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作者 潘道波 易善元 《湖南医学》 2002年第1期33-34,共2页
1 内输外裹技术及其意义 "内输外裹"技术是根据基础医学研究的亚 (浅)低温,脑保护作用优于深低温更优于不低温的理论,改传统危险性大、并发症多和耗资多的全身裹冰低温为控制性冷液输注(4℃)、在大血管处裹冰低温,控制人体深... 1 内输外裹技术及其意义 "内输外裹"技术是根据基础医学研究的亚 (浅)低温,脑保护作用优于深低温更优于不低温的理论,改传统危险性大、并发症多和耗资多的全身裹冰低温为控制性冷液输注(4℃)、在大血管处裹冰低温,控制人体深部温度在33 ℃左右.此技术突破血管内输冷液影响心血管功能,易致心脏停搏的理论禁区,使体内外均衡降温而减少并发症,无心血管功能影响和心脏停搏之虞,达到脑保护作用,提高颅脑手术的成功率和减少死残率. 与国外在体外循环下颅脑手术的全身血液降温相比较,本技术无需体外循环机及其附属装置和全身肝素化等技术.有关论文参加了北京国际第三届麻醉与复苏进展会议交流,会后有法国、加拿大、美国及国内重庆、深圳、广东、云南、陕西等地学者索取全文资料和电话咨询. 展开更多
关键词 颅脑损伤 低温技术 内输外裹”低温技术 颅脑手术 临床应用
作者 欧阳飞 任浩杰 +3 位作者 付世晓 张萌萌 许玉旺 胡滕艳 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期151-161,共11页
为研究内流对输液立管涡激振动响应的影响,基于计及内流作用的海洋立管运动微分方程,结合涡激振动状态下的立管水动力载荷表征方法,引入相位追赶和频率锁定模型,建立计及内流作用的柔性立管涡激振动时域预报方法。结合有限元法和Newmark... 为研究内流对输液立管涡激振动响应的影响,基于计及内流作用的海洋立管运动微分方程,结合涡激振动状态下的立管水动力载荷表征方法,引入相位追赶和频率锁定模型,建立计及内流作用的柔性立管涡激振动时域预报方法。结合有限元法和Newmark-β法,实现对内流作用下的立管涡激振动响应的预报。对比均匀流场下的无内流立管预报结果与试验结果,验证该预报方法的可行性和准确性;同时,对不同外流和内流作用下的输液立管涡激振动响应进行预报。着重观测不同工况下的输液立管时空分布图、RMS幅值、主导响应频率和主导模态。结果表明:内输流的存在会使立管涡激振动呈现出更显著的行波现象;涡激振动响应幅值和主导模态随着内流流速的增大而增大。 展开更多
关键词 海洋立管 内输 涡激振动 时域预报
内输多相流与绕流耦合作用下立管非线性振动 被引量:6
作者 马天麒 顾继俊 +2 位作者 孙旭 张赢今 李明婕 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第23期15-23,共9页
对内输多相流立管在内流与外部绕流耦合作用下的振动响应进行了分析。建立了内部多相流-立管-外部绕流的耦合方程,并采用广义积分变换法(GITT)将偏微分方程转化为常微分方程进行求解。分析得到立管内两相流会引起立管自然频率的降低,管... 对内输多相流立管在内流与外部绕流耦合作用下的振动响应进行了分析。建立了内部多相流-立管-外部绕流的耦合方程,并采用广义积分变换法(GITT)将偏微分方程转化为常微分方程进行求解。分析得到立管内两相流会引起立管自然频率的降低,管内流速越高,立管越长,两相流作用越明显;立管在内流和外部绕流共同作用下,管内含气量的增加,使立管发生涡激振动的频率降低,振动幅值增加;管内两相流的作用会引起立管在较小的外部流速下发生共振并且会诱发立管发生更高一阶模态的振动;外部绕流流速越高,管内两相流作用越小。 展开更多
关键词 内输多相流 涡激振动 非线性 广义积分变换法
作者 饶学军 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2001年第S1期114-115,共2页
关键词 土坝 内输水涵洞 漏水 处理
作者 F.Crisanti 晨亮 《国外核聚变》 2003年第2期46-49,54,共5页
在JET托卡马克内钻运垒(ITB)情况下已实现了准稳态运行,其放电时间只受到装置制约的限制。在整个高性能阶段使用低混杂电流驱动获得了全电流驱动,分别用中性束和离子回旋波实现了对总压力和电子温度分布的首次反馈控制。虽然杂质累积... 在JET托卡马克内钻运垒(ITB)情况下已实现了准稳态运行,其放电时间只受到装置制约的限制。在整个高性能阶段使用低混杂电流驱动获得了全电流驱动,分别用中性束和离子回旋波实现了对总压力和电子温度分布的首次反馈控制。虽然杂质累积在稳态ITB中可能是一个问题,但是这些实验会产生解决这个问题的一些方法。 展开更多
关键词 JET 托卡马克装置 内输运垒 准稳态运行 低混杂电流驱动 杂质累积
作者 T.Takizuka 晓岚 《国外核聚变》 2003年第2期50-54,共5页
基于JT-60U数据研究具有箱型内输运垒(ITB)和L模边缘的反剪切等离子体的能量约束定标。储能分成两个部分:L模基础部分相被ITB围着的芯部部分。芯部储能Wcore不仅仅随净加热功率Pnet而增加。芯部储能的定标可表示为Wscale=Cε^-1fB^2p,... 基于JT-60U数据研究具有箱型内输运垒(ITB)和L模边缘的反剪切等离子体的能量约束定标。储能分成两个部分:L模基础部分相被ITB围着的芯部部分。芯部储能Wcore不仅仅随净加热功率Pnet而增加。芯部储能的定标可表示为Wscale=Cε^-1fB^2p,fVcore,其中εf是ITB底部的反环径比,Bp,f是外中平面ITB底部的极向磁场,Vcore是ITB底部内部的芯部体积。该定标等于芯部极向β的条件,即εfβp,core=C1,其中C1≈1/4。尽管Wcore几乎是与Pnct。无关的,但是估算的ITB区域的热扩散率在一定程度上与新经典扩散率有关,而且新经典输运与该数据是一致的。讨论了该定标的物理背景。 展开更多
关键词 JT-60U 内输运垒 反剪切等离子体 能量约束定标 芯部储能 托卡马克装置
作者 王芳 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2016年第11期125-125,共1页
关键词 小型水库 土坝坝内输 涵洞漏水
作者 李璐男 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期24-35,共12页
清前期的边政、市场与盐政互相交织,互相影响。鄂尔多斯和阿拉善虽都属蒙古部族,但因两者所处边地局势不同,其对口内食盐市场和盐政的影响各异,清廷对其食盐内输的管理政策也有所不同。早在顺治年间,清廷即允许鄂尔多斯所产食盐在口内流... 清前期的边政、市场与盐政互相交织,互相影响。鄂尔多斯和阿拉善虽都属蒙古部族,但因两者所处边地局势不同,其对口内食盐市场和盐政的影响各异,清廷对其食盐内输的管理政策也有所不同。早在顺治年间,清廷即允许鄂尔多斯所产食盐在口内流通,康熙年间甚至在不顾及口内盐政运作的情况下,允许鄂尔多斯扩大口内食盐市场。而因漠西蒙古地区局势不稳,直到平定准噶尔后清廷才允许阿拉善食盐进入口内。随着北部边疆局势逐渐稳定,为解决因乾隆二十二年(1757)解池减产引发的河东盐政危机,清廷同意河东借行蒙盐。阿拉善借机与清廷合作,迅速扩大其在口内的食盐市场,迫使此后清廷多次调整相应的食盐管理政策;而鄂尔多斯不予借盐,其口内食盐市场维持原状,相关管理亦保持不变。 展开更多
关键词 清朝 边政 盐政 内输 市场
细胞内蛋白质输运的信号理论和分子机理——1999年诺贝尔生理/医学奖简介 被引量:1
作者 刘威 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第6期618-620,共3页
关键词 内输 信号理论 分子机理 跨膜运送
作者 李芳 陈聪 《能源研究与信息》 2015年第2期119-124,共6页
原油内输、外驳系统是浮式储油卸油船(Floating Storage and Offloading,FSO)上最重要且组成复杂的系统.简要介绍了FSO艉部内输设备、外驳系泊设备和艏部单点系泊设备的选用及其组成、设备布置和工作流程等,同时对艉部内输系统、艏部外... 原油内输、外驳系统是浮式储油卸油船(Floating Storage and Offloading,FSO)上最重要且组成复杂的系统.简要介绍了FSO艉部内输设备、外驳系泊设备和艏部单点系泊设备的选用及其组成、设备布置和工作流程等,同时对艉部内输系统、艏部外驳系统(外驳系统与单点系泊系统的集成)的特点和设计要点进行了分析研究.选用的艉部纵向卷筒式内输设备和艏部悬臂式外转塔式单点系泊外驳设备在操作、维护及安全性等方面具有世界领先水平,可为FSO改装设计的设备选型提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 浮式储油卸油船 原油储驳系统 内输设备 外驳系泊设备
核定位信号及其分析策略 被引量:6
作者 赵元茵 王元忠 +2 位作者 曹念 周度金 李渝萍 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期683-689,共7页
真核细胞核膜上的核孔复合体(nuclear pore complex,NPC)是细胞核内外进行物质交换的主要通道,分子量较小的化合物可自由通过NPC或采取被动扩散的方式进入细胞核,而分子量为50kD以上的蛋白质则只能通过主动转运进入细胞核.以这种方式进... 真核细胞核膜上的核孔复合体(nuclear pore complex,NPC)是细胞核内外进行物质交换的主要通道,分子量较小的化合物可自由通过NPC或采取被动扩散的方式进入细胞核,而分子量为50kD以上的蛋白质则只能通过主动转运进入细胞核.以这种方式进入细胞核的蛋白质必须在其氨基酸序列上拥有特殊的核定位信号(nuclear localization signal,NLS),以被相应的核转运蛋白(karyopherins)识别.核定位信号具有多样性,包括经典核定位信号(classical NLS,cNLS),内输蛋白β2识别的核定位信号(又称PY模体-NLS)和其它类型的NLS.每一类NLS具有相似的特征,但并不具有完全保守的氨基酸组成.不同的NLS,往往对应着各不相同的核输入机制.而对同一蛋白质来说,也可能同时拥有几个功能性的NLS.研究核定位信号一方面可以帮助揭示新的大分子物质核转运机制,另一方面也有助于发现一些蛋白质的新功能.本文对常见NLS的分类进行了总结,并介绍了两种常用的NLS预测软件及鉴定NLS的一般策略. 展开更多
关键词 核转运机制 核定位信号 内输蛋白
地尔硫微量注射泵静脉注射法与静脉滴注法治疗高血压急症的比较 被引量:2
作者 惠小平 周伟君 《中国新药与临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第5期264-266,共3页
目的:观察地尔硫静脉注射治疗高血压的疗效。方法:高血压急症病人54例,分为A组23例,采用微量注射泵静脉注射法,将注射用地尔硫200~400mg溶于0.9%氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液50mL,给药剂量按3~1... 目的:观察地尔硫静脉注射治疗高血压的疗效。方法:高血压急症病人54例,分为A组23例,采用微量注射泵静脉注射法,将注射用地尔硫200~400mg溶于0.9%氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液50mL,给药剂量按3~10μg/(kg·min),根据血压情况,因人而异调整剂量;B组31例采用常规静脉滴注法,将注射用地尔硫50mg溶于0.9%氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液250mL在2~4h内滴完。结果:A组总有效率96%与B组的93%差别无显著意义(P>0.05)。2组治疗后10,20,30,60min收缩压和舒张压与其前一观察时刻的相应血压值配对t检验,差别均有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。2组组间相应4个时段的降压幅度差别均无显著意义(P>0.05)。2组不良反应均轻微。结论:注射用地尔硫治疗高血压急症见效快,安全性好,微量注射泵静脉注射给药可获持久而稳定的降压效果。 展开更多
关键词 地尔硫ZHUO 高血压 注泵 静脉内输
The BLOC Interactomes Form a Network in Endosomal Transport 被引量:1
作者 李巍 冯雅琴 +4 位作者 郝婵娟 郭小黎 崔艳艳 贺敏 何新 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期669-682,共14页
With the identification of more than a dozen novel Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS) proteins in vesicle trafficking in higher eukaryotes, a new class of trafficking pathways has been described. It mainly consists of ... With the identification of more than a dozen novel Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS) proteins in vesicle trafficking in higher eukaryotes, a new class of trafficking pathways has been described. It mainly consists of three newly-defined protein com- plexes, BLOC-l, -2, and -3. Compelling evidence indicates that these complexes together with two other well-known complexes, AP3 and HOPS, play important roles in endosomal transport. The interactions between these complexes form a network in protein trafficking via endosomes and cytoskeleton. Each node of this network has intra-complex and extra-complex interactions. These complexes are connected by direct interactions between the subunits from different complexes or by indirect interactions through coupling nodes that interact with two or more subunits from different complexes. The dissection of this network facilitates the understanding of a dynamic but elaborate transport machinery in protein/membrane trafficking. The disruption of this network may lead to abnormal trafficking or defective organellar development as described in patients with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex (BLOC) endosomal transport protein interactome Hermansky-Pudlak
作者 淑英 杨志梅 《现代医药卫生》 2005年第19期2700-2700,共1页
关键词 注射药物 麻醉师 护士 手术治疗 静脉内输 麻醉方式
05066 Bespak新的药物焦点
作者 金伟秋 《国外药讯》 2001年第5期26-26,共1页
关键词 Bespak 生物技术 药物配方 内输
Intracellular transport of hepatitis B virus 被引量:6
作者 Michael Kann André Schmitz Birgit Rabe 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期39-47,共9页
For genome mulUplication hepadnaviruses use the transcriptional machinery of the cell that is found within the nucleus. Thus the viral genome has to be transported through the cytoplasm and nuclear pore. The intracyto... For genome mulUplication hepadnaviruses use the transcriptional machinery of the cell that is found within the nucleus. Thus the viral genome has to be transported through the cytoplasm and nuclear pore. The intracytosolic translocation is facilitated by the viral capsid that surrounds the genome and that interacts with cellular microtubules. The subsequent passage through the nuclear pore complexes (NPC) is mediated by the nuclear transport receptors importin α andβ. Importin α binds to the C-terminus of the capsid protein that comprises a nuclear localization signal (NLS). The exposure of the NLS is regulated and depends upon genome maturation and/or phosphorylation of the capsid protein. As for other karyophilic cargos using this pathway importin α interacts with importin β that facilitates docking of the import complex to the NPC and the passage through the pore. Being a unique strategy, the import of the viral capsid is incomplete in that it becomes arrested inside the nuclear basket, which is a cage-like structure on the karyoplasmic face of the NPC. Presumably only this compartment provides the factors that are required for capsid disassembly and genome release that is restricted to those capsids comprising a mature viral DNA genome. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus CAPSID Intracellular transport MICROTUBULES Nuclear pore IMPORTIN Nuclear localization signal Nuclear basket
Prokinetic effects of a ghrelin receptor agonist GHRP-6 in diabetic mice 被引量:2
作者 Qi Zheng Wen-Cai Qiu Jun Yan Wei-Gang Wang Song Yu Zhi-Gang Wang Kai-Xing Ai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第30期4795-4799,共5页
AIM: To investigate the effects of a ghrelin receptor agonist GHRP-6 on delayed gastrointestinal transit in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. METHODS: A diabetic mouse model was established by intraperitoneal injection... AIM: To investigate the effects of a ghrelin receptor agonist GHRP-6 on delayed gastrointestinal transit in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. METHODS: A diabetic mouse model was established by intraperitoneal injection with alloxan. Mice were randomized into two main groups: normal mice and diabetic mice treated with GHRP-6 at doses of 0, 20, 50, 100 and 200 μg/kg ip. Gastric emptying (GE), intestinal transit (IT), and colonic transit (CT) were studied in mice after they had a phenol red meal following injection of GHRP-6. Based on the most effective GHRP-6 dosage, atropine was given at 1 mg/kg for 15 rain before the GHRP-6 injection for each measurement. The mice in each group were sacrificed 20 min later and the percentages of GE, IT, and CT were calculated. RESULTS: Percentages of GE, IT, and CT were significantly decreased in diabetic mice as compared to control mice. In the diabetic mice, GHRP-6 improved both GE and IT, but not CT. The most effective dose of GHRP-6 was 200 μg/kg and atropine blocked the prokinetic effects of GHRP-6 on GE and IT. CONCLUSION: GHRP-6 accelerates delayed GE and IT, but has no effect on CT in diabetic mice. GHRP-6 may exert its prokinetic effects via the cholinergic pathway in the enteric nervous system, and therefore, has therapeutic potential for diabetic patients with delayed upper gastrointestinal transit. 展开更多
关键词 GHRP-6 Diabetes mellitus Gastric emptying Intestinal transit Colonic transit
作者 Chun-yan Li Hong-qing Wang +1 位作者 Hai-yuan Liu Jing-he Lang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2008年第4期218-223,共6页
Objective To investigate the clinical features and management of ureteral endometriosis. Methods Patients surgically and histologically diagnosed as ureteral endometriosis from January 2001 to January 2007 in Peking U... Objective To investigate the clinical features and management of ureteral endometriosis. Methods Patients surgically and histologically diagnosed as ureteral endometriosis from January 2001 to January 2007 in Peking Union Medical College Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Results Ten patients were diagnosed as ureteral endometriosis among 7 561 cases with surgically and histologically proved diagnosis of endometriosis, with an incidence of 0.132%. Nine out of 10 patients were extrinsic ureteral endometriosis and concomitant with severe pelvic endometriosis, and the other was intrinsic ureteral endometriosis. Hormone therapy failed in 2 patients with urinary tract obstruction. Ureterolysis was performed in 6 patients and ureterectomy was performed in 4 patients. One case of ureteral recurrence was observed in a postmenopausal woman without hormonal replacement therapy who received laparoscopic ureterolysis and hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy. No relapse was observed in the other 9 patients. Conclusions Ureteral endometriosis is a rare entity. The upper urinary tract should be evaluated in patients with severe endometriosis, even in postmenopausal women. The treatment of ureteral endometriosis usually requires surgery, while ureterolysis should not be performed in patients with extensive disease. As a form of adjuvant therapy of surgery, hormonal therapy is an appropriate option. 展开更多
Effect of erythromycin on image quality and transit time of capsule endoscopy: A two-center study 被引量:10
作者 Eva Niv Ido Bogner +5 位作者 Olga Barkey Zamir Halpern Elisabeth Mahajna Roman Depsames Yael Kopelman Zvi Fireman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第16期2561-2565,共5页
AIM: To compare the effect of oral erythromycin vs no preparation with prokinetics on the transit time and the image quality of capsule endoscopy (CE) in evaluating small bowel (SB) pathology. METHODS: We conducted a ... AIM: To compare the effect of oral erythromycin vs no preparation with prokinetics on the transit time and the image quality of capsule endoscopy (CE) in evaluating small bowel (SB) pathology. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective, blinded (to the type of preparation) review of 100 CE studies, 50 with no preparation with prokinetics from one medical center (Group A) and 50 from another center with administration of a single dose of 200 mg oral erythromycin 1 h prior to CE (Group B). Gastric, SB and total transit times were calculated, the presence of bile in the duodenum was scored, as was cleanliness within the proximal, middle and distal intestine. RESULTS: The erythromycin group had a slightly shorter gastric transit time (21 min vs 28 min, with no statistical significance). SB transit time was similar for both groups (all P > 0.05). Total transit time was almost identical in both groups. The rate of incomplete examination was 16% for Group A and 10% for Group B (P = 0.37). Bile and cleanliness scores in different parts of the intestine were similar for the two groups (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Preparation for capsule endoscopy with erythromycin does not affect SB or total transit time. It tends to reduce gastric transit time, but it does not increase the cecum-reaching rate. Erythromycin does not adversely affect image quality. We consider the routine use of oral erythromycin preparation as being unjustified, although it might be considered in patients with known prolonged gastric emptying time. 展开更多
关键词 Capsule endoscopy Gastric transit time Small bowel transit time ERYTHROMYCIN Image quality
A Learning-Based Channel Model for Synergetic Transmission Technology 被引量:4
作者 Liang Chen Li Haihan +2 位作者 Li Yunzhou Zhou Shidong Wang Jing 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第9期83-92,共10页
It is extensively approved that Channel State Information(CSI) plays an important role for synergetic transmission and interference management. However, pilot overhead to obtain CSI with enough precision is a signific... It is extensively approved that Channel State Information(CSI) plays an important role for synergetic transmission and interference management. However, pilot overhead to obtain CSI with enough precision is a significant issue for wireless communication networks with massive antennas and ultra-dense cell. This paper proposes a learning- based channel model, which can estimate, refine, and manage CSI for a synergetic transmission system. It decomposes the channel impulse response into multiple paths, and uses a learning-based algorithm to estimate paths' parameters without notable degradation caused by sparse pilots. Both indoor measurement and outdoor measurement are conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed channel model preliminarily. 展开更多
关键词 channel model CSI synergetic transmission spectral efficiency learning-based channel measurement
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