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基于全国名老中医徐福松教授“内肾外肾”理论浅析男性生殖 被引量:1
作者 陈赟 韩紫阳 +1 位作者 孙志兴 黄馥华 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期163-166,共4页
全国名老中医徐福松教授立足中医传统学说,结合现代医学理论,创立“内肾外肾”理论,强调内肾、外肾同治,对认识男性不育症的发病机制及临床诊治等方面具有重要的指导作用。本文对徐福松教授相关学术思想和经验进行整理归纳,浅析其在男... 全国名老中医徐福松教授立足中医传统学说,结合现代医学理论,创立“内肾外肾”理论,强调内肾、外肾同治,对认识男性不育症的发病机制及临床诊治等方面具有重要的指导作用。本文对徐福松教授相关学术思想和经验进行整理归纳,浅析其在男性生殖领域的理念,以飨同道。 展开更多
关键词 徐福松 内肾 男性生殖
内肾外肾论 被引量:15
作者 徐福松 《南京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第6期341-345,共5页
提出内肾外肾学说。内肾主水,相当于西医解剖学中的泌尿系统;外肾主精,相当于西医解剖学中下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴系统和解剖学的外生殖器官;内肾、外肾合而为中医肾,相当于泌尿系统、生殖系统、下丘脑-垂体-腺轴(甲状腺、胸腺、肾上腺、性... 提出内肾外肾学说。内肾主水,相当于西医解剖学中的泌尿系统;外肾主精,相当于西医解剖学中下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴系统和解剖学的外生殖器官;内肾、外肾合而为中医肾,相当于泌尿系统、生殖系统、下丘脑-垂体-腺轴(甲状腺、胸腺、肾上腺、性腺)系统及神经内分泌免疫网络系统。内、外肾在解剖上相互联系,生理上密切相关,病理上相互关联,治疗上互相影响。内肾、外肾是中医肾的物质及功能基石,肾阴、肾阳是中医肾的物质及功能的运用和体现。 展开更多
关键词 内肾 相关性
膀胱内肾源性腺瘤合并双肾重度积水1例报告并文献复习 被引量:1
作者 张文圣 陶韬 《中国当代医药》 2020年第32期197-199,共3页
回顾性分析1例膀胱内肾源性腺瘤,复习相关文献,并总结其临床与病理学特征。患者,女,17岁,既往有泌尿道手术史。膀胱镜下见膀胱黏膜局部隆起,呈乳头状。病理组织:膀胱黏膜呈乳头增生,部分钉突状,少量腺管形成。免疫组化结果:PAX-2、PAX-8... 回顾性分析1例膀胱内肾源性腺瘤,复习相关文献,并总结其临床与病理学特征。患者,女,17岁,既往有泌尿道手术史。膀胱镜下见膀胱黏膜局部隆起,呈乳头状。病理组织:膀胱黏膜呈乳头增生,部分钉突状,少量腺管形成。免疫组化结果:PAX-2、PAX-8、CK7、34βE12均阳性,而GATA-3、P63均阴性。膀胱内肾源性腺瘤是泌尿系统一种罕见的良性增生性病变,患者常伴有泌尿道手术病史,诊断主要依靠临床病理学和免疫组化特征,治疗主要为经尿道膀胱病损切除,术后需密切复查。 展开更多
关键词 膀胱内肾源性腺瘤 小管种植理论 小管特异性上皮标志物 积水
肾囊肿内肾癌(附四例报告) 被引量:6
作者 刘士军 朱积川 +3 位作者 王晓峰 白文俊 姜辉 许清泉 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第10期599-601,共3页
目的 探讨肾囊肿内肾细胞癌的诊断和治疗。 方法 总结 6 8例肾囊肿患者资料 ,对4例合并肾细胞癌者的资料进行分析。 结果  4例患者中术前明确诊断者 2例 ,术中发现者 2例。行肾癌根治切除术 2例 ,行囊壁和肿物切除术 2例。 4例随... 目的 探讨肾囊肿内肾细胞癌的诊断和治疗。 方法 总结 6 8例肾囊肿患者资料 ,对4例合并肾细胞癌者的资料进行分析。 结果  4例患者中术前明确诊断者 2例 ,术中发现者 2例。行肾癌根治切除术 2例 ,行囊壁和肿物切除术 2例。 4例随访 6~ 12个月未见复发。 结论 B超发现肾囊肿增长快或囊内有病变时应行CT平扫和增强扫描 。 展开更多
关键词 囊肿内肾 诊断 治疗 CT B超
动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄血管腔内治疗临床分析 被引量:3
作者 吴昊 沈超 +5 位作者 周云 周巧玲 王燕 韩道正 高翀 孙蓬 《血管与腔内血管外科杂志》 2017年第4期841-843,857,共4页
目的评价动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄(ARAS)患者应用经皮腔内肾血管成形术(PTRA)治疗的疗效。方法回顾性分析2010年12月至2017年4月收治的44例动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄患者行血管腔内治疗的临床资料,随访观察患者血压及肾功能变化情况。... 目的评价动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄(ARAS)患者应用经皮腔内肾血管成形术(PTRA)治疗的疗效。方法回顾性分析2010年12月至2017年4月收治的44例动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄患者行血管腔内治疗的临床资料,随访观察患者血压及肾功能变化情况。结果本组44例患者置入54枚支架均获得成功,随访时间6~24个月,高危组血压较术前明显降低,口服降压药物较术前明显减少,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),而血清肌酐水平无明显变化;普通组手术前后血压、血清肌酐水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.01)。结论对于药物治疗后,血压仍维持在160/90 mm Hg以上的动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄患者,PTRA是一种安全有效的方法。 展开更多
关键词 动脉粥样硬化性动脉狭窄 经皮腔内肾血管成形术 血管性高血压
作者 李建明 《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2004年第3期160-162,166,共4页
目的探讨经皮腔内肾血管内支架植入术(PTRAS)治疗肾动脉狭窄所致肾血管性高血压的临床研究。方法选用Palmaz支架,对3例大动脉炎、5例动脉粥样硬化所致肾动脉病变患者先行经皮腔内肾血管球囊成形术(PTRA),然后放置支架。结果8例患者PTRA... 目的探讨经皮腔内肾血管内支架植入术(PTRAS)治疗肾动脉狭窄所致肾血管性高血压的临床研究。方法选用Palmaz支架,对3例大动脉炎、5例动脉粥样硬化所致肾动脉病变患者先行经皮腔内肾血管球囊成形术(PTRA),然后放置支架。结果8例患者PTRA+支架植入术均成功,血压完全恢复正常5例,部分下降3例,无严重并发症。结论PTRA+支架植入术治疗肾血管性高血压效果满意,创伤小,患者痛苦少,为肾动脉狭窄所致肾血管性高血压较理想的治疗方法。 展开更多
关键词 血管 高血压 介入治疗 经皮腔内肾血管内支架植入术 动脉狭窄
辨病辨证结合治疗肾盂积脓导致脓毒性休克一例 被引量:1
作者 梁伟 陈腾飞 +4 位作者 刘清泉 夏非 吴彦青 张鑫 宋麦芬 《环球中医药》 CAS 2019年第6期927-928,共2页
患者的原发病为肾盂积脓,在基础上并发脓毒性休克、多脏器损伤,治疗方面西医主要给予对症支持治疗;中医早期予以整体辨证施治,先后予增液承气汤合菖蒲郁金汤送服牛黄清心丸、大柴胡汤、胃苓汤等治疗,经内科保守治疗后,病情一度平稳后再... 患者的原发病为肾盂积脓,在基础上并发脓毒性休克、多脏器损伤,治疗方面西医主要给予对症支持治疗;中医早期予以整体辨证施治,先后予增液承气汤合菖蒲郁金汤送服牛黄清心丸、大柴胡汤、胃苓汤等治疗,经内科保守治疗后,病情一度平稳后再次反复,经外科引流及中药辨病辨证综合治疗痊愈出院.在此基础上探讨危急重症的中医鉴别诊断思路,强调辨病为先,辨病与辨证相结合,方可避免辨证不辨病的局限性,并对"内肾痈"的中医病名内涵进行探讨.分清疾病内外科属性,充分发挥内外科各自的优势,可避免内科保守治疗的不足. 展开更多
关键词 脓毒症 盂积脓 重症 中医 内肾
肾动脉狭窄血运重建的治疗现状及发展趋势 被引量:1
作者 孟雅琪 刘艳阳 +1 位作者 田海萍 李婷 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第11期1404-1410,共7页
肾动脉狭窄(RAS)为一侧或双侧肾动脉管腔直径减小,可引起肾血管性高血压、缺血性肾病、闪烁性肺水肿等多个系统病变,随诊断水平的提高其越来越受到重视。近年来对于RAS的治疗方法仍不甚明确,血运重建效果有待考量且为相关学科研究热点... 肾动脉狭窄(RAS)为一侧或双侧肾动脉管腔直径减小,可引起肾血管性高血压、缺血性肾病、闪烁性肺水肿等多个系统病变,随诊断水平的提高其越来越受到重视。近年来对于RAS的治疗方法仍不甚明确,血运重建效果有待考量且为相关学科研究热点。本文分析了血运重建在部分研究中效果欠佳的原因和机制,归纳了近年来改善血运重建效果不佳的策略及该领域的新兴辅助治疗方法,强调了患者筛选的重要性,旨在为肾动脉血运重建治疗提供更多的参考资料,为未来临床患者的筛选及治疗有效性的提高提供未来可研究的方向。 展开更多
关键词 动脉 动脉狭窄 经皮腔内肾血管成形术 经皮血管重建术 综述
顺行钬激光腔内切开治疗输尿管肾盂连接处狭窄 被引量:1
作者 肖文昌 祖雄兵 齐琳 《中国医学工程》 2007年第2期191-192,195,共3页
目的探讨经皮肾微造瘘钬激光腔内切开治疗肾盂输尿管交界处狭窄(UPJO)的方法及疗效。方法对13例UPJO患者采用经皮肾微造瘘钬激光腔内治疗,于狭窄段后外侧全层切开输尿管壁直至肾周脂肪,对其中合并肾及肾盂结石的7例患者同时给予钬激光碎... 目的探讨经皮肾微造瘘钬激光腔内切开治疗肾盂输尿管交界处狭窄(UPJO)的方法及疗效。方法对13例UPJO患者采用经皮肾微造瘘钬激光腔内治疗,于狭窄段后外侧全层切开输尿管壁直至肾周脂肪,对其中合并肾及肾盂结石的7例患者同时给予钬激光碎石,术后留置双J管6~8周。全部患者获得随访,平均随访10(3~27)个月。结果手术时间60~90min,术后平均住院6(5~7)d。临床症状改善明显、影像学显示内切开段造影剂通过良好9例,4例治疗失败者再次给予经皮肾微造瘘钬激光腔内切开,1例随访13个月显示治疗成功,3例分别随访4、6、9个月,目前临床症状改善。结论经皮肾微造瘘钬激光腔内切开治疗UPJO具有微创、住院时间短、疗效可靠、可重复进行等特点,可作为对部分UPJO病人(尤其合并上尿路结石、感染的患者)进行微创治疗的首选。 展开更多
关键词 输尿管盂连接处狭窄 钬激光 经皮微造痿 内肾孟切开术
腹腔内肾移植术二例报道 被引量:1
作者 彭万岭 张治国 +1 位作者 王光策 周健 《中华器官移植杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期113-113,共1页
关键词 腹腔内肾移植术 慢性功能衰竭 手术方法 引流术
作者 陈自谦 陈君坤 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 1993年第4期371-373,共3页
早在1978年,Grunt 就首次报道了经皮腔内肾血管成形术(Percutaneou Transluminal RenalAngioplasty,以下简称,PTRA)治疗肾血管性高血压获得成功,此后十余年来已有大量关于 PTRA 的文献报道。本文就近年来 PTRA 在肾血管性高血压中的应... 早在1978年,Grunt 就首次报道了经皮腔内肾血管成形术(Percutaneou Transluminal RenalAngioplasty,以下简称,PTRA)治疗肾血管性高血压获得成功,此后十余年来已有大量关于 PTRA 的文献报道。本文就近年来 PTRA 在肾血管性高血压中的应用作一综述。 展开更多
关键词 血管性高血压 血管成形术 动脉 皮腔 大动脉炎 内肾 动脉壁纤维化 良性高血压 文献报道 性高血压
作者 王仁顺 苏玉德 《人民军医》 北大核心 1989年第5期50-51,共2页
肾结石的治疗国内一般医院仍以手术为主,且多采用肾盂或肾窦内肾盂切开取石,但对鹿角形多发性肾结石有时术中会遇到困难,而需要做肾切开、部分肾切除等手术。这就需要控制肾蒂才能减少出血,有利于手术的进行。我院过去采用肠钳或沙氏钳... 肾结石的治疗国内一般医院仍以手术为主,且多采用肾盂或肾窦内肾盂切开取石,但对鹿角形多发性肾结石有时术中会遇到困难,而需要做肾切开、部分肾切除等手术。这就需要控制肾蒂才能减少出血,有利于手术的进行。我院过去采用肠钳或沙氏钳暂时夹住肾蒂,肾动脉和静脉一同阻断。但自1963年以后,改进了控制肾动脉血流的方法,用1根细橡皮导尿管绕肾动脉1圈,用适当力量向上提起,即可阻断,但不阻断静脉,共进行了40例42次手术,体会到这种方法简单易行,可有效地控制肾实质出血,且可使肾脏变软,有利于结石的触及和取出。 展开更多
关键词 动脉血流 实质 部分切除 切开取石术 临床应用 鹿角型结石 导尿管 内肾
《中国初级卫生保健》 1989年第11期43-43,共1页
在我国有不少地区至今仍被愚昧无知肆虐着人们的身心。许多良家女儿或被拐卖或被骗沦为人妻,这种畸形的婚姻不但不利于家庭和婚姻的隐固,而且更不利于人口的优生优育及民族素质的提高。医学研究者们发现,母体在遭受非自愿性的性生活而... 在我国有不少地区至今仍被愚昧无知肆虐着人们的身心。许多良家女儿或被拐卖或被骗沦为人妻,这种畸形的婚姻不但不利于家庭和婚姻的隐固,而且更不利于人口的优生优育及民族素质的提高。医学研究者们发现,母体在遭受非自愿性的性生活而导致“被动怀孕”以后,长期的忧思、 展开更多
关键词 医学研究者 非自愿性 出生后 胎儿营养不良 血管发育不全 《健康报》 个性表现 晋夫 发生机率 内肾
《天津政协公报》 2011年第9期58-58,共1页
广州中医药大学李炜锋博士介绍说,传统医学认为,头发跟人体内肾、肺、脾胃等关系密切,脏腑功能正常头发就乌黑靓丽、滋润,反之如肾虚、脾虚或肺热,头发就会变白和干枯。中老年人要防止头发过早变白,一是要常吃乌发食物,如紫米、黑豆、... 广州中医药大学李炜锋博士介绍说,传统医学认为,头发跟人体内肾、肺、脾胃等关系密切,脏腑功能正常头发就乌黑靓丽、滋润,反之如肾虚、脾虚或肺热,头发就会变白和干枯。中老年人要防止头发过早变白,一是要常吃乌发食物,如紫米、黑豆、赤豆、黑芝麻、核桃仁。 展开更多
关键词 黑芝麻 广州中医药大学 肺热 脾虚型 内肾 腹胀满 小便清长 手足心热 湿热型
Management of surgical splenorenal shunt-related hepatic myelopathy with endovascular interventional techniques 被引量:10
作者 Mao-Qiang Wang Feng-Yong Liu Feng Duan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第47期7104-7108,共5页
We present a case with hepatic myelopathy(HM) due to a surgical splenorenal shunt that was successfully treated by endovascular interventional techniques.A 39-year-old man presented with progressive spastic paraparesi... We present a case with hepatic myelopathy(HM) due to a surgical splenorenal shunt that was successfully treated by endovascular interventional techniques.A 39-year-old man presented with progressive spastic paraparesis of his lower limbs 14 mo after a splenorenal shunt.A portal venogram identified a widened patent splenorenal shunt.We used an occlusion balloon catheter initially to occlude the shunt.Further monitoring of the patient revealed a decrease in his serum ammonia level and an improvement in leg strength.We then used an Amplatzer vascular plug(AVP) to enable closure of the shunt.During the follow up period of 7 mo,the patient experienced significant clinical improvement and normalization of blood ammonia,without any complications.Occlusion of a surgically created splenorenal shunt with AVP represents an alternative therapy to surgery or coil embolization that can help to relieve shunt-induced HM symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic myelopathy SHUNTS Portosystemic Hepatic encephalopathy EMBOLIZATION Endovascular balloon occlusion Interventional procedures Amplatzer vascular plug
Experimental study on the role of endotoxin in the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome 被引量:46
作者 Hui-YingZhang De-WuHan Xin-GuoWang Yuan-ChangZhao XinZhou Hai-ZhenZhao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期567-572,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the role of intestinal endotoxemia in the genesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome. METHODS: A rat model of cirrhosis was prepared with the method of compound factors. At the end of the eighth week, rats w... AIM: To evaluate the role of intestinal endotoxemia in the genesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome. METHODS: A rat model of cirrhosis was prepared with the method of compound factors. At the end of the eighth week, rats with cirrhosis were treated with 300 μg LPS/100 g body weight, and 1 g/rat of glycine about four h prior to LPS. After three h of LPS treatment, blood and tissues were collected for various measurements. Kupffer cells were isolated from male Wistar rats and cultured, and divided into five groups. Supernatant was harvested at 3 h after treatment with LPS for measurement of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). RESULTS: Our results showed that in rats with cirrhosis, slowed and deepened breath with occasional pause was. PaO2, PaCO2 and standard bicarbonate (SB) in arterial blood were decreased. Arterial O2 and actual bicarbonate (AB) were markedly decreased. There was a close correlation between decreased O2 and endotoxin. Metabolic acidosis accompanying respiratory alkalosis was the primary type of acid-base imbalance. The alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient was sharply widened. Massive accumulation of giant macrophages in the alveolar spaces and its wall and widened alveolar wall architecture were observed. The number of bacterial translocations in mesenteric lymph nodes increased. The ratio of TC99M-MAA brain-over-lung radioactivity rose. Endotoxin, and TNF-α, endothelin-1 (ET-1), nitric oxide (NO) in plasma and ET-1, carbon monoxide (CO) in lung homogenates increased. After administration of a given dosage of LPS in rats with cirrhosis, various pathological parameters worsened. Plasma level of endotoxin was related to TNF-α, ET-1, NO in plasma and ET-1, NO, CO in lung homogenates. TNF-α level was related to ET-1 and NO in plasma and lung homogenates and CO in lung homogenate as well. The level of TNF-α increased after infusion of LPS into culture supernatant of Kupffer cells in vitro. However, TNF-α significantly decreased after pretreatment with glycine, PD98059 and SB212850. Glycine could antagonize the effect of LPS in vivo and in vitro. CONCLUSION: Intestinal endotoxemia accompanying by cirrhosis may be an important mechanism in the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome in rats. Overproduction of TNF-α due to endotoxin stimulation of Kupffer cells via mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway may be a major mechanism mediating the pathologic alterations of hepatopulmonary syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatopulmonary syndrome ENDOTOXIN Kupffer cells
Optimal injection volume of epinephrine for endoscopic treatment of peptic ulcer bleedinq 被引量:16
作者 Tai-Cherng Liou Shee-Chan Lin +1 位作者 Horng-Yuan Wang Wen-Hsiung Chang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第19期3108-3113,共6页
AIM: To define the optimal injection volume of epinephrine with high efficacy for hemostasis and low complication rate in patients with actively bleeding ulcers. METHODS: This prospective, randomized, comparative tr... AIM: To define the optimal injection volume of epinephrine with high efficacy for hemostasis and low complication rate in patients with actively bleeding ulcers. METHODS: This prospective, randomized, comparative trial was conducted in a medical center. A total of 228 patients with actively bleeding ulcers (spurting or oozing) were randomly assigned to three groups with 20, 30 and 40 mL endoscopic injections of an 1:10000 solution of epinephrine. The hemostatic effects and clinical outcomes were compared between the three groups. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in all background variables between the three groups. Initial hemostasis was achieved in 97.4%, 98.7% and 100% of patients respectively in the 20, 30 and 40 mL epinephrine groups. There were no significant differences in the rate of initial hemostasis between the three groups. The rate of peptic ulcer perforation was significantly higher in the 40 mL epinephrine group than in the 20 and 30 mL epinephrine groups (P 〈 0.05). The rate of recurrent bleeding was significantly higher in the 20 mL epinephrine group (20.3%) than in the 30 (5.3%) and 40 mL (2.8 %) epinephrine groups (P 〈 0.01). There were no significant differences in the rates of surgical intervention, the amount of transfusion requirements, the days of hospitalization, the deaths from bleeding and 30 d mortality between the three groups. The number of patients who developed epigastric pain due to endoscopic injection, was significantly higher in the 40 mL epinephrine group (51/76) than in the 20 (2/76) and 30 mL (5/76) epinephrine groups (P 〈 0.001). Significant elevation of systolic blood pressure after endoscopic injection was observed in the 40 mL epinephrine group (P 〈 0.01). Significant decreasing and normalization of pulse rates after endoscopic injections were observed in the 20 mL and 30 mL epinephrine groups (P 〈 0.01).CONCLUSION: Injection of 30 mL diluted epinephrine (1:10000) can effectively prevent recurrent bleeding with a low rate of complications. The optimal injection volume of epinephrine for endoscopic treatment of an actively bleeding ulcer (spurting or oozing) is 30 mL. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic injection EPINEPHRINE VOLUME Peptic ulcer bleeding
Natural history of a randomized trial comparing distal spleno-renal shunt with endoscopic sclerotherapy in the prevention of variceal rebleeding:A lesson from the past 被引量:4
作者 Roberto Santambrogio Enrico Opocher +3 位作者 Mara Costa Savino Bruno Andrea Pisani Ceretti Gian Paolo Spina 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第39期6331-6338,共8页
AIM: To compare endoscopic sclerotherapy (ES) with distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) in the prevention of recurrent variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients during a long-term follow-up period. METHODS: In 1984 we starte... AIM: To compare endoscopic sclerotherapy (ES) with distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) in the prevention of recurrent variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients during a long-term follow-up period. METHODS: In 1984 we started a prospective, controlled study of patients with liver cirrhosis. Long-term follow-up presents a natural history of liver cirrhosis complicated by advanced portal hypertension. In this study the effects of 2 types of treatment, DSRS or ES, were evaluated. The study population included 80 patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension referred to our department from October 1984 to March 1991. These patients were drawn from a pool of 282 patients who underwent either elective surgery or ES during the same period of time. Patients were assigned to one of the 2 groups according to a random number table: 40 to DSRS and 40 to ES using polidocanol. RESULTS: During the postoperative period, no DSRS patient died, while one ES patient died of uncontrolled hemorrhage. One DSRS patient had mild recurrent variceal hemorrhage despite an angiographically patent DSRS and another patient suffered duodenal ulcer rebleeding. Eight ES patients suffered at least one episode of gastrointestinal bleeding: 4 from varices and 4 from esophageal ulcerations. Eight ES patients developed transitory dysphagia. Long-term follow- up was completed in all patients except for 5 cases (2 DSRS and 3 ES patients). Five-year survival rates for shunt (73%) and ES (56%) groups were statistically different: in this follow-up period and in subsequent follow-ups this difference decreased and ceased to be of statistical relevance. The primary cause of deathbecame hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Four DSRS patients rebled due to duodenal ulcer, while eleven ES patients had recurrent bleeding from esophago-gastric sources (seven from varices, three from hypertensive gastropathy, one from esophageal ulcerations) and two from unknown sources. Nine DSRS and 2 ES patients developed a chronic encephalopathy; 13 DSRS and 5 ES patients suffered at least one episode of acute encephalopathy. Five ES patients had esophageal stenoses, which were successfully dilated. CONCLUSION: In a subgroup of patients with good liver function, DSRS with a correct portal-azygos disconnection more effectively prevents variceal rebleeding than ES. However, this positive effect did not influence the long-term survival because other factors (e.g. HCC) were more important in deciding the fate of the cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal varices Portal hypertension Liver cirrhosis Shunt surgery Endoscopic sclerotherapy
Massive gastrointestinal bleeding: An unusual case of asymptomatic extrarenal, visceral, fibromuscular dysplasia 被引量:1
作者 Paula Andrea Rodriguez Urrego Mark Flanagan +2 位作者 Wilson S Tsai Craig Rezac Nicola Barnard 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第43期5771-5774,共4页
Extrarenal fibromuscular dysplasia causing gastro- intestinal bleeding without other manifestations and especially sparing renal vasculature is uncommon. The diagnosis of this entity is usually made by radiographic ap... Extrarenal fibromuscular dysplasia causing gastro- intestinal bleeding without other manifestations and especially sparing renal vasculature is uncommon. The diagnosis of this entity is usually made by radiographic appearance and the treatment is controversial. To our knowledge only seven cases of visceral fibromuscular dysplasia as a primary manifestation of the disease have been described, symptoms range from abdominal pain to gangrene. This is the first case of visceral fibromuscular dysplasia presenting with otherwise asymptomatic gastrointestinal bleeding, without bowel necrosis or ischemic changes. We provide a review of the literature. 展开更多
关键词 Fibromuscular dysplasia Extrarenal VISCERAL Gastrointestinal bleeding Intimal fibroplasia
Wireless capsule endoscopy in the investigation of patients with chronic renal failure and obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (preliminary data) 被引量:8
作者 Stephanos Karagiannis Spyros Goulas +5 位作者 Georgios Kosmadakis Petros Galanis Dimitrios Arvanitis John Boletis Evangelos Georgiou Christos Mavrogiannis 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第32期5182-5185,共4页
AIM: To investigate the role of wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) in detection of small bowel (SB) pathology in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) and obscure bleeding. METHODS: Consecutive CRF patients ... AIM: To investigate the role of wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) in detection of small bowel (SB) pathology in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) and obscure bleeding. METHODS: Consecutive CRF patients with obscure bleeding were prospectively studied. Patients with normal renal function and obscure bleeding, investigated during the same period with WCE, were used for the interpretation of results. RESULTS: Seventeen CRF patients (11 overt, 6 occult bleeding) and 51 patients (33 overt, 18 occult bleeding) with normal renal function were enrolled in this study. Positive SB findings were detected in 70.6% of CRF patients and in 41.2% of non-CRF patients (P〈0.05). SB angiodysplasia was identified in 47% of CRF patients and in 17.6% of non-CRF patients. Univariate logistic regression revealed CRF as a significant predictive factor for angiodysplasia (P〈0.05). Therapeutic measures were undertaken in 66% of the patients with the positive findings. CONCLUSION: According to our preliminary results, SB angiodysplasia was found in an increased prevalence among CRF patients with obscure bleeding. WCE is useful in diagnosis of gastrointestinal pathologies and in planning appropriate therapeutic intervention and, therefore, should be included in the work-up of this group of patients. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic renal failure Obscure gastrointestinalbleeding Wireless capsule endoscopy ANGIODYSPLASIA
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