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缓释与普通尿素分层配施对土壤氮素和玉米生长的影响 被引量:7
作者 王玉凤 武鹏 +4 位作者 李庆 张鹏 贾志宽 薛盈文 杨克军 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期118-126,共9页
通过2 a大田随机区组试验,探究缓释与普通尿素分层配施对土壤氮素含量、玉米根叶衰老及产量的影响机理。试验设置不施氮肥(CK)、普通尿素1次施肥PU1(5~10 cm土层)、普通尿素传统2次施肥PU2(5~10 cm土层,60%种肥+40%追肥)、普通尿素1次... 通过2 a大田随机区组试验,探究缓释与普通尿素分层配施对土壤氮素含量、玉米根叶衰老及产量的影响机理。试验设置不施氮肥(CK)、普通尿素1次施肥PU1(5~10 cm土层)、普通尿素传统2次施肥PU2(5~10 cm土层,60%种肥+40%追肥)、普通尿素1次分层施肥PU3(5~10 cm土层20%N+15~20 cm土层30%N+25~30 cm土层50%N)、不同土层深度缓释与普通尿素配施PCU1~PCU4[均为5~10 cm土层20%N(普通尿素)+15~20 cm土层30%N(配施)+25~30 cm土层50%N(配施),其中PCU1~PCU4的15~20 cm和25~30 cm土层PCU∶PU分别为3∶7、3∶7,5∶5、5∶5和3∶7、5∶5,5∶5、3∶7]共8个处理。结果表明,与PU1、PU2、PU3相比,缓释与普通尿素分层配施处理在玉米生育后期(吐丝期和灌浆期)土壤中NO-3-N含量提高了4.21%~133.44%,NH+4-N含量提高了17.09%~72.95%;叶片SOD、POD、CAT、可溶性蛋白分别提高了9.22%~26.75%、7.72%~23.35%、7.66%~22.96%、11.67%~32.98%,MDA降低了2.34%~37.53%;根系SOD、POD、CAT、可溶性蛋白分别提高了7.93%~22.75%、19.09%~42.13%、9.71%~60.98%、12.42%~103.57%,MDA降低了3.01%~31.6%。缓释与普通尿素分层配施玉米产量在2017年和2018年比其它处理分别提高2.32%~26.16%和1.32%~22.36%,经济效益增加1.67%~31.84%和0.33%~27.49%,各处理中PCU4处理产量最高,2017年和2018年分别为13899.08 kg·hm^-2和12439.35 kg·hm^-2,经济效益分别为17022.25元·hm^-2和14832.65元·hm^-2。综合来看PCU4处理是最佳的缓释尿素施用方式。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 缓释与普通尿素 分层配施 土壤氮素 生理指标
分层施磷与氮钾肥配施对春玉米干物质积累与转运的影响 被引量:2
作者 范秀艳 张玉芹 +2 位作者 张瑞富 邰继承 于华荣 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第2期128-132,共5页
以金山27为供试品种,采用田间试验和实验室研究相结合的方法,研究了分层施磷与氮钾肥配施对春玉米干物质积累和转运的影响.结果表明,各时期干物质积累量均为T4>T3>T2>T1>CK,开花前干物质积累对籽粒贡献率为CK>T1>T2&g... 以金山27为供试品种,采用田间试验和实验室研究相结合的方法,研究了分层施磷与氮钾肥配施对春玉米干物质积累和转运的影响.结果表明,各时期干物质积累量均为T4>T3>T2>T1>CK,开花前干物质积累对籽粒贡献率为CK>T1>T2>T3>T4,开花后干物质积累对籽粒贡献率为T4>T3>T2>T1>CK,茎鞘、叶片和穗部营养体干物质转运量均表现为T4>T3>T2>T1>CK,各器官表现为茎鞘>叶>穗. 展开更多
关键词 分层氮钾肥 春玉米 干物质 积累与转运
Philosophy and Economic Injustice in Nigeria
作者 Jonathan O. Chimakonam Irem Moses Ogah Mulumba Obiajulu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第7期473-482,共10页
In philosophy, justice is a big and yet flexible concept. Thrasymacus sees it as the interest of the stronger party; while the Institute for Creation Research sees it as being legal and ethical, restorative and penal ... In philosophy, justice is a big and yet flexible concept. Thrasymacus sees it as the interest of the stronger party; while the Institute for Creation Research sees it as being legal and ethical, restorative and penal with regards to human rights. Political, legal, religious, social etc., are forms of justice but in this work, the authors are concerned with economic justice. First, the authors say that the Nigerian society is in disorder as a result of entrenched economic injustice partly inspired by its multi-ethnicity and multi-religiousity. The authors therefore, investigate what constitutes economic justice in a nation like Nigeria: Is it equitable distribution of national wealth to individuals, groups, and regions? Or, is it the distribution of national wealth proportionate to the contributions of individuals, groups, and regions to the national treasury, or still the distribution of national wealth according to political power blocs which fall within regional and ethnic lines? The aim of this paper is to establish that no matter which definition one adopts, there have been some regions in Nigeria namely Niger Delta or the South-South and southeast regions which account for over 80% of national income in oil revenue but which continue to experience sustained economic injustice in the distribution of national wealth, federal projects, basic amenities etc., since the end of the civil war in 1970. In the societal strata, the wage earners are at the receiving end of government's unjust taxation system which enables the high net-worth individuals to pay less and most times evade taxation on their stupendous income. In another scenario, poor citizens are unjustly treated in the sharing of national wealth when compared with the wealthy class for example; they live in areas lacking in basic amenities; they are deprived access to loans to finance their businesses, agricultural project, and other crafts by the premium placed on collateral policies. We therefore conclude that the Nigerian society is lopsided as a result of massive economic injustices in Nigeria at the individual, group, and regional levels. In sum, the authors revisit philosophy's role at addressing such societal disorder orchestrated by various economic injustices perpetrated in Nigeria. 展开更多
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