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裂变气体分离器气泡分离轨迹的数值模拟 被引量:3
作者 马燕飞 尹俊连 +1 位作者 钱雅兰 王德忠 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期51-56,共6页
钍基熔盐堆是我国重点开发的第四代核反应堆之一,其裂变反应产生的中子俘获截面大的Kr、Xe等裂变气体以微气泡的形式存在于熔盐冷却剂中,对裂变气体的分离是提高熔盐堆中子经济性、实现燃料深燃耗的重要环节。为定量地获得分离器内气泡... 钍基熔盐堆是我国重点开发的第四代核反应堆之一,其裂变反应产生的中子俘获截面大的Kr、Xe等裂变气体以微气泡的形式存在于熔盐冷却剂中,对裂变气体的分离是提高熔盐堆中子经济性、实现燃料深燃耗的重要环节。为定量地获得分离器内气泡的分离行为,采用数值模拟和理论建模相结合的方法,得到旋流场的流场分布特征;通过建立旋流场中气泡运动控制方程,分析并计算不同旋流度和气泡直径下的分离长度。与实验数据对比发现,数值模拟结果和实验数据吻合良好,表明数值模拟方法可以用于气液分离器的优化设计。 展开更多
关键词 气液分离 受力分析 分离长度
作者 潘九君 李淑艳 《现代化农业》 1994年第2期37-39,共3页
长度分选机潘九君,李淑艳(黑龙江省农垦科学院)长度分送机主要用于分离长度不同的颗粒物料。长度分选机设置于风筛式清选机加工之后,广泛用于小麦、水稻、大麦等作物种子的长度分离和分级。长度分选机主要有凹眼盘式分选机和凹眼筒... 长度分选机潘九君,李淑艳(黑龙江省农垦科学院)长度分送机主要用于分离长度不同的颗粒物料。长度分选机设置于风筛式清选机加工之后,广泛用于小麦、水稻、大麦等作物种子的长度分离和分级。长度分选机主要有凹眼盘式分选机和凹眼筒式分过机两种。黑龙江省白桦清选机厂... 展开更多
关键词 种子分选机 长度分离 分级
作者 刘安 彭天波 +4 位作者 闫博洋 习明星 胡成志 林昱 林道锦 《结构工程师》 2024年第3期107-117,共11页
先简支后桥面板连续体系是一种新型钢混组合结构,在该体系的中支点处设置一定长度的钢梁-混凝土桥面板分离段,可以改善桥面板负弯矩区的受力状态。目前对于该体系桥面板负弯矩区这一薄弱环节的试验研究尚属空白。本研究首先根据实际一... 先简支后桥面板连续体系是一种新型钢混组合结构,在该体系的中支点处设置一定长度的钢梁-混凝土桥面板分离段,可以改善桥面板负弯矩区的受力状态。目前对于该体系桥面板负弯矩区这一薄弱环节的试验研究尚属空白。本研究首先根据实际一座先简支后桥面板连续的钢混组合梁桥,设计制作了两跨1/4比例的缩尺模型,并通过安装、拆除带套筒剪力钉对中支点处的分离段长度进行调节。然后通过在两跨桥面上模拟单轮重轴荷载进行逐点加载试验,研究了分离段长度对桥面板受力状态和抗裂性能的影响。最后对原桥的抗裂性能进行了分析。结果表明,中支点处设置分离段的先简支后桥面板连续体系可显著改善结构的抗裂性能。本研究有助于推广先简支后桥面板连续体系在钢混组合结构中的应用、推动桥梁结构预制装配技术的发展。 展开更多
关键词 钢混组合结构 先简支后桥面板连续 抗裂性能 分离长度 最不利位置
应用PIV系统研究横流中水平方柱绕流旋涡特征 被引量:9
作者 齐鄂荣 卢炜娟 +1 位作者 邱兰 吴剑 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期18-24,共7页
利用PIV系统对二维水平方柱绕流的旋涡特性进行了试验研究,得到了来流雷诺数为796-9 556、不同间隙比(G=3.0,1.0,0.2)时方柱绕流瞬时流场分布.根据这些数据,分析了方柱绕流流场中旋涡发展和演化规律,比较了瞬时流场和时均流场中旋涡结... 利用PIV系统对二维水平方柱绕流的旋涡特性进行了试验研究,得到了来流雷诺数为796-9 556、不同间隙比(G=3.0,1.0,0.2)时方柱绕流瞬时流场分布.根据这些数据,分析了方柱绕流流场中旋涡发展和演化规律,比较了瞬时流场和时均流场中旋涡结构特征,给出了不同工况下分离区长度L及斯特罗哈数St与雷诺数的关系. 展开更多
关键词 PIV 方柱绕流 旋涡 分离长度
低Reynolds数下水平管降膜滴状流动的实验研究 被引量:4
作者 柳山林 牟兴森 +3 位作者 沈胜强 梁斌 包天杰 倪兵 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期4565-4574,共10页
为了充分了解水平管降膜滴状流动现象,以水为实验流体,采用高速高清摄像仪对不同管距下水平管降膜滴状流动进行了可视化的实验研究。实验观察了低Reynolds数Re≤200、管间距s≤40 mm范围内的管间滴状流动过程。根据流动形态的特征,将滴... 为了充分了解水平管降膜滴状流动现象,以水为实验流体,采用高速高清摄像仪对不同管距下水平管降膜滴状流动进行了可视化的实验研究。实验观察了低Reynolds数Re≤200、管间距s≤40 mm范围内的管间滴状流动过程。根据流动形态的特征,将滴状流动划分为堆积滴状流、不完全滴状流、吊坠滴状流、完全滴状流和不完全回缩滴状流。依据实验结果,绘制了滴状流动形态分区图。提出了分离长度的概念,并讨论了流量对分离长度的影响。研究了低Reynolds数下液滴流动的滴落点间距与流量的关系。结果表明,滴状流的管间流动形态不仅受流量的影响,同时也受管间距的影响。分离长度随着Re的增大呈两段式线性增大。液滴流动的滴落点间距在Re≤100范围内随Re增大而减小,在100<Re≤200范围内趋于平稳。此外,分别建立了分离长度和滴落点间距与Re的关系式。 展开更多
关键词 水平管降膜 滴状流动形态 分离长度 滴落点间距
DBD低温等离子体控制下前台阶流动的数值模拟 被引量:2
作者 王建明 李润青 王成军 《沈阳航空航天大学学报》 2021年第5期1-7,共7页
为了研究DBD(介质阻挡放电)低温等离子发生器对前台阶流动分离(钝体绕流经典问题之一)的控制效应,利用Fluent软件中的用户自定义函数UDF功能,将等离子体的作用效果以体积力源项的形式添加进N-S方程,对前台阶流动进行数值模拟。结果表明... 为了研究DBD(介质阻挡放电)低温等离子发生器对前台阶流动分离(钝体绕流经典问题之一)的控制效应,利用Fluent软件中的用户自定义函数UDF功能,将等离子体的作用效果以体积力源项的形式添加进N-S方程,对前台阶流动进行数值模拟。结果表明,在来流20 m/s的情况下,通过开启布置在台阶上表面的等离子体发生电极,台阶壁面上的流动分离得到有效控制,分离区减小80%左右。 展开更多
关键词 前台阶流动 等离子体流动控制 流动分离 分离长度 用户自定义函数
Acute short-term dim light exposure can lower muscle strength endurance
作者 Arnold G. Nelson Joke Kokkonen Megan Mickenberg 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第3期270-274,共5页
Background: Since it has been shown that spending 18 h under dim light conditions can result in reduced handgrip endurance, it was questioned whether or not a shorter exposure to dim light (i.e., 1 h) would have si... Background: Since it has been shown that spending 18 h under dim light conditions can result in reduced handgrip endurance, it was questioned whether or not a shorter exposure to dim light (i.e., 1 h) would have similar influence upon muscular endurance. Therefore this study compared the number of weighted knee extension lifts that could be done after spending 1 h in either dim or bright light. Methods: Participants (5 women, 11 men, college students 19--26 years) performed knee extension lifts to exhaustion with a load approximating 40% of their body weight. The lifts to exhaustion were measured immediately following 1 h of exposure to each of the following three con- ditions: dark (DL), room light (RL), and room light plus 5 mg melatonin (RLM). A minimum of 48 h separated each condition, and all par- ticipants started the exposures in a rested fed condition. Results: Average (±SD) number of knee extension lifts for RL (62.0 ± 22.0) was significantly (p 〈 0.05) greater than DL (51.4 ± 14.7) and RLM (57.8 ± 22.9). The number of RLM knee extension lifts was not significantly different from DL. Exposure to 1 h of dim light immediately prior to activity can result in a reduction in thigh muscle endurance. The decline in performance to short-term dim light exposure was similar to that found following longer-term exposure. Conclusion: It appears that light intensity can influence muscle endurance, however, at this time this effect cannot be directly related to endogenous melatonin production. 展开更多
关键词 Blood glucose Blood pressure Heart rate Knee extension endurance Light intensity MELATONIN
Influence of Environmental Conditions on Morphogenesis and on Changes of Primary and Secondary Metabolites in Asclepias syriaca L, Derived in Vitro
作者 Oksana Stasytytel Sigute Kuusiene Ilona Jonugkiene 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第8期603-612,共10页
The object of this study was to adapt in vitro system for morphogenesis and regeneration of microshoots of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) applying different concentrations of hydrogen ion (H+) and cytokin... The object of this study was to adapt in vitro system for morphogenesis and regeneration of microshoots of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) applying different concentrations of hydrogen ion (H+) and cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). The influence of BAP and hydrogen ion (H+) on the level of primary (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids) and secondary (flavonoids and hydrolyzable and condensed tannins) metabolites in in vitro grown Asclepias syriaca L, were evaluated. Six different concentrations of BAP (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ~tmol/L) and three different concentrations of hydrogen ion (pH 4.5, 5.0 and 5.5) were applied to the woody plant medium (WPM) medium used for microshoots propagation. The most effective morphogenesis of Asclepias syriaca L. was observed in culture medium supplemented with 2 p, mol/L BAP. However, synthesis of primary and secondary metabolites was the most intensive when cytokinin concentration reached the value of 3 gmol/L BAP. It was determined that the activity of hydrogen ion (H+), measured as the pH of culture medium, had a significant effect on secondary metabolites in the shoots in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 MORPHOGENESIS common milkweed in vitro 6-BENZYLAMINOPURINE secondary metabolites.
Queue Size Distribution of Geo/G/1 Queue Under the Min(N,D)-Policy 被引量:14
作者 GU Jianxiong WEI Yingyuan +1 位作者 TANG Yinghui YU Miaomiao 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期752-771,共20页
This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue under the Min(N, D)-policy in which the idle server resumes its service if either N customers accumulate in the system or the total backlog of the service times of ... This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue under the Min(N, D)-policy in which the idle server resumes its service if either N customers accumulate in the system or the total backlog of the service times of the waiting customers exceeds D, whichever occurs first (Min(N, D)-policy). By using renewal process theory and total probability decomposition technique, the authors study the transient and equilibrium properties of the queue length from the beginning of the arbitrary initial state, and obtain both the recursive expression of the z-transformation of tile transient queue length distribution and the recursive formula for calculating the steady state queue length at arbitrary time epoch n+. Meanwhile, the authors obtain the explicit expressions of the additional queue length distribution, l^trthermore, the important relations between the steady state queue length distributions at different time epochs n , n and n+ are also reported. Finally, the authors give numerical examples to illustrate the effect of system parameters on the steady state queue length distribution, and also show from numerical results that the expressions of the steady state queue length distribution is important in the system capacity design. 展开更多
关键词 Min(N D)-policy discrete-time queue queue length distribution system capacity opti mum design total probability decomposition technique z-transform.
The separation single-wall carbon nanotubes on length by sepharose gel 被引量:3
作者 REN LingLing ZHAO MingYuan WANG ZhiHua 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1178-1182,共5页
The separations of single-wall carbon nanotubes on length by sepharose gel were investigated in this work. The solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium deoxycholate were applied as the eluent in sequence. SEM an... The separations of single-wall carbon nanotubes on length by sepharose gel were investigated in this work. The solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium deoxycholate were applied as the eluent in sequence. SEM and Raman were used to characterize the length of nanotube bundles. The results show that the longer nanotubes were eluted out first, and then the shorter tubes were followed by the sodium dodecyl sulfate. However, the separated order was totally reversed by the sodium deoxycholate. By this method, the process generated nanotube fractions not only were narrower in length distributions, but also could control the separation orders by changing the eluents. Moreover, the separation principle was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 single-wall carbon nanotubes LENGTH SEPARATION sepharose gel sodium dodecyl sulfate sodium deoxycholate
Nanoseparation-lnspired Manipulation of the Synthesis of CdS Nanorods 被引量:2
作者 Xiaoming Sun Xiuju Ma +6 位作者 Lu Bai Junfeng Liu Zheng Chang David G. Evans Xue Duan Jiaou Wang Joseph F. Chiang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期226-232,共7页
CdS nanorods have been sorted by length using a density gradient ultracentrifuge rate separation method. The fractions containing longer rods showed relatively stronger oxygen-related surface trap emission, while the ... CdS nanorods have been sorted by length using a density gradient ultracentrifuge rate separation method. The fractions containing longer rods showed relatively stronger oxygen-related surface trap emission, while the shorter ones had dominant band-edge emission. These results suggest that the final length distribution of CdS nanorods is not a result of random nucleation and growth, but is related to the local synthesis conditions. Inspired by these findings, different synthesis environments (N2, air, and 02) have been employed in order to tailor the length distribution. In addition to the rod length, the photoluminescence properties of CdS nanorods can also be manipulated. Increasing the oxygen partial pressure significantly changed the growth behavior of CdS nanorods by improving the anisotropic growth. 展开更多
关键词 Nanoseparation quantum rods CDS PHOTOLUMINESCENCE controlled synthesis
A novel polarization splitter based on three-core photonic crystal fibers 被引量:1
作者 杨倩倩 侯蓝田 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2011年第1期33-36,共4页
A novel polarization splitter based on photonic crystal fibers(PCFs) with three cores of high birefringence is proposed.The 45o linearly polarized light is launched into a core.After a coupling length(about 1500 μm),... A novel polarization splitter based on photonic crystal fibers(PCFs) with three cores of high birefringence is proposed.The 45o linearly polarized light is launched into a core.After a coupling length(about 1500 μm),the xand y-polarized light beams are separated into different cores.When the light is launched into another core,the xand y-polarized light from different cores can be obtained and the degree of separation can be also adjusted.The polarization splitter is highly flexible and adjustable.The length of the polarization splitter is about 1500 μm which is just the coupling length.So it has appreciate significance of manufacturing mini-type photonic apparatus in integrated optics. 展开更多
关键词 Crystal whiskers LIGHT Light polarization Photonic crystals PHOTONICS POLARIZATION
Scaling Theory of Strongly Charged Cylindrical Polyelectrolyte Brushes
作者 瞿立建 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1091-1094,共4页
Scaling theory of charged cylindrical polyelectrolyte brushes is developed. The dependence of brush thickness on the grafting density, charge fraction, and chain length is analyzed. A full phase diagram is established... Scaling theory of charged cylindrical polyelectrolyte brushes is developed. The dependence of brush thickness on the grafting density, charge fraction, and chain length is analyzed. A full phase diagram is established. Characteristics and boundaries between different regimes of cylindrical polyelectrolyte brushes are summarized. Special attentions are paid to electrostatic interaction induced stiffening and counterion condensation effects. If the Bjerrum length of the solution is larger than the Kuhn length of the polyelectrolyte chains, counterion condensation occurs in the strongly charged polyeleetrolyte brushes. On the contrary, the electrostatic interaction stretches the strongly charged grafted polyelectrolyte chains to their contour length. 展开更多
关键词 cylindrical polyelectrolyte brush scaling theory counterion condensation
Optical trapping of metallic Rayleigh particle by combined beam
作者 程科 钟先琼 向安平 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2012年第1期76-80,共5页
Radiation forces and trapping stability of metallic (i.e. gold) Rayleigh particle by combined beam are analyzed, and the combined beam is formed by superimposing two partially coherent off-axis fiat-topped beams. Th... Radiation forces and trapping stability of metallic (i.e. gold) Rayleigh particle by combined beam are analyzed, and the combined beam is formed by superimposing two partially coherent off-axis fiat-topped beams. The dependences of radiation forces on off-axis distance parameter, correlation length and particle radius are illustrated by numerical examples. The results show that there exist critical values d0,c and or σ0,c for the combined beam. For 0〈d ≤ d0,c or 0〈σ0 ≤ σ0,c the Gaussianlike intensity profile takes place at the geometrical focal plane, so that the transverse gradient force can act as restoring force. As the off-axis distance parameter increases or the correlation length decreases, the maximal intensity, the radiation force and trapping stiffness become smaller, while the transverse and longitudinal trapping ranges become larger. In comparison with a single beam, the combined beam is more favourable for trapping metallic Rayleigh particle owing to the stronger trapping stiffness and the larger trapping range. 展开更多
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