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作者 李佳豪 《价值工程》 2019年第31期280-284,共5页
内生消费的增长趋势和规模是经济内生力量的重要体现。本文建立长面板模型,通过控制时间效应估算出直辖市和自治区城乡居民内生消费规模,并通过建立混合时间序列模型对其进行预测,结果发现:直辖市和自治区城乡居民内生消费规模整体呈现... 内生消费的增长趋势和规模是经济内生力量的重要体现。本文建立长面板模型,通过控制时间效应估算出直辖市和自治区城乡居民内生消费规模,并通过建立混合时间序列模型对其进行预测,结果发现:直辖市和自治区城乡居民内生消费规模整体呈现上涨趋势,但近几年有所下降;直辖市和自治区农村居民内生消费规模上涨速度比城镇居民上涨速度快,但稳定性相对较差。因此,为进一步扩大居民内生消费规模,城镇居民需要缩小收入差距和加强消费行为的引导,农村居民则需要加强消费市场的挖掘。 展开更多
关键词 内生消费 消费函数 长面板 混合时间序列模型
哈尔滨文旅现象启示:文化资源活化与内生消费驱动研究 被引量:3
作者 方龄萱 丁雪怡 魏翔 《价格理论与实践》 北大核心 2024年第1期108-112,214,共6页
加强文化资源积累、开发与利用,有利于塑造城市旅游品牌形象,培育文化旅游消费新模式、新热点,从而促进内生消费和经济增长。本文将深入探讨哈尔滨如何通过其独特的冰雪文化和历史遗产等文化资源来撬动内生消费,从而促进经济增长。通过... 加强文化资源积累、开发与利用,有利于塑造城市旅游品牌形象,培育文化旅游消费新模式、新热点,从而促进内生消费和经济增长。本文将深入探讨哈尔滨如何通过其独特的冰雪文化和历史遗产等文化资源来撬动内生消费,从而促进经济增长。通过分析文化资源激发内生消费的作用机制,并以哈尔滨为案例进行研究发现:文化资源活化作为经济增长的新动能,对城市文旅高质量发展具有重要的方向性启示。因此,应重视文化资源的积累和开发利用;积极发展文化产业,创造更多的内生消费需求;凝塑城市文化标识,打造具有文化辨识度的城市;情感治理与城市文化融合,提升城市温度;利用数字技术赋能城市文化与经济生态。 展开更多
关键词 冰雪旅游 文化资源 内生消费
作者 郑必清 《广东商学院学报》 2006年第5期4-8,共5页
同任何事物的成长一样,消费增长有它的内生性和外生性。有支付能力的消费欲望逐步提高最低工资标准,建立健全正常的工资增长机制,使居民收入增长和GDP增长保持一个合适的比例,使二者的增长基本同步。提高工资份额可能会给企业增加一些压... 同任何事物的成长一样,消费增长有它的内生性和外生性。有支付能力的消费欲望逐步提高最低工资标准,建立健全正常的工资增长机制,使居民收入增长和GDP增长保持一个合适的比例,使二者的增长基本同步。提高工资份额可能会给企业增加一些压力,但这是良性压力,企业应很好地加以运用,以增强企业的竞争力和国家的发展潜力。是消费增长的内生力。要遏制当前消费率继续下滑的趋势,提高居民消费率和社会最终消费率,从内生性角度而言,就是要着力提高居民的支付能力。为此,应改革收入分配制度, 展开更多
关键词 消费内生性增长 居民收入 工资增长机制 良性压力
宏观经济发展视域下我国消费市场培育发展探析 被引量:4
作者 田广 刘虹飞 李洋阔 《商业经济研究》 北大核心 2021年第10期50-52,共3页
因受新冠肺炎疫情和国际局势变化的影响,我国宏观经济发展在短期内面临较大下行压力。如何有效弱化疫情和变化的国际局势对宏观经济的负面影响效应,加速经济内部大循环,成为在当前我国宏观经济发展与管理研究中必须认真对待的一个重大... 因受新冠肺炎疫情和国际局势变化的影响,我国宏观经济发展在短期内面临较大下行压力。如何有效弱化疫情和变化的国际局势对宏观经济的负面影响效应,加速经济内部大循环,成为在当前我国宏观经济发展与管理研究中必须认真对待的一个重大课题。随着我国经济内循环战略的不断深入实施,内生消费必将成为拉动经济增长的主要驱动力。因此,从内生消费驱动和加速经济内循环发展的角度出发,对我国宏观经济在新形势下发展的战略问题进行探讨,具有重要的理论和现实意义。不断提高城乡居民的收入水平和消费能力,培育新的消费市场,加速重点新型消费领域的建设和发展,必将成为我国经济社会全面发展的新模式。 展开更多
关键词 消费市场 消费能力 宏观经济 增长模式 内生消费
作者 张五六 《数理统计与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期233-242,共10页
近些年来时变参数消费敏感度模型得到广泛应用,但其时变参数形式设置过于随意,内生性结构也没有得到足够的关注。本文建立了一个具有一般性的内生性时变参数消费敏感度模型,并构建了一个对两步卡尔曼滤波过程都适用的滤波理论方法,以处... 近些年来时变参数消费敏感度模型得到广泛应用,但其时变参数形式设置过于随意,内生性结构也没有得到足够的关注。本文建立了一个具有一般性的内生性时变参数消费敏感度模型,并构建了一个对两步卡尔曼滤波过程都适用的滤波理论方法,以处理模型的内生性结构。实证分析了天津市城镇居民的长期消费,该模型有效的处理了其内生性问题,且拟合效果很好,发现其消费敏感度是时变的,且经历了三个不同形成机理的规律性阶段.现阶段只有提高天津市城镇居民可支配收入,才能突破流动性约束的瓶颈,提高其消费需求。 展开更多
关键词 内生性时变参数消费敏感度模型 两步卡尔曼滤波估计 天津市城镇居民消费
The economic impact of emission peaking control policies and China's sustainable development 被引量:7
作者 WANG Yi ZOU Le-Le 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期162-168,共7页
To achieve the goals of national sustainable development, the peaking control of CO2 emissions is pivotal, as well as other pollutants. In this paper, we build a Chinese inter-regional CGE model and simulate 13 polici... To achieve the goals of national sustainable development, the peaking control of CO2 emissions is pivotal, as well as other pollutants. In this paper, we build a Chinese inter-regional CGE model and simulate 13 policies and their combinations. By analyzing the energy consumptions, coal consumptions, relating emissions and their impacts on GDP, we found that with the structure adjustment policy, the proportion of coal in primary fossil fuels in 2030 will decrease from 53% to 48% and CO2 emissions will decrease by 11.3%-22.8% compared to the baseline scenario. With the energy intensity reduction policy, CO2 emissions will decrease by 33.3% in 2030 and 47.8% in 2050 than baseline scenario. Other pollutants will also be controlled as synergetic effects. In this study we also find that although the earlier the peaking time the better for emission amounts control, the economic costs can not be ignored. The GDP will decrease by 2.96%-8.23% under different scenarios. Therefore, integrated policy solutions are needed for realizing the peaks package and more targeted measures are required to achieve the peaks of other pollutants earlier. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 emission peak PM2.5 Policy scenario Economic impacts Synergetic effects
频谱管理的经济调控 被引量:1
作者 张耀旭 肖征荣 《现代电信科技》 2012年第1期15-18,共4页
随着移动通信技术的飞速发展,数据业务不断增长,通信产业对无线电频谱资源的需求逐年增加,相应的频谱管理方法也日益复杂。作为一种特殊商品,频谱资源的管理也服从市场经济的一般规律,通过对频谱管理的经济层面进行分析,结合现有的法律... 随着移动通信技术的飞速发展,数据业务不断增长,通信产业对无线电频谱资源的需求逐年增加,相应的频谱管理方法也日益复杂。作为一种特殊商品,频谱资源的管理也服从市场经济的一般规律,通过对频谱管理的经济层面进行分析,结合现有的法律法规政策,采用合理的经济调控手段,实现对频谱资源的优化配置,对频谱管理工作有着重大意义。 展开更多
关键词 频谱管理 经济调控 内生产总值 消费者与生产者剩余
Estonian Taxation System and Innovation
作者 Olev Raju 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第1期99-112,共14页
The economic crisis of the last three years, which has hit the world, especially the Baltic States together with their ultraliberal way of economy, has forced to look for solutions to overcome the depression. A low le... The economic crisis of the last three years, which has hit the world, especially the Baltic States together with their ultraliberal way of economy, has forced to look for solutions to overcome the depression. A low level of taxation, the policy of"thin state policy" and a small share of public sector have influenced the macroeconomics of Estonia since its re-independence. The indirect taxes, especially the consumption taxes, are dominating in Estonian taxation system. The increase of tax burden a little more than 2% in 2009 through the increase of value added tax (VAT) and excises, and the pruning of income taxation benefits did not enlarge state budget in the same amount. The pruning of budget did not just decrease the internal market of the state very rapidly, but also decrease the incomes of the future periods, due to a big dominant of consumption taxes. The economic depression, which began in 2008, has demonstrated a week orientation of Estonian economy, threaten its taxation system on innovation. The amount of investments has essentially decreased than the decrease of GDP and state budget. 展开更多
关键词 TAXATION tax burden economic crisis INNOVATION
Determinants of Private Sector Indebtedness in Greece: The Role of Deregulation
作者 Demosthenes Georgopoulos Theodore Papadogonas George Sfakianakis 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第1期76-85,共10页
In this paper we examine private debt developments in Greece from 1970 onwards. We find private debt nearly stationary for about 20 years (starting from extremely low values) and expanding thereafter in nearly explo... In this paper we examine private debt developments in Greece from 1970 onwards. We find private debt nearly stationary for about 20 years (starting from extremely low values) and expanding thereafter in nearly explosive terms. By disaggregating the time series of private debt, we pinpoint household debt (consumer, credit cards and mortgages) as the reason for this exponential increase. When considering demand and supply curves for household debt, shifts of the curves are to be interpreted: explanations from the demand side include, among others, expectations of future incomes. Regarding the supply side, the availability of loans (partly attributable to increased bank competition) and overall bank deregulation are proposed. Financial deregulation permitted banks to move promptly and offer to ambitious (but not necessarily solvent) customers a wide spectrum of choices: mortgages, credit cards, consumer loans and so on. Every single step in the process of financial deregulation was accompanied by a higher level of household indebtedness. Moving up from the household level to the macroeconomic level, increased debt had been also a solution to stalling effective demand, possibly due to the redistribution of income. Empirical analysis and causality tests are conducted along these lines and we find a two way causal relationship between GDP growth and private debt. 展开更多
关键词 private debt household debt. deregulation structural break
Unit GDP Energy Consumption in 2006:Moving from Increase to Decline
《China's Foreign Trade》 2007年第14期34-35,共2页
On July 12, Xie Fuzhan, Commissioner of National Bureau of Statistics of China attended the press conference held by State Council Information Office, and delivered the report on China's national unit GDP energy con... On July 12, Xie Fuzhan, Commissioner of National Bureau of Statistics of China attended the press conference held by State Council Information Office, and delivered the report on China's national unit GDP energy consumption in 2006, presenting with major indicators of unit GDP energy consumption both at national and regional levels in the year 2006. 展开更多
关键词 Unit GDP Energy Consumption electricity comsumption economic growth
大众崛起,开启轻奢时代 被引量:2
作者 田友龙 《企业观察家》 2019年第4期106-107,共2页
消费升级,轻奢极简会成为下一轮市场启动的风口吗?能否成为一个新的消费风向标?它是否有充分的生命力唤醒消费力的重新喷发?该如何看待这个苗头?是不是中长期市场走向的种子选手?就此问题,企业界和行业观察者各抒己见,目前就具体运用上... 消费升级,轻奢极简会成为下一轮市场启动的风口吗?能否成为一个新的消费风向标?它是否有充分的生命力唤醒消费力的重新喷发?该如何看待这个苗头?是不是中长期市场走向的种子选手?就此问题,企业界和行业观察者各抒己见,目前就具体运用上,虽没有达成统一认识,但是,对于它作为中长期风向标的旗帜地位,一致认同。一起来看看! 展开更多
关键词 消费升级 内生消费 优衣库
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