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中国4种水韭植物叶片分类学特征的比较观察 被引量:3
作者 刘婧宏 李范 +1 位作者 邢建娇 刘保东 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期528-531,共4页
我国共有5种水韭,全部被列为国家一级保护,均属极度濒危级(CR)野生植物。就营养器官而言,因水韭根、茎的简化,叶片特征成为最重要的分类学依据。本文针对形态特征相近的中华水韭、云贵水韭、台湾水韭和东方水韭,用显微镜观察了叶片发育... 我国共有5种水韭,全部被列为国家一级保护,均属极度濒危级(CR)野生植物。就营养器官而言,因水韭根、茎的简化,叶片特征成为最重要的分类学依据。本文针对形态特征相近的中华水韭、云贵水韭、台湾水韭和东方水韭,用显微镜观察了叶片发育的形态特征。结果表明:不同种水韭叶片在旋转角度、气孔分布等方面存在差异,而气孔器的种间一致性较高;同种水韭叶片在不同发育时期,其近远轴面的气孔指数、气孔分布及叶凸指数均有稳定的分类价值。本文检索讨论了我国4种水韭的分类学关系,并发现了叶表皮都存在异形条状细胞。 展开更多
关键词 水韭科 叶表皮 分类学特征
白车轴草挥发性成分植物生理学与化学分类学特征研究 被引量:5
作者 王胜碧 孙姗姗 +2 位作者 方特钱 刘和 赵荣飞 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第6期3169-3173,3246,共6页
[目的]解析白车轴草挥发性成分的植物生理学与化学分类学特征。[方法]分别采集、提取白车轴草开花期的叶柄、花蕾、盛花与衰花精油,应用GC/MS/DS技术对其挥发性成分进行分析,应用植物化学成分规范分析法,以基本成分与特征成分表征植物... [目的]解析白车轴草挥发性成分的植物生理学与化学分类学特征。[方法]分别采集、提取白车轴草开花期的叶柄、花蕾、盛花与衰花精油,应用GC/MS/DS技术对其挥发性成分进行分析,应用植物化学成分规范分析法,以基本成分与特征成分表征植物挥发性成分的生理学与化学分类学特征。[结果]通过分析,确定白车轴草精油基本成分共8种,特征成分共83种,分属于4个不同部位或花期。通过提出指纹成分与重叠成分的概念,对特征成分进行细分可知,指纹成分是某个部位或花期独有的成分,重叠成分则是2个或多个(但不是全部)部位或花期共有的特征成分。对重叠成分的进一步分析表明,开花期的白车轴草叶柄、花蕾、盛花与衰花之间既有区分,又有联系。[结论]该研究为探寻白车轴草的生长规律提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 白车轴草 挥发性成分 植物生理学特征 化学分类学特征
作者 唐丽 杨志玲 谭梓峰 《湖南林业科技》 2002年第4期41-42,63,共3页
峨眉含笑为木兰科含笑属植物 ,常绿乔木 ,树形高大优美 ,园林绿化价值大 ,为新兴园林绿化树种之一。常用播种育苗进行培育。在育苗时作好圃地准备 ,选择合适的播种方法和技术处理 ,正确进行苗期管理及病虫害防治 ,当苗木达到一定技术标... 峨眉含笑为木兰科含笑属植物 ,常绿乔木 ,树形高大优美 ,园林绿化价值大 ,为新兴园林绿化树种之一。常用播种育苗进行培育。在育苗时作好圃地准备 ,选择合适的播种方法和技术处理 ,正确进行苗期管理及病虫害防治 ,当苗木达到一定技术标准 ,即可进行出圃造林。 展开更多
关键词 峨眉含笑 分类学特征 育苗技术 形态特征
作者 赖小红 毛世红 《现代园艺》 2024年第5期121-124,共4页
明代时插花艺术的繁荣时期,形成了系统的插花理论体系。本研究以明代主要插花典籍《瓶花三说》《瓶花谱》《瓶史》《瓶史月表》《花月令》为基础,从现代植物分类学的角度,对明代插花植物种类选择、应用特征及审美意趣进行分析,从而探讨... 明代时插花艺术的繁荣时期,形成了系统的插花理论体系。本研究以明代主要插花典籍《瓶花三说》《瓶花谱》《瓶史》《瓶史月表》《花月令》为基础,从现代植物分类学的角度,对明代插花植物种类选择、应用特征及审美意趣进行分析,从而探讨明代插花植物应用偏好,进而从插花植物种类选择与应用方面为中国传统插花艺术的传承与发展提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 明代 插花艺术 插花植物 分类学特征 应用偏好
艾溪湖水华蓝藻多样性探讨 被引量:3
作者 杨平 戴国飞 +1 位作者 方媛瑗 钟家有 《江西水利科技》 2017年第3期162-166,共5页
本文首次阐明了艾溪湖水华蓝藻的种类、形态及分类学特征,对艾溪湖水华蓝藻的组成和多样性指数进行了分析,并对艾溪湖水华蓝藻种类在全国的分布特征和产毒能力进行了讨论.艾溪湖水华暴发时蓝藻丰度占据绝对优势并导致藻类多样性急剧下降... 本文首次阐明了艾溪湖水华蓝藻的种类、形态及分类学特征,对艾溪湖水华蓝藻的组成和多样性指数进行了分析,并对艾溪湖水华蓝藻种类在全国的分布特征和产毒能力进行了讨论.艾溪湖水华暴发时蓝藻丰度占据绝对优势并导致藻类多样性急剧下降,严重抑制其它藻类生长.显微镜检后发现优势水华蓝藻7种,分别是惠氏微囊藻、挪氏微囊藻、阿氏浮丝藻、螺旋浮丝藻、拉氏拟浮丝藻、依沙矛丝藻、紧密长孢藻.艾溪湖优势水华蓝藻存在季节演替,春季水华蓝藻优势种是微囊藻,夏季是拉氏拟浮丝藻和螺旋浮丝藻.部分种类能够产生微囊藻毒素、神经毒素等藻毒素,对艾溪湖水生态安全具有重大威胁. 展开更多
关键词 艾溪湖 水华蓝藻 多样性 分类学特征
作者 江明喜 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1997年第1期13-13,共1页
湖北省宜昌市简雪冬老师来信问:菠萝是果实,但是菠萝里又没有种子,怎样向学生解释?现请中科院武汉植物所江明喜同志答复如下: 根据简雪冬老师的来信要求,现答复如下: 菠萝(Ananas comlsus),亦称“凤梨”、“露兜子”,属凤梨属,风梨科。... 湖北省宜昌市简雪冬老师来信问:菠萝是果实,但是菠萝里又没有种子,怎样向学生解释?现请中科院武汉植物所江明喜同志答复如下: 根据简雪冬老师的来信要求,现答复如下: 菠萝(Ananas comlsus),亦称“凤梨”、“露兜子”,属凤梨属,风梨科。分类学特征为:草本,茎短,基部生有吸芽。 展开更多
关键词 菠萝 吸芽 凤梨属 露兜 分类学特征 肉质 凤梨科 卵形 苞片 不发育
坝上野生金莲花调查初报 被引量:13
作者 李联地 张恩生 +4 位作者 王忠民 史桂云 张鸿景 李新利 林艳 《河北林业科技》 2003年第5期19-19,共1页
关键词 金莲花 坝上地区 野生资源 生境 生长 分类学特征 现状 开发利用
油菜丰产栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 周莉 《致富天地》 2010年第9期33-35,共3页
一、选用良种 选用高产、抗逆性强,适应当地土肥气候条件的优质油菜种,建议选用“双低”(低芥酸、低硫甙)良种。油菜按农艺性状、植物分类学特征与遗传亲缘关系,可分为甘蓝型、芥菜型、白菜型三大类型。
关键词 丰产栽培技术 油菜种 遗传亲缘关系 选用良种 分类学特征 抗逆性强 气候条件 农艺性状
光合细菌 被引量:1
作者 何连金 《福建水产》 1989年第4期88-91,98,共5页
光合细菌这个名称似乎很陌生,但是人类的生存它却起了极为重要的作用。有关光合细菌在很早以前就有过记载。如古代尼罗河附近的湖泊和沼泽里曾发现血红的颜色,纪元586年比利时附近的海水呈鲜红色等等,都被认为是光合细菌。而事实上... 光合细菌这个名称似乎很陌生,但是人类的生存它却起了极为重要的作用。有关光合细菌在很早以前就有过记载。如古代尼罗河附近的湖泊和沼泽里曾发现血红的颜色,纪元586年比利时附近的海水呈鲜红色等等,都被认为是光合细菌。而事实上作为细菌祖先的光合细菌, 展开更多
关键词 光合细菌 分类学特征 水产养殖业 应用
Multivariate Analysis of Recurrence in Meningioma
作者 吴涛 吴志敏 +1 位作者 袁先厚 陈卫国 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期26-29,66,共5页
Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiological factors that affect therecurrence of the meningioma patient so as to effectively prevent and cure recurrence of meningiomapatients more earlier. Methods: The clinic... Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiological factors that affect therecurrence of the meningioma patient so as to effectively prevent and cure recurrence of meningiomapatients more earlier. Methods: The clinical features and radiological aspects in 145 cases ofmeningiomas undergoing operation during 1993-1997 were retrospectively studied. The data of only 83cases of all 145 cases were available. The factors were evaluated with univariate and multivariateanalysis. Results: With univariate analysis, 7 factors showed highly significance to recurrence ofmeningiomas: tumor size, tumor location, tumor shape, edema, extent of resection, pathologicalgrade, CT enhancement. With multivariate analysis, 4 factors showed significant danger to recurrenceof meningiomas: pathological grade, extent of resection, tumor shape and CT enhancement.Conclusion: The main factors that affect the recurrence of meningioma patients are pathologicalgrade, extent of resection, tumor shape and CT enhancement. 展开更多
关键词 MENINGIOMA clinical factors radiological features RECURRENCE
Micromorphological Features of Paleo-Stagnic-Anthrosols at Archaeological Site of Sanxingdui,China 被引量:2
作者 HE Yurong HUANG Chengmin +2 位作者 XU Xiangming WANG Yanqiang HE Xiubin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期358-366,共9页
The archaeological site of the Sanxingdui may date back as far as 5,000 years ago. The typical profiles of Palaeo-Stagnic-Anthrosols near the ancient site were selected, which aimed to identify diagnostic horizons emp... The archaeological site of the Sanxingdui may date back as far as 5,000 years ago. The typical profiles of Palaeo-Stagnic-Anthrosols near the ancient site were selected, which aimed to identify diagnostic horizons employing methodology of soil taxonomic classification and to reveal the micromorphological properties of the paleosols. Under long-term anthropogenic mellowing, the discernible differentiation between anthrostagnic epipedon and its subhorizons as well as hydragric horizon and its subhorizons occurred in Paleo-Stagnie-Anthrosols at the archaeological site of the Sanxingdui. The mieromorphological properties diversified among each specific diagnostic subhorizon, e.g., the developed microstructure in cultivated subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon, closely arranged particles and considerable micropores beneficial to both of water conservation and filtration in plow subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon, and automorphic optical-orientation clays and calcareous corrosion in hydragric horizons. The findings above of micromorphological features related with diagnostic horizons are significant for soil taxonomic classification. 展开更多
关键词 Paleo-Stagnic-Anthrosols diagnostichorizon soil micromorphology soil taxonomic classification archaeological site of Sanxingdui China
Soil Geochemistry Changes Induced by a Foreign Soil Reconstruction Project in Three Gorges Reservoir Region of China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Juan WEI Chao-Fu +1 位作者 LUO You-Jin DU Jing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期1511-1520,共10页
Fertile topsoil was added onto the surface of barren slope land in Three Gorges Reservoir region of China in an anthropogenic process known as the foreign soil reconstruction project. The main goal of this paper was t... Fertile topsoil was added onto the surface of barren slope land in Three Gorges Reservoir region of China in an anthropogenic process known as the foreign soil reconstruction project. The main goal of this paper was to reveal the influence of anthropogenic activities on pedogenic processes and soil classifications. Chemical weathering indices and comparative analysis were applied to discuss changes in geochemical compositions and weathering features of purplish soils(Cambisols) before and after the project. Results showed that:(1) The foreign soil reconstruction project slightly altered the major element composition of topsoil and improved the soil structure. Although the distributions of major elements in the original topsoil, original subsoil, foreign topsoil and newly constructed topsoil were all similar to that in upper continental crust, newly constructed topsoil was the most similar soil.(2) The chemical index of alteration was more sensitive than the weathering index of Parker at indicating chemical weathering status of purplish soil. The chemical weathering status of newly constructed topsoil was higher than that of the original topsoil and lower than that of foreign topsoil.(3) Anthropogenic activities may provide a promising new thought for the anthropogenic soil classification system. The scope and subgroups of Anthrosols should be extended and strengthened. Or there may be a need to combine Anthrosols and Technosols orders to create a new soil order. The results may be used for optimizing soil mellowing engineering activities and enriching the soil classification system. 展开更多
关键词 Anthropogenic activities Weathering status Foreign soil reconstruction project Pedogenic processes Three Gorges Reservoir region China
The Evolution of Stinging Hairs and Other Characters in Nettle Family
《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2015年第4期249-249,共1页
Urticaceae Juss.is a large cosmopolitan family and taxonomically difficult group,partly because it encompasses a broad range of morphological diversity and many of the diagnostic characters(e.g.flower,achene.stipule,... Urticaceae Juss.is a large cosmopolitan family and taxonomically difficult group,partly because it encompasses a broad range of morphological diversity and many of the diagnostic characters(e.g.flower,achene.stipule,bract)require a microscope for accurate determination.Meanwhile,most Uriiceae species have stinging hairs which make them more difficult to collect and identify.As a result,the infra-familial classification of Urticaceae has been controversial for more than a century.A research group led by Prof. 展开更多
关键词 Family familial controversial morphological bract diagnostic infra flower characters habit
作者 黄健锋 郭健 郝晓冉 《生物学通报》 CAS 2024年第8期1-7,共7页
肠道微生物在昆虫消化食物、生长发育、行为等方面都产生了显著影响。在长期的演化过程中,昆虫肠道微生物形成了种间和种内高度多样性。通过分析昆虫肠道微生物的相关报道,本文总结了昆虫肠道微生物的来源、主要研究方法、分类特点及生... 肠道微生物在昆虫消化食物、生长发育、行为等方面都产生了显著影响。在长期的演化过程中,昆虫肠道微生物形成了种间和种内高度多样性。通过分析昆虫肠道微生物的相关报道,本文总结了昆虫肠道微生物的来源、主要研究方法、分类特点及生物功能。 展开更多
关键词 昆虫肠道微生物 研究方法 分类学特征 生物功能
Two-level hierarchical feature learning for image classification 被引量:3
作者 Guang-hui SONG Xiao-gang JIN +1 位作者 Gen-lang CHEN Yan NIE 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第9期897-906,共10页
In some image classification tasks, similarities among different categories are different and the samples are usually misclassified as highly similar categories. To distinguish highly similar categories, more specific... In some image classification tasks, similarities among different categories are different and the samples are usually misclassified as highly similar categories. To distinguish highly similar categories, more specific features are required so that the classifier can improve the classification performance. In this paper, we propose a novel two-level hierarchical feature learning framework based on the deep convolutional neural network(CNN), which is simple and effective. First, the deep feature extractors of different levels are trained using the transfer learning method that fine-tunes the pre-trained deep CNN model toward the new target dataset. Second, the general feature extracted from all the categories and the specific feature extracted from highly similar categories are fused into a feature vector. Then the final feature representation is fed into a linear classifier. Finally, experiments using the Caltech-256, Oxford Flower-102, and Tasmania Coral Point Count(CPC) datasets demonstrate that the expression ability of the deep features resulting from two-level hierarchical feature learning is powerful. Our proposed method effectively increases the classification accuracy in comparison with flat multiple classification methods. 展开更多
关键词 Transfer learning Feature learning Deep convolutional neural network Hierarchical classification Spectral clustering
Automatic malware classification and new malware detection using machine learning 被引量:10
作者 Liu LIU Bao-sheng WANG +1 位作者 Bo YU Qiu-xi ZHONG 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第9期1336-1347,共12页
The explosive growth ofmalware variants poses a major threat to information security. Traditional anti-virus systems based on signatures fail to classify unknown malware into their corresponding families and to detect... The explosive growth ofmalware variants poses a major threat to information security. Traditional anti-virus systems based on signatures fail to classify unknown malware into their corresponding families and to detect new kinds of malware pro- grams. Therefore, we propose a machine learning based malware analysis system, which is composed of three modules: data processing, decision making, and new malware detection. The data processing module deals with gray-scale images, Opcode n-gram, and import fimctions, which are employed to extract the features of the malware. The decision-making module uses the features to classify the malware and to identify suspicious malware. Finally, the detection module uses the shared nearest neighbor (SNN) clustering algorithm to discover new malware families. Our approach is evaluated on more than 20 000 malware instances, which were collected by Kingsoft, ESET NOD32, and Anubis. The results show that our system can effectively classify the un- known malware with a best accuracy of 98.9%, and successfully detects 86.7% of the new malware. 展开更多
关键词 Malware classification Machine learning N-GRAM Gray-scale image Feature extraction Malware detection
Ship detection in optical remote sensing image based on visual saliency and AdaBoost classifier 被引量:10
作者 王慧利 朱明 +1 位作者 蔺春波 陈典兵 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2017年第2期151-155,共5页
In this paper, firstly, target candidate regions are extracted by combining maximum symmetric surround saliency detection algorithm with a cellular automata dynamic evolution model. Secondly, an eigenvector independen... In this paper, firstly, target candidate regions are extracted by combining maximum symmetric surround saliency detection algorithm with a cellular automata dynamic evolution model. Secondly, an eigenvector independent of the ship target size is constructed by combining the shape feature with ship histogram of oriented gradient(S-HOG) feature, and the target can be recognized by Ada Boost classifier. As demonstrated in our experiments, the proposed method with the detection accuracy of over 96% outperforms the state-of-the-art method. efficiency switch and modulation. 展开更多
关键词 classifier AdaBoost histogram automata symmetric pixel candidate similarity surround segmentation
Discrete Boltzmann Method with Maxwell-Type Boundary Condition for Slip Flow 被引量:4
作者 Yu-Dong Zhang Ai-Guo Xu +1 位作者 Guang-Cai Zhang Zhi-Hua Chen 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期77-85,共9页
The rarefied effect of gas flow in microchannel is significant and cannot be well described by traditional hydrodynamic models. It has been known that discrete Boltzmann model(DBM) has the potential to investigate flo... The rarefied effect of gas flow in microchannel is significant and cannot be well described by traditional hydrodynamic models. It has been known that discrete Boltzmann model(DBM) has the potential to investigate flows in a relatively wider range of Knudsen number because of its intrinsic kinetic nature inherited from Boltzmann equation.It is crucial to have a proper kinetic boundary condition for DBM to capture the velocity slip and the flow characteristics in the Knudsen layer. In this paper, we present a DBM combined with Maxwell-type boundary condition model for slip flow. The tangential momentum accommodation coefficient is introduced to implement a gas-surface interaction model.Both the velocity slip and the Knudsen layer under various Knudsen numbers and accommodation coefficients can be well described. Two kinds of slip flows, including Couette flow and Poiseuille flow, are simulated to verify the model.To dynamically compare results from different models, the relation between the definition of Knudsen number in hard sphere model and that in BGK model is clarified. 展开更多
关键词 rarefied gas discrete Boltzmann method Maxwell-type boundary slip flow
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