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作者 武姿廷 王瑞雪 计宇超 《化工管理》 2020年第18期134-135,共2页
制冷压缩机属于通用机械设备,在我国的石油、化工等多个工业领域有广泛的应用。一直以来,物性状态方程在制冷压缩机中冷凝量的应用和计算都是制冷压缩机研究领域所重点关注的问题。现阶段,物性方程已经在制冷压缩机的冷凝量计算环节中... 制冷压缩机属于通用机械设备,在我国的石油、化工等多个工业领域有广泛的应用。一直以来,物性状态方程在制冷压缩机中冷凝量的应用和计算都是制冷压缩机研究领域所重点关注的问题。现阶段,物性方程已经在制冷压缩机的冷凝量计算环节中得到了良好的应用,并取得了相应的研究成效。文章主要针对"物性状态方程在制冷压缩机中冷凝量的应用和计算"这一话题展开了一个深入的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 物性状态方程 制冷压缩机 冷凝量 应用和计算
二氯甲烷废气净化与冷凝回收量的计算 被引量:7
作者 陆晓春 宋娟 +1 位作者 孔德香 张立奎 《南昌大学学报(工科版)》 CAS 2019年第3期228-233,共6页
提出废气流中DCM蒸汽冷凝回收条件:蒸汽分压必须大于或等于其饱和蒸气压,抑或蒸汽的质量浓度必须大于或等于其饱和蒸汽质量浓度。由于DCM的沸点较低,假如气相中DCM蒸汽质量浓度较稀,在冷凝过程中必须使用较冷的冷凝温度。由于能耗太高,... 提出废气流中DCM蒸汽冷凝回收条件:蒸汽分压必须大于或等于其饱和蒸气压,抑或蒸汽的质量浓度必须大于或等于其饱和蒸汽质量浓度。由于DCM的沸点较低,假如气相中DCM蒸汽质量浓度较稀,在冷凝过程中必须使用较冷的冷凝温度。由于能耗太高,该法既不推荐也不可行。文中同时提出,适当提高废气流总压,DCM分压随之提高,不但提升其冷凝温度、有益于DCM的冷凝回收,而且还有益于后序的活性炭的吸附。 展开更多
关键词 二氯甲烷蒸汽 饱和蒸汽压 蒸汽分压 饱和蒸汽质浓度 蒸汽质浓度 冷凝量
作者 陈光 王辉 《低温与超导》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期40-44,共5页
对空冷翅片式和水冷光管式两种冷凝器进行了数值模拟,模拟了不同结构、不同对流换热系数、不同流速下氨液的冷凝量。结果表明:冷凝器管内热阻比管外热阻对氨气的冷凝影响更大;管径一定时,氨液冷凝量随入口速度的的增大而减小,当速度增... 对空冷翅片式和水冷光管式两种冷凝器进行了数值模拟,模拟了不同结构、不同对流换热系数、不同流速下氨液的冷凝量。结果表明:冷凝器管内热阻比管外热阻对氨气的冷凝影响更大;管径一定时,氨液冷凝量随入口速度的的增大而减小,当速度增加到某一值时,冷凝量基本不发生变化,对空冷翅片式冷凝器该速度为0.15m/s,水冷光管式为0.2m/s。 展开更多
关键词 扩散吸收 冷凝 制冷 氨液冷凝量
作者 徐振红 刘俊红 《制冷》 2023年第1期13-17,共5页
关键词 办公楼 VRV空调系统 空调水系统 冷凝水生成 暖通空调
板式蒸发式凝汽器在300MW直接空冷机组中的应用 被引量:6
作者 吕凯 彭兆春 +3 位作者 刘文华 李高潮 叶军 陈胜利 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第10期77-81,共5页
针对直接空冷机组在夏季时背压偏高、出力受限的问题,提出采用板式蒸发式凝汽器分流部分汽轮机排汽,以降低空冷岛热负荷,从而降低机组背压.以某300 MW直接空冷机组为例进行上述技术改造.改造后机组运行结果表明:额定负荷工况、环境温... 针对直接空冷机组在夏季时背压偏高、出力受限的问题,提出采用板式蒸发式凝汽器分流部分汽轮机排汽,以降低空冷岛热负荷,从而降低机组背压.以某300 MW直接空冷机组为例进行上述技术改造.改造后机组运行结果表明:额定负荷工况、环境温度30℃下,投运板式蒸发式凝汽器系统后,机组背压由33.47 kPa 降至29.05 kPa,达到了额定工况下,对机组背压的要求(设计值30 kPa);TRL工况、环境温度30℃下(湿球温度为17.68℃),板式蒸发式凝汽器系统冷凝能力为50.11 t/h,机组背压较投运前降低4.1 kPa;板式蒸发式凝汽器的水耗率为0.7~0.8;板式蒸发式凝汽器系统的运行效果随着环境温度的升高而提高;板式蒸发式凝汽器的冷凝量和补水流量随着外部空气湿度的增大而减小,且趋势相同,空气湿度增大到一定程度后,其冷凝量和补水流量趋于定值. 展开更多
关键词 直接空冷机组 机组背压 板式蒸发式凝汽器 环境温度 空气湿度 冷凝量 水耗率
墙体内保温体系冷桥部位结露分析 被引量:3
作者 张三明 王美燕 《新型建筑材料》 北大核心 2007年第6期44-47,共4页
分别研究了胶粉聚苯颗粒保温砂浆、石膏板岩棉和高强水泥珍珠岩板这3种墙体内保温体系冷桥部位在夏热冬冷的杭州地区整个典型气象年采暖期间室外逐时温度、相对湿度和特定室内计算温度(18℃)、相对湿度(40%、50%、60%、70%)条件下,逐时... 分别研究了胶粉聚苯颗粒保温砂浆、石膏板岩棉和高强水泥珍珠岩板这3种墙体内保温体系冷桥部位在夏热冬冷的杭州地区整个典型气象年采暖期间室外逐时温度、相对湿度和特定室内计算温度(18℃)、相对湿度(40%、50%、60%、70%)条件下,逐时的结露以及冷凝量情况;并根据整个采暖期间冷桥部位保温层受潮后的重量湿度增量是否超出允许值,依此来判定该部位保温材料的受潮破坏情况。并得出结论:在上述设定条件下,这3种内保温体系在室内较高湿度时会超过规范的允许值;使用胶粉聚苯颗粒保温砂浆内保温体系和高强水泥珍珠岩板内保温体系结露产生的冷凝水,一般不会超过规范要求;使用石膏板岩棉内保温体系容易受潮、结露,但是通过设置隔汽层能够使其得到较好的改善;在传热系数比较接近的条件下,高强水泥珍珠岩板内保温体系所占室内空间最大。 展开更多
关键词 墙体内保温 冷桥 结露 冷凝量
空调换热器表面排水性能计算模型、整体影响及改进方法综述 被引量:9
作者 徐象国 詹思成 +2 位作者 梁灏彬 王晓非 钟子文 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期122-133,共12页
在空调运行过程中,当换热器表面温度低于空气露点温度时,换热器表面就会产生冷凝水。湿工况下附着在换热器表面的冷凝水若不能及时排除,会对换热器的传热效率、流动阻力等产生多方面的影响,从而影响空调系统的整体性能,增加空调系统能... 在空调运行过程中,当换热器表面温度低于空气露点温度时,换热器表面就会产生冷凝水。湿工况下附着在换热器表面的冷凝水若不能及时排除,会对换热器的传热效率、流动阻力等产生多方面的影响,从而影响空调系统的整体性能,增加空调系统能耗的同时还会降低用户舒适度。针对这一问题,通过文献调研,从三个方面对相关的研究工作进行总结分析:整理描述换热器表面排水性能和冷凝液滴状态的重要参数,并着重介绍计算表面液滴总滞留量的数学模型,分析影响表面液滴状态的多种因素;对换热器表面附着的冷凝水对换热器本身和整个空调系统的影响进行分析;接着整理增强换热器排水能力的主要方法。对这几个方面现有研究存在的缺陷进行分析,提出未来可能的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 空调换热器 冷凝水滞留 表面排水性能 显热换热效率 流动阻力
1000MW机组烟囱石膏雨的研究 被引量:8
作者 许静 段钰锋 +1 位作者 冯琰磊 孙坚荣 《发电设备》 2017年第5期344-347,共4页
为研究"石膏雨"产生的原因并消除该现象,针对某1 000 MW电厂的运行参数,计算了不同环境温度、不同机组负荷下烟囱内的冷凝液量,得出较高负荷和较低环境温度会使烟囱内生成更多的冷凝液量。计算了采用管式GGH装置的烟囱不发生... 为研究"石膏雨"产生的原因并消除该现象,针对某1 000 MW电厂的运行参数,计算了不同环境温度、不同机组负荷下烟囱内的冷凝液量,得出较高负荷和较低环境温度会使烟囱内生成更多的冷凝液量。计算了采用管式GGH装置的烟囱不发生白烟的烟气排放温度,分析得出白烟现象的发生温度受环境温度的影响很大,冬季要解决白烟问题除GGH装置外还需引入其他热源。 展开更多
关键词 火电机组 石膏雨 湿烟囱 冷凝 白烟
新型微小尺度肋片的表面排水性能研究 被引量:1
作者 徐象国 詹思成 梁灏彬 《中国科技论文》 北大核心 2017年第23期2641-2650,共10页
为提升空调换热器肋片表面的排水性能,提出了1种新型的百叶窗式微小尺度肋片结构,通过构建不连续的粗糙表面,增加液滴自由延展的能量障碍,从而减小固液接触面积以及相应的排水阻力。对新型微小尺度肋片表面的水滴受力情况进行定性分析,... 为提升空调换热器肋片表面的排水性能,提出了1种新型的百叶窗式微小尺度肋片结构,通过构建不连续的粗糙表面,增加液滴自由延展的能量障碍,从而减小固液接触面积以及相应的排水阻力。对新型微小尺度肋片表面的水滴受力情况进行定性分析,从理论层面论证其排水性能的增强,并提出最佳叶面宽度的判断依据。为验证理论,进一步开展了滴水和凝水实验,分别测试肋片样品对应的临界角与表面凝结水量,判断肋片的最佳叶面宽度。实验结果表明:新型微小尺度肋片能有效减少表面凝结水的滞留量,且对不同实验材料存在最佳的肋片叶面宽度,使得表面凝结水滞留量最小。 展开更多
关键词 制冷与低温 空调换热器 冷凝水滞留 表面排水性能 液滴接触角 临界角
Quantum Tunneling of a Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate in Optical Lattice 被引量:1
作者 YU Zhao-Xian JIAO Zhi-Yong WANG Ji-Suo 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期123-125,共3页
We study quantum tunneling of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in optical lattice when the spin system initially is prepared in a squeezed coherent state. It is found that there exists quantum tunneling between latt... We study quantum tunneling of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in optical lattice when the spin system initially is prepared in a squeezed coherent state. It is found that there exists quantum tunneling between lattices l and l + 1, l and l - 1, respectively. In particular, when the optical lattice is infinitely long and the spin excitations are in the long-wavelength limit, quantum tunneling disappears between lattices l and l + 1, and that l and l - 1. Correspondingly, the magnetic soliton appears. 展开更多
关键词 dipolar Bose Einstein condensate quantum tunneling
Interplay Between Quark-Antiquark and Diquark Condensates in Vacuum in a Two-Flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Bang-Rong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期95-101,共7页
By means of a relativistic effective potential, we analytically research competition between the quark- antiquark condensates (qq) and the diquark condensates (qq) in vacuum in ground state of a two-flavor Nambu J... By means of a relativistic effective potential, we analytically research competition between the quark- antiquark condensates (qq) and the diquark condensates (qq) in vacuum in ground state of a two-flavor Nambu Jona Lasinio (NJL) model and obtain the Gs-Hs phase diagram, where Gs and Hs are the respective four-fermion coupling constants in scalar quark-antiquark channel and scalar color anti-triplet diquark channel. The results show that, in the chiral limit, there is only the pure (qq) phase when Gs/Hs 〉 2/3, and as Gs/Hs decreases to 2/3 〉 Gs/Hs ≥ 0 one will first have a coexistence phase of the condensates (qq) and (qq) and then a pure (qq) phase. In non-zero bare quark mass case, the critical value of Gs/Hs at which the pure (qq) phase will transfer to the coexistence phase of the condensates (qq) and (qq) will be less than 2/3. Our theoretical results, combined with present phenomenological fact that there is no diquark condensates in the vacuum of QCD, will also impose a real restriction to any given two-flavor NJL model which is intended to simulate QCD, i.e. in such model the resulting sma/lest ratio Gs/Hs after the Fierz transformations in the Hartree approximation must be larger than 2/3. A few phenomenological QCD-like NJL models are checked and analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model quark-antiquark condensates diquark condensates effective potential chiral symmetry breaking color-superconductivity
Influence of External Magnetic Fields on Tunneling of Spin-1 Bose Condensate
作者 YUZhao-Xian JIAOZhi-Yong SUNJin-Zuo 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期353-356,共4页
In this letter, we have studied the influence of the external magnetic fields on tunneling of the spin-1 Bose condensate. We find that the population transfer between spin-0 and spin-±1 exhibits the step structur... In this letter, we have studied the influence of the external magnetic fields on tunneling of the spin-1 Bose condensate. We find that the population transfer between spin-0 and spin-±1 exhibits the step structure under the external cosinusoidal magnetic field and a combination of static and cosinusoidal one, respectively. Compared with the longitudinal component of the external magnetic field, the smaller the transverse component of the magnetic field is, the larger the time scale of exhibiting the step structure does. The tunneling current may exhibit periodically oscillation behavior when the ratio of the transverse component of the magnetic field is smaller than that of the longitudinal component, otherwise it exhibits a damply oscillating behavior. This means that the dynamical spin localization can be adjusted by the external magnetic fields. 展开更多
关键词 TUNNELING population transfer spinor bose condensate
Quark Gluon Condensate, Virtuality and Susceptibility of QCD Vacuum
作者 ZHOU Li-Juan WU Qing MA Wei-Xing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期161-174,共14页
We study vacuum of QCD in this work.The structure of non-local quark vacuum condensate,values ofvarious local quark and gluon vacuum condensates,quark-gluon mixed vacuum condensate,quark and gluon virtualityin QCD vac... We study vacuum of QCD in this work.The structure of non-local quark vacuum condensate,values ofvarious local quark and gluon vacuum condensates,quark-gluon mixed vacuum condensate,quark and gluon virtualityin QCD vacuum state,quark dynamical mass and susceptibility of QCD vacuum state to external field are predicted byuse of the solutions of Dyson Schwinger equations in'rainbow'approximation with a modeling gluon propagator andthree different sets of quark-quark interaction parameters.Our theoretical predictions are in good agreement with thecorrespondent empirical values used widely in literature,and many other theoretical calculations.The quark propagatorand self-energy functions are also obtained from the numerical solutions of Dyson-Schwinger equations.This work iscentrally important for studying non-perturbative QCD,and has many important applications both in particle andnuclear physics. 展开更多
关键词 QCD vacuum condensates susceptibility of QCD vacuum QCD
Quantum Correlation of Many Atoms in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
作者 YU Zhao-Xian LIANG Jiu-Qing JIAO Zhi-Yong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期287-292,共6页
In this letter, we have studied sub-Poissonian distributions and quantum correlation of atoms in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates. It is found that there exists the sub-Poissonlan distributions for spin-1 and spin-(-... In this letter, we have studied sub-Poissonian distributions and quantum correlation of atoms in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates. It is found that there exists the sub-Poissonlan distributions for spin-1 and spin-(-1) components, respectively. There may exist the violation of the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. For the same atomic numbers, the regions that include violation of the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality will shift rightwards with the increment of the Rabi frequency, whereas for the same Rabi frequency, the regions will shift leftwards with the increment of the atomic numbers. 展开更多
关键词 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate sub-Poissonian distribution Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
Parametrization of Fully Dressed Quark Propagator
作者 MAWei-Xing ZHUJi-Zhen +2 位作者 ZHOULi-Juan SHENPeng-Nian HUZhao-Hui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期147-150,共4页
Based on an extensive study of the Dyson-Schwinger equations for a fullydressed quark propagator in the 'rainbow' approximation, a parametrized form of the quark propagatoris suggested. The corresponding quark... Based on an extensive study of the Dyson-Schwinger equations for a fullydressed quark propagator in the 'rainbow' approximation, a parametrized form of the quark propagatoris suggested. The corresponding quark self-energy Σ_f and tie structure of non-local quark vacuumcondensate 【 0 | : q(x)q(0) : | 0 】 are investigated. The algebraic form of the quark propagatorproposed in this work describes a confining quark propagation, and is quite convenient to be used inany numerical calculations. 展开更多
关键词 quark propagator dyson-schwinger equations quark self-energy structure ofvacuum condensate
作者 刘宇 朱立新 余静 《安装》 2014年第5期46-47,共2页
疏水阀在蒸汽加热系统中起到阻汽排水的作用,选择合适的疏水阀,可使蒸汽加热设备达到最高工作效率。本文根据央视新台址主楼蒸汽系统的技术要求,对疏水阀的选型进行分析,保证疏水阀的使用功能及节能效果,使蒸汽系统能够为终端设备提供... 疏水阀在蒸汽加热系统中起到阻汽排水的作用,选择合适的疏水阀,可使蒸汽加热设备达到最高工作效率。本文根据央视新台址主楼蒸汽系统的技术要求,对疏水阀的选型进行分析,保证疏水阀的使用功能及节能效果,使蒸汽系统能够为终端设备提供高品质的蒸汽。 展开更多
关键词 疏水阀 背压 冷凝水排 疏水阀安装
作者 石仁广 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2016年第11期90-91,共2页
本文阐述了UNIPOL气相流化床丙烯聚合反应中静电对反应的危害,并通过生产经验与理论分析,重点讨论了反应静电波动大,及时从丙烯分压、冷凝量以及AL∕SI、AL∕TI、原料等方面查找原因并及时应对。以期指导实际生产操作,实现装置的平稳连... 本文阐述了UNIPOL气相流化床丙烯聚合反应中静电对反应的危害,并通过生产经验与理论分析,重点讨论了反应静电波动大,及时从丙烯分压、冷凝量以及AL∕SI、AL∕TI、原料等方面查找原因并及时应对。以期指导实际生产操作,实现装置的平稳连续运行,对公司实现效益最佳有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 静电 杂质 丙烯分压 冷凝量 AL∕SI 波动
Condenser Optimization in Steam Power Plant 被引量:2
作者 SükrüBekdemir Recepztürk ZehraYumurtac 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期176-178,192,共4页
In this paper the effects of the condenser design parameters(such as turbine inlet condition.turbine power and condenser pressure) on heat transfer area,cooling water flow-rate.condenser cost and specific energy gener... In this paper the effects of the condenser design parameters(such as turbine inlet condition.turbine power and condenser pressure) on heat transfer area,cooling water flow-rate.condenser cost and specific energy generation cost are studied for surface type condenser.The results are given in the text and also shown as diagrams. 展开更多
关键词 CONDENSERS steam power plants energy cost.
Thermo-flow characteristics and air flow field leading of the air-cooled condenser cell in a power plant 被引量:8
作者 ZHANG WanXi YANG LiJun +1 位作者 DU XiaoZe YANG YongPing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第9期2475-2482,共8页
Special A-frame geometry of the air-cooled condenser cell and the complicated flow field at the exit of the axial flow fan bring on the air mal-distribution on the surface of the finned tube bundles and the deteriorat... Special A-frame geometry of the air-cooled condenser cell and the complicated flow field at the exit of the axial flow fan bring on the air mal-distribution on the surface of the finned tube bundles and the deteriorated thermo-flow performances of a condenser cell. It is of benefit to the design and operation optimization of the direct dry cooling system in a power plant to investigate the thermo-flow characteristics of the condenser cell and propose the flow leading measures of cooling air. On the basis of the representative configuration of the air-cooled condenser cell in a 600 MW direct dry cooling power plant, the computa- tional models of the air side fluid and heat flows are built, in which the actual fan blade geometric details are considered. Various flow field leading ways of cooling air are presented and the thermo-flow characteristics in the A-frame condenser cell and through the finned tube bundles are compared. Results show that the flow field leading measures can result in the increased volumetric flow rate and heat rejection, thus bringing on the improved performance of the condenser cell. The improvement of thermo-flow oerformances depends upon the geometric details of the flow guiding device. 展开更多
关键词 air-cooled condenser axial flow fan t'mned tube bundle flow and heat transfer characteristics flow field leading
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