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作者 张守银 苗杰光 +1 位作者 付石友 蔡辉剑 《激光杂志》 北大核心 2016年第9期14-18,共5页
首先,从激光器凹形反射镜有源稳定共焦腔具有束腰半径而非圆柱形激光束,由此考虑到:激光器谐振腔中光束为且有包括束腰细处呈现双曲线形而非圆柱形是与谐振腔中反射境为凹镜有关的,进而考察有关实验数据,即从(二氧化碳激光器与氖氦激光... 首先,从激光器凹形反射镜有源稳定共焦腔具有束腰半径而非圆柱形激光束,由此考虑到:激光器谐振腔中光束为且有包括束腰细处呈现双曲线形而非圆柱形是与谐振腔中反射境为凹镜有关的,进而考察有关实验数据,即从(二氧化碳激光器与氖氦激光器)束腰半径与反射镜半径之间的关系这两个特例进行考察,用激光器谐振腔中光线往返传播矩阵计算出谐振腔中心点O往外至反射镜半径之半处O_1到两反射镜边缘连线A^1O_1A为光线近似为零区,而AO_1A'BC'O_(11)CB'A为光线密集区,据对称性可知轴的另一侧的光线密集区的位置。考察结果是:不仅二氧化碳激光器、氖氦激光器,而且一般的共焦腔凹形反射镜激光器的基模束腰半径W_(os)小于OO_1,即Wos小于反射镜半径的一半是一个普遍规律.然后,解释了束腰半径Wos小于反射镜半径一半a/2的原因,最后,解释了《激光原理》中的共焦腔模的场为什么主要集中在反射镜面中心附近很小的区域的原因。 展开更多
关键词 激光光学 激光束腰 束腰半径 几何束腰半径 光线密集区 光线近似为零区 光子纠缠态 光束体积变小性
作者 王猗 高玉斌 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 北大核心 2021年第9期227-231,共5页
设G是一个n阶无向图,顶点集为V(G)={v1,v2,…,vn},di为顶点vi的度,i=1,2,…,n。图G的n阶算术-几何邻接矩阵Aag(G)是n阶方阵,其中当顶点vi与vj邻接时,它的(i,j)元素为di+dj2didj;否则为0。图G的算术-几何谱半径定义为矩阵Aag(G)的最大特... 设G是一个n阶无向图,顶点集为V(G)={v1,v2,…,vn},di为顶点vi的度,i=1,2,…,n。图G的n阶算术-几何邻接矩阵Aag(G)是n阶方阵,其中当顶点vi与vj邻接时,它的(i,j)元素为di+dj2didj;否则为0。图G的算术-几何谱半径定义为矩阵Aag(G)的最大特征值,图G的算术-几何能量定义为矩阵Aag(G)的所有特征值的绝对值之和。利用一些已知的不等式及图的最大度、最小度以及一些拓扑指数得到了图的算术-几何谱半径和算术-几何能量的一些新的上下界。 展开更多
关键词 图论 算术-几何邻接矩阵 算术-几何半径 算术-几何能量
流体力学半径对估算胶体微球聚集速率常数的影响 被引量:2
作者 杜嬛 徐升华 +1 位作者 孙祉伟 阿燕 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2807-2812,共6页
胶体粒子聚集速率常数实验值远低于理论值一直是被普遍关注的问题.聚集速率常数的理论推导是基于粒子的几何半径来考虑的,但决定粒子扩散速率及聚集速率的应该是粒子的流体力学半径(大于几何半径),因而它是使聚集速率常数实验值低于理... 胶体粒子聚集速率常数实验值远低于理论值一直是被普遍关注的问题.聚集速率常数的理论推导是基于粒子的几何半径来考虑的,但决定粒子扩散速率及聚集速率的应该是粒子的流体力学半径(大于几何半径),因而它是使聚集速率常数实验值低于理论值的因素之一.影响流体力学半径的因素很多,其中,带电粒子在溶液中因表面存在双电层,会明显增大流体力学半径,造成聚集速率减慢.而双电层的厚度又随溶液中离子强度的不同而改变.本工作在聚集速率的公式中引入了修正因子,即几何半径与其流体力学半径之比,以修正由于用几何半径代替流体力学半径带来的误差.其中几何半径和流体力学半径可以分别用扫描电镜(SEM)和动态光散射(DLS)来测定.以两种粒径的聚苯乙烯带电微球为例,考察了在不同离子强度下,该误差的大小.结果发现,对于半径为30 nm的微球,用流体力学半径计算的慢聚集速率常数比理论值偏低约8%.该误差随离子强度增加而减少.对于快聚集情况,流体力学半径对聚集速率基本没有影响. 展开更多
关键词 聚苯乙烯微球 离子强度 流体力学半径 几何半径 聚集速率常数
Further Improvement of Klamkin Inequality 被引量:1
作者 张晗方 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第3期55-60,共6页
In this paper, we use a geometric identity in the n-dimensional Euclidean space En and give the further improveme nt of Klamkin inequality in the space En.
Inequalities for inscribed simplexes
作者 YANGShiguo 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第1期86-88,共3页
The problem on the geometrc inequalities involving an n-dimensional simplex and its inscribed simplex is studied. An inequality is established, which reveals that the difference between the squared circumradius of the... The problem on the geometrc inequalities involving an n-dimensional simplex and its inscribed simplex is studied. An inequality is established, which reveals that the difference between the squared circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex and the squared distance between its circumcenter and barycenter times the squared circumradius of its inscribed simplex is not less than the 2(n-1)th power of n times its squared inradius, and is equal to when the simplex is regular and its inscribed siplex is a tangent point one. Deduction from this inequality reaches a generalization of n-dimensional Euler inequality indicating that the circumradius of the simplex is not less than the n-fold inradius. Another inequality is derived to present the relationship between the circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex and the circumradius and inradius of its pedal simplex. 展开更多
Tabooed Universal Characteristic Length and Misled Boiling Heat Transfer Research
作者 Irakli G. Shekriladze 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2015年第5期334-344,共11页
The paper presents the next step within multiyear fruitless efforts of the author to overcome the absurd situation in boiling heat transfer research. The focus is made on the problem of the characteristic length of th... The paper presents the next step within multiyear fruitless efforts of the author to overcome the absurd situation in boiling heat transfer research. The focus is made on the problem of the characteristic length of the process most clearly exhibiting the consequences of half a century ignoring the basic MTD (Model "theater of director"), the UC (Universal correlation) and some other boiling fundamentals. Echoing control of boiling heat transfer by nucleation, the MTD-UC identifies universal characteristic length, the AER (Average effective radius) of nucleation sites, equally workable at the macro- and microscale. Inefficiency of the generally accepted, so called MTA (theater of actors) is particularly pronounced just in the confusion with the characteristic length. Traditional and potential candidates, departure diameter of vapor bubble and transverse internal size of the channel hardly can be adjusted to independence of developed boiling HTC on mass acceleration, subcooling, liquid convection and the heating surface geometry. At the same time, even such a problem has not prevented many authors to develop tens or even hundreds of helpless MTA-based correlations. The ignoring the MTD-UC-AER has also led to the incompleteness of the standard boiling heat transfer experiment, which is usually done without studying nucleation sites (there are available only very few comprehensive experimental works including the data on the AER). The only exception was made for the problem of boiling heat transfer enhancement: over the past decades enhanced boiling surfaces were developed in direct accordance with the principle defined by the MTD-UC (just through the AER). Another thing is that the basic role of the MTD-UC-AER in substantial progress of the relevant R&D activities passed over in silence in the corresponding publications. Enviable unity and coherence of heat transfer community in preventing real scientific debate on the problem is also remarked. 展开更多
关键词 NUCLEATION effective radius characteristic length boiling heat transfer.
作者 柳彦虎 寸立岗 《矿山机械》 北大核心 2014年第7期38-41,共4页
介绍了窄轨工矿机车进行几何曲线通过计算的必要性,分析了影响机车几何曲线通过的主要因素。探讨了机车与曲线线路的几何关系、车体与巷道断面的关系,得出了机车几何曲线通过的计算公式,并以CJY14/6PY型架线式电机车为例进行了验证计算... 介绍了窄轨工矿机车进行几何曲线通过计算的必要性,分析了影响机车几何曲线通过的主要因素。探讨了机车与曲线线路的几何关系、车体与巷道断面的关系,得出了机车几何曲线通过的计算公式,并以CJY14/6PY型架线式电机车为例进行了验证计算。其计算方法对机车设计单位和矿山企业有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 窄轨 工矿机车 几何曲线通过 最小几何曲线半径
1954年以来中国县级行政区划特征演变 被引量:13
作者 赵彪 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期10-17,共8页
基于1954、1985和2015年县级行政区划数据,通过构建GIS空间数据库,采用空间分析等方法,对我国县级行政区划的形态特征进行了研究。结果表明:在政区形态方面,我国基层政区规模在不断扩大,县级政区半径扩张幅度在10km左右范围;县... 基于1954、1985和2015年县级行政区划数据,通过构建GIS空间数据库,采用空间分析等方法,对我国县级行政区划的形态特征进行了研究。结果表明:在政区形态方面,我国基层政区规模在不断扩大,县级政区半径扩张幅度在10km左右范围;县级政区存在着由建国初的县半径〉市辖区半径〉县级市半径逐步转向市辖区半径〉县级市半径,县半径的规律,且西部地区的县级政区规模更大;县级政区半径呈现出明显的由北向南和由东向西逐渐增大的趋势。在政区特征方面,高紧凑度和低紧凑度的县级政区较少,受山脉和河流走势的影响较明显;多数县级政区偏心度较低,行政中心距几何中心较近;北方比南方的县级政区更加不规则,胡焕庸线两侧的县级政区破碎度存在明显差别。 展开更多
关键词 行政区划 县级政区 政区形态与规模 几何半径 紧凑度 胡焕庸线
Geometry-dependent springback behaviors of thin-walled tube upon cold bending 被引量:10
作者 LI Heng YANG He +2 位作者 TIAN YuLi LI GuangJun WANG ZhengHua 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3469-3482,共14页
As one kind of key lightweight components with enormous quantities and diversities, the bent tubular parts have attracted in- creasing applications in aerospace, automobile, etc. Thus, how the inevitable springback be... As one kind of key lightweight components with enormous quantities and diversities, the bent tubular parts have attracted in- creasing applications in aerospace, automobile, etc. Thus, how the inevitable springback behaves under different bending specifications should be fully addressed to efficiently achieve the precision forming of various bent tubes. Taking the medium strength thin-walled 6061-T4 Al-alloy tube as the objective, via the deformation theory of plasticity, explicit/implicit FE method and experimental approaches, we explored and clarified the nonlinear springback rules of the tubes and corresponding mechanisms in universal rotary draw bending regarding angular springback and radius growth by deliberately changing the tube diameter D and wall thickness t. The geometry dependent springback behaviors of thin-walled tube upon cold bending are thus revealed: 1) With the increasing of D, the tangent tensile strain increases and the proportional coefficient decreases, which causes the angular springback to decrease, while the radius springback increases due to the larger bending radius. 2) With the increasing of t, the tangent tensile strain decreases and the proportional coefficient increases, resulting in the increase of both angular springback and radius springback. 3) Under the same D/t, the angular springback varies little, while the radius springback increases with the larger diameter D. 4) The D/t can be used as a reasonable nondimensional index to evaluate the springback angle; as to the radius growth, the individual effects of the D and t should be considered. 5) The verification of the above results was conducted by experiments and analytical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 SPRINGBACK geometry dependence thin-walled tube BENDING aluminum alloy
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