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宋濂的阐述性理之作──《龙门子凝道记》、《诸子辨》辨证 被引量:4
作者 黄灵庚 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期132-137,160,共6页
宋濂《龙门子凝道记》不是讲论道家之作,与老、庄之学了不相涉,而是阐发儒家心理之学、讲究修身养性、承传南宋金华学脉的代表之作。《诸子辨》之旨,在于辨析秦汉诸子的是非问题,是属于辟邪扶正的论道之作,而非考证诸子之书的真伪。这... 宋濂《龙门子凝道记》不是讲论道家之作,与老、庄之学了不相涉,而是阐发儒家心理之学、讲究修身养性、承传南宋金华学脉的代表之作。《诸子辨》之旨,在于辨析秦汉诸子的是非问题,是属于辟邪扶正的论道之作,而非考证诸子之书的真伪。这二种书比较完整地体现了宋濂的儒学精神。 展开更多
关键词 潜溪之学 凝道 辨析 金华学脉
作者 李敬峰 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第1期31-38,共8页
刘绍攽不仅是清代朱子学领袖李光地的再传弟子,亦是乾嘉时期汉学日炽、宋学渐微之时为数不多的以朱子学自居的学者之一。他倾心撰述的《四书凝道录》以抉发朱注本旨和重塑朱子权威为诉求,以扩俗学之拘墟,辟杂统之糟粕,校汉宋之得失为进... 刘绍攽不仅是清代朱子学领袖李光地的再传弟子,亦是乾嘉时期汉学日炽、宋学渐微之时为数不多的以朱子学自居的学者之一。他倾心撰述的《四书凝道录》以抉发朱注本旨和重塑朱子权威为诉求,以扩俗学之拘墟,辟杂统之糟粕,校汉宋之得失为进路,呈现出推阐朱注、折中百家、批判阳明和不废训诂的学术特质,相应地涵具丰富而典范的学术史意义:一是挺立和维系朱子学的权威,延缓宋学的衰落速度;二是以个案的形式昭示着张载关学并非铁板一块的不重训诂,提醒我们注意普遍之下的个别;三是见证和助推清代中叶四书学研究向“义理纯粹、考证精密、内容切实”转变。 展开更多
关键词 乾嘉时期 刘绍攽 《四书凝道录》 朱子学 汉学
作者 王路正 李晓敏 《西部学刊》 2019年第6期37-40,共4页
《龙门子凝道记》是宋濂仕明前的重要作品,这部书集中反映了宋濂在元代末期的政治、学术思想,更因其所处特殊的创作时段而成为了窥探宋氏"由隐转仕"的重要史料。作为隐居山林时的愤世之作,《龙门子凝道记》包含了宋濂对于所... 《龙门子凝道记》是宋濂仕明前的重要作品,这部书集中反映了宋濂在元代末期的政治、学术思想,更因其所处特殊的创作时段而成为了窥探宋氏"由隐转仕"的重要史料。作为隐居山林时的愤世之作,《龙门子凝道记》包含了宋濂对于所处时代的深刻认识,寄寓着他的人格理想与胸怀抱负,体现着他心忧天下百姓,立志要做救万民于水火之中的"禹稷"的用世心态。 展开更多
关键词 宋濂 《龙门子凝道记》 用世心态
作者 邱少平 苏吉星 《实用医技杂志》 2002年第2期113-113,共1页
关键词 血液学检测 临床评价 西班牙 四通分析仪
探寻师道走向 确立师德坐标 被引量:2
作者 谈儒强 《合肥师范学院学报》 2011年第5期113-116,124,共5页
尊师重道、师道尊严是中国的文化教育传统。尊严的师道主要表现为"学高"和"身正",要求教师"德才兼备,以德为首"。无"道"即无"德",没有"师道"就没有"师德"。中... 尊师重道、师道尊严是中国的文化教育传统。尊严的师道主要表现为"学高"和"身正",要求教师"德才兼备,以德为首"。无"道"即无"德",没有"师道"就没有"师德"。中国古代师道传统为我们提供的凝道成德的理想坐标和参照系统。师德的形成是一种将社会对教师职业道德规定由外在于个体的文化特质转化为内在于主体的获得性品质的过程,即"凝道成德"的过程。有德之师将会出于理智上的自觉和意志上的自愿遵循为师的当然之则。 展开更多
关键词 师德 师德坐标 凝道成德
作者 闵仕君 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第6期27-32,共6页
冯先生的智慧说立足现实人生,以实践为锲入口,主张在对世界和自身双向改造的现实活动中凝道成性和显性弘道,以此求得对性与天道的悟解和自由(自由王国和自由德性)的实现。这一即现实而求超越的进路为终极关怀的探究提供了一个现实... 冯先生的智慧说立足现实人生,以实践为锲入口,主张在对世界和自身双向改造的现实活动中凝道成性和显性弘道,以此求得对性与天道的悟解和自由(自由王国和自由德性)的实现。这一即现实而求超越的进路为终极关怀的探究提供了一个现实性向度。本文从智慧、社会和个体三个维度对冯先生的“终极关怀”进行了梳理和探究。 展开更多
关键词 终极关怀 性与天 自由王国 自由德性 凝道成性 显性弘
作者 邹勇 张苗根 赵宗武 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期67-68,共2页
针对常用手工取浇道凝料的点浇口注射模,如果型腔板上的主流道杯较深长,则会出现取浇道凝料较困难的问题。一般设计人员总是希望把型腔底部的厚度变薄,从而使主流道杯变浅,利于手工取浇道凝料。但这样又会引起型腔底部的强度降低。给出... 针对常用手工取浇道凝料的点浇口注射模,如果型腔板上的主流道杯较深长,则会出现取浇道凝料较困难的问题。一般设计人员总是希望把型腔底部的厚度变薄,从而使主流道杯变浅,利于手工取浇道凝料。但这样又会引起型腔底部的强度降低。给出了一种改进结构,它有效地解决了手工取浇道凝料的困难;在保证型腔底部强度的前提下,一定程度上降低了点浇口的加工难度。这种改进结构对于注射成型某些结构形式的注塑件很有用处。 展开更多
关键词 注射模 点浇口 型腔底部 改进结构
Endoscopic ablation of Barrett's esophagus using high power setting argon plasma coagulation: A prospective study 被引量:14
作者 Corrado Pedrazzani Filippo Catalano +5 位作者 Mara Festini Germana Zerman Anna Tomezzoli Andrea Ruzzenente Alfredo Guglielmi Giovanni de Manzoni 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第12期1872-1875,共4页
AIM: This prospective study evaluated the effectiveness of 90 W argon plasma coagulation (APC) for the ablation of Barrett's esophagus (BE) that is considered to be the main risk factor for the development of esop... AIM: This prospective study evaluated the effectiveness of 90 W argon plasma coagulation (APC) for the ablation of Barrett's esophagus (BE) that is considered to be the main risk factor for the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma.METHODS: The results from 25 patients, observed at the First Department of General Surgery, University of Verona, Italy, from October 2000 to October 2003, who underwent APC for histologically proven BE were prospectively analyzed.RESULTS: The ablation treatment was completed in all the patients but one (96%). The mean number of APC sessions needed to complete ablation was 1.6 (total number: 40). The eradication was obtained in the majority of cases by one session only (60%), two sessions were required in 24% of the cases and three or more in 16%.About 43% of the sessions were complicated. Retrosternal pain (22.5%) and fever (17.5%) were the most frequent symptoms. Only one major complication occurred, it was an hemorrhage due to ulcer formation on the treated esophagus that required urgent endoscopic sclerosis and admission. The follow-up was accomplished in all the patients with a mean period of 26.3 mo and 20 patients (84%) with a follow-up period longer than 24 mo. Only one patient showed a relapse of metaplastic mucosa 12 mo after the completion of ablation. The patient was hence re-treated and now is free from recurrence 33 mo later.CONCLUSION: High power setting (90 W) APC showed to be safe and effective. The effects persist at a mean follow-up period of two years with a comparable cost in term of complications with respect to standard power settings. Further studies with greater number of patients are required to confirm these results and to assess if ablation reduces the incidence of malignant progression. 展开更多
关键词 Barrett's esophagus Argon plasma coagulation Endoscopic treatment
山西晋城紫金山大云院考古调查 被引量:4
作者 安建峰 《文物春秋》 2016年第3期24-35,共12页
紫金山大云院位于山西省晋城市泽州县柳树口镇东中村紫金山山坳之中,创建于五代后唐时期,第三次全国不可移动文物普查工作中被发现。现原有建筑均已被毁,但留存不少碑刻资料。文章通过对大云院现存建筑遗存、碑刻资料的梳理,对大云院的... 紫金山大云院位于山西省晋城市泽州县柳树口镇东中村紫金山山坳之中,创建于五代后唐时期,第三次全国不可移动文物普查工作中被发现。现原有建筑均已被毁,但留存不少碑刻资料。文章通过对大云院现存建筑遗存、碑刻资料的梳理,对大云院的发展历史和重要文物的历史价值进行了发掘。 展开更多
关键词 山西晋城 紫金山大云院 石刻 禅师
Factors relating to the short term effectiveness of percutaneous biliary drainage for hilar cholangiocarcinoma 被引量:4
作者 Hong-Ming Tsai Chiao-Hsiung Chuang +1 位作者 Xi-Zhang Lin Chiung-Yu Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第41期5206-5210,共5页
AIM: To identify factors that were related to the short term effectiveness of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in cholangiocarcinoma patients and to evaluate the impact of palliative drainage on their surviv... AIM: To identify factors that were related to the short term effectiveness of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in cholangiocarcinoma patients and to evaluate the impact of palliative drainage on their survival. METHODS: Seventy-four patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma who underwent percutaneous biliary drainage were enrolled in the study. The demographic and laboratory data as well as the imaging characteristics were retrospectively analyzed to correlate with the bile output and reduction rate of serum bilirubin 1 wk after drainage.RESULTS: Patients with more bile duct visualized on percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography or absence of multiple liver metastases on imaging studies had more bile output after biliary drainage [odds ratio (OR): 8.471, P = 0.010 and OR: 1.959, P = 0.022, respectively]. Patients with prolonged prothrombin time had a slow decrease in serum bilirubin (OR: 0.437, P = 0.005). The median survival time was not signif icantly different in patients with low or high bile output (75 d vs 125 d, P = 0.573) or in patients with slow or rapid reduction of serum bilirubin (88 d vs 94 d, P = 0.576). CONCLUSION: The short term effectiveness of percutaneous biliary drainage was related to patient's prothrombin time or the extent of tumor involvement. It, however, had no impact on survival. 展开更多
关键词 CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA Percutaneous biliary drainage Treatment effectiveness
Application of steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete to a deep tunnel in weak rocks 被引量:3
作者 周宏伟 彭瑞东 +3 位作者 李振东 董正亮 陈文伟 王健 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期49-54,共6页
Based on an engineering background of a deep tunneling in weak rocks, the numerical modeling is used to compare different support schemes of tunnel at great depth in this paper. Focused on the general behaviors of wea... Based on an engineering background of a deep tunneling in weak rocks, the numerical modeling is used to compare different support schemes of tunnel at great depth in this paper. Focused on the general behaviors of weak rocks at great depth, a tunneling scheme with rock bolting and steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete is proposed. This scheme is practiced successfully at a deep tunnel in weak rocks in Coal Mine No 10 of Hebi Coal Mining Administration. 展开更多
关键词 steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete deep tunnel weak rock
The Ceneri Base Tunnel" Construction Experience with the Southern Portion of the Flat Railway Line Crossing the Swiss Alps 被引量:11
作者 Davide Merlini Daniele Stocker +1 位作者 Matteo Falanesca Roberto Schuerch 《Engineering》 2018年第2期71-84,共14页
This paper summarizes the experience that was gained during the construction of the 15.4 km long Ceneri Base Tunnel (CBT), which is the southern part of the fiat railway line crossing the Swiss Alps from north to so... This paper summarizes the experience that was gained during the construction of the 15.4 km long Ceneri Base Tunnel (CBT), which is the southern part of the fiat railway line crossing the Swiss Alps from north to south. The project consisted of a twin tube with a diameter of 9 m interconnected by cross- passages, each 325 m long. In the middle of the alignment and at its southern end, large caverns were excavated for logistical and operational requirements. The total excavation length amounted to approx- imately 40 km. The tunnel crossed Alpine rock formations comprising a variety of rock typologies and several fault zones. The maximum overburden amounted to 850 m. The excavation of the main tunnels and of the cross-passages was executed by means of drill-and-blast (D&B) excavation. The support con- sisted of bolts, meshes, fiber-reinforced shotcrete and, when required, steel ribs. A gripper tunnel boring machine (TBM) was used in order to excavate the access tunnel. The high overburden caused squeezing rock conditions, which are characterized by large anisotropic convergences when crossing weaker rock formations. The latter required the installation of a deformable support. At the north portal, the tunnel (with an enlarged cross-section) passed underneath the A2 Swiss highway (the major road axis connect- ing the north and south of Switzerland) at a small overburden and through soft ground. Vertical and sub- horizontal jet grouting in combination with partial-face excavation was successfully implemented in order to limit the surface settlements. The south portal was located in a dense urban area. The excavation from the south portal included an approximately 220 m long cut-and-cover tunnel, followed by about 300 m of D&B excavation in a bad rock formation. The very low overburden, poor rock quality, and demanding crossing with an existing road tunnel (at a vertical distance of only 4 m) required special excavation methods through reduced sectors and special blasting techniques in order to limit the blast-induced vibrations. The application of a comprehensive risk management procedure, the execution of an intensive surface survey, and the adaptability of the tunnel design to the encountered geological conditions allowed the successful completion of the excavation works. 展开更多
关键词 Deep and long tunnel Difficult ground conditions Support design Risk management Tunnel monitoring Large cavernsLow overburdenOverpass tunnel Numerical analysis Excavation in urban area
Wall Sticking of High Water-Cut, Highly Viscous and High Gel-Point Crude Oil Transported at Low Temperatures 被引量:21
作者 Zheng Haimin Huang Qiyu +1 位作者 Wang Changhui Wang Xi 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第4期20-29,共10页
Some crude oils with high water cut have the capability to flow below the oil gel point, while the oil particles adhere to the pipe wall in the form of paste, also called "wall sticking". Wall sticking is a ... Some crude oils with high water cut have the capability to flow below the oil gel point, while the oil particles adhere to the pipe wall in the form of paste, also called "wall sticking". Wall sticking is a serious problem during the pipeline transportation, leading to partial or total blockage of the pipeline and energy wastage. In this paper, a series of laboratory flow loop experiments were conducted to observe the wall sticking characteristics of crude oil with high water cut, high viscosity and high gel point at low transportation temperatures. The effects of shear stress and water cut on the wall sticking rate and occurrence temperature were investigated. Experimental results indicated that the wall sticking rate and occurrence temperature were lower under stronger shear stress and higher water cut conditions. A criterion of wall sticking occurrence temperature(WSOT) and a regression model of wall sticking rate were then established. Finally, the software was developed to calculate the pressure drop along the pipelines of crude oils with high water-cut. It was able to predict the wall sticking thickness of gelled oil and then calculate the pressure drop along the pipelines. A typical case study indicated that the prediction results obtained from the software were in agreement with actual measured values. 展开更多
关键词 wall sticking high viscosity high water cut flow loop regression model
Determination of rational support parameters of bolting and shotcreting with wire mesh in soft roadway 被引量:1
作者 刘社育 马念杰 刘少伟 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第2期20-23,共4页
Based on a great number of measured data, the author put forward zonal com-pressive and tensile deformation mechanism of soft rock around roadway. By using self-supporting capacity of compressive zone and controlling ... Based on a great number of measured data, the author put forward zonal com-pressive and tensile deformation mechanism of soft rock around roadway. By using self-supporting capacity of compressive zone and controlling rock deformation of tensile zone, the long bolt or short bolt group supporting form was given for different size of rock compressive zone and tensile zone. Finally, studied on the determining method of rational support parameters of bolting and shotcreting with wire mesh in different support technol-ogy. 展开更多
关键词 soft rock roadway zonal compressive tensile deformation
Microbiologically Induced Corrosion of Concrete and Protective Coatings in Gravity Sewers 被引量:2
作者 Marjorie Valix Diyana Zamri +3 位作者 Hiro Mineyama Wai Hung Cheung Jeffrey Shi Heri Bustamante 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期433-438,共6页
Microbiologically induced corrosion of concrete (MICC) and its protective coatings has a high eco-nomic impact on sewer maintenance and rehabilitation. A better understanding of the micro-organisms and the bio- geni... Microbiologically induced corrosion of concrete (MICC) and its protective coatings has a high eco-nomic impact on sewer maintenance and rehabilitation. A better understanding of the micro-organisms and the bio- genie acids that are generated in the sewer is essential in controlling the corrosion of concrete pipes and protective coatings. The role of succession of micro-organisms growth in the corrosion of concrete and protective coatings was evaluated in this study. Examination of various sewer pipe materials exhibiting various extents of degradation, including concrete, cement based and epoxy based coating revealed the presence of both organic and biogenic sulphuric acids. This reflects the activity of fungi and the thiobacilli strains. Organism growth and metabolism were strongly related to the substrate pH. Fungi were found to grow and metabolise organic acids at pH from 2.0-8.0. Whilst the thiobacilli strains grew and generated sulohuric acids at oH below 3.0. The successive growth of the organisms provides an impgrtant bearing in deyeloping improved strateegies.to better manage sewers. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE microbiologically induced corrosion FUNGI BACTERIA
Modeling of Normal Perforation of Reinforced Concrete Slabs by a Rigid Projectile 被引量:5
作者 CHEN Xiaowei LI Xiaoli 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期107-111,共5页
An analytical model on the normal perforation of reinforced concrete slabs is constructed. The effect of reinforcing bars is further hybridized in a general three-stage model consisting of initial cratering, tunnellin... An analytical model on the normal perforation of reinforced concrete slabs is constructed. The effect of reinforcing bars is further hybridized in a general three-stage model consisting of initial cratering, tunnelling and shear plugging. Besides three dimensionless numbers, i. e., the impact function I, the geometry function of projectile N and the dimensionless thickness of concrete target X, which are employed to predict the ballistic performance of perforation of concrete slabs, the reinforcement ratio Ps of concrete and the tensile strength fs of reinforcing bars are considered as the other main factors influencing the perforation process. Simpler solutions of ballistic performances of normal perforation of reinforced concrete slabs are formulated. Theoretical predictions agree well with individual published experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 normal perforation ballistic limit reinforced concrete rigid projectile impact
Haemostatic system in inflammatory bowel diseases:New players in gut inflammation 被引量:18
作者 Franco Scaldaferri Stefano Lancellotti +1 位作者 Marco Pizzoferrato Raimondo De Cristofaro 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期594-608,共15页
Inflammation and coagulation constantly influence each other and are constantly in balance.Emerging evidence supports this statement in acute inflammatory diseases,such as sepsis,but it also seems to be very important... Inflammation and coagulation constantly influence each other and are constantly in balance.Emerging evidence supports this statement in acute inflammatory diseases,such as sepsis,but it also seems to be very important in chronic inflammatory settings,such as inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).Patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have an increased risk of thromboembolic events,and several abnormalities concerning coagulation components occur in the endothelial cells of intestinal vessels,where most severe inflammatory abnormalities occur.The aims of this review are to update and classify the type of coagulation system abnormalities in IBD,and analyze the strict and delicate balance between coagulation and inflammation at the mucosal level.Recent studies on possible therapeutic applications arising from investigations on coagulation abnormalities associated with IBD pathogenesis will also be briefly presented and critically reviewed. 展开更多
关键词 Activated protein C COAGULATION Crohn'sdisease INFLAMMATION Inflammatory bowel disease PLATELETS Ulcerative colitis
Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients on long-term oral anticoagulation therapy: Endoscopic findings, clinical management and outcome 被引量:5
作者 Konstantinos C Thomopoulos Konstantinos P Mimidis +3 位作者 George J Theocharis Anthie G Gatopoulou Georgios N Kartalis Vassiliki N Nikolopoulou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第9期1365-1368,共4页
AIM: Acute gastrointestinal bleeding is a severe complication in patients receiving long-term oral anticoagulant therapy. The purpose of this study was to describe the causes and clinical outcome of these patients. ME... AIM: Acute gastrointestinal bleeding is a severe complication in patients receiving long-term oral anticoagulant therapy. The purpose of this study was to describe the causes and clinical outcome of these patients. METHODS: From January 1999 to October 2003, 111 patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (AUGIB) were hospitalized while on oral anticoagulants. The causes and clinical outcome of these patients were compared with those of 604 patients hospitalized during 2000-2001 with AUGIB who were not taking warfarin. RESULTS: The most common cause of bleeding was peptic ulcer in 51 patients (45%) receiving anticoagulants compared to 359/604 (59.4%) patients not receiving warfarin (P<0.05). No identifiable source of bleeding could be found in 33 patients (29.7%) compared to 31/604 (5.1%) patients not receiving anticoagulants (P=0.0001). The majority of patients with concurrent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (26/35, 74.3%) had a peptic ulcer as a cause of bleeding while 32/76 (40.8%) patients not taking a great dose of NSAIDs had a negative upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy. Endoscopic hemostasis was applied and no complication was reported. Six patients (5.4%) were operated due to continuing or recurrent hemorrhage, compared to 23/604 (3.8%) patients not receiving anticoagulants. Four patients died, the overall mortality was 3.6% in patients with AUGIB due to anticoagulants, which was not different from that in patients not receiving anticoagulant therapy. CONCLUSION: Patients with AUGIB while on long-term anticoagulant therapy had a clinical outcome, which is not different from that of patients not taking anticoagulants. Early endoscopy is important for the management of these patients and endoscopic hemostasis can be safely applied. 展开更多
关键词 AUGIB Anticoagulant therapy ENDOSCOPY
Deterioration of concrete in railway tunnel suffering from sulfate attack 被引量:10
作者 龙广成 谢友均 +1 位作者 邓德华 李小坤 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期881-888,共8页
For the sake of understanding the deterioration behavior of concrete in actual railway tunnel structures subjected to aggressive sulfate medium in practice,detailed field investigations and tested analysis on sprayed ... For the sake of understanding the deterioration behavior of concrete in actual railway tunnel structures subjected to aggressive sulfate medium in practice,detailed field investigations and tested analysis on sprayed concrete linings of approximately 40-year-old railway tunnels in environments containing sulfate ion were carried out,respectively.The results show that the deterioration of concretes in the investigated area is serious,which involves complicated physicochemical process between the sulfate salt and concrete.Among them,the secondary sulfateminerals such as gypsum formation under very high concentration sulfate ion condition by accumulating and evaporation process dominate,followed by the crystallization of sulfate salt and formation of thaumasite. 展开更多
关键词 sulfate attack CONCRETE railway tunnel secondary sulfate minerals salt crystallization
Quantum Tunneling of a Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate in Optical Lattice 被引量:1
作者 YU Zhao-Xian JIAO Zhi-Yong WANG Ji-Suo 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期123-125,共3页
We study quantum tunneling of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in optical lattice when the spin system initially is prepared in a squeezed coherent state. It is found that there exists quantum tunneling between latt... We study quantum tunneling of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in optical lattice when the spin system initially is prepared in a squeezed coherent state. It is found that there exists quantum tunneling between lattices l and l + 1, l and l - 1, respectively. In particular, when the optical lattice is infinitely long and the spin excitations are in the long-wavelength limit, quantum tunneling disappears between lattices l and l + 1, and that l and l - 1. Correspondingly, the magnetic soliton appears. 展开更多
关键词 dipolar Bose Einstein condensate quantum tunneling
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