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论日本金融不稳定的内生变化 被引量:1
作者 张艾莲 刘柏 《日本学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期84-99,共16页
20世纪90年代日本经济的不景气与金融不稳定导致的泡沫破裂同期进行。日本在80年代形成了资产价格膨胀,90年代初对经济扩张起关键作用的利率开始上升,导致信用规模受到掣肘,贷款水平下降,引致股票和房地产投资下滑,股票和房地产的购买... 20世纪90年代日本经济的不景气与金融不稳定导致的泡沫破裂同期进行。日本在80年代形成了资产价格膨胀,90年代初对经济扩张起关键作用的利率开始上升,导致信用规模受到掣肘,贷款水平下降,引致股票和房地产投资下滑,股票和房地产的购买力降低,价格急剧下跌,从资产膨胀阶段转变为资产紧缩阶段。日本金融不稳定的根源,在于利润驱动的信用创造。中国在市场经济的发展过程中需要金融的支撑和资源配置功能,因此要正确对待金融不稳定问题,完善各项制度规范、培育理性的投资者并构建合理的金融机构经营模式。 展开更多
关键词 金融不稳定 股票价格 房地产价格 市场波动 内生变化
中国要素增强型的内生技术变化:1985~2012 被引量:2
作者 袁鹏 叶鑫 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期67-73,共7页
通过对要素效率的内生化设定,并建立要素增强型的内生技术变化模型,对1985~2012年期间中国资本、劳动和能源对技术变化的作用进行了实证分析,并考察了技术变化的演进趋势和来源,分析结果表明:研发、进出口、FDI、人力资本和基础设施等... 通过对要素效率的内生化设定,并建立要素增强型的内生技术变化模型,对1985~2012年期间中国资本、劳动和能源对技术变化的作用进行了实证分析,并考察了技术变化的演进趋势和来源,分析结果表明:研发、进出口、FDI、人力资本和基础设施等因素对三种要素的效率演进具有不同影响;技术进步是推动中国经济增长的重要力量,而其主要来源为劳动效率和能源效率的提升所导致的增强型技术变化;资本效率下降所致的负向技术变化对技术进步起到了抑制作用;劳动增强型技术变化和资本负向技术变化主要来自于技术效应,能源增强型技术变化主要来自于价格效应;规模效应对所有要素的技术变化影响均较小。 展开更多
关键词 内生技术变化 要素增强型 要素效率
亚洲经济体经济收敛特征研究——异质性内生结构变化和关联性经济周期下的检验 被引量:2
作者 杨帆 滕建州 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期54-59,共6页
在同时允许异质性内生结构变化和关联性经济周期的情况下,笔者对1978年~2011年亚洲地区及其各子区域内的经济收敛进行研究.结果显示,尽管整个亚洲地区不存在广泛的经济收敛,但特定形式的经济收敛在某些亚洲子区域内部确实发生着,其中,... 在同时允许异质性内生结构变化和关联性经济周期的情况下,笔者对1978年~2011年亚洲地区及其各子区域内的经济收敛进行研究.结果显示,尽管整个亚洲地区不存在广泛的经济收敛,但特定形式的经济收敛在某些亚洲子区域内部确实发生着,其中,西亚地区和南亚地区存在确定性收敛,东北亚地区存在随机收敛.此外,越富裕地区的经济收敛越为缓慢,而越贫穷地区的经济收敛则越为迅速,且除东北亚地区外,西亚和南亚区域内各国的富裕程度与经济收敛速度同样存在负相关关系. 展开更多
关键词 亚洲经济体 经济收敛 内生结构变化 关联性经济周期
作者 傅强 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第2期105-108,共4页
研究了技术许可方决策行为对替代投入品R&D的影响 。
关键词 技术许可 伴随投入品 内生技术变化 研究 开发
作者 傅强 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第1期93-97,共5页
建立了技术许可过程中伴随投入品替代的研究与发展(R&D) 模型,讨论了替代过程及其简单均衡,研究了最优R&D速度的变化及其影响。
关键词 技术许可 技术引进 伴随投入品 内生技术变化
技术变化模拟及其在气候政策模型中的应用 被引量:4
作者 王克 王灿 陈吉宁 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 2008年第3期31-37,共7页
技术变化是应对气候变化问题的关键。对技术变化的模拟和分析能够识别技术变化的作用,在评估减排成本以及确定减排目标时起到重要作用。但是早期的气候政策模型通常将技术变化视为非经济的外生变量,因而无法对技术变化的起因和效果做深... 技术变化是应对气候变化问题的关键。对技术变化的模拟和分析能够识别技术变化的作用,在评估减排成本以及确定减排目标时起到重要作用。但是早期的气候政策模型通常将技术变化视为非经济的外生变量,因而无法对技术变化的起因和效果做深入分析。近年来的气候政策模型则开始逐渐利用内生方法模拟技术变化。在介绍内生技术变化的概念及与传统的外生技术变化的区别的基础上,重点介绍和评述研发投入和技术学习这两种主要的内生技术变化模拟方法的原理、特点以及如何在不同的气候政策模型中得到应用。但是现有建模方法无法表征技术变化过程中的动态性、不确定性等特征,因而传统的建模方法需要扩展到一个更为综合的框架并需要更坚实的实证研究基础上。基于该框架介绍内生技术变化模拟方法的未来可能拓展。 展开更多
关键词 气候政策模型 技术变化 内生技术变化 减排成本
消费的过度敏感性假说及其在中国的应用 被引量:4
作者 彭文平 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第5期15-18,共4页
消费变动与收入变动之间存在显著的相关性 ,这称之为消费对收入的“过度敏感性” ,消费的过度敏感性的存在使LC PIH随机游走假说不成立 ,可以用收支的不确定、流动性约束、利率的内生变化和非生命周期行为来解释这一现象 ,这些因素也可... 消费变动与收入变动之间存在显著的相关性 ,这称之为消费对收入的“过度敏感性” ,消费的过度敏感性的存在使LC PIH随机游走假说不成立 ,可以用收支的不确定、流动性约束、利率的内生变化和非生命周期行为来解释这一现象 ,这些因素也可解释我国近年来的消费过度敏感性问题。 展开更多
关键词 消费 过度敏感性 预防性储蓄 流动性约束 利率 内生变化 非生命周期 行为
能源经济环境模型研究现状与趋势评述 被引量:20
作者 张树伟 《能源技术经济》 2010年第2期43-49,共7页
能源经济环境模型是研究宏观政策影响、能源经济环境综合评价等的重要分析工具。介绍了能源经济环境模型中应用最为广泛的一般均衡(CGE)模型、技术模型及混合模型。结合文献着重分析了模型的发展趋势,包括开发综合评价模型、处理不确定... 能源经济环境模型是研究宏观政策影响、能源经济环境综合评价等的重要分析工具。介绍了能源经济环境模型中应用最为广泛的一般均衡(CGE)模型、技术模型及混合模型。结合文献着重分析了模型的发展趋势,包括开发综合评价模型、处理不确定性问题及技术变化内生模拟、细化重要部门等方面。最后指出应重视基本模型的能力建设,积极参与国际合作。 展开更多
关键词 CGE模型 技术模型 不确定性 内生技术变化
新经济增长理论述评及其政策取向 被引量:1
作者 宋海荣 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第09S期113-115,共3页
关键词 新经济增长理论 理论述评 内生技术变化 取向 政策 人力资本积累 经济增长动力 外部力量 新增长理论
作者 张学功 邓文懿 《金融评论》 2011年第5期68-76,125,共9页
本文首先使用带虚拟变量的GARCH(1,1)模型考察了期指交易对标的指数条件波动的影响,然后利用极值理论(EVT)建立了描述标的指数收益序列极端风险的厚尾指数,最后使用内生结构变化模型确定了期指交易冲击下厚尾指数结构变化点的数目及机制... 本文首先使用带虚拟变量的GARCH(1,1)模型考察了期指交易对标的指数条件波动的影响,然后利用极值理论(EVT)建立了描述标的指数收益序列极端风险的厚尾指数,最后使用内生结构变化模型确定了期指交易冲击下厚尾指数结构变化点的数目及机制,并估计了各机制厚尾指数的均值水平。结果表明:内生结构变化对应于股指期货交易推出的时间,期指交易降低了现货市场的条件波动,增加了现货市场总体极端波动和左侧极端波动,而对右侧极端波动无影响。 展开更多
关键词 股指期货 标的指数 波动 内生结构变化
新增长理论的思想与启示 被引量:1
作者 许先进 陈苏白 刘永跃 《华东经济管理》 2001年第5期40-41,共2页
本文介绍了新增长理论这一目前经济学发展的最新领域 ,包括新增长理论的兴起的背景 ,以及新增长理论的五大研究思路。文章结合新增长理论的要点重点分析了新增长理论对我国经济发展与赶超的理论指导与启发。最后文章对新增长理论进行了... 本文介绍了新增长理论这一目前经济学发展的最新领域 ,包括新增长理论的兴起的背景 ,以及新增长理论的五大研究思路。文章结合新增长理论的要点重点分析了新增长理论对我国经济发展与赶超的理论指导与启发。最后文章对新增长理论进行了评述与展望。 展开更多
关键词 知识外溢 内生增长 增长经济学 内生技术变化 中国经济
Obsevation for Epidermal Ultrastructure of Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing under Scanning Electron Microscope 被引量:1
作者 李莉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期1-3,共3页
[Objective]The experiment aimed to explore a new way for observing surface structure of Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing. [Method] The scanning electron microscope was used to observe the epidermal ultrastructure of wild an... [Objective]The experiment aimed to explore a new way for observing surface structure of Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing. [Method] The scanning electron microscope was used to observe the epidermal ultrastructure of wild and cultured Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing. [ Result] The epidermis of wild and cultured Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing showed mixture structure of fibril colloid which was reticular arranged. The difference between wild and cultured Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing was that the outer epidermis of cultured Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing had trichome distribution but the wild Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing did not has such distribution. The obsevation results of under smaller than 10 μm by scanning electron microscope was touched thick and showed many folds and distortions. [ Conclusion] The scanning electron microscope was an effective way to study development of Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing colony and it was worth popularizing. 展开更多
关键词 Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing Epidermal ultrastructure Scanning electron microscope
Biomechanical change of lumbar unilateral graded facetectomy and strategies of its microsurgical reconstruction:report of 23 cases 被引量:2
作者 Zhou Yue Luo Gang Chu Tongwei Wang Jian Li Changqing Zheng Wenjie Zhang Zhengfeng Hao Yong Zhang Chao 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2008年第2期98-105,共8页
Objective: To evaluate the lumbar stability and the primary clinical results of unilateral facetectomy, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and unilateral pedicle screw fixation by X-Tube system. Methods... Objective: To evaluate the lumbar stability and the primary clinical results of unilateral facetectomy, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and unilateral pedicle screw fixation by X-Tube system. Methods: Five human lumbar cadaveric functional spine units(FSU) were obtained and graded facetectomy by 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 4/4 were performed respectively on the left articular process of them. The stability of these 5 models was evaluated at flexion, extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. After a serial of biomechanical researches, 23 patients from June 2004 to March 2006 in our department underwent unilateral facetectomy, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (posterior lumbar interbody fusion) and unilateral pedicle screw instrumentation by X-Tube system. After general anaesthesia, with the guide of fluoroscopy and using X-Tube system, procedures of unilateral endoscopic facetectomy, spinal nerve root decompression, autologus spongy bone transplantation, one cage oblique insertion and unilateral pedicle screw instrumentation were performed. Results: There was no significant difference in flexion, extension, lateral bending and axial rotation of lumbar motion range after unilateral graded facetectomy. The stability of left/right axial direction was greatly affected when the range of graded facetectomy exceed 1/2. According to the Nakai criteria, for the 23 patients, the clinical result was excellent in 15 (65.2%), good in 6 (26.1%) and fair in 2 (8.7%). The fusion rate was 95.6% in excellent and good cases. Although partial absorption of bone grafts was observed in 1 case which might indicate a unsuccessful fusion, there was no loosing and replacement of instrument and no clinical symptoms occurred. Conclusion: The lumbar stability will be affected significantly when the range of graded facetectomy exceeds 1/2. Procedures of unilateral facetectomy, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and unilateral pedicle screw fixation is an optional strategy for microsurgical reconstruction, though the indications of the procedure should be carefully restricted. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOSCOPE Lumbar disc herniation Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
An analysis of China's CO_2 emission peaking target and pathways 被引量:15
作者 HE Jian-Kun 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期155-161,共7页
China has set the goal for its CO2 emissions to peak around 2030, which is not only a strategic decision coordinating domestic sustainable development and global climate change mitigation but also an overarching targe... China has set the goal for its CO2 emissions to peak around 2030, which is not only a strategic decision coordinating domestic sustainable development and global climate change mitigation but also an overarching target and a key point of action for China's resource conservation, environmental protection, shift in economic development patterns, and CO2 emission reduction to avoid climate change. The development stage where China maps out the CO2 emission peak target is earlier than that of the developed countries. It is a necessity that the non-fossil energy supplies be able to meet all the increased energy demand for achieving CO2 emission peaking. Given that China's potential GDP annual increasing rate will be more than 4%, and China's total energy demand will continue to increase by approximately 1.0%--1.5% annually around 2030, new and renewable energies will need to increase by 6%-8% annually to meet the desired CO2 emission peak. The share of new and renewable energies in China's total primary energy supply will be approximately 20% by 2030. At that time, the energy consumption elasticity will decrease to around 0.3, and the annual decrease in the rate of CO2 intensity will also be higher than 4% to ensure the sustained growth of GDE To achieve the CO2 emission peaking target and substantially promote the low-carbon deve!opment transformation, China needs to actively promote an energy production and consumption revolution, the innovation of advanced energy technologies, the reform of the energy regulatory system and pricing mechanism, and especially the construction of a national carbon emission cap and trade system. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 emission peak Energy revolution Climate change China's carbon emission mitigation target
Economic Implications of Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change: An Analysis Using the AIM/CGE [Global] Model 被引量:1
作者 K. Matsumoto T. Masui 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第7期76-83,共8页
The purpose of this study is to analyze economic impacts of reducing greenhouse gases emissions significantly. A large amount of emissions reductions are required throughout this century to avoid dangerous climate cha... The purpose of this study is to analyze economic impacts of reducing greenhouse gases emissions significantly. A large amount of emissions reductions are required throughout this century to avoid dangerous climate change, and understanding the economic consequences under such situations is important and meaningful. The AIM/CGE [Global] model, a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model on a global scale, is applied to analyze carbon prices and changes in GDP when implementing five policy scenarios represented by emissions pathways, respectively. As a result of the analysis, higher carbon prices and larger decreases in GDP compared to the baseline emissions scenario are observed when emissions are reduced more deeply. However, such GDP losses are rather small and insignificant compared to the GDP growth observed throughout the century. These results suggest that although it is challenging to reduce emissions until the level to avoid dangerous climate change, there is a sufficient possibility to achieve it from economic perspectives. 展开更多
关键词 Economic impact carbon price GDP dangerous climate change emissions reduction global CGE model
Classification of Country Patterns in the World Based on Their Levels of Economy and Emission Process of Greenhouse Gases 被引量:1
作者 Dai Junhu Ge Quansheng Xiao Shufang Wang Mengmai 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第4期24-33,共10页
According to the authoritative data involving social economic indicators and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from the international universal database, the levels and processes of economic development and GHG emission... According to the authoritative data involving social economic indicators and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from the international universal database, the levels and processes of economic development and GHG emission in major economic groups, nations and regions of the world are simultaneously analyzed. Obtaining Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and emission per capita from various countries and regions in the past 40 years as the standard, countries and regions in the world are divided into six groups: countries with low emission per capita and low economic level (IA), countries with low emission per capita and medium economic level (IIA), countries with low emission per capita and high economic level (IIIA), countries with high emission per capita and medium economic level (liB), countries with high emission per capita and high economic level (IIIB), countries with high emission per capita and low economic level (IB). Countries belong to IB are quite rare in the study period, while the first five groups correspond to the poor regions, main developing countries, economically transitional countries with rapid economic development, rich islands and developed North America and Europe respectively. Data analysis shows that there is a close relationship between emission and economic development of different countries and regions. The composition relationship between economic development of different countries and regions is relatively stable over a long period of time. From 1970 to 2005, rising trends existed in the economic development of most countries and regions. However, the emission had a significant increase in a small part of countries and regions. In other words, for those with high emission, the emission level is always high. But for those with low GHG emission, the emission does not increase too much. The main processes of the change of countries pattern from IA to IIA and from II B to IIIB, occurring in the 1970s and from the late 1970s to the 1980s respectively. That result has .a significant enlightening effect in understanding the relationship between emission and eco- nomic development and its historical process of various countries and in choosing the position of our country in the future climate diplomatic negotiations. 展开更多
关键词 GHG COz emission per capita GDP per capita
Investment Requirements in Extension to Achieve Zero Hunger and Adapt to Climate Change
作者 Magdalena L.Blum Judit Szonyi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第7期552-562,共11页
The study reflects on previous World Bank and FAO reports that made the general recommendation to set both research and extension investment targets in developing countries at 1% of agricultural gross domestic product... The study reflects on previous World Bank and FAO reports that made the general recommendation to set both research and extension investment targets in developing countries at 1% of agricultural gross domestic product (AgGDP). In order to define proxies for country-specific extension investment targets, authors developed an extension investment model (EIM) based on socio-economic macro-indicators (poverty, undernourishment, access to information and population density) and a method to define estimates for cost increases related to climate change. These parameters helped estimating the demand for agricultural extension and investments required for it. Results showed that about half of the 94 developing and emerging countries should spend more than 1% of their respective share of GDP derived from agriculture and about a quarter of the countries, mostly in Africa and South East Asia, need to spend more than 2% of their AgGDP. The paper reveals significant differences in average investment requirements in different regions and shows the additional extension costs related to climate change and other areas that currently lack investment. 展开更多
关键词 EXTENSION 1% AgGDP country-specific investment target socio-economic macro-indicators.
The Research of the Influential Factors of Wearing Comfort of Functional Underwear
作者 LIU Weimin XIE Hong 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期24-27,共4页
Along with the rich material life, the change of the diet structure, people's shape also began to change.With performance m females is the body fat's increasing, the shape is not beautiful, therefore, body sculpting... Along with the rich material life, the change of the diet structure, people's shape also began to change.With performance m females is the body fat's increasing, the shape is not beautiful, therefore, body sculpting underwear has become the first choice for women to pursue beauty.To the requirement of sculpting body underwear is also becoming higher and higher for women.Comfortable and fashion is the sign of measuring a sculpting body underwear quality. This paper introduces the development history of sculpting body underwear, sculpting body underwear comfort evaluation index.And from the three aspects of the human body, clothing, environment do research to sculpting body underwear about the influence factors of wearing comfort.lt provides the certain reference value for consumers to purchase the sculpting body underwear and for enterprise to product sculpting body underwear. 展开更多
关键词 sculpting body underwear influencing factors pressure comfort
入园区 进企业 促发展
作者 王兆清 《时代主人》 2024年第6期21-23,共3页
县域稳则全省稳,县域兴则全省兴,县城强则全省强。为进一步发挥人大代表主体作用,激发全省开发区发展的动力与活力,根据省人大常委会《关于开展2024年度“三级人大代表调研视察县域经济发展”主题活动的实施方案》的要求,今年6月,受省... 县域稳则全省稳,县域兴则全省兴,县城强则全省强。为进一步发挥人大代表主体作用,激发全省开发区发展的动力与活力,根据省人大常委会《关于开展2024年度“三级人大代表调研视察县域经济发展”主题活动的实施方案》的要求,今年6月,受省人大常委会副主任朱斌委托,省人大常委会委员、省人大财经委主任委员张和平率抚州市的省、市、县三级人大代表,赴上饶市调研开发区改革创新发展工作,实地感受开发区经济发展的内生变化。 展开更多
关键词 县域经济发展 实施方案 省人大财经委 主体作用 上饶市 开发区经济发展 抚州市 内生变化
消费端能源效率、反弹效应及其一般均衡分析 被引量:1
作者 黄纯灿 胡日东 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期62-70,共9页
文章从局部均衡模型出发,通过增加价格、收入等变量的内生程度,在一般均衡模型的框架下模拟研究了消费端能源使用效率调高5%所引起的能源反弹效应。研究表明,由消费端能源效率提高引起的总反弹效应约为60-70%,能源反弹效应的大小不仅取... 文章从局部均衡模型出发,通过增加价格、收入等变量的内生程度,在一般均衡模型的框架下模拟研究了消费端能源使用效率调高5%所引起的能源反弹效应。研究表明,由消费端能源效率提高引起的总反弹效应约为60-70%,能源反弹效应的大小不仅取决于能源和非能源商品之间的替代弹性、商品生产的能源强度,也受到消费者收入变化、消费品相对价格变化以及经济活力的影响,而后面三种因素只有用一般均衡模型才能反映出来。 展开更多
关键词 消费端能源效率 消费端反弹效应 总反弹效应 内生变化
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