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作者 Bae H.-J. Yoon D.-S. +1 位作者 Lee J. 高艳琼 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册)》 2006年第3期56-57,共2页
Background and Purpose-Inhospital medical complications account for a considerable portion of deaths during the early stage of stroke. However, relatively few studies have examined their long-term effects on mortality... Background and Purpose-Inhospital medical complications account for a considerable portion of deaths during the early stage of stroke. However, relatively few studies have examined their long-term effects on mortality in stroke patients. Methods -We prospectively and consecutively collected data on 579 patients with acute ischemic stroke from November 1998 to February 2001. Mortality was confirmed using national death certificate data from 1999 to 2003. Results -During admission, one or more medical complications requiring intervention developed in 160 of these 579 patients (27.6%). For these 160 subjects, the 30-day, 90-day, 1-year, 2-year, 3-year, and 4-year mortalities were 16.3, 29.4, 46.9, 55. 6, 61.3, and 70.7%, whereas the mortality figures for those without such compli cations (n=419) were 1.4, 3.8, 8.8, 15.0, 19.1, and 22.4 (P < 0.001 with log-ra nk test). To eliminate the short-term effects of these complications and thus r eveal their long-term effects, we investigated differences in mortality versus the presence of inhospital complications at more than 30 days, 90 days, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years after stroke, respectively. Cox’s proportional hazard regr ession analysis was applied at these times after stroke and showed that all haza rd ratios of medical complications in terms of mortality were statistically larg er than one, regardless of adjusting for effects of potential predictors on mort ality. Conclusions -Our study shows that stroke patient mortality is influenced by inhospital medical complications significantly up to the chronic stage. This finding suggests that the appropriate prevention and management of inhospital complications could improve shortterm and long-term prognoses after stroke. 展开更多
关键词 缺血性卒中 内医 远期效应 秩和检验 数据确认 死亡证明 慢性阶段 上均
作者 Heyns L. Gie R.P. +2 位作者 Goussard P. B.J. Marais 李开 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册)》 2006年第A10期13-13,共1页
Background and aim: Kangaroo mother care (KMC) has become the standard of care for low- risk preterm babies born in developing countries. However, the potential risk of nosocomial transmission of Mycobacterium tubercu... Background and aim: Kangaroo mother care (KMC) has become the standard of care for low- risk preterm babies born in developing countries. However, the potential risk of nosocomial transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within KMC units, particularly in tuberculosis- endemic areas, has not been explored. We report an infant (sentinel case) who was admitted to our paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) with extensive pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods and results: When interviewed, the mother reported no household contact with a tuberculosis source case, but mentioned that she shared a KMC room with someone who had symptoms suspicious of tuberculosis. We found molecular evidence that nosocomial transmission of M. tuberculosis occurred within the KMC unit and conducted a contact investigation of all infants exposed to this infectious source case during her stay in the KMC unit. Conclusion: We present the findings of the contact investigation and discuss the implications of these findings for KMC units, particularly in tuberculosis- endemic areas. 展开更多
关键词 结核分支杆菌 流行区 内医 早产儿护理 儿科重症监护室 PICU 分子学 源性感染 调查期间
《吉林医学信息》 2015年第11期33-33,共1页
日前,太原市已建立10个医疗联合体(简称'医联体'),新医联体的建设正在加速进行。年底前,太原市医联体将实现两个'全覆盖',即全市三级医院全部开展医联体建设工作,全市县(市、区)级综合医院全部纳入医联体建设范围。到2... 日前,太原市已建立10个医疗联合体(简称'医联体'),新医联体的建设正在加速进行。年底前,太原市医联体将实现两个'全覆盖',即全市三级医院全部开展医联体建设工作,全市县(市、区)级综合医院全部纳入医联体建设范围。到2017年,医联体覆盖全市所有二级以下医疗机构。据了解,太原市现有10个医联体,'实践证明,通过医联体建设。 展开更多
关键词 综合 内医 建设范围 疗机构 家庭 双向转诊 费用 实践证明 一级
作者 董天华 《中国医院管理》 1985年第12期51-54,共4页
一、法国医疗卫生行政管理概况法国的医院是公立与私立并存,总床位数约为总人口的1%。公立医院的床位数占全国医院总床位数的70%。私立医院中有45%的床位系由教会或其他慈善机构举办的非盈利性医院。医院的行政监督由卫生部和社会保险... 一、法国医疗卫生行政管理概况法国的医院是公立与私立并存,总床位数约为总人口的1%。公立医院的床位数占全国医院总床位数的70%。私立医院中有45%的床位系由教会或其他慈善机构举办的非盈利性医院。医院的行政监督由卫生部和社会保险部共同负责。一般城市的公立医院由当地行政长官为主席,卫生行政官员。 展开更多
关键词 公立 总床位数 私立 内医 住院 行政官员 非盈利性 城市 行政监督 疗质量控制
《中国医学前沿杂志(电子版)》 2015年第1期71-71,共1页
2014年9月26日,2014年中国科技论文统计结果在京隆重发布,在人民卫生出版社杜贤总编辑等社领导直接关心指导下,在期刊编辑出版中心范存斌主任、张凤新主任、张瑜老师等帮助下,在主编霍勇教授和编辑部主任李建平教授带领下,《中国医学前... 2014年9月26日,2014年中国科技论文统计结果在京隆重发布,在人民卫生出版社杜贤总编辑等社领导直接关心指导下,在期刊编辑出版中心范存斌主任、张凤新主任、张瑜老师等帮助下,在主编霍勇教授和编辑部主任李建平教授带领下,《中国医学前沿杂志(电子版)》刷新了新的纪录,基本奠定了国内医学电子期刊第一方阵的地位。 展开更多
关键词 学前沿 期刊编辑出版 李建平 编辑部主任 人民卫生出版社 内医 影响因子 名第 张瑜 核心版
作者 李朝阳 张海萌 马少林 《新疆医学》 2014年第7期169-171,共3页
随着我区经济的发展,研究生教育在新疆地区人才培养体系中占有十分重要的位置。培养医学研究生要求侧重于从事临床实际工作,并初步掌握医学科研的临床医师为目标。为了让我们的研究生从入学到踏出校门,可以当一名基本合格的医生,我们需... 随着我区经济的发展,研究生教育在新疆地区人才培养体系中占有十分重要的位置。培养医学研究生要求侧重于从事临床实际工作,并初步掌握医学科研的临床医师为目标。为了让我们的研究生从入学到踏出校门,可以当一名基本合格的医生,我们需要探讨一下研究生的综合素质教育。1方法:.1研究生的思想教育随着社会的发展,传统的生物医学模式逐渐被社会-心理-生物医学模式所取代,医学进入了人文主义时代,新的医学模式下。 展开更多
关键词 整形外科 临床型 带教体会 学模式 临床 综合素质教育 思想教育 临床实际工作 内医 导师组
作者 伍梦尧 《纺织科学研究》 2015年第6期69-70,共2页
九江镇抓住“中国医卫用非织造产品示范基地”的契机,努力打造我国非织造布行业的聚集效应作为我国首家“中国医卫用非织造产品示范基地”,广东省佛山市南海区九江镇借势集聚医卫用非织造产业,目前已拥有非织造布企业12家,非织造布上下... 九江镇抓住“中国医卫用非织造产品示范基地”的契机,努力打造我国非织造布行业的聚集效应作为我国首家“中国医卫用非织造产品示范基地”,广东省佛山市南海区九江镇借势集聚医卫用非织造产业,目前已拥有非织造布企业12家,非织造布上下游相关企业共30余家,基本形成了原材料、配材及成品加工的成套链条。 展开更多
关键词 非织造布 整合期 纺丝成网 佛山市南海区 无纺布 江镇 吸水材料 行业标准 复合产品 内医
作者 熊灵萱 喻威 《现代语文》 2023年第12期11-18,共8页
《黄帝内经》中存在不少异文现象,有些异文是由形近讹误所造成的。依据《黄帝内经太素》萧延平按语、《天回医简》等相关语言文献材料,对部分异文进行分析,揭示了15组形近讹误字,如“摶”与“搏”、“蛂”与“蛟”、“内”与“肉”、“... 《黄帝内经》中存在不少异文现象,有些异文是由形近讹误所造成的。依据《黄帝内经太素》萧延平按语、《天回医简》等相关语言文献材料,对部分异文进行分析,揭示了15组形近讹误字,如“摶”与“搏”、“蛂”与“蛟”、“内”与“肉”、“乃”与“及”、“温”与“湿”、“感”与“惑”等。对《黄帝内经》中既往关注较少的文字讹误现象进行探析,可以校订传世医籍中的误字,补充形近讹误字例证,这对解决相关问题、解读《黄帝内经》均有所助益。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 形近讹误字 《天回简》 《黄帝内经太素》 古籍校勘
作者 姜焕礼 刘伯晨 《青岛医药卫生》 1994年第2期10-10,共1页
本文观察近年5例(侧)健康人肾在肌注黄体酮后其尿量、输尿管蠕动频率、输尿管内压变化幅度均有明显增高。在此基础上对32例输尿管结石病人应用黄体酮治疗,总有效率为81.2%。报告如下: 一、实验室资料: 随机选择5例(侧)健康肾,女3例,男2... 本文观察近年5例(侧)健康人肾在肌注黄体酮后其尿量、输尿管蠕动频率、输尿管内压变化幅度均有明显增高。在此基础上对32例输尿管结石病人应用黄体酮治疗,总有效率为81.2%。报告如下: 一、实验室资料: 随机选择5例(侧)健康肾,女3例,男2例,经膀胱镜置6号输尿管导管进入输尿管15cm处。记录尿量,蠕动频率及压力后,肌注黄体酮20mg,并每10分钟记录一次尿量、蠕动频率及输尿管压力的改变,直至90分钟。肌注黄体酮20mg后,尿量、蠕动频率及输尿管内医的变化幅度均有明显的增高,且5例中各项平均值的高峰均在用药后40分钟。此时尿量是用药前的3.86倍。 展开更多
关键词 输尿管结石 尿量 抽尿管 临床观察 内医 利尿作用 排石 下腹部 疼痛史 月经不调
作者 章圣定 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 1991年第2期81-83,共3页
1990年,我站应用系统工程全局性、关联性、最优性、综合性、实践性等基本观点进行组织管理,取得了可喜的成绩。这一年,我站查病143381人,查出早期血吸虫病23531人,晚期血吸虫病221人,均进行了治疗,查治人数是建站35年来最多的一年,经省... 1990年,我站应用系统工程全局性、关联性、最优性、综合性、实践性等基本观点进行组织管理,取得了可喜的成绩。这一年,我站查病143381人,查出早期血吸虫病23531人,晚期血吸虫病221人,均进行了治疗,查治人数是建站35年来最多的一年,经省市考核验收,质量名列全省榜首;急性血吸虫病病人1989年130人,1990年减少到25人;站业务收入比上一年增长了45.1%,创造了建站以来的最高水平。 展开更多
关键词 晚期血吸虫病 查治 最优性 组织管理 防治血吸虫病 血防站 计划协调技术 有机整体 检验效果 内医
腹膜后恶性纤维组织细胞瘤的螺旋CT诊断价值 被引量:1
作者 王新宇 毛维轩 王晓玲 《中国医疗设备》 2011年第4期123-124,122,共3页
目的探讨腹膜后恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(MFH)的螺旋CT表现及诊断价值。材料和方法回顾性分析20例经手术或活检病理证实的后腹膜恶性纤维组织细胞瘤的临床和CT检查资料。结果 20例中,肿瘤最大平均直径为10.5cm。肿瘤形态不规则伴明显分叶,坏... 目的探讨腹膜后恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(MFH)的螺旋CT表现及诊断价值。材料和方法回顾性分析20例经手术或活检病理证实的后腹膜恶性纤维组织细胞瘤的临床和CT检查资料。结果 20例中,肿瘤最大平均直径为10.5cm。肿瘤形态不规则伴明显分叶,坏死部分占肿瘤体积的大部分,病灶呈浸润性生长。5例肿瘤内可见钙化,3例肿瘤见出血灶,3例肿瘤有脂肪成分。增强扫描肿瘤强化较明显,所谓轨道样强化4例。重建后肿瘤定位准确18例。结论螺旋CT对腹膜后恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(MFH)有一定的诊断价值。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋CT 腹膜后肿瘤 恶性纤维组织细胞瘤 螺旋CT诊断价值
A good death from the perspective of healthcare providers from the internal medicine department in Shanghai:A qualitative study 被引量:4
作者 Chunyan Chen Xiaobin Lai +1 位作者 Wenjuan Zhao Menglei Chen 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期236-242,I0009,共8页
Objective:This study aimed to explore the understanding of healthcare providers working in the internal medicine department in Shanghai regarding a good death.Methods:The data of the study was collected using face-to-... Objective:This study aimed to explore the understanding of healthcare providers working in the internal medicine department in Shanghai regarding a good death.Methods:The data of the study was collected using face-to-face semi-structured interviews.Through purposive sampling,16 physicians and 13 nurses who had experiences of caring for adult patients with life-threatening illnesses at the end-of-life stage in Shanghai were interviewed.The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Results:Six characteristics of a good death emerged:no suffering,companionship and care,no worries or concerns,dying with dignity,involvement and acceptance,and less impact on the family.Eighteen categories were identified:dying without experiencing suffering;being relieved of symptoms and suffering;being relieved of psychological suffering;avoiding the use of futile treatment and resuscita-tion;being cared for and accompanied by family;receiving good health care;having a meaningful life without regrets;making good arrangements for family issues;having a chance to say goodbye;having a quality life before death;dying in a decent environment;the personal will to be respected;maintaining the integrity of the body;death of the patient being accepted by the family and healthcare providers;the death occurred despite the best efforts to care for the patient;limited financial and care burden;shortly affected quality of life of the patient;and improved family cohesion.Conclusion:Family members’early involvement in caring for patients at the end-of-life stage helps achieve a good death.For patients with a terminal illness,avoiding unnecessary medical treatment and resuscitation could be the first step in achieving better patient death and promoting the development of advanced care planning in the mainland of China. 展开更多
关键词 Attitude to death Hospice care Internal medicine Medical staff Qualitative research
Current status of medical support in military operations other than war in domestic and overseas 被引量:3
作者 Huang Jian Wang Yungui +2 位作者 Cheng Xiaobin Zhou Lin Wu Ziwei 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第6期343-350,共8页
Objective: To investigate the current status of medical support in military operations other than war (MOOTW) in domestic and overseas. Methods: This paper mainly adopts the descriptive, comparative and induction rese... Objective: To investigate the current status of medical support in military operations other than war (MOOTW) in domestic and overseas. Methods: This paper mainly adopts the descriptive, comparative and induction research methods. The current status of medical support in MOOTW in China, America, Russia, Israel, Canada, had been studied through some official papers, and series of professional books by analysis the precise date in various kinds of emergency event. Results: The contrast shows that there is still a quite huge development in medical support in MOOTW, no matter in China, or in other countries. Conclusion: In order to strengthen the forces, besides building professional rescue teams, it is necessary to take a regular revise of plans, according to missions` needs. 展开更多
关键词 Medical support Military operations other than war PLANS
Management of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency at Peking Union Medical College Hospital:A Survey among Physicians 被引量:2
作者 Hong-bo Yang Meng-qi Zhang +1 位作者 Hui Pan Hui-juan Zhu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期168-172,共5页
Objective To evaluate physicians' attitude and knowledge about the management of adult growth hormone deficiency(AGHD) at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and impact factors associated with better decision-ma... Objective To evaluate physicians' attitude and knowledge about the management of adult growth hormone deficiency(AGHD) at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and impact factors associated with better decision-making.Methods A 21-question anonymous survey was distributed and collected at Peking Union Medical College Hospital,a major teaching hospital in Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.Data of physicians' educational background,clinical training,patient workload per year and continuing medical education in AGHD were collected.Factors associated with appropriate answers were further analyzed by multivariate regression models.Results One hundred and eighteen internal medicine residents,endocrine fellows,attending physicians and visiting physicians responded to the survey.Among them,44.9% thought that AGHD patients should accept recombinant human growth hormone replacement therapy.Moreover,56.8% selected insulin tolerance test and growth hormone-releasing hormone-arginine test for the diagnosis of AGHD.Logistic regression analysis of physician demographic data,educational background,and work experience found no consistent independent factors associated with better decision-making,other than continued medical education,that were associated with treatment choice.Conclusions The physicians' reported management of AGHD in this major academic healthcare center in Beijing was inconsistent with current evidence.High quality continued medical education is required to improve Chinese physician management of AGHD. 展开更多
关键词 adult growth hormone deficiency MANAGEMENT continued medical education
Quality of gastric ulcer healing evaluated by endoscopic ultrasonography 被引量:6
作者 Jian-MinSi QianCao Jia-GuoWu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第22期3461-3464,共4页
AIM: To evaluate the quality of gastric ulcer healing after different antiulcer treatment by endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS).METHODS: The patients were divided into three groups, and received lansoprazole, amoxicillin... AIM: To evaluate the quality of gastric ulcer healing after different antiulcer treatment by endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS).METHODS: The patients were divided into three groups, and received lansoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycinfor 1 wk. Then group A took lansoprazole combined with tepreton for 5 wk, group B took lansoprazole and group C took tepreton for 5 wk. Endoscopy and EUS were performed before and 6 wk after medication. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in cumulative healing rate to S stage between the groups (89%, 82%vs83%,P>0.05). The rate of white scar formation was significantly higher in group A than in groups B and C (67%, 36%, 50%, P<0.05). The average contraction rates of the width of ulcer crater, length of disrupted muscularis propria layer and hypoechoic area were higher in groupA than in groups B and C (0.792±0.090, 0.660±0.105 vs0.668±0.143, P<0.05). The hypoechoic area disappeared in four cases of group A, one of group B and two of group C. The percentage of hypoechoic area disappearance was higher in group A than in the other two groups (44%, 9%vs 17%, P<0.05). Gastric ulcer healing was better ingroup A.CONCLUSION: The combined administration of proton pump inhibitors and mucosal protective agent can improve gastric ulcer healing. 展开更多
关键词 Quality of ulcer healing Endoscopic ultrasono-graphy Gastric ulcer
Chinese medicine compound Changtong oral liquid on postoperative intestinal adhesions 被引量:11
作者 Xi-XiaoYang Han-PingShi Lian-BingHou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第19期2967-2970,共4页
AIM: The aim of this study was to observe the effect of a Chinese medicine compound Changtong oral liquid (CT) on tissue plasminogen activity (t-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI), TGF-β1 and hydroxyproline (... AIM: The aim of this study was to observe the effect of a Chinese medicine compound Changtong oral liquid (CT) on tissue plasminogen activity (t-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI), TGF-β1 and hydroxyproline (OHP). METHODS: Two sets of animal experiments were performed in the present study. Forty New Zealand rabbits and 48 Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were assigned randomly to one of the five groups: sham adhesion, adhesion with saline, adhesion with low dosage of the CT, adhesion with middle dosage of the CT and adhesion with high dosage of the CT. t-PA and PAI activity in plasma, OHP and TGF-β1 expression in adhesion were investigated. Analysis of variance was used to test differences among groups. RESULTS: CT treatment increased plasma t-PA activity in rabbits but decreased TGF-β1 activity in rats. The data were expressed from low to high dose respectively as follows: t-PA, 46.1±8.6 μkat/L, 59.6±10.1 μkat/L, 64.0±11.5 μkat/L; TGF-β1 28±7.23%, 31±3.05%, 30±4.04%. There were significant differences compared with saline-treated animals (t-PA 26.4±5.1 μkat/L, TGF-β1 54±5.51%). OHP content in cecum of rabbits from middle and high but not low dose of CT lowered significantly as compared with saline-treated rabbits, 0.3641±0.1373, 0.3348±0.0321, 0.2757±0.0497 mg/g vs 0.4183±0.0883 mg/g of protein, P>0.05, P<0.05, P<0.05 respectively. The rabbit plasma PAI activity and OHP content in abdominal wall had no difference in all groups. CONCLUSION: CT treatment significantly enhanced t-PA activity in rabbits, but decreased TGF-β1 content in rats, OHP content in cecum of rabbits, and failed to affect the activity of PAI and OHP content in abdominal wall in rabbits, compared with saline group. The result suggests that CT could effectively prevent adhesions without interfering wound healina. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese medicine compound Postoperative intestinal adhesions
Patient and physician perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic appendectomy 被引量:1
作者 Tomas Hucl Adela Saglova +4 位作者 Marek Benes Matej Kocik Martin Oliverius Zdenek Valenta Julius Spicak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第15期1800-1805,共6页
AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questi... AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questionnaire describing in detail the techniques of NOTES and laparoscopic appendectomy.They were asked about the reasons for their preference,choice of orifice,and extent of complication risk they were willing to accept.RESULTS:Fifty patients(50%)and only 21 physicians(21%)preferred NOTES(P<0.001).Patients had previously heard of NOTES less frequently(7%vs73%,P<0.001)and had undergone endoscopy more frequently(88%vs 36%,P<0.001)than physicians.Absence of hernia was the most common reason for NOTES preference in physicians(80%vs 44%,P= 0.003),whereas reduced pain was the most common reason in patients(66%vs 52%).Physicians were more likely to refuse NOTES as a novel and unsure technique(P<0.001)and having an increased risk of infection(P<0.001).The preferred access site in both groups was colon followed by stomach,with vagina being rarely preferred.In multivariable modeling,those with high-school education[odds ratio(OR):2.68,95% confidence interval(CI):1.23-5.83]and prior colonoscopy(OR:2.10,95%CI:1.05-4.19)were more likely to prefer NOTES over laparoscopic appendectomy.There was a steep decline in NOTES preference with increased rate of procedural complications.Male patients were more likely to consent to their wives vaginal NOTES appendectomy than male physicians(P=0.02).CONCLUSION:The preference of NOTES for appendectomy was greater in patients than physicians and was related to reduced pain and absence of hernia rather than lack of scarring. 展开更多
关键词 Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery Patient perception Physician perception APPENDECTOMY LAPAROSCOPY
Study of the similarities and differences between TCM and Tujia medicine in clinical diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer 被引量:1
作者 Cui-Ying Miao Feng-Xi Long +2 位作者 Dong-Xin Tang Qi-Liang Chen Guang-Hui Ran 《TMR Cancer》 2018年第3期87-93,共7页
At present,for the treatment of liver cancer is not limited to western medicine chemotherapy.With the development of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),more patients choose Chinese medicine conservative treatment.TCM h... At present,for the treatment of liver cancer is not limited to western medicine chemotherapy.With the development of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),more patients choose Chinese medicine conservative treatment.TCM has the theoretical system and treatment system.Tujia medicine,as a branch of TCM,has its own unique treatment methods in the treatment of disease.The author found in the exploration of the diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer,TCM,and Tujia medicine has the effect of different approaches but equally satisfactory results in the treatment of liver cancer,the collation,and research of comparison,in order to provide a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine Tujia medicine Liver cancer Internal therapy External treatment
Effects of endoscopic sphincterotomy on biliary epithelium:A case-control study 被引量:4
作者 John Kalaitzis Antonios Vezakis +4 位作者 George Fragulidis Irene Anagnostopoulou Spyros Rizos Efstathios Papalambros Andreas Polydorou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第8期794-799,共6页
AIM: To study the long-term effects of endoscopic sphincterotomy on biliary epithelium. METHODS: This is a prospective case-control study. A total of 25 patients with a median age of 71 years (range 49-89 years) and p... AIM: To study the long-term effects of endoscopic sphincterotomy on biliary epithelium. METHODS: This is a prospective case-control study. A total of 25 patients with a median age of 71 years (range 49-89 years) and prior endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) for benign disease formed the fi rst group. The median time from ES was 42 mo (range 8-144 mo). Another 25 patients with a median age of 76 years (range 44-94 mo) and similar characteristics who underwent current endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) and ES for benign disease formed the second group (control group). Brush cytology of the biliary tree with p53 immunocytology was performed in all patients of both groups. ERCPs and recruitment were conducted at the Endoscopic Unit of Aretaieion University Hospital and Tzaneio Hospital, Athens, from October 2006 to June 2010. RESULTS: No cases were positive or suspicious for malignancy. Epithelial atypia was higher in the first group (32% vs 8% in the second group, P = 0.034). Acute cholangitis and previous biliary operation rates were also higher in the fi rst group (acute cholangitis, 60% vs 24% in the second group, P = 0.01; previous biliary operation, 76% vs 24% in the second group, P = 0.001). Subgroup analysis showed that previous ES was the main causal factor for atypia, which was not related to the time interval from the ES (P = 0.407). Two patients (8%) with atypia in the fi rst group were p53-positive. CONCLUSION: ES causes biliary epithelial atypia that represents mostly reactive/proliferative rather than premalignant changes. The role of p53 immunoreactivity in biliary atypia needs to be further studied. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic sphincterotomy Brush cytolo-gy ATYPIA CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA p53 immunocytology
作者 杨承智 颜虹 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第2期111-114,共4页
62 patients with chronic colitis were randomly divided into two groups. Acupuncture and moxibustion at acupoints such as Tianshu (St 25), Guanyuan (Ren 4) were applied in the treatment group, and western drugs were ap... 62 patients with chronic colitis were randomly divided into two groups. Acupuncture and moxibustion at acupoints such as Tianshu (St 25), Guanyuan (Ren 4) were applied in the treatment group, and western drugs were applied in the control group. The results showed that acupuncture and moxibustion had a marked curative effective with few side effects, and therefore was readily acceptable to the patients. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy MOXIBUSTION ADULT Colitis Ulcerative Female Humans Male Middle Aged
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