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基于多重约束的OpenXML复合文档内容源数据区容错定界算法 被引量:1
作者 杨东煜 王晓梅 丁思淼 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期2386-2388,共3页
在高误码率条件下,接收到的OpenXML复合文档往往因数据含错而无法打开,而在文档修复过程中,对信源中每个源文件内容源数据区的定界经常容易出错。针对该问题,提出了一种基于多重约束的OpenXML复合文档内容源数据区容错定界算法。通过对... 在高误码率条件下,接收到的OpenXML复合文档往往因数据含错而无法打开,而在文档修复过程中,对信源中每个源文件内容源数据区的定界经常容易出错。针对该问题,提出了一种基于多重约束的OpenXML复合文档内容源数据区容错定界算法。通过对文档协议冗余的分析与归类,将内容源数据区定界问题转换为对起始位置序列的最佳估计问题;在通过适当放宽匹配条件完成粗定界的基础上,利用冗余信息中的约束关系构建代价函数对观测数据进行筛选,有效地剔除虚警情况,进而实现对内容源数据区起始位置序列的最佳估计。仿真结果表明,在参数设置合理的情况下,该方法具有较好的容错定界能力。 展开更多
关键词 OpenXML复合文档 内容源数据 多重约束 最佳估计 容错 定界
作者 张日婷 《教育界(高等教育)》 2011年第6期39-40,共2页
在新课改背景下,语文教学取得了很大的成就,但依然存在着课堂知识机械重复等问题。如何解决这些问题,维果斯基的最近发展理论给了我们深刻的启示,对语文教学来说,教师要找准学生的最近发展区,在学生的最近发展区内确定教学内容,... 在新课改背景下,语文教学取得了很大的成就,但依然存在着课堂知识机械重复等问题。如何解决这些问题,维果斯基的最近发展理论给了我们深刻的启示,对语文教学来说,教师要找准学生的最近发展区,在学生的最近发展区内确定教学内容,根据学生潜在发展水平设计课堂主问题,关注学生的发展状态设计有层次的课后作业,从而提高教学水平促进学生发展。 展开更多
关键词 最近发展 语文教学内容 主问题课后作业发展
作者 刘帅 梁芳艳 《华东公路》 2018年第3期106-107,共2页
以江西省铜鼓至万载高速公路新建工程万载服务区为例,该互通中心桩号MRk 66+450。介绍山区高速公路服务区设计的原则、布置方案、主线及匝道的断面和设计速度、服务区排水及绿化等主要内容。
关键词 高速 服务设计内容
基于用户认知特点的移动终端APP界面设计 被引量:9
作者 杨洁 《传媒》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期63-65,共3页
随着智能手机和移动互联网的普及应用,APP(Application的缩写,即智能终端设备的第三方应用程序)进入人们日常生活的方方面面。APP通过产品的功能定位和设计,实现了将各种产业与互联网结合在一起,并为人们的生活提供了诸多便利,如今人... 随着智能手机和移动互联网的普及应用,APP(Application的缩写,即智能终端设备的第三方应用程序)进入人们日常生活的方方面面。APP通过产品的功能定位和设计,实现了将各种产业与互联网结合在一起,并为人们的生活提供了诸多便利,如今人们只要拿出手机就可以定购旅游景点门票、酒店,看电影提前选座位, 展开更多
关键词 APP 用户认知 移动终端 应用程序 设计规范 终端设备 内容区 表现层 功能定位 交互操作
CIPS 信息流程分析与监控程序
作者 丁相予 《计算机应用》 CSCD 1989年第S1期14-20,共7页
关键词 CIPS 从站 信息处理流程 流程分析 实时监视 总线型结构 通讯程序 执行机构 信息交换 内容区
作者 王贵斌 《煤炭高等教育》 1988年第3期40-42,共3页
设计评估指标体系时,首先要制定评估条目,为了制定评估条目,就必须从整体结构上明确,评估指标体系的框架是采用直接评估还是间接评估,或是二者兼而有之。大家都知道可以将评估条目的内容区分为基本部份和非基本部份两类。属于基本部份... 设计评估指标体系时,首先要制定评估条目,为了制定评估条目,就必须从整体结构上明确,评估指标体系的框架是采用直接评估还是间接评估,或是二者兼而有之。大家都知道可以将评估条目的内容区分为基本部份和非基本部份两类。属于基本部份的评估内容有条件、过程和成果,属于非基本部份的有动态、特色和经济效益等。所以叫基本部份是因为研究任何一个工作系统,总能找到赖以进行的条件、过程和成果的。当以评价成果为准,如果我们把用来直接反映工作成果的条目做为评估指标体系的主要构成,则把这种评估叫做直接评估; 展开更多
关键词 间接评估 指标体系框架 评价成果 内容区 设计评估 质量保证体系 评估试点 企业评价 整体结构 管理业务标准化
借助Power Query实现数据的快速转换
作者 王志军 《电脑知识与技术(经验技巧)》 2016年第2期43-44,共2页
同事前来求助,如图1所示,她希望将其转换为仓库、编码、货品、数量、金额进行分列的效果,也就是将数据转换为表,但由于这里的货品有几千项,仓库也有50多个,如果逐一复制、粘贴,操作显然相当繁琐。有没有简单一些的方法呢?我们可以利用E... 同事前来求助,如图1所示,她希望将其转换为仓库、编码、货品、数量、金额进行分列的效果,也就是将数据转换为表,但由于这里的货品有几千项,仓库也有50多个,如果逐一复制、粘贴,操作显然相当繁琐。有没有简单一些的方法呢?我们可以利用Excel的Microsoft Power Query加载项实现上述数据的快速转换,这里以Excel 2016为例进行介绍,Excel 2016已经包含该组件,我们可以在"数据"选项卡直接调用。 展开更多
关键词 POWER QUERY 下拉列表框 选定 主表 DETAILS 内容区 DOWNLOAD http 行中
《影视制作》 2016年第7期11-11,共1页
85小时美国NBC奥运部宣布将通过NBC Sports APP,专门向兼容的三星Galaxy智能手机和三星Gear VR验证用户提供里约奥运会的虚拟现实转播,这是奥运节目首次以VR播出。此85小时的VR节目将从8月6日起(开幕式次日)到8月22日(闭幕式次日)延播... 85小时美国NBC奥运部宣布将通过NBC Sports APP,专门向兼容的三星Galaxy智能手机和三星Gear VR验证用户提供里约奥运会的虚拟现实转播,这是奥运节目首次以VR播出。此85小时的VR节目将从8月6日起(开幕式次日)到8月22日(闭幕式次日)延播。只有兼容Gear VR的三星Galaxy智能手机才能访问NBC Sport APP的VR内容区。 展开更多
关键词 GALAXY 奥运节目 虚拟现实 内容区 互联网大会 光纤入户 陈肇雄 网络零售 行业整合 海外市场
Gate-Capacitance-Shift Approach and Compact Modeling for Quantum Mechanical Effects in Poly-Gates
作者 张大伟 章浩 +1 位作者 田立林 余志平 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期1599-1605,共7页
A new approach,gate-capacitance-shift (GCS) approach,is described for compact modeling.This approach is piecewise for various physical effects and comprises the gate-bias-dependent nature of corrections in the nanosca... A new approach,gate-capacitance-shift (GCS) approach,is described for compact modeling.This approach is piecewise for various physical effects and comprises the gate-bias-dependent nature of corrections in the nanoscale regime.Additionally,an approximate-analytical solution to the quantum mechanical (QM) effects in polysilicon (poly)-gates is obtained based on the density gradient model.It is then combined with the GCS approach to develop a compact model for these effects.The model results tally well with numerical simulation.Both the model results and simulation results indicate that the QM effects in poly-gates of nanoscale MOSFETs are non-negligible and have an opposite influence on the device characteristics as the poly-depletion (PD) effects do. 展开更多
关键词 compact model nanoscale regime GCS approach QM effects in poly-gates
Study on the application Of long-term nursing insurance In community pension Of Shanghai
作者 HU Yue 《International English Education Research》 2018年第3期14-16,共3页
In twenty-first Century. the speed of population aging in China was accelerated, the growth of the disabled populationaccelerated and the demand for the existing long-term care service was challenging. It is imminent ... In twenty-first Century. the speed of population aging in China was accelerated, the growth of the disabled populationaccelerated and the demand for the existing long-term care service was challenging. It is imminent to establish a system that can meet the long-term care needs of the disabled population, As a pilot city of long-term care insurance. Shanghai has a Fund for the long-term care insurance system. To compare and analyze the related elements of raising, service content and payment, combined with the experience ol long-term nursing insurance in foreign countries, and considering its application in community pension, it has certain reference significance for the design of long-term nursing insurance system in China. 展开更多
关键词 Aging Long-term nursing: Community old-age care
作者 凌桂芝 《幼儿教育》 1995年第11期17-17,共1页
科学发现室是指在幼儿园设立的专供幼儿进行非正规性科学活动的场所,其目的是让幼儿在宽松、愉快的环境中通过自身的探索,主动地发现问题、寻找答案,获取广泛的科学经验,激发对科学的兴趣。为了达到上述目的,我们探索了一种综合性的组... 科学发现室是指在幼儿园设立的专供幼儿进行非正规性科学活动的场所,其目的是让幼儿在宽松、愉快的环境中通过自身的探索,主动地发现问题、寻找答案,获取广泛的科学经验,激发对科学的兴趣。为了达到上述目的,我们探索了一种综合性的组织形式,收到了较好的教育效果。下面我对这种灵活多样的组织形式作一介绍。 (一)先个别指导,后集体教育当幼儿分散到自选的区域内活动后,教师首先应在重点内容区内观察幼儿的探索过程,并针对每个幼儿的游戏情况予以指导。如:当看到有的幼儿在玩水车的过程中仅满足于不断重复地往漏斗里倒水时。 展开更多
关键词 非正规性 个别指导 集体教育 活动指导 教育效果 探索活动 内容区 选择材料 认知态度 重复地
40 Years of Applied Linguistics: Investigating Content Areas, Research Methods, and Statistical Techniques 被引量:1
作者 Reza KHANY & Khalil TAZIK University of Ilam Iran 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 SCIE 2017年第3期316-332,350,共18页
This review study was designed to map out the research trends through an intensive text analysis of 1,366 research articles (RAs) of applied linguistics during the past 40 years (from 1976 to 2015). RAs were coded... This review study was designed to map out the research trends through an intensive text analysis of 1,366 research articles (RAs) of applied linguistics during the past 40 years (from 1976 to 2015). RAs were coded and analyzed by four analysts to identify their content of research, research methods, and statistical procedures. It was found that there has been an increase in the number and the average length of articles. The average length has been on the rise from 8.09 pages in 1976-1985 to 14.38 during 2006-2015. The extensive review of the RAs also revealed a broad range of themes that belonged to 34 research domains. SLA, Technology 8: Language Learning, Language Teaching Methodology, Language Testing, and Psycholinguistics were the most widely researched areas. The qualitative method with 33.97% was the dominant research method in the journals. Regarding the statistical techniques, it was illustrated that descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, ANOVA, and t-test were the most commonly used procedures in the applied linguistic RAs. 展开更多
关键词 applied linguistics content areas research methods statistical techniques
Visually Modelling Collaborative Research into Innovative Community Disaster Resilience Practice,Strategy,and Governance
作者 Thomas J.Huggins Robin Peace +2 位作者 Stephen R.Hill David M.Johnston Alicia Cuevas Muniz 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期282-294,共13页
In 2013 a new collaborative center was established in Wellington, New Zealand to focus on integrating resilience research with the region’s community disaster resilience strategy. An earlier study with parties to thi... In 2013 a new collaborative center was established in Wellington, New Zealand to focus on integrating resilience research with the region’s community disaster resilience strategy. An earlier study with parties to this center had indicated that researcher and practitioner groups were divided by attention to their own immediate knowledge and skills, but agreed there was a need to maximize community resilience benefits amongst a regional population. An action research workshop of researchers and practitioners used a visual logic model to focus on the pragmatic benefits of improving community resilience. The visual logic model was used to design research activities that would improve the regional community resilience strategy, which was still in an early implementation phase.Ten of 14 workshop participants were interviewed following the workshop. Statistical content analysis of interview data highlighted certain strengths of the action research process: visual monitoring and evaluation planning was a catalyst for complicated conversations between two very different groups of professionals; and researchers became more focused on practical issues as a result. Other findings suggested that in future collaborative researchgovernance would benefit from wider cycles of strategic intelligence, enhanced research contributions, and the use of different information formats for different purposes.Different formats for different purposes should also be considered when developing and implementing large-scale disaster risk reduction policies and strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Collaborative research Community resilience Content analysis Emergency management Visual communication
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