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极地冷海钻井技术挑战及关键技术 被引量:12
作者 杨进 路保平 《石油钻探技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期1-7,共7页
北极冷海地区油气资源丰富,是目前国际石油公司关注的热点,了解极地冷海钻井技术挑战和关键技术现状,对推进极地冷海钻井技术进步、实现极地冷海油气资源的高效开发具有重要意义。为此,通过大量文献调研和实地考察,分析了国内外极地冷... 北极冷海地区油气资源丰富,是目前国际石油公司关注的热点,了解极地冷海钻井技术挑战和关键技术现状,对推进极地冷海钻井技术进步、实现极地冷海油气资源的高效开发具有重要意义。为此,通过大量文献调研和实地考察,分析了国内外极地冷海钻井装备及关键技术的现状和主要研究进展,得到了以下认识:恶劣的作业环境、长距离的后勤保障和苛刻的环保要求,是极地冷海油气勘探开发面临的首要难题;坐底式平台、人工岛、抗冰自升式平台和浮式平台等是目前极地冷海钻井作业采用的关键装备,低温钻机、全封闭抗冰平台及耐低温新型材料等是极地冷海钻井亟待突破的关键装备及材料。调研分析认为:冻土层钻井技术、低温钻井液和固井技术、万米大位移井钻井技术、极地灾害风险评价及控制技术和钻井废弃物环保排放技术是未来极地冷海钻井技术的主要攻关方向,是实现极地冷海油气资源高效开发的关键。 展开更多
关键词 极地 冷海 低温 冻土层 钻井装备 海上钻井
中国石化极地冷海钻井技术研究进展与发展建议 被引量:3
作者 路保平 侯绪田 柯珂 《石油钻探技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期1-10,共10页
北极油气资源丰富,但其低温、浅层灾害、冻土层、井筒处于大温变条件等地质、环境因素给钻井作业带来诸多挑战,为此,在“十三五”期间,中国石化以钻井安全环保高效为总目标,以解决钻井装备及工具、钻井工艺及措施、井筒工作流体的“冷... 北极油气资源丰富,但其低温、浅层灾害、冻土层、井筒处于大温变条件等地质、环境因素给钻井作业带来诸多挑战,为此,在“十三五”期间,中国石化以钻井安全环保高效为总目标,以解决钻井装备及工具、钻井工艺及措施、井筒工作流体的“冷”适应性问题为核心,进行了钻井灾害风险评价控制与环保、钻井关键装备及工具、钻井工艺与井筒工作液等关键技术研究,在浅层气、天然气水合物灾害地层的定量风险评价方法、-50℃低温轨道钻机及钻井工具、冻土层井壁稳定性评价与控制技术、低温钻井液与固井水泥浆等工程技术方面取得了重要进展,初步形成了极地冷海钻井关键技术体系。随着北极油气开发,陆地上将进入更高纬度、更厚永冻层区域,海洋上将向更深水域、常年冰或更厚浮冰海域进军,极地冷海钻井将面临更大的挑战,需要进一步完善极地冷海钻井完井技术理论与方法,研制新型钻井完井关键装备与工具,形成较为完善的极地冷海钻井完井技术体系,以满足北极地区油气藏高效勘探开发的需求,提升我国石油公司在极地油气合作项目中的经济效益和核心竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 极地冷海 钻井 灾害评价 极地钻机 低温工作液 技术进展 发展建议 中国石化
基于有限元的浅冷海隔水导管强度校核新方法 被引量:1
作者 牛成成 李梦刚 +1 位作者 郑德帅 侯绪田 《石油机械》 2017年第1期38-42,共5页
针对亚北极萨哈林浅冷海油田海风、海流、海浪强度高及海冰厚度大等给隔水导管强度校核带来的困难,在常规隔水导管强度校核基础上,考虑海冰因素,提出了浅冷海隔水导管强度校核新方法。将隔水导管视为上端铰支、下端固定的简支梁,分别建... 针对亚北极萨哈林浅冷海油田海风、海流、海浪强度高及海冰厚度大等给隔水导管强度校核带来的困难,在常规隔水导管强度校核基础上,考虑海冰因素,提出了浅冷海隔水导管强度校核新方法。将隔水导管视为上端铰支、下端固定的简支梁,分别建立海风、海浪、海流和海冰作用力的计算模型,采用有限元离散法建立隔水导管有限元模型。选择萨哈林海域近50年来海风速度、海浪高度、海流速度及海冰厚度的最大值,并利用ABAQUS进行综合分析计算。计算结果表明:考虑海冰因素计算的隔水导管最大应力值为不考虑海冰因素时的4.11倍。因此新方法可更好地为浅冷海隔水导管强度校核提供指导,对亚北极萨哈林浅冷海隔水导管选择具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 冷海 海风 海浪 海流 海冰 隔水导管 强度校核
作者 马明 陈镜然 +4 位作者 陈圣波 李秉择 陆天启 韩成浩 田鹏 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期4628-4642,共15页
高铝玄武岩是美国Apollo和前苏联Luna任务采集的月球样品中极其特殊且具有重要意义的一类样品,对月幔的不均匀性分异和月球早期热演化活动具有重要的指示性意义.本文以地形和成因极其独特的月球冷海中小型撞击坑坑壁或者近端溅射物中新... 高铝玄武岩是美国Apollo和前苏联Luna任务采集的月球样品中极其特殊且具有重要意义的一类样品,对月幔的不均匀性分异和月球早期热演化活动具有重要的指示性意义.本文以地形和成因极其独特的月球冷海中小型撞击坑坑壁或者近端溅射物中新鲜裸露的岩石(岩石丰富>0.5%)为突破口,利用中心和临近像元之间的Al_(2)O_(3)含量和镁指数(Mg#)间的线性关系消除了月海-高地混合物影响,将实验室岩性分类标准应用于Lunar Prospector(LP)钍(Th)和Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter(LRO)Diviner主要元素氧化物反演产品中,获得月球表面新鲜裸露的高铝玄武岩质(Al_(2)O_(3)>11 wt%)岩石位置信息.以此为基础,通过目视解译的方法识别了埋藏在冷海表面风化层以下的高铝玄武岩斑块(10个)和单元(1个).在LRO宽角(WAC)相机和数字地形图影像(LOLA GLD100)中对高铝玄武岩形态学地质特征统计表明,冷海中的高铝玄武岩总面积和体积为3694 km^(2)和1160 km^(3),岩层的最大埋藏深度和厚度为331 m和207 m.研究结果表明,冷海高铝玄武岩岩层一般具有不一致且不连续的厚度和较大的成分变化范围,并且不是广泛地分布于冷海之中,只是零散地分布于中西部,以及集中于东部的两个表层月海玄武岩地质单元之下.这些分布特征意味着月球冷海早期的高铝型火山活动可能以随机的小型(面积小于500 km^(2)或者体积小于100 km^(3))喷发为主,偶尔会出现大型的喷发. 展开更多
关键词 高铝玄武岩 遥感探测方法 地质特征 冷海 LRO Diviner
极地冷海浅层天然气水合物地层声学特性模拟实验研究 被引量:4
作者 王磊 胡志强 +3 位作者 柯珂 张辉 李莅临 闫莉 《中国海上油气》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期218-224,共7页
极地冷海区块巨厚冻土层下聚集的浅层天然气水合物地层在钻井过程中易分解,聚集喷发造成灾难性事故。为对钻井过程中冷海浅层存在的天然气水合物地层进行预测和识别,基于搭建的低温天然气水合物声学特性实验系统和人工水合物试样,研究... 极地冷海区块巨厚冻土层下聚集的浅层天然气水合物地层在钻井过程中易分解,聚集喷发造成灾难性事故。为对钻井过程中冷海浅层存在的天然气水合物地层进行预测和识别,基于搭建的低温天然气水合物声学特性实验系统和人工水合物试样,研究了天然气水合物地层声波速度在不同参数条件下的变化规律,建立了浅层天然气水合物地层的声学特征响应模型,并对冷海浅层天然气水合物钻井风险进行评估。研究结果表明,浅层天然气水合物的声波速度与地层饱和度呈正相关,与地层孔隙度呈负相关,钻遇浅层天然气水合物地层风险分为红、橙、黄、蓝四个等级,其中红色风险等级最高,设计上应考虑重新制定井位,避免钻遇天然气水合物区域;通过开展针对冷海浅层天然气水合物地层风险评估,可以有效提高天然气水合物地层的识别精度,避免钻遇复杂地质灾害,能有效指导极地冷海安全高效勘探。 展开更多
关键词 极地 冷海 浅层 天然气水合物
冷海水喷淋保鲜装置在海水鱼保鲜中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李来钦 《水产科技》 2009年第4期21-,共1页
关键词 海水鱼 冷海 蓝子 卵形鲳鲹 挥发性盐基氮 水喷淋 装置
作者 刘倩倩 《石油和化工设备》 CAS 2024年第9期138-141,共4页
SGJ1000型电动固井装备是一种集混浆、泵注为一体的自动化油田作业设备,可用于极地冷海钻井工程中进行固井施工作业。该装备能够实现单机独立完成大排量、高压力、长时间的固井作业需求,自动化程度高,可一人完成固井施工作业,有效降低... SGJ1000型电动固井装备是一种集混浆、泵注为一体的自动化油田作业设备,可用于极地冷海钻井工程中进行固井施工作业。该装备能够实现单机独立完成大排量、高压力、长时间的固井作业需求,自动化程度高,可一人完成固井施工作业,有效降低了操作人员劳动强度及固井施工人工成本。本文介绍了SGJ1000型电动固井装备的主要性能参数,通过设计计算验证其合理性,能较好地实现极地冷海固井作业需求。 展开更多
关键词 电动固井装备 极地冷海 设计计算
Seasonal evolution of the Northern Yellow Sea cold water mass 被引量:2
作者 李希彬 孙晓燕 +2 位作者 张秋丰 牛福新 姚志刚 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2013年第2期15-25,共11页
With the in-situ temperature and salinity observations taken seasonally in the Northern Yellow Sea area during the National 908 Water Investigation and Research Project from 2006 to 2007, the characteristics of the No... With the in-situ temperature and salinity observations taken seasonally in the Northern Yellow Sea area during the National 908 Water Investigation and Research Project from 2006 to 2007, the characteristics of the Northern Yellow Sea cold water mass (NYSCWM) were studied, including both its spatial pattern over the whole bottom and historically typical section from Dalian to Chengshantou. Seasonal evolution as well as its spatial distribution was analyzed to further understand the NYSCWM, as a result, some new features about the NYSCWM had been found. Compared to the previous studies, the center of colder water mass in summer moved eastward, but sharing the similar peak values for both temperature and salinity with historical data. In spring, the axis of 32.8 psu saltier moves westward approximately 75 km and the high salinity areas beyond 123.5° E were largely impaired comparing to that in winter. In winter, the NYSCWM almost disappeared due to the reinforced wind-induced mixing and the Yellow Sea Warm Currents (YSWC) moved northward and controlled most of the Northern Yellow Sea region. In autumn, two cold centers with the peak value of 9℃ were found inside the attenuated NYSCWM. 展开更多
关键词 the Northern Yellow Sea cold water mass seasonal evolution temperatureand salinity distribution Yellow Sea warm current
Preliminary Study on the Accumulation Characteristics of Mineral Elements in Potted Poa crymophila under Drought and Water Stress
作者 李天才 曹广民 +2 位作者 林丽 李以康 柯浔 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2216-2218,共3页
[Objective] This study was conducted to explain the mechanism of the accumulation characteristics of mineral elements in alpine grassland plants. [Method] Cultivated alpine grassland plant, Poa crymophila, was treated... [Objective] This study was conducted to explain the mechanism of the accumulation characteristics of mineral elements in alpine grassland plants. [Method] Cultivated alpine grassland plant, Poa crymophila, was treated with drought and wa- ter stress, and then the samples were collected and analyzed. [Result] Compared with the control group, under drought and water stress, multiple mineral elements tended to accumulate and increase, and there were significant differences in the contents of Cu, Mn, Ni and P (P〈0.05). [Conclusion] Under drought and water stress, mineral elements in potted Poa crymophila tended to accumulate and in- crease, which is the adaption and response of Poa crymophila to drought and water stress, as well as the re-verification of the starvation effect hypothesis of mineral effects. The starvation effect of mineral elements is one of the endogenic forces for the accumulation and differentiation of mineral elements in grassland plants. 展开更多
关键词 Potted Poa crymophila Mineral elements Accumulation characteristic Drouaht: Water stress
Starch RVA Profile Properties for Cold Tolerant and Sensitive Cultivars of Japonica Rice at Different Altitudes 被引量:5
作者 朱振华 金基永 +6 位作者 袁平荣 赵国珍 苏振喜 世荣 邹茜 杨世准 戴陆园 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第12期1831-1836,共6页
[Objective] By investigating of change rule rice starch RVA profile properties and the influence of cold tolerance on rice quality,the aim was to provide scientific references to the breeding of new cold-tolerant japo... [Objective] By investigating of change rule rice starch RVA profile properties and the influence of cold tolerance on rice quality,the aim was to provide scientific references to the breeding of new cold-tolerant japonica rice varieties with high quality in the Yunnan plateau.[Method] Four cold-tolerant and five cold-sensitive japonica rice cultivars were grown at three locations with different altitudes in Yunnan plateau to investigate rice starch RVA profile characteristics.[Result] The results showed that with increasing altitude,the setback viscosity in cold-sensitive cultivars increased significantly,while the peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity decreased significantly.However,the peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity in cold-tolerant cultivars initially decreased and then gradually increased with rising altitude,whereas the setback viscosity initially increased and then decreased.[Conclusion] The starch RVA parameters of cold-tolerant cultivars were less sensitive to different environments than those of cold-sensitive cultivars.Cooking and eating quality of cold-tolerant cultivars had relatively stable trends with rising altitude,whereas cooking and eating quality of cold-sensitive cultivars had a trend toward inferior. 展开更多
关键词 Japonica rice Cold tolerance Rice quality Starch viscosity ALTITUDE
《大舞台》 2001年第11期13-13,共1页
凭歌寄意被称为“宇多田光第二”的仓木麻衣,除了声线与宇多田光有七分相似,也因为她也是创作型歌手。不过,两者的不同点则是仓木麻衣把创作主力放在填词上。2月初推出的 Maxi Single《冷海》令仓木给人一种从未有过的冷傲感,她说自己... 凭歌寄意被称为“宇多田光第二”的仓木麻衣,除了声线与宇多田光有七分相似,也因为她也是创作型歌手。不过,两者的不同点则是仓木麻衣把创作主力放在填词上。2月初推出的 Maxi Single《冷海》令仓木给人一种从未有过的冷傲感,她说自己除了经常会写到爱情,也希望自己填的词有更宽广的意境,所以就根据当时的心情写下了《冷海》。 展开更多
关键词 冷海 不同点 创作 事业 爱情 声线 歌手 心情 相似 月初
Sea level change and forecast in the future — climate of the past,today and the future 被引量:1
作者 岳军 DONG yue +3 位作者 陈满春 韩芳 段焕春 王国明 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2011年第2期33-50,共18页
The sea-level change is resulted from superposition of sun, moon and other planeries, and earth itself, biological process, atmosphere and oceanography, as well as artificial actions. As a result, the sea level change... The sea-level change is resulted from superposition of sun, moon and other planeries, and earth itself, biological process, atmosphere and oceanography, as well as artificial actions. As a result, the sea level change is really a sensitive integral variation value of many variations, or a combined function of coupling effects of various big systems. Therefore the above mentioned superposed action of different systems and the coupling effect of sun earth and biological aspects may be called as sun earth biological coupling effect system. Based on this hypothesis, the corresponding sun dynamic, air dynamic, water dynamic and earth dynamic conceptional models are established in order to research the multiple coupling effects and feedback machsnism between these big systems. In order to determine the relations, effectness and coherent relation of different variations, the quantity, analysis is conducted through collective variation and stage division. The quantity analysis indicates that the earths spindle rotation speed is the dynamic mechanism controlling the sea level change of fluctuation. The change rate of sea level in the world is +1.32 + 0.22 mm/a, while the sea level change rate in China is only+1.39 + 0.26 mm/a in average. If take the CO2 content as the climate marker, eight cold stages (periods) are grouped out since two hundreds years AC. The extreme cold of the eighth cold stage started approximately at 1850 years AC. and if the stage from the extreme cold to extreme warm is determined as long as 200 years, the present ongoing warm stage will end at about 2050 years, there after the temperature will begin to tower. If the stage between cold and warm extremes lasts for 250 years, then the temperature will become lower at about 2100 year. Until to that time, the sea-level is estimated to raise +7 - +11 + 3.5 cm again, and there after, the sea level will begin the new lowering trend. In the same time, the climate will enter into next new cold stage subsequently. 展开更多
关键词 Sun earth biological coupling effect system sea-level change mechanism change rate of the sea-level climate cold stage forecast of the sea-level changes in the future
Genesis of underground brine along south coast of Laizhou Bay:hydrochemical characteristics 被引量:2
作者 江雪艳 于志刚 +2 位作者 宁劲松 陈洪涛 米铁柱 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期435-442,共8页
Hydrochemistry of underground brines along south coast of Laizhou Bay, Shandong, China has been analyzed. Brine samples were collected from 43 wells in this area. It was considered that the brines were originated from... Hydrochemistry of underground brines along south coast of Laizhou Bay, Shandong, China has been analyzed. Brine samples were collected from 43 wells in this area. It was considered that the brines were originated from seawater. However, whether they were formed by seawater evaporation or seawater freezing was not fully sure. We created a simple method by plotting Na/Cl vs. seawater concen-tration factor (SCF) and Ca/Mg vs. SCF to determine the brine formation geochemically. Comparison of our results to previous seawater freezing and evaporation experiments indicated that the brines were formed by seawater evaporation. The ratios of HCO3/Cl of some low salinity brines in the study area were relatively higher, indicating that the brines may have mixed with other waters after the generation. The Br/Cl ratios of the brines decreased annually in the past 20 to 30 years of exploitation, indicating down-ward permeation of the brine from which bromine was extracted. 展开更多
关键词 Laizhou Bay underground brine evaporation formation of brine freezing formation of brine Na/Cl ratio Ca/Mg ratio
Cryopreservation of Gametophytes of Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyta) Using Encapsulation-Dehydration with Two-Step Cooling Method 被引量:10
作者 ZHANG Quansheng CONG Yizhou +2 位作者 QU Shancun LUO Shiju YANG Guanpin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期65-71,共7页
Gametophytes of Laminaria japonica were cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen using encapsulation-dehydration with two-step cooling method. Gametophytes cultured at 10℃ and under continuous irradiance of 30 μmol m^-2 s^-... Gametophytes of Laminaria japonica were cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen using encapsulation-dehydration with two-step cooling method. Gametophytes cultured at 10℃ and under continuous irradiance of 30 μmol m^-2 s^-1 for 3 weeks were encapsulated in calcium alginate beads. The beads were dehydrated in 0.4 molLl sucrose prepared with seawater for 6 h, desiccated in an incubator set at 10℃ and 70% relative humidity for 4 h, pre-frozen at either -40℃ or -60℃ for 30 min, and stored in liquid nitrogen for 〉24 h. As high as 43% of survival rate was observed when gametophytes were thawed by placing the beads in 40℃ seawater and re-hydrated in 0.05 molL^-1 citrate sodium prepared using 30‰ NaCl 7 d later. More cells of male gametophytes survived the whole procedure in comparison with female gametophytes. The cells of gametophytes surviving the preservation were able to grow asexually and produce morphologically normal sporophytes. 展开更多
关键词 Laminaria japonica gametophyte encapsulation-dehydration with two-step cooling CRYOPRESERVATION
Seasonal distribution and relationship of water mass and suspended load in North Yellow Sea 被引量:4
作者 李真 鲍献文 +2 位作者 王勇智 李娜 乔璐璐 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期907-918,共12页
The concentration of suspended load can be determined by its linear relationship to turbidity. Our results present the basic distribution of suspended load in North Yellow Sea. In summer, the suspended load concentrat... The concentration of suspended load can be determined by its linear relationship to turbidity. Our results present the basic distribution of suspended load in North Yellow Sea. In summer, the suspended load concentration is high along the coast and low in the center of the sea. There are four regions of high concentration in the surface layer: Penglai and Chengshantou along the north of the Shandong Peninsula, and the coastal areas of Ltishun and Changshan Islands. There is a 2 mg/L contour at 124°E that separates the North Yellow Sea from regions of lower concentrations in the open sea to the west. And there is a 2 mg/L contour at 124°E that separates the North Yellow Sea from regions of lower concentrations in the open sea to the west. The distribution features in the 10 m and bottom layer are similar to the surface layer, however, the suspended load concentration declines in the 10 m layer while it increases in the bottom layer. And in the bottom layer there is a low suspended load concentration water mass at the region south of 38°N and east of 123°E extending to the southeast. In general, the lowest suspended load concentration in a vertical profile is at a depth of 10 to 20 m, the highest suspended load concentration is in the bottom near Chengshantou area. In winter, the distribution of suspended load is similar to summer, but the average concentrations are three times higher. There are two tongue-shaped high suspended load concentration belt, one occurring from surface to seafloor, extends to the north near Chengshantou and the other invades north to south along the east margin of Dalian Bay. They separate the low suspended load concentration water masses in the center of North Yellow Sea into east and west parts, Vertical distribution is quite uniform in the whole North Yellow Sea because of the cooling effect and strong northeast winds. The distribution of suspended load has a very close relationship to the current circulation and wind-induced waves in the North Yellow Sea. Because of this, we have been able to show for the first time that the distribution of suspended load can be used to identify water masses. 展开更多
关键词 North Yellow Sea suspended load TURBIDITY CURRENT Yellow Sea cold mass
Cold event at 5500 a BP recorded in mud sediments on the inner shelf of the East China Sea 被引量:9
作者 徐方建 李安春 +4 位作者 胥可辉 李铁刚 陈世悦 万世明 刘建国 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期975-984,共10页
A 700-year record (1.0-1.5 a resolution) of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), based on grain-size analysis and AMSI4C dating of Core EC2005 from the inner-shelf mud wedge of the East China Sea (ECS), was com... A 700-year record (1.0-1.5 a resolution) of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), based on grain-size analysis and AMSI4C dating of Core EC2005 from the inner-shelf mud wedge of the East China Sea (ECS), was compared with the Dongge stalagmite 8180 record during the mid-Holocene. The upper muddy section of Core EC2005 has been formed mainly by suspended sediments derived from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth since 7.3 ka BP. High precipitation and a strengthened EAWM might have played key roles in the high sedimentation rate (1 324-1 986 crn/ka) between 5.9-5.2 ka BP. The EAWM strengthened when the Asian summer monsoon weakened, especially around 5 500 a BE which corresponded to a worldwide cold event. The EAWM during the mid-Holocene shows statistically significant solar periodicities at 62 and 11 a. The 5 500 a BP cold event might be resulted from orbital forcing and changes in solar activity. 展开更多
关键词 5 500 a BP cold event GRAIN-SIZE East Asian winter monsoon MID-HOLOCENE East China Sea
The Structure and Formation Mechanism of a Sea Fog Event over the Yellow Sea 被引量:5
作者 GUO Jingtian LI Pengyuan +3 位作者 FU Gang ZHANG Wei GAO Shanhong ZHANG Suping 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第1期27-37,共11页
In this paper, a heavy sea fog event occurring over the Yellow Sea on 11 April 2004 was investigated based upon observational and modeling analyses. From the observational analyses, this sea fog event is a typical adv... In this paper, a heavy sea fog event occurring over the Yellow Sea on 11 April 2004 was investigated based upon observational and modeling analyses. From the observational analyses, this sea fog event is a typical advection cooling case. Sea surface temperature(SST) and specific humidity(SH) show strong gradients from south to north, in which warm water is located in the south and consequently, moisture is larger in the south than in the north due to evaporation processes. After fog formation, evaporation process provides more moisture into the air and further contributes to fog evolution. The sea fog event was reproduced by the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System(RAMS) reasonably. The roles of important physical processes such as radiation, turbulence as well as atmospheric stratification in sea fog's structure and its formation mechanisms were analyzed using the model results. The roles of long wave radiation cooling, turbulence as well as atmospheric stratification were analyzed based on the modeling results. It is found that the long wave radiative cooling at the fog top plays an important role in cooling down the fog layer through turbulence mixing. The fog top cooling can overpower warming from the surface. Sea fog develops upward with the aid of turbulence. The buoyancy term, i.e., the unstable layer, contributes to the generation of TKE in the fog region. However, the temperature inversion layer prevents fog from growing upward. 展开更多
关键词 sea fog the Yellow Sea developing mechanism
Seasonal Variations of Several Main Water Masses in the Southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea in 2011 被引量:7
作者 QUAN Qi MAO Xinyan +3 位作者 YANG Xiaodan HU Yingying ZHANG Haiyan JIANG Wensheng 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期524-536,共13页
The seasonal variations of several main water masses in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and East China Sea (ECS) in 2011 were analyzed using the in-situ data collected on four cruises.There was something special in the ... The seasonal variations of several main water masses in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and East China Sea (ECS) in 2011 were analyzed using the in-situ data collected on four cruises.There was something special in the observations for the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) ,the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) during that year.The YSWC was confirmed to be a seasonal current and its source was closely associated with the Kuroshio onshore intrusion and the northerly wind.It was also found that the YSCWM in the summer of 2011 occupied a more extensive area in comparison with the climatologically-mean case due to the abnormally powerful wind prevailing in the winter of 2010 and decaying gradually thereafter.Resulting from the reduced Changjiang River discharge,the CDW spreading toward the Cheju Island in the summer of 2011 was weaker than the long-term mean and was confined to flow southward in the other seasons.The other water masses seemed normal without noticeable anomalies in 2011.The Yellow Sea Coastal Current (YSCC) water,driven by the northerly wind,flowed southeastward as a whole except for its northeastward surface layer in summer.The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) was the strongest in summer and the weakest in winter in its northward movement.The Kuroshio water with an enhanced onshore intrusion in autumn was stable in hydrographic features apart from the seasonal variation of its surface layer. 展开更多
关键词 water masses seasonal variations southern Yellow Sea East China Sea
Precursory Signals of Extensive and Persistent Extreme Cold Events in China 被引量:10
作者 PENG Jing-Bei BUEH Cholaw 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第3期252-257,共6页
The distinct precursory signals of countrywide extensive and persistent extreme cold events (CECs) were investigated and contrasted with those of countrywide cold wave events (CCWs). It is shown that most CECs were ac... The distinct precursory signals of countrywide extensive and persistent extreme cold events (CECs) were investigated and contrasted with those of countrywide cold wave events (CCWs). It is shown that most CECs were accompanied by a CCW in the initial stages. From the comparison between the CECs and the CCWs that were independent of any CEC, it is found that a south- west-northeast-oriented tilted ridge at 500 hPa was present around the Europe-Barents Sea regions approximately 10 days prior to the start of the CEC. Consistent with this feature, a high sea level pressure and strong cold air accumulation occurred over a broad extent of northern Eurasia one week prior to the start of the CEC. The tilted ridge and the strong cold air accumulation were the precursory signals that were absent for the CCW, and they provide important clues for the early prediction of whether a CCW event might evolve into a CEC. 展开更多
关键词 precursory signal extensive and persistent extreme cold event cold wave the tilted ridge
Interannual salinity variability of the Northern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass 被引量:3
作者 李昂 于非 刁新源 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期779-789,共11页
This paper discusses the interannual variability of the Northern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(NYSCWM) and the factors that influence it,based on survey data from the 1976–2006 national standard section and the Korea Oc... This paper discusses the interannual variability of the Northern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(NYSCWM) and the factors that influence it,based on survey data from the 1976–2006 national standard section and the Korea Oceanographic Data Center,monthly E-P flux data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,and meridional wind speed data from the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set. The results show that:1) the mean salinity of the NYSCWM center has a slightly decreasing trend,which is not consistent with the high salinity center; 2) both the southern salinity front and the halocline of the NYSCWM display a weakening trend,which indicates that the difference between the NYSCWM and coastal water decreases; 3) the Yellow Sea Warm Current intrusion,the E-P flux of the northern Yellow Sea,and the strength of the winter monsoon will affect the NYSCWM salinity during the following summer. 展开更多
关键词 Northern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (NYSCWM) SALINITY interannual variability linear trend
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