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作者 陈玉霞 《魅力中国》 2010年第31期405-405,共1页
作文教学具有重要的审美教育功能。作文教学担负着培养学生具有现代的写作能力,以及在写作训练过程中提高觉悟、陶冶情操、净华情感、美化心灵的任务,这些任务与审美教育密切相关。而农村小学面对的是广阔无边的大自然,是美的百花园... 作文教学具有重要的审美教育功能。作文教学担负着培养学生具有现代的写作能力,以及在写作训练过程中提高觉悟、陶冶情操、净华情感、美化心灵的任务,这些任务与审美教育密切相关。而农村小学面对的是广阔无边的大自然,是美的百花园。在作文教学中,利用农村丰厚的优势,让作文教学走向生活,让学生在关的天地里直接摹写关、创造关,使学生受到审关教育。具体途径有:留心生活,用心寻关;依仗课文,摹仿写美;活动开路,自由创美。 展开更多
关键词 作文教学 写美
作者 陈世明 《写作》 2016年第10期83-90,共8页
画有"舍形悦影"之法,诗有"舍形绘影"之妙。此皆与司空图"离形得似"说相通,亦与莱辛"从美的效果写美"论相和。离形得似,舍形绘影,不企形似求神似。影虽虚,而能传神、达意,透露出其微妙的、难以... 画有"舍形悦影"之法,诗有"舍形绘影"之妙。此皆与司空图"离形得似"说相通,亦与莱辛"从美的效果写美"论相和。离形得似,舍形绘影,不企形似求神似。影虽虚,而能传神、达意,透露出其微妙的、难以捉摸的真。这"影",恰是生命、精神、气韵之所在,是"形"的极致,"质"的隐现。立竿可以见影,从影亦可知竿。作者舍形绘影,品者睹影知竿。这般妙境,若镜花水月,互为观照,而又相映成趣。 展开更多
关键词 诗歌 舍形绘影 的效果写美
美读 美说 美写——我的语文教育探索 被引量:1
作者 袁东升 《江苏教育研究》 2018年第6期17-20,共4页
语文教育的核心任务,是培养学生的听说读写等语言文字运用能力,这是由语文课程的性质决定的。因此,依托美读、美说、美写等语言实践活动,引导学生积累言语经验,把握语言文字的特点和运用规律,感受祖国语言文字之美,应该是语文教育的重... 语文教育的核心任务,是培养学生的听说读写等语言文字运用能力,这是由语文课程的性质决定的。因此,依托美读、美说、美写等语言实践活动,引导学生积累言语经验,把握语言文字的特点和运用规律,感受祖国语言文字之美,应该是语文教育的重要内容。多年来的实践探索证明,美读、美说、美写这类学生自主的言语活动,对提高学生的以语言文字运用能力为核心的语文素养,有着重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 语文教育
作者 张书献 《新课程研究》 2022年第1期27-30,共4页
文章基于审美鉴赏与创造素养,指出教师可从四个侧面化繁为简,探究读写深度融合路径,在方法层面解决从教育理念向教学实践转化的实际问题。教师在教学中可通过引领审美鉴赏:学诗人用性灵妙悟文本美的意境;读美融通写美:寻律定墨,神游生活... 文章基于审美鉴赏与创造素养,指出教师可从四个侧面化繁为简,探究读写深度融合路径,在方法层面解决从教育理念向教学实践转化的实际问题。教师在教学中可通过引领审美鉴赏:学诗人用性灵妙悟文本美的意境;读美融通写美:寻律定墨,神游生活,因情造境;探寻审美创造:做匠人用手腕传达文本美的建构;美写通融美读:文会通读,文通联情,情通融境,使“读美”“写美”“美写”“美读”和谐统一,使读写深度融合明晰简洁、诗意浪漫、便捷实用。 展开更多
关键词 鉴赏 融通写美 创造 通融 融合
以写立美:小学语文习作教学探究 被引量:1
作者 季晓燕 《江苏教育研究》 2022年第17期58-61,共4页
以写立美,是通过写作“建立美的形式”的实践活动,是儿童实现从审美鉴赏到审美创造的有效途径。教师可以通过实施主题阅读、微观速写、审美联想、炼词炼意、表现性评价等策略,提高学生的写作能力和审美素养,激发表达活力和生命活力,促... 以写立美,是通过写作“建立美的形式”的实践活动,是儿童实现从审美鉴赏到审美创造的有效途径。教师可以通过实施主题阅读、微观速写、审美联想、炼词炼意、表现性评价等策略,提高学生的写作能力和审美素养,激发表达活力和生命活力,促进思维发展和审美创造。 展开更多
关键词 素养 作教学
作者 付柏阳 《学苑教育》 2011年第7期6-6,共1页
关键词 听得 说得 读得
作者 杨萍 《心事》 2014年第18期56-57,24,共3页
语文教师是美的传播者、创造者,每一位语文教师应努力提高自身的审美情趣,有意识,有目的地结合语文学科教学的特点,通过“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”等方式对学生进行美的教育,让“美育”来优化教学,使学生能够更好地感受美、... 语文教师是美的传播者、创造者,每一位语文教师应努力提高自身的审美情趣,有意识,有目的地结合语文学科教学的特点,通过“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”等方式对学生进行美的教育,让“美育”来优化教学,使学生能够更好地感受美、发现美和创造美,在美的海洋里遨游,在美的熏陶下成长。 展开更多
关键词 “听”之 “说”之 “读”之 ”之
语文阅读教学中最高雅的课型——文学鉴赏课课型初探 被引量:1
作者 王丹阳 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2011年第4期103-105,共3页
关键词 文本 鉴赏 方法
作者 翟瑞 《北京舞蹈学院学报》 CSSCI 2020年第4期88-92,共5页
蒲松龄善于将舞蹈之美融入《聊斋志异》的文本创构中,尤其是善于通过描写各类花妖狐媚的舞态,传达其风采神韵。寥寥几笔,即将她们写得活灵活现、神形兼具。这些丰富多彩的舞态描写并不仅仅停留于展现多姿多彩的舞蹈艺术,还在于传达人物... 蒲松龄善于将舞蹈之美融入《聊斋志异》的文本创构中,尤其是善于通过描写各类花妖狐媚的舞态,传达其风采神韵。寥寥几笔,即将她们写得活灵活现、神形兼具。这些丰富多彩的舞态描写并不仅仅停留于展现多姿多彩的舞蹈艺术,还在于传达人物风韵之美。 展开更多
关键词 舞蹈 舞态 风韵 价值 人之
Contentious Discourses: Signifying on the Law in African American Writing
作者 Joyce Hope Scott 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第4期181-193,共13页
African American narratives are peopled with subjectivities struggling to retrieve and reconstruct themselves as persons--and thus citizens--through and against American legal narratives, where personhood and citizens... African American narratives are peopled with subjectivities struggling to retrieve and reconstruct themselves as persons--and thus citizens--through and against American legal narratives, where personhood and citizenship are concerned. Thus, there was the problematic for blacks of how to apply citizenship to their corporeal existence when they were labeled as property. The historical legal narrative of America was constructed on the power of the dominant white elite to prevent the emergence of a narrative of African American life other than that which they authorize, legislate, and narrate. To this end, it has been argued, that narratives in African American literature treat the question of the legal status of African Americans or have it as a fundamental trope of struggle in the narrative. This idea suggests that the law's ability as a shaper and determinant of African American social identity, presets the narrative base for African American narrative. This paper examines the relationship between "'laws of separations", and African American narrative through a rereading of works of two contemporary novelists, Toni Morrison and Gloria Naylor. Their works, the author argue, are counter-positioned narratives that create contentious dialogue and elaborate the way in which segregationist codes and Jim Crow laws are grounded in the very nature of citizenship for African Americans. 展开更多
关键词 African American narrative CITIZENSHIP chattel property counter-narrative law and slavery legal status
"Historical Rewriting" and "Alternative Fairy Tales" in Contemporary Vietnamese Prose: Intertextuality or Incredulity Towards Grand Narratives
作者 Hoang Cam Giang 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第6期346-354,共9页
At the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century, Vietnamese literature witnessed unprecedented innovations in the aesthetic thinking of writers and the narrative structure of their works. One of the m... At the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century, Vietnamese literature witnessed unprecedented innovations in the aesthetic thinking of writers and the narrative structure of their works. One of the most interesting manifestations of this new movement was not merely the introduction of new aesthetic materials and factors, but the adoption and positive "reprocessing" of traditional factors---especially historical factors and folk narrative factors. Based on intertextual theory, we would like to address the strong penetration, reproduction, and transformation of some folk storytelling models and historical materials in Vietnamese literature since 1986. Two corresponding phenomena we examine are "historical rewriting" and "alternative fairy tales"--as part of the whole process of incredulity towards grand narratives and postmodernism in the contemporary Vietnamese prose. 展开更多
关键词 INTERTEXTUALITY "alternative fairy tales" "historical rewriting" contemporary prose grand narratives
作者 翟瑞 《中国文化论衡》 2020年第2期69-83,共15页
“态”是中国写人学理论重要的范畴之一,在不同类别的艺术作品中人物“态”的生发技巧各有侧重。其中,“曲尽其态”是颇具有共通性且十分常见的写人术语。该术语从宋代绘画作品品评中展露,经过诗话、词话的不断运用,至明清戏曲、小说理... “态”是中国写人学理论重要的范畴之一,在不同类别的艺术作品中人物“态”的生发技巧各有侧重。其中,“曲尽其态”是颇具有共通性且十分常见的写人术语。该术语从宋代绘画作品品评中展露,经过诗话、词话的不断运用,至明清戏曲、小说理论达到成熟,其内涵也相应地经历了由评说动物、景物到品评人物的转变,由单一运用于绘画评赏到综合运用于各种文学艺术形式评赏的转变。尤其是其基于“无形似有形”之韵态富有“曲折”“婉约”的内涵,颇能揭示或传达中国文学艺术写人之美。 展开更多
关键词 曲笔 人之
作者 林润生 《语文月刊》 2010年第3期17-17,共1页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《当昭天地》
《小作家选刊(小学生版)》 2010年第3期55-55,共1页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 阅读材料 出植物的来》
Musical Event Structure Metaphors in Beckett's Ghost Trio
作者 Lihua Huang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期110-112,共3页
Samuel Beckett' s dramaticles are permeated with musical aesthetic thought, which is one of his unique writing styles. Exploration of such style is beneficial and conducive to deepen our understanding of the abstract... Samuel Beckett' s dramaticles are permeated with musical aesthetic thought, which is one of his unique writing styles. Exploration of such style is beneficial and conducive to deepen our understanding of the abstract and fragmented dramatic discourse. This thesis makes attempt to investigate musical aesthetic thought from the angle of the Event Structure Metaphor. 展开更多
关键词 Samuel Beckett musical aesthetic thought Event Structure Metaphor Ghost Trio
The Connection Between Slavery and Prophecy as It Relates tothe American Nation in the Writings of the Adventist PioneersDuring the Antebellum Period
《History Research》 2012年第5期316-331,共16页
The period between 1850 and 1865 was a period of major social upheavals in American society; the major issue was the slavery. This period also witnessed the birth and organization of the Sabbatarian Adventism, a pre-m... The period between 1850 and 1865 was a period of major social upheavals in American society; the major issue was the slavery. This period also witnessed the birth and organization of the Sabbatarian Adventism, a pre-millennial Christian movement distinguished by an emphasis on the Seventh-day Sabbath and a special understanding of Bible prophecies. Most Adventist pioneers vehemently opposed slavery, although not always on the same ground as their Christian counterparts. Aided by their peculiar understanding of Bible prophecy, the early Adventists identified America with apocalyptical end-time power, slavery being the key attribute of the "beast that looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon" from Revelation 13:11. This article investigates the development of Adventist connection between slavery, America and Bible prophecy. 展开更多
The Metaphor of Narrative Woods in Eco's Work
作者 Bujar Hoxha 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期1004-1017,共14页
This paper on Umberto Eco's contribution to the narration process, tries to identify the mainstream of modem studies of the text. I have tried to separate it as an entity, which together with other textual techniques... This paper on Umberto Eco's contribution to the narration process, tries to identify the mainstream of modem studies of the text. I have tried to separate it as an entity, which together with other textual techniques and strategies shall create applicable theoretical messages towards an artistic creation. Eco's (1994) work itself, gives an opportunity to exemplify his theoretical claims. Using my examples, I have tried to show how a work of art can be rendered narrative, a subject to contemporary techniques and cooperativeness with the reader. One of the main issues I have explained is the time factor, seen from the linguistic and semiotic prospective. I consider that Eco's treatment of the relation between reality and fiction is of a semiotic nature. One of the main elements it contains (and definitely makes such a difference possible), is the time factor. The delay (lingering) part treats works of art separately, and gives one of the ways to render artistic works readable, worth having an aesthetic value, in their way to transmitting a message to the audience. 展开更多
作者 曹艳肖 《农民科技培训》 2008年第9期1-1,共1页
关键词 散文 的随想--在残奥会初》 曹艳肖 文学作品
The Writing Techniques of The Great Gatsby
作者 Wu Mengru 《Review of Global Academics》 2015年第1期466-468,共3页
The Great Gatsby is a wonderful masterpiece by Fitzgerald whether when it refers to the content or refers to the artistic creation, and it is acknowledged as one of the greatest works of American literature in 20 cent... The Great Gatsby is a wonderful masterpiece by Fitzgerald whether when it refers to the content or refers to the artistic creation, and it is acknowledged as one of the greatest works of American literature in 20 century. The novel was strictly and prudently organized by Fitzgerald, which used lots of writing techniques and skills, such as symbolism, analogy and so on. These techniques contributed to deepen theme and increase artistic appeal. In this novel, Fitzgerald portrays the real state of American society vividly in 1920s with cold attitude and subtle analysis. This is the most typical tragicomedy about the realization and vanishment of "American dream" that describes the love tragedy between Gatsby and Daisy. 展开更多
关键词 The Great Gatsby narrative perspective SYMBOLISM metaphor or simile
Assessing Creative Writing in a Postmodem Era
作者 Yves Renaud 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第11期1090-1097,共8页
How to teach creative writing at school? If the procedures inherited from writing workshops have undoubtedly proved efficient as regards text production, it is also clear that in Switzerland, as elsewhere in Europe a... How to teach creative writing at school? If the procedures inherited from writing workshops have undoubtedly proved efficient as regards text production, it is also clear that in Switzerland, as elsewhere in Europe and in the Anglo-Saxon world, the present use of evaluation grids with their numerous items prevents secondary school pupils from adopting the stance of an author. Why? Simply because the most innovative and "literary" texts are always surprising: They are "different", and could not possibly result from writing guidelines devised only to facilitate a mechanical evaluation itself conceived for the sake of some illusory objectivity... Now, in our postmodern age with its rejection of models, what is more difficult than assessing the quality of creative writing? In our approach, we suggest restoring confidence in the teacher, an expert reader if any, who, acting as a publisher, dramaturge, or mere aesthete, knows how to take his pupils' texts seriously, acknowledge their aesthetic value, and look at apparent clumsiness as a possible promise of innovation. The teaching of creative writing lies both in this specific reception of budding works and in the teacher's performative utterances that, then and there, make the pupil a writer. 展开更多
关键词 creative writing assessing artistic work DIDACTICS teaching French highschool
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