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作者 魏向远 《经济研究导刊》 2024年第18期1-4,共4页
特色农业产业区是实现产业振兴和发展县域经济的有效载体,推动特色农业产业区高质量发展是加快建设农业强国的重要一环。特色农业产业区高质量发展的根本在于创新,创新型农业产业区的形成与良好区域制度环境密不可分。政策环境、法治环... 特色农业产业区是实现产业振兴和发展县域经济的有效载体,推动特色农业产业区高质量发展是加快建设农业强国的重要一环。特色农业产业区高质量发展的根本在于创新,创新型农业产业区的形成与良好区域制度环境密不可分。政策环境、法治环境、文化环境在特色农业产业区高质量发展中具有引导、保障和促进作用。因而,特色农业产业区高质量发展需要从实际出发,制定特色产业发展政策,并推动技术渗透融合、实施财政金融的精准支持、完善法治环境及优化区域文化环境。 展开更多
关键词 特色农业产业区 高质量发展 制度环境
从农业产业化到农业产业区——竞争型农业产业化发展的可行性分析 被引量:115
作者 郑风田 程郁 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第7期64-73,93,共11页
专业化、规模化和特色化是世界农业发展的一种趋势。近年来,国内外的实践也证实农业产业区是一种提升农业综合生产能力和农产品国际竞争力的有效方式。从微观角度看,农业产业区内各经济主体进行了专业化的分工协作,交织在区域社会关系... 专业化、规模化和特色化是世界农业发展的一种趋势。近年来,国内外的实践也证实农业产业区是一种提升农业综合生产能力和农产品国际竞争力的有效方式。从微观角度看,农业产业区内各经济主体进行了专业化的分工协作,交织在区域社会关系网络之中,创造了难以模仿的竞争优势;农业产业区将小规模的分散经营者聚合在一起,形成了小规模经营者与大市场的有效连接机制,实现以小搏大。从宏观角度看,农业产业区有利于区域合理分工和布局,提高生产效率,减少市场的波动性。本文在对我国农业产业化发展战略反思的基础上,对产业区为什么会产生竞争优势进行了理论分析与案例解剖,在此基础上提出我国从农业产业化到农业产业区战略调整应该注意的问题与政策选择。 展开更多
关键词 农业产业区 农业产业化发展 可行性分析 竞争型 农产品国际竞争力 农业综合生产能力 产业化发展战略 世界农业发展 社会关系网络 竞争优势 注意的问题 有效方式 微观角度 分工协作 经济主体 宏观角度 合理分工 生产效率
温台地区农业产业发展空间布局 被引量:1
作者 卫新 毛小报 王美青 《浙江经济》 北大核心 2004年第17期28-29,共2页
特色鲜明的温台地区农业 1.结构调整迈出新步伐,特色优势产业逐步形成.进入20世纪90年代,尤其是1998年浙江提出了大力发展效益农业,加快农业产业结构调整步伐的战略决策以来,温台地区农业产业结构调整迈出新的步伐.其中种植业的比重稳... 特色鲜明的温台地区农业 1.结构调整迈出新步伐,特色优势产业逐步形成.进入20世纪90年代,尤其是1998年浙江提出了大力发展效益农业,加快农业产业结构调整步伐的战略决策以来,温台地区农业产业结构调整迈出新的步伐.其中种植业的比重稳步下降,渔牧业比重有所上升.全区域农林牧渔产值比重由1998年的41.43:1.47:10.04:47.05调整到2003年的36.87:1.95:12.33:48.55.通过农业产业结构的调整,温台地区特色优势农产品蓬勃发展,逐步培育了水产品、蔬菜瓜果、畜禽、水果、茶叶、竹笋、食用菌、花卉苗木等特色优势产品,并成为有较强竞争力的产业. 展开更多
关键词 浙江 温州市 台州市 农业产业区 空间布局 战略定位
成都市现代农业产业功能区及重点园区规划设计研究 被引量:2
作者 赵超 杨坤 +2 位作者 李玲玲 胡川江 叶国伟 《四川农业科技》 2020年第1期71-72,共2页
实施乡村振兴战略、促进产城融合发展,高效建设现代农业产业功能区及重点园区,必须坚持规划先行,谋定后动。本文在研究成都市现代农业产业功能区及重点园区发展现状基础上,指出其规划建设过程中存在的问题,并针对性的提出规划设计的新... 实施乡村振兴战略、促进产城融合发展,高效建设现代农业产业功能区及重点园区,必须坚持规划先行,谋定后动。本文在研究成都市现代农业产业功能区及重点园区发展现状基础上,指出其规划建设过程中存在的问题,并针对性的提出规划设计的新理念与思路建议。 展开更多
关键词 农业产业功能 农业 成都市 规划设计
农业资本形成视角下的河南农业产业集聚区建设思路 被引量:2
作者 张晓丹 《农业经济》 北大核心 2017年第4期26-27,共2页
农村内源性资本外流和外部资金缺乏投资农业产业意愿并存的问题影响河南农业产业集聚区建设成败。研究从农业资本形成视角下阐述河南农业产业集聚区建设要点;给出打造农业产业集聚区骨干农产品项目集群和创新农业产业集聚区农业资本嵌... 农村内源性资本外流和外部资金缺乏投资农业产业意愿并存的问题影响河南农业产业集聚区建设成败。研究从农业资本形成视角下阐述河南农业产业集聚区建设要点;给出打造农业产业集聚区骨干农产品项目集群和创新农业产业集聚区农业资本嵌入新机制等策略来支持河南农业产业集聚区建设;指出支持农业产业集聚区的农业资本筹措思路和完善农业产业集聚区的配套制度环境等河南农业产业集聚区的支撑系统构建新思路。 展开更多
关键词 农业资本 农业产业集聚 产业经济
我国农业结构调整新思路——规模化、特色化与专业化产业区发展模式 被引量:10
作者 郑风田 《农村经济》 北大核心 2004年第6期1-4,共4页
全球农业发展的一大趋势就是形成规模化、特色化与专业化的产业区。这种新的资源组织形式在我国沿海地区已得到快速发展。我国传统的农业结构往往是大而全 ,重复建设 ,缺乏特色。未来的农业结构调整应该借鉴产业区的发展经验与组织方式 ... 全球农业发展的一大趋势就是形成规模化、特色化与专业化的产业区。这种新的资源组织形式在我国沿海地区已得到快速发展。我国传统的农业结构往往是大而全 ,重复建设 ,缺乏特色。未来的农业结构调整应该借鉴产业区的发展经验与组织方式 ,重新进行资源整合 ,形成有特色的区域产业集聚 ,从而提高我国农业的整体竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 农业结构调整 规模化 特色化 专业化 中国 荷兰 美国 特色农业产业区
对加快我国农业产业化进程的探索与思考 被引量:3
作者 史开国 《贵州社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期22-24,共3页
为了进一步推进我国农业产业化的进程,现阶段必须注重以下几个战略性问题:逐步实现农业的规模化经营,特别是土地适度规模经营的扩大;以市场需求为导向,形成有竞争优势和区域特点的主导产业,建立独具特色的农业产业区;进一步健全和完善... 为了进一步推进我国农业产业化的进程,现阶段必须注重以下几个战略性问题:逐步实现农业的规模化经营,特别是土地适度规模经营的扩大;以市场需求为导向,形成有竞争优势和区域特点的主导产业,建立独具特色的农业产业区;进一步健全和完善农业产业化组织,创建合理的利益分配机制;做好政府职能的准确定位,为农业产业化经营顺利推进创造良好的环境;促进技术进步,提高农民素质。 展开更多
关键词 农业产业化进程 土地适度规模经营 农业产业化组织 农业产业化经营 加快 利益分配机制 规模化经营 战略性问题 农业产业区 市场需求 主导产业 域特点 竞争优势 准确定位 政府职能 技术进步 农民素质
作者 陈大坤 《重庆行政(公共论坛)》 2007年第5期44-45,共2页
中国是农业大国,新中国建立后走出了具有中国特色的农业发展之路,成功解决了农民温饱问题,在一些地方还实现了"小康",但是又出现了农业效益不高、农民"增收难"的问题。中国农业怎么办?解决这些问题,要大力推进城乡... 中国是农业大国,新中国建立后走出了具有中国特色的农业发展之路,成功解决了农民温饱问题,在一些地方还实现了"小康",但是又出现了农业效益不高、农民"增收难"的问题。中国农业怎么办?解决这些问题,要大力推进城乡统筹发展,笔者认为,当前积极推进"体验式农业",是一条创新之路。一、发展"体验式农业"的价值探讨体验式农业是有别于观光农业的现代农业。京津地区武清大孟庄镇"东篱现代农业产业区",是首个将现代化农业生产、农业观光旅游与休闲度假相结合的复合型大型地产项目。武清东篱生态农庄,其中11万平方米别墅、18万平方米度假公寓,温泉度假酒店5万平方米,现代农业庄园5万平方米,其最主要的资源特点即在"现代农业"二字上。 展开更多
关键词 体验式农业 合川 现代农业开发 城乡统筹发展 农业产业区 创新之路
《江苏农村经济》 2007年第10期6-6,共1页
宿迁市突出蔬菜、食用菌、花卉苗木、优质稻米、生态水禽、奶牛、优质生猪、杨树、蚕桑和优质水产等十大高效产业,围绕“十一五”期间全市打造10个年产值超10亿元高效农业产业区(带)发展目标,以优势产业核心区域为突破口,不断加大... 宿迁市突出蔬菜、食用菌、花卉苗木、优质稻米、生态水禽、奶牛、优质生猪、杨树、蚕桑和优质水产等十大高效产业,围绕“十一五”期间全市打造10个年产值超10亿元高效农业产业区(带)发展目标,以优势产业核心区域为突破口,不断加大农业结构调整力度,强化农业招商引资,大力推进高效农业规模化,农业综合效益稳步提升,全市高效外向农业发展势头强劲。 展开更多
关键词 农业规模化 宿迁市 “十一五”期间 优质稻米 农业招商引资 农业综合效益 农业产业区 花卉苗木
论小城镇建设与农村经济的持续发展 被引量:10
作者 张庆广 杜达武 《桂海论丛》 2000年第3期59-62,共4页
小城镇建设与农村经济发展密不可分。加快小城镇建设是保持农村经济持续健康发展的战略选择。要达到小城镇建设对农村经济发展的促进作用,必须对小城镇建设进行科学规划,坚持小城镇建设与发展乡镇企业、农业产业化相结合,实施多渠道... 小城镇建设与农村经济发展密不可分。加快小城镇建设是保持农村经济持续健康发展的战略选择。要达到小城镇建设对农村经济发展的促进作用,必须对小城镇建设进行科学规划,坚持小城镇建设与发展乡镇企业、农业产业化相结合,实施多渠道筹措建设资金的政策,并深化小城镇建设配套改革。 展开更多
关键词 中国 小城镇建设 农村经济 可持续发展 农业产业区 乡镇企业
调整结构 扩大高效规模
作者 李晓春 《江苏农村经济》 2007年第10期14-15,共2页
去年以来,江苏省宿迁市突出蔬菜、食用菌、花卉苗木、优质稻米、生态水禽、奶牛、优质生猪、杨树、蚕桑和优质水产等十大高效产业,围绕“十一五”期间全市打造10个年产值超10亿元高效农业产业区(带)发展目标,以优势产业核心区域为... 去年以来,江苏省宿迁市突出蔬菜、食用菌、花卉苗木、优质稻米、生态水禽、奶牛、优质生猪、杨树、蚕桑和优质水产等十大高效产业,围绕“十一五”期间全市打造10个年产值超10亿元高效农业产业区(带)发展目标,以优势产业核心区域为突破口,不断加大农业结构调整力度,强化农业招商引资,大力推进高效农业规模化,农业综合效益稳步提升,全市高效外向农业发展势头强劲。 展开更多
关键词 调整结构 “十一五”期间 优质稻米 农业招商引资 农业综合效益 农业产业区 农业规模化 花卉苗木
《农产品市场》 2003年第50期50-51,共1页
昆山市花桥镇位于江苏东大门,紧靠上海汽车城,具有便捷的交通条件和丰富的土地资源.全镇近5万亩土地,工业开发区、曹安住宅商贸区、花桥城镇区、农业产业区、规划科学布局合理.外向型经济,民营以济蓬勃发展,经济实力雄厚,是昆山经济社... 昆山市花桥镇位于江苏东大门,紧靠上海汽车城,具有便捷的交通条件和丰富的土地资源.全镇近5万亩土地,工业开发区、曹安住宅商贸区、花桥城镇区、农业产业区、规划科学布局合理.外向型经济,民营以济蓬勃发展,经济实力雄厚,是昆山经济社会事业发展极强的乡镇之一,在农业产业结构调整中注重形成三大产业特色. 展开更多
关键词 农业特色产业 大力发展 花桥镇 昆山市 奶牛产业 农业产业区
Areal differentiation of virtual water for agricultural products and its effect on regional agricultural structure adjustment in China: 1995-2007 被引量:3
作者 QIN Li-jie ZONG Sheng-wei CHANG Yong-zhi 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第1期80-87,共8页
With a vast territory, the space-time distribution of water resources is uneven in China. There is a great dif ference in natural conditions and farmland management of agricuttural production in different regions. The... With a vast territory, the space-time distribution of water resources is uneven in China. There is a great dif ference in natural conditions and farmland management of agricuttural production in different regions. The areal differentiation of agricultural products virtual water is obvious. Comparison with the agricultural products virtual water from 1995 to 2007 in China shows an increase in the first ten vears and a little decrease in recent years. There has been a tendency of increase all the time in Northeast and Northwest. but a decrease after an increase firstly in other regions. The virtual water offood crops is the maximum which accounts for more than 70% in China. and that of vegetables is in a fast growth. The proportion of agricultural products virtual water to the total water resources in each region has a large difference, showing the imbalance of agricultural water in different regions, which accounts for 50%-90% in Northeast, and 125%-185% in North China. Under the guidance of virtual water strategy, based on the differences of resource endowment, each region should adjust agricultural structure, decide production by water, and select water suitable crops. In water-rich region, agricultural produets of high water consumption should be planted appropriately, which will make full use of the abundant local water resources. In water-shortage region the crop production of high water consumption and low efficiency should be depressed, and that of low water consumption and high efficiency should be supported and increased. It will achieve reasonable disposition of water resources, promote ecological restoration and environmental protection, as welt as ensure food security. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual water Areal differentiation Adjustment of agricultural structure
Relationships and Evolving Networks of Rural Manufacturing Clusters: A Case Study in Yucheng County, Henan Province of China 被引量:7
作者 LI Erling LI Xiaojian LIU Zhigao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期364-376,共13页
The evolution of networks in rural industrial clusters,in particular in the context of China has been paid more attention to in the world.Applying the theory and techniques of social network analysis (SNA),this study ... The evolution of networks in rural industrial clusters,in particular in the context of China has been paid more attention to in the world.Applying the theory and techniques of social network analysis (SNA),this study is with particular regard to the business network relationships and their evolutionary dynamics of steel measuring tape manufacturing clustered in Nanzhuang Village,Yucheng County of Henan Province,China,which is important for better understanding the industrial and regional development in less developed rural areas.From data collected by comprehensive questionnaire survey in 2002 and mass interviews with 60 enterprises and assembling families and several government authorities in 2002,2003,2004,2005 and 2008,four types of networks are identified: spin-off,consulting,communication and cooperative.The characteristic of these networks is outlined in detail.Compared with the high-tech clusters of typical developed areas,the networks that have evolved in traditional manufacturing clusters are more affected by emotive linkages.The cluster networks are shown to exhibit a polycentric hierarchical structure.The family relationships are the dominate spin-off channels of enterprises,while the supply and demand relationships and the mobility of the skilled workers are also important paths of network learning,and the cooperation relationships are comparatively stable.Besides the root enterprises,the middle-sized enterprises are comparatively more active than small-sized enterprises,and the intermediary agencies and the service institutions act as bridges of the inter-enterprises cooperation.By analysis of the structure of networks and the interactions between the networks,the four stages of network evolution are also identified.The four stages are dominated by the family networks,the internal division production networks,the local innovation networks and the global supply networks respectively,and they play different roles in cluster development. 展开更多
关键词 evolution dynamics cluster network less developed rural area steel measuring tape manufacturing cluster social network analysis
Conserving Agricultural Heritage Systems through Tourism: Exploration of Two Mountainous Communities in China 被引量:11
作者 SUN Ye-hong Mary Jane DELA CRUZ +2 位作者 MIN Qing-wen LIU Mou-cheng ZHANG Ling-yun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期962-975,共14页
Community plays an important role in the preservation of agricultural heritage system (AHS). Recently, many AHS have been valorized as interesting resources for rural tourism. The expectations are that tourism devel... Community plays an important role in the preservation of agricultural heritage system (AHS). Recently, many AHS have been valorized as interesting resources for rural tourism. The expectations are that tourism development (TD) can be supportive for the conservation of AHS while creating benefits for local communities. In this study, two mountainous pilot villages (Longxian and Xiaohuang) in a global conservation project for traditional agricutural systems - Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) were selected to identify the relationship between AHS conservation and TD. The study undertook in-depth interviews, and questionnaires of village residents and informal discussions with local villagers. A t-test and a linear regression model were implemented to explore the comparative dimensions of the two communities with different geographical location, economic situation, and stage of TD. The research found some similarities and differences in the two mountainous communities during AHS conservation and TD. Firstly, AHS are preservaed well in both villages unconsiously, while the residents in Xiaohuang value more highly the heritage elements than the respondents in Longxian, and the villagers in Xiaohuang are more worried about their heritage system; Secondly, both villages expect lots of benefits from TD and they clearly perceive more positive than negative impact from tourism and thus approve TD, while the hugedifferent perception on transportation and accessibility in the two villages reflects the bottleneck of TD in Xiaohuang village. At the same time, the respondents from Xiaohuang perceive more positive and fewer negative impact from tourism than the respondents from Longxian. Thirdly, the respondents in the two villages all show positive attitudes towards participation in tourism mostly motivated by the high income expectation. The main factors to determine the community perception in two villages were also analyzed based on the data process. A location-based coneeputal framework of AHS conservation in partnership with TD at community scale is proposed at the end of the paper. The dynamics of tourism development, that could enhance a better understanding of the complex relationship between conservation objectives and tourism development are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural heritage system Tourismdevelopment Mountainous communities ZhejiangProvince Guizhou Province China
State Support of Russian Agro-industrial Complex at the Federal and Regional Levels on Entering the Global Market
作者 Irina Y. Soldatova Victor N. Ovchinnikov +1 位作者 Nikolai G. Kuznesov Alia A. Lisochenko 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第2期118-127,共10页
The main subject of the report consists in showing positive course of Russian agriculture over the last years-entering the global market. That's why it is essential to make following steps to support manufactures aim... The main subject of the report consists in showing positive course of Russian agriculture over the last years-entering the global market. That's why it is essential to make following steps to support manufactures aiming them more actively at export: to develop export operations; to develop actively agro-industrial complex perspectives for entering the WTO; to ensure the food safety of agro-industrial complex while exporting the products; in the context of globalization Russian regions are entering more actively the global market as the relatively independent subjects of international economical relationships. The food safety of Russia-such condition of the state economy, when food independence of the country is provided, provision; physical and economic utility of food products is guaranteed by the state and corresponds to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in safety and quality. Participation in the WTO gives to the country set of advantages in the decision food independence. In the world, the country and in region management of efficiency agriculture with a view of advancement to food safety, should be coordinated necessarily with food independence. State support of the Russian agro-industrial complex on the federal and regional levels when entering into the world market-is a factor of the formation of a new geopolitical status of Russia in the world arena, it is the new selection mechanism of the development of globalization processes in favor of the active participation of the agro-industrial complex of Russia in the world economy. 展开更多
关键词 Export of agro-industrial complex state support of agro-industrial complex the introduction of agro-industrial complex of Russia into the WTO food safety regional agro-industrial complex.
Appraisal of the vegetation-based services for cropland ecosystems: a case study of a high-yielding county in North China 被引量:1
作者 Bao Yonghong Wu Wenliang Wang Mingxin Liu Wenna 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第2期127-139,共13页
As people become increasingly aware of the irreplaceability of ecosystem services, defined as "the nataral environmental conditions and effects upon which peopic rely for existence that are formed and maintained by e... As people become increasingly aware of the irreplaceability of ecosystem services, defined as "the nataral environmental conditions and effects upon which peopic rely for existence that are formed and maintained by ecosystems and ecological processes", more emphasis is being placed on these services'. In rectent years numerous studies have focused primarily on the sen,ices of natural ecosystems. This paper expands the scope of this field from natural ecosystems to semi-natuval ecosystems, i.e. cropland ecosystems, which are closely associated with human productivity and life. Taking Huantat County in Shandong Province as an example, the vegetation.based services of winter wheat/summer maize rotation systems and carton cropland ecosystems were systematically analyzed, including the material production, carbon dioxide fixation, oxygen release, water conservation, and nutrient recycling. These services were then evaluated in terms of economics through the applications of a market value technique, a substinaion engineering method and a shadow price method. The results indicated that the total economic value of cropland ecosystem vegetation.based services in Huantai County is 124.827.3 ×10^4 yuan. which is equivalent to 15.63% of the GDP of Hnantat County (798, 491 × 10^4 yuan), Among these services, the gas regulation value is 82.698.3 × 10^4 yuan (66.25%), the material production value is 38.049.4 × 10^4 yuan (30.48%), the nutrient cycling value is 3257.3 × 10^4 ynan (2.61%), and the water conservation value is 822.3 × 10^4 yuan (0.66%). In addition, through the comparison between winter wheat/summer maize rotation systems and cotton cropland ecosystems, we conclude that the economic value of vegetation-based services provided by the former is much higher than that of the latter, which could provide a scientific guideline for adjusting the agricultural structure, Our study may facilitate the conservation of cropland ecosystems and promote effective use of vegetation-based services to achieve sustainable development of agriculture and guarantee nationwide food security. 展开更多
关键词 Cropland ecosystems Ecosystem vegetation-based services Economic valuation
Rural Tourism Development in China:Principles,Models and the Future 被引量:9
作者 WANG Ling-en CHENG Sheng-kui +3 位作者 ZHONG Lin-sheng MU Song-lin DHRUBA Bijaya GC REN Guo-zhu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期116-129,共14页
Rural tourism in China,has undergone a rapid development in the last three decades.It is an emerging and effective catalyst that promotes industrial restructuring,agricultural development and the upgrading of rural ar... Rural tourism in China,has undergone a rapid development in the last three decades.It is an emerging and effective catalyst that promotes industrial restructuring,agricultural development and the upgrading of rural areas.However,there remains little understanding about the core issues of rural tourism in China:the exact connotation,the principles,the development models and the future directions.This review paper identifies the key issues based on literature analysis,national statistics and press reports to form a general picture of the past,the current and the future prospects of China's rural tourism.The paper firstly addresses the definition,content and principles of rural tourism,and then provides an overview and brief evaluation of the progress and the current development models in China.Finally,based on the analysis of the experiences and problems,the authors sum up with five pathways of the future development of China's rural tourism from the perspective of rural tourism resources,product,market and promotion. 展开更多
关键词 Rural tourism Definitions Principles Development models China
Economic analysis of freeway town of Yunnan 被引量:2
作者 Zhao Junquan Zhang Haixiang 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第1期82-90,共9页
Freeway town in Yunnan is driving to promote the economic development ties.The development along the highway in the town will become the central point of the vertical and horizontal development of the area around the ... Freeway town in Yunnan is driving to promote the economic development ties.The development along the highway in the town will become the central point of the vertical and horizontal development of the area around the gradient the proliferation Point and Area.The highway town will develop to speed up the urbanization process and China should accelerate the development of the freeway town .Encouraging farmers will shift the highway town where some good conditions will build to form a regional economic development and growth .This will be the promotion and inevitable choice of progress and rational way of China's rural economic and social prosperity.In particular,freeway town will bring more added value of other social services of accommodation and catering industry of wholesale and retail of transportation and warehousing.Highway town and agriculture industrialization development will increase agriculture industry chain to improve agricultureal products value and will enhance agricultural efficiency in Yunnan.The concentration of the non-agricultural industries of the specdway town will form pillar industries of highway town and will promote of tertiary industry development of hotels of insurance of finance of business of sports of culture of education of communications of transportation.Rural areas of Yunnan will adjust to optimize the industrial structure.It is estimated that a total 10 construction of the highway town of Yunnan will increase 08-1 billion yuan revenue each year. 展开更多
关键词 Freeway town Economic radiation competitive industries Industries: gathered Around industry
CI Strategy Research of Agriculture Creative Industrial Park in Langfang
作者 Shengjie MI Qing ZHAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期91-94,共4页
By studying developing status and trends of agricultural industrial park in Langfang, the paper will make an analysis of the present development and main factors which restrict the development of CI strategy in agricu... By studying developing status and trends of agricultural industrial park in Langfang, the paper will make an analysis of the present development and main factors which restrict the development of CI strategy in agricultural creative industrial park in Langfang city. The paper also tends to put forward the measures to speed up the CI strategy in Langfang city industrial park and to form a new pattern with local characteristics and advantages. 展开更多
关键词 CREATION CI strategy visual image agricultural industrial park
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