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设计特征模型到分析特征模型的自动转换方法 被引量:1
作者 曹伟娟 陈晓申 高曙明 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1090-1098,共9页
针对有限元分析建模的需求,提出一种将工程零件的设计特征模型自动转换为相应的分析特征模型的方法.首先将设计特征模型分解为所有正特征剩余体的集合,然后从各正特征剩余体中分解出一组扫成体和非扫成体,再采用基于二维轮廓的方法从各... 针对有限元分析建模的需求,提出一种将工程零件的设计特征模型自动转换为相应的分析特征模型的方法.首先将设计特征模型分解为所有正特征剩余体的集合,然后从各正特征剩余体中分解出一组扫成体和非扫成体,再采用基于二维轮廓的方法从各扫成体中确定出候选分析特征区域,最后通过合成候选分析特征区域得到真正的分析特征区域,并在此基础上生成分析特征和分析特征模型.实验结果表明该方法是有效的. 展开更多
关键词 特征模型转换 设计特征模型 分析特征模型 有限元分析 混合维模型
特征分析模型研究 被引量:4
作者 肖克炎 黄文斌 晋佩东 《矿产与地质》 1993年第6期449-453,共5页
关键词 矿产资源 矿化 特征分析模型
融合热度和隐特征分析模型推荐个性化森林旅游景点 被引量:2
作者 蔡清 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2020年第1期60-65,共6页
基于采集自雅虎图片分享网站Flickr上带有地理标签的森林旅游照片数据,构建游客-景点关系矩阵,运用隐特征分析模型和旅游景点热度分析模型相融合的方法,分析游客对未去森林旅游景点的感兴趣程度,为游客提供一份专属的个性化的森林旅游... 基于采集自雅虎图片分享网站Flickr上带有地理标签的森林旅游照片数据,构建游客-景点关系矩阵,运用隐特征分析模型和旅游景点热度分析模型相融合的方法,分析游客对未去森林旅游景点的感兴趣程度,为游客提供一份专属的个性化的森林旅游景点推荐方案。研究结果表明:对于隐特征分析模型的森林景点推荐,正则化参数有效降低森林景点数据稀疏所导致的预测精度下降,同时合理的特征维度有助于提升森林景点评分预测的精度。此外,融合森林景点热度分析的个性化推荐对推荐准确度和新颖性的提升都有积极帮助。因此,提出加强森林旅游个性化推荐算法的优化以及增强森林旅游个性化推荐的新颖性研究的建议。 展开更多
关键词 森林旅游景点 个性化推荐 时间模型 特征分析模型
教育大数据背景下的学习者特征分析模型构建 被引量:3
作者 张靖晗 张进良 《中国医学教育技术》 2022年第2期144-148,共5页
促进学习者个性化学习与发展是教育信息化发展的核心诉求,构建学习者特征分析模型是个性化学习的关键。如何利用学习者的行为数据,准确分析其学习特征,了解并满足其个性化学习需求,是教育工作者需要攻克的难题。文章通过对学习者模型构... 促进学习者个性化学习与发展是教育信息化发展的核心诉求,构建学习者特征分析模型是个性化学习的关键。如何利用学习者的行为数据,准确分析其学习特征,了解并满足其个性化学习需求,是教育工作者需要攻克的难题。文章通过对学习者模型构建相关文献的分析,从静态数据、动态数据、动静态数据比对分析三个方面,构建了大数据支持的学习者特征分析模型,以促进学习者特征分析的准确性,为教师科学教学决策提供一定依据。 展开更多
关键词 教育数据 学习者特征分析模型 个性化培养
人工神经网络的激光熔覆层特征分析 被引量:1
作者 鲁芬 郁伯铭 《激光杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第4期254-258,共5页
为了分析激光熔覆层特征状态,提高激光熔覆质量,对基于人工神经网络的激光熔覆层特征分析方法进行设计。首先制备激光熔覆样本;将样本制作工艺参数输入遗传算法神经网络,建立激光熔覆层特征变化规律预测模型,分析几何特征与激光工艺参... 为了分析激光熔覆层特征状态,提高激光熔覆质量,对基于人工神经网络的激光熔覆层特征分析方法进行设计。首先制备激光熔覆样本;将样本制作工艺参数输入遗传算法神经网络,建立激光熔覆层特征变化规律预测模型,分析几何特征与激光工艺参数间关联,依据关联分析熔覆层特征的变化情况。结果显示:该方法能够预测激光熔覆层特征变化征规律,宽度最大误差仅为0.003 mm,高度最大误差仅为0.002 mm,稀释率最大误差仅为0.002;不同的扫描速度下,熔覆层的稀释度特征呈现出明显差异,并且在激光功率、送粉速度的变化下,熔覆层特征均发生不同程度的变化。 展开更多
关键词 人工神经网络 激光熔覆层 特征分析 变化规律 特征分析模型 工艺参数
作者 刘春娟 《新西部》 2024年第5期177-183,共7页
关键词 获奖企业 区位熵 特征指标 创新创业大赛 结构性指标 模型测算 单一性 特征分析模型
网络学习者特征初探 被引量:15
作者 何字娟 李爽 《北京广播电视大学学报》 2008年第2期29-32,共4页
随着我国网络教育的飞速发展,网上教学逐渐成为远程教育的重要形式。与传统远程学习者相比,网络学习者的特征发生了一定变化,然而,当前大量网络课程的设计与开发却较少全面考虑网络学习者的新特征。为此,本文希望通过对国内外相关研究... 随着我国网络教育的飞速发展,网上教学逐渐成为远程教育的重要形式。与传统远程学习者相比,网络学习者的特征发生了一定变化,然而,当前大量网络课程的设计与开发却较少全面考虑网络学习者的新特征。为此,本文希望通过对国内外相关研究文献的梳理,归纳和总结出网络学习者的相关特征,从而为中国网络教学的实践提供参考依据,并为远程学习者的相关研究提供支持。本文首先对远程学习者特征进行文献研究,分析和改进了已有远程学习者特征分析模型,并以此为理论框架对网络学习者的特征进行分析,之后论文在文献综述的基础上讨论了成功网络学习者的特征。 展开更多
关键词 网络学习者特征 远程学习者特征分析模型 远程教育
500kV线路单相重合闸事故分析及对策 被引量:8
作者 孙正伟 孙羽 鲍斌 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第21期158-164,共7页
在超高压电网中,为提高电网安全稳定性,通常采用单相重合闸方式。线路单相跳开后不存在系统非同期合闸问题,传统单相重合闸逻辑及其实现方式简单。2011年1月2日东北电网500kV伊换1号线发生永久性故障,线路单相重合闸失败,短路电流未能... 在超高压电网中,为提高电网安全稳定性,通常采用单相重合闸方式。线路单相跳开后不存在系统非同期合闸问题,传统单相重合闸逻辑及其实现方式简单。2011年1月2日东北电网500kV伊换1号线发生永久性故障,线路单相重合闸失败,短路电流未能成功开断,造成断路器本体损坏,失灵保护动作跳开母线,扩大了电网事故。为规避同类事故的再次发生,深入分析了网络模型特征及其故障机理,提出了反映线路故障的短路电流特征因子,并界定了短路电流特征因子的门槛值,进而可识别出电网中重合闸存在的问题。最后,研究了当电网结构满足该特征时,应采取的电网重合闸方案。通过在实际电网中的运行检验,验证了该重合闸方案的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 单相重合闸失败 网络模型特征分析 特征因子 重合闸方案
基于AHP-GEM-FCA模型的水电PPP项目脆弱性评价 被引量:5
作者 安慧 孟益 蒙锦涛 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2018年第9期143-147,共5页
为准确获知水电PPP项目脆弱性水平,提出基于AHP-GEM-FCA模型的水电PPP项目脆弱性评价方法,即首先针对水电PPP项目特点,以外部环境、社会资本方、政府及项目特征四个视角出发,系统分析了脆弱性成因并构建评价指标体系;然后运用AHP-GEM法... 为准确获知水电PPP项目脆弱性水平,提出基于AHP-GEM-FCA模型的水电PPP项目脆弱性评价方法,即首先针对水电PPP项目特点,以外部环境、社会资本方、政府及项目特征四个视角出发,系统分析了脆弱性成因并构建评价指标体系;然后运用AHP-GEM法对脆弱性指标的权重进行测算,通过结合FCA法确定水电PPP项目系统脆弱性等级;最后运用该模型评价了峡江水电PPP项目脆弱性。结果表明,峡江水电PPP项目脆弱性高,项目整体存在较多漏洞,该结果较为真实地反映了项目实际情况,为水电PPP项目管理者进一步提高薄弱环节提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 脆弱性 AHP-GEM-FCA模型(层次分析法-群组特征根法-模糊综合评价) 水电工程 PPP模式
客户信用评估方法探析 被引量:1
作者 邢有洪 程江 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2008年第8期46-46,共1页
关键词 信用评估 5C评估法 特征分析模型
闽北地区 头—下柳源一带伟晶岩型铌钽矿产远景预测
作者 陈宝泉 《福建地质》 2007年第2期88-99,共12页
关键词 伟晶岩型 铌钽矿产 特征分析模型 变量选取 关联度分级 远景预测 闽北地区 地区
作者 江崎哲郎 张铭 +1 位作者 竹下昭博 三谷泰浩 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1995年第1期66-73,共8页
Impermeable bentonite or its mixtures have been proposed as candidate materials to be used in the geotechnical disposal of radioactive nuclear waste. These materials are filled in the space between a canister containi... Impermeable bentonite or its mixtures have been proposed as candidate materials to be used in the geotechnical disposal of radioactive nuclear waste. These materials are filled in the space between a canister containing radioactive nuclear waste and an underground chamber to absorb the radionuclide emitting from the canister and simultaneously retard its migration accompanying the perrneation of underground water to prevent the surrounding environment from po1lution. On the basis of the established elastoplastic strain-hardening mechanical model considering the material’s dilatancy character,the authors carry out the stress-strain analysis of a thick-wa1l cylinder in a plane strain state subJected to a pressure difference between internal and external pressures. The analysis may be expected to be a theoretical basis for developing a coupled shear and permeability test apparatus for conducting a permeability test along a sheared plane in a specimen. The apparatus will be used to study the effects of shear strain on the variation of geotechnical materials’ permeability coefficient in order to evaluate the influence of shear strain caused by nonuniform deformation and/or earthquake on the long-term safety of the disposal system of radioactive nuclear waste. The theoretlcal analysls methods in this paper can be directly spread to the analysis of the deformation and stability of tunnels or roadways driven in soft soils or high moisture-bearing soft rocks. 展开更多
关键词 DILATANCY thick-wall cylinder elastoplastic analysis waste disposal bentonite mixture
Analysis of characteristic functions for equivalent circuit model in monolithic transformer 被引量:1
作者 吴忠洁 Lu Jingxue +1 位作者 Huang Fengyi Jiang Nan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2012年第2期124-127,共4页
A model of monolithic transformers is presented, which is analyzed with characteristic functions. A closed- form analytical approach to extract all the model parameters for the equivalent circuit of Si-based on-chip t... A model of monolithic transformers is presented, which is analyzed with characteristic functions. A closed- form analytical approach to extract all the model parameters for the equivalent circuit of Si-based on-chip transformers is proposed. A novel de-coupling technique is first developed to reduce the complexity in the Y parameters for the transformer, and the model parameters can then be extracted analytically by a set of characteristic functions. Simulation based on the extracted parameters has been carried out for transformers with different structures, and good accuracy is obtained compared to a 3-demensional full-wave numerical electro- magnetic field solver. The presented approach will be very useful to provide a scalable and wide-band compact circuit model for Si-based RF transformers. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSFORMER parameter extraction compact model radio frequency integrate circuit((RFIC)
Eigenvalue Analysis of Distributed Generation Including Multimass Turbine Model
作者 Arwindra Rizqiawan Goro Fujita +1 位作者 Toshihisa Funabashi Masakatsu Nomura 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第12期1901-1910,共10页
This paper presents small-signal study based on eigenvalue analysis as a preliminary study to observe the interaction between multimass turbine-generator system and inverter-based distributed generation in a microgrid... This paper presents small-signal study based on eigenvalue analysis as a preliminary study to observe the interaction between multimass turbine-generator system and inverter-based distributed generation in a microgrid. The multimass turbine model is included in the overall distributed generation system model. Two case studies are demonstrated to observe the interaction between turbine-generator set and power electronics-based distributed generation system. Both case studies are in stand-alone and grid-connected operation. It can be shown that under stand-alone operation, unstable oscillatory modes may occur and be highly influenced by the operating points of the system. 展开更多
关键词 Eigenvalue analysis distributed generation multimass turbine.
Feature Screening for Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models with Ultrahigh-Dimensional Covariates 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Junying ZHANG Riquan ZHANG Jiajia 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第5期1350-1361,共12页
This paper considers the feature screening and variable selection for ultrahigh dimensional covariates. The new feature screening procedure base on conditional expectation which is used to differentiate whether an exp... This paper considers the feature screening and variable selection for ultrahigh dimensional covariates. The new feature screening procedure base on conditional expectation which is used to differentiate whether an explanatory variable contributes to a response variable or not, without requiring a specific parametric form of the underlying data model. The authors estimate the marginal condi- tional expectation by kernel regression estimator. The proposed method is showed to have sure screen property. The authors propose an iterative kernel estimator algorithm to reduce the ultrahigh dimensionality to an appropriate scale. Simulation results and real data analysis demonstrate the proposed method works well and performs better than competing methods. 展开更多
关键词 Conditional expectation dimensionality reduction nonparametric and semiparametricmodels ultrahigh dimension variable screening.
A new 2D graphical representation of protein sequence and its application
作者 Lei Wang Hui Peng +1 位作者 Jinhua Zheng Yanzi Qiu 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2015年第5期201-213,共13页
Graphical representation is a very efficient tool for visual analysis of protein sequences. In this paper, a novel 2D graphical representation scheme is proposed on the basis of a newly introduced concept, named chara... Graphical representation is a very efficient tool for visual analysis of protein sequences. In this paper, a novel 2D graphical representation scheme is proposed on the basis of a newly introduced concept, named characteristic model of the protein sequences. After obtaining the 2D graphics of protein sequences, two numerical characterizations of them is designed as descriptors to analyze the nine DN5 protein sequences, simulation and analysis results show that, comparing with existing methods, our method is not only visible, intuitional, and simple, but also has no circuit or degeneracy, and even more important, since the storage space required by our method is constant and has nothing to do with the length of protein sequences, then it can keep excellent visual inspection for long protein sequences. 展开更多
关键词 2D graphical representation protein sequence similarity/dissimilarity ana-lysis characteristic model visual analysis.
Characteristic difference analysis and transfer parameter determination for different satellites to detect NDVI values
作者 LI Li GU XingFa +3 位作者 YE ZeTian YU Tao MENG QingYan WANG YuXi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期816-823,共8页
Here we propose a new method of NDVI difference analysis and NDVI difference correction for multi-sensors to detect NDVI.This method integrate PROSPECT model,SAIL model and MODTRAN atmospheric radioactive transfer mod... Here we propose a new method of NDVI difference analysis and NDVI difference correction for multi-sensors to detect NDVI.This method integrate PROSPECT model,SAIL model and MODTRAN atmospheric radioactive transfer model to simulate the remote sensing signals of different satellites for both NDVI difference analysis and correction without using real satellite images.The effects of both the sensors' spectral responses and atmospheric condition are simulated,and the differences among NDVI values derived from thirty different satellites are analyzed quantitatively.Focusing on the conversions of NDVI values among different satellites,through linear regression analysis,we estimate the transfer parameters between any two different satellite NDVI values,and present the lookup tables of transfer parameters under the atmospheric conditions of three surface visibility range values (10,23 and 50 km).The proposed method is useful for NDVI applications and analyses for multi-sensors. 展开更多
关键词 NDVI-detecting remote sensing signal simulation spectral response difference analysis NDVI transfer parameter
作者 CUIWenquan ZHAOLincheng BAIZhidong 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2005年第1期126-135,共10页
In this paper, the authors derive the asymptotic joint distributions of theeigenvalues of some random matrices which arise from components of covariance model.
关键词 Component of covariance model eigenstructure analysis limiting distribution random matrix.
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