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尕海湿地不同密度下甘肃马先蒿根系分叉数与连接数、分支角度的关系 被引量:8
作者 李雪萍 赵成章 +2 位作者 任悦 张晶 雷蕾 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期3670-3676,共7页
根系构型决定根系分布及其对养分和水分的吸收效率,是植物根系与胁迫生境相互适应的结果。采用标准化主轴估计(Standardized major axis estimation, SMA)法,并采用全根挖掘和Win RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,按照甘肃马先蒿种群密度设... 根系构型决定根系分布及其对养分和水分的吸收效率,是植物根系与胁迫生境相互适应的结果。采用标准化主轴估计(Standardized major axis estimation, SMA)法,并采用全根挖掘和Win RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,按照甘肃马先蒿种群密度设置I(10—31株/m^2)、Ⅱ(32—53株/m^2)、Ⅲ(54—75株/m^2)3个样地,研究了尕海湿地不同密度下甘肃马先蒿(Pedicularis kansuensis)根系分叉数与连接数及分支角度的关系。结果表明:随着种群密度由高到低转变,甘肃马先蒿的高度、盖度、地上生物量、根系分叉数及外部连接数逐渐减小,地下生物量、根系内部连接数、分支角度逐渐增大;甘肃马先蒿根系分叉数与内部连接数、外部连接数及分支角度均呈异速生长关系,随着种群密度由高到低转变,甘肃马先蒿根系内部连接数与分支角度增加的速度逐渐大于分叉数与外部连接数减小的速度,根系分叉数与内部连接数的异速斜率逐渐减小,与外部连接数、分支角度的异速斜率逐渐增大。甘肃马先蒿在高密度倾向于密集型根系构型构建模式,在低密度选择扩散型根系生长模式,体现了高寒湿地植物种群应对资源多重竞争的生态适应机制。 展开更多
关键词 根系分叉数 连接 分支角度 甘肃马先蒿 尕海湿地 密度
高寒退化草地星毛委陵菜根系分叉数和连接长度的关系 被引量:7
作者 张伟涛 赵成章 +4 位作者 宋清华 王继伟 王建良 姚文秀 李群 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第24期8518-8525,共8页
根系分叉数和连接长度影响着植物根系的空间分布和资源获取,二者的权衡关系有助于深层次的理解植物根系构型的生态适应性。在祁连山北坡高寒退化草地,设置未退化(T_1)、轻度退化(T_2)、中度退化(T_3)和重度退化(T_4)4个退化梯度样地,采... 根系分叉数和连接长度影响着植物根系的空间分布和资源获取,二者的权衡关系有助于深层次的理解植物根系构型的生态适应性。在祁连山北坡高寒退化草地,设置未退化(T_1)、轻度退化(T_2)、中度退化(T_3)和重度退化(T_4)4个退化梯度样地,采用全根挖掘和Win-RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,研究了星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)根系分叉数和连接长度之间的关系。结果表明:随着天然草地退化程度的加剧,草地群落的密度、高度、盖度、地上生物量和土壤含水量逐渐减小,土壤紧实度不断增大,星毛委陵菜种群的密度、高度、盖度、地上和地下生物量、根冠比和根系连接长度逐渐增大,分叉数呈相反的变化趋势;不同退化草地星毛委陵菜根系分叉数与连接长度之间的相关性存在差异(P<0.05),在未退化(T_1)和重度退化(T_4)草地星毛委陵菜根系分叉数和连接长度之间存在极显著的负相关关系(P<0.01),在轻度退化(T_2)和中度退化(T_3)草地二者之间存在显著的负相关关系(P<0.05)。随着天然草地的退化,星毛委陵菜选择减小根系分叉数和增大根系连接长度的构型构建模式,反映了植物不同功能性状间生物量分配的权衡机制。 展开更多
关键词 星毛委陵菜 根系分叉数 根系连接长度 根系构型 权衡关系 祁连山北坡
金塔绿洲不同林龄多枝柽柳根系分叉数与分支角度的关系 被引量:4
作者 白雪 赵成章 康满萍 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1878-1884,共7页
根系构型影响根系空间分布和营养吸收效率,反映了植物适应环境胁迫的生存策略。采用标准化主轴估计(Standardized major axis estimation,SMA)的方法,分析了甘肃金塔北海子国家湿地公园3年生和6年生多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)根系... 根系构型影响根系空间分布和营养吸收效率,反映了植物适应环境胁迫的生存策略。采用标准化主轴估计(Standardized major axis estimation,SMA)的方法,分析了甘肃金塔北海子国家湿地公园3年生和6年生多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)根系分叉数与分支角度的异速生长关系。结果表明:随着林龄的增长,湿地群落盖度、高度逐渐增加,多枝柽柳种群的盖度、密度、高度和地上生物量以及根系深度、分叉数、比根长、比表面积、各级根系直径随之增加,根系分支角度和根冠比逐渐减小;多枝柽柳根系分叉数与分支角度回归方程的标准主轴斜率逐渐增大(P<0.05),随着林龄的增长,多枝柽柳根系分叉数的增加速度逐渐大于根系分支角度的生长速度,二者在林龄间呈现出差异化的异速生长关系。随着林龄的增长,多枝柽柳根系构型模式由"扩散型"转变为"紧缩型",体现了种群应对生境胁迫和竞争的生态适应机制。 展开更多
关键词 林龄 分叉数 分支角度 异速生长 多枝柽柳 根系构型
不同坡向甘肃臭草根系分叉数和连接长度的权衡关系 被引量:23
作者 宋清华 赵成章 +3 位作者 史元春 杜晶 王继伟 陈静 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期577-585,共9页
根系分叉数和连接长度影响植物根系分布格局,二者的权衡关系对理解植物根系构型的生态适应策略有重要意义。利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型,并提取坡向数据,采用全根挖掘和Win-RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,研究了祁连山北坡高... 根系分叉数和连接长度影响植物根系分布格局,二者的权衡关系对理解植物根系构型的生态适应策略有重要意义。利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型,并提取坡向数据,采用全根挖掘和Win-RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,研究了祁连山北坡高寒退化草地不同坡向甘肃臭草(Melica przewalskyi)根系分叉数与连接长度间的关系。结果表明:随着坡向由北坡向东坡、西坡、南坡转变,草地群落的密度、高度、地上生物量和土壤含水量逐渐减小,甘肃臭草种群的密度、高度以及根系连接长度呈逐渐增大的趋势、分叉数逐渐减小;不同坡向甘肃臭草根系分叉数与连接长度间的相关性存在差异(p<0.05),在南坡和北坡甘肃臭草根系分叉数和连接长度之间存在极显著的负相关关系(p<0.01),在东坡和西坡二者之间存在显著的负相关关系(p<0.05),甘肃臭草分配给根系分叉数与连接长度的资源间存在着"此消彼长"的权衡关系。不同坡向甘肃臭草根系分叉数和连接长度的资源配置模式反映了植物根系功能性状对环境的响应和适应,以及根系构型构建的投资权衡机制。 展开更多
关键词 坡向 甘肃臭草 根系构型 根系分叉数 根系连接长度 权衡关系
红砂根系分叉数和分支角度权衡关系的坡向差异 被引量:12
作者 郑慧玲 赵成章 +3 位作者 徐婷 段贝贝 韩玲 冯威 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1062-1070,共9页
根系构型是决定根系分布及其对土体搜索效率的重要因素,是植物与资源环境异质性相互适应的结果。利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型(digital elevation model),采用全根系挖掘法,研究了祁连山北坡荒漠草原不同坡向红砂(Reaumuria s... 根系构型是决定根系分布及其对土体搜索效率的重要因素,是植物与资源环境异质性相互适应的结果。利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型(digital elevation model),采用全根系挖掘法,研究了祁连山北坡荒漠草原不同坡向红砂(Reaumuria songarica)根系分叉数和分支角度的关系。结果表明:不同坡向梯度草地群落的盖度、密度、高度和土壤含水量呈不同的变化趋势(p<0.05),红砂种群的密度、高度和根冠比等生物学特征的变化规律存在差异(p<0.05);不同坡向红砂根系分叉数和分支角度的相关性存在差异(p<0.05),在南坡和北坡红砂根系分叉数和分支角度之间存在极显著的负相关关系(p<0.01),在东坡和西坡根系分叉数和分支角度之间存在显著的负相关关系(p<0.05),红砂根系分配给根系分叉数和分支角度的资源存在着"此消彼长"的权衡关系;随着坡向由南坡向西坡、东坡、北坡转变,红砂根系分叉数和分支角度回归方程的标准化主轴斜率逐渐减小(p<0.05),红砂根系构型模式由扩散型转向聚集型。不同坡向红砂根系合理权衡连接长度和分支角度的资源配置模式,反映了异质生境中植物种群应对资源多重竞争的环境生态适应机制。 展开更多
关键词 红砂 根系构型 根系分叉数 根系分支角度 坡向
琵琶柴根系分叉数与连接长度权衡关系的坡向差异 被引量:6
作者 郑慧玲 赵成章 +3 位作者 段贝贝 冯威 徐婷 韩玲 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期2727-2732,共6页
权衡关系是生活史对策理论的基础,根系分叉数和连接长度的权衡关系对理解植物在不同生境下的表型可塑性有重要意义。利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型(DEM),采用全根系挖掘法,研究了祁连山北坡荒漠草原不同坡向琵琶柴(Reaumuria s... 权衡关系是生活史对策理论的基础,根系分叉数和连接长度的权衡关系对理解植物在不同生境下的表型可塑性有重要意义。利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型(DEM),采用全根系挖掘法,研究了祁连山北坡荒漠草原不同坡向琵琶柴(Reaumuria soongorica)根系分叉数和连接长度间的关系。结果表明:随着坡向由南坡转向西坡、东坡、北坡,草地群落密度、盖度、高度和土壤含水量呈逐渐增加的趋势,琵琶柴种群的高度、根冠比以及根系连接长度呈逐渐减小趋势,比根长和分叉数逐渐增加;不同坡向琵琶柴根系分叉数和连接长度的相关性存在差异,在南坡和北坡琵琶柴根系分叉数和连接长度之间存在极显著的负相关关系(P<0.01),在东坡和西坡二者之间存在显著的负相关关系(P<0.05);琵琶柴根系分配给根系分叉数和连接长度的资源间存在着"此消彼长"的权衡关系。不同坡向琵琶柴根系合理权衡连接长度和分叉数的资源配置模式,反映了异质生境中资源多重竞争下琵琶柴生物量分配机制和提高种群适应性的策略。 展开更多
关键词 琵琶柴 根系构型 根系分叉数 根系连接长度 坡向
地下滴灌土壤水分分布对设施种植农田甲烷通量的影响 被引量:2
作者 王京伟 何秋琴 +1 位作者 宋晓伟 牛文全 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1368-1378,共11页
为优化设施土壤水分管理、挖掘固碳减排潜力,该文采用田间控制性试验,以设施农业中普遍栽培的番茄为对象,研究了不同滴灌管埋深(0、10、20、30 cm,依次记为DI、SDI10、SDI20、SDI30)土壤水分状况对土壤甲烷(CH_(4))通量变化的影响及其... 为优化设施土壤水分管理、挖掘固碳减排潜力,该文采用田间控制性试验,以设施农业中普遍栽培的番茄为对象,研究了不同滴灌管埋深(0、10、20、30 cm,依次记为DI、SDI10、SDI20、SDI30)土壤水分状况对土壤甲烷(CH_(4))通量变化的影响及其驱动机理.结果表明:①不同滴灌管埋深的番茄土壤CH_(4)通量呈波动变化,但总体为吸收效应.“植株+土壤”条件下,SDI20、SDI30的CH4累积吸收量分别为DI的7.12、4.11倍(P<0.05);“根系+土壤”条件下,SDI20、SDI30的CH_(4)累积吸收量分别较DI增加26.02%、89.43%(P<0.05).滴灌管埋深增加造成的土壤水分分布和水分均匀度差异对土壤CH4吸收量具显著调节作用.②滴灌管埋深显著影响根区土壤理化特性,如SDI10、SDI20、SDI30的土壤NO_(3)^(-)-N含量分别为DI的2.21、2.28、1.54倍(P<0.05),SDI10、SDI20的0~20 cm土壤充气孔隙度较DI增加14.45%、33.27%(P<0.05);滴灌管埋深增加造成的土壤理化特性改变明显提高了番茄根系分叉数,增强了根-土互作,形成了利于CH4氧化的条件,如SDI20、SDI30显著增加了CH4氧化基因K10944(pmoA-amoA)、K10945(pmoB-amoB)、K10946(pmoC-amoC)的拷贝数,而这些基因拷贝数与CH_(4)累积吸收量、根系分叉数均呈显著正相关.③CH4累积吸收量变化的路径分析表明,CH_(4)氧化基因拷贝数变化是影响CH4累积吸收量的关键因素,而滴灌管埋深变化造成的根系分叉数(R=0.77)与NH_(4)^(+)-N含量(R=0.42)的差异对CH_(4)氧化基因具有显著的直接调节效应.总体上,SDI20、SDI30通过提高根系分叉数、CH_(4)氧化基因拷贝数和果实膨大期叶片鲜质量,增强了“地面植株-根-土”交互作用,促进了土壤CH4吸收;DI、SDI10相对减弱了“地面植株-根-土”交互作用,抑制了土壤CH_(4)吸收.研究显示,滴灌管埋深通过影响土壤水分分布状况和植株生长差异调节根-土互作以及土壤CH4累积吸收量. 展开更多
关键词 土壤水分分布 CH_(4)通量 根区土壤 根系分叉数 CH_(4)氧化基因
油茶林中茶天牛幼虫的发生特点及空间分布型 被引量:2
作者 宋海天 蔡守平 +4 位作者 何学友 韩国勇 詹祖仁 卢世明 潘爱芳 《福建林业科技》 2019年第3期86-89,共4页
茶天牛(Aeolesthes induta Newman)是我国油茶林的重要蛀干害虫,通过调查其幼虫的发生情况,分析该害虫发生的影响因素和空间分布型,为预测预报提供参考。结果表明:60年生油茶林茶天牛幼虫发生程度显著高于10年生油茶林(P<0.01),前者... 茶天牛(Aeolesthes induta Newman)是我国油茶林的重要蛀干害虫,通过调查其幼虫的发生情况,分析该害虫发生的影响因素和空间分布型,为预测预报提供参考。结果表明:60年生油茶林茶天牛幼虫发生程度显著高于10年生油茶林(P<0.01),前者虫口密度为(0.11±0.01)头·株-1,是后者的1.94倍。茶天牛幼虫的发生受油茶主干分叉数的显著影响(P1<0.001,P2<0.01),两者之间的关系满足方程y=0.005 x2-0.003 x+0.038(R2=0.955);但与油茶植株地径、株高或各因素的互作均无显著的相关性。使用聚集度指标进行分析与检验,发现茶天牛幼虫在各样地都为均匀分布。此外,建立了理论抽样模型并提出了理论抽样数,研究结果能够为油茶林中茶天牛的预测预报提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 茶天牛 油茶 林龄 主干分叉数 均匀分布
Local Bifurcation of a Thin Rectangle Plate with the Friction Support Boundary
作者 叶敏 张伟亿 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第2期114-118,共5页
The dynamical equations of a thin rectangle plate subjected to the friction support boundary and its plane force are established in this paper. The local bifurcation of this system is investigated by using L S method... The dynamical equations of a thin rectangle plate subjected to the friction support boundary and its plane force are established in this paper. The local bifurcation of this system is investigated by using L S method and the singularity theory. The Z 2 bifurcation in non degenerate case is discussed. The local bifurcation diagrams of the unfolding parameters and the bifurcation response characters referred to the physical parameters of the system are obtained by numerical simulation. The results of the computer simulation are coincident with the theoretical analysis and experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 thin rectangle plate L S method singularity theory local bifurcation numerical simulation
Clinical applications of fractional flow reserve in bifurcation lesions 被引量:3
作者 Sang Hyun Park Bon-Kwon Koo 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期278-284,共7页
Pereutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for coronary bifurcation lesions has been associated with lower procedural success rates and worse clinical outcomes compared with PCI for simple coronary lesions. Angiograph... Pereutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for coronary bifurcation lesions has been associated with lower procedural success rates and worse clinical outcomes compared with PCI for simple coronary lesions. Angiographic evaluation alone is sometimes inaccurate and does not reflect the fimctional significance of bifurcation lesions. The fractional flow reserve (FFR) is an easily obtainable, reliable, and reproducible physiologic parameter. This parameter is epicardial lesion specific and reflects both degree of stenosis and the myocardial territory supplied by the specific artery. Recent studies have shown that FFR-guided provisional side branch intervention strategy for bifurcation lesions is feasible and effective and can reduce unnecessary complex interventions and related complications. However, an adequate understanding of coronary physiology and the pitfalls of FFR is essential to properly use FFR for PCI of complex bifurcation lesions. 展开更多
关键词 Coronary stenosis Bifurcation lesion PHYSIOLOGY Fractional flow reserve
Numerical Analysis of Tensile Bifurcation Phenomenon of a Film Bonded to a Substrate 被引量:2
作者 门玉涛 王世斌 李林安 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第2期141-148,共8页
To study the mechanical properties of the film/substrate structure, the finite element code ABAQUS v6.9-1 is adopted to simulate the tensile mechanical behavior of the nanoscale thin film bonded to a substrate. The bi... To study the mechanical properties of the film/substrate structure, the finite element code ABAQUS v6.9-1 is adopted to simulate the tensile mechanical behavior of the nanoscale thin film bonded to a substrate. The bifurcation phenomenon of the structure under uniaxial tension is found: the single-neck deformation, the multiple-neck deforma- tion and the uniform deformation. The substrate and the film are regarded as power-hardening materials obeying the J2 deformation theory. Firstly, the influence of material hardening match on tensile bifurcation mode is analyzed under perfectly well-bonded interface condition. Then, the effects of interfacial stiffness and other superficial defects sur- rounding the imperfection on bifurcation mode are investigated. It is concluded that under the well-bonded interface condition, if the stress of the substrate is larger than the film, the film will uniformly deform with the substrate; if the stress of the substrate is smaller than the film, the film will form a single neck, except the case that a weakly-hardening film is bonded to a steeply-hardening substrate when multiple necks can be formed. With the decrease of interracial stiffness, the uniform deformation mode can transform into the multiple-neck deformation mode, and further transform into the single-neck deformation mode. And other defects surrounding the imperfection can influence the wavelength of deformation and neck number. 展开更多
关键词 FILM tension BIFURCATION numerical analysis
Crack branching mechanism of rock-like quasi-brittle materials under dynamic stress 被引量:12
作者 唐春安 杨岳峰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3273-3284,共12页
The cracking patterns of a thin sheet with a pre-existing crack subjected to dynamic loading are numerically simulated to investigate the mechanism of crack branching by using the FEM method.Six numerical models were ... The cracking patterns of a thin sheet with a pre-existing crack subjected to dynamic loading are numerically simulated to investigate the mechanism of crack branching by using the FEM method.Six numerical models were set up to study the effects of load,tensile strength and heterogeneity on crack branching.The crack propagation is affected by the applied loads,tensile strength and heterogeneity.Before crack branching,the crack propagates by some distance along the direction of the pre-existing crack.For the materials with low heterogeneity,the higher the applied stress level is and the lower the tensile strength of the material is,the shorter the propagation distance is.Moreover,the branching angle becomes larger and the number of branching cracks increases.In the case of the materials with high heterogeneity,a lot of disordered voids and microcracks randomly occur along the main crack,so the former law is not obvious.The numerical results not only are in good agreement with the experimental observations in laboratory,but also can be extended to heterogeneity media.The work can provide a good approach to model the cracking and fracturing of heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials,such as rock,under dynamic loading. 展开更多
关键词 crack propagation branching HETEROGENEITY Weibull distribution MICROCRACK ROCK
Proton Elastic Scattering from ^14Be and Halo Effects
作者 GU Bai-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4X期711-716,共6页
The elastic scattering of p-^14Be system at Elab = 200 MeV is evaluated within the relativistic impulse approximation. We discuss the effects of the halo neutrons on the three observables of the elastic scattering sys... The elastic scattering of p-^14Be system at Elab = 200 MeV is evaluated within the relativistic impulse approximation. We discuss the effects of the halo neutrons on the three observables of the elastic scattering system, such as differential cross section dσ/ dΩ, analyzing power Ay and spin rotation Q. The results of the three observables of the elastic scattering of p-^14Be system are compared with those of p-^12C and p-^16O systems at the same energy as E1ab = 200 MeV. We have found that in the small angular region the Ay and Q, as well as dσ/dΩ, are quite sensitive to the nucleon density distributions on the surface of the target nucleus and offer some unique behaviors of halo nuclei. 展开更多
关键词 halo nuclei proton elastic scattering RIA differential cross section analyzing power spin rotation function
Performance Comparison of WDM Systems with Different Duty Cycle
作者 YUJianjun GUANKejian 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1998年第3期166-173,共8页
The performances of nonlinear WDM systems with different duty cycle are compared by means of numerical simulation.The numerical results show that the optical pulse with duty cycle of 0.5 is superior to the conventiona... The performances of nonlinear WDM systems with different duty cycle are compared by means of numerical simulation.The numerical results show that the optical pulse with duty cycle of 0.5 is superior to the conventional NRZ modulation scheme.The conclusion is different from that of some references.The reason is that inter symbol interference is not included in some references.In fact,inter symbol interference plays an important role in nonlinear WDM system.Although the larger the duty cycle is ,the stronger the effect of the cross-phase modulation and self-phase modulation on nonlinear WDM is,however,the larger the duty cycle is,the stronger the inter symbol interference is. 展开更多
关键词 Cross-phase Modulation Dispersion Compensation Self-phase Modulation Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Single particles in a reflection-asymmetric potential 被引量:1
作者 YuanYuan Wang ZhengXue Ren 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期61-68,共8页
Single particles moving in a reflection-asymmetric potential are investigated by solving the Schr6dinger equation of the reflectionasymmetric Nilsson Hamiltonian with the imaginary time method in 3D lattice space and ... Single particles moving in a reflection-asymmetric potential are investigated by solving the Schr6dinger equation of the reflectionasymmetric Nilsson Hamiltonian with the imaginary time method in 3D lattice space and the harmonic oscillator basis expansion method. In the 3D lattice calculation, the l2 divergence problem is avoided by introducing a damping function, and the(l2)N term in the non-spherical case is calculated by introducing an equivalent N-independent operator. The efficiency of these numerical techniques is demonstrated by solving the spherical Nilsson Hamiltonian in 3D lattice space. The evolution of the single-particle levels in a reflection-asvmmetric ootential is obtained and discussed bv the above two numerical methods, and their consistencv is shown in the obtained single-particle energies with the differences smaller than 10-4[hω0] 展开更多
关键词 single particles reflection-asymmetric potential imaginary time method harmonic oscillator basis expansion method
Multiple bifurcations in an early brain tumor model with piecewise constant arguments 被引量:1
作者 Senol Kartal 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2018年第4期197-215,共19页
In this paper, a differential equation with piecewise constant arguments modeling an early brain tumor growth is considered. The discretization process in the interval t ∈ [n, n+1) leads to two-dimensional discrete... In this paper, a differential equation with piecewise constant arguments modeling an early brain tumor growth is considered. The discretization process in the interval t ∈ [n, n+1) leads to two-dimensional discrete dynamical system. By using the Schur-Cohn criterion, stability conditions of the positive equilibrium point of the system are obtained. Choosing appropriate bifurcation parameter, the existence of Neimark-Sacker and flip bifurcations is verified. In addition, the direction and stability of the Neimark-Sacker and flip bifurcations are determined by using the normal form and center manifold theory. Finally, the Lyapunov exponents are numerically computed to characterize the complexity of the dynamical behaviors of the system. 展开更多
关键词 Piecewise constant arguments difference equation STABILITY flip andNeimark Sacker bifurcations Lyapunov exponents.
Computational Studies of Flow through Cross Flow Fans-Effect of Blade Geometry 被引量:17
作者 M . GOVARDHAN D. LAKSHMANA SAMPAT 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期220-229,共10页
This present paper describes three dimensional computational analysis of complex internal flow in a cross flow fan. A commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software code CFX was used for the computation. RNG k... This present paper describes three dimensional computational analysis of complex internal flow in a cross flow fan. A commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software code CFX was used for the computation. RNG k-ε two equation turbulence model was used to simulate the model with unstructured mesh. Sliding mesh interface was used at the interface between the rotating and stationary domains to capture the unsteady interactions. An accurate assessment of the present investigation is made by comparing various parameters with the available experimental data. Three impeller geometries with different blade angles and radius ratio are used in the present study. Maximum energy transfer through the impeller takes place in the region where the flow follows the blade curvature. Radial velocity is not uniform through blade channels. Some blades work in turbine mode at very low flow coefficients. Static pressure is always negative in and around the impeller region. 展开更多
关键词 cross flow fans computational fluid dynamics quasi steady state multiple frames of reference
The Influence of Wedge Diffuser Blade Number and Divergence Angle on the Performance of a High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor 被引量:4
作者 WANG Yi HAN Ge +1 位作者 LU Xingen ZHU Junqiang 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期17-24,共8页
Wedge diffuser is widely used in centrifugal compressors due to its high performance and compact size. This paper is aimed to research the influence of wedge diffuser blade number and divergence angle on centrifugal c... Wedge diffuser is widely used in centrifugal compressors due to its high performance and compact size. This paper is aimed to research the influence of wedge diffuser blade number and divergence angle on centrifugal compressor performance. The impact of wedge diffuser blade number on compressor stage performance is investigated, and then the wedge diffusers with different divergence angle are studied by varying diffuser wedge angle and blade number simultaneously. It is found that wedge diffuser with 27 blades could have about 0.8% higher adiabatic efficiency and 0.14 higher total pressure ratio than the wedge diffuser with 19 blades and the best compressor performance is achieved when diffuser divergence angle is 8.3°.These results could give some advices on centrifugal compressor design. 展开更多
关键词 Wedge diffuser Blade number Diffuser angle High pressure ratio Centrifugal compressor
Swallowtail model for predicting the global bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation reactions 被引量:2
作者 CUI Tao TANG ShunLin +1 位作者 ZHANG Lei YU DaRen 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第7期1072-1077,共6页
Catalytic CO oxidation on platinum group metals exhibits nonlinear phenomena such as hysteresis and bifurcation.Elucidation of the nonlinear mechanisms is important for catalyst design and control of reaction routes.P... Catalytic CO oxidation on platinum group metals exhibits nonlinear phenomena such as hysteresis and bifurcation.Elucidation of the nonlinear mechanisms is important for catalyst design and control of reaction routes.Previous studies have offered initial insights into the local bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation.However,since the bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation is determined by multiple parameters such as temperature,total flux,and CO fraction,it is difficult to predict the global bifurcation behavior in the resulting high-dimensional parameter space.It is for this reason that the observed nonlinear phenomena reflect just the local bifurcation features of CO oxidation.In this paper,an elementary chemical law(topological invariance) concerning the bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation on platinum group metals such as Pd(111) is found from a topological perspective.Following the elementary law,we put forward a topological approach to model the critical criteria for the reaction hysteresis and bifurcation.The model may be applied to predict the global bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation in the high-dimensional parameter space.The topological approach and the model results may be useful as a guide in thinking about the complex reaction mechanism,designing reaction routes,and actively controlling the bifurcation behavior of the CO oxidation reaction. 展开更多
Brain differences in ecologically differentiatec sticklebacks 被引量:1
作者 Jason KEAGY Victoria A. BRAITHWAITE Janette W. BOUGHMAN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期243-250,共8页
Populations that have recently diverged offer a powerful model for studying evolution. Ecological differences are expected to generate divergent selection on multiple traits, including neurobiological ones. Animals mu... Populations that have recently diverged offer a powerful model for studying evolution. Ecological differences are expected to generate divergent selection on multiple traits, including neurobiological ones. Animals must detect, process, and act on information from their surroundings and the form of this information can be highly dependent on the environment. We might expect different environments to generate divergent selection not only on the sensory organs, but also on the brain regions responsible for processing sensory information. Here, we test this hypothesis using recently evolved reproductively isolated species pairs of threespine stickleback fish Gasterosteus aculeatus that have well-described differences in many morphological and behavioral traits corre- lating with ecological differences. We use a state-of-the-art method, magnetic resonance imaging, to get accurate volumetric data for 2 sensory processing regions, the olfactory bulbs and optic tecta. We found a tight correlation between ecology and the size of these brain regions relative to total brain size in 2 lakes with intact species pairs. Limnetic fish, which rely heavily on vision, had relatively larger optic tecta and smaller olfactory bulbs compared with benthic fish, which utilize olfaction to a greater extent. Benthic fish also had larger total brain volumes relative to their body size compared with limnetic fish. These differences were erased in a collapsed species pair in Enos Lake where anthropogenic disturbance has led to intense hybridization. Together these data indicate that evolution of sensory processing regions can occur rapidly and independently. 展开更多
关键词 brain evolution divergent selection magnetic resonance imaging olfactory bulb optic tectum threespinestickleback.
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