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作者 白阳明 张青青 《英语教师》 2023年第14期63-66,共4页
近年来,随着人们对农产品品质的追求不断提高,硒逐步进入大众视野,富硒农业发展取得新突破,国内外有关科研著作也迅速涌现。在全球化时代,有必要通过翻译加大富硒农业产业发展交流。以《中国富硒农业发展蓝皮书(2017)》第八章“富硒农... 近年来,随着人们对农产品品质的追求不断提高,硒逐步进入大众视野,富硒农业发展取得新突破,国内外有关科研著作也迅速涌现。在全球化时代,有必要通过翻译加大富硒农业产业发展交流。以《中国富硒农业发展蓝皮书(2017)》第八章“富硒农业主要技术”为例,在文本类型理论基础上,分析该翻译材料作为信息型文本的语言特征,并列举部分翻译实例,简要阐述在翻译过程中的思考,提出农业化工文本的翻译方法。 展开更多
关键词 农业化工 文本类型理论 翻译
农业化工企业管理会计和财务会计融合研究 被引量:2
作者 吴灵均 《中国农业会计》 2023年第4期18-21,共4页
现阶段,企业市场竞争日益激烈,农业化工企业在生产与经营的过程中需要开展多项财务活动。因此,会计人员需要加强对财务活动的控制,提高资金利用率。财务会计和管理会计作为企业财务管理的重要内容,二者之间有区别,也有联系。落实提高管... 现阶段,企业市场竞争日益激烈,农业化工企业在生产与经营的过程中需要开展多项财务活动。因此,会计人员需要加强对财务活动的控制,提高资金利用率。财务会计和管理会计作为企业财务管理的重要内容,二者之间有区别,也有联系。落实提高管理会计和财务会计融合度的相关举措,优化观念先进、目标清晰和体系完善的信息化路径,有利于提高企业市场竞争力,充分开发农业化工企业的资本价值。 展开更多
关键词 农业化工企业 管理会计 财务会计 财务管理
农业化工的新进展:纳米农用化学品 被引量:2
作者 马恩广 陈凯 +4 位作者 付智楠 孙亮 贾鑫 刘志勇 郭旭虹 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期519-527,共9页
伴随着化学工程学科基础理论的发展与应用领域的拓宽,结合现代农业的迫切需求和发展趋势,化学工程与农业学科互相渗透、交叉孵化出农业化工新领域。本文尝试归纳农业化工的内涵,并综述了农业化工领域纳米农用化学品的制备和应用,重点介... 伴随着化学工程学科基础理论的发展与应用领域的拓宽,结合现代农业的迫切需求和发展趋势,化学工程与农业学科互相渗透、交叉孵化出农业化工新领域。本文尝试归纳农业化工的内涵,并综述了农业化工领域纳米农用化学品的制备和应用,重点介绍以瞬时纳米沉淀技术为代表的纳米农药制备技术,环境响应型控释农药和纳米农药的迁移规律,以及利用控释肥料和农药促进水肥药一体化新技术的发展。最后对农业化工的未来发展进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 农业化工 瞬时纳米沉淀技术 纳米农药 响应型控释 水肥药一体化
作者 王多斌 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2021年第11期279-281,共3页
随着科学技术创新成果的不断应用,人们物质生活水平也得以不断提升。特别是化工产品的崛起,促进了国民经济的再发展。但是,随着新技术以及新产品的应用,生产制造危险也随之增多,尤其是化工生产中的易燃易爆、有毒有害物质等。本文结合... 随着科学技术创新成果的不断应用,人们物质生活水平也得以不断提升。特别是化工产品的崛起,促进了国民经济的再发展。但是,随着新技术以及新产品的应用,生产制造危险也随之增多,尤其是化工生产中的易燃易爆、有毒有害物质等。本文结合农业化工生产过程中可能约到的问题,从火灾,爆炸,静电,职业中毒等方面论述化工生产过程中存在的危险因素及其预防措施。 展开更多
关键词 农业化工 预防措施 安全事故
守信重诺 富民兴邦——记陕西诺邦农业化工有限公司总经理、人大代表汪战仓
作者 宋长州 《法治与社会》 2006年第1期61-61,共1页
陕西诺邦农业化工有限公司,是一个集科研、生产、销售及技术服务为一体的综合性股份有限公司。公司于2002年4月在陕西省工商行政管理局注册成立,拥有固定资产1000万元。总部位于西安市经济技术开发区,下设生产部、科研部、采购部、... 陕西诺邦农业化工有限公司,是一个集科研、生产、销售及技术服务为一体的综合性股份有限公司。公司于2002年4月在陕西省工商行政管理局注册成立,拥有固定资产1000万元。总部位于西安市经济技术开发区,下设生产部、科研部、采购部、销售部、技术宣传部、企划部、客户服务部等部门。公司现有员工100余人,80%人员都是大专以上的学历,有多年从事基层农技推厂的业务骨干、西农大毕业生、高级农艺师等30多人,长期聘用的农业专家10余人。 展开更多
关键词 陕西诺邦农业化工有限公司 汪战仓 企业家 人大代表 创业精神 技术创新
《广东合作经济》 2014年第2期53-53,共1页
广东省庆祝五一国际劳动节暨劳模表彰大会于2014年4月30日上午在广州白云国际会议中心举行。广东省2014年获表彰的全国五一劳动奖状、全国五一劳动奖章、全国工人先锋号和广东省五一劳动奖状、广东省五一劳动奖章获得者出席会议。朱小... 广东省庆祝五一国际劳动节暨劳模表彰大会于2014年4月30日上午在广州白云国际会议中心举行。广东省2014年获表彰的全国五一劳动奖状、全国五一劳动奖章、全国工人先锋号和广东省五一劳动奖状、广东省五一劳动奖章获得者出席会议。朱小丹等省领导对获表彰劳模进行了慰问。省社直属企业天禾农资公司农业化工部获得全国工人先锋号称号,体现了供销人积极进取的新风貌,在改革发展中,攻坚克难、建功立业。 展开更多
关键词 广东省 农业化工 五一国际劳动节 改革发展 积极进取 获得者 工人 会议中心 农资 直属企业
中国农业是如何走上石油化工道路的?——农业生产方式转型的体制机制动力 被引量:22
作者 张慧鹏 《开放时代》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期176-189,8,共14页
20世纪80年代,发达国家石油化工农业的危害性已经充分暴露,向生态农业转型已经成为一股潮流。我国科学界也兴起了生态农业的研究高潮,政府出台了一系列政策,试图推动生态农业的发展。然而,过去三十多年,我国生态农业的发展却面临巨大的... 20世纪80年代,发达国家石油化工农业的危害性已经充分暴露,向生态农业转型已经成为一股潮流。我国科学界也兴起了生态农业的研究高潮,政府出台了一系列政策,试图推动生态农业的发展。然而,过去三十多年,我国生态农业的发展却面临巨大的体制障碍:分散经营的小农生产模式破坏了农业的整体性和系统性,自由放任的市场机制无法体现生态农业的公共性。相反,以去集体化和市场化为特征的新型农业生产经营体制,自发地引导中国农业生产方式从生态模式向石油化工模式的大转型,由此带来严重的生态环境问题和农产品质量安全问题。不改变既有的体制机制,就不可能实现向生态农业的回归,也不可能从根本上解决生态环境和农产品质量安全问题。 展开更多
关键词 农业生产经营体制 生态农业 石油化工农业 市场机制
Effects of Urbanization and Industrialization on Farmland System in Shandong Peninsula
作者 陈桥 芦清水 +1 位作者 宋召军 程伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1331-1334,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study the effects of urbanization and industrialization on farmland system in Shandong Peninsula. [Method] In Shandong Peninsula, the effects were studied and analyzed using remote sensing a... [Objective] The aim was to study the effects of urbanization and industrialization on farmland system in Shandong Peninsula. [Method] In Shandong Peninsula, the effects were studied and analyzed using remote sensing and image interpretation with spatial data analysis and statistic data analysis. [Result] During researching periods in Shandong Peninsula, wasteland area changed from decreasing to increasing; farmland area was declining; orchard and forestry areas were increasing, mainly resulting from political policies and benefits maximization of farmers. Meanwhile, chemical fertilizers and agricultural mechanization are more frequently applied with industrialization and urbanization, leading significant effects on environment, industry and urban. [Conclusion] More policies should be formulated to promote harmonious development of society, economy and environment. 展开更多
关键词 Urbanization and industrialization Shandong Peninsula Farmland system Management method of farmland
《广东合作经济》 2013年第6期58-58,共1页
2013年11月25日到27日,第29届中国植保信息交流暨农药械交易会在南京国际博览中心召开。为加强与上游合作厂家及客户的交流,吸引更多优秀客户资源,提高公司及经销产品知名度,公司在此次展会上布置了特装展位。天禾农资公司副总经理梁兴... 2013年11月25日到27日,第29届中国植保信息交流暨农药械交易会在南京国际博览中心召开。为加强与上游合作厂家及客户的交流,吸引更多优秀客户资源,提高公司及经销产品知名度,公司在此次展会上布置了特装展位。天禾农资公司副总经理梁兴鸿、农业化工部总经理姚伟英、天禾中加化肥公司总经理罗旋彬、农业化工部副总经理崔永涛以及农业化工部本部全国销售团队参加了此次展会。 展开更多
关键词 农业化工 信息交流 副总经理 博览中心 农资 南京 植保 客户资源 公司 交易会
高科技营养液肥 植物动力2003
作者 何艺 《福建农业》 1997年第8期18-18,共1页
传统的施肥在于提供作物养分,但不考虑到作物吸取养分的能力及作物与化肥相互间的时效关系。1990年初,美国艾克森石油公司属下的农业化工部门已宣称“时效”技术是下一代化肥工业的奋斗目标。现在这个技术已为植物动力2003捷足先登,而... 传统的施肥在于提供作物养分,但不考虑到作物吸取养分的能力及作物与化肥相互间的时效关系。1990年初,美国艾克森石油公司属下的农业化工部门已宣称“时效”技术是下一代化肥工业的奋斗目标。现在这个技术已为植物动力2003捷足先登,而且已超越了“时效”功能。 展开更多
关键词 植物动力2003 营养液肥 高科技 叶面肥料 作物养分 农业化工 时效关系 化肥工业 石油公司 网状薄膜
《广东合作经济》 2014年第2期57-57,共1页
2014年3月19日-20日,陕西天禾丰盛达农资有限公司在陕西咸阳隆重举行客户座谈会及开业庆典。股份公司董事长、总经理钟伯清先生,副总经理邹宁先生,副总经理梁兴鸿先生,总经理助理兼农化部总经理姚伟英先生,农业化工部副总经理兼陕西天... 2014年3月19日-20日,陕西天禾丰盛达农资有限公司在陕西咸阳隆重举行客户座谈会及开业庆典。股份公司董事长、总经理钟伯清先生,副总经理邹宁先生,副总经理梁兴鸿先生,总经理助理兼农化部总经理姚伟英先生,农业化工部副总经理兼陕西天禾丰盛达董事长崔永涛先生,雅苒国际有限公司中国区总裁刘金发先生,巴斯夫(中国) 展开更多
关键词 有限公司 副总经理 座谈会 股份公司董事 巴斯夫 农业化工 陕西 经理助理 西天 客户
《中国农资》 2005年第9期5-5,共1页
关键词 名片 有限责任公司 股份不公开公司 农业化工 理事 总经理 四川 罗剑 中国农业生产资料集团公司
Industrial and Agricultural Effects on Water Environment and Its Optimization in Heavily Polluted Area in Taihu Lake Basin, China 被引量:7
作者 ZHAO Haixia YOU Bensheng +2 位作者 DUAN Xuejun Stewart BECKY JIANG Xiaowei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期203-215,共13页
The deteriorating water quality in the Taihu Lake Basin has attracted widespread attention for many years, and is correlated with a sharp increase in the quantity of pollutant discharge such as agricultural fertilizer... The deteriorating water quality in the Taihu Lake Basin has attracted widespread attention for many years, and is correlated with a sharp increase in the quantity of pollutant discharge such as agricultural fertilizers and industrial wastewater. In this study, several factors were selected for evaluating and regionalizing the water environmental capacity by ArcG1S spatial analysis, including geomor- phologic characteristics, water quality goals, water body accessibility, water-dilution channels, and current water quality. Then, the spa- tial optimization of agriculture and industry was adjusted through overlay analysis, based on the balance between industrial space and water environmental capacity. The results show that the water environmental capacity gradually decreases from the west to the east, in contrast, the pollution caused by industrial and agricultural clustering is distributes along Taihu Lake, Gehu Lake and urban districts. The analysis of the agricultural space focuses on optimizing key protected areas of the Taihu Lake Basin, and the shores of Gehu Lake, optimally adjusting the second protected areas of the Taihu Lake Basin, and generally adjusting the urban areas of Changzhou and Wuxi cities. The analysis of industrial space focuses on optimizing the downtowns of Changzhou and Wuxi cities, optimally adjusting key protected areas and second protected areas of the Taihu Lake Basin, and generally adjusting the south and southwest of Gehu Lake. Lastly, some schemes of industrial and agricultural layouts and policies for the direction of industrial and agricultural development were proposed, reflecting a correlation between industry and agriculture and the water environment. 展开更多
关键词 water environmental capacity industrial and agricultural pollution spatial optimization heavily polluted area
作者 CHEN Shu-peng, ZHOU Cheng-hu,CHEN Qiu-xiao(State Key Laboratory of Resources & Environmental Information System, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第4期289-299,共11页
Based on the theory of geo-economy,under the new situation of global economy,information network and China’s entry into WTO,also with the holding of APEC (in 2001) and the International Exposition in the near future,... Based on the theory of geo-economy,under the new situation of global economy,information network and China’s entry into WTO,also with the holding of APEC (in 2001) and the International Exposition in the near future,the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta is striding toward the spectacular international multi-polar situation and becomes one of core regions with high-speed development. Facing the ocean and world all along,leading the progressive tides of the age and scintillating the splendor of the nation,she does advance with time. Through a long period of irrigation projects construction and intensive operation of lands in previous agricultural society,the artificial wetland ecosystem with a positive cycle had ever been formed in this region. At present,environmental pollution and urban expansion resulted from post-industrialization are being rectified. The delta will be the paradigm of industrial and agricultural modernization along the sustainable development road. With the rapid development of urbanization,she has been one of the regions with the highest density population and high urbanization level. Taking the Changjiang River estuary and the Hangzhou Bay as two parts,she is continuously strengthening and adjusting her interior structure,expanding mothball space and constructing the oriental modern "logistics center" to link the whole world. The butterfly-style urban system of the Changjiang River Delta is flying,probably engendering earthshaking "butterfly effect". 展开更多
关键词 delta civilization artificial wetland ecosystem butterfly effect thechangjiang river celta
China's Current income Distribution Status and Countermeasures Analysis
作者 魏众 《China Economist》 2011年第1期68-75,共8页
From two perspectives, - the proportion of residential income and the equality of residential income distribution - this paper identifies a widening gap in China's income distribution and considers that this is a res... From two perspectives, - the proportion of residential income and the equality of residential income distribution - this paper identifies a widening gap in China's income distribution and considers that this is a result of different factors such as technological progress, increasing return on assets, the economic growth priority strategy of local governments, the increasing number of migrant workers who are in a weak position to negotiate wages, as well as the rapid process of industrialization. Based on the above analysis, this paper presents policy recommendations on how to improve the income distribution system. 展开更多
关键词 income distribution income gap residential income Gini coefficient
Regional diversity of agricultural labor productivity and its driving force in east China
作者 Liu Ziqiang Li Jing Lu Qi 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期144-151,共8页
China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricu... China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricultural comparative earning and lack of driving force of agricultural development. Based on calculating agricultural labor productivity in east China from 1996 to 2005, this paper analyzes contributing degree of motive forces of agriculture develop in ten provinces and cities of east China applying GCA (Grey correlative analysis). The results show that there is no absolute correspondence between the level of industrialization and agricultural labor productivity in China's eastern area. There is no synchronous development between industry and agricultural labor productiviry in some areas. Fertilizer and agricultural machinery input had high contributing degree for ten years; however; contributing degree in land and irrigation work input was low. Non-materialization inputs became the leading role in most provinces and cities' increase of agricultural labor productivity. Modern agricultural development need non-materialization inputs as primary motive force, at the same time, direct material input and facility input as guaranteed function. For some reasons, agricultural development is characterized by "more direct material input, less facility input " in east China now. Optimal driving.force model of future agricultural development in east China is that non-materialization inputs are dominant, that perfected facility input arc guarantee, and that certain substance inputs are necessary 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural development Driving force Direct material input Facility input. Non-materialization inputs East China
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts in the Wood Skidding with Tractors in Greece
作者 E. Karagiannis P. Kararizos M. Kalaitzi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第12期1683-1687,共5页
The contemporary demands of the forestry exploitation for quantitative and qualitative increase of timber production are directly related with the mechanization of the wood skidding works. In Greece, the suitable mach... The contemporary demands of the forestry exploitation for quantitative and qualitative increase of timber production are directly related with the mechanization of the wood skidding works. In Greece, the suitable machinery for wood skidding are those with low amortization, operation and installation expenses, are flexible, and may also be used for other farming works (since they are not used very often for wood skidding) and cause the smaller damages to the wood, the forest, the soil and the environment in general. In this paper, it studies the environmental impacts in the remaining stand as much as during the pre-skidding as well as during the main wood skidding with tractor in the forest of Arnaia, Prefecture of Halkidiki, in order to draw out useful conclusions for the improvement of the machinery application methods and the protection of the environment. 展开更多
关键词 Wood skidding TRACTOR environmental impacts remaining stand.
Influence of Composts on Agrochemical Properties of Soils of Zarafshan Valley, Salted with Magnesium Carbonates and Yield Capacity of Corn
作者 Shohnazar Hazratqulov Farkhod Khoshimov 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2014年第6期297-304,共8页
Peculiar characteristics of soils of Zarafshan valley are salinity with carbonates. It is recommended to introduce large amount of manure or other organic fertilizers in these soils to improve soil reclamation. But cu... Peculiar characteristics of soils of Zarafshan valley are salinity with carbonates. It is recommended to introduce large amount of manure or other organic fertilizers in these soils to improve soil reclamation. But currently there is no possibility to collect so many organic fertilizers in Uzbekistan. That is why other ways of production of organic fertilizers for improving soil fertility were searched. In the experiment, the influence of composts was studied, which prepared from tobacco wastes and manure on agrochemical properties of soils of Zarafshan valley, and production of composts from these industrial wastes, two salted with magnesium carbonates and yield-capacity of com. With the problems that exist in Uzbekistan can be solved at once. These include problems of environmental contamination through wastes and ensuring with organic fertilizers in the irrigated soils. Introduction of composts in the doze of 30 t.ha1 separately and on the background of mineral-NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) fertilizers increased the humus content, total NPK and mobile nutritious substances in soil. It is proved that composts, prepared from tobacco wastes with their effect on the yield capacity and quality ofcoru production, can successfully substitute manure. Composts positively influence on the balance of nutritious substances in the system of soil-corn. 展开更多
关键词 Tobacco wastes magnesium carbonate saline soils COMPOST corn.
Attempting Discussion of Mythological Concepts' Determinism
作者 YE Shu-xian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1158-1167,共10页
Current sciences fail in understanding the future trends of human beings' behaviors and cultures. From the hunting tribes to the agricultural society, the civilized country, and then to the industrial society, none o... Current sciences fail in understanding the future trends of human beings' behaviors and cultures. From the hunting tribes to the agricultural society, the civilized country, and then to the industrial society, none of these developments is the results of human beings' reasonable proposal. The human beings are "developed", i.e. pushed forward by certain invisible forces. As being cultural, they are dominated by their cultural concepts. To explore the source of every civilization's concepts, the formation history of its mythological concepts during the pre-historic period or at the beginning of its civilization shall be studied first. By interpreting the first literature works at the beginning of western civilization, the temporary mythologists reveal the rule that mythological concepts dominate the ritual behaviors and narrative expressions. This paper interprets the historical narratives in Records of the Grand Historian." Annals of the First Emperor of Qin, to reproduce the concepts that dominate China's national rulers, present the theory of Mythological Concepts' Determinism, and correspond to the counter-force of ideology put forward by Friedrich Engels in his later years and the religious concepts' determinism by Max Weber, so as to illustrate the mythological concepts' function as the prototype code of ideology, and refer to a common and effective directory approach of social science studies. 展开更多
关键词 human beings being developed MYTHOLOGY mythological concepts DETERMINISM historical causaltheory
《农产品市场》 2003年第Z1期60-61,共2页
关键词 零关税 中国一东盟 果蔬 自由贸易区 水果产品 经贸合作 操作平台 越南 世界经济一体 农业化工
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