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作者 陈阿江 何家敏 《辽宁农业科学》 2023年第4期40-44,共5页
太湖生态岛地处太湖中心,生态环境优越,有着优越的自然风光、农业资源和古村落历史文化。但随着乡村劳动力的外流,在岛人口老龄化、空心化严重,古建筑的开发与保护以及环保政策趋紧的背景下基础设施建设等方面面临新的挑战。为推动生态... 太湖生态岛地处太湖中心,生态环境优越,有着优越的自然风光、农业资源和古村落历史文化。但随着乡村劳动力的外流,在岛人口老龄化、空心化严重,古建筑的开发与保护以及环保政策趋紧的背景下基础设施建设等方面面临新的挑战。为推动生态岛农旅业的发展,需要重新形成产业发展与人口回归的良性循环,完善古建筑活化利用机制,全面加强基础设施建设,统筹生态建设与经济发展。 展开更多
关键词 生态岛 农旅发展 对策分析
关于农旅融合发展的调查与思考——以潍坊市为例 被引量:1
作者 徐国玲 《新西部》 2019年第33期58-59,47,共3页
本文阐述了推进农旅融合发展的基本内涵和重要意义,分析了潍坊市农旅融合发展概况及存在问题,提出了推进潍坊市农旅融合发展的对策建议。要提高思想认识;完善规划思路和规划布局;大力促进旅游与农业农村各元素之间的融合;加强品牌创建;... 本文阐述了推进农旅融合发展的基本内涵和重要意义,分析了潍坊市农旅融合发展概况及存在问题,提出了推进潍坊市农旅融合发展的对策建议。要提高思想认识;完善规划思路和规划布局;大力促进旅游与农业农村各元素之间的融合;加强品牌创建;解决好建设用地、土地经营权保障、融资和人才等问题。 展开更多
关键词 农旅融合发展 存在问题 对策建议 潍坊市
作者 唐翠英 覃洋 《农村经济与科技》 2024年第11期127-129,159,共4页
为了促进少数民族地区农旅融合发展,以广西柳州市三江侗族自治县岜团村农旅融合为研究对象,运用层次分析法(AHP)从农业和旅游业的生活、生态和生产3个方面选取18项指标构建农旅融合度评价模型,确定各项评价指标的综合权重,挖掘出影响岜... 为了促进少数民族地区农旅融合发展,以广西柳州市三江侗族自治县岜团村农旅融合为研究对象,运用层次分析法(AHP)从农业和旅游业的生活、生态和生产3个方面选取18项指标构建农旅融合度评价模型,确定各项评价指标的综合权重,挖掘出影响岜团村农旅融合发展成效的主要因素。结果表明,影响岜团村农旅融合发展的主要指标为旅游业的生态指标(0.592 1)和农业的生产指标(0.539 4),提出增强环保意识、推进岜团村农旅深度融合、加强基础设施建设助力乡村振兴等对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 AHP评价法 民族地区 农旅融合发展 乡村振兴 广西三江侗族自治县岜团村
“三区共建”推进农旅融合发展内涵、机理与路径 被引量:11
作者 何怿昕 李启宇 《农业经济》 北大核心 2021年第7期48-50,共3页
"产业园区、田园景区、新型社区"三区共建,推进农旅融合发展对于实现产业兴旺,推进乡村振兴具有重要意义。文章通过梳理"三区共建"推进农旅融合发展的内涵,分析了"三区共建"推进农旅融合发展机理,进而提... "产业园区、田园景区、新型社区"三区共建,推进农旅融合发展对于实现产业兴旺,推进乡村振兴具有重要意义。文章通过梳理"三区共建"推进农旅融合发展的内涵,分析了"三区共建"推进农旅融合发展机理,进而提出了优化空间布局、发展壮大农业产业园区、建设新型社区、突出特色错位发展和发展新产业新业态等促进农旅融合发展的路径及配套政策。 展开更多
关键词 “三区共建” 农旅融合发展 内涵 机理 路径
农旅资源型特色小镇发展模式与实践路径探究——以赣州市江口果蔬小镇规划为例 被引量:7
作者 王皓宇 张江勇 宋晓璐 《小城镇建设》 2019年第4期51-59,共9页
特色小镇建设已在我国全面推广,文章总结归纳出了一类具有相似特征的农旅资源型特色小镇,以基础农业和生态环境作为资源本底,发展农业及农业特色旅游。现阶段,我国对于镇村农旅融合发展的研究主要集中于休闲农业与乡村旅游的单向发展模... 特色小镇建设已在我国全面推广,文章总结归纳出了一类具有相似特征的农旅资源型特色小镇,以基础农业和生态环境作为资源本底,发展农业及农业特色旅游。现阶段,我国对于镇村农旅融合发展的研究主要集中于休闲农业与乡村旅游的单向发展模式,内容不完善,出现了诸多问题,对于创建农旅综合发展平台的研究内容相对较少。农旅资源型特色小镇的建设研究可充分解决这一问题。文章探究发展瓶颈,总结出农旅资源型特色小镇镇村互动、产镇融合、以农促旅、以旅强农、资源整合、差异发展的综合发展模式,形成特色城镇、农业人口、农旅产业、农旅文化等功能有机融合的空间发展载体和平台,促进经济增长和社会发展。并进一步以赣州市江口果蔬小镇规划为例,通过方案的研究为同类型农旅资源型特色小镇及农旅村镇发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 农旅资源型特色小镇 农旅产业 农旅融合发展 江口果蔬小镇
乡村振兴背景下农旅融合发展路径研究 被引量:6
作者 刘敏 《农村农业农民》 2023年第17期32-34,共3页
全面推进乡村振兴是当前“三农”工作的重心。农旅融合发展作为农村一、二、三产业融合发展的典型模式,在推动城乡融合、质量兴农、乡村绿色发展、乡村文化振兴、乡村善治、共同富裕等方面具有重要意义。但是,目前农旅融合发展面临着宣... 全面推进乡村振兴是当前“三农”工作的重心。农旅融合发展作为农村一、二、三产业融合发展的典型模式,在推动城乡融合、质量兴农、乡村绿色发展、乡村文化振兴、乡村善治、共同富裕等方面具有重要意义。但是,目前农旅融合发展面临着宣传、科技、人才等方面的挑战。因此,需要加大宣传力度、提升农旅融合度、科技赋能农旅融合发展、加强人才队伍建设,助推农旅融合高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 农旅融合发展 产业 乡村文化
乡村振兴背景下,农业产业结构调整与农旅融合发展的现状分析 被引量:2
作者 梁佳鸿 陈相宇 +2 位作者 刘思蕤 邱业迦 邓诗琳 《农村百事通》 2022年第1期64-65,共2页
关键词 农业产业结构 农旅融合发展 乡村振兴
作者 许越 王久晓 《南方农业》 2023年第20期150-152,共3页
基于云南省安宁市八街镇凤仪村的实地调查研究,分析该地农业与旅游业融合发展的现状,从而探求乡村振兴背景下农旅融合发展的新业态和新方向。调查发现,凤仪村的农旅融合发展现状呈现农民发展主动性滞后、旅游资源分配不均匀的特点,有农... 基于云南省安宁市八街镇凤仪村的实地调查研究,分析该地农业与旅游业融合发展的现状,从而探求乡村振兴背景下农旅融合发展的新业态和新方向。调查发现,凤仪村的农旅融合发展现状呈现农民发展主动性滞后、旅游资源分配不均匀的特点,有农旅需求与土地管理存在内在矛盾、农民发展需求与外来资本垄断存在矛盾等问题,提出了乡村振兴的可持续发展路径,包括保障土地利用价值与农户间的均衡发展、因地制宜平衡农旅发展资源。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 农旅融合发展 农民发展 云南省安宁市八街镇凤仪村
作者 赵明杨 《新农村(黑龙江)》 2018年第15期13-13,共1页
近年来,余庆县以农旅融合助推脱贫攻坚为抓手,因地制宜,错位发展.按照“农业园区就是精品园区、农业基地就是旅游景点、特色农产品就是旅游商品”的思路,大力发展现代高效农业园区.突出发展花卉苗木、茶叶、苹果桃等山地生态特色... 近年来,余庆县以农旅融合助推脱贫攻坚为抓手,因地制宜,错位发展.按照“农业园区就是精品园区、农业基地就是旅游景点、特色农产品就是旅游商品”的思路,大力发展现代高效农业园区.突出发展花卉苗木、茶叶、苹果桃等山地生态特色农业,较好破解了农村劳动力、贫困家庭就近就地转移就业、返乡农民工创业、乡村旅游等问题,为助推农民增收、农业增效、农村发展奠定了坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 余庆县 基本情况 特点 农旅融合发展
作者 张静 《农村经济与科技》 2021年第19期119-121,共3页
“三农”问题一直以来都是党和国家最关心的大事。在乡村振兴的大背景下,南充市顺庆区在2017年提出农旅融合发展之后,各个乡村的面貌焕然一新。在顺庆区,不同乡村的现实特点深刻影响着当地农旅融合的方式,有的需要凭借自然禀赋打造田园... “三农”问题一直以来都是党和国家最关心的大事。在乡村振兴的大背景下,南充市顺庆区在2017年提出农旅融合发展之后,各个乡村的面貌焕然一新。在顺庆区,不同乡村的现实特点深刻影响着当地农旅融合的方式,有的需要凭借自然禀赋打造田园风光,有的需要挖掘、整理并发扬当地的文化底蕴,使之呈现在景区视觉中。顺庆区各乡镇村容村貌的改变、生态环境的优化提升,既满足了顺庆城区居民近郊游的需求,也极大地提升了当地乡村的经济发展。通过研究李家镇和渔溪镇近年来农旅融合的发展现状,分析顺庆乡村在农旅融合方面存在的困境,总结出农旅融合发展中需要注意的问题。 展开更多
关键词 农旅融合发展 休闲农业 乡村旅游
作者 潘悦 李曼 +2 位作者 张子豪 王歆然 沈梦娇 《农村经济与科技》 2022年第20期136-138,共3页
基于灰色系统理论,选取诸暨米果果小镇为研究对象,尝试从不同角度来诠释农旅耦合路径在乡村振兴中带来的效应及解决问题与矛盾的成效。通过数据分析,得出农业与其他产业关联度大,与旅游业的关联度最高。因此,以农旅耦合为核心,统筹乡村... 基于灰色系统理论,选取诸暨米果果小镇为研究对象,尝试从不同角度来诠释农旅耦合路径在乡村振兴中带来的效应及解决问题与矛盾的成效。通过数据分析,得出农业与其他产业关联度大,与旅游业的关联度最高。因此,以农旅耦合为核心,统筹乡村产业发展的融合模式成为特色小镇产业发展的重中之重。 展开更多
关键词 特色小镇 农旅发展 产业集聚 灰色系统理论
桂林市农业与旅游业互动关系与融合发展对策分析——基于VAR模型和Granger因果检验 被引量:11
作者 林珍铭 黄月玲 +1 位作者 林明明 庄承平 《桂林理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第2期507-514,共8页
以传统旅游城市桂林市作为案例地,选取农业增加值、农民收入和旅游收入等作为代表性指标,通过构建VAR模型,运用Granger因果检验、脉冲响应与方差分解等计量方法,分析了桂林市1998—2017年农业与旅游业长达20年的互动关系,并据此提出促... 以传统旅游城市桂林市作为案例地,选取农业增加值、农民收入和旅游收入等作为代表性指标,通过构建VAR模型,运用Granger因果检验、脉冲响应与方差分解等计量方法,分析了桂林市1998—2017年农业与旅游业长达20年的互动关系,并据此提出促进桂林市农业与旅游业融合发展对策。研究结果表明:(1)桂林市旅游业迅速发展过程中,农业与旅游业存在要素竞争关系,整体融合发展效率较低;(2)农业发展为旅游业发展提供资源支撑作用逐渐增强,旅游业发展受农业发展的影响在逐渐增强;(3)农业发展和旅游业发展均能促使农民收入提高,但长期以来农民收入的增长主要来自农业发展,受旅游业发展的影响较小;(4)虽然桂林市旅游业发展取得巨大成绩,乡村旅游逐渐发展壮大,农民已经具有参与和投资旅游业的意识,但是其农旅融合发展的深度和广度仍然具有较大提升空间。 展开更多
关键词 农旅融合发展 VAR模型 GRANGER因果检验 对策 桂林市
Tropical Leisure Agro-tourism in the Context of Constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan
作者 符国基 揭秋云 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期55-59,63,共6页
The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of econom... The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of economy, ecology and culture. The present situation and development prospects of tropical leisure agro-tourism in the context of constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan are introduced in this study, SWOT analysis of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan is conducted, causes of imperfect tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island are elaborated such as insufficient understanding and investment, fragile infrastructure and lack of overall tourism planning despite its abundant tropical agricultural resources, marine resources, forest resources and ecological resources as well as convenient transportation. Combining with the opportunities and challenges in developing tourism industry, targeted strategies are proposed for promoting the tropical leisure agro-tourism, that is, enhancing understanding about leisure agro-tourism; determining the target and orientation of tourism planning through basic classification, properly defining functional divisions and spatial layout; improving relevant laws and regulations about tourism industry; attaching more importance in attracting alien investment; fully developing the tropical, marine, green and ecological features of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island; cultivating resources, scenic spots and products of different types respectively in tourism development, especially culturing typical products; protecting ecological environment, implementing sustainable development of tourism industry; making innovations in marketing, accurately subdividing tourism market. 展开更多
关键词 Hainan International Tourism Island Tropical leisure agro-tourism SWOT analysis Development strategies
Conserving Agricultural Heritage Systems through Tourism: Exploration of Two Mountainous Communities in China 被引量:11
作者 SUN Ye-hong Mary Jane DELA CRUZ +2 位作者 MIN Qing-wen LIU Mou-cheng ZHANG Ling-yun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期962-975,共14页
Community plays an important role in the preservation of agricultural heritage system (AHS). Recently, many AHS have been valorized as interesting resources for rural tourism. The expectations are that tourism devel... Community plays an important role in the preservation of agricultural heritage system (AHS). Recently, many AHS have been valorized as interesting resources for rural tourism. The expectations are that tourism development (TD) can be supportive for the conservation of AHS while creating benefits for local communities. In this study, two mountainous pilot villages (Longxian and Xiaohuang) in a global conservation project for traditional agricutural systems - Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) were selected to identify the relationship between AHS conservation and TD. The study undertook in-depth interviews, and questionnaires of village residents and informal discussions with local villagers. A t-test and a linear regression model were implemented to explore the comparative dimensions of the two communities with different geographical location, economic situation, and stage of TD. The research found some similarities and differences in the two mountainous communities during AHS conservation and TD. Firstly, AHS are preservaed well in both villages unconsiously, while the residents in Xiaohuang value more highly the heritage elements than the respondents in Longxian, and the villagers in Xiaohuang are more worried about their heritage system; Secondly, both villages expect lots of benefits from TD and they clearly perceive more positive than negative impact from tourism and thus approve TD, while the hugedifferent perception on transportation and accessibility in the two villages reflects the bottleneck of TD in Xiaohuang village. At the same time, the respondents from Xiaohuang perceive more positive and fewer negative impact from tourism than the respondents from Longxian. Thirdly, the respondents in the two villages all show positive attitudes towards participation in tourism mostly motivated by the high income expectation. The main factors to determine the community perception in two villages were also analyzed based on the data process. A location-based coneeputal framework of AHS conservation in partnership with TD at community scale is proposed at the end of the paper. The dynamics of tourism development, that could enhance a better understanding of the complex relationship between conservation objectives and tourism development are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural heritage system Tourismdevelopment Mountainous communities ZhejiangProvince Guizhou Province China
Rural community tourism in western Sichuan's Qiang nationality: a case study of Wulong Stockade 被引量:1
作者 Zhou Lianbin Luo Lin Liu Kaibang Liu Xiaoying 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第2期198-206,共9页
The importance of the local economy of the development of tourism resources in China's relatively underdeveloped minority areas is already common knowledge in academic and business circles. However it's necessary to... The importance of the local economy of the development of tourism resources in China's relatively underdeveloped minority areas is already common knowledge in academic and business circles. However it's necessary to research more on specific patterns of tourism development in these ethnic minority areas. This paper studies Wulong Stockade in Beichuan County in Sichuan Province and examines the distinctive experience of the local Qiang community about developing local tourism resources and the local funding of the development. It notes how the introduction of new re-afforestation laws of 1999 affected the traditional, agriculture-based economy and how a member of the communio: was a key motivator in initiating tourism as a new economic resource. It has also explored changes in the economic conditions of Qiang peasants since tourism began in Wulong Stockade, where local incomes have increased considerably. This paper focuses on a characteristic Qiang area in the mountains of western Sichuan, demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of community tourism development, and uggests that other ethnic minority mountain villages in rural areas draw lessons from Wulong Stockade's experience. 展开更多
关键词 Community tourism Qiang nationality Wulong Stockade Economic development
作者 刘珊珊 杨凌鹏 《旅游纵览》 2021年第9期139-141,共3页
关键词 全域旅游 农旅融合发展 路径探索 墨江县
The Study on Problems and Countermeasures in Tourism Development of Farmhouse Enjoyment in Shaanxi
作者 Xiaohua Shi 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期38-40,共3页
Farmhouse enjoyment is a newly-emerging tourism product which is developing rapidly in recent years. Farmhouse enjoyment tourism is beneficial for increasing farmers' incomes, and providing farmers with more employme... Farmhouse enjoyment is a newly-emerging tourism product which is developing rapidly in recent years. Farmhouse enjoyment tourism is beneficial for increasing farmers' incomes, and providing farmers with more employment by adjusting the industrial structure. Farmhouse enjoyment tourism has produced a huge social and economic impact. But it also has some shortages for the sustainable and stable development of farmhouse enjoyment. This article starts from the analysis of present situation of farmhouse enjoyment tourism in Shaanxi; points out the problems that appeared and proposes the corresponding measures, to help farmhouse enjoyment tourism to develop healthily and sustainably. 展开更多
关键词 SHAANXI farmhouse enjoyment tourism development model countermeasures study
Research on the development of the natural tourism resources in the countryside based on the perspective of the ecological aesthetics
作者 Yang Huanhe 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期124-127,共4页
The cartier that the natural tourism projects rely on should be the objective natural environments, including the mountains, water, animals and plants and so on, which are the object present before the development of ... The cartier that the natural tourism projects rely on should be the objective natural environments, including the mountains, water, animals and plants and so on, which are the object present before the development of the project. Therefore, what the natural tourism projects should first be "the economic value of the natural resources". However, after the man-made planning and being given the humanity, they have the "economic value of the human resources". In the construction of the future path of the development, we should also have the dynamic study on the subjective preferences of the Chinese consumers. The change of these subjective preferences directly results from the change of the levels of their own income. 展开更多
关键词 Rural natural tourism resources ecological aesthetics perspective RESEARCH
Study the interaction between the development of specialized Southwest National Area Rural Tourism and New Countryside Construction
作者 Xuanzhen GENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期86-88,共3页
Southwest minority areas has its unique culture, natural landscape resources and post-development advantages, in recent years, the local government is developing rural tourism in order to promote local new rural const... Southwest minority areas has its unique culture, natural landscape resources and post-development advantages, in recent years, the local government is developing rural tourism in order to promote local new rural construction. In practice, however, the lack of coordination measures necessary between rural tourism and new rural, leading to interoperability between the two thrust did not really been achieved. On the basis of analyzing current interaction of Liangshan rural tourism development and new rural construction, it focus more on discussing the strategy of developing rural tourism in Southwest National Area and the construction of new socialist countryside. 展开更多
关键词 specialized rural tourism STRATEGY new rural construction Interactive development
山东省农业旅游空间结构发育特征、优化模式及其驱动机制 被引量:33
作者 王宜强 朱明博 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期232-240,共9页
以农业旅游示范点为数据本底,基于空间结构理论和空间分析技术,对山东省农业旅游发育特征进行分析,得出以下结论和建议:①山东省农业旅游发展形成三大高密度分布轴带区域,空间布局呈显著的集聚模式,其发展重心向西南转移的趋势十分明显... 以农业旅游示范点为数据本底,基于空间结构理论和空间分析技术,对山东省农业旅游发育特征进行分析,得出以下结论和建议:①山东省农业旅游发展形成三大高密度分布轴带区域,空间布局呈显著的集聚模式,其发展重心向西南转移的趋势十分明显。②山东省农业旅游空间分布呈现显著的点轴式空间结构特征,形成以青岛为一级发展节点,济南、临沂等5市为二级发展节点,其他城市为三级发展节点的节点等级体系,以及以滨州-临沂、济南-枣庄为一级发展轴,菏泽-日照等为二级发展轴,东营-滨州为三级发展轴的农业旅游轴带等级体系。③山东省区域农业旅游发展表现出典型驱动模式特征。提出推进农业旅游"网络式"结构体系发育,加快鲁西、鲁西北平原地区以及鲁东内陆地区农业旅游发展以及增强鲁南、鲁北边界地区交通通达性的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 农业旅游 点轴理论 旅游发展轴带 驱动模式 乡村旅游 交通通达性 农旅融合发展
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