-11,共11页
The old-aged confrontation between “East” and “West”, between “civilization” and “barbarism”, between “Christianity” and “Islam” came to new heights in the early modern times and found its arena in Central... The old-aged confrontation between “East” and “West”, between “civilization” and “barbarism”, between “Christianity” and “Islam” came to new heights in the early modern times and found its arena in Central Europe. Since the late 15th century, the Ottoman Turks had been feared as menace, as the most dreadful enemies not only of the inhabitants of the Habsburg ruled countries but of the whole world of Christianity, and the Ottoman Turks did pose a permanent threat to their neighbours in Central Europe. The situation changed around 1700 when the Habsburgs succeeded in integrating the entire Hungarian Kingdom into their empire. From the early 18th century onwards the Ottoman Turks were no longer regarded as fierce fighters but increasingly as neighbours living in an unknown and totally different world and gained more and more curious attention. This change was not only the consequence of the new balance in power politics but mainly a sequel of gaining much more information. Up to the late 17th century the knowledge about the Ottoman Turks was based primarily on what had been reported by ambassadors travelling to Constantinople while in the 18th century people of several strands of life reported about their experiences. After the Peace of Passarowitz in 1718 trade agreements between the two states enabled activities of merchants and tradesmen who learned to know things about their eastern neighbours which were totally new to the Middle European contemporaries. Additionally, some elements of this "oriental" culture were taken over and were to become typical for Central Europe later on. The Turks were curiously observed as strange and fascinating neighbours. In the course of the movement of enlightenment from the middle of the 18th century onwards one aspect of this culture lost much of its dreadfulness: the fact that the Ottoman Turks were infidels. So it did not take very long until Ottomans were seen as being capable of true humanity regardless their religion. In the 19th century the multiethnic state organizations of the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg Monarchy became outmoded in this age of nationalism. They realized their common interests and started a cooperation which eventually ended up as alliance in theWorld War I. From the point of view of power politics however, the Ottoman Empire was regarded as “sick man at the Bosporus”. In the following the changes of the image are shown as an overview by observing the criteria against the background of the most important historical events. The details of how this process worked are still pretty murky. Further investigations are already on the way and will bring more light into the reasons and the mechanism of this development. 展开更多
关键词 East-West-conflict Islam KORAN CHRISTIANITY Ottoman Turks Habsburg Empire bridging the gapbetween the Ottoman Empire and Central Europe Enlightenment characteristics PREJUDICES
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