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作者 黄雯 《创新与创业管理》 2022年第1期128-138,共11页
从我国农民集群创业的实践来看,农民集群创业经历了农民自发型、合作组织(企业)带动型、政府推动型与新经济驱动型等类别层次.结果表明:农业集群化发展为农民集群创业搭建平台;农民利用产业集群的集聚与扩散效应开展集群创业,充分利用... 从我国农民集群创业的实践来看,农民集群创业经历了农民自发型、合作组织(企业)带动型、政府推动型与新经济驱动型等类别层次.结果表明:农业集群化发展为农民集群创业搭建平台;农民利用产业集群的集聚与扩散效应开展集群创业,充分利用乡土社会网络,促进信息流通和交流,降低创业成本;农民集群创业为乡村振兴战略的实施提供了新思路;政府起到了积极作用,精确定位政府角色,提出提升农民集群创业成功的路径,为农民集群创业提供有益指导. 展开更多
关键词 农民集群创业 农业群化 农民创业 乡村振兴
《湖南政报》 2006年第6期26-31,共6页
各市州、县市(区)国土资源局(分局):土地权属管理是土地管理的一项十分重要的工作,是土地开发整理活动和建设中一项贯穿始终的重要内容。这项工作没有抓好,土地开发整理活动和建设就无法正常顺利进行,容易引发新的社会矛盾,不利于社会... 各市州、县市(区)国土资源局(分局):土地权属管理是土地管理的一项十分重要的工作,是土地开发整理活动和建设中一项贯穿始终的重要内容。这项工作没有抓好,土地开发整理活动和建设就无法正常顺利进行,容易引发新的社会矛盾,不利于社会稳定。为了保障土地开发整理者的合法权益,顺利推进开发整理项目的实施,实实在在为群众服务,使土地开发整理工作达到良好的社会效果,在益阳市试点的基础上,制定了《湖南省土地开发整理权属管理暂行办法》。现予印发,请遵照执行。在执行中发现的问题,请及时报告省厅地籍处。 展开更多
关键词 权属管理 土地开发 土地权属 整理活动 暂行办法 土地所有权 国土资源 土地使用权 土地管理 农民集
Influence of Water Harvesting Practices on Farmer's Productivity in Semi-Arid Areas of Nigeria
作者 Johnson Kayode Adewumi Adeyinka Sobowale Are Kolawole 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第1期8-14,共7页
Rain water harvesting practices and their effects on the productivity of farming systems in the semi-arid areas of Nigeria have been investigated using participatory rural appraisal (PRA) technique. There was no dir... Rain water harvesting practices and their effects on the productivity of farming systems in the semi-arid areas of Nigeria have been investigated using participatory rural appraisal (PRA) technique. There was no direct water harvesting interventions by government agencies in the area. Farmers take advantage of naturally existing depressions and abandoned burrow pits close to their farmlands to harvest rain water for surface irrigation using petrol engine pumps. The reservoirs surveyed were found to be grossly inadequate in the drought period. Water budget analysis revealed that evaporation and seepage losses from reservoirs were high in both agro-ecological zone considered. The application of rain water harvesting practices was found to have increased farmers income by 61% and 125% in the Sahel and Sudan Savannah agro-ecological zones, respectively. Governments at all levels in these areas need to support these farmers in order to boost their production to achieve food security in these drought prone areas. Farmers lack timely access to farm credit and agricultural inputs; the indigenous water harvesting practices identified need to be enhanced with the aid of agricultural engineering extension services. 展开更多
关键词 RAINFALL water harvesting IRRIGATION DROUGHT PRODUCTIVITY fanning systems.
Farmers' Evaluation of NERICA Rice Varieties and Adoption Determinants in Nigeria
作者 Diran Olawale Awotide 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第1期24-33,共10页
Farmers' evaluation and analysis of the factors determining the adoption of improved farm technology are essential to elicit what varietals characteristics motivate farmers to adopt or reject improved varieties and t... Farmers' evaluation and analysis of the factors determining the adoption of improved farm technology are essential to elicit what varietals characteristics motivate farmers to adopt or reject improved varieties and the technology. The main objective of the study was to elicit farmers' criteria for selecting rice varieties and the factors determining adoption of NERICA varieties in the study areas. The data used for this study were collected from 600 farmers in Ekiti, Kaduna, Nassarawa, Ogun, Ondo, and Taraba States of Nigeria through farming household survey conducted from August to September 2009. The main instruments for data collection were well-structured questionnaires administered in each state. This study utilized descriptive statistics, such as means, frequency and percentages; and Tobit regression model were used to analyze the data collected. The results revealed that field days attendance was very low in the study areas and was similar across states; and this may limit their participation in exchange of ideas and in sharing of knowledge and experience of improved technology. The small farm size and subsequently low output could adversely affect rice production in the country and thus prevent the country from attaining self-sufficiency in rice production. Farmers grow an assortment of both local and improved rice varieties and the most important criteria across the states were high yield, tillering and logging resistance. There was progressive increase in the proportion of land given to NERICA rice cultivation since 2004. This suggests that there is increase in the adoption rate of NERICA varieties across states. Level of formal education, farm size, access to credit, rice income, farm income and level of awareness of NERICA varieties positively and significantly determined NERICA rice adoption. Base on these, we recommend that government should aim at policies geared towards providing incentives to encourage all stakeholders to improve productivity in rice production. Incentives, such as provision of micro credit and implementation of subsidy on inputs like fertilizer and seed, would go a long way in boosting rice production in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 ADOPTION EVALUATION NERICA rice varieties Nigeria.
On the Economic Management of Information Technology in Agricultural Development and Strategy
作者 Bangxi Li YapengWang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期76-79,共4页
According to the general trend of the global infonnation industry development, we should use the latest and best technology integration, starting from a high point at the same time with the actual situation; we should... According to the general trend of the global infonnation industry development, we should use the latest and best technology integration, starting from a high point at the same time with the actual situation; we should formulate a feasible development plan, implementing after repeated discussions of experts. In the study and formulation of a plan, we should be sure to consider things conducive to catch up with world advanced level, enabling urban and rural economic and social development. The construction of modern agriculture, development of the rural economy and increasing farmers' income is a major task of building a moderately prosperous societyin the new era. Information technology and marketing are important symbols of modern agriculture throughout the entire process and all areas of modem agriculture. Vigorously developing the information industry and promoting agricultural and rural economic information are important content of agriculture and rural work in the new era. 展开更多
关键词 Economic Management Information Technology Agricultural Development and Strategy
Homegardens as a Source of Income for Rural Households A Case Study of Bieha District, Southern Burkina Faso
作者 Reginald Tang Guuroh Holm Uibrig Emmanuel Acheampong 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第7期798-813,共16页
This exploratory research studied the contribution of homegardens to household income generation. In Burkina Faso, the Bieha department was purposively selected. The initial rapid rural appraisal was complemented by a... This exploratory research studied the contribution of homegardens to household income generation. In Burkina Faso, the Bieha department was purposively selected. The initial rapid rural appraisal was complemented by a household survey. Tools of data collection included observation, key informant interview, and focus group discussion. For the survey, eighty households were selected based on systematic sampling. Data was collected by individual interviews at household level, and for statistical calculations, the households were subsequently categorized as small, medium and commercial based on their homegarden size. It was found that all the surveyed households managed homegardens composed of trees, crops and animals. Majority of the farmers (43%) belonged to the small category due to land constraints. Generally, farms contributed more income than the plant component of homegardens. However, when the livestock component of homegardens was added, homegardens became far more important than farms and accounted for over 60% of income generation for all categories. It can be concluded that homegardens are important to rural people for food and cash income. 展开更多
关键词 AGROFORESTRY land fragmentation population growth livelihood.
全国人大农业与农村委员会:18亿亩耕地红线面临严峻挑战 被引量:2
《城市规划通讯》 2011年第5期12-12,共1页
全国人大农业与农村委员会透露,目前,我国耕地面积约为18.26亿亩,比1997年的19.49亿亩减少1.23亿亩。全国人大农业与农村委员会近日审议《发展改革委关于落实全国人大常委会对国家粮食安全工作情况报告审议意见的报告》时指出,近一时期... 全国人大农业与农村委员会透露,目前,我国耕地面积约为18.26亿亩,比1997年的19.49亿亩减少1.23亿亩。全国人大农业与农村委员会近日审议《发展改革委关于落实全国人大常委会对国家粮食安全工作情况报告审议意见的报告》时指出,近一时期,随着经济社会的发展,土地资源的稀缺性逐步显现,保护耕地的压力不断增大。 展开更多
关键词 农村委员会 土地资源 粮食安全 农村建设用地 土地管理制度 城乡建设用地 土地整治 节约用地 农民集
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