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严于染净真俗之界:欧阳竟无思想三论 被引量:1
作者 龚隽 《佛学研究》 1999年第0期34-43,共10页
作为知识形态的近代中国佛学的诞生,欧阳竟无的出现,无论从学术方法、思想创发的深度还是系统方面,都可以说是值得注意的现象。章太炎说他“所见深博出恒人上,不欲襄窑韫效师拳者所为”,①实非虚言。内学院的佛学方向和规模在竟无... 作为知识形态的近代中国佛学的诞生,欧阳竟无的出现,无论从学术方法、思想创发的深度还是系统方面,都可以说是值得注意的现象。章太炎说他“所见深博出恒人上,不欲襄窑韫效师拳者所为”,①实非虚言。内学院的佛学方向和规模在竟无的思想中,基本得到确定,后学只不过对其学说加以更加细密的演绎和语言文献上的支持。由于竟无的思想过于精简且详于性理,致使后学研究内学院的学说,每于吕澂多所抉择而于竟无之学,则未能尽其堂奥。本文无意于就竟无之学作通观之论,而是抽绎其学思中的三个问题,作较详尽的哲学史的读解与批评。 展开更多
关键词 真俗 欧阳竟无 内学院
种现熏习与染净熏习:《大乘起信论》之如来藏缘起思想 被引量:1
作者 袁大勇 《社会科学论坛》 CSSCI 2014年第12期32-37,共6页
阿赖耶识缘起成立种子与现行互相熏习,《大乘起信论》说真如与无明互相熏习,两种熏习方式各有其对于熏习的不同定义。建立在染净熏习基础上的如来藏缘起与建立在种现熏习基础上的阿赖耶识缘起是两种不同的理论体系。其中的理论关键是,... 阿赖耶识缘起成立种子与现行互相熏习,《大乘起信论》说真如与无明互相熏习,两种熏习方式各有其对于熏习的不同定义。建立在染净熏习基础上的如来藏缘起与建立在种现熏习基础上的阿赖耶识缘起是两种不同的理论体系。其中的理论关键是,由于真如无始无终,无明无始有终,如来藏缘起并不存在一个由真如生起无明的阶段。因此如来藏缘起并不存在一因、无因生果与不平等因生果的问题。两种缘起之间的差异,只是理论形态上的,其根本原则保持了内在的一致。 展开更多
关键词 如来藏缘起 阿赖耶识缘起 《大乘起信论》 种现熏习 熏习
祛烟瘾减危害保人类健康 治污染净环境创世界文明——无依赖祛烟瘾茶质滤嘴技术的应用与健康
《科技传播》 2011年第7期18-20,共3页
吸烟严重危害人类健康。世界卫生组织曾发出警告,在吸烟者当中,有一半的人会死于吸烟所导致的疾病,每年还有千千万万的不吸烟者也会因为被动吸烟而使健康受到损害。据统计,全球每年有500万人死于吸烟引发的相关疾病,其中超过20%发生在... 吸烟严重危害人类健康。世界卫生组织曾发出警告,在吸烟者当中,有一半的人会死于吸烟所导致的疾病,每年还有千千万万的不吸烟者也会因为被动吸烟而使健康受到损害。据统计,全球每年有500万人死于吸烟引发的相关疾病,其中超过20%发生在中国。在全球限烟、禁烟成为大趋势的背景下,今年5月1号,我国也将全面在室内公共场所禁烟。 展开更多
关键词 被动吸烟 控烟 滤嘴 公共卫生 尼古丁受体 宣传不够 精神卫生 北京市卫生局 戒烟药
作者 唐思鹏 《浙江佛教》 2001年第2期67-77,共11页
关键词 十二缘起 因果 佛教 宗教信仰 因果报应
作者 陈琳 《社会科学动态》 2020年第8期18-30,共13页
在印度佛学与中国佛学思想体系中,《成唯识论》是一部重要的典籍。而《成唯识论》的“净唯识”思想,更是中国佛学史上的一个研究焦点。玄奘法师远赴印度游学多年,杂糅十家注释而译成的《成唯识论》就是以染净问题为核心线索的。《成唯... 在印度佛学与中国佛学思想体系中,《成唯识论》是一部重要的典籍。而《成唯识论》的“净唯识”思想,更是中国佛学史上的一个研究焦点。玄奘法师远赴印度游学多年,杂糅十家注释而译成的《成唯识论》就是以染净问题为核心线索的。《成唯识论》的宗旨是“自观心以解脱生死”,即以唯识的原理来理解生死问题,以心与心所相应破除我法二执,最终实现净识以达与清净法界的境界。在《成唯识论》中,阿赖耶识是染净诸识的根本,七识则回答了染净缘起的机理。舍染得净是一个逐步完成的过程,《成唯识论》中的真如、转依位、涅槃、四智、三身等概念阐发了清净境界的诸种情况。《成唯识论》具有重要的理论价值,为我们加深对主观世界和客观世界的理解提供了一种不同的视角。 展开更多
关键词 《成唯识论》 阿赖耶识
本觉:中国佛教心性本体的根本内涵——汉唐佛教心性论研究之三 被引量:3
作者 乔根锁 《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第5期79-84,共6页
印度佛教强调心性的寂止方面,最关心的是空寂洁净的心性不受外界凡尘造成的烦恼所干扰,而深受传统哲学影响的中国佛教则在继承印度心性论哲学的同时,更侧重于心本体的清静与本觉,从直觉认知角度,理解成佛与本体觉性的关系问题,从而在宗... 印度佛教强调心性的寂止方面,最关心的是空寂洁净的心性不受外界凡尘造成的烦恼所干扰,而深受传统哲学影响的中国佛教则在继承印度心性论哲学的同时,更侧重于心本体的清静与本觉,从直觉认知角度,理解成佛与本体觉性的关系问题,从而在宗教理论与实践上为体验和顿悟佛性找到了一条捷径。中国佛教各派由渐悟而最终都走向顿悟,正是心体本觉说带来的必然结果。 展开更多
关键词 净染 性觉 无明 迷悟
Ultra-Supercritical——A Preferential Choice for China to Develop Clean Coal Technology 被引量:1
作者 李君 吴少华 李振中 《Electricity》 2004年第4期30-35,共6页
The ultra-supercritical pressure coal-fired power-generation technology (USCT) isa mature, advanced and efficient power generation technology in the world. Comparisonsamong several principal clean coal power-generatio... The ultra-supercritical pressure coal-fired power-generation technology (USCT) isa mature, advanced and efficient power generation technology in the world. Comparisonsamong several principal clean coal power-generation technologies show that USCT withpollutant-emission control equipment is superior to others in efficiency, capacity, reliability,investment and environment protection etc. Analyzing the main problems existing in thermalpower industry, it is concluded that the USCT is the preferential choice for China to developclean coal power-generation technology at present. Considering the foundation of thepower industry, the manufacturing industry for power generating equipment and otherrelated industries, it is concluded that China has satisfied the qualifications to develop USCT. 展开更多
关键词 coal-fired power plant ultra-supercritical parameter clean coal technology FEASIBILITY
作者 陈远宁 《船山学刊》 CSSCI 1994年第2期161-173,共13页
自西汉以后,一部中国古代思想史,就它的基本内容和基本特征来说,是一部以儒家思想为主体,儒释道三家既相互对立,又相互融会的历史。因此,研究中国古代思想史便不能只孤立地研究儒家思想,还要同时研究佛道思想。否则,不能把握中国古代思... 自西汉以后,一部中国古代思想史,就它的基本内容和基本特征来说,是一部以儒家思想为主体,儒释道三家既相互对立,又相互融会的历史。因此,研究中国古代思想史便不能只孤立地研究儒家思想,还要同时研究佛道思想。否则,不能把握中国古代思想史的全貌,也无法了解儒家思想的发展。而由于与道家思想相比,佛教思想具有更丰富的理论内容和更精致的思辨结构,对封建社会中后期儒家思想的发展影响更大,所以,对佛教思想的研究,特别是对佛儒两家思想既相互汲取又相互排斥关系的研究,便显得更为重要了。 展开更多
关键词 佛教思想 儒家思想 中国古代思想史 儒释道 禅定 大乘佛教 现代思维 佛道思想 性具善恶
Research on Purification Effect of Jian Lake Zizania latifolia Wetland Lakefront Zone in Northwest of Yunnan Plateau on Nitrogen and Phosphorus of Agricultural Non-point Source 被引量:2
作者 李卫东 刘云根 +2 位作者 田昆 梁启斌 刘惠芳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第7期109-112,150,共5页
As the main external pollution source of lake,nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural non-point source make a great contribution to the lake eutrophication pollution.Wetland lakefront zone which plays a key role in ... As the main external pollution source of lake,nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural non-point source make a great contribution to the lake eutrophication pollution.Wetland lakefront zone which plays a key role in externally agricultural non-point source pollution is considered as the biggest barrier for controlling external pollution.In this research,the Jian lake plateau Zizania latifolia wetland lakefront zone was selected for agricultural non-point source pollutions control with the systematic field research,and the lakefront zone was approved to have an effective purification effect on nitrogen and phosphorus from Jinlong River; the theoretical mechanism of lakefront zone removing nutrient was also investigated.Z.latifolia wetland lakefront zone could remove nitrogen and phosphorus from Jinlong River and the removal ratio can reach 55.8-62.52% and 59.47-69.81% respectively.So,we can indicate that the Jian Lake plateau Z.latifolia wetland lakefront zone had a good effect on controlling agricultural non-point source pollution and protecting the environment. 展开更多
关键词 Plateau wetland in northwest of Yunnan Zizania latifolia lakefront zone Agricultural non-point source pollutions Purification effect
熊十力“断染成净”说与牟宗三“良知坎陷”说的比较 被引量:1
作者 韩强 邵秋艳 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期123-132,158,共10页
儒家传统的内圣如何开出科学民主的新外王是现代新儒家的重要理论之一,从熊十力到牟宗三,都对此问题进行了深入的研究,但两人的致思进路并不相同。熊十力"断染成净"说借鉴了佛教唯识宗的理论,以性智为体、量智为用,经过纯理... 儒家传统的内圣如何开出科学民主的新外王是现代新儒家的重要理论之一,从熊十力到牟宗三,都对此问题进行了深入的研究,但两人的致思进路并不相同。熊十力"断染成净"说借鉴了佛教唯识宗的理论,以性智为体、量智为用,经过纯理智的修养过程,达致"性智全显"的境地,儒家传统的内圣由此开出科学民主的新外王,体现了体用相即的致思进路,这一理论在他自己的哲学体系中是比较圆融的。而牟宗三则另辟蹊径,提出了"良知的自我坎陷"说,认为良知本体需要经过自我的坎陷,才能开显出"纯粹知性",也即是科学和民主,牟宗三的这一理论引起学界较大的争议,多认为这一理论存在着缺陷,其原因就在于牟宗三没有完全继承熊十力的体用相即的方法。 展开更多
关键词 内圣外王 理智 道德形上学 良知坎陷
Coupling of anionic wetting agents to dust of sulfide ores by dropping liquid method 被引量:3
作者 吴超 欧家才 周勃 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第6期737-741,共5页
By using the experimental approach of dropping liquid, the coupling of three anionic wetting agents with ten dust samples of sulfide ores was studied, and particularly the wetting effects of the wetting agents on the ... By using the experimental approach of dropping liquid, the coupling of three anionic wetting agents with ten dust samples of sulfide ores was studied, and particularly the wetting effects of the wetting agents on the sulfide dust influenced by factors of agent concentration and sulfate additive in the wetting agent solutions were investigated. The results show that when the solution temperature is about 20 ℃, all the selected wetting agents are effective to most dust samples, but the effect is different. Wetting agents are more effective to the dust which is difficult to be wetted. Wetting agent solution with sodium sulfate can improve the wetting ability of sulfide dust. For sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, the suitable concentration of sodium sulfate is 12 mmol/L. The cost of wetting agents can be reduced because the sodium sulfate is much cheaper than many surfactants. Since the dust of sulfide ores is composed of various minerals and elements, the whole effect of depressing dust should be considered while innovating a wetting agent. 展开更多
关键词 dust of sulfide ores anionic wetting agent dropping liquid experiment CONCENTRATION sodium sulfate COUPLING
作者 张凤荣 杨惠兰 《紫禁城》 1992年第1期27-28,40,共3页
陀罗经被为皇帝、皇后死后的一种不可少的殉葬品。在皇帝和后妃们生前,即由内務府派专人为他们操辦一切。皇帝、后妃们不僅生前任意挥霍,就连死后的一切也要操办齐全。首先要建造陵墓,死后还要陪葬大量的殉葬品。可以说是生前使用什么... 陀罗经被为皇帝、皇后死后的一种不可少的殉葬品。在皇帝和后妃们生前,即由内務府派专人为他们操辦一切。皇帝、后妃们不僅生前任意挥霍,就连死后的一切也要操办齐全。首先要建造陵墓,死后还要陪葬大量的殉葬品。可以说是生前使用什么死后就殉葬什么。陀罗经被便是殉葬品之一,是皇帝。 展开更多
关键词 陀罗经被 织金 片金 摄受 谨生 往生 加行位 西番 道位
Clean Coal Technologies in China: Current Status and Future Perspectives 被引量:49
作者 Shiyan Chang Jiankun Zhuo +2 位作者 Shuo Meng Shiyue Qin Qiang Yao 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期447-459,共13页
Coal is the dominant primary energy source in China and the major source of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. To facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way, clean coal... Coal is the dominant primary energy source in China and the major source of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. To facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way, clean coal technologies (CCTs) are necessary. This paper presents a review of recent research and development of four kinds of CCTs: coal power generation; coal conversion; pollution control; and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. It also outlines future perspectives on directions for technology re search and development (R&D). This review shows that China has made remarkable progress in the R&D of CCTs, and that a number of CCTs have now entered into the commercialization stage. 展开更多
关键词 Clean coal technologies Power generation Coal conversion Pollution control Carbon capture utilization and storage
Research on indoor air pollution of newly decorated buildings in Chongqing 被引量:1
作者 李娟 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2005年第2期74-75,共2页
The investigation of indoor-air quality in newly built and newly decorated residences in Chongqing revealed that the average concentration of formaldehyde and ammonia in these residences exceeded the upper limits of t... The investigation of indoor-air quality in newly built and newly decorated residences in Chongqing revealed that the average concentration of formaldehyde and ammonia in these residences exceeded the upper limits of the standard. The situation of indoor air pollution varied with the type of rooms. The results of investigation show that the indoor-air pollutants caused by decoration work should not be ignored anymore. 展开更多
关键词 indoor-air pollution FORMALDEHYDE AMMONIA
Surface flow constructed wetland with composite plant bed for pretreatment of micro-polluted Yellow River raw water in China
作者 杨旭 于水利 +3 位作者 严晓菊 赵焱 修春海 张洪洋 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期426-429,共4页
In order to investigate the feasibility of pretreating the micro-polluted Yellow River raw water by constructed wetland, an experiment was conducted using a surface flow constructed wetland with composite plant bed. T... In order to investigate the feasibility of pretreating the micro-polluted Yellow River raw water by constructed wetland, an experiment was conducted using a surface flow constructed wetland with composite plant bed. The contamination removal efficiency and their trends in the wetland treatment system were studied under different hydraulic loading rates(HLR). The contamination removal efficiencies were compared according to the seasonal change under optimum HLR. The result shows that in the same season, under different hydraulic loadings ranging from 2 to 6 m3/(m2·d) at the same period, the best HLR is 4 m3/(m2·d) in the experimental system. The average removal rates of COD, TN, ammoniacal nitrogen(NH4+-N), and TP in the constructed wetland are 38.37%, 45.97%, 39.86% and 41.69%, respectively. According to China Standard for Surface Water Resources (GB3838-2002), mean effluent of COD, TN, NH4+-N and TP can nearly reach Grade Ⅲ, GradeⅤ, GradeⅠand GradeⅠ, respectively. Furthermore, treatment efficiency of the system in summer is obvious higher than that in other seasons. The expenditure of constructing the constructed wetland with the average treating capacity of 176 m3/d and lifetime of 20 years is 17075.00 RMB. The average disposal cost is summed up to 0.17 RMB/m3, which shows that the pretreatment of the micro-polluted Yellow River raw water by constructed wetland is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 constructed wetland composite plant bed surface flow PRETREATMENT micro-polluted Yellow River raw Water
Study on soot purifying of molding shop in coking factory
作者 李多松 张辉 白向玉 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2006年第2期88-90,共3页
Exhaust gas in molding shop was complicated in component and characteristicin low thickness asphalt smoke,mass steam-gas and dust.It was difficult to purify the sootwith common purifier.So we must consider them roundl... Exhaust gas in molding shop was complicated in component and characteristicin low thickness asphalt smoke,mass steam-gas and dust.It was difficult to purify the sootwith common purifier.So we must consider them roundly and develop new multifunctionpurifier.PFP multifunction soot purifier was made on the base of design optimization andwas installed at Shenhuo Coking Factory in 2004.The combined effects of multi-mecha-nism in purifier make purifying ratio keep in high level.The remove ratio of smut reachesat 92.8%,and asphalt smoke at 83.7%. 展开更多
关键词 MOLDING purify SMUT asphalt smoke design optimization multi-mechanism
A Brief Overview of Research on Chemical Molecular Contamination in Cleanrooms
作者 Cai Jie 《China Standardization》 2010年第4期10-13,共4页
This review proposes associated standards from abroad regarding chemical contamination of the air, and has analyzed the formation of chemical air pollution, the common contaminants and the testing methods of projects.... This review proposes associated standards from abroad regarding chemical contamination of the air, and has analyzed the formation of chemical air pollution, the common contaminants and the testing methods of projects. This paper demonstrates the capability of China to begin commercial testing of chemical contamination of the air. In addition, it offers technological references of the feasibility for adopting the international standard ISO14644-8:2006. 展开更多
关键词 AIR molecular contamination tests and analysis.
Multi-pollutants simultaneous removal from flue gas
作者 Gao Xiang Wu Zuliang Luo Zhongyang Ni Mingjiang Cen Kefa 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第1期27-31,共5页
The multi-stages humidifier semi-dry flue gas cleaning technology, the CRS plasma flue gas cleaning technology and oxidative additive flue gas cleaning technology were investigated for multi-pollutants removal. The se... The multi-stages humidifier semi-dry flue gas cleaning technology, the CRS plasma flue gas cleaning technology and oxidative additive flue gas cleaning technology were investigated for multi-pollutants removal. The semi-dry flue gas cleaning technology using multi-stages humidifier and additive can improve oxidation and absorption, and it can achieve high multi-pollutants removal efficiency. The CRS discharge can produce many OH radicals that promote NO oxidation. Combining NaOH absorption can achieve high deSO2 and deNO, efficiencies. It is fit for the reconstruction of primary wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD). In addition, using NaClO2 as additive in the absorbent of WFGD can obtain very high removal efficiency of SO2 and NOx. 展开更多
关键词 simultaneous removal SEMI-DRY PLASMA ADDITIVE
Practice and design of the self-purification system for heavy metals-bearing contaminants 被引量:1
作者 Qian Guangren 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第4期2-10,共9页
Many minerals in nature have self-purification capacity to hold and stabilize deleterious contaminants into their lattice structures,which can be used for treatment of heavy metals-bearing contaminants. Hydrotalcite L... Many minerals in nature have self-purification capacity to hold and stabilize deleterious contaminants into their lattice structures,which can be used for treatment of heavy metals-bearing contaminants. Hydrotalcite Layer Double Hydroxide (LDH),tobermorite Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) and apatite are ubiquitous minerals in nature,having higher geochemical stability and potential for binding and stabilizing heavy metals. Based on the elucidation of crystal structure property and self-purification principles of the three minerals above,this article discussed how to design the self-purification system of heavy metal-bearing contaminants. 展开更多
Performance and Effectiveness of Portable Air Cleaners in an Office Room: An Experimental Study
作者 Siamak Rahimi Ardkapan Alireza Afshari Niels Christian Bergsoe 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第7期757-766,共10页
Nowadays, many people work in an office environment. Air pollutants, including particles and gases, are generated by humans and by different devices that are used in offices. Pollutants can also enter an office room w... Nowadays, many people work in an office environment. Air pollutants, including particles and gases, are generated by humans and by different devices that are used in offices. Pollutants can also enter an office room with the air supplied from outdoors. It has been established that air pollutants have adverse health effects on human body. Air cleaning devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial for the health by removing air pollutants and consequently improving indoor air quality. The performance of five air cleaning technologies was tested in order to determine the generation of ozone and particles in an office room. The particle removal effectiveness of the technologies was also determined in order to clarify their ability to remove UFPs (ultrafine particles) in the office room. The tested five air cleaning technologies are non-thermal plasma, corona discharge ionizer, portable air purifier, electrostatic fibrous filter and three-dimensional fibrous filter. The interior surfaces of the office room emit low levels of volatile organic compounds, since the office room has not been refurbished for about two decades. The results showed that the particle removal effectiveness of the technologies was ranged between 0.2 and 0.45 for the office room. The three technologies using/generating ozone significantly increased the ozone level in the office room. However, no increase of the UFP concentration was detected. 展开更多
关键词 Air cleaning PARTICLE UFP ozone.
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