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人工固体发酵培养冬虫夏草菌丝体的研究 被引量:4
作者 刘仲敏 曹友声 常琴 《河南科学》 1994年第4期335-338,共4页
关键词 冬虫夏 草菌丝体 固体发酵 人工培养
《青海科技》 2014年第6期48-49,共2页
冬虫夏草究竟是一种什么样的生物?“冬虫夏草,一物也。冬则为虫,夏则为草,虫形似蚕,色微黄,草形似韭,叶较细。入夏,虫以头入地,尾自成草,杂错于蔓草间,不知其为虫也;交冬,草渐萎黄,乃出地蠕蠕而动,其尾犹簌簌然带草而行。盖随气化转移... 冬虫夏草究竟是一种什么样的生物?“冬虫夏草,一物也。冬则为虫,夏则为草,虫形似蚕,色微黄,草形似韭,叶较细。入夏,虫以头入地,尾自成草,杂错于蔓草间,不知其为虫也;交冬,草渐萎黄,乃出地蠕蠕而动,其尾犹簌簌然带草而行。盖随气化转移,理有然者。”其实每一根冬虫夏草的背后,都有一段美丽的故事。每当盛夏,雪山草甸上的冰雪消融,蝙蝠蛾便将虫卵留在花叶上。散落在花叶之上的蛾卵慢慢变成小虫,钻进潮湿疏松的土壤里,吸收植物根茎的营养,逐渐将身体养得白白胖胖。 展开更多
关键词 蝙蝠蛾 子囊孢子 草菌 花叶 冰雪消融 植物根茎 色微 病后久虚
作者 莎莎 《家庭医药(快乐养生)》 2017年第1期40-40,共1页
大自热的神奇创造了冬虫夏草,这是一种复杂、偶然因素的形成过程。其生长条件苛刻,成长时间较长,资源有限,物以稀为贵,价格自然不菲。实验表明,虫草的两个重要的有效成分是核苷和单糖,除此之外还有腺苷、多醣体等。试验显示,这些成分对... 大自热的神奇创造了冬虫夏草,这是一种复杂、偶然因素的形成过程。其生长条件苛刻,成长时间较长,资源有限,物以稀为贵,价格自然不菲。实验表明,虫草的两个重要的有效成分是核苷和单糖,除此之外还有腺苷、多醣体等。试验显示,这些成分对部分实施放、化疗后极度虚弱的患者有提升免疫力的效果,在一定程度上肯定了虫草的部分保健价值。 展开更多
关键词 极度虚弱 保健价值 自热 补肺平喘 益肾 补肾壮阳 劳嗽 腰膝酸痛 三九健康网
作者 赵鲁琴 《乐府新声(沈阳音乐学院学报)》 2024年第3期137-142,共6页
《冬虫·夏草》是青年作曲家方岽清创作于2014年末的室内乐作品,由香港国际箜篌协会和中央音乐学院联合委约,首演于中央音乐学院“第二届弹拨音乐节新作品音乐会”,首演古筝演奏者为青年演奏家苏畅。在作品中,古筝是当之无愧的主角... 《冬虫·夏草》是青年作曲家方岽清创作于2014年末的室内乐作品,由香港国际箜篌协会和中央音乐学院联合委约,首演于中央音乐学院“第二届弹拨音乐节新作品音乐会”,首演古筝演奏者为青年演奏家苏畅。在作品中,古筝是当之无愧的主角,而作曲家在其中赋予筝乐作品的意识表现、音响创构和审美追求,是以传统民族乐器书写当代新篇的一抹重彩。作品从“冬虫夏草”这一东方意象出发,将题材上的典型性与音乐素材上的多元性相结合,以开创性的表现形式,将当代中国音乐独特的美感呈上世界音乐的舞台,打造了独树一帜的“养生音乐”,高水准地达成了东西方音乐观众的审美期待。 展开更多
关键词 ·草》 古筝 筝乐
20世纪初以前西方学者对中国冬虫夏草的记载和研究 被引量:10
作者 芦笛 《菌物研究》 CAS 2014年第4期233-244,共12页
冬虫夏草在中国是一种著名的药材。最早记录它的文献是15世纪的藏医籍《千万舍利》。随着法国传教士巴多明(Parennin)于1723年将冬虫夏草标本从北京寄往法兰西科学院,西方学术界开始了对这种中国药材的认识和研究历程。在1841年英国昆... 冬虫夏草在中国是一种著名的药材。最早记录它的文献是15世纪的藏医籍《千万舍利》。随着法国传教士巴多明(Parennin)于1723年将冬虫夏草标本从北京寄往法兰西科学院,西方学术界开始了对这种中国药材的认识和研究历程。在1841年英国昆虫学家韦斯特伍德(Westwood)开始鉴定这种真菌以前,西方学者认为冬虫夏草的真菌子实体是植物的根。此后,英国真菌学家贝克莱(Berkeley)分别在1843和1856年将其定名为"Sphaeria Sinensis"和"Cordyceps sinensis"。但是为学界广泛使用并沿用至今的,却是意大利植物学家萨卡多(Saccardo)在其1883年的专著中为冬虫夏草的定名"Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc."。在20世纪初以前,西方人对中国冬虫夏草的记录和描述具有多重价值,对于了解中国冬虫夏草的使用历史而言是重要的补充资料。 展开更多
关键词 冬虫夏 巴多明 贝克莱 萨卡多
《青藜馀照》、唐方沂和夏草冬虫综考 被引量:7
作者 芦笛 《上海高校图书情报工作研究》 2015年第1期48-51,共4页
清代唐秉钧《文房肆考图说》和赵学敏《本草纲目拾遗》均包含一则出自《青藜馀照》的关于夏草冬虫的记载。过去有关夏草冬虫(或冬虫夏草)的文献研究对此亦有所注意,但均未对《青藜馀照》一书予以深究。事实上,只有对此书及其作者的相关... 清代唐秉钧《文房肆考图说》和赵学敏《本草纲目拾遗》均包含一则出自《青藜馀照》的关于夏草冬虫的记载。过去有关夏草冬虫(或冬虫夏草)的文献研究对此亦有所注意,但均未对《青藜馀照》一书予以深究。事实上,只有对此书及其作者的相关情况进行仔细检查,才能揭示:《青藜馀照》的作者是康熙时期上海县人唐方沂,其对夏草冬虫的记载源于青浦县居京文人兼官员董宏的叙述;书中关于夏草冬虫的文字记录于1712到1722年间,是目前已知除藏文文献以外的最早关于冬虫夏草的记载。 展开更多
关键词 冬虫夏 青藜馀照 唐方沂
Ames方法检验冬虫夏草口服液 被引量:3
作者 王晓虎 胡燕平 林飞 《现代应用药学》 CSCD 1989年第1期11-12,共2页
冬虫夏草是我国传统的滋补药,是常用的名贵中药之一。最早见于吴仪洛的《本草从新》记载:“虫草甘平,镇痛,化痰,巳劳咳”。后来赵学敏在《本草纲目拾遗》中较详细地汇总了冬虫夏草的作用。但是由于天然虫草产量低,自然生长条件要求高,因... 冬虫夏草是我国传统的滋补药,是常用的名贵中药之一。最早见于吴仪洛的《本草从新》记载:“虫草甘平,镇痛,化痰,巳劳咳”。后来赵学敏在《本草纲目拾遗》中较详细地汇总了冬虫夏草的作用。但是由于天然虫草产量低,自然生长条件要求高,因此,长期处于供不应求的状态。近年来,很多单位开展了人工培养虫草菌丝代替天然虫草的研究工作。对于人工发酵菌丝的使用是否安全,本研究进行了体外短期致突变试验——Ames试验,报道如下: 材料药品人工培养冬虫夏草口服液——蝙蝠蛾拟青霉(Paeviloimyces hepiali Chen et Dai)炮制。(1)86008批号,(2)870012批号,均由中医研究院中药研究所提供。溶剂和对照剂生理盐水,4-硝基喹啉,正定霉素,噻替派,丝裂霉素C,吖啶橙。 展开更多
关键词 冬虫夏 口服液 药品检验
作者 韩贵香 《药物与人》 2014年第11期52-52,共1页
目的:对比分析天然冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量与发酵培养冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量,并且观察其变化.方法:应用高效毛细管电泳法来对天然与发酵培养冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量进行测定,同时,观察湿热环境条件背景下,其对冬虫夏草... 目的:对比分析天然冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量与发酵培养冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量,并且观察其变化.方法:应用高效毛细管电泳法来对天然与发酵培养冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量进行测定,同时,观察湿热环境条件背景下,其对冬虫夏草核苷类成分含量的影像以及变化.结果:发酵培养冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量比天然冬虫夏草中的核苷类成分含量要高.另外,天然冬虫夏草在刚刚采集的时候其核苷类物质含量较少,经过时间的推移,冬虫夏草中的核苷类成分含量渐渐增高. 此外,通过观察湿热环境条件下冬虫夏草核苷类成分含量的变化得知,其核苷类物质的含量逐渐提高,而发酵培养冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的含量并不会受到湿热环境的影响,因此,两种冬虫夏草中的核苷类成分含量存在一定差异性.结论:通过观察与实验研究结果得知,天然冬虫夏草中的核苷类物质来自于大分子核苷酸的降解. 展开更多
关键词 冬虫夏 草核 苷酸 天然 发酵
古筝重奏曲《冬虫·夏草》演奏分析 被引量:1
作者 李露雨 《当代音乐》 2021年第8期116-118,共3页
古筝是一种独特的乐器,它兼顾中国传统文化的根基,经过时代的改良,它拥有历史感又不拘泥于历史感,古筝本身就散发出独一无二的魅力。中国著名青年作曲家方岽清先生在近几年的创作中涌现出大批优秀的古筝作品,古筝重奏曲《冬虫·夏... 古筝是一种独特的乐器,它兼顾中国传统文化的根基,经过时代的改良,它拥有历史感又不拘泥于历史感,古筝本身就散发出独一无二的魅力。中国著名青年作曲家方岽清先生在近几年的创作中涌现出大批优秀的古筝作品,古筝重奏曲《冬虫·夏草》也是方岽清先生最具代表性的古筝作品之一。本文在第一章介绍了方岽清先生的生平简介及古筝作品的概述;第二章分析古筝重奏曲《冬虫·夏草》的曲式结构、音乐结构、节奏节拍等内容,第三章说明了需要注意的演奏技巧和演奏心得。 展开更多
关键词 ·草》 方岽清 演奏分析 作品分析
冬病夏治穴位敷贴法结合中药治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的临床研究 被引量:5
作者 闻丽 胡琼 《中国社区医师》 2018年第27期94-94,96,共2页
目的:探讨冬病夏治穴位敷贴法结合中药治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的效果。方法:收治哮喘缓解期患儿126例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组63例。对照组患儿采用普米克治疗,观察组患儿采用冬病夏治穴位敷贴法结合中药治疗,比较两组患儿治疗效果。结... 目的:探讨冬病夏治穴位敷贴法结合中药治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的效果。方法:收治哮喘缓解期患儿126例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组63例。对照组患儿采用普米克治疗,观察组患儿采用冬病夏治穴位敷贴法结合中药治疗,比较两组患儿治疗效果。结果:治疗后,观察组患儿总有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.05),1年内哮喘发作次数、急诊次数、住院次数明显少于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:冬病夏治穴位敷贴法结合中药治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 冬虫夏治穴位敷贴 中药治疗 小儿哮喘 缓解期
人工发酵冬虫存草提取物G57的免疫抑制作用 被引量:5
作者 孙余华 王凤连 《中国实验临床免疫学杂志》 1992年第3期34-38,共5页
关键词 免疫抑制剂 冬虫夏 提取物
早期药物干预对慢性阻塞性肺疾病大鼠转化生长因子β1的表达影响 被引量:5
作者 吴定钱 刘进 +1 位作者 鲁晓勇 沈华浩 《浙江大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 2004年第5期427-432,448,共7页
目的 :观察慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD)大鼠模型的 TGF- β1的表达变化和早期药物干预对其表达的影响。方法 :利用烟薰和气道内多次滴入脂多糖 (L PS)建立大鼠 COPD模型 (B组 )。早期给予冬虫夏草 (C组 ) ,红霉素(D组 ) ,吸入布地奈德 (E... 目的 :观察慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD)大鼠模型的 TGF- β1的表达变化和早期药物干预对其表达的影响。方法 :利用烟薰和气道内多次滴入脂多糖 (L PS)建立大鼠 COPD模型 (B组 )。早期给予冬虫夏草 (C组 ) ,红霉素(D组 ) ,吸入布地奈德 (E组 )等分组干预。小动物肺功能仪测定气道阻力 (RL)和动态顺应性 (Cdyn)。采用免疫组织化学法和逆转录 -聚合酶链反应 (RT- PCR)法检测 TGF- β1蛋白及 m RNA。结果 :模型组基本符合人类 COPD病理生理变化。外周细支气管平滑肌层和细胞外基质胶原较正常组 (A组 )大鼠明显增多。C组与 B组比 RL减少 (P<0 .0 1) ,D组、E组与 B组比 RL亦减少 ,但 Cdyn增加 (P<0 .0 1)。B组细支气管上皮、肺泡巨噬细胞和小动脉内皮的 TGF- β1蛋白及 m RNA的表达高于 A组 (P<0 .0 1) ,C组与 B组无明显差异 ,而 D组、E组与 B组相比 ,TGF- β1蛋白及 m RNA的抑制明显 ,主要表现在细支气管上皮 ,但两者抑制程度并无明显差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。气道阻力与细支气管黏膜上皮 TGF- β1蛋白 ,支气管肺组织的 TGF- β1m RNA均呈正相关 (r=0 .5 10、P<0 .0 1,r=0 .36 7、P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :慢性烟薰和气道内滴入 LPS能构建含有气道重塑特征的 COPD大鼠模型。早期应用红霉素 ,吸入布地奈德可明显抑制气道 TGF- 展开更多
关键词 肺疾病 阻塞性 转化生长因子Β 布地奈德 红霉素 冬虫夏 疾病模型 动物 大鼠
The Nucleosides Contents and Their Variation in Natural Cordyceps sinensis and Cultured Cordyceps Mycelia 被引量:15
作者 李绍平 李萍 +3 位作者 季晖 朱荃 董婷霞 詹华强 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2001年第4期175-179,共5页
Aim: To compare the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia, and to study the effect of humidity and heat on the content of nucleosides. Methods: The contents of nucleos... Aim: To compare the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia, and to study the effect of humidity and heat on the content of nucleosides. Methods: The contents of nucleosides were determined by using high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE). Beckman P/ACE System 5010 apparatus equipped with a UV detector and a Beckman untreated fused-silica capillary (57 cm 75 mm, 50 cm effective length) was used. Before sample injection, the capillary was rinsed with 1 molL-1 sodium hydroxide solution and running buffer for 5 min, respectively. A voltage of 20 kV was applied for the separation. Pressure injection was 586 kPa for 6 seconds, and the wavelength of detector was 254 nm. The running time was 20 min at 20 oC. The effect of humidity and heat on the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia was observed for 1, 3, 5 and 10 days at temperature 40 oC, and relative humidity 75%. Results: The content of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis was higher than that from cultured Cordyceps mycelia. But the contents of nucleosides from freshly collected natural Cordyceps sinensis were very low, even below the limit of quantitation. The contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis were significantly increased by humidity and heat, but this phenomenon was not observed in cultured Cordyceps mycelia. Conclusion: There are differences between the nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia. The nucleosides in natural Cordyceps sinensis may be derived from the degradation of nucleic acids. This implies that adenosine being used for the quality control of natural Cordyceps sinensis may have to be reconsidered. 展开更多
Investigation of Biological Characteristics of Parasitic Fusarium Fungi from Tibetan Cordyceps sinensis
作者 许鹏辉 邢顺林 +1 位作者 段双全 张正果 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1628-1630,1636,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the biological characteristics of parasitic Fusarium fungi from tibetan Cordyceps sinensis. [Method] A Fusarium strain was isolated from fresh tibetan Cordyceps sinensis as ... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the biological characteristics of parasitic Fusarium fungi from tibetan Cordyceps sinensis. [Method] A Fusarium strain was isolated from fresh tibetan Cordyceps sinensis as the experimental material, to observe the morphologies of Fusarium mycelium and spores. [Result] The isolated Fusarium fungus strain grew lushly on rice medium, with white and villiform myceliurn, and the villous stroma appeared in colors from beige to pink. After cultivated at (18 ± 4) ℃ for 14 d, the Fusarium strain produced milky white protrusions containing pale yellow chlamydospores, which can be divided into microconidiums and macroconidiums based on the different sizes. According to Ainsworth's classification system, the isolated strain belongs to Fusarium, Tuberculariales, Hyphomycetes, adelomycete subphylum. Further observation identified three types of macroconidium, and two of them showed distinct morphology, which was not described in Ainsworth's classification system. [Conclusion] The structure of the strain isolated from tibetan Cordyceps sinensis is significantly different from that of Fusariurn fungi recorded in relevant literatures, which requires further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 PARASITISM Tibetan Cordyceps sinensis Fusadum fungi Spore morphology
Effects of temperature and salinity on the development of the amphipod crustacean Eogammarus sinensis 被引量:4
作者 薛素燕 方建光 +3 位作者 张继红 蒋增杰 毛玉泽 赵法箴 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期1010-1017,共8页
The amphipod crustacean Eogammarus sinensis has useful features that make it suitable for use in the aquaculture of fish and large decapod crustaceans.In this study,we investigated the effects of temperature and salin... The amphipod crustacean Eogammarus sinensis has useful features that make it suitable for use in the aquaculture of fish and large decapod crustaceans.In this study,we investigated the effects of temperature and salinity on the development,fecundity,survival,and growth rate of E.sinensis.The results show that temperature significantly affected E.sinensis development,but salinity.As temperature increased,the duration of E.sinensis embryonic development decreased.Fecundity was affected significantly by temperature and the combination of temperature and salinity,but by salinity alone.In addition,high temperatures accelerated E.sinensis juvenile growth rates,whereas high salinity reduced it.Therefore,our data suggest that E.sinensis tolerates a wide range of salinities and that temperature has more significant effects than salinity on the embryonic development,fecundity,and growth of E.sinensis.Our results shall be useful for mass production of this species for use in aquaculture. 展开更多
关键词 TEMPERATURE SALINITY amphipod crustacean Eogammarus sinensis development
A new species and new recorded species of Lumbrineridae Schmarda,1861(Annelida:Polychaeta)from China 被引量:4
作者 蔡文倩 李新正 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期356-365,共10页
Based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao), a new species, Lurnbrineris sinensis sp. nov., as well as Augeneria albidentata (Ehlers, 1908), which is re... Based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao), a new species, Lurnbrineris sinensis sp. nov., as well as Augeneria albidentata (Ehlers, 1908), which is recorded for the first time from coastal water of China, are reported in the present paper. The specimens examined were collected during 1958 to 1960 from the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea at depths of 4 to 182 m. 展开更多
关键词 POLYCHAETA Lumbrineridae Lumbrineris sinensis sp. nov. Augeneria albidentata (Ehlers 1908) new species new record Chinese waters
Isolation of Cordyceps ophioglossoides L2 from Fruit Body and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for Its Mycelial Growth 被引量:6
作者 许勤勤 吕龙贤 +3 位作者 陈少云 郑静 郑高利 李永泉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第2期278-285,共8页
A strain isolated from the fruiting body of a fungus parasitized on Elaphomyces was identified as Cordyceps ophioglossoides based on the morphological characteristics and the analysis of ITS-5.8s rDNA sequence. The op... A strain isolated from the fruiting body of a fungus parasitized on Elaphomyces was identified as Cordyceps ophioglossoides based on the morphological characteristics and the analysis of ITS-5.8s rDNA sequence. The optimal medium, composition (g·L^-1), containing sucrose 66.0, yeast powder 10.0, silkworm chrysalises digest 30.0, MgSO4· 7H2O 0.4, and KH2PO4 0.4, Was found using fractional factorial design ancl a central composite design, and the optimization of cultural conditions obtained a result of seed age 6 days, inoculum size 6% (by volume), initial pH 5.6, temperature 24℃, shaking speed 160 ·'min^-1 by one-factor-at-a-time method. The maximum biomass reached about 20.2 g·L^-1 after 90 hours culture under the optimal conditions. Elementary nharmaeclogical actlwtties showed that mycelia of C. ophioglossoides L2 from submerged culture promoted Uterus growth in estrogen- depleted mice. In the 15-litre scale-up fermentation, the mycelial biomass was around 19.1 g·L^-1, indicating a promising prospect for this biotechnoloagy and the potency to develoo its medical value. 展开更多
关键词 Cordyceps ophioglossoides identification fermentation optimization fractional factorial design central composite design
An Assessment of Yarsagumba(Ophiocordyceps sinensis) Collection in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Nepal 被引量:2
作者 Barna Bahadur THAPA Saroj PANTHI +4 位作者 Rajesh Kumar RAI Uttam Babu SHRESTHA Achyut ARYAL Sabina SHRESTHA Bhushan SHRESTHA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期555-562,共8页
Yarsagumba(Ophiocordyceps sinensis), an endemic species to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, is one of the most valuable medicinal mushrooms in the world. In Nepal, it is distributed largely in isolated patches of al... Yarsagumba(Ophiocordyceps sinensis), an endemic species to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, is one of the most valuable medicinal mushrooms in the world. In Nepal, it is distributed largely in isolated patches of alpine grasslands of 3,000-5,000 m elevation. Although it is reported from 27 northernmost districts of Nepal, the local distribution pattern of this species is largely unknown.Furthermore, the collection system and local management regime of this species are not well documented. We conducted a field survey at Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve(DHR) among the different stakeholders in January-June 2012 to assess collection sites, patterns and trends and to understand the management regime. We estimated that about 75 kg of Yarsagumba is collected every year from DHR and the amount has been declining since 2008. To manage the resource, locals have initiated regulating the collection by issuing permits, taxing to the collectors, and monitoring the activities of harvesters with the help of park authorities. The revenue generated at local level from the permits has been used for community developmental activities. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese caterpillar fungus Medicinal fungus Himalayan gold Conservation Yartsagunbu
Two new species of Sellaphora(Bacillariophyta) from a deep oligotrophic plateau lake,Lake Fuxian in subtropical China 被引量:1
作者 李艳玲 METZELTIN Ditmar 龚志军 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1160-1165,共6页
We describe two new species of Sellaphora from Lake Fuxian, Ytmnan Plateau, China. Based on both light and scanning electron microscopy, these species are described as S. yunnanensis sp. nov. and S. sinensis sp. nov. ... We describe two new species of Sellaphora from Lake Fuxian, Ytmnan Plateau, China. Based on both light and scanning electron microscopy, these species are described as S. yunnanensis sp. nov. and S. sinensis sp. nov. The primary features of S. yunnanens& are: elliptical to linear-elliptical valves with broadly rounded ends, straight filiform raphe, almost straight central endings and small, slightly expanding central pores, small central area, symmetrical or slightly asymmetrical central nodule. The primary features of S. sinensis are: elliptical valves, obtusely rounded ends, similar raphe and axial area, transapically less expanded central area, larger, elliptical central nodule. We compare these species to those of a similar shape and morphology. 展开更多
关键词 China DIATOM Lake Fuxian new species Sellaphora Yunnan Plateau
Hpyerglycemic Effect of a Mixture of Sea Cucumber and Cordyceps Sinensis in StreptozotocinInduced Diabetic Rat 被引量:1
作者 HU Shiwei WANG Jingfeng +3 位作者 LI Zhaojie FU Jia WANG Yuming XUE Changhu 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第2期271-277,共7页
Sea cucumber and cordyceps sinensis are used as both food and traditional medicines in Asia. This study was carried out in order to investigate the hpyerglycemic effect of a mixture of sea cucumber (Apostichopusjapon... Sea cucumber and cordyceps sinensis are used as both food and traditional medicines in Asia. This study was carried out in order to investigate the hpyerglycemic effect of a mixture of sea cucumber (Apostichopusjaponicas) and cordyceps sinensis (Cor-dyceps militaris) (SCC) in diabetic rat and explore the mechanism underlining such an effect. The diabetic model rat was induced with intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ). The diabetic model rats were randomly divided into control group (0.9% NaC1), low dose group (300 mg SCC.(kg body weight)-1) and high dose group (1200 mg SCC (kg body weight)-l). Sodium chloride and SCC were intragastrically administered once a day for 35 d. Changes in fasting serum glucose and serum insulin content, oral glucose tolerance and liver and muscle glycogen content were routinely evaluated. Pancreas tissue and β-cells of islets were observed under both optical and transmission electronic microscope, respectively. The abundance of glucose metabolism-relating genes in gastrocnemius and epididymal adipose tissue was determined with either reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) or western blotting. Results showed that SCC significantly decreased fasting serum glucose content, improved glucose tolerance and increased serum insulin and glycogen content; repaired STZ-injured β-cells of diabetic rat, and increased the expression of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI(3)K), protein kinase B (PKB) and glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) encoding protein in both gastroenemius and adipose tissue, and Glut4 encoding gene in peripheral tissue. Our findings demonstrated that SCC exerted an anti-hyperglycemic effect by repairing β-cells and promoting insulin-mediated signal transduction pathway in insulin-sensitive gastrocnemius and adipose tissue. 展开更多
关键词 sea cucumber cordyceps sinensis hpyerglycemic effect β-cell glucose transporter 4 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
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