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铁磁/反铁磁双层膜中冷却场对交换偏置场的影响 被引量:3
作者 田宏玉 许小勇 胡经国 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期2757-2761,共5页
用铁磁畴壁模型研究了非补偿界面铁磁/反铁磁双层膜中冷却场(包括大小及其方向)对交换偏置场hE的影响.结果表明:当冷却场的方向与反铁磁层磁易轴一致时,hE大小与冷却场大小无关.当冷却场的方向偏离磁易轴时,hE的大小随偏离角度的增大有... 用铁磁畴壁模型研究了非补偿界面铁磁/反铁磁双层膜中冷却场(包括大小及其方向)对交换偏置场hE的影响.结果表明:当冷却场的方向与反铁磁层磁易轴一致时,hE大小与冷却场大小无关.当冷却场的方向偏离磁易轴时,hE的大小随偏离角度的增大有缓慢的改变,但当冷却场的方向偏离到临界角度γc处,hE的大小发生突变,其γc的大小随冷却场的增大而增大.特别是当冷却场的偏离角度大于γc后,hE出现由负转正的现象,其转变点还与冷却场的大小有关.另外,hE与铁磁层原子层数NF的关系会发生由hE∝NF-1向hE∝NF-λ的转变,其中λ>1.其发生转变的条件与NF、冷却场大小和方向密切相关. 展开更多
关键词 铁磁/反铁磁双层膜 交换偏置 冷却场
作者 李凤舞 《信息记录材料》 2005年第3期14-16,30,共4页
在5K到磁有序温度范围内,测量了SrRuO3样品在不同外场下的ZFC和FC磁化强度曲线。同时测量了样品在不同温度下的磁滞回线,并由此得到各温度下的矫顽力。通过分析ZFC和FC磁化过程的磁矩状态,提出一个经验公式,借助各温度下的矫顽力来计算... 在5K到磁有序温度范围内,测量了SrRuO3样品在不同外场下的ZFC和FC磁化强度曲线。同时测量了样品在不同温度下的磁滞回线,并由此得到各温度下的矫顽力。通过分析ZFC和FC磁化过程的磁矩状态,提出一个经验公式,借助各温度下的矫顽力来计算或分析ZFC磁化强度。计算得到的ZFC磁矩与实验测量得到ZFC很好地符合。守析结果显示,不同ZFC变化规律起源于FC和矫顽力随温度变化之间的竞争结果。 展开更多
关键词 冷却磁化强度(FC) 冷却磁化强度(ZFC) 磁滞回线
石化行业循环水场冷却塔风机常见故障解析及日常维护 被引量:1
作者 吕朋朋 《科技与创新》 2014年第12期52-53,共2页
关键词 石化行业 循环水冷却 常见故障 日常维护
Grain refinement of as-cast superalloy IN718 under action of low voltage pulsed magnetic field 被引量:13
作者 李应举 马晓平 杨院生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1277-1282,共6页
The grain refinement of superalloy IN718 under the action of low voltage pulsed magnetic field was investigated. The experimental results show that fine equiaxed grains are acquired under the action of low voltage pul... The grain refinement of superalloy IN718 under the action of low voltage pulsed magnetic field was investigated. The experimental results show that fine equiaxed grains are acquired under the action of low voltage pulsed magnetic field. The refinement effect of the pulsed magnetic field is affected by the melt cooling rate and superheating. The decrease of cooling rate and superheating enhance the refinement effect of the low voltage pulsed magnetic field. The magnetic force and the melt flow during solidification are modeled and simulated to reveal the grain refinement mechanism. It is considered that the melt convection caused by the pulsed magnetic field, as well as cooling rate and superheating contributes to the refinement of solidified grains. 展开更多
关键词 SUPERALLOY grain refinement low voltage pulsed magnetic field cooling rate SUPERHEATING
Ni_(1.125)Co_(0.375)[Fe(CN)_6]·6.8H_2O的磁性研究 被引量:4
作者 卫丽娜 刘敏 +4 位作者 唐国栋 黄海富 梁福沛 陈楠 何云 《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第3期49-52,共4页
合成了多金属普鲁士蓝类化合物Ni1.125Co0.375[Fe(CN)6].6.8H2O,室温穆斯堡尔谱和红外光谱研究表明金属离子通过氰根成键即Fe(s=1/2)—CN—(Co/Ni)(96%)和Fe(s=5/2)—NC—(Co/Ni)(4%)。超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)场冷却表明:在16 K时化合物... 合成了多金属普鲁士蓝类化合物Ni1.125Co0.375[Fe(CN)6].6.8H2O,室温穆斯堡尔谱和红外光谱研究表明金属离子通过氰根成键即Fe(s=1/2)—CN—(Co/Ni)(96%)和Fe(s=5/2)—NC—(Co/Ni)(4%)。超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)场冷却表明:在16 K时化合物从顺磁向铁磁转变,拟合获得顺磁居里点为16.508 K,说明此化合物是铁磁相互作用,当外场达到0.2 T时,零场冷却和场冷却下的磁化率随温度变化曲线几乎重合,为磁畴动力学行为引起的。 展开更多
关键词 穆斯堡尔谱 冷却 铁磁相互作用 顺磁居里点
作者 毛军逵 杨敏 +1 位作者 常海萍 卜继兴 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第2期125-131,共7页
A new cooling technique based on thermal driving in high centrifugal field (TDHCF) is developed for gas turbine rotational components, such as turbine blades. The key point of TDHCF is to enhance heat transfer by th... A new cooling technique based on thermal driving in high centrifugal field (TDHCF) is developed for gas turbine rotational components, such as turbine blades. The key point of TDHCF is to enhance heat transfer by the fluid thermal driving in closed loop small channels placed in the high centrifugal field. Heat transfer characteristics of the new cooling technique are analyzed. In experiments, two different fluids (liquid water and Freon R12) are used as thermal driving media (fluid inside the loop channel). And the channel width d is 1 mm and the height h is 30 mm. The temperature is measured by thermocouples and an average heat transfer coefficient KH is defined to indicate heat transfer capacity of TDHCF. Experimental results show that KH is enhanced when heat flux and the rotating speed increase. And thermal properties of thermal driving media are also influenced by KH. Larger KH can be achieved by using Freon R12 as thermal driving medium compared with using liquid water. It can increase to 2 300 W/(m^2 · K) and it is much higher than that of the normal air cooling method (usually at the level of 600-1200 W/(m^2·K)). All fundamental studies of TDHCF show that there actually exists thermal driving in the closed loop small channel in the centrifugal field to improve heat transfer characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 heat transfer thermal driving centrifugal field cooling technology
烧结Sr_(1-x)Ca_xRuO_3系列的结构与磁性 被引量:1
作者 侯登录 姜恩永 +3 位作者 白海力 H.P.Kunkel X.Z.Zhou G.Williams 《金属学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第7期780-784,共5页
固相反应法制备了Sr1-xCaxRuO3系列,X射线衍射确定样品的相结构为正交畸变钙钛矿结构.随Ca替代量x的增加,晶格常数a基本保持不变,而b和c随之减小,晶格畸变更加明显.物理性质测量系统(PPMS)测量了样品的交流磁化率,零场冷却和加场冷却... 固相反应法制备了Sr1-xCaxRuO3系列,X射线衍射确定样品的相结构为正交畸变钙钛矿结构.随Ca替代量x的增加,晶格常数a基本保持不变,而b和c随之减小,晶格畸变更加明显.物理性质测量系统(PPMS)测量了样品的交流磁化率,零场冷却和加场冷却磁化强度.Curie-Weiss定律确定了样品的顺磁Curie温度Tp.结果表明,随x的增加,Tp减小.当x<0.6时Tp大于零;当x>0.6时Tp小于零.利用交流磁化率随温度变化的关系确定样品的铁磁Curie温度Tc,随x的增加Tc减小.当x=0.8时,Tc降至4K;而当x=1.0时,即使温度降到1.7K,也未出现磁有序.样品磁性随Ca替代量x的变化是其结构变化的直接结果. 展开更多
关键词 冷却磁化强度 冷却磁化强度 交流磁化率 铁磁材料
轻型风冷柴油机导风装置的试验研究 被引量:1
作者 唐维新 袁文华 《邵阳高等专科学校学报》 2001年第1期15-18,共4页
风冷柴油机导风装置设计的好坏影响冷却系统的综合性能,通过对轻型风冷柴油机原产品的导风罩、甩草圈、导流片和导风板的改进设计和试验研究,使该机冷却风流场分布合理,实测气缸盖,气缸温度场表明,达到了明显改善风冷柴油机热负荷... 风冷柴油机导风装置设计的好坏影响冷却系统的综合性能,通过对轻型风冷柴油机原产品的导风罩、甩草圈、导流片和导风板的改进设计和试验研究,使该机冷却风流场分布合理,实测气缸盖,气缸温度场表明,达到了明显改善风冷柴油机热负荷的目的。 展开更多
关键词 导风装置 改进设计 试验研究 热负荷 风冷柴油机 冷却系统 冷却风流 温度
作者 李凤舞 赵素英 《磁性材料及器件》 CAS CSCD 2004年第3期16-17,25,共3页
测量了烧结SrRuO3多晶样品的零场冷却和加场冷却磁化强度和交流磁化率。交流磁化率的温度曲线的峰随外加直流偏场的增大向低温方向移动。继续增大直流偏场,一个峰分裂为两个峰,其中低温下的峰继续向低温方向移动,另一个高温处的峰却向... 测量了烧结SrRuO3多晶样品的零场冷却和加场冷却磁化强度和交流磁化率。交流磁化率的温度曲线的峰随外加直流偏场的增大向低温方向移动。继续增大直流偏场,一个峰分裂为两个峰,其中低温下的峰继续向低温方向移动,另一个高温处的峰却向高温方向移动。在不同频率下测量零偏场下的交流磁化率,随频率增高峰值减小,但峰的位置并没有像以前报道的那样向高温方向移动。可见,烧结SrRuO3 并没有显示自旋玻璃行为,而是普通铁磁体。 展开更多
关键词 冷却(ZFC)磁化强度 冷却(FC)磁化强度 交流磁化率 自旋玻璃 铁磁体
Is SrRuO_3 Spin Glass
作者 侯登录 姜恩永 +3 位作者 李凤舞 任世伟 白海力 唐贵德 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第2期72-74,共3页
Zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) DC magnetization and AC susceptibility of sintered SrRuO 3 were measured over the magnetic ordering temperature. The peak in susceptibility against temperature shifts ... Zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) DC magnetization and AC susceptibility of sintered SrRuO 3 were measured over the magnetic ordering temperature. The peak in susceptibility against temperature shifts to lower temperature when the bias field increases. As the field still increases, the peak breaks into two peaks. One peak still shifts to lower temperature; the other shifts to higher temperature. Zero bias field susceptibility was measured at different frequencies. The peak value decreases as the increase of frequency, but it does not shift to higher temperature as reported previously. The results show that SrRuO 3 is not spin glass, but ferromagnet. 展开更多
关键词 FERROMAGNET spin glass zero field cooled (ZFC) magnetization field cooled (FC) magnetization SUSCEPTIBILITY
作者 李凤舞 《材料开发与应用》 CAS 2004年第5期26-28,共3页
测量了烧结SrRuO3的零场冷却和加场冷却磁化强度和交流磁化率。随外加直流偏场的增加,交流磁化率与温度关系曲线向低温方向移动。继续增加直流偏场,一个峰分裂为两个峰,其中低温下的峰继续向低温方向移动,另一个高温处的峰却向高温方向... 测量了烧结SrRuO3的零场冷却和加场冷却磁化强度和交流磁化率。随外加直流偏场的增加,交流磁化率与温度关系曲线向低温方向移动。继续增加直流偏场,一个峰分裂为两个峰,其中低温下的峰继续向低温方向移动,另一个高温处的峰却向高温方向移动。在不同频率下测量零偏场下的交流磁化率,随频率增加峰值减小,但峰的位置并没有像以前报道得那样向高温方向移动。可见,烧结SrRuO3并没有显示自旋玻璃行为,而是普通铁磁体。 展开更多
关键词 冷却(ZFC)磁化强度 冷却(FC)磁化强度 交流磁化率 自旋玻璃 铁磁体
作者 李凤舞 《信息记录材料》 2004年第2期61-64,共4页
固相反应法制备了Sr1-xCaxRuO3 系列 ,X射线衍射确定样品的相结构为正交畸变钙钛矿结构。随Ca替代量x的增加 ,晶格常数a基本保持不变 ,而b和c随之减少 ,晶格畸变更加明显。利用物理性质测量系统 (PPMS)测量了样品的零场冷却 (ZFC)和加... 固相反应法制备了Sr1-xCaxRuO3 系列 ,X射线衍射确定样品的相结构为正交畸变钙钛矿结构。随Ca替代量x的增加 ,晶格常数a基本保持不变 ,而b和c随之减少 ,晶格畸变更加明显。利用物理性质测量系统 (PPMS)测量了样品的零场冷却 (ZFC)和加场冷却 (FC)磁化强度随温度的变化规律 ,对此规律给出了合理解释。 展开更多
关键词 Sr1-xCaxRuO3 铁磁体 冷却磁化强度 冷却磁化强度 制备方法 磁性
作者 卢晓羽 贾楠 +2 位作者 方必军 杨昭荣 张裕恒 《无机材料学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期699-704,共6页
过渡金属尖晶石型硫化物具有包括超巨磁电阻(CMR)效应在内的多种物理性能,其CMR效应机理的研究对开发巨磁电阻材料有重要价值。目前,铬基硫族尖晶石的CMR效应尚未深入研究。本论文通过固相反应法制备A_(0.05)Co_(0.95)Cr_2S_4(A=Zn、Ni... 过渡金属尖晶石型硫化物具有包括超巨磁电阻(CMR)效应在内的多种物理性能,其CMR效应机理的研究对开发巨磁电阻材料有重要价值。目前,铬基硫族尖晶石的CMR效应尚未深入研究。本论文通过固相反应法制备A_(0.05)Co_(0.95)Cr_2S_4(A=Zn、Ni、Cd、Fe)样品,研究磁性和非磁性元素掺杂对Co Cr2S4晶体结构和磁性能的影响。XRD检测表明,掺杂的A_(0.05)Co_(0.95)Cr_2S_4(A=Zn、Ni、Cd、Fe)均呈现纯的尖晶石结构,掺杂导致的晶胞参数变化与掺杂元素的离子半径成比例。磁电阻测定表明A_(0.05)Co_(0.95)Cr_2S_4(A=Zn、Ni、Cd、Fe)均具有巨磁电阻效应。掺杂削弱了铁磁相互作用,导致A_(0.05)Co_(0.95)Cr_2S_4(A=Zn、Ni、Cd、Fe)的居里温度TC降低。在0.01 T下,A_(0.05)Co_(0.95)Cr_2S_4(A=Zn、Ni、Cd、Fe)的零场冷却(ZFC)和加场冷却(FC)曲线均呈现磁性不可逆现象。A_(0.05)Co_(0.95)Cr_2S_4(A=Zn、Ni、Cd、Fe)呈现典型的亚铁磁性磁滞回线,其中Zn0.05Co0.95Cr2S4的矫顽场最大。 展开更多
关键词 A0.05Co0.95Cr2S4 巨磁电阻效应 冷却(ZFC) 冷却(FC) 矫顽
Influence of thermal flow field of cooling tower on recirculation ratio of a direct air-cooled system for a power plant
作者 Zhao Wanli Liu Peiqing 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第4期64-70,共7页
In order to get thermal flow field of direct air-cooled system,the hot water was supplied to the model of direct air-cooled condenser(ACC). The particle image velocimetery (PIV) experiments were carried out to get the... In order to get thermal flow field of direct air-cooled system,the hot water was supplied to the model of direct air-cooled condenser(ACC). The particle image velocimetery (PIV) experiments were carried out to get thermal flow field of a ACC under different conditions in low velocity wind tunnel,at the same time,the recirculation ratio at cooling tower was measured,so the relationship between flow field characteristics and recirculation ratio of cooling tower can be discussed. From the results we can see that the flow field configuration around cooling tower has great effects on average recirculation ratio under cooling tower. The eddy formed around cooling tower is a key reason that recirculation produces. The eddy intensity relates to velocity magnitude and direction angle,and the configuration of eddy lies on the geometry size of cooling tower. So changing the flow field configuration around cooling tower reasonably can decrease recirculation ratio under cooling tower,and heat dispel effect of ACC can also be improved. 展开更多
关键词 direct air-cooled condenser thermal flow field characteristics recirculation ratio PIV experiment
Updating empirical results of wind loads on cooling towers for turbulence intensity effects
作者 Cheng Xiaoxiang 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第4期413-420,共8页
Variations of wind effects on large cooling towers observed at different turbulence intensities for our previous full-scale measurements might be caused by the inherent uncertainties in our physical experiments.Accord... Variations of wind effects on large cooling towers observed at different turbulence intensities for our previous full-scale measurements might be caused by the inherent uncertainties in our physical experiments.Accordingly,the one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)technique is employed for analyzing the data measured on the prototype Pengcheng cooling tower.Because ANOVA indicates that the variations of full-scale wind effects are basically the effects of turbulence intensity,the empirical results of wind loads on cooling towers obtained by generalizing physical experimental data without considering the turbulence intensity effects are updated using model test results obtained in multiple flow fields.The empirical fluctuating wind pressure distribution is updated based on the fact that the fluctuating wind pressure coefficient linearly increases with the increase in the turbulence intensity,and the empirical formulae of the spectra and the coherences is updated based on conservative assumptions.Comparisons of the empirical results and full-scale measurement data suggest that the original empirical results are either too conservative or unsafe for use.However,economic efficiency and conservativeness will be balanced if the updated empirical results are employed for the wind engineering design. 展开更多
关键词 cooling tower empirical formula wind tunnel test full-scale measurement turbulence intensity
Applicability of Mean Field Approximation to Numerical Experiments of Thermal Convection during the Cooling Period of Lake Biwa
作者 Takashi Hosoda Frederick Malembeka 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第12期2220-2226,共7页
This paper describes the applicability of a stochastic model to the numerical experiments of thermal convection carried out under the condition of the northern part of Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. It was shown ... This paper describes the applicability of a stochastic model to the numerical experiments of thermal convection carried out under the condition of the northern part of Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. It was shown in the previous study that the temporal changes of vertical water temperature distributions during the cooling period between September and February can be reproduced by a simple 3D-CFD model. It was also pointed out that the spatial distributions of cooled water body sinking to the bottom due to water surface cooling represent similar features of forest gap distribution, which can be clarified by a stochastic model. The basic features of numerical experiments on thermal convection such as the spatial distribution of cooled water body are firstly shown with several cooling rates at water surface. Then, a stochastic model, which was originally introduced to explain forest gap dynamics, is shown with its MFA (mean field approximation) as first approximation of stochastic model. It is pointed out through the comparison of theoretical results by MFA with tuned model constants to numerical experiments that MFA with some refinement can be applicable to reproduce the basic features of simulated results to some extent, although further investigations are required to clarify the applicability of the model to more detailed mechanism of thermal convection such as size distribution of cooled water body, phase change of flow pattern, etc.. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal convection lake hydrodynamics Lake Biwa stochastic model.
基于热-流-固多物理场耦合的薄片激光器温度场研究 被引量:5
作者 杨火木 冯国英 +5 位作者 魏泳涛 母健 王树同 王绍朋 唐淳 周寿桓 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期19-24,共6页
基于热-流-固多物理场耦合模型,仿真分析了高功率大口径薄片激光器冷却和抽运过程中的流动、对流扩散和热传导过程,对冷却液流场分布和工作物质温度场分布进行了分析,研究了抽运功率、冷却液流速对激光工作物质温度场分布的影响。仿真... 基于热-流-固多物理场耦合模型,仿真分析了高功率大口径薄片激光器冷却和抽运过程中的流动、对流扩散和热传导过程,对冷却液流场分布和工作物质温度场分布进行了分析,研究了抽运功率、冷却液流速对激光工作物质温度场分布的影响。仿真结果表明:冷却液流动、热传导和对流扩散引起冷却液温度在流动方向上逐渐升高,激光工作物质的温度在冷却液流动方向呈非对称分布,对称轴上的最高温度点在冷却液流动方向偏离激光工作物质轴心。激光工作物质在冷却液流动方向的对称轴的入口段与出口段的温差随抽运功率呈线性变化,随冷却液流速呈非线性变化。实验测量结果与模拟结果相一致。 展开更多
关键词 激光器 薄片激光器 温度分布 冷却液流 热-流-固多物理耦合
Flow field optimization and design for a Spallation Neutron Source target cooling system 被引量:1
作者 HAO JunHong CHEN Qun +2 位作者 XU YunChao LU YouLian JI Quan 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1370-1376,共7页
Cooling water is an important part in a Spallation Neutron Source target cooling system, but the unstable vortexes at the exits of the slits between every two tungsten target slices have a negative impact on the stabl... Cooling water is an important part in a Spallation Neutron Source target cooling system, but the unstable vortexes at the exits of the slits between every two tungsten target slices have a negative impact on the stable running of the target system. We apply the field synergy principle for fluid flow to obtain the optimal flow field, which has a uniform velocity distribution without eddy, and then, optimize the geometrical structure of the cooling water flow channel based on the optimal flow field. The results show that when the cooling water flows in the optimized channel, the eddy sizes decrease, the time fluctuations of velocity and pressure almost vanish, and the volume flow rates of the cooling water in each parallel slit are uniform. Therefore, it effectively improves the running stability of the target system with the premise of satisfying the target heat load. 展开更多
关键词 spallation neutron source target cooling system flow channel design field synergy equation
Flow Field and Heat Transfer Analysis of Local Structure for Regenerative Cooling Panel 被引量:5
作者 Yu Feng Hongyan Huang Tao Li Duo Zhang Zhongqi Wang 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期172-178,共7页
Local structure of cooling panel has great effects on the heat transfer in the cooling channel for the scramjet. The problems of flow dead area and mass flow rate non-uniform distribution caused by the local structure... Local structure of cooling panel has great effects on the heat transfer in the cooling channel for the scramjet. The problems of flow dead area and mass flow rate non-uniform distribution caused by the local structure effect the cooling effectiveness in the channel seriously. Numerical simulation to the flow field of scramjet cold panel with four different fuel injection island structures respectively has been carried out using the CFD commercial software-CFX in this research. The results reveal that flow dead area has been eliminated and flow field has been improved for the optimized structure. Furthermore, local resistance loss has been decreased and the mass flow rate non-uniform distribution in the channel has been reduced. Based on the optimized results, some suggestions about the local design of cooling panel have been proposed in this research. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation cooling panel fuel injection island
A novel natural circulation evaporative cooling system for super-high power intensity ECR ion sources 被引量:1
作者 RUAN Lin XIONG Bin GU GuoBiao 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期640-646,共7页
Cooling is very important for the safe operation of an electron cyclotron resonance ion source(ECRIS),especially when the window current density is very high(up to 11 A/mm2).We proposed an innovative cooling method us... Cooling is very important for the safe operation of an electron cyclotron resonance ion source(ECRIS),especially when the window current density is very high(up to 11 A/mm2).We proposed an innovative cooling method using evaporative cooling technology.A demonstration prototype was designed,built and tested.The on-site test results showed that the temperature of the solenoids and permanent magnets maintains well in the normal operational range of 14–18 GHz.A simple computational model was developed to predict the characteristics of the two-phase flow.The predicted temperatures agreed well with the on-site test data within 2 K.We also proposed useful design criteria.The successful operation of the system indicates the potential for broad application of evaporative cooling technology in situations in which the power intensity is very high. 展开更多
关键词 ECRIS evaporative cooling demonstration prototype TEMPERATURE high power intensity
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