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泉州市农村生活饮用水微生物检测结果分析 被引量:7
作者 刘建成 《中国卫生标准管理》 2018年第20期3-5,共3页
目的分析泉州市某区农村生活饮用水水质微生物污染现状,为提高饮用水卫生标准提供借鉴。方法根据《福建省农村饮用水卫生监测技术方案(2013年)》对某区2016—2017年农村生活饮用水样检测数据进行分析,共452份样品,检测指标包括细菌菌落... 目的分析泉州市某区农村生活饮用水水质微生物污染现状,为提高饮用水卫生标准提供借鉴。方法根据《福建省农村饮用水卫生监测技术方案(2013年)》对某区2016—2017年农村生活饮用水样检测数据进行分析,共452份样品,检测指标包括细菌菌落总数、大肠菌群种类,最后计算检测合格率。结果 (1)该区农村饮用水水质微生物污染检测的总合格率为53.54%(242/452),枯水期和丰水期的出厂水和末梢水水质合格率对比差异无统计学意义,P> 0.05;(2)在所有不合格指标中,菌落总数占比最高,达64.38%;其次为感官和一般化学指标,达47.12%;再次为毒理学指标,达20.35%;(3)地面水枯水期和丰水期水质合格率均高于地下水枯水期和丰水期,且枯水期的地面水和地下水合格率均高于丰水期,P <0.05;(4)从处理方式来看,完全处理合格率高于沉淀处理,P <0.05。结论泉州市该区农村生活饮用水微生物污染情况较为严重,政府部门需加强农村生活饮用水的治理力度,并做好水质监测和卫生监督,从而保证当地居民饮水质量。 展开更多
关键词 农村:饮用水 水质 微生物污染:检测 结果分析
农村饮水安全研究进展与趋势 被引量:1
作者 王晓梅 陈银萍 李玉强 《广东化工》 CAS 2012年第7期75-75,40,共2页
通过对农村饮用水安全研究现状和实践进展的归纳总结,指出目前研究存在的主要问题,最后提出了应进一步从农村饮用水安全的内涵、饮用水安全评价体系、水源区生态补偿机制等4个方面进行研究,这对切实解决农村饮水安全问题具有很好的指导... 通过对农村饮用水安全研究现状和实践进展的归纳总结,指出目前研究存在的主要问题,最后提出了应进一步从农村饮用水安全的内涵、饮用水安全评价体系、水源区生态补偿机制等4个方面进行研究,这对切实解决农村饮水安全问题具有很好的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 农村:饮用水安全:研究实践 安全问题 发展趋势
Health and Labor Productivity among Female Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria
作者 Agulanna Foluso Temitope kpi Anthony Okoruwa Victor Olusegun 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第7期856-863,共8页
This study examined the impact of farmers' health on labor data was collected through a field survey of 290 rural households productivity of female farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Primary Descriptive statistics and es... This study examined the impact of farmers' health on labor data was collected through a field survey of 290 rural households productivity of female farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Primary Descriptive statistics and estimation of efficiency following maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) procedure available in Frontier 4.1 were used to analyze the data. Results from the analyses showed that malaria has the highest prevalence level among female farmers in the study area followed by typhoid fever. The causes of sicknesses vary from cold, stress, mosquito bites and bad drinking water. Furthermore, the results showed that sicknesses affect the productivity of farmers by reducing their work capacity. Also, the distance to source of drinking water from home, source of drinking water, age, body mass index of farmers are also found to significantly affect the physical work output of farmers in the study area. The result shows that the distribution of farmers was highly skewed with about 99% of the farmers having their efficiency above 0.61. This indicates that majority of the farmers are technically efficient in the allocation of resources to crop production, The result also shows that the average efficiency was about 82.9%. Thus, the farmers' level of efficiency can be improved if there is a shift in the fi'ontier, i.e. if factors contributing to inefficiency are adequately controlled. The study recommends the need to invest more on human capital especially health for there to be an improvement in rural productivity. Also, rural development policies should include health policies especially for women since it has a great influence on the household and emphasis should also be on preventive rather than curative health services. 展开更多
关键词 Labor productivity SICKNESS health status female farmers Imo State.
Factors Influencing on Drinking Water Source Selection in Rural Areas of the Bengal Region
作者 Maiko Sakamoto 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第11期664-676,共13页
The arsenic contamination of underground water is a serious problem in rural areas of the Bengal region, where the water pipeline supply is not equipped. Those, who suffer from the contamination are mainly in the poor... The arsenic contamination of underground water is a serious problem in rural areas of the Bengal region, where the water pipeline supply is not equipped. Those, who suffer from the contamination are mainly in the poorest sector. In the region, the selection of drinking water sources is done by women. The local traditional custom of Parda may restrict women's behavior. In this paper, a quantitative way of evaluating women's psychological stress is proposed, and mechanisms of women's water selection are analyzed using behavioral model. Ultimately, the more acceptable ways of installing water facilities to local people in each village are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 South Asia arsenic contamination drinking water GENDER space syntax.
农村饮水安全工程建设管理实践与思考 被引量:7
作者 田瀛莉 《甘肃农业》 2018年第10期45-46,共2页
农村饮水安全工程建设工作,是水利工作惠及民生的一项重要工作。本文在对我省农村饮水安全工程建设所取得成效的基础上,对全面推进"十三五"饮水安全建设任务进行了全方位的思考,同时对建立完善农村饮水安全工程建设与管理长... 农村饮水安全工程建设工作,是水利工作惠及民生的一项重要工作。本文在对我省农村饮水安全工程建设所取得成效的基础上,对全面推进"十三五"饮水安全建设任务进行了全方位的思考,同时对建立完善农村饮水安全工程建设与管理长效机制进行了有益的探索,并提出了意见建议。 展开更多
关键词 农村饮用水:饮用水安全 工程建设 工程管理
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