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作者 谭兴富 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2023年第3期43-48,共6页
日本东京大学藏五代释行瑫《内典随函音疏》残本,为北宋著名佛教写本藏经《金粟山大藏经》之部分,册页装,系由卷轴裁条改制而成。此残本晚近以法帖形式流转,并经戴茜筱、黄德峻、伍元蕙等递藏,其后散出并流失海外。此残本文本样态较之... 日本东京大学藏五代释行瑫《内典随函音疏》残本,为北宋著名佛教写本藏经《金粟山大藏经》之部分,册页装,系由卷轴裁条改制而成。此残本晚近以法帖形式流转,并经戴茜筱、黄德峻、伍元蕙等递藏,其后散出并流失海外。此残本文本样态较之《内典随函音疏》定本,已发生了不少变化,如部分音义条目在传抄过程中次序乙倒或存在脱漏等现象。同时,残本末陈其锟跋语所言“琴山农部”实指黄德峻。 展开更多
关键词 内典随函音疏》 法帖 黄德峻 文本样态
新發現旅順博物館藏吐魯番經録——以《大唐内典録·入藏録》及其比定爲中心 被引量:6
作者 王振芬 孟彦弘 《文史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期171-196,共26页
旅順博物館藏新疆出土文獻LM20-1494-29-03,與被定名爲龍興寺藏經録的P.3807及S.2079可以比對,這證明吐魯番地區也流行着同一種據以搜集、入藏、點勘佛典的實用經録。據這一底本抄寫的經録,還有LM20-1451-38-01r、LM20-1507-1130c、LM20... 旅順博物館藏新疆出土文獻LM20-1494-29-03,與被定名爲龍興寺藏經録的P.3807及S.2079可以比對,這證明吐魯番地區也流行着同一種據以搜集、入藏、點勘佛典的實用經録。據這一底本抄寫的經録,還有LM20-1451-38-01r、LM20-1507-1130c、LM20-1469-02-05、俄聖彼得堡Kr 4/654v、Ot.5452v+LM20-1523-06-53v、Ot.5059v、書道博物館SH.125-1v等,且爲同一寫本。這一經録據《大唐内典録·入藏録》編撰,但其間的淵源關係應該是《大唐内典録·入藏録》→河西地區經録→敦煌經録、吐魯番經録。這與完全可以比定爲《大唐内典録》的寫經殘片明顯不同。 展开更多
关键词 旅博藏新疆文獻 經録 敦煌經録 《大唐内典録·入藏録》
无住《沙石集》里的唐宋文人和典故——日本佛教说话文学对内典的利用 被引量:1
作者 陆晚霞 《日语学习与研究》 2012年第5期111-116,共6页
《沙石集》是日本中世镰仓时期的著名佛教说话集,其形成的土壤是著者无住道晓所阅读过的大量书籍文献,其中包括佛教方面的内典和除此之外的外典。而考察本作品对唐宋文人以及若干非佛教典故的援用可以得知,内典在其吸收继承这些先行文... 《沙石集》是日本中世镰仓时期的著名佛教说话集,其形成的土壤是著者无住道晓所阅读过的大量书籍文献,其中包括佛教方面的内典和除此之外的外典。而考察本作品对唐宋文人以及若干非佛教典故的援用可以得知,内典在其吸收继承这些先行文学的过程中起到了重要的媒介作用。内典不光为佛教说话文学提供了佛教思想和故事题材,还为后者接触部分本属于外典的内容另辟了一条蹊径。需要注意的是,通过内典传递的世俗典故难免已经过佛教式的消化改编,故在出典考证上更需慎重判断。 展开更多
关键词 内典 禅籍 白居易 苏东坡 直钩
《碛砂藏》中所见《内典随函音疏》逸卷考 被引量:1
作者 谭翠 《中国典籍与文化》 北大核心 2011年第4期124-128,共5页
关键词 碛砂藏 随函音义 内典随函音疏 零卷
玄奘译《法住记》版本研究 被引量:1
作者 张凯 《五台山研究》 CSSCI 2023年第4期28-33,共6页
玄奘译的《法住记》虽然篇幅不大但影响广泛,是古代中国乃至东亚罗汉信仰的重要佛典。然而《大唐内典录》和《开元释教录》中对其记载却有着间隔8年的两个不同版本。通过还原历史原境和文本细读,可以发现这两个版本分别为《法住记》的... 玄奘译的《法住记》虽然篇幅不大但影响广泛,是古代中国乃至东亚罗汉信仰的重要佛典。然而《大唐内典录》和《开元释教录》中对其记载却有着间隔8年的两个不同版本。通过还原历史原境和文本细读,可以发现这两个版本分别为《法住记》的首译和重译,所体现的不仅是玄奘晚年的心路历程,更是唐代藏经编撰的叠加性和玄奘译著入藏的过程性。 展开更多
关键词 《法住记》 《大唐内典录》 译经版本
《无量清净平等觉经》汉译考 被引量:7
作者 香川孝雄 《佛教文化》 1990年第2期39-41,共3页
一、关于《无量清净平等觉经》的译者有三种说法现藏题为支娄迦谶所译,缺乏可靠性。这一说法始于《历代三宝记》、《大唐内典录》和《开元释教录》等相沿其说。另有白延或帛延译之说。这一说法始于《法经录》、《仁寿录》、《静泰录》... 一、关于《无量清净平等觉经》的译者有三种说法现藏题为支娄迦谶所译,缺乏可靠性。这一说法始于《历代三宝记》、《大唐内典录》和《开元释教录》等相沿其说。另有白延或帛延译之说。这一说法始于《法经录》、《仁寿录》、《静泰录》等所有经录皆主白延或帛延译之说。再有一种说法是以《无量寿经》为题,附注“一名无量清净平等觉经”,题为竺法护译。这一说法,《道安录》、《出三藏记集》以下所有经录都有记载。这三种说法,哪一种表达了真正的事实?我想就此予以研究讨论。二。 展开更多
关键词 支娄迦谶 竺法护 大唐内典 开元释教录 出三藏记集 等觉 经录 道安 无量寿经 首楞严经
作者 胡平 《图书馆学刊》 1985年第1期67-68,71,共3页
佛经目录是我国室贵的文化遗产之一,是我国目录学史中的一个重要组成部分,从曹魏时朱士行的《汉录》,一直到清代智旭的《阅藏知津》,数量众多、内容丰富,至今能见到的有《出三藏记集》、《法经录》、《开元释教录》、《阅藏知津》等重... 佛经目录是我国室贵的文化遗产之一,是我国目录学史中的一个重要组成部分,从曹魏时朱士行的《汉录》,一直到清代智旭的《阅藏知津》,数量众多、内容丰富,至今能见到的有《出三藏记集》、《法经录》、《开元释教录》、《阅藏知津》等重要的佛经目录。佛经目录在我国目录学史中具有很高的地位和成就,近代目录学家梁启超在考证佛学目录后,曾叹息说:“吾侪试一读僧祜、法经、费长房、道宣诸作,不能不叹刘略、班志、荀薄。 展开更多
关键词 阅藏知津 朱士行 开元释教录 出三藏记集 智旭 费长房 经录 大唐内典 译人 兜沙经
作者 可潜 《佛学研究》 2016年第1期-,共16页
一、引言 智者大师在《摩诃止观》卷二上说:“一、常坐者,《文殊说》、《文殊问》两般若,名为一行三昧.”①据此可知,智者大师所总结的天台宗四种三昧之“常坐三昧”,即所谓的“一行三昧”,其所依据的经典便是《文殊说》和《文殊问》两... 一、引言 智者大师在《摩诃止观》卷二上说:“一、常坐者,《文殊说》、《文殊问》两般若,名为一行三昧.”①据此可知,智者大师所总结的天台宗四种三昧之“常坐三昧”,即所谓的“一行三昧”,其所依据的经典便是《文殊说》和《文殊问》两部般若经. 展开更多
关键词 僧伽婆罗 扶南国 文殊师利问经 文殊般若波罗蜜经 历代三宝纪 《开元释教录》 续高僧传 《大唐开元释教广品历章》 译经时间 《贞元新定释教目录》 《大唐内典录》 《文殊师利所说般若波罗蜜经》 《解脱道论》 曼陀罗
Intraseasonal oscillation intensity over the western North Pacific:Projected changes under global warming 被引量:1
作者 Yi Fan Ke Fan Zhiqing Xu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2021年第4期1-6,共6页
The 30-60-day intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) and 10-20-day ISO are two dominant oscillation modes over the western North Pacific during boreal summer.With daily data derived from eight CMIP5 models,changes of the ISO ... The 30-60-day intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) and 10-20-day ISO are two dominant oscillation modes over the western North Pacific during boreal summer.With daily data derived from eight CMIP5 models,changes of the ISO intensities are projected under the 1.5 and 2.0℃ global warming levels under the Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP) 4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.Most of the models agree that the ISO intensities increase along a belt region from the south Indochina Peninsula(ICP) to the east to the Philippines.The variation pattern shows little difference between different warming levels or scenarios.Results indicate that the spatial distribution of ISO anomalies is related with the variation of background fields.Enriched lower-level humidity and moist static energy favor the intensity increases of ISOs,which are projected to be larger over the whole western North Pacific,with the most conspicuous changes located over the east to the Philippines for humidity but over the south of the ICP for moist static energy.In contrast,the ISOs over the west to Indonesia and northeast to the Philippines decrease,which is consistent with the local descending motions. 展开更多
关键词 Intraseasonal oscillation intensity Representative concentration pathway 1.5 and 2.0℃ global warming Western North Pacific
Intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma with atypical manifestations:Report of two cases 被引量:3
作者 Seung Eun Lee Jin-Young Jang +1 位作者 Sung Hoon Yang Sun-Whe Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第10期1622-1625,共4页
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) are a well-characterized group of rnucin-producing cystic neoplasms of the clear malignant potential type. We report here two cases of intraductal papillary mucinous ... Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) are a well-characterized group of rnucin-producing cystic neoplasms of the clear malignant potential type. We report here two cases of intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma (IPMC) with atypical manifestations. In one case, we discussed a pseudomyxoma peritonei caused by a ruptured IPMC. In the other case we discussed the fistulization of IPMC into the stomach and duodenum. These two cases suggest that IPMN can either spontaneously rupture causing mucinous materials to spill into the free abdominal cavity or directly invade adjacent organs resulting in fistula development. 展开更多
关键词 Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm Intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma Pseudomyxoma peritonei FISTULA
Horror Video Recognition Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evolution 被引量:2
作者 SONG Wei YANG Pei +3 位作者 YANG Guosheng MA ChuanLian YU Jing LIMing 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第A02期86-94,共9页
Technique for horror video recognition is important for its application in web content filtering and surveillance, especially for preventing children from being threaten. In this paper, a novel horror video recognitio... Technique for horror video recognition is important for its application in web content filtering and surveillance, especially for preventing children from being threaten. In this paper, a novel horror video recognition algorithm based on fuzzy comprehensive evolution model is proposed. Three low-level video features are extracted as typical features, and they are video key-light, video colour energy and video rhythm. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to estimate the weights of extracted features in fuzzy evolution model. Horror evaluation (membership function) is on shot scale and it is constructed based on the knowledge that videos which share the same affective have similar low-level features. K-Means algorithm is implemented to help finding the most representative feature vectors. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach has good performance in recognition precision, recall rate and F1 measure. 展开更多
关键词 horror video recognition videoaffective fuzzy comprehensive evolution K-Meanscluster
The Translation of Local Historical Allusions in the Perspective of Cross-cultural Communication With Case Studies
作者 SONG Xi-xi LING Qian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1314-1319,共6页
The translation of place-names plays a significant part in both translation and the process of communication. The translation of place-names is a cross-cultural communication, especially in the translation of the plac... The translation of place-names plays a significant part in both translation and the process of communication. The translation of place-names is a cross-cultural communication, especially in the translation of the place-names with allusion-oriented meaning. The translators should consider the cultural meaning of the place-names and convey the cultural meaning accurately to the foreigners. This paper is based on some cases that have been searched, illustrating the translation of place-names on allusion-oriented from the perspective of cross-cultural communication consciousness and the strategy of foreignization. It also analyzes the basic guiding principl strategies and specific translation methods on the translation of Chinese place-names, as well as the scope es, of various translation methods, such as literal translation, free translation, combination of both of them, and proposes the guiding principles of this kind of translation which should be "literal translation-headed, proper free translation, and appropriate interpretation". The other principles are "following the pronunciation of the owners of proper names, adopting the established popular translated names, and using the standard pronunciation of the Chinese character" etc. Based on it, this paper discusses the translation of the place-names, such as "Zhenyuan' 展开更多
关键词 cross-cultural communication historical allusion place-names TRANSLATION guiding principles
Comparative analysis of domestic and professional women image in modem literature
作者 Yu Chen Xiaoyan Fan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期3-5,共3页
Comparative analysis of domestic and professional women image in modem literature in the impression of Chinese classical poetry that women are always given the weak, meek attitude. Virtuous, dignified and elegant is t... Comparative analysis of domestic and professional women image in modem literature in the impression of Chinese classical poetry that women are always given the weak, meek attitude. Virtuous, dignified and elegant is the good to requirements right woman, whether going shyly and sniffing the plum, or the lady laughing as if daring according to water lines and being. When faced with love, women in classical literature mostly appeared as the role of attachment or victims, their character sketched vain traces as a faint smudge of ink. 展开更多
关键词 Professional woman female consciousness literature about
The status quo of China's urban wisdom pension research
作者 SHI Yaotian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期59-61,共3页
AAs the traditional pension services in the development process of the technical level is lower, the service is difficult to meet the demand of the elderly, the development of pension services need to seek new breakth... AAs the traditional pension services in the development process of the technical level is lower, the service is difficult to meet the demand of the elderly, the development of pension services need to seek new breakthroughs. Therefore, this article will be sent to you by combing the current wisdom endowment of typical cases at home and abroad, analyzed the current status of wisdom endowment difference at home and abroad, sums up the problems of Chinese wisdom endowment, and put forward the intelligent pension services to fit the development of China's urban Suggestions and countermeasures, and prospects for the development of China's pension market to speculate. 展开更多
关键词 China Wisdom endowment Status quo of the research
中国逻辑思想史稿(连载之五) 第五篇 隋唐时期因明的输入(下)——因明输入的前因与后果
作者 周文英 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1979年第2期43-56,共14页
第五编隋唐时期因明的输入(下)--因明输入的前因与后果印度的因明学是什么时候传入中国的呢?梁启超曾在《佛典之翻译》一文中提到:“《内典录》卷五上载,宇文周时有攘那跋陀罗阇那耶舍共译五明论。其目则一、声论,二、医方论,三、工巧论... 第五编隋唐时期因明的输入(下)--因明输入的前因与后果印度的因明学是什么时候传入中国的呢?梁启超曾在《佛典之翻译》一文中提到:“《内典录》卷五上载,宇文周时有攘那跋陀罗阇那耶舍共译五明论。其目则一、声论,二、医方论,三、工巧论,四、咒术论,五、符印论。其卷数不详。”本来印度的所谓五明是指声明、医方明、工巧明、因明、内明,其中内明统指咒术、符印这一类东西。现在把咒术、符印分别列作两项而不提因明,不知是记载有错误,还是当时所说的五明没有包括因明在内。因明学的传入中国,在我国历史上有着详细的记载,是在唐朝。 展开更多
关键词 因明学 五明 内典 法相唯识学 阇那耶舍 第八识 医方明 那烂陀寺 唯识宗 真唯识量
Megestrol acetate plus metformin for fertility-sparing treatment of atypical endometrial hyperplasia and early-stage endometrial adenocarcinoma: a prospective study
作者 Yuanyuan WANG Tianjiao LAI +4 位作者 Danxia CHU Jing BAI Shuping YAN Haixia QIN Ruixia GUO 《南方医科大学学报》 CAS 2024年第11期2055-2062,共8页
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of medroxyprogesterone acetate(MA)plus metformin as the primary fertility-sparing treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia(AEH)and early-stage grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinom... Objective To evaluate the efficacy of medroxyprogesterone acetate(MA)plus metformin as the primary fertility-sparing treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia(AEH)and early-stage grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma(G1 EAC)and the recurrence rate after treatment.Methods Sixty patients(aged 20-42 years)with AEH and/or grade 1 EAC limited to the endometrium were enrolled prospectively and randomized into two groups(n=30)to receive oral MA treatment at the daily dose of 160 mg(control)or MA plus oral metformin(850 mg,twice a day)for at least 6 months.The treatment could extend to 12 months until a complete response(CR)was achieved,and follow-up hysteroscopy and curettage were performed every 3 months.For all the patients who achieved CR,endometrial expressions of IGFBP-rP1,p-Akt and p-AMPK were detected immunohistochemically.Results A total of 58 patients completed the treatment.After 9 months of treatment,23(76.7%)patients in the combined treatment group and 20(71.4%)in the control group achieved CR;two patients in the control group achieved CR after converting to the combined treatment.The recurrence rate did not differ significantly between the control group and combined treatment group(30.0%vs 22.7%,P>0.05).Ten(35.7%)patients in the control group experienced significant weight gain of 5.7±6.1 kg,while none of the patients receiving the combined treatment exhibited significant body weight changes.Compared with the control group,the patients receiving the combined treatment showed enhanced endometrial expressions of IGFBP-rP1 and p-AMPK with lowered p-Akt expression.Conclusion Metformin combined with MA may provide an effective option for fertility-sparing treatment of AEH and grade 1 stage IA EAC,and the clinical benefits of metformin for controlling MA-induced weight gain and promoting endometrial expressions of IGFBP-rP1 and p-AMPK while inhibiting p-Akt expression warrants further study. 展开更多
关键词 endormetrial adenocarcinoma metformin atypical endometrial hyperplasia fertility-sparing treatment megestrol acetate insulin-like growth factor binding protein-related protein 1
中国国家博物馆藏经录考释 被引量:1
作者 孟彦弘 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期127-133,共7页
中国国家博物馆藏西域写本C14.1341的裱册中所夹照片唐写本为《大唐内典录》。原经段永恩、梁素文收藏,原件今藏日本。该写本是作为经典来抄写,而非实用性经录,说明吐鲁番地区有作为经典抄写的完整的《大唐内典录》存在。这有助于我们... 中国国家博物馆藏西域写本C14.1341的裱册中所夹照片唐写本为《大唐内典录》。原经段永恩、梁素文收藏,原件今藏日本。该写本是作为经典来抄写,而非实用性经录,说明吐鲁番地区有作为经典抄写的完整的《大唐内典录》存在。这有助于我们了解唐代吐鲁番地区的佛教传播。就文物递藏而言,该照片的发现,给我们提供了更多的有关吐鲁番出土文书在近代的发现、递藏线索。 展开更多
关键词 吐鲁番文书 大唐内典 递藏
从儒释道解析药王孙思邈学术思想的哲学内涵 被引量:6
作者 陈金锋 刘学智 雷忠义 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期2366-2368,共3页
孙思邈是我国隋唐时期杰出的中医药学家、养生学家,他的学术思想蕴含着很多"儒、释、道"理论。既不失儒家"仁爱""忠孝"、"礼、义、信"等,也不失佛家"积德行善""救苦救难"&... 孙思邈是我国隋唐时期杰出的中医药学家、养生学家,他的学术思想蕴含着很多"儒、释、道"理论。既不失儒家"仁爱""忠孝"、"礼、义、信"等,也不失佛家"积德行善""救苦救难""不杀生""六道轮回""离苦得乐"的三世观,更突显了出道家的"修心养性""为而不争""寡欲无求""大道自然"的修炼境界。文章从儒释道方面解析药王孙思邈学术思想的哲学内涵,考究其更深的学术价值和医学价值。 展开更多
关键词 孙思邈 儒释道 大医精诚 修心养性 内典
《历代三宝纪》三题 被引量:1
作者 陈志远 《文献》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期127-133,共7页
《历代三宝纪》的作者费长房,据《续高僧传》和法琳《辩正论》,可考其本名费节。此书《代录》部分引据的诸前代目录,多有伪妄之处,但其中收录的南北朝经序,史料价值不容忽视。日本宫内省图书寮所藏圣语藏写经保存了历代大藏经失收的真... 《历代三宝纪》的作者费长房,据《续高僧传》和法琳《辩正论》,可考其本名费节。此书《代录》部分引据的诸前代目录,多有伪妄之处,但其中收录的南北朝经序,史料价值不容忽视。日本宫内省图书寮所藏圣语藏写经保存了历代大藏经失收的真谛译《金光明经》僧隐序,此序为费长房所引录。本文据图版勘定录文,并梳理了其学术史。本文最后指出,在各版大藏经的刊刻过程中,《历代三宝纪》有以道宣所撰《大唐内典录》校订的痕迹。其文本形态的变化也值得注意。 展开更多
关键词 《历代三宝纪》 费长房 圣语藏写经 《大唐内典录》
《弘明集》与《广弘明集》——两部研究中国佛教文化的重要文献 被引量:1
作者 罗颢 《法音》 1988年第5期24-26,共3页
佛教作为一种文化形态,自它传入中国起,就开始与中国固有文化(主要是儒、道两家)发生着交叉作用。两者之间既互相吸收、渗透,又相互排斥、斗争;当然,其主流和最终的表现乃是互相融合,并驾齐驱。尤其是儒、佛两家,被视为东方文化的代表,... 佛教作为一种文化形态,自它传入中国起,就开始与中国固有文化(主要是儒、道两家)发生着交叉作用。两者之间既互相吸收、渗透,又相互排斥、斗争;当然,其主流和最终的表现乃是互相融合,并驾齐驱。尤其是儒、佛两家,被视为东方文化的代表,两者共同担负起使传统文化的慧命道业绵延流长的重任。常言道,道以人弘。文化与文化之间的交流或抗争,是在具体的文化载体上进行的,即必须通过某种文化的具体承受者,文化与文化间的相互作用才能实现。所谓“ 展开更多
关键词 广弘明集 中国佛教文化 固有文化 承受者 相互排斥 道宣 交叉作用 僧佑 大唐内典 中国佛教史
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