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基于Delphi法对苗医热毒内损咳嗽诊断条目的标准化研究 被引量:1
作者 柏杨 周洵 +4 位作者 李欣然 葛正行 付莲花 刘明慧 李改改 《中国民族民间医药》 2019年第12期19-22,共4页
目的:构建苗医肺架热毒内损咳嗽症状诊断量表,尝试为苗医热毒内损咳嗽诊断提供共性模块,为进一步形成系统完善的苗医诊疗理论做出探索.方法:挖掘、 搜集、 整理关于苗医的文献、 书籍,制定出热毒内损咳嗽症状诊断条目池,经过研究小组讨... 目的:构建苗医肺架热毒内损咳嗽症状诊断量表,尝试为苗医热毒内损咳嗽诊断提供共性模块,为进一步形成系统完善的苗医诊疗理论做出探索.方法:挖掘、 搜集、 整理关于苗医的文献、 书籍,制定出热毒内损咳嗽症状诊断条目池,经过研究小组讨论将症状名称归类、 统一化,参照德尔菲法拟定专家咨询表,通过专家咨询及统计分析得出一定范围内的公认诊断标准及疗效评估量表.结果:苗医肺架热毒内损咳嗽疗效评价量表:咳嗽、 咯痰、 痰黄、 发热、 痰稠、 呼吸声粗、 呼吸急促、 舌红、 舌衣黄、 脉洪大.结论:①苗医肺架热毒内损咳嗽诊断标准:主症:咳嗽、 咯痰、 痰黄,次症:发热、 痰稠、 呼吸声粗、 呼吸急促,必要条件:舌红、 舌衣黄、 脉洪大,具备三项主症、 三项必要条件及两项或以上次症即可诊断;②专家代表性强,权威程度、 积极性高,协调程度好,应用Delphi法对苗医热毒内损咳嗽诊断进行条目优化筛选的结果可取. 展开更多
关键词 DELPHI法 苗医 诊断条目 热毒内损咳嗽
店内损失店外补 科学管理增效益
《江苏商论》 北大核心 1995年第S1期40-40,共1页
我店是国家二级企业。因得处火车站广场之地利,所以经济效益一直很好。但由于徐州车站改建,使我店丧失了优越的外部经营条件。面对困难,我们充分挖掘内部潜力,调整服务功能、服务方式,根据客人消费心理制定营销策略。 一、注意营销开发... 我店是国家二级企业。因得处火车站广场之地利,所以经济效益一直很好。但由于徐州车站改建,使我店丧失了优越的外部经营条件。面对困难,我们充分挖掘内部潜力,调整服务功能、服务方式,根据客人消费心理制定营销策略。 一、注意营销开发,建立专职营销队伍。 1、开展全员促销活动,按人头下达店外销售任务。94年1—10月份。 展开更多
关键词 科学管理 增效益 营销策略 能源管理办法 车站改建 消费心理 国家二级企业 计划管理 服务方式 内损
作者 侯连杰 《审计理论与实践》 1997年第1期38-38,共1页
包干工程岂能“堤内损失堤外补”侯连杰近年来,建设单位采取工程价款一次包死的形式搞工程。表面上看,似乎避免了“钓鱼工程”,但又出现了“堤内损失堤外补”的现象。某工程总建筑面积1,390平方米,以每平方米720元的价格一... 包干工程岂能“堤内损失堤外补”侯连杰近年来,建设单位采取工程价款一次包死的形式搞工程。表面上看,似乎避免了“钓鱼工程”,但又出现了“堤内损失堤外补”的现象。某工程总建筑面积1,390平方米,以每平方米720元的价格一次性包死,共计100万元。当工程决... 展开更多
关键词 施工单位 室外工程 变更洽商 工程价款 水磨石地面 内损 建设单位 工程项目 水泥地面 审计对策
作者 梁克景 《中国临床医生杂志》 1993年第5期48-48,共1页
运用中草药治疗外伤内损,是中医骨伤科的一种重要治疗方法。笔者用中草药煎液熏洗疗法治疗四肢闭合性软组织损伤68例,收到了较好的效果,现介绍如下。处方和用法:红花、秦艽、赤芍、艾叶、桂枝、防风、栀子、桑枝、枳壳、川芎、杜仲、透... 运用中草药治疗外伤内损,是中医骨伤科的一种重要治疗方法。笔者用中草药煎液熏洗疗法治疗四肢闭合性软组织损伤68例,收到了较好的效果,现介绍如下。处方和用法:红花、秦艽、赤芍、艾叶、桂枝、防风、栀子、桑枝、枳壳、川芎、杜仲、透骨草各10克,加水5000毫升,煮沸后再煎30分钟,将煎液倒入盆中,用木棒两根搭于盆口,患处放于木棒之上,于盆口用塑料布包紧,以免热气外溢影响疗效。 展开更多
关键词 熏洗疗法 内损 透骨草 桑枝 积壳 中医骨伤科 伤组织 行气活血 活血止痛 温经止痛
Experimental and numerical analysis on interface damage ofslab track under freeze-thaw cycles
作者 REN Juan-juan DU Wei +2 位作者 YE Wen-long XU Xue-shan DENG Shi-jie 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3782-3806,共25页
The interface of slab track laid in cold regions is prone to debonding under the coupling of freeze-thaw cyclesand temperature loads.Based on the composite specimen tests,the parameters of cohesive zone model were obt... The interface of slab track laid in cold regions is prone to debonding under the coupling of freeze-thaw cyclesand temperature loads.Based on the composite specimen tests,the parameters of cohesive zone model were obtained andused in a simulation model of CRTS III prefabricated slab track to study the interlayer damage.The results show that 1)the digital image correlation(DIC)technique can accurately capture the strain field changes on the interface of compositespecimens under splitting and shear loading;2)when the temperature gradient is−40℃/m−60℃/m,the interfacedamage of the slab track is minimal and presents different patterns of expansion under positive and negative temperaturegradients,each corresponding to damage of the cohesive element dominated by shear stress and normal tensile stress,respectively;3)the reduction of the elastic modulus at the concrete base after freeze-thaw inhibits interface damage andleads to a higher starting temperature gradient load,but cracking can occur on the concrete base after 150 freeze-thaws.For this reason,in the light of damage control of both the interface and concrete base,the elastic modulus of the concretebase is 54%or over that without freeze-thaw cycles. 展开更多
关键词 CRTS III prefabricated slab track freeze-thaw cycle bonding performance cohesive zone model interface damage
传统村落景观脆弱性及其定量评价——以湖南省新田县为例 被引量:71
作者 邹君 刘媛 +1 位作者 谭芳慧 刘沛林 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1292-1300,共9页
以脆弱性理论为基础,提出传统村落景观脆弱性的概念,从"内损性-暴露性"2个维度构建传统村落景观脆弱性定量评价指标体系,通过实地踏勘、文献查阅、问卷调查和访谈等方法获取数据,对湖南省新田县的3个典型传统村落进行定量评价。结果... 以脆弱性理论为基础,提出传统村落景观脆弱性的概念,从"内损性-暴露性"2个维度构建传统村落景观脆弱性定量评价指标体系,通过实地踏勘、文献查阅、问卷调查和访谈等方法获取数据,对湖南省新田县的3个典型传统村落进行定量评价。结果表明:(1)3个案例村落的景观脆弱度均为中等脆弱等级:谭文溪村脆弱性最大,河山岩村次之,黑砠岭村脆弱性最小。(2)从脆弱度得分贡献来看,系统内部结构是影响传统村落脆弱性的主要驱动因素,暴露性是次要因素。内部结构因素中,民俗文化和传统建筑是主因;外部扰动因素中,旅游开发是主因。(3)从各要素的相对脆弱率看,民俗文化、旅游开发和城镇化分列前3位,是当前传统村落脆弱性最明显、脆弱程度最深的影响因素。(4)评价结果与实际情况比较吻合,说明评价指标体系和评价方法具有一定的可信度。 展开更多
关键词 传统村落 脆弱性 内损 暴露性 新田县
基于《金匮要略》“痛证”探讨癌症疼痛的治疗 被引量:1
作者 段雯 彭杨梅 岳仁宋 《江苏中医药》 CAS 2022年第3期9-11,共3页
将《金匮要略》中所载治痛条文按疼痛部位上、中、下三部进行分类,认为"正虚邪滞,癌毒内损"为癌痛的基本病机,以"补虚通滞,攻毒抑癌"为治疗大法。根据不同癌痛部位的发病特点,视其虚实,分别治予:祛实邪调营卫以止头... 将《金匮要略》中所载治痛条文按疼痛部位上、中、下三部进行分类,认为"正虚邪滞,癌毒内损"为癌痛的基本病机,以"补虚通滞,攻毒抑癌"为治疗大法。根据不同癌痛部位的发病特点,视其虚实,分别治予:祛实邪调营卫以止头痛,逐浊通滞解毒以止咽痛,理气豁痰化瘀以止胸痛,温阳运浊缓急以止腹痛,温肾散寒通痹以止腰痛,理气散结活络以止胁痛,并将抑癌解毒之品贯穿始终,最终发挥养正、除积、止痛之效。 展开更多
关键词 《金匮要略》 癌症疼痛 正虚邪滞 癌毒内损 经方
DNA Damage and Repair of Two Ecotypes of Phragmites communis Subjected to Water Stress 被引量:3
作者 王俊刚 张承烈 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第5期490-494,共5页
In order to thoroughly understand the mechanism Of drought resistance in plants at DNA level, the DNA damage of two ecotypes of reeds (Phragmites communis T.) stressed by PEG 6000 was analyzed by means of fluorescence... In order to thoroughly understand the mechanism Of drought resistance in plants at DNA level, the DNA damage of two ecotypes of reeds (Phragmites communis T.) stressed by PEG 6000 was analyzed by means of fluorescence analysis of DNA unwinding (FADU). The results showed that the residual double strand DNA percentages (dsDNA%) in dune reed (DR) were significantly higher than those in swamp reed (SR) treated with either 20% or 30% PEG 6000. This meant that the DNA of DR was less damaged in comparison with SR. Similarly, DR resisted DNA damage more strongly than SR as reactive oxygen species (ROS) increased by adding ROS producers diethyldithio carbamate (DDC), H2O2 and Fe2+ of different concentrations. Meanwhile, treating PEG stressed SR with ROS scavengers such as dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and ascorbic acid (Vc) resulted in the reduction of DNA damage, suggesting that ROS could cause DNA damage. In addition, the DNA repair for water-stressed reeds indicated that DR repaired DNA damage much faster and more completely. This might be the first indication that drought stress led to DNA damage in plants and that drought resistance of plants was closely related to DNA damage and repair. 展开更多
关键词 dune reed swamp reed water stress reactive oxygen species DNA damage of plants in vivo DNA repair
Effect of Platelet Activation and Endothelial Cell Injury on Malignant Cancer 被引量:1
作者 孙达春 张爱华 +2 位作者 李小亮 吴红 何志国 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2003年第4期243-245,254,共4页
Objective: To study the effects of platelet activation and endothelial cell injury on the patients with malignant tumor and their prognoses.Methods: Radioimmunity and ELISA methods were employed to detect the TXB2, GM... Objective: To study the effects of platelet activation and endothelial cell injury on the patients with malignant tumor and their prognoses.Methods: Radioimmunity and ELISA methods were employed to detect the TXB2, GMP-140, vWF, cGMP and FN in 78 cases of malignant tumor and 40 healthy control persons.Results: The levels of TXB2, MP-140 and cGMP were increased in intestinal cancer group, lung cancer group and hepatic cancer group, while FN decreased in intestinal cancer and lung cancer group. cGMP was positively related to TXB2, GMP-140, vWF in malignant tumor group. FN was decreased in the group complicated with infection and the group with metastasis, while the other indexes increased. GMP-140, vWF and cGMP was decreased after operation except for the increasing of FN.Conclusion: Activations of platelet and injury of endothelial cells developed in patients with malignant tumor, and both of them affected the metastasis and prognosis of malignant tumor. Key words platelet activation - epithelium injury - malignant tumor - metastasis This work was supported by grants from Guangdong Medical Science foundation (A2000633). 展开更多
关键词 platelet activation epithelium injury malignant tumor METASTASIS
作者 周储伟 王鑫伟 +1 位作者 杨卫 方岱宁 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2000年第2期119-123,共5页
A cohesive zone model is employed to simulate the fiber/matrix interface damage of composites with ductile matrix. The study is carried out to investigate the dependence of the interface damage and the composite tensi... A cohesive zone model is employed to simulate the fiber/matrix interface damage of composites with ductile matrix. The study is carried out to investigate the dependence of the interface damage and the composite tensile strength on the micro parameters of the composite. These parameters contain fiber packing pattern, fiber volume fraction, and the modulus ratio of the fiber to the matrix. The investigation reveals that though the high fiber vo lume fraction, the high fiber′s modulus and the square fiber packing can supply strong reinforcement to the composite, the interface damage is susceptible in these cases. The tensile strength of the composite is dominated by the interface strength when the interface debonding occurs. 展开更多
关键词 fiber reinforced composite micro mechanics cohesive zone model interface damage tensile strength
作者 李振宇 《净月学刊》 1989年第2期33-33,共1页
关键词 警察形象 犯罪分子 经查 内损 外补 明真
《影像视觉》 2015年第10期64-69,共6页
就让我们来解答困扰你许久的摄影问题吧!总是遇到无法解决的摄影问题?满脑子的疑惑却无人可问?请发邮件到g@dcmagcn.com或关注微信"YXSJZZ",让我们的专家给你最专业的解答。ANDREW JAMES从事摄影写作方面的工作长达25年,同时... 就让我们来解答困扰你许久的摄影问题吧!总是遇到无法解决的摄影问题?满脑子的疑惑却无人可问?请发邮件到g@dcmagcn.com或关注微信"YXSJZZ",让我们的专家给你最专业的解答。ANDREW JAMES从事摄影写作方面的工作长达25年,同时也是一名出色的摄影师。乔枫伟《影像视觉》资深编辑,负责专题、PS大讲堂栏目,对器材很有研究。钟硕嘉《影像视觉》编辑,负责器材装备栏目。熟悉器材和拍摄技巧。CLAIRE《影像视觉》专家团队的成员,是一位非常专业的全能型摄影师。 展开更多
关键词 影像视觉 拍摄技巧 器材装备 全能型 给你 自动对焦 对焦点 模长 内损 进度条
作者 于平 《农机市场》 1994年第6期23-18,共2页
为了适应社会主义市场经济,山东省海阳县农机公司在本县农机销售网点多达四十多家,市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,他们立足拓宽农机市场主渠道,开辟非农机经营支渠道,堤内损失堤外补,主流损失支流补,出现了柳暗花明的喜人景象。 首先,这个... 为了适应社会主义市场经济,山东省海阳县农机公司在本县农机销售网点多达四十多家,市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,他们立足拓宽农机市场主渠道,开辟非农机经营支渠道,堤内损失堤外补,主流损失支流补,出现了柳暗花明的喜人景象。 首先,这个公司紧紧围绕搞好农机供应这个主渠道做文章。千方百计满足农业机械供应。 展开更多
关键词 道经 农业机械 加工机械 农机销售 农机经营 主渠道 农机市场 农民需要 内损 农机公司
作者 方爵如 《中医临床与保健》 1991年第2期27-28,共2页
关键词 带下病 治验 肝郁脾虚 虚实夹杂 内损 湿热流注 带脉 肾虚 命门火衰 炒牛膝
Profile of Absolute Light Utilization Efficiency Within Leaves of Euonymus japonicus 被引量:2
作者 樊大勇 韩涛 +2 位作者 李竟 王强 高荣孚 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第2期169-176,共8页
Absolute light utilization efficiency across leaf section of Euonymus japonicus T. was calculated based on the measurements of photoacoustic technique (PA technique) and microscopic fiber optic probe. This new method ... Absolute light utilization efficiency across leaf section of Euonymus japonicus T. was calculated based on the measurements of photoacoustic technique (PA technique) and microscopic fiber optic probe. This new method was based on the principal of depth analysis by PA technique and the differential analysis of light gradients across leaf section by micro-optical probe technique. The depth analysis was shown by a sample of PA scan light absorption spectra. Results showed that the tissue layers between palisade tissue and spongy tissue used the smallest proportion of incident light energy for photochemical reactions (about 0.026% incident light energy of 660 nm light), while in tissue layer more close to the adaxial surface of leaf or the abaxial surface of leaf, the efficiency of utilization of light energy tended to be improved, e. g. 0.092% for tissue layers close to adaxial surface; 0.036% for tissue layers close to abaxial surface. The results that different leaf tissue layers utilized different proportion of incident light energy for photochemical reaction directly prove the hypothesis put forward by Han and Vogelmann. 展开更多
关键词 depth analysis by PA technique light gradients across leaf section photochemical loss light absorption profile
Measurement of Cavity Loss and Quasi-Fermi-Level Separation for Fabry-Pérot Semiconductor Lasers
作者 韩春林 刘瑞喜 +2 位作者 国伟华 于丽娟 黄永箴 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第8期789-793,共5页
A fitting process is used to measure the cavity loss and the quasi Fermi level separation for Fabry Pérot semiconductor lasers.From the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) spectrum,the gain spectrum and sing... A fitting process is used to measure the cavity loss and the quasi Fermi level separation for Fabry Pérot semiconductor lasers.From the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) spectrum,the gain spectrum and single pass ASE obtained by the Cassidy method are applied in the fitting process.For a 1550nm quantum well InGaAsP ridge waveguide laser,the cavity loss of about ~24cm -1 is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 semiconductor lasers measurement technique cavity loss
作者 黎沾良 杨兴东 +2 位作者 陆连荣 于勇 姚咏明 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2001年第4期209-213,共5页
Objective. To study the characteristics and pathogenesis of gut barrier damage following multiple firearm injuries in a porcine model. Methods. Twenty four small pigs were divided into 4 groups: control group (n=6, gr... Objective. To study the characteristics and pathogenesis of gut barrier damage following multiple firearm injuries in a porcine model. Methods. Twenty four small pigs were divided into 4 groups: control group (n=6, group C), group H (n=6, gunshot induced tangential fracture of parietal bone), group L (n=6, gunshot induced comminuted fracture of bilateral femora) and group M (n=6, combined group H+L). Gastric intramucosal pH (pHi), plasma endotoxin levels in portal vein, and plasma D lactate levels were measured and blood samples were cultured at different intervals after trauma. The animals were sacrificed at 72 h following trauma and intestinal tissues were harvested for pathological examination and diamine oxidase (DAO) activity measurement. Results. In group M at 72 h, pHi was significantly lower than that of group H and L (P< 0.01), and plasma endotoxin level was significantly higher than that of group H (P< 0.01) and group L (P< 0.05). Simultaneously, in groupM, D lactate level was markedly higher than that of group H (P< 0.01), and incidence of positive blood culture was much higher than that of group H and L (P<0.05). Necrosis and exfoliation were revealed at ileum villus top in all traumagroups, especially in group M, in which ileum DAO activity declined most significantly as well. Conclusion. Multiple trauma is prone to cause gastrointestinal ischemia even without hemorrhagic shock. The damage of gut barrier in multiple trauma appears to be more severe than that in one site trauma, thereby promoting gut derived endotoxemia and bacterial translocation and contributing to the development of endogenous infection.SURGICAL TREATMENT OF MALIGNANTESOPHAGEAL TUMORS IN PUMC HOSPITAL Guo Huiqin,Li Zejian ,Zhang Fan1 ,Zhang Zhiyong,Xu Letian ,Li Weidong2,Wang Xiuqin2and Wu Min2Department of Thoracic Surgery, PUMC Hospital, CAMS &PUMC, Beijing 100730Key words malignant esophageal tumors; early diagnosis; FHIT geneTo study how to prolong the postoperative survival time of the patientswith malignant esophageal tumors. The clinical data of 1098 patients with malignant esophageal tumors from 1961 to 1992 were retrospectively analyzed. The deletion of fragile histamine triplet (FHIT) gene (a tumor suppressor gene) in 30 fresh esophageal samples obtained in 1996 was detected with PCR and RT PCR method. The resectability was raised gradually and the operative morbidity and mortality decreased year by year, but there was no significant improvement on the postoperative 5 year survival rate. Delayed diagnosis and irradical resection influenced the long term survival. The deletion of cDNA of FHIT gene was 64.2%in esophageal cancer and 20%in the resected margin of the cancer. We believe that high grade atypical hyperplasia in esophageal epithelium and deletion of FHIT gene in esophageal cancer and its resected margin are pathological and molecular markers for early diagnosis of esophageal cancer respectively, and the latter may be one of the molecular markers for the resection. Early diagnosis and treatment, radical resection, and postoperative nutritional support are very important for the improvement of the postoperative survival time of the patients. 展开更多
关键词 small pig multiple firearm injuries gut barrier function bacterial/ endotoxin translocation
Risk factors for bleeding after endoscopic mucosal resection 被引量:25
作者 Masatsugu Shiba Kazuhide Higuchi +12 位作者 Kaori Kadouchi Ai Montani Kazuki Yamamori Hirotoshi Okazaki Makiko Taguchi Tomoko Wada Atsushi Itani Toshio Watanabe Kazunari Tominaga Yoshihiro Fujiwara Tomoshige Hayashi Kei Tsumura Tetsuo Arakawa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第46期7335-7339,共5页
AIM: To clarify the risk factors for bleeding after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). METHODS: A total of 297 consecutive patients who underwent EMR were enrolled. Some of the patients had multiple lesions. Blee... AIM: To clarify the risk factors for bleeding after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). METHODS: A total of 297 consecutive patients who underwent EMR were enrolled. Some of the patients had multiple lesions. Bleeding requiring endoscopic treatment was defined as bleeding after EMR. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI), calculated by logistic regression with multivariate adjustments for covariates, were the measures of association. RESULTS: Of the 297 patients, 57 (19.2%) patients with bleeding after EMR were confirmed. With multivariate adjustment, the cutting method of EMR, diameter, and endoscopic pattern of the tumor were associated with the risk of bleeding after EMR. The multivariate-adjusted OR for bleeding after EMR using endoscopic aspiration mucosectomy was 3.07 (95%CI, 1.59-5.92) compared with strip biopsy. The multiple-adjusted OR for bleeding after EMR for the highest quartile (16-50 mm) of tumor diameter was 5.63 (95%CI, 1.84-17.23) compared with that for the lowest (4-7 mm). The multiple-adjusted OR for bleeding after EMR for depressed type of tumor was 4.21 (95%CI, 1.75-10.10) compared with elevated type. CONCLUSION: It is important to take tumor charactedstics (tumor size and endoscopic pattern) and cutting method of EMR into consideration in predicting bleeding after EMR. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic mucosal resection BLEEDING Tumor characteristics Cutting method
Treatment of solitary gastric carcinoid tumor by endoscopic polypectomy in a patient with pernicious anemia 被引量:2
作者 Gurhan Kadikoylu Irfan Yavasoglu +2 位作者 Vahit Yukselen Esra Ozkara Zahit Bolaman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第26期4267-4269,共3页
Type I gastric cardnoid tumors result from hypergastrinemia in 1%-7% of patients with pernicious anemia. We diagnosed pernicious anemia in a 48-year-old female patient with complaint of fatigue for three months. She h... Type I gastric cardnoid tumors result from hypergastrinemia in 1%-7% of patients with pernicious anemia. We diagnosed pernicious anemia in a 48-year-old female patient with complaint of fatigue for three months. She had no gastrointestinal symptoms. Endoscopic examination ot the upper gastrointestinal tract revealed atrophic gastritis and a polypoid lesion in the corpus of 3-4 mm in size. Endoscopic polypectomy was performed. Histopathological examination of the specimen revealed positive chromogranin A and synaptophysin stainings compatible with the diagnosis of a carcinoid tumor. Serum gastrin level was increased, urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid was within the normal range. There was no other symptom, sign, or laboratory finding of a carcinoid syndrome in the patient. No metastasis was found with indium-ill octreotide scan, computed tomographies of abdomen and thorax. Type I gastric carcinoid tumors are only rarely solitary and patients with tumors 〈 1 cm in size may benefit from endoscopic polypectomy. 展开更多
关键词 SOLITARY Pernicious anemia Gastric carcinoid tumor Endoscopic polypectomy
Expression and activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase and endothelial nitric oxide synthase correlate with ethanolinduced liver injury 被引量:6
作者 Guang-Jin Yuan Xiao-Rong Zhou Zuo-Jiong Gong Pin Zhang Xiao-Mei Sun Shi-Hua Zheng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第15期2375-2381,共7页
AIM: To study the expression and activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in rats with ethanol-induced liver injury and their relation with liver damage, act... AIM: To study the expression and activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in rats with ethanol-induced liver injury and their relation with liver damage, activation of nuclear factor-KB (NF-κB) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) expression in the liver. METHODS: Female Sprague-Dawley rats were given fish oil (0.5 mL) along with ethanol or isocaloric dextrose daily via gastrogavage for 4 or 6 wk. Liver injury was assessed using serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity and pathological analysis. Liver malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide contents, iNOS and eNOS activity were determined. NF-κB p65, iNOS, eNOS and TNF-α protein or mRNA expression in the liver were detected by immunohistochemistry or reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). RESULTS: Chronic ethanol gavage for 4 wk caused steatosis, inflammation and necrosis in the liver, and elevated serum ALT activity. Prolonged ethanol administration (6 wk) enhanced the liver damage. These responses were accompanied with increased lipid peroxidation, NO contents, iNOS activity and reduced eNOS activity. NF-κB p65, iNOS and TNF-α protein or mRNA expression were markedly induced after chronic ethanol gavage, whereas eNOS mRNA expression remained unchanged. The enhanced iNOS activity and expression were positively correlated with the liver damage, especially the necro-inflammation, activation of NF-KB, and TNF-α mRNA expression. CONCLUSION: iNOS expression and activity are induced in the liver after chronic ethanol exposure in rats, which are correlated with the liver damage, especially the necro-inflammation, activation of NF-KB and TNF-α expression, eNOS activity is reduced, but its mRNA expression is not affected. 展开更多
关键词 Alcoholic liver disease Inducible nitric oxide synthase Endothelial nitric oxide synthase Nuclear factor-κB
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