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清代清水江流域田土典价及影响因素——基于“清水江文书”的考察 被引量:2
作者 张强 《原生态民族文化学刊》 CSSCI 2020年第6期19-29,共11页
清代清水江流域田土典当中,禾田典价高于谷田典价,但禾田、谷田典价皆呈下降趋势,至咸丰时达到低谷;相对于田土买卖,一般情况下典价低于断价;至于清水江流域田土典价影响因素,除天灾人祸外,主要有交易双方关系、典资回报方式及回赎时限... 清代清水江流域田土典当中,禾田典价高于谷田典价,但禾田、谷田典价皆呈下降趋势,至咸丰时达到低谷;相对于田土买卖,一般情况下典价低于断价;至于清水江流域田土典价影响因素,除天灾人祸外,主要有交易双方关系、典资回报方式及回赎时限规定等三方面。 展开更多
关键词 清代 田土典价
作者 关选奇 《基建优化》 1999年第6期45-47,共3页
关键词 房地产估 不动产 典价
中韩典权制度比较研究 被引量:4
作者 高贤升 刘向涛 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期145-150,共6页
韩国典权在长期的发展过程中形成了物权性典权和债权性典权两种类型,且债权性典权的适用范围愈来愈广,已成为韩国居民居住制度的重要形式之一。在债权性典权关系中,韩国法律注重保护处于经济弱势地位的典权人的利益,这与中国典权传统以... 韩国典权在长期的发展过程中形成了物权性典权和债权性典权两种类型,且债权性典权的适用范围愈来愈广,已成为韩国居民居住制度的重要形式之一。在债权性典权关系中,韩国法律注重保护处于经济弱势地位的典权人的利益,这与中国典权传统以来保护经济地位较弱的出典人的利益是完全相反的。在我国市场经济条件下,出典人与典权人经济地位的差异越来越小,仅仅注重保护出典人的利益,无疑是片面的。笔者认为,借鉴韩国有关保护典权人利益的法律制度,对我国目前《物权法》的起草工作将有一定的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国 韩国 债权性 典价 物权 民法 比较研究
作者 融天明 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2007年第2期90-95,共6页
在现代市场经济条件下,典价在银行利率决定下有一个浮动空间,这个空间中,采取典权方式,对于资金需求者和房屋使用需求者而言,是双赢的局面;同时,典权也可以作为一种合法的避税手段,在中国现实社会中,还可以满足人们多种不同的需要。从... 在现代市场经济条件下,典价在银行利率决定下有一个浮动空间,这个空间中,采取典权方式,对于资金需求者和房屋使用需求者而言,是双赢的局面;同时,典权也可以作为一种合法的避税手段,在中国现实社会中,还可以满足人们多种不同的需要。从物权法体系上看,缺乏典权制度,物权法内容是不完整的。不规定典权,只会造成人为的法律漏洞,不利于法律对社会生活的调整。 展开更多
关键词 典价 抵押权 物权法体系
作者 房文翠 丁海湖 《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1993年第3期56-60,共5页
在经济改革的大潮中,沉寂了几十年的典当业再度出现。时至今日,全国已有数百家当铺登记开业,特别是一些大中城市的典当业尤为引人注目。典当业的恢复和发展,引发了一系列问题,特别是法律问题,促使人们不得不予以正视、思考和解决。 一 ... 在经济改革的大潮中,沉寂了几十年的典当业再度出现。时至今日,全国已有数百家当铺登记开业,特别是一些大中城市的典当业尤为引人注目。典当业的恢复和发展,引发了一系列问题,特别是法律问题,促使人们不得不予以正视、思考和解决。 一 典当业是中国的一项古老的行业,在南北朝时已经盛行。典当行业俗称“当铺”,又有“质库”、“质当”、“典铺”、“解铺”之称。在中国古代,“质”、“典”、“押”往往通用,而所谓的典当则是“质”中的“物质”。 展开更多
关键词 当铺 当关系 当业 典价 法律关系 当票 银及其制品 抵押权
房屋典权略论 被引量:4
作者 房绍坤 《山东法学》 1992年第2期23-25,共3页
典权是承典人支付典价而占有出典人的不动产,并加以使用和收益的民事权利。一、房屋典权的法律性质1、房屋典权是不动产物权。房屋典权的标的物是不动产——房屋。该房屋须为公民个人所有的财产,即私有房屋。动产、公有房屋及其他不动... 典权是承典人支付典价而占有出典人的不动产,并加以使用和收益的民事权利。一、房屋典权的法律性质1、房屋典权是不动产物权。房屋典权的标的物是不动产——房屋。该房屋须为公民个人所有的财产,即私有房屋。动产、公有房屋及其他不动产之上不能设立典权。就是说。 展开更多
关键词 典价 房屋 房屋 不动产物权 房屋所有权 用益物权 继承人 回赎权 担保物权
作者 李显东 《人民法治》 2015年第9期30-,共1页
典权为我国固有法中的一个具有中国特色的物权类型,虽在我国《物权法》中没有规定,但是其具有现实的价值,亦为历来的司法解释所认可。在新形势下,应通过汲取并改革传统典权制度,为市场经济服务。典权制度的基本内容典权制度系一项在我... 典权为我国固有法中的一个具有中国特色的物权类型,虽在我国《物权法》中没有规定,但是其具有现实的价值,亦为历来的司法解释所认可。在新形势下,应通过汲取并改革传统典权制度,为市场经济服务。典权制度的基本内容典权制度系一项在我国古代法中不断发展和充实的制度,主要内容有两个方面:一方面,典权设定后。 展开更多
关键词 权制度 绝对性 典价 义务 物权法定原则 绝对支配性 公示方法
作者 张振清 《河北法学》 1984年第4期43-45,共3页
房屋典当就是双方为典当房屋,约定一方(承典人)支付典价而占有他方(出典人)房屋进行使用和收益的一种协议.典当是我国特有的法律制度,有文字记载者最早见于《唐书》,其后《宋刑统》,《大元通制》、《大明律》、《大清律例》中都有关于... 房屋典当就是双方为典当房屋,约定一方(承典人)支付典价而占有他方(出典人)房屋进行使用和收益的一种协议.典当是我国特有的法律制度,有文字记载者最早见于《唐书》,其后《宋刑统》,《大元通制》、《大明律》、《大清律例》中都有关于典当的规定.解放前剥削阶级用典权对劳动人民进行残酷剥削,因此对剥削阶级的典权制度应予废除,但对劳动人民之间进行的互通有无的典当关系,解放后在法律、政策允许的范围内,仍予承认和保护.典当不同于买卖、抵押、和租赁.买卖是以转移所有权为主要特征,所有权一旦转移就不能回赎.在典当关系中。 展开更多
关键词 房屋 回赎 当关系 当房屋 当纠纷 典价 房屋
作者 严每蓉 《中外房地产导报》 1997年第14期11-13,共3页
一、适用性问题 房地产典当在我国历史久远,起源于周代,唐开元年间出现制度雏型,此后逐步形成一项完整的民事法律制度而被广泛运用。建国以后直至60年代,也还有新的典权关系发生。其后,长期的政治运动,使许多承典房地产被代管、改造、... 一、适用性问题 房地产典当在我国历史久远,起源于周代,唐开元年间出现制度雏型,此后逐步形成一项完整的民事法律制度而被广泛运用。建国以后直至60年代,也还有新的典权关系发生。其后,长期的政治运动,使许多承典房地产被代管、改造、收归国有。 展开更多
关键词 房地产 权人 回赎权 典价 房屋所有权 几个问题
典当房产登记始合法 逾期未赎住宅成绝卖
作者 任凯生 《中国房地产业》 1994年第5期41-41,共1页
闰某在河北省石家庄市大经路原有私房2间28平方米。1953年7月,闰某因经济拮据与刘某之父签定该房典当契约(白契)。契约载明:房屋典期为20年,房屋典价为人民币350元。 同年12月,典当双方经协商,在当地房管部门正式签定了典当契约,典当关... 闰某在河北省石家庄市大经路原有私房2间28平方米。1953年7月,闰某因经济拮据与刘某之父签定该房典当契约(白契)。契约载明:房屋典期为20年,房屋典价为人民币350元。 同年12月,典当双方经协商,在当地房管部门正式签定了典当契约,典当关系正式建立,在正式契约中载明:房屋典期为3年,典价为人民币350元。 展开更多
关键词 房产登记 回赎期 正式契约 住宅 房屋 典价 房屋 房管部门 当关系
作者 张钧 《云南档案》 1995年第1期45-47,共3页
关键词 土司 典价 地方官 宣统元年 失业 监狱经费 云南边疆 界址 庄户 有案可查
作者 任觊生 《中国房地产业》 1995年第10期44-44,共1页
1991年5月1日,王某买了石家庄市民生路13号北房3间。买房手续均已办妥。该房原系本市郊区留村社员刘某所有。1969年3月刘某病故,因无人继承,其房产由生产队收归集体。1992年7月15日贾某以该房由其祖父典当为由,不让王某使用,并出示了一... 1991年5月1日,王某买了石家庄市民生路13号北房3间。买房手续均已办妥。该房原系本市郊区留村社员刘某所有。1969年3月刘某病故,因无人继承,其房产由生产队收归集体。1992年7月15日贾某以该房由其祖父典当为由,不让王某使用,并出示了一份1966年2月其祖父以750斤小麦典当刘某房屋5年的“当契”该“当契” 展开更多
关键词 法律效力 祖父 典价 当关系 房屋 权人
作者 王志民 《吉林广播电视大学学报》 2023年第5期92-95,101,共5页
大清律对典权期限未作明确限定,律文后的条例亦是如此。同治十三年《钦定户部则例》规定民人典当田宅最长期限为十年,旗民典当田宅回赎期最长不得超过二十年。但在实践中,典期呈现多样化特点,既有固定期限典期,也有不固定期限典期,一般... 大清律对典权期限未作明确限定,律文后的条例亦是如此。同治十三年《钦定户部则例》规定民人典当田宅最长期限为十年,旗民典当田宅回赎期最长不得超过二十年。但在实践中,典期呈现多样化特点,既有固定期限典期,也有不固定期限典期,一般都在十年以内,可随时终止,但也有三十年甚至五十年的较长期限的典期。无论何种期限的典权,都完美地平衡了出典人与典权人之间的利益,是中国古人法律实践的结晶。 展开更多
关键词 典价 回赎 有固定期限 无固定期限
Logic paradox under current corporate finance
作者 YUAN Ye-hu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2007年第11期41-43,共3页
The current corporate finance is based on the theory framework of new classical economics. Therefore, the main contents such as free cash flow, NPV method and capital structure decision-making are still based on the b... The current corporate finance is based on the theory framework of new classical economics. Therefore, the main contents such as free cash flow, NPV method and capital structure decision-making are still based on the balanced price of product and capital markets, they still can't reflect the essential character of corporation. The logic paradox, causes the current corporate finance study under a more and more embarrassing circumstance in the front of enterprise financial management practice, with the feature of value management. 展开更多
关键词 corporate finance capital market finance logic paradox
典权制度弊端的法理思考 被引量:29
作者 马新彦 《法制与社会发展》 1998年第1期18-24,34,共8页
典权制度是我国特有的物权制度,在我国法制史上曾经历过从产生、发展、兴盛到衰落的一个历史过程。今天,在一些法律制度为适应及促进商品经济发展已经相继确立并渐趋完善之时,有学者主张,典权制度是我国商品经济发展的现阶段既能满足出... 典权制度是我国特有的物权制度,在我国法制史上曾经历过从产生、发展、兴盛到衰落的一个历史过程。今天,在一些法律制度为适应及促进商品经济发展已经相继确立并渐趋完善之时,有学者主张,典权制度是我国商品经济发展的现阶段既能满足出典人经济上的利益,又满足典权人占有不动产为使用收益需要的最理想的方式,建立典权制度应属当务之急。本文拟从相反的角度对典权制度的弊端作一些法理思考。 展开更多
关键词 权人 权制度 回赎权 担保物权 用益物权 所有权人 不动产质权制度 典价
Aspect-Level Opinion Mining of Online Customer Reviews
作者 徐学可 程学旗 +2 位作者 谭松波 刘悦 沈华伟 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期25-41,共17页
This paper focuses on how to improve aspect-level opinion mining for online customer reviews. We first propose a novel generative topic model, the Joint Aspect/Sentiment (JAS) model, to jointly extract aspects and asp... This paper focuses on how to improve aspect-level opinion mining for online customer reviews. We first propose a novel generative topic model, the Joint Aspect/Sentiment (JAS) model, to jointly extract aspects and aspect-dependent sentiment lexicons from online customer reviews. An aspect-dependent sentiment lexicon refers to the aspect-specific opinion words along with their aspect-aware sentiment polarities with respect to a specific aspect. We then apply the extracted aspectdependent sentiment lexicons to a series of aspect-level opinion mining tasks, including implicit aspect identification, aspect-based extractive opinion summarization, and aspect-level sentiment classification. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the JAS model in learning aspectdependent sentiment lexicons and the practical values of the extracted lexicons when applied to these practical tasks. 展开更多
关键词 online customer reviews aspectlevel opinion mining aspect-dependent sentiment lexicon Joint Aspect/Sentiment model
Nature of Gravitation.The Structural Intuition of Gravitation in the Framework of Early Modern Mechanical Philosophy
作者 Babu Thaliath 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第9期595-618,共24页
As is generally known, Newton's notion of universal gravitation surpassed various theories of particular gravities in the early modem age, as represented mainly by Kepler and Hooke. In his seminal work Hooke and the ... As is generally known, Newton's notion of universal gravitation surpassed various theories of particular gravities in the early modem age, as represented mainly by Kepler and Hooke. In his seminal work Hooke and the Law of Universal Gravitation: A Reappraisal of a Reappraisal Richard S. Westfall argues that Hooke could not reach beyond the concept of spatially bounded particular gravities, as he deployed the method of analogy between the material principle of congruity and incongruity and the extension of gravitational spheres and their action at a distance. However, the doctrine of universal gravitation does not exclude the nature of particular gravities; it is predicated on the notion of an infinite expansion of individual-gravitational spheres and their uniform nature, namely the mutual and centripetal attraction. In my treatise 1 attempt to reinvestigate the nature and structure of gravitation, as established historically in the framework of Newtonian Classical Mechanics, by a method of structural intuition. It examines how the structural intuition, as represented in the celestial-mechanical intuitions of Hooke and Kepler, could unfold into an innovative process within the context of early modem mechanical philosophy, attaining thus a historical siglaificance and legitimacy as against the prevailing Newtonian method of geometric-mathematical axiomatization of mechanical principles. It also explores the actual demonstrative features of the tidal phenomenon with regard to its lunar- and solar-gravitational causation, which has been considered to date to be an important piece of empirical evidence for the theory of universal gravitation. 展开更多
关键词 universal gravitation particular gravities structural intuition gravitational sphere structure ofgravitation TIDES gravitational repulsion
Expression of HIF-1α in breast cancer and precancerous lesions and the relationship to clinicopathological features 被引量:2
作者 Yun'ai Liang Zengxin Li Gangping Wang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2014年第1期23-28,共6页
Objective: The aim of this study was to observe the expressions and clinical significance of HIF-1a in breast cancer and precancerous lesions, and analyze the relationship between the expressions and clinicopathologi... Objective: The aim of this study was to observe the expressions and clinical significance of HIF-1a in breast cancer and precancerous lesions, and analyze the relationship between the expressions and clinicopathological features in breast cancer. Methods: We analyzed the HIF-1a expression in 128 cases of invasive ductal carcinomas, 146 precancerous lesions patients including 89 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ and 57 cases of atypical ductal hyperplasia. 53 cases of usual ductal hyperplasia breast tissues were selected as a control group. The specimens were evaluated for HIF-1a, estrogen receptor (ER) & progesterone receptor (PR), epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2/neu) and Ki-67. Immunoreactivity was semi-quantitatively evaluated in at least 1000 cells examined under the microscope at 40 x magnification and recorded as the percentage of positive tumor cells over the total number of cells examined in the same area. The percentage scores were subsequently categorized. The express of HIF-1a and their relationship with multiple biological parameters including ER & PR, HER2/neu and Ki-67, the biomarkers levels of CA153, CA125 TSGF, and CEA in blood serum and nipple discharge, histological grade, region lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis and recurrence on files were also assessed. Results: Compared with usual ductal hyperplasia, the positive expression rate of HIF-1a in atypical ductal hyperplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive ductal carcinomas group was significantly increased (P 〈 0.01). The positive rates of HIF-1a in invasive ductal carcinomas were 68.75%, which were significantly higher than that in ductal carcinoma in situ (43.8%), atypical ductal hyperplasia (31.6%), usual ductal hyperplasia (9.4%; X2 = 13.44, 22.27, 52.79, respectively, P 〈 0.01). Statistical analysis showed that difference of abnormal expression rate of HIF-1a between ductal carcinoma in situ and usual ductal hyperplasia (X2 = 18.37, P = 0.00), atypical ductal hyperplasia and usual ductal hyperplasia (x2 = 8.14, P = 0.00) was significant (P = 0.00). However, no significant difference in the positive expression rate of HIF-1a was found between atypical ductal hyperplasia and ductal carcinoma in situ tissue (X2 = 2.19, P = 0.14). There was a significantly difference in the mean HIF-1a frequency between ER & PR positive invasive ductal carcinomas group and negative group, epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2/neu) positive and negative groups, Ki-67 proliferation index 〈 14% and 〉 14% groups, histological grade (I + II) and grade III invasive ductal carcinomas groups, with lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis and recurrence groups (P 〈 0.05) and without groups (P 〈 0.05). However, there was not difference in the mean HIF-1a between age (〈 50 years vs 〉 50 years), tumor diameter (〈 2 cm vs 〉 2 cm; P 〉 0.05). The nipple discharge and serum levels of CA153, TSGF, CA125 and CEA in invasive ductal carcinomas HIF-1a positive patients were significantly higher than those in the negative patients (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: In breast cancer, HIF-1a expressibn was abnormally increased. The aberration of HIF-1a may play a key role during oncogenesis (atypical ductal hyperplasia or ductal carcinoma in situ) and promote breast cellular transformation into malignancy, a finding useful for further understanding of tumorigenesis. The abnormal expression of HIF-1a may be as an early event in the development of breast tumor. The over-expression of HIF-1a might be important biological markers for invasion, metastasis and recurrence of breast cancer. 展开更多
关键词 invasive breast carcinomas precancerous lesions HIF-1A PROGNOSIS
典权制度的现代化改造——兼论“典权入典” 被引量:3
作者 陈耀东 吴迪 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期47-54,共8页
由于受典权主客体范围的严格限制及传统典价制度下出典人和典权人权利义务的不对等,典权制度在我国的发展渐趋式微。但是,从我国的国情和文化传统考虑,典权制度有利于填补我国物权法框架中不动产质押的法律空白,有利于满足新农村建设融... 由于受典权主客体范围的严格限制及传统典价制度下出典人和典权人权利义务的不对等,典权制度在我国的发展渐趋式微。但是,从我国的国情和文化传统考虑,典权制度有利于填补我国物权法框架中不动产质押的法律空白,有利于满足新农村建设融资的需求。因此我们建议,以我国现阶段《民法典》的制定为契机,就典权制度的主体、客体、典价、风险回赎机制等内容进行制度设计,对典权进行现代化改造,并建议将其置于《民法典·物权编》用益物权之下。 展开更多
关键词 权现代化 土地使用权 典价 权登记
Correlation of serum arylesterase activity on phenylacetate estimated by the integrated method to common classical biochemical indexes of liver damage
作者 LIAO Fei ZHU Xiao-yun +3 位作者 WANG Yong-mei ZHAO Yun-sheng ZHU Lian-ping ZUO Yu-ping 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期237-241,共5页
The correlation of serum arylesterase(PON1) activity on phenylacetate determined by an integrated method to clas-sical biochemical indexes of liver damage was investigated for the use of PON1 activity to evaluate live... The correlation of serum arylesterase(PON1) activity on phenylacetate determined by an integrated method to clas-sical biochemical indexes of liver damage was investigated for the use of PON1 activity to evaluate liver damage.PON1 reaction curve as absorbance at 270 nm for 0.20 mmol/L phenylacetate hydrolysis was analyzed by the integrated method to determine maximal PON1 reaction rate.Classical biochemical indexes of liver damage were determined routinely.The 95% confidence threshold of PON1 activity in sera from healthy individuals was 2.12 mkat/L [(4.73±1.31) mkat/L,n=105].PON1 activity in clinical sera was closely correlated to serum albumin,total protein and the ratio of albumin to globulins,but was weakly correlated to both direct and total bilirubin in serum.There were no correlations of PON1 activity to γ-glutamyltransferase,alkaline phos-phatase,alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase.Among 127 clinical sera with PON1 activity>2.12 mkat/L,there were 92% healthy individuals examined by albumin,90% healthy individuals examined by total protein,88% healthy individuals examined by total bilirubin,86% healthy individuals examined by direct bilirubin and 64% healthy individuals examined by the ratio of albumin to globulins,respectively.In each group of healthy individuals judged by classical biochemical indexes of close correlation to PON1 activity,percentage of healthy individuals examined by PON1 activity was always >80%.These results suggested PON1 activity on phenylacetate estimated by the integrated method was also suitable for the evaluation of liver damage. 展开更多
关键词 ARYLESTERASE ALBUMIN Alanine aminotransferase Liver damage Ratio of albumin to globulins Integrated method BILIRUBIN
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