概述了生物学检测法(Biology detection)、电镜检测技术(Technology of electron microscopy)、血清学方法(Serological detection assay)和分子生物学检测技术(Molecular biological detection assay)的原理、操作环节及各自优缺点,为...概述了生物学检测法(Biology detection)、电镜检测技术(Technology of electron microscopy)、血清学方法(Serological detection assay)和分子生物学检测技术(Molecular biological detection assay)的原理、操作环节及各自优缺点,为生产工作中选择植物病毒病检测方法提供参考。展开更多
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are essential functional microbiology in natural ecosystems. It is very important to research community composition and di- versity of AMF for achieving sustainable development of ...Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are essential functional microbiology in natural ecosystems. It is very important to research community composition and di- versity of AMF for achieving sustainable development of ecosystems. The paper described several methods of researching the diversity of AMF, especially for molecular techniques, reviewed the application status of these methods in AMF research, and pointed out that the effective combination of morphological and molecular methods could better reveal the biodiversity and ecological functions of AMF in natural ecosystems.展开更多
Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value and the relationship between the clinicopathological features and the levels of total and free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in women with breast cancer.Methods: Using ...Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value and the relationship between the clinicopathological features and the levels of total and free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in women with breast cancer.Methods: Using the microparticle enzyme immunoassay system, we measured the concentrations of these markers in the sera of 85 women with breast cancer and in 30 healthy women.Rseults: The lowest detection level for both markers was 0.01 ng/ml. Free PSA levels were significantly higher in women with breast cancer than that in healthy women (P<0.05). The percentage of free PSA predominant subjects was 37.6% in breast cancer patients and 3.3% in healthy women. Cut-off values were 0.36 ng/ml for total PSA and 0.02 ng/ml for free PSA. In women with breast cancer, total PSA positivity was 23.5% and free PSA positivity was 27.1%. Compared to negatives, total PSA positive patients had a higher percentage of lymph node involvement tumours (P>0.05). However, patients with predominant free PSA had a higher percentage of early stage than patients with predominant PSA-ACT.Conclusion: Although the sensitivity of free PSA predominance is low (37.6%) in distinguishing women with breast cancer from healthy women, its specificity is high (97.0%).Free PSA predominance tends to be present in early stage tumours. These findings may indicate clinical significance of preoperative measurement of serum total and free PSA in women with breast cancer.展开更多
Hydrocarbon contamination may affect the soil microbial community, in terms of both diversity and function. A laboratory experiment was set-up, with a semi-arid control soil and the same soil but artificially contamin...Hydrocarbon contamination may affect the soil microbial community, in terms of both diversity and function. A laboratory experiment was set-up, with a semi-arid control soil and the same soil but artificially contaminated with diesel oil, to follow changes in the dominant species of the microbial community in the hydrocarbon-polluted soil via proteomics. Analysis of the proteins extracted from enriched cultures growing in Luria-Bertani (LB) media showed a change in the microbial community. The majority of the proteins were related to gIycolysis pathways, structural or protein synthesis. The results showed a relative increase in the complexity of the soil microbial community with hydrocarbon contamination, especially after 15 days of incubation. Species such as Ralstonia solanacearum, Synechococcus elongatus and different Clostridium sp. were adapted to contamination, not appearing in the control soil, although Bacillus sp. dominated the growing in LB in any of the treatments. We conclude that the identification of microbial species in soil extracts by culture-dependent proteomics is able to partially explain the changes in the diversity of the soil microbial community in hydrocarbon polluted semi-arid soils, but this information is much more limited than that provided by molecular methods.展开更多
Genomic sequences have been determined for a number of strains of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) and related bacteria. With the development of microarray analysis and the wide use of subtractive hybridization techni...Genomic sequences have been determined for a number of strains of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) and related bacteria. With the development of microarray analysis and the wide use of subtractive hybridization techniques, comparative studies have been carried out with respect to the interstrain differences between H pylori and inter-species differences in the genome of related bacteria. It was found that the core genome of H pylori constitutes 1111 genes that are determinants of the species properties. A great pool of auxiliary genes are mainly from the categories of cag pathogenicity islands, outer membrane proteins, restriction-modification system and hypothetical proteins of unknown function. Persistence of H pylori in the human stomach leads to the diversification of the genome. Comparative genomics suggest that a host jump has occurs from humans to felines. Candidate genes specific for the development of the gastric diseases were identified. With the aid of proteomics, population genetics and other molecular methods, future comparative genomic studies would dramatically promote our understanding of the evolution, pathogenesis and microbiology of Hpylori.展开更多
Phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strains(6 Nos.) were isolated from the rhizosphere soils of two seagrasses(Halophila ovalis(R.Br.) Hook and Halodule pinifolia(Miki) Hartog) in the Vellar estuary.Experimental studies ...Phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strains(6 Nos.) were isolated from the rhizosphere soils of two seagrasses(Halophila ovalis(R.Br.) Hook and Halodule pinifolia(Miki) Hartog) in the Vellar estuary.Experimental studies found that the strain PSSG6 was effective in phosphate solubilization with Phosphate Solubilization efficiency index E = 375 ± 8.54,followed by the strain PSSG5 with Phosphate Solubilization efficiency index E = 275 ± 27.3.Of the 6 strains isolated,the strains PSSG4 and PSSG5 be-longed to the genus Bacillus,and PSSG1,PSSG2 and PSSG3 were identified as Citrobacter sp.,Shigella sp.,and Klebsiella sp.,respectively,by conventional method,and PSSG6 was identified as Bacillus circulans using conventional and molecular methods.展开更多
Animal models provide myriad benefits to both experimental and clinical research. Unfortunately, in many situations, they fall short of expected results or provide contradictory results. In part, this can be the resul...Animal models provide myriad benefits to both experimental and clinical research. Unfortunately, in many situations, they fall short of expected results or provide contradictory results. In part, this can be the result of traditional molecular biological approaches that are relatively inefficient in elucidating underlying molecular mechanism. To improve the efficacy of animal models, a technological breakthrough is required. The growing availability and application of the high-throughput methods make systematic comparisons between human and animal models easier to perform. In the present study, we introduce the concept of the comparative systems biology, which we define as "comparisons of biological systems in different states or species used to achieve an integrated understanding of life forms with all their characteristic complexity of interactions at multiple levels". Furthermore, we discuss the applications of RNA-seq and ChIP-seq technologies to comparative systems biology between human and animal models and assess the potential applications for this approach in the future studies.展开更多
Recently bilingual teaching in China's universities has been widely carded out and become a popular subject for study. In this paper, the reasons for bilingual teaching of molecular biology are pointed out, the textb...Recently bilingual teaching in China's universities has been widely carded out and become a popular subject for study. In this paper, the reasons for bilingual teaching of molecular biology are pointed out, the textbook of molecular biology and teaching method in bilingual teaching classes are determined after investigation and the practice of bilingually teaching molecular biology use both English and Chinese in a class. The effect has proved good. The bilingual teaching methods, the problem of bilingual teaching, the importance of understanding its significance and the possibilities of improving such teaching of the subject are also discussed.展开更多
The actinomycete populations and functions in cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil were investigated by the cultivation- independent molecular methods. The genomic DNA was extracted and purified from soil adulterated with...The actinomycete populations and functions in cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil were investigated by the cultivation- independent molecular methods. The genomic DNA was extracted and purified from soil adulterated with various con- centrations of Cd in the laboratory. The partial 16S rDNA genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific primers bound to evolutionarily conserved regions within these actinomycete genes. The diversity in PCR- amplified products, as measured by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (EGGE), was used as a genetic fingerprint of the population. Principle component analysis and Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H) analyses were used to analyze the DGGE results. Results showed that the two principal components accounted for only a low level of the total variance. The value H in contaminated soil was lower than that in the control at later stages of cultivation, whereas at earlier stages it was higher. Among the six sampling time points, the first, fifth and sixth weeks had the highest values of H. Significantly negative correlations between bioavallable Cd concentration and H values existed in the samples from weeks 2 (R = 0.929, P 〈 0.05) and 4 (R = 0.909, P 〈 0.05). These results may shed light on the effect of Cd on the soil environment and the chemical behavior and toxicity of Cd to actinomycetes.展开更多
Phytophthora root and crown rot was found on the fruit trees in Bulgaria for the first time in the period 1998-1999. Monitoring of the disease spread from 2000 to 2007 points out incidence between 2 and 14 per cent, i...Phytophthora root and crown rot was found on the fruit trees in Bulgaria for the first time in the period 1998-1999. Monitoring of the disease spread from 2000 to 2007 points out incidence between 2 and 14 per cent, in some orchards and nurseries in the Southern part of Bulgaria. The following Phytophthora species were identified based on morphological and cultural characteristics, and temperature requirements: Phytophthora cactorum, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora drechsleri, Phytophthora cryptogea, Phytophthora hybrid specie and Pythium. Prevailing specie was P. cactorum. P. cryptogea and P. cactorum were confirmed by application of molecular methods. Nutritional requirements of P. cactorum and P. citrophthora were studied. Most Nitrogen sources stimulated the mycelial growth of P. cactorum to a higher extend, and reduced the colony size ofP. citrophthora. Different Carbon sources were utilized well by P. cactorum, and only saccharose and maltose had a stimulating effect on the mycelial growth of P. citrophthora. MgSO4.7H20 was the preferred sulfur source for both fungi, as L-cysteine and L-methionine only for P. cactorum. Phytophthora infection leads to physiological changes in the.host plant tissues. The tendency traced out is: about disorders in the amino acid metabolism, increase in the total sugars and slight reduction of the cellulose content. The total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are reduced and the calcium and magnesium are increased. Photosynthesis of inoculated plants was suppressed and transpiration was increased.展开更多
Potato is the main material of nutrition comes after the wheat and, is subjected to attacks of different plant parasitic nematodes which cause serious damages in our country. Especially, root-knot nematodes cause seri...Potato is the main material of nutrition comes after the wheat and, is subjected to attacks of different plant parasitic nematodes which cause serious damages in our country. Especially, root-knot nematodes cause serious crop losses on them. Due to usage oflnfested seeds, parasitic nematodes are increasing from year to year. In our country, so far, many infested hosts of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid &White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949 were detected but there is no report on investigation on potato. During this study, adult females of root-knot nematodes were obtained via extracting gals of 133 tuber samples, collected potatoes fields in the Marmara region especially Balikesir, Bilecik, Bursa, Canakkale, Edirne, Istanbul, Kirklareli, Kocaeli, Sakarya and Tekirdag provinces during 2007-2008. During identification the species, second stage larvae were taken into consideration as well as genital preparations of adult females. For the identification classical methods were used together with molecular methods. As result, M. incognita was detected, only species detected among the Meloidogyne genus upon the 10 provinces investigated in Edirne province, Bosna village. This is the first report of the infestation of this species potato and also in Marmara Region.展开更多
The present study aims to investigate the genotype-phenotype correlation of the hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), a genetic disorder of iron metabolism, in Matera province (Basilicata, Italy). Integrating both epid...The present study aims to investigate the genotype-phenotype correlation of the hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), a genetic disorder of iron metabolism, in Matera province (Basilicata, Italy). Integrating both epidemiological and molecular approaches, the authors studied: (a) the frequency of the HH main mutations; (b) the association between mutations and HH cases. The majority of patients with HH are homozygous for the C282Y mutation of the HFE gene. A second mutation (H63D) is more widely distributed and its connection with HH isn't clear, but a low penetrance is attributed to this variant. The population-based study consists of three steps: (1) determination of iron biochemical parameters, (2) genetic test, and (3) sequencing of HFE gene and bioinformatics studies. A case report is presented in a 41-year-old male (genotype: H63D/wt) with biochemical and clinical evidences of HH, in absence of secondary iron overload factors. In the cohort of studied patients (150M:62F), there are 18 homozygous patients; H63D/H63D genotype is found in 11 cases. In the heterozygous group, H63D/wt is the predominant genotype (61/68 subjects). All the H63D/wt residents in the same village (Mont.) show altered biochemical parameter levels. In our case study, a substitution localized into the HFE promoter (nt225A 〉 C) is found. Results show that the H63D genotype is responsible for most cases of HH. The peculiar clinical manifestation found in Mont. suggests a founder effect. In our case, the iron overload is related to a presence of an undetected mutation, critical for the transcriptional regulation of the HFE gene.展开更多
Water is contaminated mainly by chemical, physical and biological pollutants. At present, domestic reports on biological pollution of water environment are much less. Biological pollution in water environment pollutio...Water is contaminated mainly by chemical, physical and biological pollutants. At present, domestic reports on biological pollution of water environment are much less. Biological pollution in water environment pollution which is stable and infectious is the main part of water pollution. To fastly and accuratly detecte biological contamination of the water environment is extremely important for the control of disease outbreaks and water quality protection and public health security. This paper systematically introduces the research progress in biological water environment pollution detection methods in molecular biology aquatic environment, and explore molecular biology methods in the detection of biological contamination in water environment problems and trends.展开更多
文摘概述了生物学检测法(Biology detection)、电镜检测技术(Technology of electron microscopy)、血清学方法(Serological detection assay)和分子生物学检测技术(Molecular biological detection assay)的原理、操作环节及各自优缺点,为生产工作中选择植物病毒病检测方法提供参考。
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (30900963)Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province (2009ZC072M)Scientific Research Pogram of Yunnan Provincial Educaition Department (09Z0038)~~
文摘Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are essential functional microbiology in natural ecosystems. It is very important to research community composition and di- versity of AMF for achieving sustainable development of ecosystems. The paper described several methods of researching the diversity of AMF, especially for molecular techniques, reviewed the application status of these methods in AMF research, and pointed out that the effective combination of morphological and molecular methods could better reveal the biodiversity and ecological functions of AMF in natural ecosystems.
文摘Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value and the relationship between the clinicopathological features and the levels of total and free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in women with breast cancer.Methods: Using the microparticle enzyme immunoassay system, we measured the concentrations of these markers in the sera of 85 women with breast cancer and in 30 healthy women.Rseults: The lowest detection level for both markers was 0.01 ng/ml. Free PSA levels were significantly higher in women with breast cancer than that in healthy women (P<0.05). The percentage of free PSA predominant subjects was 37.6% in breast cancer patients and 3.3% in healthy women. Cut-off values were 0.36 ng/ml for total PSA and 0.02 ng/ml for free PSA. In women with breast cancer, total PSA positivity was 23.5% and free PSA positivity was 27.1%. Compared to negatives, total PSA positive patients had a higher percentage of lymph node involvement tumours (P>0.05). However, patients with predominant free PSA had a higher percentage of early stage than patients with predominant PSA-ACT.Conclusion: Although the sensitivity of free PSA predominance is low (37.6%) in distinguishing women with breast cancer from healthy women, its specificity is high (97.0%).Free PSA predominance tends to be present in early stage tumours. These findings may indicate clinical significance of preoperative measurement of serum total and free PSA in women with breast cancer.
基金Supported by the JAE-Program for Ph.D. Students of Spanish Research Council
文摘Hydrocarbon contamination may affect the soil microbial community, in terms of both diversity and function. A laboratory experiment was set-up, with a semi-arid control soil and the same soil but artificially contaminated with diesel oil, to follow changes in the dominant species of the microbial community in the hydrocarbon-polluted soil via proteomics. Analysis of the proteins extracted from enriched cultures growing in Luria-Bertani (LB) media showed a change in the microbial community. The majority of the proteins were related to gIycolysis pathways, structural or protein synthesis. The results showed a relative increase in the complexity of the soil microbial community with hydrocarbon contamination, especially after 15 days of incubation. Species such as Ralstonia solanacearum, Synechococcus elongatus and different Clostridium sp. were adapted to contamination, not appearing in the control soil, although Bacillus sp. dominated the growing in LB in any of the treatments. We conclude that the identification of microbial species in soil extracts by culture-dependent proteomics is able to partially explain the changes in the diversity of the soil microbial community in hydrocarbon polluted semi-arid soils, but this information is much more limited than that provided by molecular methods.
文摘Genomic sequences have been determined for a number of strains of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) and related bacteria. With the development of microarray analysis and the wide use of subtractive hybridization techniques, comparative studies have been carried out with respect to the interstrain differences between H pylori and inter-species differences in the genome of related bacteria. It was found that the core genome of H pylori constitutes 1111 genes that are determinants of the species properties. A great pool of auxiliary genes are mainly from the categories of cag pathogenicity islands, outer membrane proteins, restriction-modification system and hypothetical proteins of unknown function. Persistence of H pylori in the human stomach leads to the diversification of the genome. Comparative genomics suggest that a host jump has occurs from humans to felines. Candidate genes specific for the development of the gastric diseases were identified. With the aid of proteomics, population genetics and other molecular methods, future comparative genomic studies would dramatically promote our understanding of the evolution, pathogenesis and microbiology of Hpylori.
文摘Phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strains(6 Nos.) were isolated from the rhizosphere soils of two seagrasses(Halophila ovalis(R.Br.) Hook and Halodule pinifolia(Miki) Hartog) in the Vellar estuary.Experimental studies found that the strain PSSG6 was effective in phosphate solubilization with Phosphate Solubilization efficiency index E = 375 ± 8.54,followed by the strain PSSG5 with Phosphate Solubilization efficiency index E = 275 ± 27.3.Of the 6 strains isolated,the strains PSSG4 and PSSG5 be-longed to the genus Bacillus,and PSSG1,PSSG2 and PSSG3 were identified as Citrobacter sp.,Shigella sp.,and Klebsiella sp.,respectively,by conventional method,and PSSG6 was identified as Bacillus circulans using conventional and molecular methods.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31123005)the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Y002731071)the National Basic Research Program of China (2009CB941300)
文摘Animal models provide myriad benefits to both experimental and clinical research. Unfortunately, in many situations, they fall short of expected results or provide contradictory results. In part, this can be the result of traditional molecular biological approaches that are relatively inefficient in elucidating underlying molecular mechanism. To improve the efficacy of animal models, a technological breakthrough is required. The growing availability and application of the high-throughput methods make systematic comparisons between human and animal models easier to perform. In the present study, we introduce the concept of the comparative systems biology, which we define as "comparisons of biological systems in different states or species used to achieve an integrated understanding of life forms with all their characteristic complexity of interactions at multiple levels". Furthermore, we discuss the applications of RNA-seq and ChIP-seq technologies to comparative systems biology between human and animal models and assess the potential applications for this approach in the future studies.
基金Supported by the Program of Teaching Reform in Fujian Normal University.
文摘Recently bilingual teaching in China's universities has been widely carded out and become a popular subject for study. In this paper, the reasons for bilingual teaching of molecular biology are pointed out, the textbook of molecular biology and teaching method in bilingual teaching classes are determined after investigation and the practice of bilingually teaching molecular biology use both English and Chinese in a class. The effect has proved good. The bilingual teaching methods, the problem of bilingual teaching, the importance of understanding its significance and the possibilities of improving such teaching of the subject are also discussed.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 30570053 and 40501037)the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) of China (No. 2007AA10Z409)+1 种基金the National"Eleventh Five Years Plan" Key Project on Science and Technology of China (No. 2006BAJ08B01)the Research Fund of Science and Technology Bureau of Zhejiang Province,China (No. 2008C23088)
文摘The actinomycete populations and functions in cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil were investigated by the cultivation- independent molecular methods. The genomic DNA was extracted and purified from soil adulterated with various con- centrations of Cd in the laboratory. The partial 16S rDNA genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific primers bound to evolutionarily conserved regions within these actinomycete genes. The diversity in PCR- amplified products, as measured by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (EGGE), was used as a genetic fingerprint of the population. Principle component analysis and Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H) analyses were used to analyze the DGGE results. Results showed that the two principal components accounted for only a low level of the total variance. The value H in contaminated soil was lower than that in the control at later stages of cultivation, whereas at earlier stages it was higher. Among the six sampling time points, the first, fifth and sixth weeks had the highest values of H. Significantly negative correlations between bioavallable Cd concentration and H values existed in the samples from weeks 2 (R = 0.929, P 〈 0.05) and 4 (R = 0.909, P 〈 0.05). These results may shed light on the effect of Cd on the soil environment and the chemical behavior and toxicity of Cd to actinomycetes.
文摘Phytophthora root and crown rot was found on the fruit trees in Bulgaria for the first time in the period 1998-1999. Monitoring of the disease spread from 2000 to 2007 points out incidence between 2 and 14 per cent, in some orchards and nurseries in the Southern part of Bulgaria. The following Phytophthora species were identified based on morphological and cultural characteristics, and temperature requirements: Phytophthora cactorum, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora drechsleri, Phytophthora cryptogea, Phytophthora hybrid specie and Pythium. Prevailing specie was P. cactorum. P. cryptogea and P. cactorum were confirmed by application of molecular methods. Nutritional requirements of P. cactorum and P. citrophthora were studied. Most Nitrogen sources stimulated the mycelial growth of P. cactorum to a higher extend, and reduced the colony size ofP. citrophthora. Different Carbon sources were utilized well by P. cactorum, and only saccharose and maltose had a stimulating effect on the mycelial growth of P. citrophthora. MgSO4.7H20 was the preferred sulfur source for both fungi, as L-cysteine and L-methionine only for P. cactorum. Phytophthora infection leads to physiological changes in the.host plant tissues. The tendency traced out is: about disorders in the amino acid metabolism, increase in the total sugars and slight reduction of the cellulose content. The total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are reduced and the calcium and magnesium are increased. Photosynthesis of inoculated plants was suppressed and transpiration was increased.
文摘Potato is the main material of nutrition comes after the wheat and, is subjected to attacks of different plant parasitic nematodes which cause serious damages in our country. Especially, root-knot nematodes cause serious crop losses on them. Due to usage oflnfested seeds, parasitic nematodes are increasing from year to year. In our country, so far, many infested hosts of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid &White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949 were detected but there is no report on investigation on potato. During this study, adult females of root-knot nematodes were obtained via extracting gals of 133 tuber samples, collected potatoes fields in the Marmara region especially Balikesir, Bilecik, Bursa, Canakkale, Edirne, Istanbul, Kirklareli, Kocaeli, Sakarya and Tekirdag provinces during 2007-2008. During identification the species, second stage larvae were taken into consideration as well as genital preparations of adult females. For the identification classical methods were used together with molecular methods. As result, M. incognita was detected, only species detected among the Meloidogyne genus upon the 10 provinces investigated in Edirne province, Bosna village. This is the first report of the infestation of this species potato and also in Marmara Region.
文摘The present study aims to investigate the genotype-phenotype correlation of the hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), a genetic disorder of iron metabolism, in Matera province (Basilicata, Italy). Integrating both epidemiological and molecular approaches, the authors studied: (a) the frequency of the HH main mutations; (b) the association between mutations and HH cases. The majority of patients with HH are homozygous for the C282Y mutation of the HFE gene. A second mutation (H63D) is more widely distributed and its connection with HH isn't clear, but a low penetrance is attributed to this variant. The population-based study consists of three steps: (1) determination of iron biochemical parameters, (2) genetic test, and (3) sequencing of HFE gene and bioinformatics studies. A case report is presented in a 41-year-old male (genotype: H63D/wt) with biochemical and clinical evidences of HH, in absence of secondary iron overload factors. In the cohort of studied patients (150M:62F), there are 18 homozygous patients; H63D/H63D genotype is found in 11 cases. In the heterozygous group, H63D/wt is the predominant genotype (61/68 subjects). All the H63D/wt residents in the same village (Mont.) show altered biochemical parameter levels. In our case study, a substitution localized into the HFE promoter (nt225A 〉 C) is found. Results show that the H63D genotype is responsible for most cases of HH. The peculiar clinical manifestation found in Mont. suggests a founder effect. In our case, the iron overload is related to a presence of an undetected mutation, critical for the transcriptional regulation of the HFE gene.
文摘Water is contaminated mainly by chemical, physical and biological pollutants. At present, domestic reports on biological pollution of water environment are much less. Biological pollution in water environment pollution which is stable and infectious is the main part of water pollution. To fastly and accuratly detecte biological contamination of the water environment is extremely important for the control of disease outbreaks and water quality protection and public health security. This paper systematically introduces the research progress in biological water environment pollution detection methods in molecular biology aquatic environment, and explore molecular biology methods in the detection of biological contamination in water environment problems and trends.