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双重视角下政治行政分合关系及其中国化 被引量:7
作者 徐椿梁 董小平 《甘肃行政学院学报》 2007年第1期79-83,共5页
政治与行政的分合关系之历史流变是公共行政实践及其理论现代化的一个核心问题。在实践上,它经历了政治包含行政、政治行政两分法、行政入侵政治、政治行政模糊化四个阶段;在理论上,它经历了政治行政二分、谨慎的政治行政二分、参与政... 政治与行政的分合关系之历史流变是公共行政实践及其理论现代化的一个核心问题。在实践上,它经历了政治包含行政、政治行政两分法、行政入侵政治、政治行政模糊化四个阶段;在理论上,它经历了政治行政二分、谨慎的政治行政二分、参与政策制定的行政、政治价值指导下的行政、责任机制连结的政治行政、相互作用的政治与行政六个阶段。政治行政二分实践和理论紧密联系在一起,实践的发展催生理论,理论的成熟又推动实践不断走向深化。中国的政治行政二分应借鉴西方的合理内核,而不能盲目照抄。 展开更多
关键词 政治 行政 分合关系 中国化
唐代东北边疆战略初探——以营州和幽州的分合关系为视角 被引量:4
作者 宋卿 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期60-66,共7页
在唐朝东北边疆战略中,营州与幽州互为援手,几度分合。武德元年至贞观七年,唐朝对东北边疆经略持防御态势,以幽州辖营州。贞观八年至万岁通天元年,唐朝对东北边疆经略转为进攻态势,战略重心前移,营州从幽州独立,成为经略东北边疆的前沿... 在唐朝东北边疆战略中,营州与幽州互为援手,几度分合。武德元年至贞观七年,唐朝对东北边疆经略持防御态势,以幽州辖营州。贞观八年至万岁通天元年,唐朝对东北边疆经略转为进攻态势,战略重心前移,营州从幽州独立,成为经略东北边疆的前沿重镇,幽州退居辅助地位,成为支撑营州的后方基地。契丹叛唐后,以营州为中心的东北边疆防御体系基本瓦解,东北边疆防务改由幽州负责。后鉴于东北亚形势的变化,唐朝转以积极进取态势加强东北边疆军事防御与控制,继续发挥营州东北边疆桥头堡作用的同时,以幽州辖营州,全面统筹东北边疆事务,二者合力,共同屏障东北边疆,维护东北亚区域安全。 展开更多
关键词 唐代东北 营州 幽州 分合关系
作者 周立辉 《特区财会》 2001年第12期13-14,共2页
在传统体制下,税法与会计制度都在财务制度为依据的。会计制度根据财务制度制定的资产计价和收益确定标准规范帐务处理方法和程序,最典型提就1993年实施两则两制以来,制定了十几个行业的会计制度和财务制度,而税法则根据财务制度确... 在传统体制下,税法与会计制度都在财务制度为依据的。会计制度根据财务制度制定的资产计价和收益确定标准规范帐务处理方法和程序,最典型提就1993年实施两则两制以来,制定了十几个行业的会计制度和财务制度,而税法则根据财务制度确定税基。随着会计制度改革和会计准则体系的建立和完善,资产计价和收益确定将由会计准则来承担,行业会计制度将退出历史的舞台,逐步被会计准则和统一的企业会计制度所替代,如《关联方关系及其交易的披露》、《资产负债表日后事项》、《债务重组》、《收入》、《投资》、《建造合同》、《会计政策、会计估计变更和会计差错更正》、《或有事项》、《无形资产》、《非货币性交易》、《租赁》以及2000年底颁布的《企业会计制度》等,都严格规定了有关企业正常和非正常情况下资产的计价和相关损益的确认,而最终是《企业会计制度》被取消,全部由具体会计准则来承担。现在的问题是,如何处理会计准则和企业会计制度与税法的关系,是将税基完全建立在会计准则和企业会计制度的基础上,还是另行制定一套扣税办法,或是将会计准则和企业会计制度与税法统一起来。目前有两种观点: 展开更多
关键词 会计准则 会计制度 税法 分合关系
作者 刘颖 《传播力研究》 2024年第20期7-9,共3页
新媒体对于受众而言,不仅仅是以算法规则进行了身份和角色细分,更重要的是进行了在分众基础上的合众的重塑,给予受众全新的定位、定性、定型,让受众在分中之合和合中之分的辩证过程中,充分发挥主动性,促进分众对不同圈层进行文化跨越,... 新媒体对于受众而言,不仅仅是以算法规则进行了身份和角色细分,更重要的是进行了在分众基础上的合众的重塑,给予受众全新的定位、定性、定型,让受众在分中之合和合中之分的辩证过程中,充分发挥主动性,促进分众对不同圈层进行文化跨越,对“信息茧房”墙壁的凿空,甚至对文化固见进行全面的解构,让受众角色在分合之中主体性得以升华和回归。 展开更多
关键词 众理论 文化趣味 算法规则 的辩证关系
论西方盟国之间关系的基调与演变 被引量:6
作者 李兴 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第18期12-21,共10页
西方国家之间的关系,取决于三个方面的综合与互动:冷战后国际结盟形式和内容的变化;建立在力量对比变化基础上的美国国内政治与对外政策及其互动;西方盟国对美政策的变化与互动。如果说在冷战格局下东西方阵营泾渭分明,那么当前国际结... 西方国家之间的关系,取决于三个方面的综合与互动:冷战后国际结盟形式和内容的变化;建立在力量对比变化基础上的美国国内政治与对外政策及其互动;西方盟国对美政策的变化与互动。如果说在冷战格局下东西方阵营泾渭分明,那么当前国际结盟的特点是不稳定、不紧密,对抗不明显,机制化水平不高,相对松散,可变性大。美欧日等西方国家(地区)之间是"分合关系",而美国与中俄等"战略竞争对手"之间则是"竞合关系"。因此,对于中国外交来说,要用利益、道义分化美国与其盟国的关系,但不要使其盟国陷入"选边站"的窘境。中国对外工作的重点应在周边。地跨欧亚的俄罗斯是西方中的东方,东方中的西方,在东西之间具有特殊地位和战略意义,因此,要积极主动地推进中俄"准同盟"关系发展和"一带一盟"的对接合作。 展开更多
关键词 西方盟国 美欧日 民粹主义 中俄 分合关系 关系
官话方言歌戈、车遮两韵的分合 被引量:1
作者 刘祥柏 《方言》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期395-402,共8页
官话方言在歌戈韵、车遮韵上存在不同类型的分合关系。成都、南京等西南官话或江淮官话为歌戈、车遮两分型的南方官话;北京、济南、兰州等北京官话、东北官话、兰银官话或中原官话一部分为歌戈、车遮合流型的北方官话;西安话、洛阳话、... 官话方言在歌戈韵、车遮韵上存在不同类型的分合关系。成都、南京等西南官话或江淮官话为歌戈、车遮两分型的南方官话;北京、济南、兰州等北京官话、东北官话、兰银官话或中原官话一部分为歌戈、车遮合流型的北方官话;西安话、洛阳话、牟平话等中原官话一部或胶辽官话为歌戈、车遮洪混细分型的中部官话,这种类型也可以视为过渡型官话方言。这三种类型从分到合的历时发展进程在地理上显示出从南到北逐渐过渡的演变特征。 展开更多
关键词 官话方言 歌戈韵 车遮韵 韵类分合关系
体质与证候分合论 被引量:8
作者 马嘉轶 倪诚 李英帅 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期2439-2442,共4页
中医体质与证候的关系一直是中医学术界关注的问题。体质与证候的分合关系是从人体本身与疾病状态两个角度对体质与证候关系的一种抽象概括。其中,“合”指体质影响与决定证候的形成及其类型、性质、转归,表现出体质与证候之间特有的内... 中医体质与证候的关系一直是中医学术界关注的问题。体质与证候的分合关系是从人体本身与疾病状态两个角度对体质与证候关系的一种抽象概括。其中,“合”指体质影响与决定证候的形成及其类型、性质、转归,表现出体质与证候之间特有的内在逻辑关联;“分”是指体质与证候相对独立存在,呈现出两者不相关联的复杂局面。文章在列举体质与证候分合现象的基础上,分析其原因有四:一是体质与病邪从化与否,二是体质与疾病易发与否,三是体质与年龄时段的差异,四是治疗失误与药物耐受能力。认识体质与证候分合关系的意义在于明晰诊断名称的异同点,推动辨体、辨病、辨证的综合应用,彰显中医个体化治疗思想。 展开更多
关键词 体质 证候 分合关系 质证相 质证相
中医哲学发展走向论辩 被引量:2
作者 任秀梅 《中医药导报》 2010年第9期3-5,共3页
关键词 中医 发展走向 中西关系 分合关系 道术关系
作者 林妍 《北京金融》 2000年第6期22-24,共3页
关键词 中国 银行业 证券业 分合关系 业经营 混业经营
作者 李艳 金荣花 王式功 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2010年第3期221-230,共10页
Using reanalysis data provided by the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research, the potential relationship between the E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle an... Using reanalysis data provided by the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research, the potential relationship between the E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle and blocking highs in three key regions of Eurasia (Ural, Baikal, and Okhotsk) from 1950 to 2008 is analyzed. Composite analysis of 500 hPa geopotential height field during different stages of ENSO reveals that in the winters of E1 Nifio (EN) years, there is significant negative anomaly of geopotential height in the three key regions. In the winters of La Nifia (LN) years, on the other hand, significant positive anomaly of geopotential height is observed in Eastern Ural, Baikal, and Okhotsk. In summer, Okhotsk exhibits positive anomaly, which is significant at a confidence level of 90% by Student's t-test during the developing stage of an LN year. In the developing stage of an EN year, geopotential height field at 500 hPa manifests positive (negative) anomaly in Baikal (Ural and Okhotsk), while the geopotential height field at 500 hPa exhibits positive (negative) anomaly in Ural and Okhotsk (Baikal) during the decaying stage of both EN and LN years. However, these abnormities are insignificant in a developing EN year, decaying EN year, and the summer of a decaying LN year. By analyzing 500 hPa geopotential height field during different phases of the ENSO cycle, it is observed that results of the case study are consistent with those of composite analysis. Annual average blocking is likewise examined during the different stages of ENSO from 1950 to 2008. Combined with composite analysis and case study, results indicate that blockings in the three key regions are suppressed (enhanced) during the winters of EN (LN) years. In summer, the influence of ENSO on the blockings in the three key regions is not as significant as that in winter. Evidently, developing LN may enhance blockings in Okhotsk. Influence factors on blockings are various and complex. This paper indicates that the influence of ENSO on blockings cannot be neglected, and that it is crucial to related operational forecasting as a potential signal. 展开更多
关键词 blocking highs ENSO RELATION composite analysis
A watershed-based adaptive knowledge system for developing ecosystem stakeholder partnerships 被引量:2
作者 Hebin LIN Jeffrey A.THORNTON Nickolai SHADRIN 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1476-1488,共13页
This study proposes a Watershed-based Adaptive Knowledge System(WAKES) to consistently coordinate multiple stakeholders in developing sustainable partnerships for ecosystem management.WAKES is extended from the instit... This study proposes a Watershed-based Adaptive Knowledge System(WAKES) to consistently coordinate multiple stakeholders in developing sustainable partnerships for ecosystem management.WAKES is extended from the institutional mechanism of Payments for Improving Ecosystem Services at the Watershed-scale(PIES-W).PIES-W is designed relating to the governance of ecosystem services flows focused on a lake as a resource stock connecting its inflowing and outflowing rivers within its watershed.It explicitly realizes the values of conservation services provided by private land managers and incorporates their activities into the public organizing framework for ecosystem management.It implicitly extends the "upstream-to-downstream" organizing perspective to a broader vision of viewing the ecosystems as comprised of both "watershed landscapes" and "marine landscapes".Extended from PIES-W,WAKES specifies two corresponding feedback:Framework I and II.Framework I is a relationship matrix comprised of three input-output structures of primary governance factors intersecting three subsystems of a watershed with regard to ecosystem services and human stakeholders.Framework II is the Stakeholder-and-Information structure channeling five types of information among four stakeholder groups in order to enable the feedbacks mechanism of Framework I.WAKES identifies the rationales behind three fundamental information transformations,illustrated with the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and the Strategic Action Program of the Bermejo River Binational Basin.These include(1) translating scientific knowledge into public information within the Function-and-Service structure corresponding to the ecological subsystem,(2) incorporating public perceptions into political will within the Serviceand-Value structure corresponding to the economic subsystem,and(3) integrating scientific knowledge,public perceptions and political will into management options within the Value-and-Stakeholder structure corresponding to the social subsystem.This study seeks to share a vision of social adaptation for a global sustainable future through developing a network to adopt contributions from and forming partnerships among all ecosystem stakeholders. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services information transformation integrated ecosystem management stakeholder partnerships transaction costs watersheds
Logistics Management based on Supply Chain Management
作者 Wu Su 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期42-44,共3页
Logistics is an important part of the supply chain and connect all aspects of the supply chain throughout it, which has become business cooperation ties. In the process of developing supply chain logistics strategy, g... Logistics is an important part of the supply chain and connect all aspects of the supply chain throughout it, which has become business cooperation ties. In the process of developing supply chain logistics strategy, generally require attention to the following questions: To segment customers, we should determine the appropriate level of customer service, such as order cycle, inventory levels and other modes of transport for different types of clients; Group products according to sales on them, we can take different strategies for each category of products. Order entry, order execution and delivery job processing accounted for a large proportion of logistics activities, which requires technology and management to make the entire processes of supply chain logistics more efficient, especially for the interface area between members of enterprises. We can eliminate redundant work by integrating flow, improve logistics efficiency. 展开更多
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of China's Trade Relations With Sub-Saharan Africa 被引量:1
作者 Ephraim Okoro Philemon Oyewole 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第9期734-743,共10页
Trade and economic relations between China and Africa have a protracted history and have developed incrementally over the course of time. Consequently, increasing numbers of Chinese businesses and entrepreneurs have s... Trade and economic relations between China and Africa have a protracted history and have developed incrementally over the course of time. Consequently, increasing numbers of Chinese businesses and entrepreneurs have sought partnerships with African companies with the aim of establishing strategic partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures. In recent years, these Sino-African trading relations have been the subject of consistent debate and scrutiny, attracting positive and negative analyses from scholars and practitioners across disciplines. Some studies questioned China's motives in Africa's markets, and others viewed with suspicion the structure of Sino-Africa's bilateral trading engagements. Conducting an extensive literature survey of related sources and employing content analysis of recent and current data (2000-2009), the paper examined institutional and academic publications pertaining to Sino-African relationship. It determines imbalance in the structure of Sino-African bilateral trade, negative impact on domestic economic development, and competitive disadvantage in African marketplaces. Policy implications of these findings were provided as well as recommendations for mutual trade benefits and global strategic investments 展开更多
关键词 DEVELOPMENT GLOBALIZATION bilateral-trade ECONOMY Sub-Saharan Africa China
Translocation of Polymer Through a Nanopore Studied by Langevin Dynamics:Effect of the Friction Coefficient
作者 冯剑 尚亚卓 +2 位作者 周丽绘 刘洪来 胡英 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期231-238,共8页
The driven polymer translocation through a nanopore with unbiased initial configuration has been studied by using Langevin dynamics(LD) simulations.It is found that the scaling relationship between translocation time ... The driven polymer translocation through a nanopore with unbiased initial configuration has been studied by using Langevin dynamics(LD) simulations.It is found that the scaling relationship between translocation time and the polymer chain length is strongly affected by the friction coefficient in LD and the driving force.However,there is no scaling relationship between the translocation time and the friction coefficient.The translocation time is almost inversely proportional to the driving force,which is in agreement with those obtained in biased translocation.The scaling relationship between gyration radius(R g) of subchain at the trans side with the subchain length(L) is R g ~L 0.33 that is in good agreement with the limiting value for molten globule state,while the curve of R g of subchain at the cis side has two distinct stages.During translocation,the subchain at the cis side is being stretched gradually,and the structure of the subchain transforms from sphere-like to rod-like.When the effect of stretching reaches the tail end,the subchain is at the most stretched state.Finally the subchain will rapidly restore to coil structure.According to the results of force analysis,the retarding force at the trans side is more crucial during the practical translocation. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLOCATION Langevin dynamics friction coefficient POLYMER NANOPORE
Sol-Gel Synthesis and Structure-Property Relations in Silver Nanoparticles-Dispersed in GeO2 Matrix
作者 Bidhu Bhusan Das Jubin Jose Murugesan Yogapriya 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第6期58-62,共5页
Synthesis of Ag nanoparticles dispersed in germanium dioxide (GeO2) matrix was performed via sol-gel route. Analysis of the powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern shows fcc cubic unit cell of Ag with lattice param... Synthesis of Ag nanoparticles dispersed in germanium dioxide (GeO2) matrix was performed via sol-gel route. Analysis of the powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern shows fcc cubic unit cell of Ag with lattice parameters: a = 4.0884 A, space group Fm-3m. Energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX) results show the presence of only GeO2 and Ag in the sample. The average crystallite sizes of Ag particles determined by Scherrer's relation are found to be i 8-47 nm. Observed sharp electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) lineshapes at 8, 70 and 300 K with g-values of 2.004, 2.004, and 2.004, respectively, show that the Ag (5s~) electrons are localized in the Ag nanoparticles. The calculated value of the magnetic susceptibility is 1.014~ 10-5 emu/gG from the observed magnetic moments data at 300 K, which shows fairly strong paramagnetic nature of the material. Refinement of Ag crystal structure in space group Fm-3m with Ag atoms in 4(a) position shows the agreement bond length as 2.8909 ,&. Calculated density of states below Fermi factors Rp= 67.22%, Rwp= 75.7%, Rexp= 0.06%, Z = 4 and Ag-Ag energy, EF, from -2 to -8 eV are due to valence d orbitals of Ag. 展开更多
关键词 Sol-gel method powder XRD Ag nanoparticles EPR.
Electron Dispersion in Liquid Alkali and Their Alloys
作者 Aditya M.Vora 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第7期159-166,共8页
Ashcroft's local empty core (EMC) model pseudopotential in the second-order perturbation theory is used to study the electron dispersion relation, the Fermi energy, and deviation in the Fermi energy from free elect... Ashcroft's local empty core (EMC) model pseudopotential in the second-order perturbation theory is used to study the electron dispersion relation, the Fermi energy, and deviation in the Fermi energy from free electron value for the liquid alkali metals and their equiatomic binary alloys for the first time. In the present computation, the use of pseudo-alloy-atom model (PAA) is proposed and found successful. The influence of the six different forms of the local field correction functions proposed by Hartree (H), Vashishta Singwi (VS), Taylor (T), lehimaru-Utsumi (IU), Farid et al. (F), and Sarkar et al. (S) on the aforesaid electronic properties is examined explicitly, which reflects the varying effects of screening. The depth of the negative hump in the electron dispersion of liquid alkalis decreases in the order Li --→ K, except for Rb and Cs, it increases. The results of alloys are in predictive nature. 展开更多
关键词 PSEUDOPOTENTIAL Fermi energy electron dispersion curves local field correction functions alkalimetals and their alloys
The Wine Chain in Puglia: A Cluster Analysis
作者 Contb Francesco Fiore Mariantonietta La Sala Piermichele 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第10期696-716,共21页
The food industry is evolving more towards new forms of organization much more complex and characterized by a greater degree of coordination, whether in the form of vertical integration of explicit or implicit contrac... The food industry is evolving more towards new forms of organization much more complex and characterized by a greater degree of coordination, whether in the form of vertical integration of explicit or implicit contracts between players of different levels of the industry. Therefore, the aim of this work is the search for mechanisms that can provide value to the production phase to better increase competitiveness of the sector. For the first time, in fact, discussion about food chains have as reference a recognized legal entity, which is the integrated projects of food chain as a result of actions of agricultural policy at community, national and regional levels. The methodology is related to two steps: the administration of questionnaires to the three companies participating in food chain partnerships that have proposed a draft of integrated design of food chain in response to the notice of the Apulia region for the submission of the integrated projects of the food chain; and a cluster analysis in the wine sector of the Italian regions. The results showed, thanks to Network Analysis, the importance for the chain development of relationships formed by market relations and cooperation relations (formal and informal) and the need for more actions for the enhancement of products by research and development activities. 展开更多
关键词 Apulia wine food chain rural development integrated project of food chain cluster analysis.
Risk Analysis Comparison between the Mission NANOSATC-BR1 and NANOSATC-BR2
作者 Marcos Antonio Laurindo Dal Piaz Lucas Lourencena Caldas Franke +5 位作者 Mauricio Ricardo Balestrini Iago Camargo Silveira Guilherme Paul Jaenisch Tiago Travi Farias Otavio Santos Cupertino Durao Nelson Jorge Schuch 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第2期88-94,共7页
The goal of this work is to perform the risks analysis of the mission NANOSATC-BR1 and NANOSATC-BR2 and then compare them linearly. The NANOSATC-BR1 and NANOSATC-BR2 are the first and the second satellite, respectivel... The goal of this work is to perform the risks analysis of the mission NANOSATC-BR1 and NANOSATC-BR2 and then compare them linearly. The NANOSATC-BR1 and NANOSATC-BR2 are the first and the second satellite, respectively. They belonged to the project NANOSATC-BR-development of CubeSats, which is performed in the facilities built by the partnership between the National Institute of Space Research and the Technological Center from Federal University of Santa Maria. The project focuses on the development of a scientific instrumentation and, simultaneously, the design development, construction, qualification and launch of a national scientific nanosatellite, in a cube shape with 100 mm of edge and near to 1.33 kg of mass, per unit (U). The risk analysis was held to identify and minimize the project's risks of failure, due to its complexity, assuring the mission success, preventing extra pays and rework. The software, CubeSat Mission Design Software Tool for Risk Estimating, which uses statistical regression methods, was used. So, we were capable to measure the project's most critical steps assuring its success. The NANOSATC-BR1 was launched in June 19 and it is orbiting the Earth in a nominal regime and the NANOSATC-BR2 has been scheduled to be launched in 2016. 展开更多
关键词 Analysis RISK CubeSat.
Advance of Study on SSR Molecular Marker in Citrus and Its Close Relatives
作者 Xue-Fei Wang Zhi-Hui Wang Xi-Rui Xiong Qiao-Qiao Yan Xue-Li Pu 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第12期1078-1084,共7页
Simple sequences repeat (SSR) molecular maker, as a new type of DNA molecular marker, the second generation based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), is valuable and of great potential as genetic markers for i... Simple sequences repeat (SSR) molecular maker, as a new type of DNA molecular marker, the second generation based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), is valuable and of great potential as genetic markers for its characteristics of abundant quantity, high polymorphic, reproducibility, specific site amplification, high occurring frequency, and co-dominant inheritance etc. This paper outlined its principles and characteristics, and introduced its application to variety identification, phylogenetic relationship analysis, genetic diversity analysis, DNA fingerprinting and linkage map constructing etc. in recent years in Citrus and its close relatives. 展开更多
关键词 CITRUS SSR variety identification phylogenetic relationship analysis genetic diversity analysis DNA fingerprinting linkage map constructing.
作者 唐银华 《北京金融》 2000年第6期20-21,共2页
关键词 中国 银行业 证券业 业经营模式 分合关系
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