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基于分类分型的高校教师绩效评价研究 被引量:12
作者 韩小林 马瑞敏 +1 位作者 吴文清 贾锁堂 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期114-119,共6页
高校教师绩效的科学评价对高校的高竞争力发展有着独特的意义。文章针对不同类型的学科构建不同的指标体系,并对相应指标体系中不同的教师类型设定不同的指标权重,最终实现基于分类分型的高校教师绩效评价。在此基础上以中部某高校为例... 高校教师绩效的科学评价对高校的高竞争力发展有着独特的意义。文章针对不同类型的学科构建不同的指标体系,并对相应指标体系中不同的教师类型设定不同的指标权重,最终实现基于分类分型的高校教师绩效评价。在此基础上以中部某高校为例进行实证研究,证实此种评价方法的可行性和科学性,并给出一些有益于该校发展的意见和建议,以此为高校教师绩效评价的实践提供一种新思路和新方法。 展开更多
关键词 高校教师 分类分型 绩效评价
车辆工程专业分类分型人才培养模式研究 被引量:3
作者 李顺才 邢邦圣 《江苏建筑职业技术学院学报》 2017年第4期62-65,共4页
为适应我国铁路快速发展及徐州都市圈建设对高铁与城市轨道车辆人才的需求,我校适时成功申报车辆工程专业.依据学校的办学定位,经过广泛调研,分析了国内车辆工程专业人才培养模式的研究现状,制定了车辆工程专业的"361"分类分... 为适应我国铁路快速发展及徐州都市圈建设对高铁与城市轨道车辆人才的需求,我校适时成功申报车辆工程专业.依据学校的办学定位,经过广泛调研,分析了国内车辆工程专业人才培养模式的研究现状,制定了车辆工程专业的"361"分类分型人才培养方案,培养30%的拔尖创新型人才、60%的复合应用型人才、10%的国际化人才.设置了详细的专业教学计划、人格素养培养计划、实践教学计划及科研创新训练计划.依据学校"361"分类分型培养目标,设置公有专业选修模块及3个不同的选修课模块实现分类分型培养. 展开更多
关键词 车辆工程专业 分类分型人才培养模式 拔尖创新型人才 复合应用型人才 国际化人才
作者 李顺才 邢邦圣 《装备制造与教育》 2017年第2期46-50,共5页
为适应我国铁路快速发展及徐州都市圈建设对高铁与城市轨道车辆人才的需求,我校适时成功申报建设车辆工程专业。依据学校的办学定位,经过广泛调研,分析了国内车辆工程专业人才培养模式的研究现状,制定了车辆工程专业的“352”分类... 为适应我国铁路快速发展及徐州都市圈建设对高铁与城市轨道车辆人才的需求,我校适时成功申报建设车辆工程专业。依据学校的办学定位,经过广泛调研,分析了国内车辆工程专业人才培养模式的研究现状,制定了车辆工程专业的“352”分类分型人才培养方案,培养30%的拔尖创新型人才、50%的复合应用型人才、20%的国际化人才。设置了详细的专业教学计划、人格素养培养计划、实践教学计划及科研创新训练计划。依据学校“352”分类分型培养目标,设置公有专业选修模块及3个不同的选修课模块实现分类分型培养。 展开更多
关键词 车辆工程专业 分类分型人才培养模式 拔尖创新型人才 复合应用型人才 国际化人才
指动脉终末背支皮瓣修复Allen分类分型Ⅱ型指端缺损 被引量:1
作者 史洪成 陈鹤 《中国医药指南》 2011年第6期214-215,共2页
目的探讨Allen分类分型Ⅱ型指端皮肤缺损方法与疗效。方法回顾自2006年8月至2009年10月采用指动脉终末背支皮瓣治疗Allen分类分型Ⅱ型指端皮肤缺损13例。结果经3个月至2年观察随访,13例平均愈合时间2周,皮瓣均成活良好。外形满意,质地柔... 目的探讨Allen分类分型Ⅱ型指端皮肤缺损方法与疗效。方法回顾自2006年8月至2009年10月采用指动脉终末背支皮瓣治疗Allen分类分型Ⅱ型指端皮肤缺损13例。结果经3个月至2年观察随访,13例平均愈合时间2周,皮瓣均成活良好。外形满意,质地柔软,无触痛,耐磨。结论指动脉终末背支皮瓣操作简单易行,血运可靠,成活率高,无需二次手术整形,疗效满意,是适用于Allen分类分型Ⅱ型指端缺损修复的好方法。 展开更多
关键词 指端损伤 Allen分类分型 指动脉终末背支皮瓣
作者 郭华源 刘思凯 +2 位作者 饶宠佑 贺志阳 何昆仑 《中国卫生信息管理杂志》 2023年第6期897-903,共7页
目的在算子、算力等资源有限的医院环境下,研究构建住院电子病历分型分类训练模型,实现病历检索、辅助诊断等下游应用推理,夯实病历智能化应用基础。方法针对心血管疾病的智能诊疗需求,采用“预训练+微调”策略,通过研究数据预处理技术... 目的在算子、算力等资源有限的医院环境下,研究构建住院电子病历分型分类训练模型,实现病历检索、辅助诊断等下游应用推理,夯实病历智能化应用基础。方法针对心血管疾病的智能诊疗需求,采用“预训练+微调”策略,通过研究数据预处理技术、病历对比学习方法,以及“医学领域训练、知识增强训练和任务相关训练”三阶段模型递进微调算法,在开源语言模型基础上,对约20万份住院病历进行训练,设计生成1个分型分类训练模型。结果该模型可有效支撑下游应用,病历检索准确率达94.4%。结论本文所提出的建模方法具有高效、安全等特点,对于病历检索、辅助诊断方面的应用具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 住院电子病历 分型分类 训练模型 心血管疾病
耐药肺结核的分类、分型及影像学表现 被引量:24
作者 余卫业 谭卫国 陆普选 《新发传染病电子杂志》 2019年第1期42-47,共6页
耐药结核病是由耐药结核分枝杆菌所引起的结核病,是目前威胁人类健康的主要呼吸道传染病。在全球范围内,2017年WHO报告了160 684例耐多药结核病和利福平耐药结核病(MDR/RR-TB),接受治疗的有139 114例。约有47%的耐药结核病来自印度(24%... 耐药结核病是由耐药结核分枝杆菌所引起的结核病,是目前威胁人类健康的主要呼吸道传染病。在全球范围内,2017年WHO报告了160 684例耐多药结核病和利福平耐药结核病(MDR/RR-TB),接受治疗的有139 114例。约有47%的耐药结核病来自印度(24%)、中国(13%)和俄罗斯(10%)。同时,约有23万例耐多药/利福平耐药患者死亡。为了有效地规范耐药肺结核的预防、诊断和治疗,临床上依据实验室细菌学及耐药产生的原因等对结核分枝杆菌耐药分为新发耐药结核和复治耐药结核两大类;依据耐药数量和种类分为单耐药、多耐药、耐多药、广泛耐药和利福平耐药五型。本文主要就利福平耐药、耐多药和广泛耐药肺结核的影像表现进行描述,并附典型病例的胸片和CT图片,三种耐药肺结核分别具有一些影像学特点,主要表现为肺内多发性厚壁空洞、大小不等的结节影、斑片状实变影、纤维条索状影及部分表现为淋巴结肿大和胸腔积液。病变累及范围广泛、迁延时间长并可出现毁损肺。掌握耐药肺结核的发病率、病死率、临床分类及分型,了解主要类型耐药肺结核的影像学表现特点,有利于指导临床诊断、治疗和疗效评价,降低其发病率和病死率。 展开更多
关键词 耐药肺结核 分类分型 诊断 影像学
产后腹直肌分离的超声诊断与分型分类研究 被引量:4
作者 阚晓纯 尤玲英 +1 位作者 顾娟芬 范健 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2022年第15期26-29,35,共5页
目的采用高频超声研究产后腹直肌分离(DRA)的间距和类型,建立DRA诊断和分型分类的标准。方法采用便利序贯采集法抽取2020年1—12月在无锡市锡山人民医院住院分娩后常规复诊(产后3 d、6周和3个月)的产妇326例,采用高频超声测量DRA的间距... 目的采用高频超声研究产后腹直肌分离(DRA)的间距和类型,建立DRA诊断和分型分类的标准。方法采用便利序贯采集法抽取2020年1—12月在无锡市锡山人民医院住院分娩后常规复诊(产后3 d、6周和3个月)的产妇326例,采用高频超声测量DRA的间距和最大间距位置。结果根据改良分型标准进行评估,326例产妇中疑似和轻度分离者占多数,产后42 d复诊时,疑似和轻度分离患者比率分别为39.88%、28.83%;产后3个月复查时,分离恢复正常(≤2 cm)者比率为92.64%。产后6周分离>3 cm者有101例,根据改良分类标准分为Ⅰ型(脐上分离)72例(71.29%),Ⅳ-a型(脐上=脐下)1例(1.00%),Ⅳ-b型(脐上>脐下)20例(19.80%),Ⅳ-c型(脐下>脐上)1例(1.00%),Ⅲ型(脐部型)6例(5.94%),Ⅴ型1例(1.00%),脐上和脐环区为最大分离距离。结论改良分型分类标准更符合临床实际,有助于临床精准确定DRA康复治疗的时机和方案。 展开更多
关键词 腹直肌分离 分型分类 超声 产后检查
胫骨平台骨折的常用分类与比较 被引量:35
作者 翟启麟 张长青 《国际骨科学杂志》 2011年第1期14-16,共3页
胫骨平台骨折分类方法主要包括Hohl-Moore分类、Schatzker分类及AO分类。Schatzker分类有6型,便于记忆且临床实用性强,目前应用最为广泛;AO分类详尽,分为3类9型18亚型,利于研究资料的积累。这两种分类的可重复性相当,AO分类的可信度略优... 胫骨平台骨折分类方法主要包括Hohl-Moore分类、Schatzker分类及AO分类。Schatzker分类有6型,便于记忆且临床实用性强,目前应用最为广泛;AO分类详尽,分为3类9型18亚型,利于研究资料的积累。这两种分类的可重复性相当,AO分类的可信度略优于Schatzker分类。CT检查可使相关分类分型更加精确。 展开更多
关键词 胫骨平台骨折 分类分型 比较研究
车辆工程专业嵌入式人才培养模式及教学体系研究 被引量:1
作者 李顺才 邢邦圣 《淮北职业技术学院学报》 2017年第4期44-47,共4页
嵌入式人才培养的内涵是紧密实施校企合作,校企共同制定培养方案,共同培养人才。我们根据已有的分类分型专业人才培养方案,通过校企联合构建该专业嵌入式理论与实践教学体系,在专业课程、岗位见习、岗位实习、毕业设计等方面设计嵌入式... 嵌入式人才培养的内涵是紧密实施校企合作,校企共同制定培养方案,共同培养人才。我们根据已有的分类分型专业人才培养方案,通过校企联合构建该专业嵌入式理论与实践教学体系,在专业课程、岗位见习、岗位实习、毕业设计等方面设计嵌入式培养方案。 展开更多
关键词 车辆工程专业 人才培养模式 嵌入式 课程体系 分类分型
产后腹直肌分离诊疗专家共识 被引量:15
作者 范健 虞志艳 +6 位作者 李晓辉 程芳 胡慧文 徐静 张志娟 葛环 顾娟芬 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2023年第4期1-14,共14页
产后腹直肌分离(DRA)是分娩后的常见疾病。受临床研究不够深入、宣教工作不够规范等因素影响,多数患者和医护人员对产后DRA的认识不足,其相关功能障碍和伴随症状易被忽略或与其他疾病混淆。本专科共识认为产后DRA的发病率和危害性仍被... 产后腹直肌分离(DRA)是分娩后的常见疾病。受临床研究不够深入、宣教工作不够规范等因素影响,多数患者和医护人员对产后DRA的认识不足,其相关功能障碍和伴随症状易被忽略或与其他疾病混淆。本专科共识认为产后DRA的发病率和危害性仍被严重低估。本编写组通过对产后DRA相关基础理论和病理生理机制的深入研究,全面总结临床规范化诊疗经验,阐明相关解剖学基础、生物力学特征及影响因素;创建产后DRA的诊断标准、分型和分类标准;创立手法按摩治疗路径的技术流程、服务规范、质量标准、安全质控和疗效标准;建立规范化临床综合康复治疗方案和科学合理的疗效评判标准;多项规范和标准填补了国内空白,对指导和规范产后DRA的诊疗具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 产后腹直肌分离 诊断标准 分型分类 治疗方案 疗效
近年来学界关于流浪乞讨问题研究述评 被引量:11
作者 张霁雪 田毅鹏 《人口学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期67-76,共10页
2003年的"孙志刚事件"成为收容遣送办法转向救助管理办法的政策拐点,也开始引发学界对流浪乞讨问题研究的全面介入,形成了诸多共识与学术热点。在制度变迁方面,救助管理办法的实施标志着国家由维护稳定到提供服务、由强制救... 2003年的"孙志刚事件"成为收容遣送办法转向救助管理办法的政策拐点,也开始引发学界对流浪乞讨问题研究的全面介入,形成了诸多共识与学术热点。在制度变迁方面,救助管理办法的实施标志着国家由维护稳定到提供服务、由强制救助到自愿受助、由生存救助到关爱救助的理念转型;在乞讨规制方面,禁讨区的设置与禁乞令的出台抹煞了个体乞讨权,容易造成行政权力的滥用以及重新从管理走向强制、从控制走向压制的危险;在救助途径上,原生乞丐与职业乞丐的刻板分型将问题的解决置于规训与宽容的制衡以及公权与私权的对抗中,按年龄、性别、病因进行的特殊群体分类救助则有益于救助管理社会化与专业化的提升。近年来学界对这些热点的探索取得了令人瞩目的成果,但也显露了一些有待加强的薄弱环节,田野调查尚显不足,建构救助体系的可操作性建议不多,未来的研究尚任重道远。 展开更多
关键词 流浪乞讨 制度变迁 分型分类 救助管理
Spatial pattern of soil carbon and nutrient storage at the Alpine tun-dra ecosystem of Changbai Mountain, China 被引量:3
作者 魏晶 吴钢 +1 位作者 邓红兵 赵景柱 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期249-254,共6页
In August 2003, we investigated spatial pattern in soil carbon and nutrients in the Alpine tundra of Changbai Moun-tain, Jilin Province, China. The analytical results showed that the soil C concentrations at different... In August 2003, we investigated spatial pattern in soil carbon and nutrients in the Alpine tundra of Changbai Moun-tain, Jilin Province, China. The analytical results showed that the soil C concentrations at different depths were significantly (p<0.05) higher in Meadow alpine tundra vegetation than that in other vegetation types; the soil C (including inorganic carbon) concentrations at layer below 10 cm are significantly (p<0.05) higher than at layer of 1020 cm among the different vegetation types; the spatial distribution of soil N concentration at top surface of 0-10 cm depth was similar to that at 1020 cm; the soil P concentrations at different depths were significantly (p<0.05) lower at Lithic alpine tundra vegetation than that at other vegetation types; soil K concentration was significantly (p<0.05) higher in Felsenmeer alpine tundra vegetation and Lithic alpine tundra vegetation than that in Typical alpine tundra, Meadow alpine tundra, and Swamp alpine tundra vegetations.. However, the soil K had not significant change at different soil depths of each vegetation type. Soil S concentration was dramatically higher in Meadow alpine tundra vegetation than that in other vegetation types. For each vegetation type, the ratios of C: N, C: P, C: K and C: S generally decreased with soil depth. The ratio of C: N was significantly higher at 010 cm than that at 1020 cm for all vegetation types except at the top layer of the Swamp alpine tundra vegetation. Our study showed that soil C and nutrients storage were significantly spatial heterogeneity. 展开更多
关键词 Soil carbon storage Soil nutrients Alpine tundra ecosystem Vegetation type Changbai Mountain
The Patterns of Secretory Structure and Their Relation to Hypericin Content in Hypericum 被引量:10
作者 吕洪飞 沈宗根 +1 位作者 李景原 胡正海 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第10期1085-1088,共4页
利用整体透明、石蜡制片和半薄切片法 ,对金丝桃属 (HypericumL .) 8组 2 0种 1变种植物的分泌结构进行了比较解剖研究 ,结果表明 :该属植物的分泌结构可分为分泌细胞团和分泌囊两种类型。但在不同植物种和不同器官内 ,分泌结构的类型... 利用整体透明、石蜡制片和半薄切片法 ,对金丝桃属 (HypericumL .) 8组 2 0种 1变种植物的分泌结构进行了比较解剖研究 ,结果表明 :该属植物的分泌结构可分为分泌细胞团和分泌囊两种类型。但在不同植物种和不同器官内 ,分泌结构的类型和分布密度存在差异。对上述植物的提取物进行薄层层析和高效液相层析检测 ,结果表明 :具有分泌细胞团的植物器官含有金丝桃素 ;而无分泌细胞团的植物器官 ,则不含金丝桃素 ,从而证明金丝桃素由分泌细胞团合成和贮藏。在前者中 ,其金丝桃素的含量与其分泌细胞团密度成正相关。 展开更多
关键词 HYPERICUM NODULE CAVITY HYPERICIN high-performance liquid chromatography thin layer chromatography
Characterizing heterogeneity in vehicular traffic speed using two-step cluster analysis 被引量:3
作者 潘义勇 孙璐 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第4期480-484,共5页
In order to analyze the heterogeneity in vehicular traffic speed, a new method that integrates cluster analysis and probability distribution function fitting is presented. First, for identifying the optimal number of ... In order to analyze the heterogeneity in vehicular traffic speed, a new method that integrates cluster analysis and probability distribution function fitting is presented. First, for identifying the optimal number of clusters, the two-step cluster method is applied to analyze actual speed data, which suggests that dividing speed data into two clusters can best reflect the intrinsic patterns of traffic flows. Such information is then taken as guidance in probability distribution function fitting. The normal, skew-normal and skew-t distribution functions are used to fit the probability distribution of each cluster respectively, which suggests that the skew-t distribution has the highest fitting accuracy; the second is skew-normal distribution; the worst is normal distribution. Model analysis results demonstrate that the proposed mixture model has a better fitting and generalization capability than the conventional single model. In addition, the new method is more flexible in terms of data fitting and can provide a more accurate model of speed distribution. 展开更多
关键词 speed distribution HETEROGENEITY mixture model cluster analysis
The classification and analysis of dynamic networks 被引量:2
作者 郭进利 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期1239-1245,共7页
In this paper we, firstly, classify the complex networks in which the nodes are of the lifetime distribution. Secondly, in order to study complex networks in terms of queuing system and homogeneous Markov chain, we es... In this paper we, firstly, classify the complex networks in which the nodes are of the lifetime distribution. Secondly, in order to study complex networks in terms of queuing system and homogeneous Markov chain, we establish the relation between the complex networks and queuing system, providing a new way of studying complex networks. Thirdly, we prove that there exist stationary degree distributions of M-G-P network, and obtain the analytic expression of the distribution by means of Markov chain theory. We also obtain the average path length and clustering coefficient of the network. The results show that M-G-P network is not only scale-free but also of a small-world feature in proper conditions. 展开更多
关键词 complex network lifetime of nodes BA model scale-free network small-world network
Sky luminance distribution types in China 被引量:3
作者 何荥 毛华松 全利 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期777-782,共6页
According to Chinese daylighting climate data,combined with the standard of Commission Inernationale de l'Eclairgae(CIE) general sky luminance distribution(SLD),the sky luminance distribution of typical daylightin... According to Chinese daylighting climate data,combined with the standard of Commission Inernationale de l'Eclairgae(CIE) general sky luminance distribution(SLD),the sky luminance distribution of typical daylighting climate zones in China was studied.Through the research on reference SLD of overcast,intermediate and clear types,the standards of clear and overcast SLD are consistent with CIE general sky,and the intermediate SLD has greater error with CIE general sky.The main types of Chinese sky luminance in different daylighting climate zones were obtained,which provide the basic data for simulation and forecast of China natural light,and provide reference for using the standard amendments of China future natural light. 展开更多
关键词 sky luminance distribution sky type DAYLIGHTING
Histotype-based prognostic classification of gastric cancer 被引量:3
作者 Anna Maria Chiaravalli Catherine Klersy +3 位作者 Alessandro Vanoli Andrea Ferretti Carlo Capella Enrico Solcia 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第9期896-904,共9页
AIM: To test the efficiency of a recently proposed his- totype-based grading system in a consecutive series of gastric cancers.
关键词 Gastric cancer High-grade histotype Low-grade histotype Lymphoid response Epstein-Barr vi-rus Microsatellite instability
作者 盛治邦 《中外医疗》 2010年第5期67-68,共2页
目的分析临河地区职业人群血脂水平及血脂的分类、分型。方法根据2008年7~9月收集的1368例血脂体检资料(男/女=856/512)年龄(32~60岁),按照1997年制定的"血脂异常防治建议"进行血脂的分类、分型。结果资料中40岁以上TC(血... 目的分析临河地区职业人群血脂水平及血脂的分类、分型。方法根据2008年7~9月收集的1368例血脂体检资料(男/女=856/512)年龄(32~60岁),按照1997年制定的"血脂异常防治建议"进行血脂的分类、分型。结果资料中40岁以上TC(血清总胆固醇)TG(血清总甘油三酯)1/3多超过正常参考范围,其中的1/3TC在5.2~5.7mmoL/L,高TG者半数以上,高TG者明显高于TC者,Ⅰ型、Ⅱb型高于Ⅱa型高脂蛋白血症,高TG者男性多于女性,其中男30%女性只有5%,超过2.26mmoL/L约36%。结论我国于1997年组织制定了"血脂异常防治建议"[1],我们根据临河地区电力职工的部分血脂资料做血脂水平分类、分型分析,希望能给临床提供一些参考[4],便于合理诊断及早防治。 展开更多
关键词 职业人群 血脂水平 血脂的分类分型
Using multispectral landsat and sentinel-2 satellite data to investigate vegetation change at Mount St. Helens since the great volcanic eruption in 1980 被引量:2
作者 Katharina TELTSCHER Fabian Ewald FASSNACHT 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期1851-1867,共17页
Long-term analyses of vegetation succession after catastrophic events are of high interest for an improved understanding of succession dynamics. However, in many studies such analyses were restricted to plot-based mea... Long-term analyses of vegetation succession after catastrophic events are of high interest for an improved understanding of succession dynamics. However, in many studies such analyses were restricted to plot-based measurements. Contrarily, spatially continuous observations of succession dynamics over extended areas and timeperiods are sparse. Here, we applied a change vector analysis(CVA) to investigate vegetation succession dynamics at Mount St. Helens after the great volcanic eruption in 1980 using Landsat. We additionally applied a supervised random forest classification using Sentinel-2 data to map the currently prevailing vegetation types. Change vector analysis was performed with the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and the urban index(UI) for three subsequent decades after the eruption as well as for the whole observation time between 1984 and 2016. The influence of topography on the current vegetation distribution was examined by comparing altitude, slope angles and aspect values of vegetation classes derived by the random forest classification. WilcoxRank-Sum test was applied to test for significant differences between topographic properties of the vegetation classes inside and outside of the areas affected by the eruption. For the full time period, a total area of 516 km2 was identified as re-vegetated, whereas the area and magnitude of re-growing vegetation decreased during the three decades and migrated closer to the volcanic crater. Vegetation losses were mainly observed in regions unaffected by the eruption and related mostly to timber harvesting. The vegetation type classification reached a high overall accuracy of approximately 90%. 36 years after the eruption, coniferous and deciduous trees have established at formerly devastated areas dominating with a proportion of 66%, whereas shrubs are more abundant in riparian zones. Sparse vegetation dominates at regions very close to the crater. Elevation was found to have a great influence on the reestablishment and distribution of the vegetation classes within the devastated areas showing in almost all cases significant differences in altitude distribution. Slope was less important for the different classes-only representing significantly higher values for meadows, whereas aspect seems to have no notable influence on the reestablishment of vegetation at Mount St. Helens. We conclude that major vegetation succession dynamics after catastrophic events can be assessed and characterized over large areas from freely available remote sensing data and hence contribute to an improved understanding of succession dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 Mount St. Helens Vegetation change Remote sensing Change vector analysis (CVA) Supervised classification Topography Density-plots
THRFuzzy:Tangential holoentropy-enabled rough fuzzy classifier to classification of evolving data streams 被引量:1
作者 Jagannath E.Nalavade T.Senthil Murugan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1789-1800,共12页
The rapid developments in the fields of telecommunication, sensor data, financial applications, analyzing of data streams, and so on, increase the rate of data arrival, among which the data mining technique is conside... The rapid developments in the fields of telecommunication, sensor data, financial applications, analyzing of data streams, and so on, increase the rate of data arrival, among which the data mining technique is considered a vital process. The data analysis process consists of different tasks, among which the data stream classification approaches face more challenges than the other commonly used techniques. Even though the classification is a continuous process, it requires a design that can adapt the classification model so as to adjust the concept change or the boundary change between the classes. Hence, we design a novel fuzzy classifier known as THRFuzzy to classify new incoming data streams. Rough set theory along with tangential holoentropy function helps in the designing the dynamic classification model. The classification approach uses kernel fuzzy c-means(FCM) clustering for the generation of the rules and tangential holoentropy function to update the membership function. The performance of the proposed THRFuzzy method is verified using three datasets, namely skin segmentation, localization, and breast cancer datasets, and the evaluated metrics, accuracy and time, comparing its performance with HRFuzzy and adaptive k-NN classifiers. The experimental results conclude that THRFuzzy classifier shows better classification results providing a maximum accuracy consuming a minimal time than the existing classifiers. 展开更多
关键词 data stream classification fuzzy rough set tangential holoentropy concept change
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