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深水钻井隔水管紧急脱离后的反冲响应 被引量:16
作者 李朝玮 樊洪海 +2 位作者 汪志明 沈维格 王义顷 《海洋工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期121-127,共7页
深水钻井中,在恶劣海况或浮式平台定位失效等情况下,需紧急断开隔水管与水下防喷器的连接。隔水管突然脱离后会加速向上反冲,如果反冲作用控制不当,可能威胁钻井平台、隔水管体和水下井口的安全。介绍了国外隔水管紧急脱离与反冲响应的... 深水钻井中,在恶劣海况或浮式平台定位失效等情况下,需紧急断开隔水管与水下防喷器的连接。隔水管突然脱离后会加速向上反冲,如果反冲作用控制不当,可能威胁钻井平台、隔水管体和水下井口的安全。介绍了国外隔水管紧急脱离与反冲响应的研究情况,分析了隔水管紧急脱离的原因与程序、脱离后的反冲过程、反冲控制方式和成功脱离标准、反冲响应的分析方法。建议:由于南海深水海况复杂,作业者需制定紧急脱离的预案和作业规程,并进行紧急脱离操作培训;由于隔水管紧急脱离后的反冲响应涉及多个非线性瞬态过程,研究者应该开展隔水管紧急脱离测试和反冲响应模拟计算,开发隔水管反冲响应分析软件。 展开更多
关键词 钻井隔水管 紧急脱离 冲响应 张紧器 钻井液下泄
基于反冲响应的深水钻井隔水管张紧力计算方法 被引量:8
作者 刘秀全 李家仪 +3 位作者 任克忍 许亮斌 畅元江 宋强 《石油钻探技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期47-51,共5页
张紧力是深水钻井隔水管系统作业的安全的关键因素,尤其对隔水管系统紧急脱离作业安全影响显著,但目前的隔水管张紧力设计方法(包括API算法、底部残余张力算法以及下放最大钩载算法)均未考虑隔水管系统的反冲问题。为此,基于隔水管系统... 张紧力是深水钻井隔水管系统作业的安全的关键因素,尤其对隔水管系统紧急脱离作业安全影响显著,但目前的隔水管张紧力设计方法(包括API算法、底部残余张力算法以及下放最大钩载算法)均未考虑隔水管系统的反冲问题。为此,基于隔水管系统反冲响应,确定了隔水管张紧力设计准则,提出了张紧力修正API算法及计算流程,并通过实例分析验证了修正API算法的可行性。研究结果表明,修正API算法可为隔水管系统提供合理的张紧力,改善了隔水管紧急脱离反冲过程中的隔水管底部总成位移、张紧器冲程以及有效张力波动范围,从而提高了紧急脱离后隔水管系统的安全性,有效保证了深水钻井隔水管系统紧急脱离作业的安全。 展开更多
关键词 深水钻井 隔水管 张紧力 冲响应
基于复模态法的深水钻井隔水管反冲响应力学特性 被引量:6
作者 王宴滨 高德利 《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期58-63,共6页
考虑隔水管在正常钻井作业过程中由于轴向拉伸储存的弹性势能和反冲过程中钻井液下泄时产生的黏滞阻力的共同影响,通过将隔水管离散化为三自由度质量-弹簧-阻尼系统,建立隔水管紧急解脱后的反冲响应力学分析模型和控制方程;以浮式钻井... 考虑隔水管在正常钻井作业过程中由于轴向拉伸储存的弹性势能和反冲过程中钻井液下泄时产生的黏滞阻力的共同影响,通过将隔水管离散化为三自由度质量-弹簧-阻尼系统,建立隔水管紧急解脱后的反冲响应力学分析模型和控制方程;以浮式钻井设备的升沉运动作为边界条件,以隔水管解脱前的变形为初始条件,考虑控制方程中阻尼矩阵不能被对角化的影响,采用复模态分析法对控制方程进行求解;根据实例分析得到反冲过程中隔水管底部总成(low marine riser package,LMRP)振动位移的变化规律,并讨论水深、波高、顶部张紧器弹簧刚度及解脱相位角等因素对LMRP振动位移的影响,研究隔水管反冲响应的主控因素。结果表明:在同样的作业条件下,水深越大,隔水管紧急解脱的安全作业窗口越小;波高越大,隔水管的反冲响应越剧烈;顶部张紧器的刚度是决定隔水管反冲特性的一个重要因素,张紧器刚度越小,LMRP与防喷器发生碰撞的可能性越大;解脱相位角对隔水管的反冲特性影响不大。 展开更多
关键词 深水钻井 隔水管 紧急脱离 冲响应 主控因素 控制措施
基于多自由度系统的深水钻井隔水管紧急解脱反冲响应 被引量:8
作者 王宴滨 高德利 《石油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1259-1265,共7页
深水钻井隔水管紧急解脱后的反冲响应是隔水管系统设计分析的重要内容之一。基于多自由度质量—弹簧—阻尼系统,建立了深水钻井隔水管紧急解脱后反冲响应分析的力学模型和控制方程,采用子空间迭代法求解了系统振动的固有频率和主振型,... 深水钻井隔水管紧急解脱后的反冲响应是隔水管系统设计分析的重要内容之一。基于多自由度质量—弹簧—阻尼系统,建立了深水钻井隔水管紧急解脱后反冲响应分析的力学模型和控制方程,采用子空间迭代法求解了系统振动的固有频率和主振型,获得了隔水管底部组合(LMRP)紧急解脱后的振动响应曲线,并讨论了张紧器活塞运动振幅及运动频率、解脱初相角、水深和隔水管壁厚对LMRP振动响应时程曲线的影响。结果表明:随着作业水深和张紧器运动幅值的增加,LMRP与水下防喷器发生碰撞的可能性增大;解脱初相角对隔水管反冲响应具有较大影响;顶部张紧器活塞存在某一运动频率最不利于深水钻井隔水管的紧急解脱;壁厚对隔水管反冲特性的影响不大。 展开更多
关键词 深水钻井 隔水管 紧急解脱 冲响应 子空间迭代法
基于广义FIR滤波器的电力设备有源噪声控制 被引量:16
作者 刘姜涛 刘震宇 +1 位作者 应黎明 李靖 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期250-255,共6页
针对电力系统设备噪声问题,探讨有源噪声控制的设计方法 ,提出基于广义有限脉冲响应(finite impulse response,FIR)滤波器优化的有源噪声前馈控制算法,同时给出了信号检测传感器的布放方案,并通过误差传感器评价噪声控制的效果。采集了... 针对电力系统设备噪声问题,探讨有源噪声控制的设计方法 ,提出基于广义有限脉冲响应(finite impulse response,FIR)滤波器优化的有源噪声前馈控制算法,同时给出了信号检测传感器的布放方案,并通过误差传感器评价噪声控制的效果。采集了2组电力设备的噪声作为初级声源,并进行有源降噪的仿真,仿真结果显示,频率为50、100和200 Hz的低频噪声成分被降低了12~18 dB,可见,利用有源噪声控制技术实现电力系统设备低频噪声的控制是一种有效的途径。 展开更多
关键词 有源噪声控制 前馈控制 参数估计 广义有限脉 冲响应滤波器 电力设备
作者 王乐 袁金永 +1 位作者 缪东青 孟帅 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期29-36,45,共9页
建立深海隔水管横向和纵向反冲响应耦合有限元模型,探究钻井平台的横向偏离效应。相比于一维模型,考虑横向位移可更加准确地计算系统的潜存势能;同时,引入悬挂隔水管单摆运动可更接近作业实际并可对顶端挠性接头转角等因素进行分析。研... 建立深海隔水管横向和纵向反冲响应耦合有限元模型,探究钻井平台的横向偏离效应。相比于一维模型,考虑横向位移可更加准确地计算系统的潜存势能;同时,引入悬挂隔水管单摆运动可更接近作业实际并可对顶端挠性接头转角等因素进行分析。研究发现,顶端平台横向偏离使低端总成与井口在反冲过程中最小距离增大,有利于避免与井口相撞,但可能导致挠性接头转角及张紧器液压缸冲程超限。钻井平台偏离效应对选择最佳紧急断开时刻(即垂荡相位角)也有重要影响。该成果可为优化深海隔水管反冲响应特性预报程序及抗反冲控制系统提供支持。 展开更多
关键词 深海钻井隔水管 紧急脱离 冲响应 偏离效应
Dynamic interacting relationships among international oil prices, macroeconomic variables and precious metal prices 被引量:2
作者 朱学红 谌金宇 钟美瑞 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期669-676,共8页
From the perspective of long-term and short-term, the methods of TY causality test, generalized impulse response function, variance decomposition were used to investigate the impacts of international oil prices and ma... From the perspective of long-term and short-term, the methods of TY causality test, generalized impulse response function, variance decomposition were used to investigate the impacts of international oil prices and macroeconomic variables on Chinese gold, silver and platinum prices, but also the feedback effects of Chinese precious metal prices under this impact. The results show that international oil prices play an important role in precious metal price variation both in long-term and short-term, and exchange rate only has an effect in short-term, while interest rate is ineffective in predicting precious metal prices. In addition, precious metal prices have some feedback effects on international oil prices and interest rate in short-term. 展开更多
关键词 international oil price precious metal price TY causality test generalized impulse response function variancedecomposition
Research on velocity and acceleration geophones and their acquired information 被引量:5
作者 刘振东 吕庆田 +1 位作者 董世学 陈明春 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期149-158,234,共11页
Based on the research of two geophone types (10 Hz moving-coil velocity and piezoelectric acceleration) and their velocity and acceleration parameters, frequency response functions have been determined, as well as t... Based on the research of two geophone types (10 Hz moving-coil velocity and piezoelectric acceleration) and their velocity and acceleration parameters, frequency response functions have been determined, as well as the differences between them. Also, shock- vibration tests have been accomplished, not only to explain the two shock response signal differences, but also to analyze the response signal characteristics and its ability to carry information. In addition, seismic data acquisition experiments have been carried out under comparable conditions in the field. A contrast analysis of shot gathers and stack profiles acquired with the two geophone types is given in this paper. The results show that the acceleration signal from the acceleration geophone has a better advantage in terms of high signal-to-noise ratio, high accuracy, high resolution, and quantity of information to better meet current and future requirements for seismic exploration. 展开更多
关键词 seismic exploration GEOPHONE acceleration signal INTEGRITY ACCURACY
Research on Transient Response of Motorcycle with One Tire Colliding on Ground
作者 顾亮 曲晋立 +2 位作者 张振华 宋玉杰 牛同斌 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1998年第4期337-344,共8页
Aim To study the transient response of motorcycle with one tire colliding on ground. Methods Taking the colliding velocity as an independent variable, the changing law of the biggest collision inertia load of motorcy... Aim To study the transient response of motorcycle with one tire colliding on ground. Methods Taking the colliding velocity as an independent variable, the changing law of the biggest collision inertia load of motorcycle′s sprung mass, unsprung mass and driver was studied, while its front and rear tire colliding on ground respectively.Results and Conclusion According to the working conditions of motorcycle shock absorbers and the characteristic of response curve, the transient response of the acceleration, the velocity and the displacement were discussed section by section. And the result of simulating the actual JH125 motorcycle was given. 展开更多
关键词 transient response COLLISION MOTORCYCLE suspension system
作者 李健 谷良贤 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第3期205-210,共6页
The uniform design and response surface methodology (RSM) are applied to the multi-objective optimization of a 2-D mixed compression scramjet inlet. The set of experimental design points on the design space is selec... The uniform design and response surface methodology (RSM) are applied to the multi-objective optimization of a 2-D mixed compression scramjet inlet. The set of experimental design points on the design space is selected by the uniform design, and the inlet performance is analyzed by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Then complete quadratic polynomial response surface approximation models are constructed based on the performance analysis results and then used to replace theoriginal complex inlet performance model. The optimization is conducted using a multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-Ⅱ, and the Pareto optimal solution set is obtained. Results show that the uniform design and RSM can reduce the computational complexity of numerical simulation and improve the optimization efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 scramjet inlet response surface methodology oblique shock multi-objective optimization
作者 陈勇 高亹 +1 位作者 陶宝祺 陈仁文 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2000年第1期20-25,共6页
One of the aerodynamic phenomena associated with high performance aircraft is the high frequency vortex induced buffeting. The buffeting load can lead to high cyclic strain and stress,dramatically reduce the fatigue ... One of the aerodynamic phenomena associated with high performance aircraft is the high frequency vortex induced buffeting. The buffeting load can lead to high cyclic strain and stress,dramatically reduce the fatigue life of composite structures. In this paper, piezoelectric patches are bonded on the surface of composite panel. The dynamic response of the structure is measured by using bonded piezoelectric sensors. Filtered adaptive control algorithm is used to control the strain of piezoelectric actuators actively, so as to increase the modal damping coefficient of the composite panel, suppress the dynamic response and improve the fatigue performance of the structure. The feasibility of this method is verified in model experiments. 展开更多
关键词 aerodynamic buffeting adaptive structure response suppression composite material
Dynamic Response of Stepped Beams Under Impulsive Loading
作者 孙韬 冯顺山 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1998年第3期233-239,共7页
Aim To analyze dynamic failure of aerospace strutures subjected lateral impulsive loading. Methods Structures were modeled as rigid-perfectly plastic free-free stepped beams. Basic equations of motion un set up f... Aim To analyze dynamic failure of aerospace strutures subjected lateral impulsive loading. Methods Structures were modeled as rigid-perfectly plastic free-free stepped beams. Basic equations of motion un set up for analysis. Results Final pat deformation and rigid motion solutions were determined for a uniform impulsive loading. The critical rupture conditions for a space shuttle and a missile were obtained. Conclusion Failure is possible for aerospace structures under a uniform impulsive loading, but it is mere difficult in space. 展开更多
关键词 free-free stepped beam dynamic pulse plastic response
Investigation on the Shock Response of Vitreous Carbon
作者 吴成 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期75-80,共6页
The dynamic response of vitreous carbon to uniaxial strain loading has been investigated by means of the plate impact experiments. The two x cut shorted quartz gauges assembled with impactor and target were used ... The dynamic response of vitreous carbon to uniaxial strain loading has been investigated by means of the plate impact experiments. The two x cut shorted quartz gauges assembled with impactor and target were used to obtain the wave speeds in material and the stress histories at the sample gauge interface. The wave speed and stress histories were analyzed to determine the peak state in the sample. For compressive stress up to 4 0 GPa, the wave profiles were observed to be simple and steady, the uniaxial strain response is essentially nonlinear elastic, and no inelastic deformation has been found. All the experiment results indicate that the Hugoniot curve of vitreous carbon is concave downward just like that of fused silicon. There is no shock wave but the compressed wave propagating in the impacted samples. 展开更多
关键词 uniaxial strain shock loading vitreous carbon Hugoniot elastic limit shock compressive wave
作者 范国君 《实用影音技术》 1998年第1期59-63,共5页
关键词 扬声器 虚拟声 FIR滤波器 控制技术 信号处理 多声道 冲响应 临场感 双声道立体声 环绕声
Gene cloning and induced expression pattern of IRF4 and IRF10 in the Asian swamp eel(Monopterus albus) 被引量:3
作者 Qiao-Qing XU Dai-Qin YANG +3 位作者 Rui TUO Jing WAN Ming-Xian CHANG Pin NIE 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期380-388,共9页
The Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) is one of the most economically important freshwater fish in East Asia, but data on the immune genes of M. albus are scarce compared to other commercially important fish. A bet... The Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) is one of the most economically important freshwater fish in East Asia, but data on the immune genes of M. albus are scarce compared to other commercially important fish. A better understanding of the eel's immune responses may help in developing strategies for disease management, potentially improving yields and mitigating losses. In mammals, interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) play a vital role in both the innate and adaptive immune system; though among teleosts IRF4 and IRFIO have seldom been studied. In this study, we characterized IRF4 and IRFIO from M. albus (malRF4 and malRFlO) and found that malRF4 cDNA consists of 1 716 nucleotides encoding a 451 amino acid (aa) protein, while malRFlO consists of 1 744 nucleotides including an open reading frame (ORF) of 1 236 nt encoding 411 aa. The malRFlO gene was constitutively expressed at high levels in a variety of tissues, while malRF4 showed a very limited expression pattern. Expression of malRF4 and malRFlO in head kidney, and spleen tissues was significantly up-regulated from 12 h to 48 h post-stimulation with polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid (poly I:C), lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a common pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila. These results suggest that IRF4 and IRF10 play roles in immune responses to both viral and bacterial infections in M. albus. 展开更多
关键词 Monopterus albus IRF4 IRF10 Poly I:C UP-REGULATION
Low-Rate DoS Attack Flows Filtering Based on Frequency Spectral Analysis 被引量:4
作者 Zhijun Wu Minxiao Wang +1 位作者 Changcan Yan Meng Yue 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期98-112,共15页
In frequency domain,the power spectrum of Low-rate denial of service(LDoS) attacks is totally spread into the spectrum of normal traffic.It is a challenging task to detect and filter LDoS attack flows from the normal ... In frequency domain,the power spectrum of Low-rate denial of service(LDoS) attacks is totally spread into the spectrum of normal traffic.It is a challenging task to detect and filter LDoS attack flows from the normal traffic.Based on the analysis of LDoS attack flows and legitimate TCP traffic in time and frequency domains,the periodicity of the TCP traffic and LDoS attack flows is explored to facilitate the research of network traffic processing.Hence,an approach of LDoS attack flow filtering based on frequency spectrum analysis is proposed.In this approach,the TCP traffic and LDoS attack flows are transformed from the time domain into the frequency domain.Then the round-trip time(RTT) is estimated by using frequency domain search method.Analysis of amplitude spectrum shows that TCP traffic energy is mainly concentrated on the points of n/RTT.Therefore,a comb filter using infinite impulse response(IIR) filter is designed to filter out the LDoS attack flows in frequency domain,while most legitimate TCP traffic energy at the points of n/RTT are pass through.Experimental results show that the maximum pass rate for legitimate TCP traffic reaches 92.55%,while the maximum filtration rate of LDoS attack flows reaches 81.36%.The proposed approach can effectively filter the LDoS attack flows while less impact on the legitimate TCP traffic. 展开更多
关键词 low-rate denial of service (ldos) spectrmn analysis infinite impulse response (iir) filter FILTERING
Characteristic of Intelligent Air Bag Venting Structure Actuating by Electrostrictive Stack Actuator
作者 戈嗣诚 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第2期119-122,共4页
In this paper the conception of smart materials and structures is firstly combined with research of air bag,and the main theory of self adapting cushioning of intelligent air bag is expatiated.The intelligent venting... In this paper the conception of smart materials and structures is firstly combined with research of air bag,and the main theory of self adapting cushioning of intelligent air bag is expatiated.The intelligent venting structure is the main part affecting the cushioning result.Electrostrictive material was found having big force,high response speed and wide linearity,and it is fit to utilize in intelligent venting structure. The characteristic of the dynamic response and cushioning actuating of an electrostrictive stack actuator is analyzed,and the result of the computer simulation of the fuzzy control to intelligent venting structure is given.It is concluded that intelligent venting structure has good actuating characteristic and can satisfy the need of intelligent air bag. 展开更多
关键词 intelligent air bag electrostrictive stack actuator venting structure
Modified nonlinear chirp scaling algorithm for curvilinear trajectory synthetic aperture radar 被引量:1
作者 王建涛 秦玉亮 +2 位作者 范波 王宏强 黎湘 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2751-2758,共8页
The original nonlinear chirp scaling(NCS) algorithm was extended for high precision processing of the highly squinted curvilinear trajectory synthetic aperture radar(CTSAR).Based on the analysis of slant range model a... The original nonlinear chirp scaling(NCS) algorithm was extended for high precision processing of the highly squinted curvilinear trajectory synthetic aperture radar(CTSAR).Based on the analysis of slant range model and the frequency spectrum characteristics of the echo signal,a novel nonlinear chirp scaling function and more complex phase compensation factors with both velocity and acceleration parameters were proposed in the new algorithm for accommodation to curvilinear trajectory.The processing flow and computational complexity of modified NCS algorithm were fundamentally the same as the original NCS algorithm.However,the higher order phase compensation,range cell migration correction(RCMC) and range-variant secondary range compression(SRC) caused by the non-linear aperture and the severe range-azimuth coupling were accomplished accurately and efficiently without interpolation.Simulation results show that data acquired with a curvilinear aperture and a squint angle up to about 50° for X-band can be processed with no evident degradation of impulse response function. 展开更多
关键词 synthetic aperture radar nonlinear chirp scaling curvilinear trajectory ACCELERATION
作者 Tian Xinguang Duan Miyi +1 位作者 Sun Chunlai Liu Xin 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第5期667-672,共6页
This paper proposes a novel iterative algorithm for optimal design of non-frequency-selective Finite Impulse Response(FIR) digital filters based on the windowing method.Different from the traditional optimization conc... This paper proposes a novel iterative algorithm for optimal design of non-frequency-selective Finite Impulse Response(FIR) digital filters based on the windowing method.Different from the traditional optimization concept of adjusting the window or the filter order in the windowing design of an FIR digital filter,the key idea of the algorithm is minimizing the approximation error by succes-sively modifying the design result through an iterative procedure under the condition of a fixed window length.In the iterative procedure,the known deviation of the designed frequency response in each iteration from the ideal frequency response is used as a reference for the next iteration.Because the approximation error can be specified variably,the algorithm is applicable for the design of FIR digital filters with different technical requirements in the frequency domain.A design example is employed to illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filters Optimal design Windowing method Approximation error Iterative algorithm
Design and Simulation of Sub-Nanosecond Pulse Generator for Ultra-Wideband Communication 被引量:1
作者 徐平平 欧阳永艳 樊祥宁 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2003年第2期151-153,158,共4页
A new sub-nanosecond pulse generator scheme is proposed in the opinion of frequency field in this paper. The filtering techniques used in the UWB (ultra-wideband) generator make the circuit simple and suitable for int... A new sub-nanosecond pulse generator scheme is proposed in the opinion of frequency field in this paper. The filtering techniques used in the UWB (ultra-wideband) generator make the circuit simple and suitable for integration. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that monocycle form generated in the scheme have a good balance between positive and negative shape and small traipse by circuit parameter control and has improved the quality of UWB pulse form. 展开更多
关键词 ULTRA-WIDEBAND UWB sub-nanosecond pulse impulse response
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