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内乳化阴离子水性聚氨酯皮革涂饰剂的研究进展 被引量:8
作者 吕维忠 涂伟萍 陈焕钦 《皮革化工》 CAS 2001年第2期1-6,共6页
本文综述了内乳化阴离子水性聚氨酯皮革涂饰剂的性能特点、制备方法和原理以及国内外近期研究进展。指出水性聚氨酯皮革涂饰剂的发展趋势为 :单一型向复合型、多功能涂饰剂发展 ;单组分向双组分涂饰剂过渡。
关键词 内乳化 阴离子水性聚氨酯 皮革涂饰剂 进展
作者 孙建初 徐建伟 +1 位作者 李卫 朱蔚 《南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1998年第3期258-258,共1页
YAG激光晶体内乳化术孙建初徐建伟李卫朱蔚(△无锡市第五人民医院眼科,无锡214073)关键词YAG激光;晶体内乳化YAG激光晶体内乳化术,目前国内、外报道较少,现将本院1995年5月至1996年10月施行YAG激光... YAG激光晶体内乳化术孙建初徐建伟李卫朱蔚(△无锡市第五人民医院眼科,无锡214073)关键词YAG激光;晶体内乳化YAG激光晶体内乳化术,目前国内、外报道较少,现将本院1995年5月至1996年10月施行YAG激光晶体内乳化50例51只眼的临床报告... 展开更多
关键词 YAG激光 晶体内乳化 白内障 激光疗法
薄荷香精微胶囊的内乳化凝胶法制备及性能研究 被引量:3
作者 吴艳 张卉沁 +4 位作者 高昊峰 朱虎健 艾连中 王光强 夏永军 《现代食品科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期150-156,共7页
薄荷香精在食品生产中应用广泛,但是由于其易挥发性和对环境敏感的特性,致使留香时间不长,货架期较短。目前,喷雾干燥是最广泛使用的微胶囊制备方法,但是由于喷雾后的高温干燥处理会导致香精的部分损失,所以需要探索一种在常温下制备香... 薄荷香精在食品生产中应用广泛,但是由于其易挥发性和对环境敏感的特性,致使留香时间不长,货架期较短。目前,喷雾干燥是最广泛使用的微胶囊制备方法,但是由于喷雾后的高温干燥处理会导致香精的部分损失,所以需要探索一种在常温下制备香精微胶囊的方法。本文以海藻酸钙为壁材,薄荷香精为芯材,采用内乳化凝聚法来制备薄荷香精微胶囊,在常温下可获得球形好、粒径分布均一的微胶囊。通过傅立叶红外光谱定性验证香精是否被海藻酸钠包埋。由单因素实验和正交实验对包埋率和粒径分布进行考察,得到制备的最佳工艺参数。最佳的工艺条件为:芯材与海藻酸钠质量比1:3,海藻酸钠质量分数为4%,Span-80添加量2%,冰醋酸与碳酸钙摩尔比3:1,碳酸钙与海藻酸钠质量比7:40,乳化时间15 min。此条件下薄荷香精微胶囊的包埋率为59.63±0.47%,平均粒径为290.70μm。用差示量热扫描仪(DSC)对其热稳定性能进行分析,发现微胶囊可以对香精起到部分缓释作用。 展开更多
关键词 薄荷香精 内乳化凝聚法 微胶囊 热重分析
作者 孙心铨 王燕琪 《实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 1990年第5期291-293,318,共4页
各种原因引起的瞳孔区晶体前囊和/或后囊下或核性白内障,尽管其余晶体皮质大部分清亮透明,但常严重影响视力。过去治疗这些病例要分两次手术,第一次是刺囊术,第二次是作白内障摘除术或灌吸术。自钕钇铝石榴石激光(YAG激光)问世,给白内... 各种原因引起的瞳孔区晶体前囊和/或后囊下或核性白内障,尽管其余晶体皮质大部分清亮透明,但常严重影响视力。过去治疗这些病例要分两次手术,第一次是刺囊术,第二次是作白内障摘除术或灌吸术。自钕钇铝石榴石激光(YAG激光)问世,给白内障手作提供新途径,已有应用YAG激光行晶体前囊膜切开术,可较刺囊术更好地促使晶体皮质混浊,使白内障摘除术更容易。但是,YAG激光前囊膜切开术后常发生眼压升高和前房内炎症反应,为避免这种不良反应,利用YAG激光在晶体皮质内发生的微小爆炸和冲击波作用,促进晶体皮质液化和混浊,这样保存了完整的晶体囊膜,激光后前房内既无炎症,又无眼压升高。 展开更多
关键词 YAG激光 晶体内乳化
阳离子水性聚氨酯的制备及其在表面施胶中的应用 被引量:6
作者 徐建峰 胡惠仁 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第12期40-44,共5页
用甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)、聚酯二元醇和N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA),采用"内乳化法"制备了阳离子水性聚氨酯乳液,讨论了MDEA用量、扩链温度、中和方式和中和度对乳液粒径、黏度及涂膜耐水性的影响。结果表明,最佳合成条件为:MDEA用量... 用甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)、聚酯二元醇和N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA),采用"内乳化法"制备了阳离子水性聚氨酯乳液,讨论了MDEA用量、扩链温度、中和方式和中和度对乳液粒径、黏度及涂膜耐水性的影响。结果表明,最佳合成条件为:MDEA用量9%;扩链温度60℃;采取先中和,再乳化的中和方式;中和度100%。将制得的阳离子水性聚氨酯乳液用于涂布原纸、喷墨打印原纸的表面施胶,结果表明,其施胶效果良好,对纸张的表面性能和印刷性能具有明显的改善作用。 展开更多
关键词 阳离子水性聚氨酯合成 内乳化 表面施胶
阳离子水性聚氨酯表面施胶剂的制备及其应用 被引量:5
作者 徐建峰 胡惠仁 《天津科技大学学报》 CAS 2009年第5期36-39,44,共5页
以甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)、聚酯二元醇、1,4–丁二醇和亲水扩链剂为原料,采用"内乳化法"制备阳离子水性聚氨酯乳液,讨论亲水扩链剂的种类和用量、中和方式、扩链温度等对聚氨酯乳液及其涂膜性能的影响,并将制得的聚氨酯乳液用... 以甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)、聚酯二元醇、1,4–丁二醇和亲水扩链剂为原料,采用"内乳化法"制备阳离子水性聚氨酯乳液,讨论亲水扩链剂的种类和用量、中和方式、扩链温度等对聚氨酯乳液及其涂膜性能的影响,并将制得的聚氨酯乳液用于瓦楞原纸、涂布原纸的表面施胶.结果表明:其施胶效果良好,对纸页的相关性能具有明显的改善作用. 展开更多
关键词 阳离子水性聚氨酯 内乳化 表面施胶
阴离子水性聚氨酯的制备及其在表面施胶中的应用 被引量:4
作者 姜丽峰 李媛媛 戴红旗 《造纸化学品》 CAS 2010年第4期29-33,共5页
用二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)与聚环氧丙烷二醇、环氧树脂和亲水扩链剂,采用"内乳化法"合成环氧树脂改性的阴离子水性聚氨酯乳液;讨论了亲水扩链剂种类和用量、环氧树脂用量、成盐剂的选择及中和度等对聚氨酯乳液性能的影响... 用二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)与聚环氧丙烷二醇、环氧树脂和亲水扩链剂,采用"内乳化法"合成环氧树脂改性的阴离子水性聚氨酯乳液;讨论了亲水扩链剂种类和用量、环氧树脂用量、成盐剂的选择及中和度等对聚氨酯乳液性能的影响。将制得的聚氨酯乳液用于静电复印纸的表面施胶,结果显示:施胶效果良好,对纸张的表面强度等性能有明显改善。 展开更多
关键词 阴离子水性聚氨酯 内乳化 表面施胶
蓖麻油基异氰酸酯乳液胶粘剂的制备及应用 被引量:4
作者 陈锓 王成强 +1 位作者 宋季轩 顾继友 《中国胶粘剂》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期11-16,共6页
采用马来酸酐改性的蓖麻油与多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯(PAPI)在一定条件下进行反应,得到亲水改性的异氰酸酯树脂,再使用瞬间皂化的方法进行搅拌乳化获得均一的乳液。着重探讨了乳化方式、碱溶液的种类、碱溶液的浓度和水油比对异氰酸酯... 采用马来酸酐改性的蓖麻油与多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯(PAPI)在一定条件下进行反应,得到亲水改性的异氰酸酯树脂,再使用瞬间皂化的方法进行搅拌乳化获得均一的乳液。着重探讨了乳化方式、碱溶液的种类、碱溶液的浓度和水油比对异氰酸酯乳液胶粘剂制备工艺的影响。研究结果表明:当选择C乳化方式,氢氧化物类碱液、氢氧化钠溶液浓度均为0.03%,水油比为10∶1时,乳化效果较好。将该胶粘剂与脲醛树脂复配应用于胶合板时,增强效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 异氰酸酯乳液 内乳化异氰酸酯 蓖麻油 瞬间成皂法
水性聚氨酯的合成、改性及应用研究 被引量:2
作者 梁艳 辛春 《现代涂料与涂装》 CAS 2014年第4期21-23,28,共4页
关键词 水性聚氨酯 内乳化 改性 合成 应用
作者 上野羲之 《胶粘剂市场资讯》 2004年第10期16-23,共8页
1937年德国化学家Otto Bayer发现了用己二胺和己二异氰酸酯缩聚制备聚氨酯树脂的方法。20世纪40年代人们已开始对聚氨酯水性化进行探讨。1949年Bayer公司将兼用有机溶剂和乳化剂的聚氨酯水性化技术推广应用。之后,Bayer公司的D.Dieter... 1937年德国化学家Otto Bayer发现了用己二胺和己二异氰酸酯缩聚制备聚氨酯树脂的方法。20世纪40年代人们已开始对聚氨酯水性化进行探讨。1949年Bayer公司将兼用有机溶剂和乳化剂的聚氨酯水性化技术推广应用。之后,Bayer公司的D.Dieterich博士发明了聚氨酯水性化不用乳化剂的内乳化方法。 展开更多
关键词 水性化 聚氨酯树脂 有机溶剂 内乳化 结构
作者 韩德奇 《石油知识》 2002年第4期15-15,共1页
关键词 水性聚氨酯 内乳化 乳化 乳化 水化散型 水溶型
Changes of tear film and tear secretion after phacoemulsification in diabetic patients 被引量:27
作者 Xi LIU Yang-shun GU Ye-sheng XU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期324-328,共5页
Objective: To evaluate tear film stability and tear secretion in patients with diabetes after phacoemulsification. Methods: Twenty-five diabetic cataract patients and 20 age-matched non-diabetic cataract patients as c... Objective: To evaluate tear film stability and tear secretion in patients with diabetes after phacoemulsification. Methods: Twenty-five diabetic cataract patients and 20 age-matched non-diabetic cataract patients as control underwent pha- coemulsification. Tear film break-up time (TFBUT), Schirmer I test (SIT), corneal fluorescein staining, and dry eye symptoms were measured pre- and postoperatively. Results: Diabetics had a decreased preoperative TFBUT and SIT. TFBUT was reduced on Day 1 and recovered on Day 180 postoperatively in both groups. SIT was increased after phacoemulsification, but returned to preoperative levels by Day 180 in non-diabetics, whereas it was lower than preoperative level in diabetics. Positive corneal fluo- rescein staining was elevated in both groups, and returned to preoperative levels only in controls. Dry eye symptoms were similar to fluorescein staining in both groups. Conclusion: Tear secretion was reduced in diabetic cataract patients after phacoe- mulsification, which worsened dry eye symptoms and predisposed those patients to ocular damage. 展开更多
Surgical results of pars plana vitrectomy combined with phacoemulsification 被引量:3
作者 杨崇清 童剑萍 楼定华 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期129-132,共4页
Objectives: To evaluate the technical feasibility, safety, outcome, and incidence of complications after combined clear corneal phacoemulsification (PEA) with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation and vitreoretinal... Objectives: To evaluate the technical feasibility, safety, outcome, and incidence of complications after combined clear corneal phacoemulsification (PEA) with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation and vitreoretinal surgery. Methods: Combined operations of PEA and PPV were performed on 52 eyes of follow-up time was (10.3±2.8) months. Postoperatively, 52 patients with cataract and vitreoretinal diseases. Results: The mean visual acuity improved in 46 eyes (88.5%); was unchanged in 6 eyes (11.5%). The best-corrected visual acuities (BCVAs) were the following: 20/40 or better (9 eyes), 20/50 to 20/100 (24 eyes), 20/200 (5 eyes), 20/400 (10 eyes), and fingers counting (FC) to light perception (LP) (4 eyes). In 38 eyes BCVA was 20/200 or better, and in 9 eyes it was 20/40 or better postoperatively. Postoperative complications included posterior capsual opacification (7 eyes); secondary glaucoma (1 eye); and retinal detachment (2 eyes). Conclusion: Although further studies are indicated, our study suggests that the combined operation of PPV, PEA and IOL implantation is safe and effective for patients. The visual outcome and complications depended primarily on underlying posterior segment pathology and were not related to the combined procedure technique. 展开更多
关键词 VITRECTOMY Phacoemulsification (PEA) CATARACT
Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct in liver cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma 被引量:4
作者 Jing Xu Yasunori Sato +5 位作者 Kenichi Harada Norihide Yoneda Yasuni Nakanuma Teruyuki Ueda Atsushi Kawashima Akishi Ooi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第14期1923-1926,共4页
A case of intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB) arising in a patient with hepatitis B-related liver cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is reported. A 76-year-old man was admitted to our hos... A case of intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB) arising in a patient with hepatitis B-related liver cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is reported. A 76-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with recurrent HCC. Laboratory data showed that levels of carcinoembryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 were elevated. He died of progressive hepatic failure. At autopsy,in addition to HCCs,an intraductal papillary proliferation of malignant cholangiocytes with fibrovascular cores was found in the dilated large bile ducts in the left lobe,and this papillary carcinoma was associated with an invasive mucinous carcinoma (invasive IPNB). Interestingly,extensive intraductal spread of the cholangiocarcinoma was found from the reactive bile ductular level to the interlobular bile ducts and septal bile ducts and to the large bile ducts in the left lobe. Neural cell adhesion molecule,a hepatic progenitor cell marker,was detected in IPNB cells. It seems possible in this case that hepatic progenitor cells located in reactive bile ductules in liver cirrhosis may have been responsible for the development of the cholangiocarcinoma and HCC,and that the former could have spread in the intrahepatic bile ducts and eventually formed grossly visible IPNB. 展开更多
关键词 Papillary carcinoma Bile duct neoplasms Liver cirrhosis Progenitor cells Hepatocellular carcinoma Neural cell adhesion molecules
Functional lipidomics in patients on home parenteral nutrition: Effect of lipid emulsions 被引量:1
作者 Loris Pironi Mariacristina Guidetti +6 位作者 Ornella Verrastro Claudia Iacona Federica Agostini Caterina Pazzeschi Anna Simona Sasdelli Michele Melchiorre Carla Ferreri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第25期4604-4614,共11页
To investigate the fatty acid-based functional lipidomics of patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition receiving different intravenous lipid emulsions. METHODSA cross-sectional comparative study was carried out ... To investigate the fatty acid-based functional lipidomics of patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition receiving different intravenous lipid emulsions. METHODSA cross-sectional comparative study was carried out on 3 groups of adults on home parenteral nutrition (HPN), receiving an HPN admixture containing an olive-soybean oil-based intravenous lipid emulsion (IVLE) (OO-IVLE; n = 15), a soybean- medium-chain triacylglycerol-olive-fish oil-based IVLE (SMOF-IVLE; n = 8) or HPN without IVLE (No-IVLE; n = 8) and 42 healthy controls (HCs). The inclusion criteria were: duration of HPN ≥ 3 mo, current HPN admixtures ≥ 2 mo and HPN infusions ≥ 2/wk. Blood samples were drawn 4-6 h after the discontinuation of the overnight HPN infusion. The functional lipidomics panel included: the red blood cell (RBC) fatty acid (FA) profile, molecular biomarkers [membrane fluidity: saturated/monounsaturated FA ratio = saturated fatty acid (SFA)/monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) index; inflammatory risk: n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio = n-6/n-3 index; cardiovascular risk: sum of n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) = n-3 index; free radical stress: sum of FA trans isomers = %trans index] and FA pathway enzyme activity estimate (delta-9-desaturase = D9D; delta-6-desaturase = D6D; delta-5-desaturase = D5D; elongase = ELO). Statistics were carried out using nonparametric tests. The amount of each FA was calculated as a percentage of the total FA content (relative%). RESULTSIn the OO-IVLE group, the percentage of oleic acid in the RBCs was positively correlated with the weekly load of OO-IVLE (r = 0.540, P = 0.043). In the SMOF-IVLE cohort, the RBC membrane EPA and DHA were positively correlated with the daily amount of SMOF-IVLE (r = 0.751, P = 0.044) and the number of HPN infusions per week (r = 0.753; P = 0.046), respectively. The SMOF-IVLE group showed the highest EPA and DHA and the lowest arachidonic acid percentages (P < 0.001). The RBC membrane linoleic acid content was lower, and oleic and vaccenic acids were higher in all the HPN groups in comparison to the HCs. Vaccenic acid was positively correlated with the weekly HPN load of glucose in both the OO-IVLE (r = 0.716; P = 0.007) and the SMOF-IVLE (r = 0.732; P = 0.053) groups. The estimated activity of D9D was higher in all the HPN groups than in the HCs (P < 0.001). The estimated activity of D5D was lower in the SMOF-IVLE group than in the HCs (P = 0.013). The SFA/MUFA ratio was lower in all the HPN groups than in the HCs (P < 0.001). The n-6/n-3 index was lower and the n-3 index was higher in the SMOF-IVLE group in comparison to the HCs and to the other HPN groups (P < 0.001). The %trans index did not differ among the four groups. CONCLUSIONThe FA profile of IVLEs significantly influenced the cell membrane functional lipidomics. The amount of glucose in the HPN may play a relevant role, mediated by the insulin regulation of the FA pathway enzyme activities. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic intestinal failure Home parenteral nutrition Intravenous lipid emulsion Cell membrane fatty acid profile Cell membrane lipidome Functional lipidomics
Determination of Genistein in the Fermented By-product of Soybean Curd, an Indonesian Food, and Its in vivo Assay on Carrageenan-lnduced Mice
《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第5期400-404,共5页
In our country, Indonesia, especially in West Java, people frequently consume fermented by-product of soybean curd for their main course. The by-product of curd, usually is discarded, can be fermented using either Neu... In our country, Indonesia, especially in West Java, people frequently consume fermented by-product of soybean curd for their main course. The by-product of curd, usually is discarded, can be fermented using either Neurospora (Neurospora sitophila) or Rhizopus (Rhizopus oligosporus) yeast to make oncom Genistein is a phytoestrogen, an estrogen-like chemical compound present in plants, that has anti-inflammatory property. Genistein can be determined by UV spectrophotometric method based on the UV absorbance of its complex with aluminum chloride. Addition of acid is a critical point in the procedure. The aim of this research was to know whether genistein is still contained in oncom This research also studied about oncom's activity on carrageenan-induced mice. Acetosal was used as drug control. Result showed that genistein was detected contained in oncom extract. The in vivo assay indicated that oncom extract (dose 1,000 mg/kg of body weight) reduced oedema in carragenan-induced paw of mice, which potencies were 066 times lower than that of acetosal's. Oncom might be useful as food and as a weak inflammation reducer as well. 展开更多
关键词 Antiinflarnmatory activity fermented by-product of soybean curd genistein Indonesian food oncom
Physical mapping of three fruit ripening genes: Endopolygalacturonase, ACC oxidase and ACC synthasefrom apple (Malus x domestica) in an apple rootstock A106 (Malus sieboldii)
作者 ZHU JIMEI SE GARDINER M LAY-YEE(The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd)(Mt Albert Research Centre Private Bag 92169, Auckland,New Zealand)(Batchelar Research Centre, Private Bag 11030, Palmerston North, New Zealand) 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期243-253,共11页
The apple rootstock, A106 (Malus sieboldii), had 17 bivalents in pollen mother cells at meiotic metaphase 1,and 17 chromosomes in a haploid pollen cell. Karyotypes were prepared from root-tip cells with 2n= 34 chromos... The apple rootstock, A106 (Malus sieboldii), had 17 bivalents in pollen mother cells at meiotic metaphase 1,and 17 chromosomes in a haploid pollen cell. Karyotypes were prepared from root-tip cells with 2n= 34 chromosomes. Seven out of 82 karyotypes (8.5%) showed one pair of satellites at the end of the short arm of chromosome 3. C-bands were shown on 6 pairs of chromosomes 2, 4,6, 8, 14, and 16 near the telomeric regions of short arms.Probes for three ripening-related genes from Malus x domestica: endopolygalacturonase (EPG,0. 6 kb ) , ACC oxidase (1.2 kb), and ACC synthase (2 kb) were hybridized in situ to metaphase chromosomes of A106. Hybridization sites for the EPG gene were observed on the long arm of chromosome 14 in 15 out of 16 replicate spreads and proximal to the centromere of chromosomes 6 and 11. For the ACC oxidase gene, hybridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosomes 5 and 11 in 87% and 81% of 16 spreads respectively proximal to the centromere of chromosome 1 in 81% of the spreads, and on the long arm of chromosome 13 in 50% of the spreads. Twenty five spreads were studied for the ACC synthase gene and hybridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 12 in 96% of the spreads, chromosomes 9 and 10 in 76% of the spreads, and chromosome 17 in 56% of the spreads. 展开更多
阳离子水性聚氨酯的制备及其在表面施胶中的应用 被引量:12
作者 徐建峰 胡惠仁 崔晖 《纸和造纸》 北大核心 2009年第6期36-39,共4页
用甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)与聚酯二元醇、1,4-丁二醇和亲水扩链剂,采用"内乳化法"合成阳离子水性聚氨酯乳液,讨论了亲水扩链剂种类和用量、中和方式、中和度等对聚氨酯乳液性能的影响。将制得的聚氨酯乳液用于瓦楞纸、涂布原纸... 用甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)与聚酯二元醇、1,4-丁二醇和亲水扩链剂,采用"内乳化法"合成阳离子水性聚氨酯乳液,讨论了亲水扩链剂种类和用量、中和方式、中和度等对聚氨酯乳液性能的影响。将制得的聚氨酯乳液用于瓦楞纸、涂布原纸的表面施胶,结果显示:施胶效果良好,并对纸页的相关性能有明显改善。 展开更多
关键词 阳离子水性聚氨酯 内乳化 表面施胶
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