Unlike traditional fiction, Virginia Woolf's "The Mark on the Wall" doesn't have lively characters, detailed setting, or intriguing plot. Discarding the traditional narrative mode of zero focalization, the narrato...Unlike traditional fiction, Virginia Woolf's "The Mark on the Wall" doesn't have lively characters, detailed setting, or intriguing plot. Discarding the traditional narrative mode of zero focalization, the narrator adopts a new fixed internal focalization, interwoven with the first person external point of view. By weakening the physical time and space, the narrator tells the story according to her psychological time and space, stressing the moment of importance, through which the writer highlights her subjective reality.展开更多
文摘Unlike traditional fiction, Virginia Woolf's "The Mark on the Wall" doesn't have lively characters, detailed setting, or intriguing plot. Discarding the traditional narrative mode of zero focalization, the narrator adopts a new fixed internal focalization, interwoven with the first person external point of view. By weakening the physical time and space, the narrator tells the story according to her psychological time and space, stressing the moment of importance, through which the writer highlights her subjective reality.