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作者 鲁燕 林义雨 汪津 《浙江大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期221-230,共10页
配体门控离子通道是一大类重要的膜蛋白。嘌呤能配体门控离子通道(P2X)受体和酸敏感离子通道(ASIC)是三聚体配体门控离子通道的代表成员。P2X受体胞内区域的结构差异可影响脱敏过程,胞内区域的侧窗可作为离子渗透到细胞内的潜在路径并... 配体门控离子通道是一大类重要的膜蛋白。嘌呤能配体门控离子通道(P2X)受体和酸敏感离子通道(ASIC)是三聚体配体门控离子通道的代表成员。P2X受体胞内区域的结构差异可影响脱敏过程,胞内区域的侧窗可作为离子渗透到细胞内的潜在路径并对离子选择性有决定作用,胞内区域众多氨基酸残基的磷酸化参与调节离子通道的活性。此外,胞内区域与N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体、γ-氨基丁酸受体、5-羟色胺受体和N型乙酰胆碱受体等其他配体门控离子通道存在相互作用并介导突触可塑性等病理生理过程。ASIC胞内区域的构象变化会暴露胞内信号分子的结合位点并促进代谢信号转导,胞内区域的氨基酸Val16、Ser17、Ile18、Gln19和Ala20可以调节通道上膜表达并参与门控过程,胞内区域的PDZ结构域可与多种细胞内蛋白质如骨架蛋白CIPP和p11相互作用从而参与对受体的调控,胞内区域羧基端和氨基端的众多磷酸化位点参与了对受体的调控。此外,胞内区域参与了疼痛、缺血性脑卒中、精神疾病、神经退行性疾病等多种病理生理过程。本文综述了P2X受体和ASIC胞内区域的结构以及在调节离子通道的门控特性和病理生理功能中的作用,以期为三聚体配体门控离子通道的药物研发提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 三聚体配体门控离子通道 内区域 门控 功能 综述
产加销一体化、目标内区域为王的徐州绿健乳业 被引量:1
作者 付道田 陈力 《中国奶牛》 2009年第S1期84-85,共2页
关键词 乳业 内区域 淮海经济区 徐州 江苏省 科技创新 原料奶质量 产品结构调整 服务网络 市场销售
基于线特征与内区域特征的视觉伺服解耦控制 被引量:3
作者 徐德刚 周雷 沈添天 《信息与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期401-412,共12页
针对多自由度机械臂快速趋近任意四边形态目标的视觉伺服控制难题,提出了结合线特征与内区域特征的机器人视觉伺服解耦控制方法.构建了目标内区域特征以指导相机的平移运动速率,利用目标的线特征给出相机的旋转角速率,并通过引入内区域... 针对多自由度机械臂快速趋近任意四边形态目标的视觉伺服控制难题,提出了结合线特征与内区域特征的机器人视觉伺服解耦控制方法.构建了目标内区域特征以指导相机的平移运动速率,利用目标的线特征给出相机的旋转角速率,并通过引入内区域特征的矢量补偿和质心坐标的位置补偿,实现了平移和旋转控制的部分解耦.最后,对机器人视觉伺服控制系统进行了稳定性分析.仿真验证结果表明所提方法能控制相机以较快而平滑的动作收敛到期望位姿,且在相机光轴与目标平面近似垂直的条件下能较好地克服深度估计造成的不确定性问题. 展开更多
关键词 视觉伺服 线特征 内区域特征 部分解耦 补偿
广东省区域经济非均衡增长分析 被引量:1
作者 钟剑虹 《统计与预测》 CSSCI 1997年第4期22-24,共3页
广东省区域经济非均衡增长分析●钟剑虹●本文主要考察广东省区域间的非均衡增长,因而不能把区域分得过大,否则难以显示各区域间的非均衡程度;考虑到取得资料的难易程度,也不允许把区域分得过小。综合考虑以上两点,在本文的研究过... 广东省区域经济非均衡增长分析●钟剑虹●本文主要考察广东省区域间的非均衡增长,因而不能把区域分得过大,否则难以显示各区域间的非均衡程度;考虑到取得资料的难易程度,也不允许把区域分得过小。综合考虑以上两点,在本文的研究过程中,区域主要是指各地市级行政单位... 展开更多
关键词 非均衡度 经济增长 变异系数 区域经济 增长分析 广东省 珠江三角洲地区 内区域 相互关系 增长理论
作者 霍得主 张秀梅 《市场研究》 1996年第11期12-14,共3页
安阳市域内区域结构,主要是指安阳市行政辖区范围内各地域经济之间的关联度以及在安阳市总体中的地位。安阳市是一个市带县的地级市,下辖五县市4个城区95个乡镇(其中28个镇)。 1、城乡一体共同繁荣是安阳市域内区域结构定位的根本出发点... 安阳市域内区域结构,主要是指安阳市行政辖区范围内各地域经济之间的关联度以及在安阳市总体中的地位。安阳市是一个市带县的地级市,下辖五县市4个城区95个乡镇(其中28个镇)。 1、城乡一体共同繁荣是安阳市域内区域结构定位的根本出发点。 在工业化和城市化进程中,安阳市域内区域结构中的重点是城乡关系,如何实现城乡一体共同繁荣, 展开更多
关键词 安阳市域 区域结构 区域背景 内区域 济发展 阳经 城乡一体 专业镇 共同繁荣 县城
作者 汪定雄 《鄂西大学学报(社会科学版)》 1986年第1期83-86,共4页
关键词 象电荷 接地导体平面 二面角 一般解 电势 点电荷电量 内区域 角坐标 已知点 导体板
中国古代传统地理学的形成和发展 被引量:3
作者 宋正海 《自然辩证法研究》 1985年第3期65-70,共6页
地理环境是社会存在和发展的必要条件。中国封闭的古代地理环境、优越的气候条件培育了高度发达的古代农业文明,也从根本上造成了为此文明服务的大陆内聚型的传统地理学——国内区域综合地理,它表现出明显的国内性、区域性、综合性、描... 地理环境是社会存在和发展的必要条件。中国封闭的古代地理环境、优越的气候条件培育了高度发达的古代农业文明,也从根本上造成了为此文明服务的大陆内聚型的传统地理学——国内区域综合地理,它表现出明显的国内性、区域性、综合性、描述性和沿革性。这一传统地理学由互为一体的区域综合描述、大比例尺地图技术和地平大地观三部分组成。国内区域综合地理是在古代中国的地理、经济、政治、文化等具体历史条件下培育并发展成为内容丰富、形式多样、特点明显、成就巨大的传统地理学的。 展开更多
关键词 传统地理学 内区域 地理知识 近代地理学 《山经》 大比例尺地图 地方志 中国古代 地理著作 形成和发展
分娩镇痛的现状及临床应用进展 被引量:17
作者 覃慧君 黄守国 《海南医学》 CAS 2014年第6期859-861,共3页
分娩疼痛是造成母婴不利结局和高剖宫产率的主要原因。至今已有多种有效的分娩镇痛方式被证实有明显的镇痛效果,可进一步保障母婴安全。本文参考了最近3年国外多篇文献,对现应用的多种分娩镇痛方法的作用原理、使用方及其效果与风险进... 分娩疼痛是造成母婴不利结局和高剖宫产率的主要原因。至今已有多种有效的分娩镇痛方式被证实有明显的镇痛效果,可进一步保障母婴安全。本文参考了最近3年国外多篇文献,对现应用的多种分娩镇痛方法的作用原理、使用方及其效果与风险进行综述评估,以指导科学认识分娩镇痛,扭转传统生育观念,权衡利弊,选择实用的分娩镇痛方式。 展开更多
关键词 分娩疼痛 分娩镇痛 椎管内区域镇痛
《兵工安全技术》 CAS CSCD 1996年第5期18-18,共1页
安全生产是企业生存、发展永恒的主题。建立良好的安全生产环境和秩序是保证企业经济发展、社会稳定的重要条件。安全管理工作是衡量企业管理水平和企业形象的重要标志。近两年来,在企业转轨建制过程中,为强化工厂的安全管理工作,于1995... 安全生产是企业生存、发展永恒的主题。建立良好的安全生产环境和秩序是保证企业经济发展、社会稳定的重要条件。安全管理工作是衡量企业管理水平和企业形象的重要标志。近两年来,在企业转轨建制过程中,为强化工厂的安全管理工作,于1995年7月25日以11号厂长令颁布了"厂区十禁止"和"作业场所十不准"。进一步规范了全厂职工的行为,使全厂出现了安全文明生产的新局面。在原火工区域禁烟和厂内区域定点吸烟的基础上,于1996年6月14日以6号厂长令颁布了"禁烟令"。在厂内区域和全厂工作场所禁止吸烟。为维护职工身心健康。 展开更多
关键词 安全管理工作 安全生产 作业场所 工作场所 生产环境 重要条件 内区域 新局面 吸烟者 企业形象
作者 林杉 《出版参考》 1995年第23期8-8,共1页
随着出版向国际化方向发展,海峡两岸出版业者参加国际书展日益显得更加热烈和活跃。目前比较知名的、有影响的国际书展有三个,一是全球最大的以版权交易为主的德国法兰克福书展,二是全球唯一的而且具有最大规模的意大利波伦那国际儿童书... 随着出版向国际化方向发展,海峡两岸出版业者参加国际书展日益显得更加热烈和活跃。目前比较知名的、有影响的国际书展有三个,一是全球最大的以版权交易为主的德国法兰克福书展,二是全球唯一的而且具有最大规模的意大利波伦那国际儿童书展,三是美国境内区域性的,也是全球规模的美国ABA书展。在这些大型的国际书展上,台湾出版界人士认为大陆的展区可说是最“土”的,也就是土得很有中国特色,因此吸引了大批国外同业聚集参观,说中国书展能立足于国际图书市场,与各国的书展相匹敌。 展开更多
关键词 国际书展 台湾出版 国书 图书市场 版权交易 内区域 展区 相匹 兰克 德国法
A New Approach to Measurement of Regional Inequality in Particular Directions 被引量:18
作者 WANG Yang FANG Chuanglin +1 位作者 XIU Chunliang LIU Daqian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期705-717,共13页
Regional inequality is a core issue in geography,and it can be measured by several approaches and indexes.However,the global inequality measures can not reflect regional characteristics in terms of spatiality and non-... Regional inequality is a core issue in geography,and it can be measured by several approaches and indexes.However,the global inequality measures can not reflect regional characteristics in terms of spatiality and non-mobility,as well as correctly explore regional inequality in particular directions.Although conventional between-group inequality indexes can measure the inequality in particular directions,they can not reflect the reversals of regional patterns and changes of within-group patterns.Therefore,we set forth a new approach to measure regional inequality in particular directions,which is applicable to geographic field.Based on grouping,we established a new index to measure regional inequality in particular directions named Particular Direction Inequality index(PDI index),which is comprised of between-group inequality of all data and between-group average gap.It can reflect regional spatiality and non-mobility,judge the main direction of regional inequality,and capture the changes and reversals of regional patterns.We used the PDI index to measure the changes of regional inequality from 1952 to 2009 in China.The results show that:1) the main direction of China's regional inequality was between coastal areas and inland areas;the increasing extent of inequality between coastal areas and inland areas was higher than the global inequality;2) the PDI index can measure the between-region average gap,and is more sensitive to evolution of within-region patterns;3) the inequality between the northern China and the southern China has been decreasing from 1952 to 2009 and was reversed in 1994 and 1995. 展开更多
关键词 regional inequality inequality indexes PDI index particular directions China
A decision hyper plane heuristic based artificial immune network classification algorithm 被引量:4
作者 DENG Ze-lin TAN Guan-zheng +1 位作者 HE Pei YE Ji-xiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1852-1860,共9页
Most of the developed immune based classifiers generate antibodies randomly, which has negative effect on the classification performance. In order to guide the antibody generation effectively, a decision hyper plane h... Most of the developed immune based classifiers generate antibodies randomly, which has negative effect on the classification performance. In order to guide the antibody generation effectively, a decision hyper plane heuristic based artificial immune network classification algorithm (DHPA1NC) is proposed. DHPAINC taboos the inner regions of the class domain, thus, the antibody generation is limited near the class domain boundary. Then, the antibodies are evaluated by their recognition abilities, and the antibodies of low recognition abilities are removed to avoid over-fitting. Finally, the high quality antibodies tend to be stable in the immune network. The algorithm was applied to two simulated datasets classification, and the results show that the decision hyper planes determined by the antibodies fit the class domain boundaries well. Moreover, the algorithm was applied to UCI datasets classification and emotional speech recognition, and the results show that the algorithm has good performance, which means that DHPAINC is a promising classifier. 展开更多
关键词 artificial immune network decision hyper plane recognition ability CLASSIFICATION
Regional Difference in Social Capital and Its Impact on Regional Economic Growth in China 被引量:14
作者 PAN Fenghua HE Canfei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期442-449,共8页
Social capital has played an increasingly important role in regional development.China is a country with high stocks of social capital.Using several different indicators of social capital,this study tries to research ... Social capital has played an increasingly important role in regional development.China is a country with high stocks of social capital.Using several different indicators of social capital,this study tries to research the regional disparities in social capital and the influence of social capital on economic growth of China in 1978-2004.Measuring social capital with indicators of associations,charities and blood donation rates,this study finds significant regional disparities in social capital at provincial level in China.Those indicators for social capital are highly correlated with regional economic performance.Statistical analysis shows that social capital has a significant and positive effect on a long-term provincial economic growth.This relationship exists after controlling policy,macro location factors,and per capita GDP in the initial year.The empirical findings indicate that institutions,culture and social relations are critical for regional development in China.Therefore,the creation and support of social capital should be paid more attention to when making regional policy. 展开更多
关键词 social capital TRUST economic growth transaction cost
Regional Differences of China′s Urban Expansion from Late 20th to Early 21st Century Based on Remote Sensing Information 被引量:35
作者 LIU Jiyuan ZHANG Qian HU Yunfeng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期1-14,共14页
This study investigated the regional differences of China′s urban land expansion from the late 1980s to the year of 2008, based on the spatio-temporal analysis of CLCD (China′s land cover/land use database) datasets... This study investigated the regional differences of China′s urban land expansion from the late 1980s to the year of 2008, based on the spatio-temporal analysis of CLCD (China′s land cover/land use database) datasets which were mainly produced from remote sensing imagery data. A newly defined urbanization level index (UI), based on urban land area, is proposed to describe Chinese urban expansion process at 1 kilometer, provincial, regional, and na-tional scales, together with the absolute urban expansion index (UEa) and the relative urbanization expansion index (UEr). The results indicate that the percentages of total land area occupied by urban in the late 1980s, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 were approximately 0.25%, 0.32%, 0.33%, 0.43% and 0.52% of China′s total land area, respectively. Between the late 1980s and 2008, the total urban expansion in the mainland of China was 2.645 × 104 km2, resulting in an annual urban expansion area of about 1322.7 km2/yr, with the UEr of 111.9%. This study also finds that there has been an obvious spatial gradient of urbanization ratio running from the east coast to the west inland, and the urbanization gaps among different regions have persisted over the past two decades. The study also reveals obvious temporal varia-tions of the urbanization rates. There was very little urban growth during the period of 1995-2000 due to the governmental policy factors. 展开更多
关键词 regional difference spatial pattern temporal variation URBANIZATION China
Suspended sediment concentration mapping based on the MODIS satellite imagery in the East China inland, estuarine, and coastal waters 被引量:2
作者 YANG Xianping SOKOLETSKY Leomd +1 位作者 WEI Xiaodao SHEN Fang 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期39-60,共22页
The purpose of this research is to improve the retrieval accuracy for the suspended sediment concentration(SSC) from in situ and satellite remote sensing measurements in turbid East China estuarine and coastal waters.... The purpose of this research is to improve the retrieval accuracy for the suspended sediment concentration(SSC) from in situ and satellite remote sensing measurements in turbid East China estuarine and coastal waters. For this aim, three important tasks are formulated and solved: 1) an estimation of remote-sensing reflectance spectra R_(rs)(λ) after atmospheric correction; 2) an estimation of R_(rs)(λ) from the radiometric signals above the air-water surface; and 3) an estimation of SSC from R_(rs)(λ). Six different models for radiometric R_(rs)(λ) determination and 28 models for SSC versus R_(rs)(λ) are analyzed based on the field observations made in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent coastal area. The SSC images based on the above-mentioned analysis are generated for the area. 展开更多
关键词 ocean optics turbid estuarine and coastal waters remote-sensing reflectance suspended sediment concentration atmospheric correction
The Inner Radius of Univalency of the Rhom busDom ain
作者 郑学良 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1998年第4期29-32, ,共4页
The inner radius of univalency of a domain is greater than zero if and only if the domain is a quasidisc. However,little is known about the value of the inner radius of univalency for various quasidiscs. In this paper... The inner radius of univalency of a domain is greater than zero if and only if the domain is a quasidisc. However,little is known about the value of the inner radius of univalency for various quasidiscs. In this paper,we will use the comparison principal and obtain the value of the inner radius of univalency of the rhombus domain. 展开更多
关键词 Schwarzian derivative inner radius of univalency
Changes to the Natural Regional Boundaries in China During 1961-2007
作者 YU Zhen-Yan FAN Guang-Zhou +3 位作者 DONG Yi-Ping WANG Lei HUA Wei ZHOU Ding-Wen 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第4期199-203,共5页
Daily temperature data from 599 stations across China for the years 1961 to 2007 were used to analyze the changes in the natural regional boundaries. The results show that the accumulated temperature ≥10℃ and its du... Daily temperature data from 599 stations across China for the years 1961 to 2007 were used to analyze the changes in the natural regional boundaries. The results show that the accumulated temperature ≥10℃ and its duration changed dramatically from the end of 1990s to the early 21 st century. The amplitude of natural regional boundaries was greater in the 21st century than it was in the 20th century. In the eastern region of China, the climatic zones were migrating generally northward, with the northern edge of the subtropical zone and the eastern section of the warm temperate zone showing an obvious northward shift of up to 1-3° of latitude. The climatic zones moved south in the Qinghal-Tibet Plateau, western Inner Mongolia, and some areas of western Xinjiang, and slightly to the north in other parts of the western region. 展开更多
关键词 accumulated temperature DURATION natural regional boundary global warming
Trends and Regional Variations in Carbon Productivity across China
作者 潘家华 张丽峰 《China Economist》 2011年第6期82-91,共10页
This paper utilizes the Theil and decoupling indices to analyze variation in carbon productivity as well as the factors that influence regional carbon productivity in China and proposes carbon emission reduction count... This paper utilizes the Theil and decoupling indices to analyze variation in carbon productivity as well as the factors that influence regional carbon productivity in China and proposes carbon emission reduction countermeasures. The authors conclude that most provinces exhibit year-on-year rising carbon productivity, a trend which decreases moving from east to western China. When applied to carbon productivity, the Theil index presents distinct regional differences. Moreover, the regional variance in carbon productivity is consistently reduced in eastern China and becomes smaller in central China. The difference, however, grows in western China. Carbon productivity grows with the highest speed in central China and the lowest speed in western China. Overall variation in carbon productivity mainly arises from intra-regional difference, whereas inter-regional difference mainly contributed by eastern China. In recent years; both the decoupling index, a dynamic value equal to the rate of change rate in carbon emissions divided by the rate of change in GDP during a given period of time, and carbon productivity vary in different economic development stages. Even if under the same decoupling state, carbon productivity remains different in three regions, i.e., that of the eastern region is higher than the other two regions . 展开更多
关键词 carbon productivity regional variation Theil index decoupling index
Analysis on Development Trend of the D omestic Interior Design Pattern based on the Regional Characteristics and Cultural Integration
作者 Congcong Ai Han Xu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期60-62,共3页
Interior is the main space of human activities, which is an important part of human life and design activities, and is the link between spiritual civilization and material civilization. Interior design originates from... Interior is the main space of human activities, which is an important part of human life and design activities, and is the link between spiritual civilization and material civilization. Interior design originates from life, and needs to solve the problem of the material world and spiritual world. People improve the living environment and life quality through interior designs. The style of design depends on the geographical features and various cultures, which refi ects the artistic features and personality. The development history of modern architecture and interior design shows that the style of interior design is an important part of the whole architectural style, which reffects the design features of the whole building. Therefore, interior design and outdoor design should be in harmony. The orientation and characteristics of interior design determine the necessity of the style reforms. The future development trend of interior development may have the following characteristics humanism, green design, nationalization, intelligence and regionalization. 展开更多
关键词 Development Trend DOMESTIC Interior Design Pattern Regional Characteristics Cultural Integration.
万古霉素预防假体周围感染的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 张一帆 胡明玮 +1 位作者 郭璀璀 徐浩 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期630-634,共5页
全关节置换术(total joint arthroplasty,TJA)是20世纪最成功的临床手术技术,其数量仍在不断增加。假体周围感染(periprosthetic joint infection,PJI)是TJA后最常见和最具破坏性的并发症之一,革兰氏阳性菌,尤其是耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄... 全关节置换术(total joint arthroplasty,TJA)是20世纪最成功的临床手术技术,其数量仍在不断增加。假体周围感染(periprosthetic joint infection,PJI)是TJA后最常见和最具破坏性的并发症之一,革兰氏阳性菌,尤其是耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(methicillin-resistant staphylocouus anrens,MRSA)是多数PJI感染的主要原因。万古霉素能对引起PJI的大部分病原菌达到覆盖,随着MRSA导致的PJI的发生率上升,万古霉素在PJI预防方面的作用越来越重要。万古霉素局部使用来辅助预防PJI的方式越来越全面,这些方法的有效性、安全性已在动物实验和/或回顾性试验中证实,但都缺乏更充分有力的证据来证明。未来的研究应侧重大型多中心随机试验,进一步证明万古霉素用于PJI预防的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 全关节置换术 假体周围感染 万古霉素 内区域抗生素 抗生素骨水泥 硫酸钙珠
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