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作者 马海 《河北建筑科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期46-48,共3页
"冲突学"是苏联解体后俄罗斯哲学社会科学领域的一个新兴综合学科。该学科既具有社会学等学科注重实证方法和应用功能的特征,又充满对现实社会的宏观哲学思考。俄学者从研究当今社会冲突的各个领域和各种表现形式入手,对各种... "冲突学"是苏联解体后俄罗斯哲学社会科学领域的一个新兴综合学科。该学科既具有社会学等学科注重实证方法和应用功能的特征,又充满对现实社会的宏观哲学思考。俄学者从研究当今社会冲突的各个领域和各种表现形式入手,对各种社会冲突现象的深层根源和解决社会冲突的方法和途径进行了探讨,其研究内容涉及冲突与矛盾的关系、社会分层理论与方法、暴力与非暴力、社会紧张度及社会和睦等问题。 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯 冲突学 社会矛盾 社会分层
作者 张峿樇 《社会科学论坛(学术研究卷)》 2006年第5期63-66,共4页
中美撞机事件已经过去5年了。但此次事件的解决过程和结果十分完关,对于今后外交冲突的解决提供了范本。本文以此为案例,采用冲突学理论的基本概念和方法,对资料进行整理和提炼,通过细致了解事件过程和发生冲突的双方来探究其特征及这... 中美撞机事件已经过去5年了。但此次事件的解决过程和结果十分完关,对于今后外交冲突的解决提供了范本。本文以此为案例,采用冲突学理论的基本概念和方法,对资料进行整理和提炼,通过细致了解事件过程和发生冲突的双方来探究其特征及这些特征出现的原因,以期说明冲突行动者性质、冲突目标的性质、冲突涉及的思维方式和文化背景与冲突本身发展特征之间的大致关系。 展开更多
关键词 中美撞机 决策互动 冲突学
作者 陈云卿 《管理观察》 1995年第10期2-2,共1页
只有几年的时间,俄罗斯人便生活在完全不同的地缘政治空间和社会经济体制中。每个人生活的各个方面都发生了根本变化。这对有些人是好事,对另一些人则是坏事.俄罗斯社会非常高的冲突程度迫使人们认真地分析所发生的事件。1993年10月... 只有几年的时间,俄罗斯人便生活在完全不同的地缘政治空间和社会经济体制中。每个人生活的各个方面都发生了根本变化。这对有些人是好事,对另一些人则是坏事.俄罗斯社会非常高的冲突程度迫使人们认真地分析所发生的事件。1993年10月,在莫斯科举行了题为“政治和经济结构中的冲突管理”的第一次全俄研讨会。冲突学家们与其说讨论了理论问题或方法论问题,不如说讨论了纯实际问题。作者在对研讨会题目进行总结时,引用了尤·季霍米罗夫(法律和比较行为研究所第一副所长)的结论:1.我们常常把冲突与偏离行为联系起来,忘记了它会给新状态的形成注入积极的力量;2.各种冲突(权利的、心理的、经济的,等等)是互相交织的。权利的冲突是其他冲突,如经济冲突的根源。层次(公司、城市、国家)不同,解决矛盾的方法也应不同,3最好建立跨部门、跨学科冲突学中心,其工作应体现在国家机构,其中包括地方政权机构的活动中。 展开更多
关键词 冲突学 地方政权机构 冲突管理 地缘政治 偏离行为 经济冲突 行为研究 方法论问题 理论问题 社会经济
研究生培养机制改革与导学冲突的解决 被引量:5
作者 李安萍 陈若愚 《继续教育研究》 2018年第10期102-106,共5页
2006年,我国开始在部分研究生培养高校试点教育成本分担的研究生培养机制改革。截至2013年,试点高校已推广至中央部属高校和少数省属高校。研究生培养机制改革以导师负责制和导师资助制为切入点展开。导师资助制是导师从其科研经费中提... 2006年,我国开始在部分研究生培养高校试点教育成本分担的研究生培养机制改革。截至2013年,试点高校已推广至中央部属高校和少数省属高校。研究生培养机制改革以导师负责制和导师资助制为切入点展开。导师资助制是导师从其科研经费中提取费用以资助研究生进行科研的制度,因此导师资助制被认为是导致研究生对导师产生人身依附,进而引发导学冲突的重要原因。从2014年开始,在研究生教育全面收费的背景下,国家加大研究生教育的奖助力度,导师资助制有弱化的倾向。然而,导学冲突并没有因此而减少,说明导师资助制并不是导致导学冲突的重要原因。研究表明,导师负责制中的一些不合理因素才是导致导学冲突的重要原因。因此,导学冲突的解决,必须更新并变革传统的导师负责制。 展开更多
关键词 培养机制改革 导师负责制 导师资助制 冲突
冲突教育学初探——基于“counter-education”概念的解读及启示 被引量:1
作者 韦永琼 扈中平 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期106-111,共6页
"counter-education"概念至少有三重含义:反常规教育、相向教育与冲突教育。通过对这一概念的解读,尝试提出"冲突教育学"这一主题,主要探究教育学领域内,各种相互冲突的理论之间的争执抗衡状态何以产生,能否得以适... "counter-education"概念至少有三重含义:反常规教育、相向教育与冲突教育。通过对这一概念的解读,尝试提出"冲突教育学"这一主题,主要探究教育学领域内,各种相互冲突的理论之间的争执抗衡状态何以产生,能否得以适切解决等问题。 展开更多
关键词 反常规教育 相向教育 冲突教育()
高职院校学生管理工作的技巧分析——基于冲突化解学研究视角 被引量:1
作者 王智威 王尚 王珂 《职业教育研究》 2023年第8期50-57,共8页
以冲突化解学的理论和技巧为切入视角,深入讨论高职院校学生辅导员在处理学生事务中所采用的技巧、策略以及方法。此研究的分析基于实证数据,采取质化定性合作解释研究方法,邀请来自四所职业院校,总计17名高职学生辅导员加入深度访谈,... 以冲突化解学的理论和技巧为切入视角,深入讨论高职院校学生辅导员在处理学生事务中所采用的技巧、策略以及方法。此研究的分析基于实证数据,采取质化定性合作解释研究方法,邀请来自四所职业院校,总计17名高职学生辅导员加入深度访谈,并贡献自己的工作经验、策略和技巧。研究结果显示:根据冲突和矛盾在不断发展中所表现出的不同性质,辅导员会在各个阶段采取不同的策略和技巧有针对性地解决问题。这些在学生工作中被使用的技巧和策略被罗列为8个质性主题,研究成果对大学生的管理工作有较为重要的参考性意义。 展开更多
关键词 生管理 高校辅导员 冲突化解 质化研究 理论讨论
作者 刘梓晔 《豫章师范学院学报》 2022年第3期64-69,共6页
研究生教育质量问题亟待解决,其中影响研究生教育质量的关键因素是导学关系。受诸多因素影响,当前导学关系存在利益资源冲突、价值观冲突、权力地位冲突以及情感冲突。破解导生冲突对于构建新时代良好的导生关系、实现研究生培养质量的... 研究生教育质量问题亟待解决,其中影响研究生教育质量的关键因素是导学关系。受诸多因素影响,当前导学关系存在利益资源冲突、价值观冲突、权力地位冲突以及情感冲突。破解导生冲突对于构建新时代良好的导生关系、实现研究生培养质量的提升至关重要。根据合作博弈论的观点,破解导生冲突的关键在于开创美好合作前景,建立“有约束力的协议”,达成一致的合作导向,通过第三方介入机制调节导生矛盾。 展开更多
关键词 合作博弈论 冲突 冲突治理 导生关系
课堂授课结合MOOC教学法在外科护理学中的应用 被引量:5
作者 熊晖雯 姚丽文 +2 位作者 黄瑾 许雯倩 高雯 《齐鲁护理杂志》 2018年第2期119-121,共3页
目的:探讨课堂授课结合大型开放式网络课程(Massive Open Online Courses,MOOC)教学法在外科护理学中的应用效果。方法:选取课堂授课结合MOOC教学法的160名上海中医药大学2014级成人教育护理本科生,教学结束后使用自行设计的课程满意度... 目的:探讨课堂授课结合大型开放式网络课程(Massive Open Online Courses,MOOC)教学法在外科护理学中的应用效果。方法:选取课堂授课结合MOOC教学法的160名上海中医药大学2014级成人教育护理本科生,教学结束后使用自行设计的课程满意度问卷进行调查。结果:2014级学生对课堂授课结合MOOC教学法的满意度为95.3%,学生平均出勤率、考核最高分和最低分成绩均高于2013级和2012级。结论:课堂授课结合MOOC教学法有助于提高成人教学质量,减少工学冲突,学生对其持肯定态度。 展开更多
关键词 继续教育 护理 方法 冲突
作者 周太忠 《管理观察》 1995年第6期59-59,共1页
关键词 冲突管理 冲突的解决方法 冲突学 法律文化 管理策略 动机取向 超前认识 分析和评价 最后手段 管理作用
作者 金钰 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2023年第2期131-138,共8页
南京作为民国时期的政治中心,不同权力体制间的力量角逐对其文学风貌有着直接的浸染———不仅民族主义文艺运动于南京大力展开,“报国文学”创作、旧体诗词创作、“新进作家”的反抗创作等种种特殊的文学作品也同时涌入金陵城。“政”... 南京作为民国时期的政治中心,不同权力体制间的力量角逐对其文学风貌有着直接的浸染———不仅民族主义文艺运动于南京大力展开,“报国文学”创作、旧体诗词创作、“新进作家”的反抗创作等种种特殊的文学作品也同时涌入金陵城。“政”与“学”的冲突在特殊的时代背景中愈发激烈,由此,抗战时期的文学南京生发出“言与不言”的两条书写路径。一条是旅居于南京的外籍文人,他们以“他者记忆”的方式进行着情感真挚的南京书写,重启了市民文学的辉煌篇章。一条是以南京为文学起点的本地文人,他们奔赴异地,以“外乡建功”的方式实现对现实主义文学的强有力开掘。 展开更多
关键词 抗战时期 南京 冲突 思潮
导学关系冲突与研究生抑郁:沟通有效性的中介效应和个人主动性的调节作用 被引量:2
作者 张平 张兰鸽 +1 位作者 张旭然 李雅 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1353-1358,共6页
目的:探讨沟通有效性在导学关系冲突对研究生抑郁影响中的中介效应,以及研究生个人主动性的调节作用。方法:采用师生关系质量问卷、个人主动性量表、病人健康问卷(PHQ-9)、沟通有效性量表对998名研究生进行测量。结果:(1)导学关系冲突... 目的:探讨沟通有效性在导学关系冲突对研究生抑郁影响中的中介效应,以及研究生个人主动性的调节作用。方法:采用师生关系质量问卷、个人主动性量表、病人健康问卷(PHQ-9)、沟通有效性量表对998名研究生进行测量。结果:(1)导学关系冲突可以正向预测研究生抑郁并负向预测沟通有效性;(2)沟通有效性在导学关系冲突对研究生抑郁的影响中起中介作用;(3)个人主动性在导学关系冲突与研究生抑郁、导学关系冲突与沟通有效性之间的调节作用均显著,研究生的个人主动性越高,导学关系冲突对抑郁、沟通有效性的预测作用越弱。结论:导学关系冲突通过沟通有效性预测研究生抑郁,高个人主动性可以缓解导学关系冲突对研究生抑郁和沟通有效性的负面影响。 展开更多
关键词 抑郁 关系冲突 沟通有效性 个人主动性
Strategy of English teaching in intercultural communication
作者 包克纪 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期10-13,共4页
Along with the accelerated pace of reform and opening, and the frequent external exchanges, and the increasingly widespread exchanges between countries, especially the improving information technology, and the use of ... Along with the accelerated pace of reform and opening, and the frequent external exchanges, and the increasingly widespread exchanges between countries, especially the improving information technology, and the use of the Internet, more and more people have been involved in cross-cultural communication. However, there are many differences between Chinese people and people from other cultures in the way of thinking, social and cultural life habits, and all of them can lead cross-cultural communication barriers. Therefore, a higher demand to English language teaching has been put forward, English language teaching not only imparts knowledge, the more important thing is to train students in the interpersonal skills, and develop their applications in English cross-cultural communication ability. 展开更多
关键词 environment of cross-cultural communication culture shock English language teaching
作者 LuZhaoyi SunLijun 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2004年第1期37-47,共11页
I type system model of CCCAM(Contention-Collision Cancellation Access Mode) is studied through mathematical modelling and simulation. There are two innovations: (1) in the process of mathematical modelling, the instan... I type system model of CCCAM(Contention-Collision Cancellation Access Mode) is studied through mathematical modelling and simulation. There are two innovations: (1) in the process of mathematical modelling, the instance of 'serving customers unsuccessfully' is taken into account; (2) the time at which customers depart after having been served successfully are chosen to be the embedded point, thereby 'free period' is introduced reasonably. So the mathematical modelling and analysis result in this paper are significant for application of wire star LAN and wireless star LAN. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-Star LAN Contention-Collision Cancellation Access Mode (CCCAM) Access mode Mathematical modelling
Current Situation of Cultural Conflict Between Teachers and Students in English Classes Provided by Colleges and Universities and Effective Solutions
作者 CHEN Qiang CHEN Hong-bo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期823-827,共5页
At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a cer... At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a certain degree. English has become an international language, and most companies have listed English proficiency as an important requirement for hiring employees, which indicates that English teaching in classrooms of colleges and universities is of great importance. However, cultural conflict between teachers and students in English classes provided by colleges and universities has been gradually drawing people's attention and has an impact on quality of English teaching provided by colleges and universities. In this paper, the current situation of cultural conflict is introduced and several solutions for solving such cultural conflicts are put forward, which may be viewed as a reflection. 展开更多
Soviet Aid and the Construction of the Lanzhou Cyclotron 被引量:1
作者 SU Xi TIAN Miao 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2021年第2期89-113,共25页
The transmission of science and technology from the Soviet Union to People’s Republic of China in the mid-twentieth century is an important research area of contemporary history of science and technology.This paper t... The transmission of science and technology from the Soviet Union to People’s Republic of China in the mid-twentieth century is an important research area of contemporary history of science and technology.This paper takes the construction of the cyclotron in Lanzhou,China as the case to discuss the characteristics of technology transfer from the Soviet Union to China.The review of extensive archives reveals that the construction of cyclotron took place in the framework of China’s nuclear weapons development.Although the transmission of science and technology from the Soviet Union to China fit into the one-way transmission-reception model in general,both the Chinese demand and the Soviet response had key influences on the transmission.In the early cyclotron construction,the Chinese side relied on the Soviets,and the mode of the cooperation between Soviet and Chinese engineers can be described as one of expertstudent.In the early 1960 s,the relationship between China and the Soviet Union broke down.The Soviet engineers were required to withdraw with the technical data,which created conflicts in the roles played by the Soviet engineers,most of whom chose to set the sense of professional responsibility as their highest priority.After the departure of the Soviet experts,Chinese physicists played the leading role in the project,using scientific knowledge they had,relying on the technical materials left by Soviet experts,and cooperating fully with local engineers,thus completing the cyclotron.This case can provide us with valuable clues for the understanding of transnational history of science and technology.The seemingly one-way transmission-reception model is actually influenced by the needs of both sides.While the transnational flow of knowledge is inevitably affected by political factors from both sides,the process is far more complex than it appears. 展开更多
关键词 CYCLOTRON Sino-Soviet relationship conflict of roles Soviet engineers Chinese scientists
On the Differences of Sino-US Views on Family From Pushing Hands
作者 FENG Cai-yan PAN Min 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第8期650-655,共6页
Nowadays, multinational marriages are more and more widespread, especially between China and the West. However, a prevailing phenomenon is that due to the differences of China-West family values, it has caused irrecon... Nowadays, multinational marriages are more and more widespread, especially between China and the West. However, a prevailing phenomenon is that due to the differences of China-West family values, it has caused irreconcilable conflicts of culture, which undoubtedly becomes the stumbling block of cross-cultural communication. Pushing Hands (1991) is a typical movie reflecting the cultural conflicts of Sino-US families, from which we can see all kinds of inadaptations in family life caused by cultural differences. Combined with Pushing Hands, this paper compares the differences of Sino-US views on families and analyzes the causes for these differences. Such an analysis will reinforce the English learners' understanding of cultural differences and improve their ability of cross-cultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 family values cultural differences cross-cultural communication
On Tourism Development Modes of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China
作者 Jishu Shao Wei Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期57-59,共3页
How to conserve and develop the intangible cultural heritage is one of the hot topics in both tourism industry and academic research area. In the past, argument of conflict relationship between tourism and intangible ... How to conserve and develop the intangible cultural heritage is one of the hot topics in both tourism industry and academic research area. In the past, argument of conflict relationship between tourism and intangible cultural heritage has prevailed, however, more and more researches now question it. Based on the analysis of values and characteristics of intangible cultural heritage, this paper considers that the relationship can be beneficial to both with the appropriate and modest development, meanwhile, this paper summarizes seven tourism development modes, and at last it gives some advice on integrative adoption of those development modes after the thorough comparison of the seven modes. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM intangible cultural heritage development mode
Kuhnian Understanding of Incommensurability and Implications of Paradigmatic Conception of Knowledge in International Relations
作者 Veton Latifi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第7期676-683,共8页
In international relations theory (maybe more than in any other discipline of social sciences), the paradigmatic construction of Thomas Kuhn and his model of incommensurability might be applied to the theoretical in... In international relations theory (maybe more than in any other discipline of social sciences), the paradigmatic construction of Thomas Kuhn and his model of incommensurability might be applied to the theoretical interpretation of phenomena; and it is one of the cornerstones of the methodological toolkit for the interpretation in this field. The paper explores the reason why Kuhn's understanding of incommensurability seems to be necessary for the conception of knowledge in international relations: the concept of incommensurability can be considered typical as it is meant to indicate a conflict, of one form or another, between theories. And the discipline of international relations is more than a perfect ground for considering this concept when one is having in mind the high degree of polarized debate among rivalry theoretical schools (for interpreting and describing the identical phenomena) that is present from the very beginning of the discipline. Recalling the Kuhnian conception of science in paradigmatic view with an aim for understanding--international relations theory, the paper analyzes furthermore his rejection of the traditional dichotomy between “objectivisn”and "subjectivism." 展开更多
关键词 INCOMMENSURABILITY paradigmatic approach in international relations Kuhn's conception of science
Language Switching Based on Cognitive Interference Task and Its Teaching Implication for Consecutive Interpreting
作者 SUI Dan-ni CHEN Zheng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第12期940-944,共5页
An empirical study was addressed to explore the language switching selection based on conflict resolution task between bilinguals and monolinguals. The Double-Source interference task was designed to investigate the i... An empirical study was addressed to explore the language switching selection based on conflict resolution task between bilinguals and monolinguals. The Double-Source interference task was designed to investigate the interaction of attentional network and bilingual's language conflict resolution capacity. ANOVA for repeated measurement was used to measure the main effect of different attentional networks. The response time of alerting network was significant faster than that of executive network. There was also a significant main effect of different groups of subjects that bilinguals responded faster than monolinguals when operating alerting and executive network. Language switching paradigm can be used to interpret the neuro-cognitive process of oral consecutive interpreting, so the teaching implication will be discussed in the present study. 展开更多
关键词 BILINGUALISM language switching conflict resolution INTERPRETING
Notes on the Semantic Clash Caused by Individual Background, a Survey on Translation Materials in Qing Dynasty
作者 NING Yi-nuo NIE Da-xin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第3期332-339,共8页
Influenced by translator's individual background, semantic clash is inevitable during the process of code-switching from source language to target language. This re-correspondence in semantic level has been well-show... Influenced by translator's individual background, semantic clash is inevitable during the process of code-switching from source language to target language. This re-correspondence in semantic level has been well-shown not only in the translation of literature works, but in those of dictionary and glossary translations as well. Semantic clash, generally, is based on two main factors, one is the inherent difference between languages lying in typology features, the other is the social and culture diversity factors lying in the translator's personal background. According to actual translation works, social and culture factors of individual background take the dominant position unconsciously over other features in the process of code-switching. The present paper, branches the latter factor into certain categories, by analyzing bilingual dictionaries and glossaries cases in the 18th century, Qing Dynasty, and indicates that the conceptual lagging, religion beliefs, living environment and political stand embedded in individual background will somehow result in semantic clash, which will lead the relevant research to pay more attention on cross-cultural literature translation. 展开更多
关键词 semantic clash text translation Qing Dynasty Hua Yi Yi Yti
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