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新媒体分化传播中的主流意识形态话语异化问题研究 被引量:5
作者 刘艳娥 《云梦学刊》 2018年第3期60-65,共6页
新媒体的非线性、草根化、碎片化和泛自由化的传播现实,在带来受众"知沟"与"智沟"分化以及新媒体话语意涵的互动性与解释性差异等问题的同时,导致意识形态话语环境、话语主体、话语受体、叙事方式与表达风格以及沟... 新媒体的非线性、草根化、碎片化和泛自由化的传播现实,在带来受众"知沟"与"智沟"分化以及新媒体话语意涵的互动性与解释性差异等问题的同时,导致意识形态话语环境、话语主体、话语受体、叙事方式与表达风格以及沟通效果等诸多方面的异化,不可避免地使我国主流意识形态话语权面临弱化的风险。借助于新媒体多元化的信息传播平台、工具与渠道,强化主流意识形态话语体系的建构及其对民间舆论场的主导,将成为新时代我国意识形态安全建设的一个重要路径。 展开更多
关键词 新媒体分化传播 意识形态话语 异化
我国当代社会的传播分化 被引量:10
作者 姚君喜 《当代传播》 北大核心 2006年第2期18-22,共5页
随着我国当代社会的发展,社会分化、文化分化不断加剧,传播分化的问题也凸显出来。就我国传播学研究领域而言,传播分化是一个新问题,对其内涵,以及由传播分化所引起的传播冲突、传播失衡等问题,尚需深入的理论分析和探讨。本文对传播分... 随着我国当代社会的发展,社会分化、文化分化不断加剧,传播分化的问题也凸显出来。就我国传播学研究领域而言,传播分化是一个新问题,对其内涵,以及由传播分化所引起的传播冲突、传播失衡等问题,尚需深入的理论分析和探讨。本文对传播分化的基本内涵、传播分化的形态及现实影响等问题进行初步的理论梳理和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 社会分化 传播分化内涵 传播分化形态
我国当代社会的传播分化 被引量:9
作者 姚君喜 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期134-139,共6页
随着我国当代社会的发展,社会分化、文化分化不断加剧。在此基础上,传播分化的问题也凸现出来。就我国传播学研究领域而言,传播分化是一个新问题。研究者虽然不同程度地认识到了大众传播分化的现实,但对传播分化的内涵,以及由传播分化... 随着我国当代社会的发展,社会分化、文化分化不断加剧。在此基础上,传播分化的问题也凸现出来。就我国传播学研究领域而言,传播分化是一个新问题。研究者虽然不同程度地认识到了大众传播分化的现实,但对传播分化的内涵,以及由传播分化所引起的传播冲突、传播失衡等问题,显然没有得到足够的重视,尚需深入的理论分析和探讨。本文对传播分化的基本内涵、传播分化的形态及现实影响等问题进行初步的理论梳理和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 当代社会 传播分化 中国 意识形态 媒介价值
城乡传播分化治理语境下对农广播的发展战略研究 被引量:1
作者 王安中 尹帅平 《东南传播》 2014年第8期81-83,共3页
关键词 社会分化 传播分化 对农广播
建构主义范式下框架分析的创新——基于传播权分化的研究背景 被引量:3
作者 李劭强 《出版发行研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第9期23-28,共6页
在戈夫曼将"框架"一词引入社会互动研究,并赋予理论色彩之后,框架、框架分析在新闻传播学等领域得到广泛应用。但新媒介的日新月异,带来了传播环境的变化,传播权的分化让大众传播回归到需要对情境进行定义的"类人际传播&... 在戈夫曼将"框架"一词引入社会互动研究,并赋予理论色彩之后,框架、框架分析在新闻传播学等领域得到广泛应用。但新媒介的日新月异,带来了传播环境的变化,传播权的分化让大众传播回归到需要对情境进行定义的"类人际传播"状态,也让强调象征互动的建构主义范式成为框架分析的主流选择。并且,框架分析需要在此范式下,作出研究创新:在系统视角下考量框架的"多主体";在互动视角下提供认知的"解释包";在联动视角下实现理论的再整合。 展开更多
关键词 框架分析 传播分化 建构主义范式
媒介鄙视链背后的传播分化研究 被引量:4
作者 谢欣 《新闻传播》 2013年第10期196-196,共1页
关键词 媒介鄙视链 社会阶层分化 传播分化
作者 贾景智 《新闻研究导刊》 2017年第1期44-45,共2页
手机媒介作为移动互联网的体验终端,已经步入发展"快车道",当时尚精美的品牌手机涌入市场时,当丰富多元的手机APP更新用户体验时,我们都不自觉地走进了信息时代的"数字鸿沟",并且亲身参与当今社会的传播分化。本文... 手机媒介作为移动互联网的体验终端,已经步入发展"快车道",当时尚精美的品牌手机涌入市场时,当丰富多元的手机APP更新用户体验时,我们都不自觉地走进了信息时代的"数字鸿沟",并且亲身参与当今社会的传播分化。本文通过对比分析城乡手机媒介使用习惯的差异和数据,基于对陕西省关中地区部分城市和农村人群的调查问卷,尝试对我国手机互联网发展过程中出现的传播分化现象进行研究和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 手机媒介 城乡差异 传播分化 数字鸿沟
我国当代社会的传播失衡 被引量:6
作者 姚君喜 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第3期70-75,共6页
随着社会文化分化的不断加剧,我国当代社会的传播分化问题凸现出来。传播分化引起传播冲突,传播冲突的直接结果是传播的非均衡发展,也就是传播失衡。对于这些问题,传播学理论研究尚未给予充分的关注。本文拟就传播冲突的基本特征、传播... 随着社会文化分化的不断加剧,我国当代社会的传播分化问题凸现出来。传播分化引起传播冲突,传播冲突的直接结果是传播的非均衡发展,也就是传播失衡。对于这些问题,传播学理论研究尚未给予充分的关注。本文拟就传播冲突的基本特征、传播失衡的表现形态,以及传播失衡的负面影响等问题进行理论分析和探讨。本文研究认为,传播失衡的表现形态主要体现在地域层面的传播“倒流效应(backwash effect)”、社会群体层面的传播对立、媒介内部层面的结构失衡以及管理层面的市场力量和国家控制的深层矛盾等方面。 展开更多
关键词 大众传播 传播分化 传播冲突 传播失衡
从分化走向融合:新媒体意识形态建设的共识向度 被引量:1
作者 刘艳娥 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期166-172,共7页
新媒体分化传播潜藏的意识形态风险主要表现在三个方面:一是新媒体工具逻辑驱动下的实用主义带来受众意识形态批判力的弱化;二是新媒体实践逻辑主导下边缘话语的在线民主狂欢对受众秩序认知和正义话语体系的离散;三是新媒体行动逻辑鼓... 新媒体分化传播潜藏的意识形态风险主要表现在三个方面:一是新媒体工具逻辑驱动下的实用主义带来受众意识形态批判力的弱化;二是新媒体实践逻辑主导下边缘话语的在线民主狂欢对受众秩序认知和正义话语体系的离散;三是新媒体行动逻辑鼓噪下的趋利主义对受众意识形态价值取向的异化。其背后隐匿的政治生成线路则相应地表现为以意见的预设进行意识形态话语表征,以消费主义文化的表意实现意识形态信仰暗示,以多元价值的排序营造意识形态的虚拟意见集体。新时代社会主义意识形态建设必须重视对这些分化异化的问题、影响、风险及演化理路的深刻洞察与分析,以凝聚共识为基本向度,着力于意见共享、集体引导和政治身份认同等维度,强化建构新媒体意识形态的共识机制、价值解读机制和文化导向机制。 展开更多
关键词 分化传播 话语异化 群体认知 意识形态共识
作者 姚君喜 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期36-42,51,共8页
随着中国当代社会传播分化的加剧,传播失衡问题随之凸现。对于传播分化与传播失衡,必须通过有效的传播控制途径,以建立完备的社会媒介发展生态,才有利于传播的良性发展。但对于这些问题,传播学理论研究尚未深入,而政府管理部门则过分依... 随着中国当代社会传播分化的加剧,传播失衡问题随之凸现。对于传播分化与传播失衡,必须通过有效的传播控制途径,以建立完备的社会媒介发展生态,才有利于传播的良性发展。但对于这些问题,传播学理论研究尚未深入,而政府管理部门则过分依赖市场调节手段。市场调节手段是否是传播控制行之有效的途径,目前尚未有明确的答案。本文则立足于中国当代社会的传播分化、传播失衡问题的研究,着重就传播控制的基本内涵、传播控制的主要内容、途径等问题进行理论探讨和描述。 展开更多
关键词 当代社会 传播分化 传播控制
作者 孙凯 《杨凌职业技术学院学报》 2008年第4期32-35,共4页
本文试图从传播学的角度,采用与实际言语传播交流相对比的方法来揭示对象感的构造机制,并立图在此过程中反映出其内在本质。本文认为对象感是通过主体的传播主客体角色、即播音员与虚拟对象的建立与设想,根据播音创作中对象的四大特点,... 本文试图从传播学的角度,采用与实际言语传播交流相对比的方法来揭示对象感的构造机制,并立图在此过程中反映出其内在本质。本文认为对象感是通过主体的传播主客体角色、即播音员与虚拟对象的建立与设想,根据播音创作中对象的四大特点,经主体对对象的共鸣点设想、具体表达技巧设想、反馈设想,以及表达实施而建构起来的。主体传播两极的分化,即传播主客体角色的建立与设想是对象感得以建构起来的基础。 展开更多
关键词 实际言语交流传播 播音传播活动 分化 建立 设想 主体 理想对象 主体的传播两极分化
Droplet generation due to two health care procedures
作者 解晓健 李玉国 +1 位作者 孙鹤泉 刘荔 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期274-278,共5页
Preliminary experiments are carried out to characterize the droplets generated in two aerosol-generating health care procedures,i.e.taking nasopharyngeal aspirates(NPA)and nebulizer therapy.Glass slides and water-se... Preliminary experiments are carried out to characterize the droplets generated in two aerosol-generating health care procedures,i.e.taking nasopharyngeal aspirates(NPA)and nebulizer therapy.Glass slides and water-sensitive paper(WSP)are used to collect large droplets when taking NPA.Droplet stain-marks on glass slides are counted under a microscope,and then a size analysis is performed.During nebulizer therapy dust monitors are used to detect small droplets and droplet nuclei at different positions around the nebulizer and in the room.From the preliminary results it is found that taking NPA can stimulate coughing and generate large droplets.Nebulizers can generate more than tens of millions fine droplets ranging from 0.3 to 20 μm per minute,a large volume of which can escape from the holes on the nebulizer's facemask and disperse in the whole room.Droplets coagulate on the inner surface of the mask and the volunteer's face,suggesting a great possibility of drug solution contamination by patients' secretion during nebulizer therapy. 展开更多
关键词 DROPLET taking nasopharyngeal aspirates(NPA) nebulizer therapy infection transmission
Phase Space Path Integral Method for Problem of Obtaining Propagator of a Particle with a Force Quadratic in Velocity
作者 GU Zhi-Yu HUANG Bo-Wen QIAN Shang-Wu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期259-261,共3页
This article uses the phase space path integral method to find the propagator for a particle with a force quadratic in velocity. Two specific canonical transformations has been used for this purpose.
关键词 phase space path integral PROPAGATOR canonical transformation
Effect of variation in gas distribution on explosion propagation characteristics in coal mines 被引量:11
作者 ZHU Chuanjie 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期516-519,共4页
In order to investigate the effect of variation in the distribution of gas on explosion propagation characteristics in coal mines, experiments were carried out in two different channels with variation in gas concentra... In order to investigate the effect of variation in the distribution of gas on explosion propagation characteristics in coal mines, experiments were carried out in two different channels with variation in gas concentration and geometry. Flame and pressure transducers were used to track the explosion front velocity. The flame speed (Sf) showed a slight downward trend while the methane concentration varied from 10% to 3% in the experimental channel. The peak overpressure (Pmax) dropped dramatically when compared with normal conditions. As well, the values of Pmax and Sf decreased when the methane concentration dropped from 8% to 6%. The flame speed in the channel, connected to a cylinder with a length varying from 0.5 to 2 m, was greater than that in the normal channel. The peak overpressure was also higher than that under normal conditions because of a higher flame speed and stronger pressure piling up. The values of Pmax and Sf increased with an increase in cylinder length. The research results indicate that damage caused by explosions can be reduced by decreasing the gas concentration, which should be immediately detected in roadways with large cross-sections because of the possibility of greater destruction caused by more serious explosions. 展开更多
关键词 variation in gas concentration geometric variation flame speed peak overpressure explosion propagation
Numerical Simulation of the Spreading Dynamic Responses of the Multibody System with a Floating Base
作者 Zhaobing Jiang Luzhong Shao Fei Shao 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第3期290-301,共12页
To simulate the dynamic responses of the multibody system with a floating base when the upper parts spread with a certain sequence and relative speed, the homogeneous matrix method is employed to model and simulate a ... To simulate the dynamic responses of the multibody system with a floating base when the upper parts spread with a certain sequence and relative speed, the homogeneous matrix method is employed to model and simulate a four-body system with a floating base and the motions are analyzed when the upper parts are spread sequentially or synchronously. The rolling, swaying and heaving temporal variations are obtained when the multibody system is under the conditions of the static water along with the wave loads and the mean wind loads or the single pulse wind loads, respectively. The moment variations of each joint under the single pulse wind load are also gained. The numerical results showed that the swaying of the floating base is almost not influenced by the spreading time or form when the upper parts spread sequentially or synchronously, while the rolling and the heaving mainly depend on the spreading time and forms. The swaying and heaving motions are influenced significantly by the mean wind loads. The single pulse wind load also has influences on the dynamic responses. The torque of joint 3 and joint 4 in the single pulse wind environment may be twice that in the windless environment when the system spreads with 60 s duration. 展开更多
关键词 multibody system Floating base spreading form dynamic response homogeneous matrix method wave load wind load
Korean Wave: Towards Regional Cultural Diffusion?
作者 Seiko Yasumoto 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第2期101-112,共12页
The aim of this paper is firstly to determine if the Korean television drama Winter Sonata and its spinoffs are contributing to contemporary cross-cultural diffusion in Japan. Secondly, if cross-cultural diffusion is ... The aim of this paper is firstly to determine if the Korean television drama Winter Sonata and its spinoffs are contributing to contemporary cross-cultural diffusion in Japan. Secondly, if cross-cultural diffusion is occurring, is it contributing to a loss of local identity? Winter Sonata is a small but significant part of the Korean Wave and in the vanguard of Korean television drama content viewed in Japan. There have been macro political changes in East Asia, largely driven by Korea, resulting in an easing of restrictions on cross-border media trade. These in turn have progressively created a new dynamic in content and volume. The methodology used for the study is triangulation including document analysis, audience analysis, and commercial outcomes. The convergent validation derived from the three parameters advances the proposition that Winter Sonata has contributed to cultural diffusion from a Japanese perspective but not to a loss of local identity. Arguably, the process is an enriching one in East Asia reinforced by multi-lateral media trade. 展开更多
关键词 popular culture Korean Wave cross-cultural diffusion cultural hybridity TRIANGULATION
作者 李劭强 《传媒与教育》 2018年第1H期60-67,共8页
在戈夫曼将"框架"一词引入社会互动研究,并赋予理论色彩之后,框架、框架分析在新闻传播学等领域得到广泛应用。但新媒介的日新月异,带来了传播环境的变化,传播权的分化让大众传播回归到需要对情境进行定义的"类人际传播&... 在戈夫曼将"框架"一词引入社会互动研究,并赋予理论色彩之后,框架、框架分析在新闻传播学等领域得到广泛应用。但新媒介的日新月异,带来了传播环境的变化,传播权的分化让大众传播回归到需要对情境进行定义的"类人际传播"状态,也让强调象征互动的建构主义范式成为框架分析的主流选择。并且,框架分析需要在此范式下,做出研究创新:在系统视角下考量框架的"多主体";在互动视角下提供认知的"解释包";在联动视角下实现理论的再整合。 展开更多
关键词 框架分析 传播分化 建构主义范式 理论创新
The Transmission of the Nigerian Culture Through Education at the Primary School Level, 1960 Till Date
作者 Okediji Hannah Adebola Aderonke 《History Research》 2015年第4期239-254,共16页
Since Education is the transmission of Culture, the study examined the transmission of the Nigerian culture through Education at the primary school level, since 1960, the year of Nigerian's independence, till date. H... Since Education is the transmission of Culture, the study examined the transmission of the Nigerian culture through Education at the primary school level, since 1960, the year of Nigerian's independence, till date. Historical research method was adopted for the study and data were analyzed using primary sources like; oral interviews and archival materials, while publications like; textbooks, articles in journals, file document, speeches and workshop papers were used as secondary sources. The focuses of the paper are to define culture, analyze the relationship between culture and education, examine the primary school curriculum in Nigeria, trace the transmission processes of the Nigerian culture through primary education, consider few challenges of primary education in the promotion of Nigerian culture and offer suggestions to improve the role of primary education in Nigeria in this regards. The findings revealed that, the western education introduced by the British colonial masters, was patterned after European culture for promotion of their educational philosophies and missionary activities. Subjects like: Latin, English language, Religious studies, simple Arithmetic, artisans and others were included in the earlier curriculum for the benefit of the European economic, social, religious and political ambitions. As Nigerians agitated for independence, unity and fi'eedom, the educational policies began to change to meeting the local needs of Nigerians at all levels of education. The Phelps-Stokes Commission report of 1922 exposed the inadequacies of educational curriculum used in the Nigerian schools, as not meeting the needs of the people. The 1969 Curriculum conference however, brought a complete revolution to the primary school education in the areas of relevance. For instance, subject like: Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo which were major Nigerian languages, Civic Education and Fine Arts were introduced into the primary school curriculum so as to create in-depth awareness for cultural transmission. The roles of such educational bodies like: NERDC and CESAC were fully discussed in the paper. Policies like: Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Basic Education (UBE) introduced in 1976 and 2004 respectively, were efforts of the government at transforming primary education through culture. Challenges like: inadequate funding, personnel problem and implementation problem were indentified. It is therefore recommended that adequate funding be allocated and made available as well as employment of sufficient qualified personnel. There should be strong political will to make policies effective and people's interest should be carried along in policies formulations and implementations. 展开更多
Web Page Translation of Garment Enterprises in Zhejiang: Mass Communication Perspective
作者 WANG Qi BAO Jia-jiao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期791-796,共6页
As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on th... As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on the features of Chinese and Western web pages of garment enterprises and the translation strategy with the guidance of mass communication theory. Results illustrate that Chinese texts favor symmetrical phrases rich in cultural connotation, whereas English texts prefer plain language with fewer culture-loaded expressions and the latter focuses more on the feeling of audiences. As a result, audience-oriented translation strategy is strongly recommended so as to maximize the communication effect of the enterprise web pages 展开更多
关键词 mass communication TRANSLATION web page
作者 薛新明 《中原文物》 北大核心 2021年第5期64-74,共11页
山西东西两侧为南北向的太行山与吕梁山,中间是由低山和丘陵隔开的盆地,数千年前有湖泊分布,地形的特点决定了史前聚落的分布与特色。山西庙底沟文化的发现与研究以1949年和1990年为界,经历了三个大的阶段,每个阶段的学术目标和工作模... 山西东西两侧为南北向的太行山与吕梁山,中间是由低山和丘陵隔开的盆地,数千年前有湖泊分布,地形的特点决定了史前聚落的分布与特色。山西庙底沟文化的发现与研究以1949年和1990年为界,经历了三个大的阶段,每个阶段的学术目标和工作模式有一些不同,获得的信息也有差别。庙底沟文化的源头之一是分布在晋南、豫西地区的枣园文化,在部族兴盛时期,曾经强力向外扩张,通过吕梁山区和晋中盆地的边缘地带一路向北,进入山西北部后,与北方文化发生交流与融合,对后来的发展趋势具有重要影响。进入仰韶晚期后,分布在不同地域的部族发生了分化,为南北文化的会盟奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 山西 仰韶时期 庙底沟文化 起源 传播分化
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