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作者 宋桂林 《花卉》 2012年第8期31-31,共1页
春季开花的兰花,应该在9月下旬至11月或是新芽萌动以前分盆。兰花分盆注意以下六点: 1.兰根要洗净。在盆中充分干燥后,轻轻取出植株,除去泥土,剪除烂根,断根。
关键词 分盆 兰花 秋季 萌动 兰根 植株 烂根 断根
作者 华辉 《花卉》 2006年第3期18-18,共1页
关键词 分盆 兰花 休眠期 开花 花后 萌动
作者 陆明华 《花卉》 2007年第1期43-43,共1页
春季开花的兰花,在9月下旬至11月或新芽萌动以前应该分盆了。应四注意: 1.兰根要洗净。在盆土充分干燥后,轻轻取出植椿,除去泥土,剪除烂根、断根,用清水洗净根、叶,晾干待兰根变软后,用剪刀在空隙大的鳞茎处剪开,剪口涂上木... 春季开花的兰花,在9月下旬至11月或新芽萌动以前应该分盆了。应四注意: 1.兰根要洗净。在盆土充分干燥后,轻轻取出植椿,除去泥土,剪除烂根、断根,用清水洗净根、叶,晾干待兰根变软后,用剪刀在空隙大的鳞茎处剪开,剪口涂上木炭粉或硫磺粉(以防病菌感染),然后再种。 展开更多
关键词 分盆 兰花 病菌感染 硫磺粉 木炭粉 洗净 兰根 萌动
《花卉》 2008年第10期46-46,共1页
答:你来信中提到小苗是从母株旁分出来的,这种情况出现小苗不长叶,原因是你分株时对小苗伤害较重,如弄伤了芽伤口腐烂不长根,也可能小苗太小就分株。建议你最好是换上专门种植君子兰的培养土(花店有售),冬季注意防寒,夏季注意... 答:你来信中提到小苗是从母株旁分出来的,这种情况出现小苗不长叶,原因是你分株时对小苗伤害较重,如弄伤了芽伤口腐烂不长根,也可能小苗太小就分株。建议你最好是换上专门种植君子兰的培养土(花店有售),冬季注意防寒,夏季注意防高温,并注意不要浇水太多。维持盆土湿润即可,适当施肥,生长期内每月1次,相信在2-3年内会长大并开花。 展开更多
关键词 君子兰 长叶 分盆 小苗 培养土 防高温 生长期
作者 曹祈东 《花卉》 2007年第8期14-14,共1页
关键词 兰花 分盆 根部腐烂 生长期 活跃期 病虫害 黑斑病 病菌
作者 余力 《花卉》 2001年第4期18-18,共1页
关键词 兰花 分盆
作者 胡应东 《广东园林》 1996年第3期23-23,共1页
秋兰是属于建兰(四季兰)中的一些种类,在夏秋两季均有花开。我市秋兰的主要栽培品种有仁化白、龙岩素、铁骨素、银针素、小桃红及金丝马尾等。通常兰花在开花后便有新芽萌发。七月底至八月初秋兰陆续开花,我们可以在八月初至中旬将秋兰... 秋兰是属于建兰(四季兰)中的一些种类,在夏秋两季均有花开。我市秋兰的主要栽培品种有仁化白、龙岩素、铁骨素、银针素、小桃红及金丝马尾等。通常兰花在开花后便有新芽萌发。七月底至八月初秋兰陆续开花,我们可以在八月初至中旬将秋兰拆株分盆,争取多出秋芽,提高商品回报率,增加经济效益。由于银针素、小桃红及金丝马尾的经济价值高,不少兰界人士对这些品种的秋季拆株分盆都很着重研究。现以本人所了解的情况及实践所得,谈些体会。银针素要尽量放单,可将爷菖、母菖、及新子菖(春菖)分别拆开,分类种植。其实,现时的爷菖是去年的春菖,母菖是去年的秋菖。也就是说,论辈份是爷母代,论时间都是去年生,兰龄不算老,且芦头特别大,所以分株后发新芽比较快(通常比子菖发芽快)。这是增殖银针素的诀窃之一。银针素的春菖通常是一带一高低菖的,当春菖出土约10厘米时,健壮的春菖的基部又萌发一新芽,所以这一组的春菖实际是两代的子孙菖, 展开更多
关键词 兰花 秋兰 秋季分盆
关于准噶尔盆地东南缘博格达地区中晚侏罗世盆山分异时限的标定 被引量:3
作者 宋燕 陈石 +3 位作者 张艺楼 梁鑫鑫 梁媛媛 侯文 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2020年第3期924-934,共11页
由于博格达山与周缘沉积盆地盆山关系复杂,准噶尔盆地东南缘博格达地区盆山分异过程长期以来是一个倍受争议的研究课题。通过地震剖面解释和碎屑重矿物含量、组合特征等综合研究,探讨博格达山侏罗纪隆升过程。结果表明:地震剖面能够直... 由于博格达山与周缘沉积盆地盆山关系复杂,准噶尔盆地东南缘博格达地区盆山分异过程长期以来是一个倍受争议的研究课题。通过地震剖面解释和碎屑重矿物含量、组合特征等综合研究,探讨博格达山侏罗纪隆升过程。结果表明:地震剖面能够直接反映研究区地下地质构造特征,研究区地震剖面中地层间不整合接触关系和厚度变化趋势分析显示,博格达山于中晚侏罗世发生过一期重要隆升运动。沉积重矿物记录了盆山分异的全部过程,为精细研究中晚侏罗世盆山分异过程提供技术方法,研究区沉积重矿物含量变化、组合特征以及特征指数(ZTR)等分析表明,早-中侏罗世博格达地区盆山结构相对稳定,中侏罗世晚期头屯河期(J 2t)开始发生盆山分异,不稳定重矿物含量增加,重矿物组合类型改变,同时ZTR指数等值曲线指向也发生转变,此时博格达地区由前期的汇水中心转为造山带,并且隆升剥蚀为周缘地区提供物源。结合剖面中构造特征分析成果,认为博格达地区中晚侏罗世盆山分异作用发生在头屯河期(J 2t)。 展开更多
关键词 构造特征 重矿物 物源 博格达地区
软土地区紧邻地铁站体超大深基坑“分仓法+盆式法+阶梯法”土方开挖技术 被引量:7
作者 于峰 李卓文 +3 位作者 初焕冰 王常旭 程子恒 魏恩娜 《天津建设科技》 2016年第2期7-12,共6页
以某临近地铁和重点保护性建筑超大超深基坑工程为例,详细地介绍了软土地区"分仓法+盆式法+阶梯法"土方开挖技术及取得的成效。基坑施工中采用"分仓法"将整个大基坑分成四个小基坑,分区、分层、分块采用"盆式... 以某临近地铁和重点保护性建筑超大超深基坑工程为例,详细地介绍了软土地区"分仓法+盆式法+阶梯法"土方开挖技术及取得的成效。基坑施工中采用"分仓法"将整个大基坑分成四个小基坑,分区、分层、分块采用"盆式和阶梯式"进行开挖,保证了基坑及周边建筑物的安全性,确保了地铁的正常运营,取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 超大深基坑 临近地铁 施工技术 仓法+式法+阶梯法”
兰苑莳艺·国兰篇 兰花翻盆分株 被引量:1
作者 唐莉娜 《园林》 2003年第5期8-8,共1页
关键词 兰花 兰株 春秋季节
卧式振动离心机的非线性动力学分析 被引量:2
作者 冯银兵 《机械研究与应用》 2016年第3期22-25,共4页
针对卧式离心机振动系统,将其简化为一个含弹性约束两自由度振动系统的力学模型,推导出系统周期运动的解析解以及Poincaré映射。通过计算机数值仿真,揭示了系统在激励的作用下存在着倍周期分岔,Hopf分岔,并且给出了发生分岔时的具... 针对卧式离心机振动系统,将其简化为一个含弹性约束两自由度振动系统的力学模型,推导出系统周期运动的解析解以及Poincaré映射。通过计算机数值仿真,揭示了系统在激励的作用下存在着倍周期分岔,Hopf分岔,并且给出了发生分岔时的具体参数以及通向混沌的道路。对离心机非线性动力学的研究提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 振动系统 PoincariS映射 分盆 混屯
作者 刘静 《创新时代》 2013年第2期24-24,共1页
雾霾天气的数次来袭,将中国的石油企业推上了风口浪尖。作为中国内地最大的炼油企业——中石化在否认祸首质疑之后,又将矛头指向了国家油品标准。1月31日,中石化董事长傅成玉在北京表示,炼油企业是雾霾天气直接责任者之一,但这并... 雾霾天气的数次来袭,将中国的石油企业推上了风口浪尖。作为中国内地最大的炼油企业——中石化在否认祸首质疑之后,又将矛头指向了国家油品标准。1月31日,中石化董事长傅成玉在北京表示,炼油企业是雾霾天气直接责任者之一,但这并非因油企质量不达标,而是我国油品标准不够,只有北京推行含硫量在1Oppm以下的欧V,但全国普遍为150ppm的欧Ⅲ,标准不提高,设备改造就上不去。 展开更多
关键词 石油企业 油品 分盆 利益 阻力 专家 炼油企业
Discovery of a geomorphological analog to Martian araneiforms in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau
作者 Shengxing Zhang Yiliang Li Wei Leng 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1-9,I0006,共10页
Araneiforms are spider-like ground patterns that are widespread in the southern polar regions of Mars.A gas erosion process driven by the seasonal sublimation of CO_(2) ice was proposed as an explanation for their for... Araneiforms are spider-like ground patterns that are widespread in the southern polar regions of Mars.A gas erosion process driven by the seasonal sublimation of CO_(2) ice was proposed as an explanation for their formation,which cannot occur on Earth due to the high climatic temperature.In this study,we propose an alternative mechanism that attrib-utes the araneiform formation to the erosion of upwelling salt water from the subsurface,relying on the identification of the first terrestrial analog found in a playa of the Qaidam Basin on the northern Tibetan Plateau.Morphological analysis indicates that the structures in the Qaidam Basin have fractal features comparable to araneiforms on Mars.A numerical model is developed to investigate the araneiform formation driven by the water-diffusion mechanism.The simulation res-ults indicate that the water-diffusion process,under varying ground conditions,may be responsible for the diverse aranei-form morphologies observed on both Earth and Mars.Our numerical simulations also demonstrate that the orientations of the saltwater diffusion networks are controlled by pre-existing polygonal cracks,which is consistent with observations of araneiforms on Mars and Earth.Our study thus suggests that a saltwater-related origin of the araneiform is possible and has significant implications for water searches on Mars. 展开更多
关键词 araneiform landform subsurface water Qaidam Basin Mars analog fractal simulations
Surface radioactive anomalies at Srisailam sub basin,Cuddapah basin,India
作者 Vishnu Bhoopathi S.Niranjan Kumar +1 位作者 R.S.N.Sastry B.Srinivas 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期265-271,共7页
Surface radioactive survey has been carried with portable gamma ray spectrometer(PGRS) about the 45 km2 around the Srisailam sub basin,the surface radioactive anomalies were found at Chennakesavula gutta in the Srisai... Surface radioactive survey has been carried with portable gamma ray spectrometer(PGRS) about the 45 km2 around the Srisailam sub basin,the surface radioactive anomalies were found at Chennakesavula gutta in the Srisailam sub basin of Cuddapah basin in the age of meso-neo proterozoic,India.The integrated geochemical and radiometric surveys were conducted as part of research work in the Srisailam basin,it has resulted the locating of surface radioactive anomalies near the Chennakesavula gutta.Secondary uranium minerals are observed along with the fracture planes in the Archean basement granite in the proximity of unconformity contact of Srisailam quartzite.The granite underlies the Srisailam formation and forms the source for possible unconformity related uranium mineralisation in the Srisailam sub-basin evidence by the significant radioactive anomalies.The radioactivity recorded by PGRS reflected uraniferous nature of the radioactivity(Average total counts =195 ppm;U = 202 ppm;Th =22ppm;%K = 4.1,n = 15). 展开更多
关键词 放射性异常 表面 印度 分盆 γ射线谱仪 放射性调查 m 地球化学
作者 张凌云 《花卉》 2008年第10期33-33,共1页
关键词 种植法 卡特兰 无根 寒冷季节 珍稀品种 成活率 分盆 南方
The formation and evolution of the Qiaojia pull-apart basin,North Xiaojiang Fault Zone,Southwest China 被引量:4
作者 LI Tian-tao PEI Xiang-jun +1 位作者 HUANG Run-qiu JIN Long-de 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期1096-1106,共11页
Sedimentary sequences with drastic thickening over short distances have been observed in Qiaojia County,Yunnan Province,Southwest China.These are related to a pull-apart basin controlled by the Xiaojiang strike-slip f... Sedimentary sequences with drastic thickening over short distances have been observed in Qiaojia County,Yunnan Province,Southwest China.These are related to a pull-apart basin controlled by the Xiaojiang strike-slip fault.Our field investigations include determining the surface characteristics of the Qiaojia basin which consists of three terrace sequences and a series of alluvial fans.Several drill holes were used to reveal the internal structure of the basin.The results suggest that the basinal sediments are over 300 m thick.From bottom to top,they can be classified into five different units.We inferred that the units of lacustrine sediments are deposited in a paleolake which was formed by a paleo-landslide.Accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating(AMS ^(14)C dating) was used to estimate the ages of the terrace and lacustrine sediments.We use the results to infer that the paleo-lake has existed about 15,000 years and that the Qiaojia basin was uplifted at an average rate of 3.3 mm/a.Furthermore,we then model the evolution process of the basin and interpreted 6 phases of development. 展开更多
关键词 Pull-apart basin Xiaojiang fault STRIKE-SLIP EVOLUTION TERRACE Dammed lake
Geochemistry of Kasnau-Matasukh lignites, Nagaur Basin, Rajasthan (India) 被引量:5
作者 Prakash K. Singh Pramod K. Rajak +2 位作者 ramod K. Rajak Vijay K. Singh Amiya S. Naik 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第2期104-122,共19页
The distribution and verticals variation of geochemical components in the Kasnau-Matasukh lignites of Nagaur Basin, Rajasthan, were investigated using microscopy, proximate and ultimate analyses, Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, ... The distribution and verticals variation of geochemical components in the Kasnau-Matasukh lignites of Nagaur Basin, Rajasthan, were investigated using microscopy, proximate and ultimate analyses, Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, X-ray diffraction and Fourier Transform Infrared analyses, and major/minor/trace element determination. The relationship of elements with ash content and with macerals have also been discussed. These lignites are stratified, black, dominantly composed of huminite group macerals with subordinated amounts of liptinite and inertinite groups. They are classified as type-III kerogen and are mainly gas prone in nature. The concentration (in vol%) of mineral matter is seen to increase towards upper part of seam and so is the concentration (in wt%) of the volatile matter, elemental carbon and sulphur. The common minerals present in these lignitesare mixed clay layer, chlorite, and quartz as identified by X-ray diffraction study. Compared with world average in brown coal, the bulk concentration of Cu is anomalously high in most of the samples while Cd is 2-3 times high and Zn is high in one band. Based on interrelationship, different pyrite forms are noticed to have different preferential enrichment of various elements. The concentration of disseminated pyrite is more than the other pyrite forms and is followed by discrete pyrite grains and massive pyrite. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY MACERALS Trace elements Kasnau-Matasukh lignite RAJASTHAN
Origin of the Volcanic Rocks Erupted in the Eastern Manus Basin:Basaltic Andesite-Andesite-Dacite Associations 被引量:3
作者 MA Yao ZENG Zhigang +2 位作者 CHEN Shuai YIN Xuebo WANG Xiaoyuan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期389-402,共14页
There has been much recent interest in the origin of intermediate lava and several hypotheses are: 1) direct melting of the mantle under water-saturated conditions, 2) partial melting of altered crust, 3) fractional c... There has been much recent interest in the origin of intermediate lava and several hypotheses are: 1) direct melting of the mantle under water-saturated conditions, 2) partial melting of altered crust, 3) fractional crystallization of parent magma, and 4) magma mixing of mafic magmas with dacitic/rhyolitic magmas. Volcanic rocks series ranging from basaltic andesite to dacite(SiO_2 ranges from 53.8 to 63.0 wt.%) from the eastern Manus Basin were detected for major and trace element compositions to understand their origin. Low H_2O contents, positive correlations of La-SiO_2 and Yb-SiO_2, oxygen isotope data and the indistinct change of trace element concentrations in oscillatory zoning of plagioclase phenocrysts rule out the models in which silicic lava results from direct melting of hydrous mantle, partial melting of altered oceanic crust or gabbros, and magma mixing, respectively. Besides, the geochemical data of whole rock and melt inclusions indicate that fractional crystallization plays a dominant role in generating the intermediate lava with subduction features. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern Manus Basin fractional crystallization volcanic rocks
作者 周毅 盛国英 +5 位作者 傅家膜 耿安松 陈军红 张启明 潘贤庄 黄保家 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期182-190,共9页
The condensates from the Yacheng Gas Field, Ying-Qiong Basins, have unusual chemical characteristics, with distribution dominated by terpanes and steranes derived from higher-plants. Pr/Ph ratios (6-11) are very high.... The condensates from the Yacheng Gas Field, Ying-Qiong Basins, have unusual chemical characteristics, with distribution dominated by terpanes and steranes derived from higher-plants. Pr/Ph ratios (6-11) are very high. Drimane, cadinanes and homocadinanes exist in high concentration. Anomalously abundant 18α(H)-oleanane and remarkably abundant bicadinanes are present in Yacheng condensates, while 17α(H)-hopanes are in extremely low concentration. Taraxastane and significantly abundant 17α(H)-diahopanes occur in the condensates. In addition, a number of C 29 and C 30 unknown pentacyclic triterpanes were monitored in the condensates, some of which are abundant. The unknown compounds may be terrestrial biomarkers or their occurrence may suggest a sub-oxic (dyacrobic) clay-rich depositional environment. C 29 homologues are relatively predominant in regular and rearranged steranes. The concentration of diasteranes is markedly higher than that of regular steranes. The characteristics of Yacheng condensates are indicative of terrestrial source input. Based on condensate-condensate and condensate-rock correlations, combined with results of studies on sedimentary facies. Yacheng condensates may be sourced from Yacheng and Lingshui Formations in the Qiongdongnan Basin. The maturity of Yacheng condensate is relatively high, at late oil window stage (corresponding to 0.9%-1.3% R 0), based on sterane and terpane maturity parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Yacheng condensates triterpanes STERANES terrestrial biomarkers unknown pentacyclic triterpanes
The Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of Saline-alkali Wasteland in Datong Basin, Northern China 被引量:3
作者 朱楚馨 毕如田 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1803-1809,共7页
[Objective] Saline-alkali wasteland is a kind of land use type that formed by soil salinization and secondary salinization. To study the causes of spatial distri- bution of saline-alkali wasteland could be used as ref... [Objective] Saline-alkali wasteland is a kind of land use type that formed by soil salinization and secondary salinization. To study the causes of spatial distri- bution of saline-alkali wasteland could be used as reference for the amelioration and is significant for developing the reserved land with great potential. [Method] The re- search set a total of 1 729 sampling points in the study area of 34 433 hm2. Spa- tial analyses were used to find out the causes of saline-alkali wasteland in Datong basin from four factors: topography, geology, hydrology and soil. DEM and land use data were used to calculate distribution index of topography, and distribution of the total salinity (TS) and pH was analyzed by means of IDW interpolation. [Result] The results showed that saline-alkali wasteland was distributed on flat and low-lying ter- rains with poor drainage, which led to salt accumulation. 87% of saline-alkali wasteland was distributed on Quaternary Holocene alluvium whose performance of soil hydraulic conductivity was poor. TS value distribution was that in midstream re- gion was the highest, less in upstream region and the least in downstream region along the rivers, and TS value decreased when distance between saline-alkali wasteland and rivers increased. The major soil types in Datong basin were fluvo- aquic soil and saline soil. Both of the two soil types were of high TS value and pH value, and heavily salinized and strongly alkalized. [Conclusion] High groundwater table and the existence of two salt accumulation centers are the two causes of saline-alkali wasteland in Datong basin. The key to ameliorate saline-alkali waste- land is to descend the groundwater table and lessen salt accumulation. 展开更多
关键词 Datong basin saline-alkali wasteland spatial distribution
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