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缓/控释肥侧条施用对水稻产量与农学性状的影响 被引量:21
作者 王睿 刘汝亮 +2 位作者 赵天成 纪立东 赵营 《中国农学通报》 2017年第6期1-5,共5页
为了探讨缓/控释肥侧条施用技术在宁夏引黄灌区水稻上的应用效果,通过田间试验研究了不施肥(CK)、自研制水稻缓释复合肥(SRF1)、商品铁杆缓释复合肥(SRF2)、自研制水稻控释掺混肥(BB1)、商品掺混肥(BB2)和农民习惯(CON)6个施肥处理对水... 为了探讨缓/控释肥侧条施用技术在宁夏引黄灌区水稻上的应用效果,通过田间试验研究了不施肥(CK)、自研制水稻缓释复合肥(SRF1)、商品铁杆缓释复合肥(SRF2)、自研制水稻控释掺混肥(BB1)、商品掺混肥(BB2)和农民习惯(CON)6个施肥处理对水稻产量和农学性状的影响,并评价了其氮肥生产效率。结果表明:不同施肥处理下水稻籽粒产量为6622~10761 kg/hm2,收获指数为0.42~0.54,分别以BB1和BB2处理最高。与CON处理相比,缓/控释肥侧条施用可使水稻显著增产15.7%~18.0%(SRF2处理除外),空秕率降低0.5%~3.2%,同时提高了株高、穗长和穗粒数。缓/控释肥侧条施用下氮肥农学效率为15.6~18.4 kg/kg,氮肥偏生产力为45.0~47.8 kg/kg,分别显著高于CON处理的6.7 kg/kg和24.3 kg/kg。因此,缓/控释肥侧条施用能够改善水稻农学性状,提高其籽粒产量和肥料生产效率,值得在宁夏引黄灌区水稻种植上大面积推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 缓释复合肥 控释BB肥 水稻 产量 农学性状 氮肥生产效率
覆盖旱种水稻的农学性状及产量变化 被引量:11
作者 刘芳 樊小林 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期63-68,共6页
 在田间严格控制土壤灌溉条件下,以常规水田为对照,研究了覆盖旱种(地膜、稻草和裸地)对水稻农学性状及产量变化的影响。结果表明,覆盖旱种水稻分蘖早,分蘖多,其中覆膜的效果优于覆草。增加每穴基本苗,可以提高成穗率,降低秕谷率。覆...  在田间严格控制土壤灌溉条件下,以常规水田为对照,研究了覆盖旱种(地膜、稻草和裸地)对水稻农学性状及产量变化的影响。结果表明,覆盖旱种水稻分蘖早,分蘖多,其中覆膜的效果优于覆草。增加每穴基本苗,可以提高成穗率,降低秕谷率。覆盖旱种的3个处理叶面积指数依次为覆膜>覆草>裸地。虽然覆盖旱种水稻的籽粒产量略低于或显著低于常规水田,但是覆盖旱种处理的生物量与常规水田在统计学上没有显著差异,而且覆盖旱种处理的生物量还略大于常规水田,表明覆盖旱种水稻有增产的可能和潜力。 展开更多
关键词 水稻栽培模式 覆盖旱种 农学性状 产量变化
海甘蓝的农学性状观察及评价 被引量:5
作者 王幼平 罗鹏 《中国油料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期16-18,共3页
海甘蓝为一年生草本植物,适应性广,生育期短,丰产潜力大,脂肪和蛋白质含量较高.去壳种子的含油量为44.47%,并酸含量高达62.50%,比国外报道的结果高2.5%-7.5%,硫甙含量为71.51—82.2μumol/... 海甘蓝为一年生草本植物,适应性广,生育期短,丰产潜力大,脂肪和蛋白质含量较高.去壳种子的含油量为44.47%,并酸含量高达62.50%,比国外报道的结果高2.5%-7.5%,硫甙含量为71.51—82.2μumol/g。理论产量99—350kg/亩.在我国海甘蓝很有希望成为一种新型的高芥酸工业用油料作物。 展开更多
关键词 海甘蓝 农学性状 种子成分 油料作物
机械侧深施肥对机插晚稻产量及农学性状的影响 被引量:9
作者 马良 陈耀辉 +2 位作者 王越 张真 朱鸿飞 《浙江农业科学》 2021年第3期481-482,484,共3页
为了探讨稳定性肥料的侧深施肥技术对机插晚稻产量和农学性状的影响,试验以甬优1540为材料,设置空白对照、中量稳定性肥撒施、中量稳定性肥侧深施、高量稳定性肥撒施和高量稳定性肥侧深施5个处理。结果表明:不同施肥处理下水稻籽粒产量... 为了探讨稳定性肥料的侧深施肥技术对机插晚稻产量和农学性状的影响,试验以甬优1540为材料,设置空白对照、中量稳定性肥撒施、中量稳定性肥侧深施、高量稳定性肥撒施和高量稳定性肥侧深施5个处理。结果表明:不同施肥处理下水稻籽粒产量为10234~11134 kg·hm^(-2),高量稳定性肥侧深施处理产量最高。与人工撒施处理相比,采用机械侧深施肥可使水稻增产3.7%~4.2%,提高了有效穗数和千粒重。肥料侧深施处理下氮肥农学效率为14.6~15.1 kg·kg^(-1),氮肥偏生产力随施氮量的增加呈现下降趋势,高于人工撒施处理。可见,机械侧深施肥能够增加水稻籽粒产量、改善水稻农学性状和提高肥料生产效率。 展开更多
关键词 机械侧深施肥 机插 晚稻 产量 农学性状
覆盖旱种水稻的农学性状及产量变化 被引量:3
作者 邱愈红 《农业与技术》 2015年第4期30-30,共1页
关键词 覆盖旱种水稻 产量 农学性状
施用生物质炭对黄淮海地区玉米生长和土壤性质的影响 被引量:20
作者 李晓 张吉旺 +6 位作者 李恋卿 潘根兴 张旭辉 郑聚锋 郑金伟 俞欣妍 王家芳 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期269-274,共6页
本文通过大田试验研究了施用生物质炭对玉米的生长性状、产量以及土壤性质的影响。生物质炭是小麦秸秆在350℃~450℃下限氧热裂解制成。田间设置了20t/hm^2和40t/hm^2两个生物质炭施用水平。结果表明:①施用生物质炭在玉米拔节期抑... 本文通过大田试验研究了施用生物质炭对玉米的生长性状、产量以及土壤性质的影响。生物质炭是小麦秸秆在350℃~450℃下限氧热裂解制成。田间设置了20t/hm^2和40t/hm^2两个生物质炭施用水平。结果表明:①施用生物质炭在玉米拔节期抑制了植株生长,其株高、地上部生物量和叶片叶绿素含量均显著低于对照;在生育后期施用生物质炭20t/hm^2处理的玉米生物量、叶面积指数和叶绿素含量显著高于对照,40t/hm^2处理则没有显著性差异。②施用生物质炭显著影响土壤特性,在施用量为20t/hm^2和40t/hm^2时,土壤有机碳含量较对照分别提高34.79%和44.93%,土壤全氮含量在40t/hm^2水平下显著增加12.2%,同时还显著提高了土壤的pH和土壤含水量,显著降低土壤体积质量;③施用生物质炭玉米产量的提高范围为2.2%~4.8%,但不同施用量间差异不显著。本研究结果为生物质炭改良和培肥土壤、提高作物生产效率、促进土壤可持续利用及作物增产提供了一定的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 生物质炭 玉米 土壤 农学性状 产量
播娘蒿的初步研究 被引量:9
作者 高宏波 高福利 +3 位作者 罗鹏 杨毅 柏正强 李才旺 《四川草原》 1998年第1期7-11,共5页
对播娘蒿进行了初步的研究,其体细胞染色数目为2n=28,种子含油量为442%,其中不饱和脂肪酸占8922%,亚麻酸占3813%。播娘蒿不仅具有极强的适应性和较好的农艺性状,且有一定丰产潜力。播娘蒿在工业用油和医... 对播娘蒿进行了初步的研究,其体细胞染色数目为2n=28,种子含油量为442%,其中不饱和脂肪酸占8922%,亚麻酸占3813%。播娘蒿不仅具有极强的适应性和较好的农艺性状,且有一定丰产潜力。播娘蒿在工业用油和医药保健方面有开发利用价值。 展开更多
关键词 播娘蒿 细胞学观察 种子油分 农学性状 油料作物
不同油菜品种苗期叶柄硝态氮含量与产量及品质的关系 被引量:4
作者 朱飞飞 王朝辉 李生秀 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期80-84,98,共6页
油菜是高需氮作物,有效的氮素养分管理是其高产、高效、优质生产的关键。采用大田试验方法,研究了不同施氮水平下18个品种油菜苗期叶柄硝态氮含量与其收获期产量和品质的关系。结果表明:同一施氮水平下,苗期不同油菜品种的叶柄硝态氮含... 油菜是高需氮作物,有效的氮素养分管理是其高产、高效、优质生产的关键。采用大田试验方法,研究了不同施氮水平下18个品种油菜苗期叶柄硝态氮含量与其收获期产量和品质的关系。结果表明:同一施氮水平下,苗期不同油菜品种的叶柄硝态氮含量存在明显差异;土壤供氮充足的情况下,苗期叶柄硝态氮含量能反映收获时不同油菜品种间生物量、产量籽粒吸氮量、整株吸氮量变化;苗期油菜叶柄硝态氮含量与株高、分枝节位高度、单株角果数的相关关系受供氮水平的影响;一次有效分枝、每角粒数、千粒重的相关关系与苗期叶柄硝态氮含量无关;无论施氮水平如何,苗期油菜叶柄的硝态氮含量与籽粒各项品质指标均无显著相关。 展开更多
关键词 油菜 硝态氮含量 农学性状 产量 品质
锌肥种类对太湖地区水稻生长和稻米品质的影响 被引量:9
作者 徐巡军 葛仁山 +2 位作者 李晓 郭春雷 胡波 《化肥工业》 CAS 2019年第4期54-60,共7页
为探究锌肥对太湖地区水稻生长及品质的提升效果,通过田间试验,测定并分析了不同锌肥处理的稻米品质,调查统计了水稻生育时期农艺性状及收获时的产量构成因素。试验结果表明:施用锌肥可以增加水稻株高及有效分蘖数,显著提高稻米品质,增... 为探究锌肥对太湖地区水稻生长及品质的提升效果,通过田间试验,测定并分析了不同锌肥处理的稻米品质,调查统计了水稻生育时期农艺性状及收获时的产量构成因素。试验结果表明:施用锌肥可以增加水稻株高及有效分蘖数,显著提高稻米品质,增加水稻籽粒锌含量、水稻生物产量和经济产量;EDTA螯合锌、氨基酸锌的应用效果优于硫酸锌。 展开更多
关键词 锌肥 水稻 农学性状 产量 品质
作者 王应 徐建文 +1 位作者 孙树荣 王俊英 《山西农业科学》 2012年第9期961-965,共5页
硫是作物生长发育不可缺少的营养元素,合理施用硫肥已经引起重视。以忻府区、原平市、定襄县作为硫基复合肥试验示范县,在玉米上进行了系统的小区试验和较大面积的示范推广。结果表明,在小区试验中,施用硫肥处理的玉米产量与当地测土配... 硫是作物生长发育不可缺少的营养元素,合理施用硫肥已经引起重视。以忻府区、原平市、定襄县作为硫基复合肥试验示范县,在玉米上进行了系统的小区试验和较大面积的示范推广。结果表明,在小区试验中,施用硫肥处理的玉米产量与当地测土配方施肥处理的产量相比效果不明显,但其产量显著高于当地习惯施肥处理。表明施用硫肥可在一定程度上提高玉米的产量,并可观地提高了经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 硫基复合肥 玉米 产量 农学性状
Calgene成功地保护了Flavr Savr技术但却放弃了这种番茄
作者 王颖 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 1996年第4期23-23,共1页
Gralgene Inc.(Davis,CA)打赢了与Enzo Biochem(New York,NY)就反义技术展开的专利官司。Calgene曾用这种技术培育其货架期延长的Flavr Savr<sup>R</sup>番茄。然而,就在宣告胜利的同时,Calgene却承认这一产品是一次商... Gralgene Inc.(Davis,CA)打赢了与Enzo Biochem(New York,NY)就反义技术展开的专利官司。Calgene曾用这种技术培育其货架期延长的Flavr Savr<sup>R</sup>番茄。然而,就在宣告胜利的同时,Calgene却承认这一产品是一次商业上的失败。 Calgene的首席执行官Roger Salquist将这次专利战胜利作为宣告Flavr Savr生产已“大幅度削减”的良机,以便公司能着手评价新的转基因番茄变种。Salquist说,“我们期待着这些新品种,到了成批生产的时候, 展开更多
关键词 反义技术 转基因番茄 货架期延长 地方初审法院 首席执行官 新品种 专利发明 专利战 专利侵权 农学性状
Effects of Plant Density on the Economic Yield and Agronomic Characters of Perilla frutescens L. 被引量:9
作者 沈奇 秦信蓉 +3 位作者 王仙萍 田世刚 向阳 赵继献 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1516-1520,共5页
Perilla frutescens L. is a traditional medicinal plant in china. In recent years, with more and more attention is paid to the nutritional and health values of Perilla frutescens L, it has become a potential medicinal ... Perilla frutescens L. is a traditional medicinal plant in china. In recent years, with more and more attention is paid to the nutritional and health values of Perilla frutescens L, it has become a potential medicinal and edible crop. Two Per- ilia frutescens cultivars, Qisu No.1 (oil type) and Qisu No.3 (leaf and seed-using type), bred by Rapeseed Research Institute of Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, were used as test material for studying the effects of different planting density on the economic yield and agronomic characters of Perilla frutescens L. under moderate fertility level. The results showed the variation tendency of agro- nomic characters with the change of planting density was similar for the two Perilla frutescens cultivars. Among them, the plant height, main-stem nods, first effective branch length, first effective branch height, spikes per plant, and yield per plant were negatively related to the planting density; and main spike length and main- spike grains were positively related to the planting density. The effects of planting density on kilo-grain weight were not significant. The yield of the two cuitivars all increased first and then decreased with the increase of planting density. The re- gression analysis of planting density versus yield of Perilla frutescens L. was per- formed for obtaining the regression equations (Qisu No.l: y=54.046 5+96.777 lx- 45.719 8x2, r=0.999 4; Qisu No.3:y=38.717 6+42.111 3x-16.757 7x2, r=0.999 8). Based on the regression equations, the optimal planting density for Qisu No.1 was 158 745 plants/hm2 with peak yield of 1 578.90 kg/hm2, and for Qisu No.3 was 188 745 plants/hm2 with peak yield of 977.55 kg/hm2. Under the optimal planting density, Qisu No.3 could also harvest 3 000 kg/hm2 of Perilla frutescens dry leaves and 2 400 kg/hm2 of Perilla frutescens stems. This research would provide an important reference for the promotion, high-yield cultivation and comprehensive utilization of Perilla frutescens L. 展开更多
关键词 Perilla frutescens L Planting density Economic yield Agronomic char- acters
Analysis of F_1 Heterosis of Agronomic Traits and Chemical Components on Selfbred Highpotassium New Lines 被引量:2
作者 Linjian DAI Zhu PAN Jun ZHONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第1期27-31,40,共6页
F1 heterosis of agronomic characters and chemical components of 8 fluecured tobacco varieties and 6 self-bred high-potassium new lines was studied. The results showed that 4-5 weeks after transplanting was the main ch... F1 heterosis of agronomic characters and chemical components of 8 fluecured tobacco varieties and 6 self-bred high-potassium new lines was studied. The results showed that 4-5 weeks after transplanting was the main changing period of agronomic traits. Compared with the comparative heterosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, the heterosis proportions of plant height (97.92%), internode length (100%) and stem girth (58.33%) were larger, these of total nitrogen (83.33%), protein (79.17%), nicotine (79.17%) and potassium (95.83%) in upper leaves were larger, these of total sugar (64.58%), total nitrogen (68.75%), protein (72.92%) and nicotine (64.58%) in middle leaves were larger, and in lower leaves, except that the proportion of chlorine was smaller (12.50%), the proportions of other chemical components all exceeded 40%. Compared with average heterosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, the heterosis proportions of plant height (54.17%), leaf width (43.75%), stem girth (43.75%) and internode length (72.92%) were larger, these of total sugar (47.92%) and reducing sugar (54.17%) in upper leaves were larger, these of all the chemical components in middle leaves exceeded 30%, and these of all the chemical components in lower leaves were in the range of 27.08%-41.67%. Compared with heterobeltiosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, that of the internode length (60.42%) was larger, these of chemical components in upper leaves were in the range of 8.33%-29.17%, these of chemical components in middle leaves were in the range of 20.83%-39.58%, and these of chemical components in lower leaves were in the range of 16.67%-35.42%. It was indicated that rational effective control of water and fertilizer in this sensitive period could significantly enhance heterosis. 展开更多
关键词 TOBACCO High potassium Agronomic character Chemical component HETEROSIS
Some Agronomic and Chemical Traits of Blue Aleurone and Purple Pericarp Wheat (Triticum L.)
作者 F. Eticha G. Heinrich +1 位作者 S. Susanne B. Emmerich 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第1期48-58,共11页
Thirteen diverse anthocyanin pigmented wheat genotypes originating from different countries were investigated for agronomic and chemical traits. The results showed significant variation among wheat genotypes in yield ... Thirteen diverse anthocyanin pigmented wheat genotypes originating from different countries were investigated for agronomic and chemical traits. The results showed significant variation among wheat genotypes in yield and grain physical characteristics, Released cultivars were superior in grain yield, but other genetic resources exceeded the cultivars in regard to test weight, grain mass, or seed plumpness. In case of phytochemical content both genotypic and environmental effects were important for the observed variations. The total phenolic content varied from 120 to 177 mg ferulic acid equivalent per 100 g dry weight; total anthocyanin content from 3.4 to 75.2 ppm cyanidin glucoside equivalent; yellow pigment content from 2.6 and 7.6 ppm beta-carotene equivalent; protein content from 11.3 to 19.1%. The study demonstrated that Ethiopian wheats are a source of high levels of anthocyanins and protein content. 展开更多
关键词 Anthocyanins carotenoids ethiopia PHYTOCHEMICALS pigments seed colour TRITICUM
Agronomic Behavior of a New Cereal (Primary 6x Tritipyrum: AABBEbEb) in Comparison with Modern Triticale and Iranian Bread Wheat Cultivars
作者 Maryam Kamyab Hossein Shahsavand Hassani Enayatollah Tohidinejad 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第1期38-51,共14页
The novel salt-tolerant cereal, primary Tritipyrnm, is the third artificially synthesized crop plant. The agronomic traits and grain yields of 13 primary 6x Tritipyrum lines were evaluated and compared with five moder... The novel salt-tolerant cereal, primary Tritipyrnm, is the third artificially synthesized crop plant. The agronomic traits and grain yields of 13 primary 6x Tritipyrum lines were evaluated and compared with five modern 6x triticale lines and nine bread wheat cultivars at Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The primary Tritipyrum lines increased the grain yield per plant by 2.8% and 14.1% compared to triticale promising lines and Iranian bread wheat cultivars, respectively. Although the primary Tritipyrum lines were late maturing, they were shorter than the triticale lines and wheat cultivars and superior in many characters such as penultimate leaf area, flag leaf length, penultimate leaf length and time to milky ripeness. Genotypes were divided into four groups for agronomic and morphological traits and four groups for grain yield by cluster analyses. All clusters showed significant differences (a = 5%) for all traits and the first cluster, which comprised primary Tritipyrum lines, had a higher mean grain yield than the other clusters. The results of this first large-scale trial indicated the high adaptation of primary Tritipyrum lines to conditions in Kerman province in South-east of Iran. 展开更多
关键词 Agronomic performance bread wheat TRITICALE primary Tritipyrum yield traits cluster analysis.
Chemical and Sensory Properties of Olive Oil as Influenced by Different Sources of Irrigation Water
作者 Salam Ayoub Saleh AI-Shdiefat +1 位作者 Hamzeh Rawashdeh IbrahimBashabsheh 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第2期105-112,共8页
This research was conducted throughout the years 2008-2010 to study the influence of irrigation water quality on oil quality of "Nabali Muhassan" olive trees. Reclaimed municipal wastewater and fresh water were used... This research was conducted throughout the years 2008-2010 to study the influence of irrigation water quality on oil quality of "Nabali Muhassan" olive trees. Reclaimed municipal wastewater and fresh water were used twice a week using drip irrigation system. Rainfed olive trees of the same farm were taken as control. No significant differences were observed between rainfed, fresh water and reclaimed wastewater treatments in terms of acidity, peroxide values and UV absorbance of the extracted olive oil. Heavy metals and microbiological pathogens were not detected in all tested olive oil samples. Oleic acid was significantly higher in olive oil obtained from rainfed trees than irrigated trees. Linoleic acid content was significantly higher in reclaimed wastewater irrigated trees than the rainfed trees. Total polyphenol contents were significantly higher in oil obtained from rainfed olive trees than oil obtained from the irrigated olive trees. Results of organoleptic analysis showed no significant differences in the fruity attribute within treatments, while the bitter and pungent attributes were higher in olive oil obtained from rainfed trees as compared to that obtained from irrigated trees. No negative attributes were observed in oil obtained from the irrigated or rainfed trees and they were all classified as extra virgin grade. 展开更多
关键词 Olive oil IRRIGATION reclaimed wastewater fresh water rainfed trees total phenols.
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