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35%苗病净1号对黄枯萎病菌抑制作用测定 被引量:1
作者 孙文姬 简桂良 +1 位作者 石磊岩 马存 《中国棉花》 1997年第3期24-24,共1页
35%苗病净1号对黄枯萎病菌抑制作用测定①孙文姬简桂良石磊岩马存中国农科院植保所,北京10009435%苗病净1号是我们研制的棉花复配拌种剂,1994年12月23日通过了化工部技术成果鉴定。该药具有低毒、内吸、广谱和... 35%苗病净1号对黄枯萎病菌抑制作用测定①孙文姬简桂良石磊岩马存中国农科院植保所,北京10009435%苗病净1号是我们研制的棉花复配拌种剂,1994年12月23日通过了化工部技术成果鉴定。该药具有低毒、内吸、广谱和持效期长及促进植物生长等特点,防治... 展开更多
关键词 棉花 黄化萎缩 枯萎 1号 抑菌作用
作者 孙文姬 丁之铨 +1 位作者 吉维华 杨舰 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第1期27-28,共2页
苗病净1号防治棉苗根病试验初报孙文姬,丁之铨,吉维华,杨舰(中国农科院植保所北京100094)随着耕作制度及生态条件的变化,近年棉苗根病危害加重,据1990年调查,全国发病面积已由1989年的594.54亩发展到31... 苗病净1号防治棉苗根病试验初报孙文姬,丁之铨,吉维华,杨舰(中国农科院植保所北京100094)随着耕作制度及生态条件的变化,近年棉苗根病危害加重,据1990年调查,全国发病面积已由1989年的594.54亩发展到3133.3万亩,为寻找更为经济有效的... 展开更多
关键词 棉花 1号 试验
作者 石磊岩 孙文姬 +2 位作者 丁之铨 杨舰 吉维华 《中国棉花》 北大核心 1995年第1期25-25,共1页
苗病净1号防治棉苗根病的效果石磊岩,孙文姬,丁之铨,杨 舰,吉维华中国农业科学院植保所北京100094棉花根病是一种复合性病害,在各产棉区的不同生态环境,不同年份其发病程度差异较大。常见的主要病害有立枯、炭疽、红腐、... 苗病净1号防治棉苗根病的效果石磊岩,孙文姬,丁之铨,杨 舰,吉维华中国农业科学院植保所北京100094棉花根病是一种复合性病害,在各产棉区的不同生态环境,不同年份其发病程度差异较大。常见的主要病害有立枯、炭疽、红腐、猝倒病和苗疫病。由于这些病的病原菌... 展开更多
关键词 棉花 防治 1号
作者 薛玉凤 史黎红 吴晓钟 《青海农林科技》 2004年第1期73-73,共1页
四川国光25%病克净新型超微可湿性粉剂25g兑水3—5kg,拌种薯300kg播种,可有效防治马铃薯晚疫病、环腐病、黑胫病三大病害,防效可达91 2%。
关键词 马铃薯 晚疫 环腐 黑胫 杀菌剂 药效试验
作者 袁翠梅 纳添仓 师理 《青海农林科技》 2003年第3期49-50,共2页
药剂拌种处理马铃薯种薯是一项重要的增产措施 ,通过药剂拌种马铃薯抗病、防虫 ,植株生长旺盛 ,产量明显提高 ,通过试验 ,结果表明 ,病克净拌种增产效果显著 ,较清水对照平均增产 33.6 %,较敌克松拌种平均增产 15 .7%。
关键词 拌种 马铃薯 增产效果 试验 药剂拌种
作者 成青兰 《湖南畜牧兽医》 1993年第2期14-15,共2页
关键词 多效禽 禽霍乱
作者 赵沛忠 石德峰 《江苏农药》 1995年第1期29-30,共2页
40%虱病净是一种高效率杀虫杀菌剂。我县单季晚稻、连作晚稻穗期常遭多种病虫的危害,为了提高防效和经济效益、确保粮食丰收,达到一药多治,病虫兼治的目的,引进40%虱病净在我县17多个乡镇进行了推广,并在外舍乡王金洋、降石、汇田、外... 40%虱病净是一种高效率杀虫杀菌剂。我县单季晚稻、连作晚稻穗期常遭多种病虫的危害,为了提高防效和经济效益、确保粮食丰收,达到一药多治,病虫兼治的目的,引进40%虱病净在我县17多个乡镇进行了推广,并在外舍乡王金洋、降石、汇田、外舍等村单季晚稻和连作晚稻田进行大面积试验示范,具体如下: 展开更多
关键词 水稻 虫害防治 推广应用
贝那普利、氯沙坦对糖尿病肾病大鼠足细胞表达及排泄的影响 被引量:2
作者 邹敏书 余健 +1 位作者 聂国明 刘雪梅 《中国药师》 CAS 2007年第7期625-628,共4页
目的:探讨尿液中足细胞检测在糖尿病肾病(DN)大鼠中的意义,贝那普利、氯沙坦对DN大鼠足细胞的表达及排泄的影响。方法:32只DN大鼠随机分为4组:A组:糖尿病肾病模型组;B组:贝那普利组;C组:氯沙坦组;D组:贝那普利+氯沙坦组。腹腔注射链佐... 目的:探讨尿液中足细胞检测在糖尿病肾病(DN)大鼠中的意义,贝那普利、氯沙坦对DN大鼠足细胞的表达及排泄的影响。方法:32只DN大鼠随机分为4组:A组:糖尿病肾病模型组;B组:贝那普利组;C组:氯沙坦组;D组:贝那普利+氯沙坦组。腹腔注射链佐脲菌素诱导DN大鼠模型。实验12周时检测24h尿蛋白定量(TP),总胆固醇(TC)。间接免疫荧光法检测尿沉渣足细胞特异性标志蛋白podocalyxin以检测尿液足细胞(UPC)水平;免疫荧光染色观察肾小球上皮细胞蛋白-1( GLEPP1)的表达。结果:A组UPC、TP较B、C组明显升高(P<0.01),TC亦较B、C组升高(P<0.05)。B、C组UPC、TP、TC无显著性差异(P>0.05)。与B、C组相比,D组显著降低TP(P<0.01),UPC及TC(P<0.05)。病理组织肾小球荧光染色示GLEEPP1在A组呈节段性明显缺失,B、C组缺失较轻,D组无明显缺失。UPC与TP正相关(r_s=0.54,P<0.05),而与TC无显著相关性(r_s=0.35,P>0.05)。结论:尿液中脱落足细胞检测可作为判断DN病情活动性的标志之一。贝那普利、氯沙坦均可减少DN大鼠蛋白尿,降低胆固醇,减少足细胞脱落及尿液足细胞的排泄,且两者效果相似,而两者联用较单用一种可显著减少足细胞排泄,降低蛋白尿及胆固醇,肾保护作用更为明显。 展开更多
关键词 足细胞 糖尿 净病 蛋白尿 贝拉普利 氯沙坦
作者 陈志亮 张淑梅 陈金泉 《河北果树》 2001年第2期41-42,共2页
关键词 药效 使用方法 杀菌剂 苹果轮纹 梨黑星 浓度 剂量 污染 枣锈 葡萄白腐 黑瘟 桃褐腐 细菌性穿孔
“糖肾平”治疗糖尿病肾病57例临床观察 被引量:3
作者 洪银芳 《江苏中医药》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第7期19-20,共2页
关键词 糖尿.净病 糖肾平方 尿蛋白 益气养阴 活血补肾
作者 陈怀铸 《四川农业科技》 2008年第6期47-48,共2页
秋季因气候恶劣、桑叶质量较差,加上春蚕、夏蚕的连续饲养,养蚕环境中病原体增多,秋蚕极易发生各种疾病。秋季蚕病防治应把好以下三关:一、蚕室蚕具消毒关一要选择优质蚕用药品。目前蚕室蚕具消毒最理想药品是消特灵,烟雾剂以"928&... 秋季因气候恶劣、桑叶质量较差,加上春蚕、夏蚕的连续饲养,养蚕环境中病原体增多,秋蚕极易发生各种疾病。秋季蚕病防治应把好以下三关:一、蚕室蚕具消毒关一要选择优质蚕用药品。目前蚕室蚕具消毒最理想药品是消特灵,烟雾剂以"928"、"蚕病净"为好,坚决禁用过期失效、假冒伪劣的蚕药;二要改进消毒方法。 展开更多
关键词 秋蚕 药液 蚕体蚕座消毒 消特灵 蚕用药剂 桑园害虫
作者 费维 田甜 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)医药卫生》 2024年第8期0043-0046,共4页
探讨达格列净与利拉鲁肽对改善肥胖2型糖尿病(T2DM)病情和调节胰岛功能的作用。方法 选取2023年1月~12月肥胖T2DM患者100例,基于用药方案分设两组回顾分析,A组(达格列净+利拉鲁肽+二甲双胍)、B组(二甲双胍+利拉鲁肽),每组50例,比较血糖... 探讨达格列净与利拉鲁肽对改善肥胖2型糖尿病(T2DM)病情和调节胰岛功能的作用。方法 选取2023年1月~12月肥胖T2DM患者100例,基于用药方案分设两组回顾分析,A组(达格列净+利拉鲁肽+二甲双胍)、B组(二甲双胍+利拉鲁肽),每组50例,比较血糖、血脂、胰岛功能、安全性差异。结果 血糖比较,A组降糖显著,A组治疗后FPG、2hPG、HbA1c较低(P<0.05);血脂比较,通过治疗A组HDL-C较高,TG、TC、LDL-C较低(P<0.05),具有较好降脂效果;胰岛功能比较,通过治疗A组FINS、2hINS高于B组、HOMA-IR低于B组(P<0.05);安全性比较,A组中4.00 %出现不良反应、B组为18.00%,A组风险较低(P<0.05)。结论 达格列净、利拉鲁肽可用于联合治疗肥胖2型糖尿病,改善疗效,解决高血糖和高血脂问题,用药后患者胰岛功能较好,少见不良反应,疗效符合预期。 展开更多
关键词 肥胖2型糖 尿达格列 利拉鲁肽 胰岛功能
作者 简桂良 孙文姬 马存 《植保技术与推广》 1994年第6期29-30,共2页
防治棉花苗期复合根病新药剂苗病净1号简桂良,孙文姬,马存(中国农科院植保所,100094)棉花苗期病害是我国棉花生产的障碍之一,在全国各棉区常年发生,重病年发病率可达90%以上,严重影响棉田全苗和培育壮苗。我所针对我... 防治棉花苗期复合根病新药剂苗病净1号简桂良,孙文姬,马存(中国农科院植保所,100094)棉花苗期病害是我国棉花生产的障碍之一,在全国各棉区常年发生,重病年发病率可达90%以上,严重影响棉田全苗和培育壮苗。我所针对我国主要棉苗根病(立枯病、炭疽病、红... 展开更多
关键词 棉花 复合根 1号
Expression,purification and characterization of enterovirus-71 virus-like particles 被引量:43
作者 Yao-Chi Chung Jen-Huang Huang +4 位作者 Chia-Wei Lai Heng-Chun Sheng Shin-Ru Shih Mei-Shang Ho Yu-Chen Hu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6期921-927,共7页
AIM: Enterovirus 71 (EV71) has been implicated as the etiological agent responsible for the recent outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease associated with severe neurological diseases in the Asia-Pacific region. ... AIM: Enterovirus 71 (EV71) has been implicated as the etiological agent responsible for the recent outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease associated with severe neurological diseases in the Asia-Pacific region. METHODS: The assembly process was hypothesized to occur via an orchestrated proteolytic processing of the P1 precursor by the viral protease 3CD. To test this hypothesis, we constructed 3 recombinant baculoviruses: Bac-P1 expressing P1; Bac-3CD expressing 3CD; and Bac-P1-3CD co-expressing P1 and 3CD. RESULTS: Both single infection by Bac-P1-3CD and coinfection by Bac-P1 and Bac-3CD resulted in correct cleavage of P1 to yield individual proteins VP0, VP1 and VP3, while the former approach yielded higher VLP production. In the cells, the structural proteins selfassembled into clusters of virus-like particles (VLP) resembling the authentic EV71 particle aggregates. After ultracentrifugation purification, the dispersed VLPs were indistinguishable from the authentic virus in size, appearance, composition and surface epitopes, as determined by SDS-PAGE, Western blot, transmission electron microscopy and immunogold labeling. CONCLUSION: Our data, for the first time, suggest that in insect cells EV71 structural proteins adopt a processing and assembly pathway similar to poliovirus assembly. The preservation of particle morphology and composition suggest that the VLP may be a valuable vaccine candidate to prevent EV71 epidemics. 展开更多
关键词 Enterovirus 71 Virus-like particle VLP VACCINE BACULOVIRUS Insect cell
Expression and purification of the complete PreS region of hepatitis B Virus 被引量:8
作者 QiangDeng Yu-YingKong You-HuaXie YuanWang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第20期3060-3064,共5页
AIM: To express the complete PreS region of HBV in E.coli with good solubility and stability, and to establish an effective method for purification of the recombinant PreS protein. METHODS: The complete PreS region (P... AIM: To express the complete PreS region of HBV in E.coli with good solubility and stability, and to establish an effective method for purification of the recombinant PreS protein. METHODS: The complete PreS region (PreS1 and PreS2) was fused into a series of tags including glutathione S-transferase (GST), dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), maltose binding protein (MBP), 6× histidine, chitin binding domain (CBD), and thioredoxin, respectively. Expression of recombinant PreS fusion proteins was examined by SDS-PAGE analysis and confirmed by Western blot. Two fusion proteins, thio-PreS, and PreS-CBD, with desirable solubility and stability, were subjected to affinity purification and further characterization. RESULTS: Recombinant PreS fusion proteins could be synthesized with good yields in E.coli. However, most of these proteins except for thio-PreS and PreS-CBD were vulnerable to degradation or insoluble as revealed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. Thio-PreS could be purified by affinity chromatography with nickel-chelating sepharose as the matrix. However, some impurities were also co-purified. A simple freeze-thaw treatment yielded most of the thio-PreS proteins in solution while the impurities were in the precipitate. Purified thio-PreS protein was capable of inhibiting the binding of HBV virion to a specific monoclonal antibody against an epitope within the PreS1 domain. CONCLUSION: Increased solubility and stability of the complete PreS region synthesized in E.coli can be achieved by fusion with the thioredoxin or the CBD tag. A simple yet highly effective method has been established for the purification of the thio-PreS protein. Purified thio-PreS protein likely assumes a native conformation, which makes it an ideal candidate for studying the structure of the PreS region as well as for screening antivirals. 展开更多
Mathematical Simulation of Blood Purification for Leukemia by Immobilized L-asparaginase
作者 金浩 方波 +2 位作者 江体乾 王铎林 周仕江 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第1期105-109,共5页
Plasma was purified in an immobilized L-asparaginase column. The predicted results are in good agreement with experimental data. It is indicated that the mathematical model is suitable for the mass transfer and react... Plasma was purified in an immobilized L-asparaginase column. The predicted results are in good agreement with experimental data. It is indicated that the mathematical model is suitable for the mass transfer and reaction of blood purification. 展开更多
关键词 BIOSEPARATION blood purification immobilized enzyme L-ASPARAGINASE
Production of human intestinal trefoil factor in Pichia pastoris
作者 孙勇 彭曦 +2 位作者 吕尚军 张勇 汪仕良 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2006年第4期203-208,共6页
Objective:To construct a Pichia pastoris (P. pastoris) expression vector of human intestinal trefoil factor (hITF) and study its expression and purification procedures. Methods:hITF gene encoding mature peptide ... Objective:To construct a Pichia pastoris (P. pastoris) expression vector of human intestinal trefoil factor (hITF) and study its expression and purification procedures. Methods:hITF gene encoding mature peptide was modified with a polybistidine tag sequence at the N-terminal, and then inserted into the P. pastoris expression vector pGAPZaA at the downstream of the s-mating factor signal. After gene sequencing, the recombinant pGAPZaA-hITF was transformed into the P. pastoris strain X-33 with lithium chloride, rhITF was induced to constitutively express in shake flask, and then analyzed with Tricine SDS-PAGEand Western blotting. The obtained rhITF was isolated from the cultured supernatants by ammonium sulfate precipitation, Ni-NTA affinity chromatography, and ultrafiltration. Results:The correctness and integrity of rhITF were identified by restriction digestion and gene sequencing, rhITF was successfully expressed to 50 mg/L as a secretive protein. After purification, the purity was above 95%. Tricine SDS-PAGE and Western-blot analysis showed that rhITF presented as a single band with a molecular weight of 10 kDa, a little larger than 7 879 Da as assayed by mass spectrometry analysis. Conclusion: hITF P. pastoris expression vector is successfully constructed and rhITF is expressed in P. pastoris at commercially relevant level. This research lays foundation for the further functional studying of hITF. 展开更多
关键词 intestinal trefoil factor Pichia pastoris secretory expression PURIFICATION
Purification and application of C-terminally truncated hepatitis C virus El proteins expressed in Escherichia coli
作者 JingLiu Li-XinZhu Yu-YingKong Guang-DiLi YuanWang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期503-507,共5页
AIM: To explore the possibility of expressing hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope protein 1 (E1) in Escherichia coli(E, coli) and to test the purified recombinant E1 proteins for clinical and research applications. METHO... AIM: To explore the possibility of expressing hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope protein 1 (E1) in Escherichia coli(E, coli) and to test the purified recombinant E1 proteins for clinical and research applications. METHODS: C-terminally truncated E1 fragments were expressed in E, coli as hexa-histidine-tagged fusion proteins. The expression products were purified under denaturing conditions using immobilized-metal affinity chrbmatography. Purified E1 proteins were used to immunize rabbits. Rabbit anti-sera thus obtained were reacted with both E. coli- and mammalian cell-expressed E1 glycoproteins as detected by Western blot. RESULTS: Full-length E1 protein proved difficult to express in E. coli, C-terminally truncated E1 was successfully expressed in E. coli as hexa-histidine-tagged recombinant fusion protein and was purified under denaturing conditions on Ni2+-NTA agarose. Rabbit anti-sera raised against purified recombinant E1 specifically reacted with mammalian cell-expressed E1 giycoproteins in Western blot. Furthermore, E. coli-derived E1 protein was able to detect animal antibodies elicited by E1-based DNA immunization. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that the prokaryotically expressed E1 proteins share identical epitopes with eukaryotically expressed E1 glycoprotein. The E coli-derived E1 proteins and corresponding antisera can become useful tools in anti-HCV vaccine research. 展开更多
关键词 HCV envelope protein 1 Recombinant Fusion Proteins Escherichia coli
Bacteriophage Morphological Characterization by Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
作者 Giuseppe Aprea Anna Rita D'Angelo Vincenza Annunziata Prencipe Giacomo Migliorati 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第5期214-220,共7页
Bacteriophages or more commonly "phages" are bacterial viruses. They are ubiquitous and good indicators of bacterial contaminations since their prevalence is high in those environments where their hosts are abundant... Bacteriophages or more commonly "phages" are bacterial viruses. They are ubiquitous and good indicators of bacterial contaminations since their prevalence is high in those environments where their hosts are abundant. Phage classification is based on morphology and for this reason, even though it is considered an old technique, TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) still plays a key role in their characterization. In the present work, the authors focused on TEM analysis of phage ФApr-1 isolated against Lactococcuslactis (L. lactis), implicated in industrial fermentations and of phage ФIZSAM-1, active against Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes), isolated from the environment. For observation with TEM (EM 900T-Zeiss), phages were harvested in liquid media and were negative stained with fosfotungstic acid 2‰. An accurate viral ultrastructure analysis by using TEM is fundamental not only in the first approach of characterization of newly isolated phages but also for providing useful information to go further to the selection process as potential bio-decontaminants. 展开更多
关键词 BACTERIOPHAGES BACTERIA bio-decontaminants MORPHOLOGY PATHOGENS TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy).
Canagliflozin,an inhibitor of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2,advances in the treatment of type 2 diabetes 被引量:1
作者 Ying Fu Simo Liu +1 位作者 Yan Ma Nannan Wu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2022年第8期569-588,共20页
Canagliflozin(CANA)is a sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor.One of the important mechanisms of CANA is the inhibitory effect on the glucose uptake in the proximal tubule of the nephron,and the other mechanism ca... Canagliflozin(CANA)is a sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor.One of the important mechanisms of CANA is the inhibitory effect on the glucose uptake in the proximal tubule of the nephron,and the other mechanism can be the reduction of inflammatory cytokine expression monocytes and macrophages.It is proved by FDA for the management of type 2 diabetes.In the present work,we summarized the publication and clinical evidence of the CANA on healthy individuals and those with related metabolic diseases,such as type 1 and 2 diabetes,obesity,or cardiovascular and kidney diseases.This drug has been reported to offer potential advantages in regulating body weight and reducing heart failure,hypoglycemia,and stroke risk in patients with type 2 diabetes.Some in vitro and animal experiments also show that this drug has good effects on cancer treatment.However,some case reports and experiments also show the side effect of CANA,such as amputation,fracture,and pancreatitis,while the mechanism is still unknown.Overall,CANA has a good effect on the management of type 2 diabetes by reducing the risk of kidney failure,cardiovascular diseases,and stroke.However,as a new drug,more clinical trials and experiments of CANA should be carried out in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors Canagliflozin Diabetes mellitus
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