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内部证成与外部证成的区分 被引量:11
作者 焦宝乾 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期143-150,共8页
内部证成与外部证成的区分,构成了当今法律论证的一个重要理论基础。传统法律论证模式关注于推理形式及其规则的研究,而对推理的前提关注不够。而内部证成与外部证成的区分,显示了法学家们将法律论证过程清晰化与精制化的理论努力。国... 内部证成与外部证成的区分,构成了当今法律论证的一个重要理论基础。传统法律论证模式关注于推理形式及其规则的研究,而对推理的前提关注不够。而内部证成与外部证成的区分,显示了法学家们将法律论证过程清晰化与精制化的理论努力。国内学界近年来也开始重视这一区分。无论是内部证成还是外部证成,均通过对更为精致的推理结构和过程的探求,来使法律决定或判断正当化。 展开更多
关键词 法律论证 内部 外部证 司法三段论
做好企业内部成本控制工作的途径分析 被引量:1
作者 刘超 《企业改革与管理》 2015年第4X期190-,共1页
关键词 企业 内部成 控制途径
指导性案例参照中的类案判断尺度:内部证成与外部证成 被引量:5
作者 张天择 《南大法学》 CSSCI 2022年第1期103-120,共18页
内部证成决定了案件审判逻辑结构的正确,外部证成决定了案件逻辑适用前提的正确。对内部证成和外部证成相似性的比较,是确保待决案件与指导性案例存在类似关系的重要前提。一些待决案件与指导性案例虽然在案情方面看起来相似,但在具体... 内部证成决定了案件审判逻辑结构的正确,外部证成决定了案件逻辑适用前提的正确。对内部证成和外部证成相似性的比较,是确保待决案件与指导性案例存在类似关系的重要前提。一些待决案件与指导性案例虽然在案情方面看起来相似,但在具体法律证成中存在根本差异。由于在本质上没有类案关系,参照指导性案例对这些待决案件做出裁判是错误的,这不仅会导致个案中的司法不公,造成“异案同判”,甚至会破坏整个指导性案例的参照系统。只有当待决案件与指导性案例的内部、外部证成均具有相似性时,才可以在“依法裁判”的基础上,参照指导性案例达到“同案同判”的目的。 展开更多
关键词 指导性案例 法律推理 内部 外部证
作者 肖毅 《南大法学》 CSSCI 2024年第3期62-84,共23页
疑难案件是存在法律争议的案件,具体呈现为规范模糊、规范冲突、规范缺失和规范适用不正义等典型样态。裁判疑难案件的关键在于解决上述的法律争议,为司法三段论证立可靠的裁判规则。这在法律论证上呈现出二阶构造,第一阶段证立裁判规则... 疑难案件是存在法律争议的案件,具体呈现为规范模糊、规范冲突、规范缺失和规范适用不正义等典型样态。裁判疑难案件的关键在于解决上述的法律争议,为司法三段论证立可靠的裁判规则。这在法律论证上呈现出二阶构造,第一阶段证立裁判规则,第二阶段适用裁判规则、证立裁判结论。因此,二阶论证能够破解疑难案件的裁判困境。它以合秩序裁判为理论基础,强调法官可以背离个别法律规则,但不能逾越法的框架秩序;在外部证成中依据丰富的论证渊源、运用多元的论证方法、遵循可废止性的论证程序,证立裁判规则、要件化案件事实;在内部证成中以裁判规则为大前提、以要件事实为小前提,经由环环相扣的复杂演绎证立裁判结论。 展开更多
关键词 疑难案件 二阶论证 合秩序裁判 内部 外部证
逻辑与方法:司法人权何以证成 被引量:4
作者 江国华 《学术论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期57-65,共9页
司法人权即司法参与者在司法活动中,基于其角色或身份所应当享有或实际享有的基本人权。尊重和保障司法人权构成司法运作根本的规范性要求。司法人权的确立依赖于对司法人权的证成。道德上的正当性、法律上的合法性以及实践上的可能性... 司法人权即司法参与者在司法活动中,基于其角色或身份所应当享有或实际享有的基本人权。尊重和保障司法人权构成司法运作根本的规范性要求。司法人权的确立依赖于对司法人权的证成。道德上的正当性、法律上的合法性以及实践上的可能性构成司法人权证成的三个方面;内部证成和外部证成构成司法人权证成的两个层次。以聂树斌案为例,内部证成揭示了司法人权之于司法过程的合逻辑性;而外部证成则彰显了司法人权之于司法过程的正当性。 展开更多
关键词 司法人权 可证 内部 外部证 聂树斌案
刑事裁判文书说理规范化的法律形式主义构建 被引量:2
作者 刘沛泉 《华东政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期180-192,共13页
受现实主义法学和社会治理逻辑的影响,我国的刑事裁判文书说理并未实现规范化。法律现实主义者认为,由于认知能力和人类语言局限性的限制,法律规范不可能将现实中的所有可能性都加以考量,只能为追求规范所具有的普遍性而牺牲复杂现实世... 受现实主义法学和社会治理逻辑的影响,我国的刑事裁判文书说理并未实现规范化。法律现实主义者认为,由于认知能力和人类语言局限性的限制,法律规范不可能将现实中的所有可能性都加以考量,只能为追求规范所具有的普遍性而牺牲复杂现实世界的特殊性。具体到裁判文书说理方面,法官应当在遵从法律形式逻辑的基础上充分考量个案的特殊性,运用道德准则和法律原则作出符合实质正义的判决结果。然而,形式主义是法律制度的根基,严格依法判决能最大限度保护法律的稳定性。过分考虑个案的特殊性以追求实质正义,难免会伤害法律的稳定性根基。在我国法律制度和社会环境条件逐渐成熟的当下,应以严格遵循形式主义的“内部证成”为基础,设置强制性规范,推动法官在刑事裁判文书中遵循法律的形式逻辑进行法律适用的说理。 展开更多
关键词 刑事裁判文书 形式主义 法律适用说理 司法三段论 内部
作者 杨雪婷 《法学(汉斯)》 2024年第1期461-470,共10页
在加快建设社会主义法治国家的背景下,构建中国特色案例指导制度成为了重要的步骤。对此,我国提出“类似案件类似审判”,旨在维护司法统一,防止出现“同案不同判”或“异案同判”的司法不公现象。类案参照的核心环节在于比对指导性案例... 在加快建设社会主义法治国家的背景下,构建中国特色案例指导制度成为了重要的步骤。对此,我国提出“类似案件类似审判”,旨在维护司法统一,防止出现“同案不同判”或“异案同判”的司法不公现象。类案参照的核心环节在于比对指导性案例和待决案件的相似性,而判断案件的相似性则需要运用内部证成和外部证成这两个有效工具。内部证成解决的是法律命题是否能够依照逻辑形式从前提中正确地推导出来,外部证成解决的是大前提是否具有正确性的问题。有些法律案件虽然在案情或法律适用方面大体一致,但在法律证成方面却存在差异,这同样不能进行类案参照。为确保类案参照的实质性正确,需要我们对类案参照过程中的内部证成和外部证成进行进一步探究。本文首先分析了类案参照中法律推理的论证模式,其次对内部证成和外部证成在推理中的必要性进行阐释,接着将三起刑事案件——指导性案例4号、指导性案例12号以及“李昌奎故意杀人案”进行类比,通过实例分析,以佐证内外部证成在类案参照中的不可或缺性和有效价值。 展开更多
关键词 类案参照 类比推理 内部 外部证
增值税抵扣权之证成:一场内部与外部证成理论的辩论 被引量:4
作者 褚睿刚 《江西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期123-135,共13页
作为增值税纳税人核心权利的抵扣权,只有摆脱道德层面虚实难定的“权利”声称,被确证为真正存在的实在法权利,才能更好地发挥国家课税权制约和纳税人权益保护的双重功效,引导增值税制优化,撬动增值税法实践困局。通过权利内部证成即可... 作为增值税纳税人核心权利的抵扣权,只有摆脱道德层面虚实难定的“权利”声称,被确证为真正存在的实在法权利,才能更好地发挥国家课税权制约和纳税人权益保护的双重功效,引导增值税制优化,撬动增值税法实践困局。通过权利内部证成即可完成此种身份转换。抵扣权内部证成虽以权利的内在理由为论据,但该过程意在描述权利如何从其所处的环境中获取这种资格的动态过程,须借助评价性搭建权利与外在环境之间的连接桥梁。因此,论证过程包括本体和涉他两大核心构造,一方面评价权利本身,描绘权利自身的正当性和重要性;另一方面评价内外互动,展现抵扣权之于外在环境的正当性和重要性。具言之,一方面从权利基础法理切入,论证抵扣权契合权利的内置机理;另一方面要进行规范考察,证成抵扣权恪守增值税法的法律品格。 展开更多
关键词 抵扣权 增值税 内部 新兴权利
Experimental investigation of friction coefficient in tube hydroforming 被引量:5
作者 Hyae Kyung YI Hong Sup YIM +3 位作者 Gun Yeop LEE Sung Mun LEE Gi Suk CHUNG Young-Hoon MOON 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第A01期194-198,共5页
The friction coefficient between tube and die in guide zone of tube hydroforming was obtained. In hydroforming, the tube is expanded by an internal pressure against the tool wall. By pushing the tube through tool, a f... The friction coefficient between tube and die in guide zone of tube hydroforming was obtained. In hydroforming, the tube is expanded by an internal pressure against the tool wall. By pushing the tube through tool, a friction force at the contact surface between the tube and the tool occurs. In guiding zone, the friction coefficients between tube and die can be estimated from the measured axial feeding forces. In expansion zone, the friction coefficients between tube and die can be evaluated from the measured geometries of expanded tubes and FE analysis. 展开更多
关键词 tube hydroforming friction coefficient LUBRICANT axial force internM pressure
Update on risk scoring systems for patients with upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage 被引量:5
作者 Adrian J Stanley 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第22期2739-2744,共6页
Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage (UGIH) remains a common medical emergency worldwide. It is increasingly recognised that early risk assessment is an important part of management, which helps direct appropriate patie... Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage (UGIH) remains a common medical emergency worldwide. It is increasingly recognised that early risk assessment is an important part of management, which helps direct appropriate patient care and the timing of endoscopy. Several risk scores have been developed, most of which include endoscopic findings, although a minority do not. These scores were developed to identify various end-points including mortality, rebleeding or clinical intervention in the form of transfusion, endoscopic therapy or surgery. Recent studies have reported accurate identification of a very low risk group on presentation, using scores which require simple clinical or laboratory parameters only. This group may not require admission, but could be managed with early out-patient endoscopy. This article aims to describe the existing pre- and post-endoscopy risk scores for UGIH and assess the published data comparing them in the prediction of outcome. Recent data assessing their use in clinical practice, in particular the early identification of low-risk patients, are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage BLEEDING ENDOSCOPY Risk assessment Scoring systems Bla-tchford Rockall
Options for Managing Livestock Production Systems to Adapt to Climate Change 被引量:1
作者 Evangelia N. Sossidou Eleni Tsiplakou George Zervas 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第7期415-427,共13页
This paper discusses recent research findings together with management schemes in preventing and managing of thermal stress by handling external and internal factors in livestock production systems. Preventive measure... This paper discusses recent research findings together with management schemes in preventing and managing of thermal stress by handling external and internal factors in livestock production systems. Preventive measures against thermal stress are described as basic structural adjustments and the modifications that can be implemented readily, according to animal health and welfare requirements and refer to (1) environmental modification and thermal comfort in various housing systems; (2) action on animals, such as genetic selection for breeds resistant to infectious disease, parasites and climate extremes; (3) action on feed and (4) action on staff handling the animals. Moreover, measures to be taken both in situations of chronic thermal stress and heat or cold strokes are presented as they are applied to (1) limit stress, (2) monitor the temperature felt by animals, (3) adapt diet and drinking water supplies and (4) correct physiological imbalances. Examples are given for different farm species (cattle, sheep, goat, poultry and pigs) and different production systems (intensive, extensive and alternative). The paper concludes with a practical guide for the effective handling of thermal stress at farm level, summarizing the results from recent research studies on the specific topic. 展开更多
关键词 Livestock production MANAGEMENT thermal comfort.
A Second Protein Marker of Caveolae:Caveolin-2 被引量:5
作者 Liu-luan Zhu Ying Cui Yong-sheng Chang Fu-de Fang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2010年第2期119-124,共6页
Caveolin-2,a protein about 20 kD,is a major component of the inner surface of caveolae,small invaginations of the plasma membrane.Similar with caveolin-1 and caveolin-3,it serves as a protein marker of caveolae.Caveol... Caveolin-2,a protein about 20 kD,is a major component of the inner surface of caveolae,small invaginations of the plasma membrane.Similar with caveolin-1 and caveolin-3,it serves as a protein marker of caveolae.Caveolin-1 and-2 are located next to each other at 7q31.1 on human chromosome,the proteins encoded are co-localized and form a stable hetero-oligomeric complex,distributing similarly in tissue and cultured cells.Caveolin-3 is located on different chromosomes but confirmed to interact with caveolin-2.Caveolin-2 is similar to caveolin-1 in many respects but differs from the latter in functional domains,especially in G-protein binding domain and caveolin scaffolding domain.The mRNAs of both caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 are most abundantly expressed in white adipose tissue and are induced during differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells to adipocytes.Caveolin-2-deficinet mice demonstrate clear pulmonary defects,with little or no change in caveolin-1 expression and caveolae formation,suggesting that caveolin-2 plays a selective role in lung functions.Caveolin-2 is also involved in lipid metabolism and human cancers. 展开更多
关键词 caveolin-2 LUNG lipid metabolism CANCER
A case of multiple intra-abdominal splenosis with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging correlative findings 被引量:3
作者 Massimo Imbriaco Luigi Camera +1 位作者 Alessandra Manciuria Marco Salvatore 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第9期1453-1455,共3页
Hepatic splenosis refers to heterotopic auto- transplantation and implantation of splenic tissue resulting from the spillage of cells from the spleen after splenic trauma or splenectomy. The true incidence of splenosi... Hepatic splenosis refers to heterotopic auto- transplantation and implantation of splenic tissue resulting from the spillage of cells from the spleen after splenic trauma or splenectomy. The true incidence of splenosis is unknown, because this entity is usually an incidental finding at surgery. Splenic implants are usually multiple, and can be localized anywhere in the peritoneal cavity. Splenic implants in the peritoneal cavity may be confused with renal tumors, abdominal lymphomas and endometriosis. We describe computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in a rare case of multiple intra-abdominal splenosis located along the hepatic surface and adjacent to the upper pole of the right kidney, mimicking a renal neoplasm. 展开更多
关键词 ABDOMEN Computed tomography Magnetic resonance imaging Liver SPLEEN
Applications and research in frame longeron of hydroforming
作者 Liu Hao Jiao Mengwang +4 位作者 Wei Yuansheng Du Huijun Li Shuli Yang Hongxin Yang Jie 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第6期79-82,共4页
The application feasibility of hydroforming in frame longeron large parts is verified for the first time at home. The result of the research on the structure design and process analysis for frame longeron shows that h... The application feasibility of hydroforming in frame longeron large parts is verified for the first time at home. The result of the research on the structure design and process analysis for frame longeron shows that hydroforming can he fully realized. With stiffness is comparison, collision test simulation and cross section force with traditional drawing- assembly welding techniques, it has been found that hydroforming combining has multiple advantages such as light- weight, high stiffness, reduction in the number of parts, high precision, hence reduction the associated machining and welding and so on. It is especially suitable for forming various lightweight components used for the chassis parts in automotive. 展开更多
Analysis on Development Trend of the D omestic Interior Design Pattern based on the Regional Characteristics and Cultural Integration
作者 Congcong Ai Han Xu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期60-62,共3页
Interior is the main space of human activities, which is an important part of human life and design activities, and is the link between spiritual civilization and material civilization. Interior design originates from... Interior is the main space of human activities, which is an important part of human life and design activities, and is the link between spiritual civilization and material civilization. Interior design originates from life, and needs to solve the problem of the material world and spiritual world. People improve the living environment and life quality through interior designs. The style of design depends on the geographical features and various cultures, which refi ects the artistic features and personality. The development history of modern architecture and interior design shows that the style of interior design is an important part of the whole architectural style, which reffects the design features of the whole building. Therefore, interior design and outdoor design should be in harmony. The orientation and characteristics of interior design determine the necessity of the style reforms. The future development trend of interior development may have the following characteristics humanism, green design, nationalization, intelligence and regionalization. 展开更多
关键词 Development Trend DOMESTIC Interior Design Pattern Regional Characteristics Cultural Integration.
Research on constraints of internal controls in Chinese enterprises
作者 ZHONG Wei TANG Hai-xiu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第11期59-63,共5页
From the practice of Chinese enterprises, the paper discusses three constraint conditions of China's internal controls including the system environmental constraint, cost constraint and organization constraint, and a... From the practice of Chinese enterprises, the paper discusses three constraint conditions of China's internal controls including the system environmental constraint, cost constraint and organization constraint, and advances the suggestions on the approaches to improve Chinese enterprises' internal controls level. 展开更多
关键词 internal controls system environment cost constraint organization constraint
Web Page Translation of Garment Enterprises in Zhejiang: Mass Communication Perspective
作者 WANG Qi BAO Jia-jiao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期791-796,共6页
As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on th... As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on the features of Chinese and Western web pages of garment enterprises and the translation strategy with the guidance of mass communication theory. Results illustrate that Chinese texts favor symmetrical phrases rich in cultural connotation, whereas English texts prefer plain language with fewer culture-loaded expressions and the latter focuses more on the feeling of audiences. As a result, audience-oriented translation strategy is strongly recommended so as to maximize the communication effect of the enterprise web pages 展开更多
关键词 mass communication TRANSLATION web page
On the Development of Wushu Among Youth In the Context of National Spirit
作者 Yongxiang Liao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期9-11,共3页
as one of our country’s quintessence forms, Wushu is an important cultural inherit with rich connotation of national spirits. In recent years, there are more and more attentions people pay to the importance of spread... as one of our country’s quintessence forms, Wushu is an important cultural inherit with rich connotation of national spirits. In recent years, there are more and more attentions people pay to the importance of spreading national spirit, and it is also the vital part of Chinese dreams, the easy approach to Chinese dreams. Youth, an irreplaceable position and function in the country building, will be the important power to facilitate our country. Therefore, our country pays great attention to the physical constitution, and open up Wushu activity could be the important approach to improved physical constitution. This article will analyze the relationship between national spirits and Wushu spirits, and state the meanings and functions of launching Wushu activity among youth. In the end of the article, the article will come up with the approach about developing youth Wushu activity in the context of national spirits. 展开更多
关键词 context of national spirits YOUTH Wushu activity development
Development and Innovation of College English Curriculum Evaluation Models
作者 Guangfeng Zhao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期125-127,共3页
Teaching evaluation is an important and essential part of teaching, is an important means of detecting teaching effect. The traditional way of teaching evaluation only concerned with results of student learning, which... Teaching evaluation is an important and essential part of teaching, is an important means of detecting teaching effect. The traditional way of teaching evaluation only concerned with results of student learning, which is not conducive to reforms of English teaching methods and content. Our school s implemented English curriculum evaluation method combining formative assessment and summative assessment, which reflects the times, openness and flexibility of English teaching, but help to improve the overall quality of students, greatly promoting the reform of English teaching and development. 展开更多
关键词 College English CURRICULUM Evaluation Models.
Research on the Accurate Computer Music Composition Mode under the Background of Big Data
作者 Sui Wu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第1期59-61,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the accurate computer music composition mode under the basic background of big data. From the perspective of music theory, in terms of micro notes jump within a certain range, wil... In this paper, we conduct research on the accurate computer music composition mode under the basic background of big data. From the perspective of music theory, in terms of micro notes jump within a certain range, will not cause discomfort, notes there are upward at the same time, the downward makes the whole piece will not boring. From the macroscopic, the nature of the chord with internal connection between motivation and motivation as support, at the same time, the whole range can maintain in a certain range, making sound effects is can let a person feel cheerful. Computer science first occupied is music in the music sound production and the propagation of position as it is mainly used for digital audio clips and automated synthesis. But there is a certain distance away from the traditional concept of composition. Therefore, our research proposes the innovative perspective to deal with the issues for achieving the better performance. 展开更多
关键词 Big Data Composition Mode ACCURATE Computer Music Theoretical Research.
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