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黄骅坳陷板桥地区湖相滩坝砂体内部隔(夹)层成因机制与分布样式 被引量:13
作者 商晓飞 侯加根 +3 位作者 刘钰铭 李永强 马克 杨逸臣 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期581-596,共16页
黄骅坳陷板桥地区古近系沙河街组沙二段具有典型的湖泊滩坝沉积特点,其砂体内部主要发育泥质、钙质和致密粉砂质3种类型的隔夹层。利用构型分析法,将滩坝砂体分为复合坝、单一坝和坝内增生体3个构型要素,将内部隔(夹)层分为单一坝... 黄骅坳陷板桥地区古近系沙河街组沙二段具有典型的湖泊滩坝沉积特点,其砂体内部主要发育泥质、钙质和致密粉砂质3种类型的隔夹层。利用构型分析法,将滩坝砂体分为复合坝、单一坝和坝内增生体3个构型要素,将内部隔(夹)层分为单一坝间隔层和单一坝内夹层2个级别。单一坝间隔层具有3种成因机制:(1)基准面波动造成单一坝叠置区分布的细粒沉积;(2)风暴作用形成的滞留泥砾沉积;(3)坝后水动力低能区域形成的泥质沉积。单一坝内夹层则是波浪能量衰减形成的细粒沉积,岩性以粉砂质泥岩、泥质粉砂岩为主。通过分析夹层的井上识别特征,结合青海湖、岱海现代沉积的原型地质模式,对单一坝进行内部构型解剖。结果表明,夹层厚度为0.1~1m,靠近岸线近水平分布,向湖中心方向以低角度倾斜,倾角为2°~5°。不同级次与成因的隔(夹)层在滩坝砂体中都有特定的发育部位,其分布规律和空间配置关系不仅可以反映不同隔(夹)层的沉积时间顺序,还可以依此来推测滩坝的沉积规模与展布形态。隔(夹)层会导致含油气性的差异,认识隔(夹)层分布规律是提高滩坝储集层油气采收率的关键。 展开更多
关键词 滩坝 隔(夹)层 成因机制 分布样式 古近系 沙河街组 板桥凹陷
河控三角洲河口坝储层内部隔夹层分布样式研究 被引量:8
作者 王旭影 姜在兴 +2 位作者 岳大力 王欣 王夏斌 《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期9-17,共9页
以胜坨油田二区沙二段8砂组为例,利用丰富的岩芯、动态监测资料及密井网条件,采用层次约束和动态拟合的研究方法,分析河口坝储层内部隔夹层的类型、成因和表征级次,讨论不同级次隔夹层的发育位置、沉积产状、规模及分布样式。研究表明,... 以胜坨油田二区沙二段8砂组为例,利用丰富的岩芯、动态监测资料及密井网条件,采用层次约束和动态拟合的研究方法,分析河口坝储层内部隔夹层的类型、成因和表征级次,讨论不同级次隔夹层的发育位置、沉积产状、规模及分布样式。研究表明,河口坝储层内部发育泥质、物性隔夹层和钙质夹层3类。5级界面处的隔夹层限定河口坝复合体,位于复合河口坝顶部,泥质、物性隔夹层侧向拼接,呈连片状,沿单层较连续分布,钙质夹层延伸规模小,呈孤立状,离散分布;4级界面处发育泥质夹层、物性夹层和钙质夹层,限定单一河口坝,位于单一河口坝相互叠置处,顺单一河口坝顶部延伸,侧向与5级界面斜交,离散分布;3级界面处的泥质夹层、物性夹层和钙质夹层,限定单一河口坝内部的增生体,数量多,厚度薄,分布离散,向湖心方向以低角度倾斜。 展开更多
关键词 隔夹层 分布样式 河口坝 构型级次 胜坨油田
纳岭沟铀矿床局部隔水层分布样式及对铀矿开发的影响 被引量:2
作者 戴明建 彭云彪 +5 位作者 焦养泉 苗爱生 荣辉 陈法正 申科峰 刘璐 《世界核地质科学》 CAS 2016年第2期84-90,共7页
纳岭沟砂岩型铀矿是鄂尔多斯盆地重要的铀矿床之一,具有含矿含水层厚、岩矿比大的特点。通过详细研究该矿床局部隔水层的空间分布特征,将其总结为3种类型:完整型、残缺型和天窗型,并细分为11种亚类型。详细分析了局部隔水层的空问分布... 纳岭沟砂岩型铀矿是鄂尔多斯盆地重要的铀矿床之一,具有含矿含水层厚、岩矿比大的特点。通过详细研究该矿床局部隔水层的空间分布特征,将其总结为3种类型:完整型、残缺型和天窗型,并细分为11种亚类型。详细分析了局部隔水层的空问分布对铀矿开发的影响,不同的局部隔水层空间发育样式,控制着浸出液的不同分布模式。以完整型的同顶不同底亚类和残缺型的双边缺底板亚类进行了动态注采模拟分析,将整个模拟过程分为反应前阶段、初始反应阶段、反应中阶段、浸出液连通阶段、见矿阶段和稳定阶段,对该矿床的下一步有效开采将具有很好的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 纳岭沟铀矿床 铀储层 局部隔水层 分布样式 矿体开发
中条裂谷铜矿床的分布样式 被引量:15
作者 真允庆 杜继盛 +1 位作者 刘丽玲 王阳湖 《桂林冶金地质学院学报》 1994年第1期1-9,共9页
关键词 铜矿床 裂谷 分布样式 山西
2013年芦山地震滑坡空间分布样式对盲逆断层构造的反映 被引量:5
作者 许冲 徐锡伟 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期979-986,共8页
2013年4月20日芦山地震后,关于地震发震断层的判识与考察成为了地震学家关注的对象与争论的焦点.基于野外调查与可利用的高分辨率航片人工目视解译方法,初步建立了芦山地震滑坡空间分布图.从地震滑坡的角度开展芦山地震发震断层的分析... 2013年4月20日芦山地震后,关于地震发震断层的判识与考察成为了地震学家关注的对象与争论的焦点.基于野外调查与可利用的高分辨率航片人工目视解译方法,初步建立了芦山地震滑坡空间分布图.从地震滑坡的角度开展芦山地震发震断层的分析与讨论,旨在为芦山地震发震构造研究提供地震滑坡方面的证据.综合垂直可能发震断层走向的3个地震滑坡密度剖面分析的结果为:双石-大川断裂的下盘区域发生了较多的滑坡,滑坡丰度在双石-大川断裂附近没有发生突变行为;滑坡在大邑断裂附近发育极少,滑坡密度没有发生突变行为;滑坡密度在上里西断裂NW方向1~2 km处发生了一次较明显的突变行为,上里西断裂的上盘滑坡丰度明显高于下盘.据此,本文得出了初步结论:在芦山地震中主要活动的断层既不是双石-大川断裂,也不是大邑断裂,更可能是两者之间的一条具有明显的线状地貌特征的上里西断层,断层错动并没有传到地表,为一次盲逆断层型的构造地震. 展开更多
关键词 芦山地震 滑坡 空间分布样式 盲逆断层 航片
滨岸相碎屑岩储集层隔夹层分布预测方法——以塔里木盆地东河油田东河砂岩为例 被引量:4
作者 孙盼科 徐怀民 +3 位作者 黄娅 刘强 江同文 王超 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期725-734,共10页
在构型级次划分的指导下,综合野外露头、岩心、测井资料对东河砂岩储集层内部隔夹层的成因类型进行了划分,并进行了静态表征,将其划分为7个级次并归纳出平行状、斜交状和槽状3种隔夹层分布样式。通过注水见效、生产动态特征分析对隔夹... 在构型级次划分的指导下,综合野外露头、岩心、测井资料对东河砂岩储集层内部隔夹层的成因类型进行了划分,并进行了静态表征,将其划分为7个级次并归纳出平行状、斜交状和槽状3种隔夹层分布样式。通过注水见效、生产动态特征分析对隔夹层进行了动态表征,并将每种分布样式的隔夹层定性划分为3种井间展布类型:完全不遮挡型、部分遮挡型和完全遮挡型。为了实现隔夹层预测从定性到定量的跨越,引入了隔夹层控制系数的概念。通过动静结合,定量研究了3种隔夹层分布样式中隔夹层参数对流体运动的控制作用,并明确了隔夹层展布范围的预测方法。在理论研究的基础上,对实例进行了解剖。结果表明,基于静态模型、动态资料和数值模拟的隔夹层表征方法在滨岸相储集层中具有很好的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 滨岸相 碎屑岩储集层 隔夹层 分布样式 动态特征 控制系数
南海B油田夹层特征及其对剩余油分布影响 被引量:2
作者 薛成 熊书权 +2 位作者 任飞 侯凯 李凡 《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期14-22,共9页
为有效指导油田高含水阶段剩余油挖潜,综合运用岩芯、测井、地震和生产动态等资料,开展夹层成因与展布特征研究,及其对剩余油分布影响研究。结果表明,油田夹层可分为泥质夹层、钙质夹层和物性夹层3种类型,建立了夹层测井识别标准;平面... 为有效指导油田高含水阶段剩余油挖潜,综合运用岩芯、测井、地震和生产动态等资料,开展夹层成因与展布特征研究,及其对剩余油分布影响研究。结果表明,油田夹层可分为泥质夹层、钙质夹层和物性夹层3种类型,建立了夹层测井识别标准;平面上夹层可分为零星发育式、局部连片发育式和全区发育式3种类型,建立了各类型夹层平面分布标准;垂向上均质储层内部多发育单一类型夹层,非均质性较强储层内部多发育复合类型夹层;并分析了不同类型夹层对剩余油分布影响,其中,局部连片夹层和全区发育夹层下部剩余油相对富集,是油田开发后期挖潜重要方向。 展开更多
关键词 珠江口盆地 三角洲相 夹层 分布样式 剩余油分布
作者 戴宗铎 叶顶锋 +1 位作者 王平 方根溪 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期39-44,共6页
r-样式的分布是有限域上序列伪随机性的一个重要方面。就此问题本文对域R/pR上一类序列作了考察,这类序列得自于Galois环R=GR(ptn, pn)上其特征多项式f (x)在模p下本原的线性递归序列(包括极大长序列)的p-adic展开,即所谓Galois环导出p... r-样式的分布是有限域上序列伪随机性的一个重要方面。就此问题本文对域R/pR上一类序列作了考察,这类序列得自于Galois环R=GR(ptn, pn)上其特征多项式f (x)在模p下本原的线性递归序列(包括极大长序列)的p-adic展开,即所谓Galois环导出p元序列。我们得到了这种序列上独立r-样式分布的一个估计,作为推论,r-样式的分布关于f (x)的次数是渐近均匀的。 展开更多
关键词 p元序列 元素组 渐近均匀性 GALOIS环 r-样式分布 最高权位序列 密码学
海底扇朵叶沉积构型研究进展 被引量:19
作者 张佳佳 吴胜和 《中国海上油气》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期88-106,共19页
作为深海沉积体系中主要的沉积储层类型之一,海底扇朵叶沉积具有重要的科研价值和极大的油气资源潜力,因此一直是世界深海沉积研究的热点。在近60年的研究历程中,学术界在海底扇朵叶概念、沉积模式及成因机制等方面取得了重要进展,同时... 作为深海沉积体系中主要的沉积储层类型之一,海底扇朵叶沉积具有重要的科研价值和极大的油气资源潜力,因此一直是世界深海沉积研究的热点。在近60年的研究历程中,学术界在海底扇朵叶概念、沉积模式及成因机制等方面取得了重要进展,同时也产生了一定分歧,尤其是在海底扇朵叶体系内部构型研究方面仍存在较多争议和不足。本文阐述了海底扇朵叶沉积内部的构型要素类型及特征,总结并分析了海底扇朵叶体系构型级次划分方案及不同级次构型单元的空间分布样式与定量规模。在此基础上,指出了今后的研究有必要对不同学者的朵叶构型分级概念作细致的对比梳理,在统一构型级次的基础上明确不同地质条件或主控因素对海底扇朵叶构型发育模式的控制作用,能够建立相对统一的、可对比的、定量构型知识库,从而更好地指导深水油气勘探开发过程中的朵叶储层构型表征。 展开更多
关键词 深海 海底扇朵叶 沉积构型 构型级次 分布样式 定量规模
作者 杨天南 信迪 《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第6期537-546,共10页
蛇绿岩套是运用板块构造理论解释造山带构造演化的关键,合理理解蛇绿岩套的形成、演化有助于构建与板块构造理论吻合的造山带演化模型。经典的蛇绿岩套发育由地幔橄榄岩、堆晶辉长岩、枕状玄武岩-深海沉积岩组成的“三位一体”岩石组合... 蛇绿岩套是运用板块构造理论解释造山带构造演化的关键,合理理解蛇绿岩套的形成、演化有助于构建与板块构造理论吻合的造山带演化模型。经典的蛇绿岩套发育由地幔橄榄岩、堆晶辉长岩、枕状玄武岩-深海沉积岩组成的“三位一体”岩石组合,与现代洋中脊新形成的大洋岩石圈具有相同的岩石组合及岩石空间分布样式。地球化学家们在经典蛇绿岩套定义基础上,根据玄武质岩石地球化学特征的变化,提出了“俯冲带之上(SSZ)蛇绿岩套”概念,并对其划分亚类、构建相应的概念性成因模型,从而引发了“在俯冲汇聚阶段能否发生岩石圈裂解、形成新生洋壳”的“蛇绿岩难题”。针对阿尔卑斯-喜马拉雅造山系内的两个典型SSZ型蛇绿岩套的详细解剖表明,部分SSZ型蛇绿岩套的定义可能存在玄武质岩石“年代误植”、“构造背景误植”问题。前人定义的伊朗克尔曼沙赫弧前蛇绿岩套、巴基斯坦拉斯科赫弧间蛇绿岩套均由两部分组成:下部为形成于洋中脊环境、时代较老的大洋岩石圈残片;其上分别被年轻的弧前盆地和岛弧相关火山-沉积岩组合不整合覆盖。显然,大部分SSZ型蛇绿岩套是经典洋中脊蛇绿岩套残片与形成于其他构造环境(如大陆裂谷、俯冲带)的火山-沉积岩序列的组合体,并不存在蛇绿岩难题。合理解释造山带内的基性-超基性岩组合的成因需要详细的野外调查以确定不同岩石单元之间的时空关系。 展开更多
关键词 蛇绿岩套 俯冲带之上 构造背景 玄武岩地球化学 时空分布样式
涠西南凹陷地层油气藏的形成条件及成藏模式 被引量:6
作者 甘军 赵顺兰 +1 位作者 罗威 胡晨晖 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期40-44,共5页
地层油气藏是富生烃凹陷勘探的新领域。针对涠西南凹陷南斜坡地层圈闭成藏富集规律不清的问题,运用层序地层学、油气地球化学等研究方法,通过成藏期次、构造演化分析手段,明确古近系地层圈闭顶底板条件、输导体系动态演化及成藏模式。... 地层油气藏是富生烃凹陷勘探的新领域。针对涠西南凹陷南斜坡地层圈闭成藏富集规律不清的问题,运用层序地层学、油气地球化学等研究方法,通过成藏期次、构造演化分析手段,明确古近系地层圈闭顶底板条件、输导体系动态演化及成藏模式。研究结果表明,斜坡区地层分布和后期构造抬升是地层圈闭成藏主控因素,构造型斜坡源-储-盖层一体分布利于形成高效输导体系和大规模地层油气藏。该研究方法及结论对断陷盆地地层油气藏勘探有普遍借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 地层油气藏 构造型斜坡 地层分布样式 成藏模式 涠西南凹陷
作者 胡辉 王俊 韩雷 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2011年第11期54-56,共3页
国内外对构造坡折的研究已有20多年的历史。首次使用构造坡折是研究陆架边缘I型层序的发育过程和地层格架。构造坡折带在平面上形成不同的组合类型,并控制了砂体的展布和物源的方向,包括梳状同沉积断裂系、叉形同沉积断裂系、帚状同沉... 国内外对构造坡折的研究已有20多年的历史。首次使用构造坡折是研究陆架边缘I型层序的发育过程和地层格架。构造坡折带在平面上形成不同的组合类型,并控制了砂体的展布和物源的方向,包括梳状同沉积断裂系、叉形同沉积断裂系、帚状同沉积断裂系和反向丁字形同沉积断裂系。构造坡折控制了沉积和层序地层的发育,具有重要的油气意义。 展开更多
关键词 构造坡折带 砂体分布样式 形成机制 油气成藏
Distributed Sampling Measurement Model in a Large-Scale High-Speed IP Networks 被引量:1
作者 龚俭 程光 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第1期40-45,共6页
The distributed passive measurement is an important technology for networkbehavior research. To achieve a consistent measurement, the same packets should be sampled atdistributed measurement points. And in order to es... The distributed passive measurement is an important technology for networkbehavior research. To achieve a consistent measurement, the same packets should be sampled atdistributed measurement points. And in order to estimate the character of traffic statistics, thetraffic sample should be random in statistics. A distributed samplingmask measurement model isintroduced to tackle the difficulty of measuring the full trace of high-speed networks. The keypoint of the model is to choose some bits that are suitable to be sampling mask. In the paper, thebit entropy and bit flow entropy of IP packet headers in CERNET backbone are analyzed, and we findthat the 16 bits of identification field in IP packet header are fit to the matching field ofsampling mask. Measurement traffic also can be used to analyze the statistical character ofmeasurement sample and the randomicity of the model. At the same time the experiment resultsindicate that the model has a good sampling performance. 展开更多
关键词 sampling measurement bit entropy matching field identification field
Subtree, TASS and an Analysis of the Genus Caragana
作者 张明理 Pauline Y. LADIGES Gareth NELSON 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第10期1213-1218,共6页
Subtree analysis and three area satements (TASS) procedure are used to deal with the area relationship in historical biogeography. On the basis of the taxon cladogram, the procedure could identify and eliminate the ... Subtree analysis and three area satements (TASS) procedure are used to deal with the area relationship in historical biogeography. On the basis of the taxon cladogram, the procedure could identify and eliminate the paralogy node and determine the informative subtree. The area relationships are generally illustrated in several subtrees and the consensus tree. The distribution pattern of the genus Caragana comprising about 72 species and occurring in 13 areas, was analyzed by using subtree method and TASS procedure in this study. The results showed seven subtrees representing the area relationships of section and series of the genus, and the consensus tree provided the 13 area relationships. These results are congruent with our former result using component analysis for Caragana. 展开更多
关键词 SUBTREE three area satements (TASS) CARAGANA distribution pattern
Spatial Distribution and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Paddy Soils of Yongshuyu Irrigation Area from Songhua River Basin,Northeast China 被引量:9
作者 CUI Zhengwu WANG Yang +3 位作者 ZHAO Na YU Rui XU Guanghui YU Yong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期797-809,共13页
There is an increasing concern for potentially hazardous metals pollution, which can threaten crops production and human health. In this study, the spatial distribution and environmental risks of eight heavy metals in... There is an increasing concern for potentially hazardous metals pollution, which can threaten crops production and human health. In this study, the spatial distribution and environmental risks of eight heavy metals in surface soil samples collected from the paddy fields in Yongshuyu irrigation area, Northeast China were investigated. The mean concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, Hg and As were 34.6 ± 4.67, 82.8 ± 9.51, 17.3 ± 4.09, 21.2 ± 12.0, 88.6 ± 17.9, 0.18 ± 0.15, 0.22 ± 0.07 and 8.77 ± 2.47 mg/kg, respectively, which were slightly higher than their corresponding background values of Jilin Province, indicating enrichment of these metals in the paddy soils, especially for Ni, Cd and Hg. The spatial distribution of heavy metals was closely correlated with local anthropogenic activities, such as agricultural production, mining and transportation. The hot-spot areas of As and Cd were mainly concentrated in the up-midstream where were associated with agricultural activities. Cr and Cu showed similar spatial distributions with hot-spot areas distributed the whole irrigation area uniformly. Ni was mainly distributed in the downstream where Ni quarries concentrated, while the spatial distribution patterns of Hg was mainly located in the upstream and downstream where the soil was significantly influenced by irrigation and coal mining emission. The spatial distributions of Pb and Zn were mainly concentrated along the highway side. The pollution levels of Yongshuyu irrigation area were estimated through index of geo-accumulation(Igeo), Nemerow integrated pollution index(NIPI) and potential ecological risk index(PERI). The results showed that Cd and Hg were the main pollutants in the study area. Health risk assessment results indicated that children were in higher non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks than adults with the carcinogenic metal of As. Ingestion was the main exposure pathway to non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk for both adults and children. Principal component analysis(PCA) indicated that Cr and Cu were mainly from parent materials, while Cd and As were mainly affected by agricultural activities. Pb and Zn were controlled by traffic activities, and the accumulations of Ni and Hg were associated with mining activities. This study would be valuable for preventing heavy metals inputs and safety in rice production of the Songhua river basin. 展开更多
关键词 spatial distribution heavy metals paddy soil risk assessment source identification Songhua River Basin
作者 Wen Chenglin Zhang Liantang Ge Quanbo 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2005年第5期534-545,共12页
This letter explores the distributed multisensor dynamic system, which has uniform sampling velocity and asynchronous sampling data for different sensors, and puts forward a new gradation fusion algorithm of multisens... This letter explores the distributed multisensor dynamic system, which has uniform sampling velocity and asynchronous sampling data for different sensors, and puts forward a new gradation fusion algorithm of multisensor dynamic system. As the total forecasted increment value between the two adjacent moments is the forecasted estimate value of the corresponding state increment in the fusion center, the new algorithm models the state and the forecasted estimate value of every moment. Kalman filter and all measurements arriving sequentially in the fusion period are employed to update the evaluation of target state step by step, on the condition that the system has obtained the target state evaluation that is based on the overall information in the previous fusion period. Accordingly, in the present period, the fusion evaluation of the target state at each sampling point on the basis of the overall information can be obtained. This letter elaborates the form of this new algorithm. Computer simulation demonstrates that this new algorithm owns greater precision in estimating target state than the present asynchronous fusion algorithm calibrated in time does. 展开更多
关键词 Multisensor system Gradation fusion Asynchronous sampling Kalman filtering
Dynamic Global-Principal Component Analysis Sparse Representation for Distributed Compressive Video Sampling
作者 武明虎 陈瑞 +1 位作者 李然 周尚丽 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期20-29,共10页
Video reconstruction quality largely depends on the ability of employed sparse domain to adequately represent the underlying video in Distributed Compressed Video Sensing (DCVS). In this paper, we propose a novel dyna... Video reconstruction quality largely depends on the ability of employed sparse domain to adequately represent the underlying video in Distributed Compressed Video Sensing (DCVS). In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic global-Principal Component Analysis (PCA) sparse representation algorithm for video based on the sparse-land model and nonlocal similarity. First, grouping by matching is realized at the decoder from key frames that are previously recovered. Second, we apply PCA to each group (sub-dataset) to compute the principle components from which the sub-dictionary is constructed. Finally, the non-key frames are reconstructed from random measurement data using a Compressed Sensing (CS) reconstruction algorithm with sparse regularization. Experimental results show that our algorithm has a better performance compared with the DCT and K-SVD dictionaries. 展开更多
关键词 distributed video compressive sampling global-PCA sparse representation sparseland model non-local similarity
塔里木盆地古生代中央隆起带古构造地貌及其对沉积相发育分布的制约 被引量:51
作者 林畅松 杨海军 +4 位作者 刘景彦 蔡振中 彭莉 阳孝法 杨永恒 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期306-316,共11页
通过古隆起地貌恢复、不整合分布样式及沉积相等研究,揭示了塔里木盆地中央隆起带古生代重要发育期的古构造地貌特征及其对沉积相发育分布的控制作用.中奥陶世末至晚奥陶世早期的中央隆起带是由和田河古隆起、和田河东古隆起、塔中古隆... 通过古隆起地貌恢复、不整合分布样式及沉积相等研究,揭示了塔里木盆地中央隆起带古生代重要发育期的古构造地貌特征及其对沉积相发育分布的控制作用.中奥陶世末至晚奥陶世早期的中央隆起带是由和田河古隆起、和田河东古隆起、塔中古隆起及巴楚古斜坡等组成的、具有复杂古构造地貌的大型古隆起-古斜坡带,总体由西向东倾没;可划分出高隆带、断隆平台、古隆边缘斜坡或坡折带、陆棚斜坡或低凸起带、陆架坡折带及深海盆地或平原等古地貌单元.它们对沉积古地理的发育具有重要控制作用,古隆起边缘斜坡-坡折带往往控制着构成重要储层的台缘礁、滩等高能沉积相带的发育和分布.晚奥陶世晚期盆地东南缘强烈隆起,塔中古隆起东段随之隆升并由东向西掀斜,形成由东向西倾沿的鼻状古隆起带.早志留世和晚泥盆至早石炭世盆地中北部的古构造地貌由原来的东低西高转为北东高、西南低;可划分出强烈剥蚀高隆带、古隆边缘斜坡带、坳陷边缘缓斜坡带及坳陷带等古构造地貌单元.构造隆起末期沿古隆起边缘斜坡至坳陷边缘发育的低位及海侵体系域可形成重要的储集体.古隆起地貌与盆内多个不整合的分布样式具有密切关系.从古隆起区向坳陷区可划分出高隆区的不整合复合带、古隆起斜坡边缘的削蚀不整合三角带和超覆不整合三角带、古斜坡与坳陷区过渡的微角度或平行不整合带以及坳陷内的整合带.削蚀不整合和上超不整合三角带可形成重要的地层圈闭,是有利的大型岩性地层油气藏的发育带. 展开更多
关键词 古构造地貌 不整合分布样式 中央古隆起带 塔里木盆地
Study on Distribution Pattern of Plant Diversity of Forest Vegetation in Luofu Mountain,Guangdong 被引量:1
作者 ZHENG Zhiqing CHEN Taotao 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2007年第2期83-92,共10页
Through sample plot survey and statistic analysis,this paper adopts ecological method to study the characteristics of plant diversity of forest vegetation in Luofu Mountain,Guangdong.The results show that there is a g... Through sample plot survey and statistic analysis,this paper adopts ecological method to study the characteristics of plant diversity of forest vegetation in Luofu Mountain,Guangdong.The results show that there is a great plant diversity of forest vegetation in Luofu Mountain owing to the ascendancy of aqueous and thermal condition in subtropical zone.The total number of species in 4 500 m2 sample plot(s)are 170 with 3 870 individual plants in total;Dahl species richness index(D)is 44.932;Simpson diversity index(L,D)is 0.022,0.022;Simpson(1982)diversity index(D)is 3.806;Pielou evenness index(E)is 0.984 and Hulbert evenness index(E)is 0.815;Shannon-wiener diversity index(information index H')is 4.188;Asymmetry index(r)is 0.185.These indexes show that a better habitat will bring about plant diversity of forest vegetation,and the diversity of zonal vegetation shows that the higher latitude is,the less species of vegetation can be found.Besides,vertical change of plant diversity of forest vegetation in Luofu Mountain is obvious.Its species richness index and plant diversity index show that monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest is the tallest,mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest follows as the second and conifer-broad-leaved mixed forest is the shortest.The Wilson β-diversity index,which is obtained by comparison between forest vegetation below 300 m and forest vegetation between 600-900 m,is 0.621.Calculated from comparison between forest vegetation in 600-1 100 m and forest vegetation in 900-1 100 m,the Wilson β-diversity index is 0.727;by comparing forest vegetation below 300 m with forest vegetation in 900-1 100 m,the Wilson β-diversity index is 1.877.This shows that the plant diversity of forest vegetation is affected by the change in gradient of elevation. 展开更多
关键词 plant diversity forest vegetation distribution pattern Luofu Mountain
Biotic element analysis of reptiles of China: A test of vicariance model
作者 Youhua CHEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期449-457,共9页
In this contribution, I identify possible biotic elements of reptiles of China using biotic element analysis. I test whether the vicariance model could significantly shape reptilian current distribution patterns. My r... In this contribution, I identify possible biotic elements of reptiles of China using biotic element analysis. I test whether the vicariance model could significantly shape reptilian current distribution patterns. My results show that dispersal is prevailing for reptiles in China. There are four major biotic elements in reptilian distribution, which are East Xizang, Yunnan- Guizhou Plateau, Taiwan and Hainan, respectively. The test of distributional areas is significantly more clustered than expected by chance, while in another test that closely related species are homogeneously distributed across biotic elements cannot be rejected. Therefore I argued that vicariance might be one of the key processes in patterning reptilian distribution in China. In addition, I develop an improved biotic element analysis in biogeographic studies, by performing biotic element analysis in an iterative man- ner in order to diagnose more geographically restricted elements until no noise components found. The importance of antecedent selection of distributional data for the subsequent analysis is also discussed. Besides, my study indicates that biodiversity hotspots are not fully overlapped with areas of endemism for reptilians in East Asia 展开更多
关键词 Biotic element analysis reptilian fauna BIOGEOGRAPHY null model
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