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作者 田华 《科技情报开发与经济》 2003年第12期263-264,共2页
引黄连接段7#隧洞进口以下14.23km为明流输水,当呼延水厂因事故要求紧急停水时,该明流段约3.9万m3水需排往别处;根据综合比较,采用了向汾河西干渠分水方案。该工程通过管道消能、孔管消能和消力池等技术措施的综合运用,在落差大、流量... 引黄连接段7#隧洞进口以下14.23km为明流输水,当呼延水厂因事故要求紧急停水时,该明流段约3.9万m3水需排往别处;根据综合比较,采用了向汾河西干渠分水方案。该工程通过管道消能、孔管消能和消力池等技术措施的综合运用,在落差大、流量变幅也大的情况下,有效地解决了消能问题,保证了有压管流输水的运行条件和水流平稳进入西干渠。 展开更多
关键词 分水工程 消能设计 消力池 消能孔管 水工模型
作者 程明霞 《广东土木与建筑》 2005年第8期52-53,共2页
关键词 分水工程 设计 东深供水改造工程 工程设计 分水 沿线 工程实例 经济合理 布置方案 布置型式
桃林口水库分水枢纽工程对区间支流洪水影响 被引量:4
作者 缪萍萍 任喜龙 +2 位作者 李博超 高蛟 严阔 《水科学与工程技术》 2013年第2期4-7,共4页
关键词 分水枢纽改造工程 石门子村支流 设计洪水 洪水水面线
浅析开都河宝浪苏木分水枢纽工程施工技术 被引量:3
作者 何令涛 《水利科学与寒区工程》 2020年第3期138-140,共3页
本文通过介绍宝浪苏木分水枢纽工程基本工程概况、规模及施工场地规划、主要施工原则的基础上,具体讨论宝浪苏木分水枢纽工程中防洪堤、拦河闸等主要工程的施工方法及其适用条件。以达到提高工程质量的目的,使水利工程施工技术成为其工... 本文通过介绍宝浪苏木分水枢纽工程基本工程概况、规模及施工场地规划、主要施工原则的基础上,具体讨论宝浪苏木分水枢纽工程中防洪堤、拦河闸等主要工程的施工方法及其适用条件。以达到提高工程质量的目的,使水利工程施工技术成为其工程质量的良好保障,力争将创新的工程技术应用到水利工程施工中,为工程的正常运行提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 宝浪苏木分水枢纽工程 水利工程施工 防洪提施工 拦河闸施工
水利工程对古树和重点保护野生植物的影响及保护措施——以“一闸三线”分水枢纽工程为例 被引量:1
作者 傅娇艳 《海峡科学》 2018年第6期84-86,共3页
水利工程可能对古树和重点保护野生植物产生不利影响,只有在详细调查的基础上制定有效保护古树和重点保护野生植物的措施,才能最大程度降低和减缓可能产生的不利影响。该文以"一闸三线"分水枢纽工程为例,通过对项目影响内的... 水利工程可能对古树和重点保护野生植物产生不利影响,只有在详细调查的基础上制定有效保护古树和重点保护野生植物的措施,才能最大程度降低和减缓可能产生的不利影响。该文以"一闸三线"分水枢纽工程为例,通过对项目影响内的古树及保护植物进行详细调查,根据调查结果提出就地保护、原址抬升、高地移植、异地迁地等保护措施,以期为同类工程提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 分水枢纽工程 古树 重点保护野生植物 调查 保护措施
分水江水利枢纽工程施工导流方案比较与研究 被引量:1
作者 金晔军 杨协水 《浙江水利水电专科学校学报》 2002年第2期10-12,共3页
分水江水利枢纽工程位于浙江省杭州市桐庐县境内 ,为一河床式电站枢纽 .根据工程坝址区水文、地形、地质条件及主体工程布置特点 ,结合施工强度、进度安排 ,对施工导流进行多方案比较 ,选择了最佳导流方案 .
关键词 分水江水利枢纽工程 施工导流 分期 围堰
涉及自然保护区的水利工程建设探讨 被引量:1
作者 赵国栋 《甘肃水利水电技术》 2017年第10期49-51,共3页
甘肃和政、广河两县城乡供水小峡小牛圈水源保障工程的主要任务是解决和政县城关镇等8个乡(镇)及广河县城镇及农村居民生活用水。原可行性研究阶段设计的工程枢纽区位于太子山国家级自然保护区范围内,因此需在不影响自然保护区的情况下... 甘肃和政、广河两县城乡供水小峡小牛圈水源保障工程的主要任务是解决和政县城关镇等8个乡(镇)及广河县城镇及农村居民生活用水。原可行性研究阶段设计的工程枢纽区位于太子山国家级自然保护区范围内,因此需在不影响自然保护区的情况下调整工程方案,以实现工程任务;调整工程方案将取水与调蓄分离,在大峡河河道建造取水枢纽取水,在下游开阔地建设调蓄建筑物,由调蓄水池分水至和政县净化水厂和广河县净化水厂。 展开更多
关键词 自然保护区 供水工程 取水枢纽 调蓄水池 分水工程
临桂南陡河的历史和现状——南陡河的初步调查 被引量:3
作者 广西师范大学历史系七九级南陡河调查组 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1985年第1期98-103,共6页
一、南陡河概况在桂林西南郊有一条开凿于七世纪末的古运河,名相思埭.《新唐书·地理志》七上记载:“临桂县有相思埭,长寿元年(公元692年)筑,分相思水使东西流”.埭就是坝,意思是筑坝阻遏相思水,使之向东西两边流,成为人工运河.由... 一、南陡河概况在桂林西南郊有一条开凿于七世纪末的古运河,名相思埭.《新唐书·地理志》七上记载:“临桂县有相思埭,长寿元年(公元692年)筑,分相思水使东西流”.埭就是坝,意思是筑坝阻遏相思水,使之向东西两边流,成为人工运河.由于古今水道名称不同,河道也有变化.明清后一般叫南陡河或南渠,当地人民则称之为“古柳运河”. 展开更多
关键词 运河 临桂县 灵渠 初步调查 桂南 桂林 公元 历史和现状 分水工程 岭南
作者 Frederic Golden 理禾 《世界农业》 1982年第11期54-54,共1页
春天来了,乌拉尔山的冰雪消融了,雪水从乌拉尔山上缓缓流下。奇特的大自然使苏联主要河流向北流去,而地处苏联南部的中亚平原却十分干旱,缺少淡水。 鉴于中亚各共和国缺水的压力以及农业多年歉收,苏联领导人正准备批准至今为止最大的分... 春天来了,乌拉尔山的冰雪消融了,雪水从乌拉尔山上缓缓流下。奇特的大自然使苏联主要河流向北流去,而地处苏联南部的中亚平原却十分干旱,缺少淡水。 鉴于中亚各共和国缺水的压力以及农业多年歉收,苏联领导人正准备批准至今为止最大的分水计划。它至少要改变12条向北流的河流的方向。 展开更多
关键词 水利计划 苏联 乌拉尔山 分水工程 主要河流 气候学家 伏尔加河 北冰洋 冰雪消融 西伯利亚
作者 嵇果煌 《交通与运输》 1998年第2期40-42,共3页
明代的漕运 明初,建都南京,因地处江南产粮区,各地漕粮从长江、江南运河和遍布各地的水网运往京师非常方便,而且漕运数量也少,洪武年间每年不过数十万石。这就是《明史·食货志·漕运》中所说的:“太祖都金陵,四方贡赋,由江以... 明代的漕运 明初,建都南京,因地处江南产粮区,各地漕粮从长江、江南运河和遍布各地的水网运往京师非常方便,而且漕运数量也少,洪武年间每年不过数十万石。这就是《明史·食货志·漕运》中所说的:“太祖都金陵,四方贡赋,由江以达京师,道近而易。”但自明成祖迁都北京后,政治中心移至北方,于是漕运又以南粮北运的形式成为国家的经济支柱。 展开更多
关键词 京杭大运河 会通河 河道总督 漕运 黄河下游 水量不足 明成祖 分水工程 江南运河 军队
京杭运河诗文创作——以汶上运河为例 被引量:1
作者 刘航 《济宁学院学报》 2015年第4期84-87,共4页
汶上南旺分水枢纽工程的建造,保证了京杭大运河五百余年的畅通运行。随着运河南北交流的不断深入,运河相关题材的诗文创作不绝如缕,并涌现出为数众多的名篇佳作。汶上运河作为其中至关重要的河段,诗文创作数量更是巨大。笔者通过分析《... 汶上南旺分水枢纽工程的建造,保证了京杭大运河五百余年的畅通运行。随着运河南北交流的不断深入,运河相关题材的诗文创作不绝如缕,并涌现出为数众多的名篇佳作。汶上运河作为其中至关重要的河段,诗文创作数量更是巨大。笔者通过分析《汶上县志·艺文志》中辑录的运河诗文,认为诗文创作丰富的原因分别是自然风光、孔子馀响和水利枢纽。 展开更多
关键词 京杭大运河 南旺分水枢纽工程 运河诗文
Spatio-temporal distribution of phytoplankton in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, a water source area for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (Middle Route), China 被引量:12
作者 殷大聪 郑凌凌 宋立荣 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期531-540,共10页
One of the water source areas of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is the Danjiangkou Reservoir (DJKR). To understand seasonal variation in phytoplankton composition, abundance and distribution in the DJKR ... One of the water source areas of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is the Danjiangkou Reservoir (DJKR). To understand seasonal variation in phytoplankton composition, abundance and distribution in the DJKR area before water diversion, as well as to estimate potential risks of water quality after water diversion, we conducted an investigation on phytoplankton in the DJKR from August 2008 to May 2009. The investigation included 10 sampling sites, each with four depths of 0.5, 5, 10, and 20 m. In this study, 117 taxa belonging to 76 genera were identified, consisting of diatoms (39 taxa), green algae (47 taxa), blue-green algae (19 taxa), and others (12 taxa). Annual average phytoplankton abundance was 2.01×10^6 ind./L, and the highest value was 14.72 ×10^6 ind/L (at site 3 in August 2008). Phytoplankton abundance in front of the Danjiangkou Dam (DJKD) was higher than that of the Danjiang Reservoir Basin. Phytoplankton distribution showed a vertical declining trend from 0.5 m to 20 m at most sites in August 2008 (especially at sites of 1, 2, 4 and 10), but no distinct pattern in other sampling months. In December 2008 and March 2009, Stephanodiseus sp. was the most abundant species, amounting to 55.23% and 72.34%, respectively. We propose that high abundance ofStephanodiscus sp. may have contributed greatly to the frequent occurrence of Stephanodiscus sp. blooms in middle-low reaches of the Hanjiang River during the early spring of 2009. In comparison with previous studies conducted from 1992 to 2006, annual average phytoplankton density, green algae and blue-green algae species, as well as major nutrient concentrations increased, while phytoplankton diversity indices declined. This indicates a gradual decline in water quality. More research should be conducted and countermeasures taken to prevent further deterioration of water quality in the DJKR. 展开更多
关键词 Danjiangkou Reservoir PHYTOPLANKTON South-to-North Water Diversion Project EUTROPHICATION
Design Energy Efficient Water Utilization Systems Allowing Operation Split 被引量:5
作者 廖祖维 武锦涛 +2 位作者 蒋斌波 王靖岱 阳永荣 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期16-20,共5页
This article deals with the design of energy efficient water utilization systems allowing operation split. Practical features such as operating flexibility and capital cost have made the number of sub operations an im... This article deals with the design of energy efficient water utilization systems allowing operation split. Practical features such as operating flexibility and capital cost have made the number of sub operations an important parameter of the problem. By treating the direct and indirect heat transfers separately, target freshwater and energy consumption as well as the operation split conditions are first obtained. Subsequently, a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model is established for the design of water network and the heat exchanger network (HEN). The proposed systematic approach is limited to a single contaminant. Example from literature is used to illustrate the applicability of the approach. 展开更多
关键词 water utilization network heat integration wastewater minimization operation split
Halogen-Driven Bandgap Opening in Graphdiyne for Overall Photocatalytic Water Splitting 被引量:1
作者 Zhonghui Wang Jia Zhao +1 位作者 Qiang Wan Sen Lin 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第6期805-813,I0003,I0068-I0078,共21页
In this work,we studied the electronic band structure of the halogen(F,Cl,and Br)functionalized graphdiynes(GDYs)by using hybrid density functional theory.The results revealed that the bandgap energies of modified GDY... In this work,we studied the electronic band structure of the halogen(F,Cl,and Br)functionalized graphdiynes(GDYs)by using hybrid density functional theory.The results revealed that the bandgap energies of modified GDYs increase as the number of halogen atoms increases.It is also found that the position of the valence band maximum(VBM)is influenced by the electronegativity of halogen atoms.The higher the electronegativity,the deeper the VBM of the GDYs modified by the same number of halogen atoms.Importantly,our results revealed that the bandgap of GDY could be effectively tuned by mixing types of halogen atoms.The new generated conduction band and valence band edges are properly aligned with the oxidation and reduction potentials of water.Further thermodynamic analysis confirms that some models with mixing types of halogen atoms exhibit higher performance of overall photocatalytic water splitting than non-mixing models.This work provides useful insights for designing efficient photocatalysts that can be used for overall water splitting. 展开更多
关键词 Graphdiyne Band structure engineering Water splitting PHOTOCATALYSIS Density functional theory
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Oil-Water Separation in Hydrocyclones 被引量:5
作者 陆耀军 周力行 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第1期97-101,共5页
The fluid flow and oil-water separation were simulated using a Reynolds stress transport equation model of turbulence in water flow and a stochastic model of oil droplet motion. Simulation results give the axial and t... The fluid flow and oil-water separation were simulated using a Reynolds stress transport equation model of turbulence in water flow and a stochastic model of oil droplet motion. Simulation results give the axial and tangential velocity components, the pressure and turbulence intensity distribution and droplet trajectories for a hydrocyclone of F type and a hydrocyclone proposed by the present authors. The flow field predictions are in qualitative agreement with the LDV measurements. The results show that the proposed hydrocyclone has better performance than the hydrocyclone of F type due to creating stronger centrifugal force and lower axial velocity. 展开更多
关键词 HYDROCYCLONES oil-water separation numerical simulation
南旺分水枢纽工程考古发掘相关问题的思考 被引量:1
作者 佟佩华 刘健康 吴双成 《运河学研究》 2021年第2期203-217,共15页
南旺分水枢纽是京杭大运河上的关键节点性工程,因大运河停漕而废弃、掩埋。2008年对南旺分水枢纽的考古调查、勘探、发掘和测绘工作,充分运用现代科技手段,获取了该工程的大量数据、图纸和照片,基本重现了南旺分水枢纽的本来面貌。考古... 南旺分水枢纽是京杭大运河上的关键节点性工程,因大运河停漕而废弃、掩埋。2008年对南旺分水枢纽的考古调查、勘探、发掘和测绘工作,充分运用现代科技手段,获取了该工程的大量数据、图纸和照片,基本重现了南旺分水枢纽的本来面貌。考古资料与相关历史文献相结合的综合研究,不仅厘清了南旺枢纽工程从元代济宁会源闸到明代分水枢纽的演进过程,而且使工程的绝大多数历史记载得到实物印证,揭示了南旺分水枢纽的真实性和完整性,为中国大运河成功申报世界文化遗产增添了极其重要的砝码。 展开更多
关键词 京杭大运河 南旺分水枢纽工程 考古发掘 水工技术
Tidal Analysis of High and Low Water Data
作者 LIPeiliang LILei +2 位作者 ZUOJuncheng ZHAOWei CHENZongyong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2004年第1期10-16,共7页
The harmonic analysis method based on high and low water levels is discussed in this paper. In order to make full use of the information of high and low water observations (the time derivative of water level at the ob... The harmonic analysis method based on high and low water levels is discussed in this paper. In order to make full use of the information of high and low water observations (the time derivative of water level at the observation time is zero), the weight coefficient, w, is introduced to control the importance of the part related to this information in the error formula. The major diurnal constituents, O 1 and K 1, and semi diurnal constituents, N 2, M 2 and S 2 are selected directly from the monthly data analysis, and some other important constituents, P 1, ν 2 and K 2, are included as the inferred constituents. The obtained harmonic constants of the major constituents are very close to those obtained from the analysis of hourly data, and this shows that high and low water data can be used to extract tidal constants with high accuracy. The analysis result also shows that the inference and the weighting coefficient are important in the high and low water data analysis, and it is suggested that w ≥1 should be taken in monthly high and low water data analysis. This analysis method can be used directly to analyze altimetric data with w =0. 展开更多
关键词 tidal analysis high and low water data altimetric data
The analysis on reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring after impoundment and operation of TGP 被引量:1
作者 Lu Jinyou Huang Yue Wang Jun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期113-120,共8页
According to the measured data after impoundment and operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring are described briefly and compared with the research... According to the measured data after impoundment and operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring are described briefly and compared with the research results achieved in the demonstration stage.It is indicated through analysis that the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring during 8-year impoundment and operation are still within the original forecast,so the original forecasting results are feasible.The further observation and comparison should be conducted because the comparison between the observed data and the original forecast is not so sufficient in time and the prototype observation and related research work should be strengthened in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project (TGP) trial impoundment reservoir sediment deposition downstream river channel scouring
Floodwater utilization of the Three Gorges Project
作者 董前进 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第2期82-88,共7页
Floods are both risks and resources. Floodwater utilization is an important part of flood management. Considering the rising shortage of water resources, serious water pollution, and undersupply of electric power, it... Floods are both risks and resources. Floodwater utilization is an important part of flood management. Considering the rising shortage of water resources, serious water pollution, and undersupply of electric power, it’s imperative to strengthen flood management. In light of the hydrological characteristics of the Three Gorges Project (TGP) on the Yangtze River in P. R. China, we investigated the necessity and feasibility of TGP floodwater utilization, proprosed dynamic control of limited water level during flood season of the reservoir and basin-wide integrated floodwater management as strategies, and identified problems that might occur in practice. 展开更多
关键词 flood control flood managementi floodwater utilization limited water level in flood seasons Three Gorges Project .
A Case Study on Construction Dewatering-lnduced Settlement Damage: Could This Have Been Avoided?
作者 Robert L. Mokwa Leonard P. Mokwa Timothy P. Mokwa 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第8期670-678,共9页
A homeowner reported extensive settlement damage approximately two weeks after the groundwater in the vicinity of the home was lowered at a nearby construction project. The infrastructure improvement project consisted... A homeowner reported extensive settlement damage approximately two weeks after the groundwater in the vicinity of the home was lowered at a nearby construction project. The infrastructure improvement project consisted of installing a 27-inch-diameter sanitary sewer main with an invert elevation about 19 ft below existing grade. Groundwater was lowered 12 ft during construction, down to a depth of 23 ft below existing grade. This paper addresses the following key questions regarding settlement and potential structural damage as a result of a temporary drop in groundwater caused by construction dewatering: (1) How could a decrease in groundwater elevation cause settlement? (2) Is this a highly unusual or atypical phenomenon that cannot be explained or estimated using science and engineering techniques available to the engineering profession? (3) Based on the standard of care at the time, should these problems have been anticipated, or at least examined, by the engineering firms engaged on this project? Answers to these questions are addressed herein using results from geotechnical analyses and data obtained from laboratory and in-situ tests. 展开更多
关键词 CONSOLIDATION de-watering construction claim geotechnical uncertainties.
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