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间冷回热燃气轮机发展现状 被引量:8
作者 张忠文 曲文浩 +1 位作者 郑培英 王媛媛 《航空发动机》 2010年第3期42-44,共3页
关键词 冷回热 舰船 燃气轮机 循环 间冷
欧盟间冷回热循环燃气涡轮发动机发展综述 被引量:3
作者 沈虹 周军 +1 位作者 陈玉洁 李茜 《燃气涡轮试验与研究》 北大核心 2016年第1期10-13,共4页
作为一种新概念动力技术,间冷回热循环燃气涡轮发动机可满足未来推进装置对成本控制、环境友好性和燃料高效利用等方面的要求。概述了间冷回热发动机的结构特点和性能优势,并详细介绍了欧盟根据第5和第6框架协议所开展的间冷回热涡扇发... 作为一种新概念动力技术,间冷回热循环燃气涡轮发动机可满足未来推进装置对成本控制、环境友好性和燃料高效利用等方面的要求。概述了间冷回热发动机的结构特点和性能优势,并详细介绍了欧盟根据第5和第6框架协议所开展的间冷回热涡扇发动机研发工作及取得的成果。结合航空发动机的特点,指出研制和发展新型间冷回热航空发动机的关键,在于结构紧凑、换热效率高、质量轻的间冷器和回热器的创新设计,间冷回热循环在航空领域的应用还将面临一系列挑战。 展开更多
关键词 冷回热 动力技术 航空发动机 燃气轮机 间冷器 欧盟
燃气轮机性能分析及间冷回热改型升级研究 被引量:2
作者 赵军 付尧明 唐庆如 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2019年第9期91-97,共7页
采用部件特性建模方法建立了燃气轮机的稳态模型。通过常规循环燃机与加入间冷回热循环燃机性能的对比分析发现间冷回热循环能够在显著提高燃机功率的同时降低耗油率,且通过间冷器和回热器的参数分析发现提高换热度和总压恢复系数能够... 采用部件特性建模方法建立了燃气轮机的稳态模型。通过常规循环燃机与加入间冷回热循环燃机性能的对比分析发现间冷回热循环能够在显著提高燃机功率的同时降低耗油率,且通过间冷器和回热器的参数分析发现提高换热度和总压恢复系数能够改善燃机的总体性能;间冷回热循环下的压气机压比并不是越高越好,存在高压压气机和低压压气机的最经济压比使得燃机耗油率最低,且高压压气机和低压压气机的最经济压比数值较为接近;间冷回热循环能够较好的改善燃机的经济性,热效率可达46.71%,被证明是行之有效的改型升级措施,且能够降低技术风险。 展开更多
关键词 燃气轮机 稳态模型 冷回热 仿真
间冷回热再热循环的最佳膨胀比分析 被引量:1
作者 任敬科 张明智 魏博 《应用能源技术》 2009年第6期41-43,共3页
关键词 燃气轮机 膨胀比 压缩比 冷回热循环
间冷回热发动机用间冷器外涵安装模型性能研究 被引量:1
作者 蔡文波 《风机技术》 2022年第4期40-47,共8页
间冷器是间冷回热发动机的重要部件。为了使间冷器满足间冷回热发动机的设计要求,同时为间冷器的安装实验提供技术支撑,本文在现有间冷回热发动机用间冷器几何模型的基础上,对间冷器外涵安装模型的性能进行了研究。首先,分析了间冷器的... 间冷器是间冷回热发动机的重要部件。为了使间冷器满足间冷回热发动机的设计要求,同时为间冷器的安装实验提供技术支撑,本文在现有间冷回热发动机用间冷器几何模型的基础上,对间冷器外涵安装模型的性能进行了研究。首先,分析了间冷器的阻力特性,并使用多孔介质模型建立了间冷器芯体的数值计算模型;然后,在发动机巡航状态设计了间冷器外涵扩压通道和排气通道;最后,计算并分析间冷器外涵安装模型的性能。计算表明:利用贝塞尔曲线设计的扩压通道可以缓解出口局部扩压角较大的情况;基于Lee曲线的间冷器外涵排气通道设计,可以满足排气通道内两次改变型线转折方向的要求,相应的总压恢复系数较高。采用带有隔板结构的扩压通道的间冷器外涵安装模型,总压恢复系数可达到92.73%。在综合考虑质量的情况下,可以进行简化或取消隔板结构。 展开更多
关键词 冷回热涡扇发动机 间冷器 外涵安装模型 多孔介质 总压恢复系数
间冷回热涡扇发动机热力学研究 被引量:3
作者 张琦 刘程远 +1 位作者 滕金芳 冯锦璋 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期504-509,共6页
利用MATLAB平台,参考欧盟和NASA近期发表的研究计划,建立双轴分排涡扇间冷回热发动机性能仿真模型,研究间冷技术和回热技术对涡扇发动机性能的影响,并将其与常规布局发动机进行对比分析。结果表明,间冷器的加入会使得单位燃油消耗率(SFC... 利用MATLAB平台,参考欧盟和NASA近期发表的研究计划,建立双轴分排涡扇间冷回热发动机性能仿真模型,研究间冷技术和回热技术对涡扇发动机性能的影响,并将其与常规布局发动机进行对比分析。结果表明,间冷器的加入会使得单位燃油消耗率(SFC)上升但同时也会使得单位推力(Fs)增大;回热器的加入可以有效降低单位燃油消耗率,最大达28%,但同时使得单位推力下降;间冷回热的综合运用使得单位燃油消耗率进一步下降。对间冷回热发动机来说,总压比、涵道比以及回热器热效率是影响发动机SFC的主要因素,其中回热器热效率影响最大,最大可使得SFC下降32%。 展开更多
关键词 冷回热涡扇发动机 力学 模拟仿真 单位燃油消耗率
间冷回热燃气轮机特性计算 被引量:2
作者 郑群 刘顺隆 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 1995年第3期42-49,共8页
关键词 燃气轮机 冷回热 偏差方程 计算
作者 马立军 《电站系统工程》 北大核心 2002年第4期41-41,共1页
关键词 制冷 进气冷却 冷回热 SCICR循环 燃气轮机 性能
提高低温空气源热泵性能的研究 被引量:8
作者 甄仌 刘宗华 +3 位作者 王起霄 李晓燕 王莹 季阿敏 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期12-17,共6页
关键词 工学 空气源 冷回热 旁通毛细管 能效比
逆流板翅式换热器动态性能的建模与仿真 被引量:3
作者 金晓航 张方伟 刘永文 《能源技术》 2006年第3期96-98,共3页
对间冷回热燃气轮机关键部件逆流板翅式换热器进行了动态性能的仿真研究。在考虑气体工质压缩性的基础上,根据换热器内部冷、热流体的压力、流量和温度的变化和冷热流道间隔板的热平衡,建立了逆流板翅式换热器的动态数学模型,在EASY5平... 对间冷回热燃气轮机关键部件逆流板翅式换热器进行了动态性能的仿真研究。在考虑气体工质压缩性的基础上,根据换热器内部冷、热流体的压力、流量和温度的变化和冷热流道间隔板的热平衡,建立了逆流板翅式换热器的动态数学模型,在EASY5平台上搭建了逆流板翅式换热器的分布参数模型,并进行了动态的仿真试验计算。分析结果表明该逆流板翅式换热器模型较好地实现了对换热器内部流体流动和换热的模拟,可以作为部件模块,用来对间冷回热燃气轮机系统性能的仿真研究。 展开更多
关键词 冷回热燃气轮机 板翅式换 动态 仿真
复杂循环船用燃气轮机间冷器的数值模拟 被引量:7
作者 李卓 张惠冰 +1 位作者 闻雪友 肖东明 《热能动力工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期148-152,共5页
在间冷(IC)循环燃气轮机中,间冷器是对燃气轮机性能有重要影响的部件。为了确定机上布置间冷器结构型式,针对某船用燃气轮机提出了3种间冷器结构方案,并进行了数值模拟,经过优化,得出了较好的模拟结果。由于在计算时对模型进行了简化,... 在间冷(IC)循环燃气轮机中,间冷器是对燃气轮机性能有重要影响的部件。为了确定机上布置间冷器结构型式,针对某船用燃气轮机提出了3种间冷器结构方案,并进行了数值模拟,经过优化,得出了较好的模拟结果。由于在计算时对模型进行了简化,压降损失的计算结果不够准确,因此又进行了小流道的模拟计算,据此对3个方案压降损失的计算结果进行了修正。 展开更多
关键词 燃气轮机 间冷器 冷回热(ICR)循环 间冷(IC)循环
民用涡扇发动机不同构型总体参数和性能分析研究 被引量:2
作者 薛冰晶 李华雷 谭智勇 《航空工程进展》 CSCD 2018年第3期356-362,共7页
提高民用大涵道比涡扇发动机的经济性以及发动机市场竞争性是当前的研究热点。对双轴直驱(ATF)、齿轮传动(GTF)和间冷回热(IAR)三个构型进行循环参数对比分析,确定不同构型发动机的技术优势。结果表明:GTF构型方案与ATF方案相比的巡航... 提高民用大涵道比涡扇发动机的经济性以及发动机市场竞争性是当前的研究热点。对双轴直驱(ATF)、齿轮传动(GTF)和间冷回热(IAR)三个构型进行循环参数对比分析,确定不同构型发动机的技术优势。结果表明:GTF构型方案与ATF方案相比的巡航非安装耗油率降低2.5%;IRA构型方案巡航非安装耗油率与ATF构型相比降低了11.97%,与GTF构型相比降低了9.7%;相比于ATF和GTF构型,IRA构型的高压压气机和高压涡轮级数均有所减少,有效缩短了核心机长度,也降低了高压压气机的设计难度。 展开更多
关键词 民用涡扇发动机 双轴直驱 齿轮传动 冷回热 性能分析
Aqueous ammonia solution cooling absorption refrigeration driven by fishing boat diesel exhaust heat 被引量:5
作者 陈亚平 林陈敏 田莹 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期333-338,共6页
A solution cooling absorption(SCA)approach is proposed to modify the aqueous ammonia absorption refrigerat-ion cycle using the strong solution from the absorber to cool the forepart of the absorption in the cycle fo... A solution cooling absorption(SCA)approach is proposed to modify the aqueous ammonia absorption refrigerat-ion cycle using the strong solution from the absorber to cool the forepart of the absorption in the cycle for reclaiming some portion of absorption heat.As a consequence of raised temperature at the inlet,the strong solution partially boils at the outlet of the solution heat exchanger,and diminishes the thermal heat consumption of the heat source.The calculation results show that the coefficient of performance(COP)of this modified cycle is about 28.3% higher than that of the traditional cycle under typical conditions;while the required heat transfer area of the total heat exchangers of the cycle is somewhat less than that of the traditional one.The capacity of refrigeration with the new absorption cycle is more than doubled in contrast to the adsorption scheme with an identical configuration.It is sufficient to supply a fishing boat the chilling capacity for preservation of fishing products with the modified cycle chiller driven by its diesel engine exhaust. 展开更多
关键词 aqueous ammonia absorption refrigeration solution cooling absorption waste heat recovery heat and mass transfer coefficient of performance
Integration of Low-level Waste Heat Recovery and Liquefied Nature Gas Cold Energy Utilization 被引量:16
作者 白菲菲 张早校 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期95-99,共5页
Two novel thermal cycles based on Brayton cycle and Rankine cycle are proposed, respectively, which integrate the recovery of low-level waste heat and Liquefied Nature Gas (LNG) cold energy utilization for power gen... Two novel thermal cycles based on Brayton cycle and Rankine cycle are proposed, respectively, which integrate the recovery of low-level waste heat and Liquefied Nature Gas (LNG) cold energy utilization for power generation. Cascade utilization of energy is realized in the two thermal cycles, where low-level waste heat,low-temperature exergy and pressure exergy of LNG are utilized efficiently through the system synthesis. The simulations are carried out using the commercial Aspen Plus 10.2, and the results are analyzed. Compared with the conventional Brayton cycle and Rankine cycle, the two novel cycles bring 60.94% and 60% in exergy efficiency, respectively and 53.08% and 52.31% in thermal efficiency, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 recovery of low-level waste heat LNG cold energy utilization power generation cascade utilization
Evolution of microstructure, phase composition, and tensile properties of severely cold deformed titanium metastable β alloy in rapid continuous heating 被引量:3
作者 P.E.MARKOVSKY V.I.BONDARCHUK +1 位作者 YU.V.MATVIYCHUK O.P.KARASEVSKA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1365-1371,共7页
Influence of severe cold deformation of titanium alloy Ti-1.5%A1-6.8%Mo-4.5%Fe in metastable β condition on the evolution of phase composition, microstructure, and tensile properties during continuous rapid heating w... Influence of severe cold deformation of titanium alloy Ti-1.5%A1-6.8%Mo-4.5%Fe in metastable β condition on the evolution of phase composition, microstructure, and tensile properties during continuous rapid heating was studied. As-deformed alloy was characterized by quasi-amorphous single-phase β condition with an abnormal temperature dependence of electric resistance that was normalized after 48 h exposure at room temperature as a result of isothermal ω phase precipitation. Subsequent rapid heating with a rate of 5 ℃/s caused recovery and recrystallization. Tensile properties of the alloy after different treatments were determined and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy severe cold deformation rapid heating recovery and recrystallization phase composition MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties
Exploring heating performance of gas engine heat pump with heat recovery 被引量:3
作者 董付江 刘凤国 +2 位作者 李先庭 尤学一 赵冬芳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期1931-1936,共6页
In order to evaluate the heating performance of gas engine heat pump(GEHP) for air-conditioning and hot water supply, a test facility was developed and experiments were performed over a wide range of engine speed(1... In order to evaluate the heating performance of gas engine heat pump(GEHP) for air-conditioning and hot water supply, a test facility was developed and experiments were performed over a wide range of engine speed(1400-2600 r/min), ambient air temperature(2.4-17.8 ℃) and condenser water inlet temperature(30-50℃). The results show that as engine speed increases from 1400 r/min to 2600 r/min, the total heating capacity and energy consumption increase by about 30% and 89%, respectively; while the heat pump coefficient of performance(COP) and system primary energy ratio(PER) decrease by 44% and 31%, respectively. With the increase of ambient air temperature from 2.4 ℃ to 17.8 ℃, the heat pump COP and system PER increase by 32% and 19%, respectively. Moreover, the heat pump COP and system PER decrease by 27% and 15%, respectively, when the condenser water inlet temperature changes from 30 ℃ to 50 ℃. So, it is obvious that the effect of engine speed on the performance is more significant than the effects of ambient air temperature and condenser water inlet temperature. 展开更多
关键词 gas engine heat pump coefficient of performance primary energy ratio heating mode heat recovery
Analysis of an electricity-cooling cogeneration system for waste heat recovery of gaseous fuel engines 被引量:4
作者 SHU GeQun WANG Xuan +3 位作者 TIAN Hua LIANG YouCai LIU Yu LIU Peng 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期37-46,共10页
Waste heat recovery(WHR)is one of the most useful ways to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines,and an electricity-cooling cogeneration system(ECCS)based on Rankin-absorption refrigeration combined cyc... Waste heat recovery(WHR)is one of the most useful ways to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines,and an electricity-cooling cogeneration system(ECCS)based on Rankin-absorption refrigeration combined cycle for the WHR of gaseous fuel engines is proposed in the paper.This system can avoid wasting the heat in condenser so that the efficiency of the whole WHR system improves,but the condensing temperature of Rankin cycle(RC)must increase in order to use absorption refrigeration system,which leads to the decrease of RC output power.Therefore,the relationship between the profit of absorption refrigeration system and the loss of RC in this combined system is the mainly studied content in the paper.Because the energy quality of cooling and electricity are different,cooling power in absorption refrigeration is converted to corresponding electrical power consumed by electric cooling system,which is defined as equivalent electrical power.With this method,the effects of some important operation parameters on the performance of the ECCS are researched,and the equivalent efficiency,exergy efficiency and primary energy rate are compared in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 gaseous fuel engines waste heat recovery electricity-cooling cogeneration Rankin cycle absorption refrigeration
Study on pneumatic-fuel hybrid system based on waste heat recovery from cooling water of internal combustion engine 被引量:5
作者 FANG YiDong LI DaoFei +3 位作者 FAN ZhiPeng XU HuanXiang WANG Lei YU XiaoLi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期3070-3080,共11页
The paper proposes a novel pneumatic-fuel hybrid system,which combines a traditional internal combustion engine(ICE)and a pneumatic engine.One important merit of this concept is that the system can recover waste from ... The paper proposes a novel pneumatic-fuel hybrid system,which combines a traditional internal combustion engine(ICE)and a pneumatic engine.One important merit of this concept is that the system can recover waste from cooling water of internal combustion engine to optimize the working process of pneumatic engine,and thus to improve the entire efficiency of the hybrid system.Meanwhile,energy-saving effect due to lower cooling fan power can be achieved on ICE by waste heat recovery of pneumatic engine.Based on thermodynamic analysis,an experimental system is designed and established for verification.The experimental results show that the performance of pneumatic engine is improved when the waste heat recovery concept of the hybrid system is applied.Then an application example on a 4-cylinder engine is analyzed and discussed using numerical simulation.The results show that the fan power of the ICE cooling system can be saved up to 50%by applying the hybrid system.Considering the appreciable improvements on the energy efficiency with only limited system modifications when the concept is applied to traditional ICE based power systems,the proposed hybrid concept has the potential to serve as an alternative technology aiming for energy saving and emission reduction. 展开更多
关键词 pneumatic engine pneumatic-fuel hybrid system waste heat recovery experimental study efficiency improvement
Pricing Weather Derivatives Index based on Temperature: The Case of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 被引量:4
作者 Tesfahun BERHANE Aemiro SHIBABAW Gurju AWGICHEW 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第4期415-423,共9页
In this paper we present a stochastic model for daily average temperature to calculate the temperature indices upon which temperature-based derivatives are written. We propose a seasonal mean and volatility model that... In this paper we present a stochastic model for daily average temperature to calculate the temperature indices upon which temperature-based derivatives are written. We propose a seasonal mean and volatility model that describes the daily average temperature behavior using the mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We also use higher order continuous-time autoregressive process with lag 3 for modeling the time evolution of the temperatures after removing trend and seasonality. Our model is fitted to 11 years of data recorded, in the period 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2015, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, obtained from Ethiopia National Meteorological Services Agency. The analytical approximation formulas are used to price heating degree days(HDD) and cooling degree days(CDD) futures. The suggested model is analytically tractable for derivation of explicit prices for CDD and HDD futures and option. The price of the CDD future is calculated, using analytical approximation formulas. Numerical examples are presented to indicate the accuracy of the method. The results show that our model performs better to predict CDD indices. 展开更多
关键词 continuous-time autoregressive model SEASONALITY heating and cooling degree day indices Bahir Dar
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