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西十高铁秦岭马白山特长隧道分合修方案研究 被引量:3
作者 刘陆拓 《铁道标准设计》 北大核心 2020年第9期120-126,共7页
随着高速铁路快速发展,速度350 km/h铁路日益增加,特长隧道分合修的问题直接影响到施工、运营等方面。通过对国内外特长隧道比较,结合西安至十堰高铁秦岭马白山隧道,从防灾救援、运营维修、空气动力学、施工组织及工程投资等方面对分合... 随着高速铁路快速发展,速度350 km/h铁路日益增加,特长隧道分合修的问题直接影响到施工、运营等方面。通过对国内外特长隧道比较,结合西安至十堰高铁秦岭马白山隧道,从防灾救援、运营维修、空气动力学、施工组织及工程投资等方面对分合修方案进行比较,合修方案对于本隧道更有优势。研究结论:(1)分合修均需要设置不同形式洞内救援,人员疏散时间和通风排烟模式均满足要求(2)运营维护方面,由于在事故工况下分修两管隧道互不影响,具有一定优势;(3)空气动力学方面,由于合修断面大,相比分修对乘客及洞口建筑影响较小,略有优势;(4)施工方面,由于合修场地空间较大,效率较高;(5)分修隧道工程投资较合修方案增加约50%,合修方案优势明显;(6)本研究成果适用于高速铁路特长隧道分合修方案比选。 展开更多
关键词 西(安)十(堰)高铁 铁路隧道 特长隧道 分合修要素 方案比较
作者 王定宝 《公路隧道》 2017年第3期32-35,共4页
云南地处云贵高原,地貌特殊,地质复杂,山高坡陡,沟谷深切,建设铁路比起其它地方的难度更大,需要攻克的难题很多。根据规划要求云南省在发展东南亚经济中发挥桥头堡作用,铁路又是连接东南亚的桥梁和纽带,在经济发展上有着关键的作用。凤... 云南地处云贵高原,地貌特殊,地质复杂,山高坡陡,沟谷深切,建设铁路比起其它地方的难度更大,需要攻克的难题很多。根据规划要求云南省在发展东南亚经济中发挥桥头堡作用,铁路又是连接东南亚的桥梁和纽带,在经济发展上有着关键的作用。凤凰山隧道进口分修合修技术在高速公路建设上、铁路建设上、尤其是高速铁路建设上不常见,在过去的公路建设、铁路建设设计上,遇到这样的难题,大多是采取迂回绕道避开,而在今天的高速铁路建设上,从快捷、经济、环保和长远发展上,必须要攻克这些难题。在浅埋大跨度隧道施工时,采用双侧壁导坑法能够控制地表下沉,保持掌子面的稳定,安全可靠。 展开更多
关键词 分合修 双侧壁 导坑法 浅埋 大跨
高速铁路合分修隧道合分修长度的计算方法与参数优化 被引量:2
作者 杨新安 江星宏 +1 位作者 梁志辉 肖粤秀 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期44-52,共9页
根据过渡曲线线间距加宽起点位于直线还是圆曲线,高速铁路合分修隧道过渡曲线的线型分为Ⅰ类过渡曲线和Ⅱ类过渡曲线。依据过渡曲线线间距加宽设计理论,分别建立2类过渡曲线的直角坐标系,推导过渡曲线里程范围内过渡曲线上任意一点的线... 根据过渡曲线线间距加宽起点位于直线还是圆曲线,高速铁路合分修隧道过渡曲线的线型分为Ⅰ类过渡曲线和Ⅱ类过渡曲线。依据过渡曲线线间距加宽设计理论,分别建立2类过渡曲线的直角坐标系,推导过渡曲线里程范围内过渡曲线上任意一点的线间距与其里程的函数表达式;在此基础上给出合分修长度的计算方法,并分析合分修长度与过渡曲线参数的关系。结果表明:对于Ⅰ类过渡曲线,内侧圆曲线半径宜大且不应小于9 000m,外侧宜小且不应大于10 000m,内外侧曲线应避免采用相近的圆曲线半径,不宜选取9°~12°的线路转角;Ⅱ类过渡曲线合分修长度不受圆曲线半径、线路转角等因素的影响;尽管采用Ⅰ类过渡曲线时合分修长度明显大于采用Ⅱ类过渡曲线时,但有利于降低合分修段施工风险,因此建议优先采用Ⅰ类过渡曲线。结合沪昆客运专线壁板坡隧道和凤凰山隧道的合分修段,验证了高速铁路合分修隧道合分修长度计算方法的正确性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 高速铁路 隧道 长度 过渡曲线 线间距 圆曲线半径 线路转角
超大断面隧道变截面段施工技术研究 被引量:28
作者 闫明超 曾鹏 +1 位作者 何知思 杨新安 《铁道建筑》 北大核心 2015年第7期43-45,共3页
壁板坡特长隧道是沪昆客专全线控制性工程之一,该隧道采用合分修设计,合修过渡到分修由四个依次扩大的断面构成,均为超大断面。合分修过渡段施工面临跨度大、断面高、变截面等难点,隧道开挖、衬砌作业等与普通隧道有差别。本文根据壁板... 壁板坡特长隧道是沪昆客专全线控制性工程之一,该隧道采用合分修设计,合修过渡到分修由四个依次扩大的断面构成,均为超大断面。合分修过渡段施工面临跨度大、断面高、变截面等难点,隧道开挖、衬砌作业等与普通隧道有差别。本文根据壁板坡隧道合分修段施工实践,介绍了超大断面变截面施工过程中的总体施工方案、开挖方法、初期支护以及变截面二次衬砌施工等,总结了超大断面隧道变截面施工的技术要点。 展开更多
关键词 隧道施工 超大断面 过渡段 变截面 支护
Computer aided stitching approach for dental restoration models
作者 袁天然 戴宁 +1 位作者 程筱胜 廖文和 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期330-334,共5页
According to the bio-characteristics of the lower and upper cavity surfaces of dental restoration, a stitching approach is proposed based on a virtual zipper working mechanism and a minimization of the surface total c... According to the bio-characteristics of the lower and upper cavity surfaces of dental restoration, a stitching approach is proposed based on a virtual zipper working mechanism and a minimization of the surface total curvature energy, which is used to resolve the stitching problems existing during computer-aided design for dental restorations. First, the two boundaries corresponding to the lower and upper surfaces are triangulated based on the zipper working mechanism to generate the initial stitching surface patch, of which the edges are distributed uniformly between the boundaries. Secondly, the initial stitching surface patch is subdivided and deformed to reconstruct an optimized surface patch according to the bio-characteristics of the teeth. The optimized surface patch is minimally distinguishable from the surrounding mesh in smoothness and density, and it can stitch the upper and lower cavity surfaces naturally. The experimental results show that the dental restorations obtained by the proposed method can satisfy both the shape aesthetic and the fitting accuracy, and meet the requirements of clinical oral medicine. 展开更多
关键词 dental restoration model stitching subdivision and deformation virtual zipper
作者 曾鹏 肖粤秀 +1 位作者 王薇 杨新安 《铁道建筑》 北大核心 2016年第10期55-58,共4页
以沪昆高铁壁板坡特长隧道合分修段大跨断面为工程背景,应用MIDAS/GTS建立不同尺寸大跨断面以及高速铁路普通双线隧道断面的二维计算模型,对施工过程中围岩及支护结构力学特性进行了研究,并对比分析初支混凝土轴向应力计算值与实测值。... 以沪昆高铁壁板坡特长隧道合分修段大跨断面为工程背景,应用MIDAS/GTS建立不同尺寸大跨断面以及高速铁路普通双线隧道断面的二维计算模型,对施工过程中围岩及支护结构力学特性进行了研究,并对比分析初支混凝土轴向应力计算值与实测值。结果表明:右上台阶施工是大跨断面采用中隔壁法开挖时决定隧道结构稳定的重要工序,断面尺寸是影响大跨断面围岩变形的主要因素,分步开挖、及时施作仰拱能有效改善大跨断面墙脚处应力集中、优化结构受力,保证围岩与支护结构的稳定。 展开更多
关键词 高速铁路隧道 大跨断面 力学特性 数值计算
Modified electromagnetism-like algorithm and its application to slope stability analysis 被引量:2
作者 张科 曹平 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2100-2107,共8页
In the view of the disadvantages of complex method (CM) and electromagnetism-like algorithm (EM), complex electromagnetism-like hybrid algorithm (CEM) was proposed by embedding complex method into electromagnetism-lik... In the view of the disadvantages of complex method (CM) and electromagnetism-like algorithm (EM), complex electromagnetism-like hybrid algorithm (CEM) was proposed by embedding complex method into electromagnetism-like algorithm as local optimization algorithm. CEM was adopted to search the minimum safety factor in slope stability analysis and the results show that CEM holds advantages over EM and CM. It combines the merits of two and is more stable and efficient. For further improvement, two CEM hybrid algorithms based on predatory search (PS) strategies were proposed, both of which consist of modified algorithms and the search area of which is dynamically adjusted by changing restriction. The CEM-PS1 adopts theoretical framework of original predatory search strategy. The CEM-PS2 employs the idea of area-restricted search learned from predatory search strategy, but the algorithm structure is simpler. Both the CEM-PS1 and CEM-PS2 have been demonstrated more effective and efficient than the others. As for complex method which locates in hybrid algorithm, the optimization can be achieved at a convergence precision of 1×10-3, which is recommended to use. 展开更多
关键词 slope stability hybrid optimization algorithm complex method electromagnetism-like algorithm predatory searchstrategy
Environmental regulation and trade pattern:a case of China 被引量:1
作者 Qi Jianhong Zheng Yingmei Zhao Yong 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第3期234-242,共9页
As a growing number of countries, including both developed and developing countries, have in recent yearstaken environmental regulation at different levels, a question of great concern has been raised: can the regulat... As a growing number of countries, including both developed and developing countries, have in recent yearstaken environmental regulation at different levels, a question of great concern has been raised: can the regulation alterthe existing trade volume and trade pattern, and ultimately drive pollution-intensive industries to countries with low-levelregulations or even those without regulations at all? Starting from the three different propositions concerning therelationship between environmental regulation and trade pattern, this paper applies cointegration analysis and errorcorrection model to empirically testing the relationship between environmental regulation and trade in China during theperiod of 1985-2005. Our empirical results indicate that in the short run the collection of pollution discharge fees bearsa positive impact on the export share of clean products of total exports. Thus, higher pollution discharge fees raise theratio of clean products exports to total exports. This further indicates that more stringent environmental regulationpromotes the exports of clean products. In the long run pollution discharge fees are positively correlated with the exportshare of clean products but negatively associated with their import share. Such correlations imply that environmentalregulation tends to facilitate the international specialization in line with comparative advantages. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental regulation Trade pattern Cointegration analysis Error correction model
Integrating Automatic Patch Snatching System by the Concept of Generalized Mechanisms
作者 裘建新 林兰天 沈逸平 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期235-240,共6页
An automatic patch snatching system is described which has three machine cells including dividing equipment, tackling equipment and patch removing equipment. The electromechanical integration design of in-piece tackli... An automatic patch snatching system is described which has three machine cells including dividing equipment, tackling equipment and patch removing equipment. The electromechanical integration design of in-piece tackling system based on the concept of generalized mechanisms is introduced. The design of the dividing equipment, the design of micro-feeding machine equipped with micro-level pressure sensor, and the realizing of computer path for patch snatching are investigated. 展开更多
关键词 PATCH snatching generalized mechanisms electromechanical integration design
Perovskite Formation and Dielectric Responses in PZN Modified PMF-PZT Ceramics
作者 Karima Bounab Zelikha Necira +3 位作者 Hayet Menasra Sofiane Ameid Abdelhak Maklid Ahmed Boutarfaia 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第3期250-253,共4页
PMF-PZN-PZT (0.01Pb(Mol/3Fe2/3)O3-xPb(Znl/3Nb2/3)O3-(O.99-x)P(Zro53Tio 47)03 piezoelectric ceramics), where x = 0.00 0.01, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07 were prepared by a conventional mixed-oxide method. The results ... PMF-PZN-PZT (0.01Pb(Mol/3Fe2/3)O3-xPb(Znl/3Nb2/3)O3-(O.99-x)P(Zro53Tio 47)03 piezoelectric ceramics), where x = 0.00 0.01, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07 were prepared by a conventional mixed-oxide method. The results show that the pure peroveskit phase forms in these ceramics. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the phase of the material is a MPB (morphotropic phase boundary) structure. The effects of PZN content on the crystal structure and electrical properties were investigated, optimal dielectric properties were achieved at composition x = 0.07 ceramics by calcination at 800 ℃ and sintering at 1,180 ℃, with a curie temperature of approximately 430 ℃. These results clearly show the significance of PZN in controlling the electrical responses of the PMF-PZN-PZT system. 展开更多
关键词 Perovskit dielectric properties MPB Curie temperature.
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Delamination Repair Plaster Applied to Historical Masonry Building
作者 Pietro Bocca Silvio Valente Alessandro Grazzini Andrea Alberto 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第1期47-55,共9页
Often masonry walls of historical buildings are subject to rising damp effects due to capillary or rain infiltrations. In the time, their cyclic action produces decay and delamination of historical plasters. An experi... Often masonry walls of historical buildings are subject to rising damp effects due to capillary or rain infiltrations. In the time, their cyclic action produces decay and delamination of historical plasters. An experimental laboratory procedure for the pre-qualification of repair mortars is described. Long-term plaster delamination frequently occurs because of the mechanical incompatibility of new repair mortars. The tested mortars are suitable for new dehumidified plasters applied to historical masonry walls. Compression static tests were carried out on composite specimens stSone block-repair mortar, which specific geometry can test the de-bonding process of mortar in adherence with historical masonry structure. A numerical simulation based on the cohesive crack model was used to follow the experimental data, in order to describe the evolutionary phenomenon of de-bonding as a function of a small number of parameters. This method supplies useful indication for selecting the product that is best in keeping with the mechanical characteristics of the historical material, thereby avoiding errors associated with materials that are not mechanically compatible. Currently, the methodology is being used at Sacro Monte di Varallo Special Natural Reserve (UNESCO heritage site) in Piedmont (Italy). 展开更多
关键词 Historical masonry dehumidified mortar long-term plaster delamination cohesive crack model.
高地应力断层带超大断面隧道施工设计 被引量:6
作者 陈锡武 卿伟宸 刘国强 《现代隧道技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期204-212,共9页
柿子园隧道合分修过渡段开挖面积达345 m^(2),且该段穿越王家坪1号断层,存在高地应力。为解决穿越高地应力断层带的超大断面隧道面临的初期支护变形、二次衬砌开裂等修建难题,根据地质情况,采用数值模拟和工程类比相结合的方法,对隧道... 柿子园隧道合分修过渡段开挖面积达345 m^(2),且该段穿越王家坪1号断层,存在高地应力。为解决穿越高地应力断层带的超大断面隧道面临的初期支护变形、二次衬砌开裂等修建难题,根据地质情况,采用数值模拟和工程类比相结合的方法,对隧道断面形状进行比选,确定结构支护参数,并提出一种新的施工方法。实践表明,该工法能解决柿子园隧道施工难度大、变形不易控制等问题。 展开更多
关键词 铁路隧道 过渡段 超大断面 高地应力 断层破碎带 变形
Developing Regional Ecological Networks along the Grand Canal based on an Integrated Analysis Framework 被引量:2
作者 XU Chuangsheng CHENG Long +2 位作者 SU Jie YIN Haiwei GUO Yiqiang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第6期801-813,共13页
As a complex social ecosystem network,the area along the Grand Canal has a prominent contradiction between the demand for economic development and the protection of natural resources,which means that there is an urgen... As a complex social ecosystem network,the area along the Grand Canal has a prominent contradiction between the demand for economic development and the protection of natural resources,which means that there is an urgent need for ecological restoration and environmental protection.Using ArcGIS,Conefor,Linkage Mapper and other software platforms,this paper developed an integrated analysis framework,through loose coupling of the attribute-function-structure index system and a series of methods such as the least cost path,circuit theory and moving window search.Based on the framework,we resolve a series of scientific issues in developing regional ecological networks,such as the selection of ecological sources,the simulation of potential ecological corridors,the assessment of the importance of ecological sources and corridors,and the identification of key ecological nodes.Moreover,an overall conservation pattern of the regional ecological network is constructed.The results show that:1)A total of 88 important ecological sources are identified in the study area.The patches with high centrality values are mainly concentrated in the southern mountainous area and the areas with abundant rivers and lakes.2)A total of 138 important ecological corridors are identified,and they are not evenly distributed.Extremely important corridors mostly appear between important patches,and very important corridors are mainly distributed in the central area.3)Fifteen ecological pinch points are extracted,and they are mainly concentrated in the northern part of the study area and eastern Zhejiang Province.The barriers are mostly concentrated in the southern and northern parts of the study area.4)Combining the demands of ecological protection and socioeconomic development,we propose an overall ecological conservation pattern of"one axis,five sections,multiple cores and multiple nodes"to effectively guide future ecological restoration work.These results can provide a useful reference and spatial guidance for decision makers in terms of ecological restoration and cooperation on cross-regional ecological protection along the Grand Canal. 展开更多
关键词 ecological network integrated analysis framework ecological conservation pattern the Grand Canal
Design and synthesis of self-healing polymers 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG MingQiu RONG MinZhi 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期648-676,共29页
Self-healing polymers represent a class of materials with built-in capability of rehabilitating damages. The topic has attracted increasingly more attention in the past few years. The on-going research activities clea... Self-healing polymers represent a class of materials with built-in capability of rehabilitating damages. The topic has attracted increasingly more attention in the past few years. The on-going research activities clearly indicate that self-healing polymeric materials turn out to be a typical multi-disciplinary area concerning polymer chemistry, organic synthesis, polymer physics, theoretical and experimental mechanics, processing, composites manufacturing, interfacial engineering, etc. The present article briefly reviews the achievements of the groups worldwide, and particularly the work carried out in our own laboratory towards strength recovery for structural applications. To ensure sufficient coverage, thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers, extrinsic and intrinsic self-healing, autonomic and non-autonomic healing approaches are included. Innovative routes that correlate materials chemistry to full capacity restoration are discussed for further development from bioinspired toward biomimetic repair. 展开更多
关键词 SELF-HEALING CRACK MICROCAPSULES thermally reversible reaction photoreversible reaction
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