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关于网箱养草对养殖水体的净化效果的探讨 被引量:3
作者 胡家文 栾会妮 +2 位作者 沈子伟 陈小江 姚维志 《现代渔业信息》 2005年第12期12-15,30,共5页
近年来,由于缺乏生态环境保护意识,片面强调高产值和养殖规模的扩大,一些养殖池塘受污染的程度超过其自净能力,长期积累的负面效应引起生态系统的退化。轻者导致养殖效益下降,重者导致养殖对象的大批死亡。在本实验中,将异育银鲫和菹草... 近年来,由于缺乏生态环境保护意识,片面强调高产值和养殖规模的扩大,一些养殖池塘受污染的程度超过其自净能力,长期积累的负面效应引起生态系统的退化。轻者导致养殖效益下降,重者导致养殖对象的大批死亡。在本实验中,将异育银鲫和菹草混养在室外池塘中,建立鱼草共生系统。监测水体主要的理化因子的变化规律,测定异育银鲫的生长情况。从而探讨网箱养草对养殖水体主要营养盐的去除效果。试验结果表明:菹草具有明显的净化作用,可以有效的吸收TP和TN,增加水体DO,稳定水体,并能促进异育银鲫的生长。 展开更多
关键词 网箱养草 菹草 鱼草共生 净化作用
网箱养草对养殖水体的净化作用 被引量:2
作者 胡家文 栾会妮 +2 位作者 沈子伟 陈小江 姚维志 《北京水产》 2005年第6期8-12,27,共6页
近年来,由于缺乏生态环境保护意识,片面强调高产值和养殖规模的扩大,一些养殖池塘受污染的程度超过其自净能力,长期积累的负面效应引起生态系统的退化。轻者导致养殖效益下降,重者导致养殖对象的大批死亡。在本实验中,将异育银鲫和菹草... 近年来,由于缺乏生态环境保护意识,片面强调高产值和养殖规模的扩大,一些养殖池塘受污染的程度超过其自净能力,长期积累的负面效应引起生态系统的退化。轻者导致养殖效益下降,重者导致养殖对象的大批死亡。在本实验中,将异育银鲫和菹草混养在室外池塘中,建立鱼草共生系统。通过监测水体主要理化因子的变化规律和测定异育银鲫的生长情况,探讨了网箱养草对养殖水体主要营养盐的去除效果。试验结果表明:菹草具有明显的净化作用,可以有效的吸收T P(总磷)和T N(总氮), 增加水体D 0(溶解氧),稳定水体,并能促进异育银鲫的生长。 展开更多
关键词 网箱养草 鱼草共生 生态效应
网箱养草对养殖水体的净化效果 被引量:2
作者 胡家文 《河北渔业》 2005年第6期12-15,共4页
在室外养殖池塘中进行异育银鲫和网箱养草(菹草)的混养实验,旨在通过监测室外池塘养殖系统中水体主要理化因子,探讨网箱养草对养殖水体主要营养盐的去除效果。结果表明:在本次试验的鱼草共生系统中,网箱养草对水体具有明显的净化效果,... 在室外养殖池塘中进行异育银鲫和网箱养草(菹草)的混养实验,旨在通过监测室外池塘养殖系统中水体主要理化因子,探讨网箱养草对养殖水体主要营养盐的去除效果。结果表明:在本次试验的鱼草共生系统中,网箱养草对水体具有明显的净化效果,能有效去除水体中的N、P等营养性物质。 展开更多
关键词 网箱养草 水体 净化
作者 胡家文 沈子伟 陈小江 《渔业致富指南》 2005年第21期18-19,共2页
关键词 生态养殖技术 养殖水体 网箱养草 净化 自身污染 养殖业发展 可持续发展 养殖规模 自净能力
“网箱养草”净化水质技术初步试验结果 被引量:17
作者 谢田 朱富寿 管颖 《云南环境科学》 2004年第3期58-62,共5页
关键词 网箱养草 金鱼藻 富营养化 水质净化
网箱养草净化地表水现场扩大实验结果初报 被引量:16
作者 谢田 陈桂芳 +1 位作者 熊娅 孟宪武 《贵州环保科技》 2001年第1期12-16,共5页
将3种水草悬浮养殖于类似网箱养鱼的网箱内,置于废水塘中,结果证明生长正常时,其对静水和流速≤10m/min的水能提高水体DO,静水中对TN、TP、COD_(Mn)、NH_4-N削减明显,3种水草中金鱼藻对网箱养殖适应性最好,竹叶眼子菜死亡,黑藻适应性尚... 将3种水草悬浮养殖于类似网箱养鱼的网箱内,置于废水塘中,结果证明生长正常时,其对静水和流速≤10m/min的水能提高水体DO,静水中对TN、TP、COD_(Mn)、NH_4-N削减明显,3种水草中金鱼藻对网箱养殖适应性最好,竹叶眼子菜死亡,黑藻适应性尚需再探讨。 展开更多
关键词 网箱养草 净水增氧 现场试验 地表水净化
水生植物净化水质生态工程研究:网箱养草净化水质初步探讨 被引量:8
作者 谢田 陈桂芳 《新能源》 1998年第12期32-34,共3页
关键词 网箱养草 沉水植物 水质净化 水污染防治
养草灭草法防除杂草稻试验 被引量:1
作者 倪桃香 黄巍巍 《上海农业科技》 2011年第4期136-136,共1页
杂草稻是指田间自生、非人工栽培、具有杂草特性的水稻。杂草稻的发生和危害主要是由于水稻生产方式日益简化积累、种子混杂等原因造成。根据杂草稻的发生特点及形态差异,提出了"切断种源,形态去杂"的控制思路,并对养草灭草... 杂草稻是指田间自生、非人工栽培、具有杂草特性的水稻。杂草稻的发生和危害主要是由于水稻生产方式日益简化积累、种子混杂等原因造成。根据杂草稻的发生特点及形态差异,提出了"切断种源,形态去杂"的控制思路,并对养草灭草法及除草剂防除杂草稻的效果进行了比较,结果表明,采用养草灭草方法,可控制田间杂草稻减少来年杂草稻基数。 展开更多
关键词 杂草稻 防除方法 效果 养草灭草法
春季 家里应该多养草少放花
《安徽省情省力》 2010年第2期46-46,共1页
关键词 “绿色” 环境卫生 养草 春季 家庭环境
作者 阿敏 《新农村》 1996年第11期16-16,共1页
水库、河坝网箱养草鱼是一种投资少,见效快、效益高、管理方便、容易推广的高密度集约化新型养鱼方式。近年来在各地发展较快。一个面积为28平方米的成鱼网箱,单箱产鲜鱼可达800公斤,利润四五千元,经济效益十分显著。技术要点如下:1.网... 水库、河坝网箱养草鱼是一种投资少,见效快、效益高、管理方便、容易推广的高密度集约化新型养鱼方式。近年来在各地发展较快。一个面积为28平方米的成鱼网箱,单箱产鲜鱼可达800公斤,利润四五千元,经济效益十分显著。技术要点如下:1.网箱设置网箱设置地点的选择很重要。草鱼网箱宜设置于避风向阳、风浪不大、有微流水、水质清洁、深度在3米以上的库汊湾,或河坝上游的洄水缓流区域。 展开更多
关键词 网箱养草 技术要点 设置网箱 投资少 效益高 经济效益 集约化 管理方便 草鱼 微流水
网箱养草鱼 快富好门路
作者 凌志勇 陈华芬 林林 《新农村》 1995年第1期19-19,共1页
网箱养草鱼是一种投资较少、见效快、产量高、效益好的高密度集约化新型养鱼方式。养鱼户王富松1992年用1口28平方米的网箱养草鱼,净产优质商品鱼1003.6公斤,产值7626元,除去生产成本,纯盈利5528元。尝到了网箱养草鱼甜头的王富松,1993... 网箱养草鱼是一种投资较少、见效快、产量高、效益好的高密度集约化新型养鱼方式。养鱼户王富松1992年用1口28平方米的网箱养草鱼,净产优质商品鱼1003.6公斤,产值7626元,除去生产成本,纯盈利5528元。尝到了网箱养草鱼甜头的王富松,1993年把阿箱增加到3口,规格未变,其中2口养成鱼,1口养鱼种。结果,2口成鱼箱产鱼2756.8公斤,收入19293元;鱼种箱产12厘米以上草鱼种2247尾,200克以上鲢鳙鱼种864尾,200克团头鲂鱼种236尾。 展开更多
关键词 网箱养草 草鱼种 团头鲂鱼种 生产成本 鲢鳙鱼种 集约化 优质商品 高密度 养成鱼 养鱼户
金鱼藻营养器官的形态解剖学研究 被引量:8
作者 顾庆龙 陈刚 谢田 《中国野生植物资源》 2005年第6期41-44,共4页
关键词 网箱养草 金鱼藻 营养器官 解剖
生态修复在景观水体治理中的应用 被引量:11
作者 陈超 梁卓 +1 位作者 李小燕 何国富 《安徽农学通报》 2010年第1期136-138,179,共4页
关键词 人工浮床 生物操纵 网箱养草 生态修复 景观水体
Effect of dietary supplementation with discardednutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris on layingperformance and diversity of intestinal flora in laying hens
作者 XU Fangxu ZHANG Jinying +2 位作者 LI Bingxin LIU Yefei WANG Ze 《沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第2期186-192,共7页
The aim of the experiment was to explore the feasibility of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris as feed in the production of laying hens. 100 g/kg, 200 g/kg, 300 g/kg of discarded nutrient medium of Cordy... The aim of the experiment was to explore the feasibility of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris as feed in the production of laying hens. 100 g/kg, 200 g/kg, 300 g/kg of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris were added to the basal diet of laying hens. The results showed that the optimal addition of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris in the diet of laying hens was 10%. According to the results of measuring the conventional indicators of eggs, the weight of eggs produced by laying hens fed with discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris was higher than that of laying hens fed with ordinary laying hens. The content of interleukin-1(IL-1) in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and the concentration of IL-1 increased by 141.5 pg/mL, which indicated that the application of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris effectively improved the immunity of laying hens. The high-throughput analysis of the intestinal contents of the two groups of laying hens showed that the microbial population abundance of the intestinal tract of the experimental group was greater than that of control group, and the application of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris increased the diversity of bacteria in the intestinal tract of laying hens. In addition, the sensitivity of some pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract of chickens to drugs was also increased, thereby reducing the use of antibiotics. The secondary utilization of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris has great development and utilization prospects, which provided a scientific reference and basic theoretical basis for the development of discarded nutrient medium of Cordyceps militaris as feed in the production of laying hens. 展开更多
关键词 Cordyceps militaris discarded nutrient medium drug susceptibility intestinal flora laying hens
Adaptability Comparison of Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragalus sinicus) Varieties for Double-rice Cropping System in Hunan 被引量:4
作者 鲁艳红 廖育林 +5 位作者 周兴 涂赛军 聂军 谢坚 杨曾平 曹卫东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1902-1906,共5页
Five Chinese milk vetch(Astragalus sinicus) varieties were selected to make a comparison in order to screen effective varieties which could suit for the double-rice cropping system of Hunan Province. The results sho... Five Chinese milk vetch(Astragalus sinicus) varieties were selected to make a comparison in order to screen effective varieties which could suit for the double-rice cropping system of Hunan Province. The results showed that the growth period of Xiangzi 2 is shorter than that of Xiangfei 2, Xiangfei 3 and Yujiangdaye,and is similar to that of Xinyang Chinese milk vetch. The full-bloom stage of Xiangzi 2 is also similar to Xinyang variety and obviously earlier than that of the other three varieties. The fresh grass yield of Xiangzi 2 in full-bloom stage is 23 842.5kg/hm^2, which increases by 39.9% compared with Xinyang variety. Nitrogen content in the fresh grass of Xiangzi 2 is higher than that of the other four varieties. In conclusion, Xiangzi 2 is an extremely early-blossoming and early-maturing Chinese milk vetch variety with moderate fresh grass yield, high nutrient contents, stable characters and wide adaptability. So, Xiangzi 2 is suitable for planting in double-rice cropping region in Hunan Province and other same latitude regions which have similar ecological conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese milk vetch(Astragalus sinicus) Growth period Full-bloom stage Fresh grass yield Nutrient content
A Simulative Study on Effects of Climate Warming on Nutrient Contents and In Vitro Digestibility of Herbage Grown in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau 被引量:11
作者 徐世晓 赵新全 +3 位作者 孙平 赵同标 赵伟 薛白 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第11期1357-1364,共8页
The increasing trend of air temperature along with the climate warming has been accepted gradually by scientists and by the general public. Qinghai_Xizang Plateau, a unique geographic unit due to high_altitude climate... The increasing trend of air temperature along with the climate warming has been accepted gradually by scientists and by the general public. Qinghai_Xizang Plateau, a unique geographic unit due to high_altitude climate, is one of the most susceptible regions to climate warming. Its ecosystem is very fragile and sensitive to climate change. In order to get a better understanding of the impacts of climate warming on the nutrient contents of herbage grown in Qinghai_Xizang Plateau, a simulative study was implemented at Daban Moutain by using temperature differences resulted from sites selected at different altitudes and nutrient contents and in vitro digestibility were determined for assessing the quality of the grown herbage. There were significant downtrends in crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) contents of herbage along with the increase of temperature. It had a positive correlation between temperature and content of acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL) in herbage. In vitro digestibility of herbage decreased along with the increase of temperature. The results of this study indicated that climate warming significantly influence nutrient contents and in vitro digestibility of herbage grown in Qinghai_Xizang Plateau. It is suggested that the future climate warming especially the gradual rise of the night temperature could cause negative effect on herbage quality grown in Qinghai_Xizang Plateau by decreasing CP, EE, and NFE contents and increasing some indigestible ingredients such as crude fibre (CF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), ADF, and ADL. This, consequently, decreases the ruminant assimilation ability. 展开更多
关键词 climate warming Daban Mountain temperature HERBAGE nutrient contents in vitro digestibility
Rapid Propagation of Pteris vittata L.via Tissue Culture 被引量:2
作者 罗利琼 张军 +1 位作者 罗旭 杨兵 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期68-70,共3页
[Objective] The study had developed a means of rapid propagation Pteris vittata L.by tissue culture. The species was a perennial fern belonging to the genus Pteris. [Metbed] The leaf bud of P. vittata collected in fie... [Objective] The study had developed a means of rapid propagation Pteris vittata L.by tissue culture. The species was a perennial fern belonging to the genus Pteris. [Metbed] The leaf bud of P. vittata collected in field conditions as explantsand the 1/2 MS + 3% sucrose + 0.7% agar as the basic medium were used to screen the medium formula of the phytohormone ratio for callus induction and subculture of P. vittata. [Result] The best medium formula for each step was list below: 1/2 MS + 3% sucrose + 0.7% agar + 0.5 g/L PVP + 0.1 mg/L KT + 0.5 mg/L 2, 4-D for in- ducing the callus from explants; 1/2MS + 3% sucrose + 0.7% agar + 0.5 g/L PVP + 1.0 mg/L KT + 0.01 mg/L 2,4-D for inducing the GGB from callus and the seedlings from GGB. In addition, 1/2 MS + 3% sucrose + 0.7% agar + 0.5 g/L PVP + 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D for the subculture could make the continued proliferation of callus. [Cen- clusioa] This study makes an applicable procedure by the direct use of field materi- als, for propagating P. vittata in a simplified and rapid mode. 展开更多
关键词 DIFFERENTIATION PHYTOHORMONE Plant tissue culture Pteris vittata L.
In Vitro Development of Tobacco Primary Endosperm Cells in Microculture 被引量:1
作者 李师弢 房克凤 杨弘远 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第5期542-544,共3页
用酶解_研磨法分离出烟草 (NicotianatabacumL .)受精后胚囊和初生胚乳细胞进行微室饲养培养。培养基为Km8p附加各种其他成分 ,饲养细胞为分裂旺盛的烟草叶肉原生质体 ,在 2 5℃下静止暗培养。培养 3d后 ,初生胚乳细胞开始第一次分裂 ,... 用酶解_研磨法分离出烟草 (NicotianatabacumL .)受精后胚囊和初生胚乳细胞进行微室饲养培养。培养基为Km8p附加各种其他成分 ,饲养细胞为分裂旺盛的烟草叶肉原生质体 ,在 2 5℃下静止暗培养。培养 3d后 ,初生胚乳细胞开始第一次分裂 ,继续分裂至 14d时形成大的细胞团。首次报道了双子叶植物初生胚乳细胞的离体发育。 展开更多
关键词 primary endosperm cell in vitro development icotiana tabacum
Establishment of 6VS Telocentric Lines of Haynaldia villosa Resistant to Powdery Mildew Induced by Immature Embryo Culture 被引量:1
作者 李辉 陈孝 +3 位作者 辛志勇 徐惠君 杜丽璞 马有志 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期127-131,共5页
The line of T240-6 was selected from 32 SC 2 lines of immature embryo culture of T240 (common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)× Wheat-Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur. 6D/6V substitution line) through powdery mildew ch... The line of T240-6 was selected from 32 SC 2 lines of immature embryo culture of T240 (common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)× Wheat-Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur. 6D/6V substitution line) through powdery mildew characterization, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) enzyme and gliadin (Gli) analyses and in situ hybridization. All of the individual plants resistant to powdery mildew lacked the locus of GOT at 6VL arm (GOT-V 2) and had gliadin locus at 6VS arm (Gli-V 2) of Haynaldia villosa. All the plants resistant to powdery mildew had one or two telocentric chromosomes that did not pair with wheat chromosomes but paired between themselves. T240-6 was identified as a telocentric line through in situ hybridization. 展开更多
关键词 Haynaldia villosa immature embryo culture telocentric chromosome glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase GLIADIN in situ hybridization
Seasonal characteristics of Carex lasiocarpa biomass and nutrient accumulation in the typical wetland of Sanjiang Plain, China
作者 王洋 刘景双 +1 位作者 窦晶鑫 赵光影 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期389-393,400,共6页
Seasonal dynamics of above- and belowground biomass and nutrient characteristics (nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus) of Carex lasiocarpa were investigated in the typical wetland of Sanjiang Plain, China from May 2007... Seasonal dynamics of above- and belowground biomass and nutrient characteristics (nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus) of Carex lasiocarpa were investigated in the typical wetland of Sanjiang Plain, China from May 2007 to September 2008. The results show that the changes of aboveground biomass during the growing season are best described by the twice function curve model, whereas the changes of belowground biomass follow the exponential increase curve model. Both the organic carbon contents in the above- and belowground plant parts show significant positive linear correlations with the growing time, and the coefficients R2 are 0.983 and 0.746, respectively. The carbon accu-mulations of the above- and belowground plant parts during the growing season show the same dynamics as those of the biomass. However, the nitrogen contents and accumulation in C. lasiocarpa aboveground and belowground parts show exponential increase during the growing season. The dynamics of C. lasiocarpa phosphorus contents follows the twice function curve model, whereas the accumulation of phosphorus shows the linear increase. The ratios of C/N in different parts of C. lasiocarpa fit the negative linear relations with total nitrogen content in the growing season. Moreover, the ratios of C/P in C. lasiocarpa plant also fit the negative linear relations with total phosphorus content. The results show that nitrogen is the primary limiting nutrient for C. lasiocarpa growth as compared with carbon and phosphorus. 展开更多
关键词 Carex lasiocarpa nutrient accumulation the Sanjiang plain seasonal changes
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