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秦皇岛港冬季冰况及船舶安全 被引量:1
作者 牛国旗 《航海技术》 北大核心 2002年第6期22-23,共2页
2000年冬天,秦皇岛港偶发较为严重的冰情,造成多艘船舶搁浅、走锚,大量助航标志灭失,一度造成个别航道封航,严重影响了在港作业船舶的安全。现将秦皇岛港有关情况和航行经验阐述如下,供参考。 1 秦皇岛冰况 秦皇岛港多数... 2000年冬天,秦皇岛港偶发较为严重的冰情,造成多艘船舶搁浅、走锚,大量助航标志灭失,一度造成个别航道封航,严重影响了在港作业船舶的安全。现将秦皇岛港有关情况和航行经验阐述如下,供参考。 1 秦皇岛冰况 秦皇岛港多数年份为12月中旬开始见冰,至次年3月上旬基本消失,冰情较为严重期是1月下旬至2月上旬。1月份平均水温-1.3℃,港池内外结一层薄冰,冰层最厚时一般在15~20cm,涨潮时会破裂,并在风…… 展开更多
关键词 秦皇岛港 冬季冰 船舶安全 航行安全 区航行
作者 任广成 《海洋预报》 北大核心 1990年第2期37-45,共9页
本文首先讨论了冰岛低压对西欧地区天气的影响,而后就冰岛低压与海平面气压场、500hpa高度场的关系问题作了分析。结果发现:冰岛低压强弱变化对西欧地区的气温高低及西欧西部沿海地区降水多寡影响显著。冰岛低压强弱变化还直接与大西洋... 本文首先讨论了冰岛低压对西欧地区天气的影响,而后就冰岛低压与海平面气压场、500hpa高度场的关系问题作了分析。结果发现:冰岛低压强弱变化对西欧地区的气温高低及西欧西部沿海地区降水多寡影响显著。冰岛低压强弱变化还直接与大西洋──欧州西风环流及500hPa北大西洋高压脊和欧州低压槽强度有联系。最后还对冬季冰岛低压的预报问题进行探讨,指出了前期春季各月份一些大型环流系统及关键区高度对后期冰岛低压的预报指示性。 展开更多
关键词 岛低压 冬季冰 特征指数 长期预报 气压环 北半球500hPa高度场 环流日数 西欧 极涡 北大西洋
大黑汀水库闸门冬季破冰防冻 被引量:6
作者 苏春荣 周世虎 赵利锋 《水利水电工程设计》 2010年第4期22-23,共2页
关键词 水库 溢流闸门 冬季 潜水泵 大黑汀水库
基于物联网技术的大黑汀水库闸门冬季破冰防冻 被引量:1
作者 苏春荣 《水电站机电技术》 2023年第2期121-124,共4页
大黑汀水库设有28孔表孔溢洪道,每年冬季库区结冰,其闸门防冻破冰工作任务比较艰巨。本文综合闸门冬季破冰运行30余年来的经验基础上,基于电气控制角度介绍了冬季破冰的改进措施,给出了基于物联网技术的冬季破冰控制方法,对提高工程管... 大黑汀水库设有28孔表孔溢洪道,每年冬季库区结冰,其闸门防冻破冰工作任务比较艰巨。本文综合闸门冬季破冰运行30余年来的经验基础上,基于电气控制角度介绍了冬季破冰的改进措施,给出了基于物联网技术的冬季破冰控制方法,对提高工程管理自动化与现代化进行了有益的尝试。 展开更多
关键词 闸门 冬季 物联网 技术 改进
浅谈取水构筑物的冬季防冰措施 被引量:2
作者 吕岩林 冯令艳 《黑龙江水利科技》 2002年第3期147-147,共1页
寒冷地区取水构筑物在设计时 ,应考虑设在冰水分层地段 ,以便从二水层下取水 ,而不宜设在冰水混杂地段。
关键词 取水构筑物 冬季 防治
作者 刘振斌 《水政水资源》 2013年第A02期58-59,共2页
黑龙江省哈尔滨市作为冰雪国际盛会的举办地,每年需要大量的冰雪作为建造各种冰雪运动、旅游设施的原材料。如何以十八大精神为指导,依照涉水法律法规,规范江河河道内采冰采雪秩序,打击非法采冰行为,成为北方水行政执法部门冬季独... 黑龙江省哈尔滨市作为冰雪国际盛会的举办地,每年需要大量的冰雪作为建造各种冰雪运动、旅游设施的原材料。如何以十八大精神为指导,依照涉水法律法规,规范江河河道内采冰采雪秩序,打击非法采冰行为,成为北方水行政执法部门冬季独有的执法课题。笔者结合松花江冬季采冰执法工作实践,对冬季江河河道采冰执法与管理中存在的问题进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 水行政执法 冬季 管理机制
作者 赵天来 《农业科技与信息》 2020年第10期90-92,共3页
关键词 多松多水电站 冬季 运行措施
辽宁清原抽蓄电站水库应用气泡防冰装置 为寒冷地区水库冬季防冰盖封闭提供解决方案
《大坝与安全》 2023年第6期44-44,共1页
据北极星电力网清原抽水蓄能电站所处地区冬季最低气温可达-37℃,水库冰层可能对大坝、闸门等水工建筑和电站设备造成破坏,影响机组正常运行。电站充分调研设备防冰冻情况,联合参建单位在电站建设期间开展多次试验,于2022年12月在电站... 据北极星电力网清原抽水蓄能电站所处地区冬季最低气温可达-37℃,水库冰层可能对大坝、闸门等水工建筑和电站设备造成破坏,影响机组正常运行。电站充分调研设备防冰冻情况,联合参建单位在电站建设期间开展多次试验,于2022年12月在电站上、下水库安装了气泡防冰装置并试运行15 d。2023年11月30日0时,该装置正式投入运行,为电站机组冬季稳定运行提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 清原抽水蓄能电站 水工建筑 气泡防 抽蓄电站 电站机组 冬季 电站设备
作者 杨文海 周洪敏 《中国农垦》 2005年第4期74-74,共1页
关键词 唐海县三农场 艾少山 冬季储藏天然业务 经济效益
矿区高压供电线路直流融冰技术 被引量:1
作者 刘吉祥 《中国高新技术企业》 2013年第12期133-135,共3页
关键词 高压供电线路 直流融装置 电流 冬季
作者 朱高鹏 王娇龙 +1 位作者 卢言玉 丁杜杰 《山东工业技术》 2017年第1期295-295,共1页
关键词 冷却塔 冬季 风量控制 理论研究
平流沉淀池运行中存在的问题及改造措施 被引量:18
作者 王旭宁 孙学东 +2 位作者 姜红安 赵红志 李实 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期27-30,共4页
北方某水厂的平流沉淀池在运行中存在以下问题:冬季池表面结冰、吸泥机运转不正常;池底积泥不均匀,导致吸泥机排泥浓度变化大,影响污泥处理系统的正常运行;出水集水槽不在同一水平面,引起矾花上浮。针对这些问题,设计、安装了冬季融冰系... 北方某水厂的平流沉淀池在运行中存在以下问题:冬季池表面结冰、吸泥机运转不正常;池底积泥不均匀,导致吸泥机排泥浓度变化大,影响污泥处理系统的正常运行;出水集水槽不在同一水平面,引起矾花上浮。针对这些问题,设计、安装了冬季融冰系统;对虹吸吸泥机的主体进行了改造,并根据原水水质采取变频运行;使用一种简单快捷的调整方法将出水集水槽调平,改善了沉后水水质。 展开更多
关键词 平流沉淀池 冬季 吸泥机改造 集水槽调平
大伙房输水工程金属结构设计特点 被引量:2
作者 杜业彦 金雳 +1 位作者 贾洪权 马德新 《东北水利水电》 2011年第1期19-20,共2页
大伙房输水工程对进口闸门的运行条件要求苛刻。在广泛调查研究、多方咨询的基础上,进行了超规范的进口闸门设计,采取了严寒地区独特的防冰技术:启闭机室保温、电热带防冰、电热管防冰。输水工程试通水表明,金属结构设施、特别是进口闸... 大伙房输水工程对进口闸门的运行条件要求苛刻。在广泛调查研究、多方咨询的基础上,进行了超规范的进口闸门设计,采取了严寒地区独特的防冰技术:启闭机室保温、电热带防冰、电热管防冰。输水工程试通水表明,金属结构设施、特别是进口闸门运行平稳,各项设备调式运行成功。 展开更多
关键词 闸门设计 冬季 金属结构设计 大伙房输水工程
新疆引水式小水电站冬季运行防治冰害技术措施研究 被引量:1
作者 蒋增花 《河南水利与南水北调》 2015年第2期1-2,共2页
引水式小水电站冬季运行过程中,难免会遇到冰害问题,一旦水电站及相关设施受到冰害的影响,则无法确保水电站的正常运行,因此加强对引水式小水电站冬季运行防治冰害技术措施研究,具有非常重大的现实意义。文章将对新疆某引水式小水电站... 引水式小水电站冬季运行过程中,难免会遇到冰害问题,一旦水电站及相关设施受到冰害的影响,则无法确保水电站的正常运行,因此加强对引水式小水电站冬季运行防治冰害技术措施研究,具有非常重大的现实意义。文章将对新疆某引水式小水电站的冬季冰害问题进行分析,并在此基础上提出一些有效的应对技术措施,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 新疆 引水式小水电站 冬季 技术措施
Associations between the Autumn Arctic Sea Ice and North American Winter Precipitation 被引量:1
作者 SONG Mi-Rong LIU Ji-Ping +2 位作者 LIU Hai-Long REN Xiao-Bo WANG Xiu-Cheng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第3期212-218,共7页
Associations between the autumn Arctic sea ice concentrations (SICs) and North American winter precipitation were examined using singular value decomposition. The results show that a reduced SIC in the majority of the... Associations between the autumn Arctic sea ice concentrations (SICs) and North American winter precipitation were examined using singular value decomposition. The results show that a reduced SIC in the majority of the Arctic is accompanied by dry conditions over the Great Plains, the southern United States, Mexico, eastern Alaska, and southeastern Greenland, and by wet conditions over the majority of Canada, the northeastern United States, and the majority of Greenland. Atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with the SIC variability show a wave train structure that is persistent from autumn to winter and is responsible for the covariability between the autumn Arctic SICs and North American winter precipitation. This relationship suggests a potential long-term outlook for the North American winter precipitation. 展开更多
关键词 Arctic sea ice North American precipitation singular value decomposition
Greenland Ice Sheet Elevation Change in Winter and Influence of Atmospheric Teleconnections in the Northern Hemisphere 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Lin-Ling Ola M. JOHANNESSEN +1 位作者 Kirill KHVOROSTOVSKY WANG Hui-Jun 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第6期376-380,共5页
The relationship between the variability of the surface elevation of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) in winter and sea level pressure is identified through analysis of data from satellite-borne radar altimeters, togethe... The relationship between the variability of the surface elevation of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) in winter and sea level pressure is identified through analysis of data from satellite-borne radar altimeters, together with meteorological data fields during 1993 2005. We found that both the North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the two major teleconnection patterns of the atmospheric surface pressure fields in the Northern Hemisphere, significantly influence the GIS winter elevation change. Further, it is suggested that the NPO may affect the GIS accumulation by influencing the NAO, particularly by changing the intensity and location of the Icelandic Low. 展开更多
关键词 Greenland ice sheet North Pacific Oscillation North Atlantic Oscillation atmospheric teleconnection patterns
The Evolution of Water Property in the Mackenzie Bay Polynya During Antarctic Winter
作者 XU Zhixin GAO Guoping +1 位作者 XU Jianping SHI Maochong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期766-774,共9页
Temperature and salinity profile data, collected by southern elephant seals equipped with autonomous CTD-Satellite Relay Data Loggers(CTD-SRDLs) during the Antarctic wintertime in 2011 and 2012, were used to study the... Temperature and salinity profile data, collected by southern elephant seals equipped with autonomous CTD-Satellite Relay Data Loggers(CTD-SRDLs) during the Antarctic wintertime in 2011 and 2012, were used to study the evolution of water property and the resultant formation of the high density water in the Mackenzie Bay polynya(MBP) in front of the Amery Ice Shelf(AIS). In late March the upper 100–200 m layer is characterized by strong halocline and inversion thermocline. The mixed layer keeps deepening up to 250 m by mid-April with potential temperature remaining nearly the surface freezing point and sea surface salinity increasing from 34.00 to 34.21. From then on until mid-May, the whole water column stays isothermally at about^(-1).90℃while the surface salinity increases by a further 0.23. Hereafter the temperature increases while salinity decreases along with the increasing depth both by 0.1 order of magnitude vertically. The upper ocean heat content ranging from 120.5 to 2.9 MJ m^(-2), heat flux with the values of 9.8–287.0 W m^(-2) loss and the sea ice growth rates of 4.3–11.7 cm d^(-1) were estimated by using simple 1-D heat and salt budget methods. The MBP exists throughout the whole Antarctic winter(March to October) due to the air-sea-ice interaction, with an average size of about 5.0×10~3 km^2. It can be speculated that the decrease of the salinity of the upper ocean may occur after October each year. The recurring sea-ice production and the associated brine rejection process increase the salinity of the water column in the MBP progressively, resulting in, eventually, the formation of a large body of high density water. 展开更多
关键词 salinity ocean Mackenzie winter vertically autonomous remaining progressively rejection Winter
Evolution of herbs: key to the conundrum might be tolerance not avoidance
作者 Adam Klimes Martin Weiser +1 位作者 Tomás Koubek Tomás Herben 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第5期911-919,共9页
Aims Woody plants represent the ancestral growth form in angiosperms with herbs evolving repeatedly from them.While there are a number of hypotheses about drivers of the evolution of the herbaceous habit,the ability t... Aims Woody plants represent the ancestral growth form in angiosperms with herbs evolving repeatedly from them.While there are a number of hypotheses about drivers of the evolution of the herbaceous habit,the ability to avoid frost damage in winter by discarding their aboveground biomass has often been invoked as the main force in their evolution.We propose instead that any unpredictable disturbance might have been much more important than the seasonal frost,as herbs easily survive repeated disturbance.Methods We tested this hypothesis by comparing herbs and woody plants in their ability to deal with three types of simulated disturbances,more predictable winter freezing,less predictable spring freezing and herbivory.Comparison was made in an experimental common garden setup with 20 species differing in woodiness.We evaluated the effects of these disturbances on mortality and regrowth of plants.Important Findings Herbs did not have an advantage over woody plants in survival when exposed to winter freezing.In less predictable conditions of spring freezing herbs survived the treatment better than woody plants and this advantage was even larger in case of the simulated herbivory treatment.The advantage of herbs over woody plants in less predictable conditions suggests that herbaceous growth form might be an adaptation to unpredictable disturbance,which herbs are able to tolerate thanks to their ability to survive loss of aboveground biomass.Consequently,factors such as mammal herbivory or fire might have been the most likely factors in the transition from woody species to herbs. 展开更多
关键词 common garden experiment HERBIVORY PREDICTABILITY spring freezing winter freezing
A Pre-game Evaluation of the Tourism Legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games 被引量:2
作者 WANG Ning JIANG Yiyi +3 位作者 XU Haibin FANG Yan ZHANG Yue WANG Zhe 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第4期578-591,共14页
The role of tourism in social and economic development and stabilizing the Olympic legacy has been widely discussed.Beijing is the first“Dual-Olympic City”.For the first time,the Beijing Winter Olympics has adopted ... The role of tourism in social and economic development and stabilizing the Olympic legacy has been widely discussed.Beijing is the first“Dual-Olympic City”.For the first time,the Beijing Winter Olympics has adopted a model of three competition areas,which has attracted much attention to the study of its tourism legacy.In the legacy plan,the construction of the“Beijing-Zhangjiakou Sports Culture and Tourism Belt”was proposed.The development of ice and snow tourism and the cultivation of the ice and snow tourism market is also reflected in many policy documents and government actions.The scientific planning before the competition laid a good foundation for the sustainable development of its ice and snow tourism heritage.This research combines Olympic legacy research with tourism destination theory,and focuses on ice and snow tourism directly related to the Winter Olympics and the significance of pre-event planning for legacy protection.At the same time,the improvement of the quality of ice and snow tourism destinations is embedded in the pre-Olympic legacy,and opinions and suggestions on how to ensure the stability of the legacy after the games are given.This study uses the literature review method and the second-hand materials survey research method,then through establishing a tourism legacy pre-game evaluation model and the use of geographic information,government reports,policies,publicly released statistics and news reports,etc..It explores the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics,aiming to lay the foundation for preserving the continuous value of the ice and snow tourism legacy during and after the Olympics.The results indicate that the Beijing Winter Olympics has made relatively complete plans and reliable progress in both tangible and intangible legacy.Complete tourism infrastructure,an optimistic sport and cultural atmosphere,and the improvement of residents’health concept and sports awareness have become boosters for the development of ice and snow tourism in the Beijing-Zhangjiakou region. 展开更多
关键词 Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics tourism legacy ice and snow tourism winter sports tourism
Breaking the Ice
作者 Xinhua 《Beijing Review》 2017年第8期30-31,共2页
Since Beijing and Zhangjiakou in neighboring Hebei Province won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics,the entire country has become increasingly enthusiastic about winter sports.Skiing and skating are popular winte... Since Beijing and Zhangjiakou in neighboring Hebei Province won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics,the entire country has become increasingly enthusiastic about winter sports.Skiing and skating are popular winter activities while lesser-known games such as curling and ice hockey have also become familiar to sports lovers. 展开更多
关键词 sports winter familiar Olympics adapting Winter Hebei games neighboring Figure
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