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地方政府融资平台分类转型与发展研究 被引量:3
作者 李莉 钟刚琼 王剑 《当代经济》 2016年第32期46-47,共2页
地方政府融资平台是地方政府为经济发展以及公共基础设施建设融资需求所采取的创新举措,但是随之而来的地方债务风险,备受国内外关注和非议。本文结合当前经济形势和稳增长的要求,提出融资平台应以改革促发展,加快改革转型和规范发展,... 地方政府融资平台是地方政府为经济发展以及公共基础设施建设融资需求所采取的创新举措,但是随之而来的地方债务风险,备受国内外关注和非议。本文结合当前经济形势和稳增长的要求,提出融资平台应以改革促发展,加快改革转型和规范发展,在投资拉动上继续发挥作用。分析了地方政府融资平台分类转型的路径,并提出了相关政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 地方政府融资平台 分类转型 发展
作者 王玉凤 《经济纵横》 北大核心 2024年第7期113-119,共7页
地方政府融资平台分类转型是党中央、国务院的一项重要决策部署,是地方政府推动融资平台改革、化解地方政府隐性债务的重要途径。目前,多地陆续明确“先分类后转型”的思路,部分城投公司退出政府融资平台,合并整合愈加频繁,但分类转型... 地方政府融资平台分类转型是党中央、国务院的一项重要决策部署,是地方政府推动融资平台改革、化解地方政府隐性债务的重要途径。目前,多地陆续明确“先分类后转型”的思路,部分城投公司退出政府融资平台,合并整合愈加频繁,但分类转型过程中需要注意融资平台转型发展目标不明确、公司治理效能低下“、假退出”掩盖风险等突出问题。为此,要结合地方政府债务管理、国企改革和城市发展需求,明确融资平台转型发展的目标;确立融资平台转型为为地方政府发展规划和目标服务的“新型国有企业”的定位;厘清政企权责关系,强化独立法人地位;加强监管,防范整合风险。 展开更多
关键词 地方政府 融资平台 分类转型 政府债务 城投公司
作者 朱军 杨志伟 《社会科学战线》 北大核心 2024年第8期126-135,281,共11页
推进地方政府融资平台转型是化解地方政府债务风险的关键举措。考虑到中国地方政府债务的发展现状以及潜在风险,尤其是融资平台的隐性债务风险最突出这一情况,文章梳理中国地方政府隐性债务规模的估算结果;在此基础上,从融资平台偿债压... 推进地方政府融资平台转型是化解地方政府债务风险的关键举措。考虑到中国地方政府债务的发展现状以及潜在风险,尤其是融资平台的隐性债务风险最突出这一情况,文章梳理中国地方政府隐性债务规模的估算结果;在此基础上,从融资平台偿债压力、债务风险、运作模式等角度探讨融资平台转型对缓解地方政府债务的必要性。文章最后提出五种融资平台分类转型方案,包括清产核算并注销、将平台架构整合为国有企业、实现公共服务型国有企业转型、成为授予特许经营权的国有企业、整合优质资产上市重组。这些方案旨在为地方政府融资平台的转型发展提供一定的政策指导。 展开更多
关键词 地方政府债务 融资平台 财政风险 分类转型
地方本科高校分类转型发展路径探析 被引量:4
作者 陈维龙 张静 王保华 《中国高等教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期44-46,共3页
关键词 地方本科高校 分类转型 学理辨识 逻辑困境 多重嵌融
构建现代高等教育系统 推进新建院校分类转型 被引量:7
作者 盛正发 《中国高等教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第11期53-55,共3页
《中国教育现代化2035》提出了“优化教育体系结构和学校布局结构”的战略任务。构建H型现代高等教育体系,需要新建本科院校群体及时分类转型,摸清新建本科院校分类转型中的困难和问题,提出分类转型的对策建议,有效推进新建本科院校的... 《中国教育现代化2035》提出了“优化教育体系结构和学校布局结构”的战略任务。构建H型现代高等教育体系,需要新建本科院校群体及时分类转型,摸清新建本科院校分类转型中的困难和问题,提出分类转型的对策建议,有效推进新建本科院校的转型发展和高等教育现代化进程。 展开更多
关键词 高等教育系统 新建本科院校 分类转型
文献分类与学术转型 被引量:3
作者 吴稌年 《图书馆理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期108-112,共5页
阐述了图书分类的发展史,分析了中、西图书分类在发展过程中的不同之处与特征。中国的图书分类目录与学术体系、学科体系、教学科目同时产生,开始于孔子编修六经,至《七略》时已成熟。中国的学术研究经过了多次转型,图书分类则经过了两... 阐述了图书分类的发展史,分析了中、西图书分类在发展过程中的不同之处与特征。中国的图书分类目录与学术体系、学科体系、教学科目同时产生,开始于孔子编修六经,至《七略》时已成熟。中国的学术研究经过了多次转型,图书分类则经过了两次大的转型。《七略》被人们承袭了二千年左右的时间,直到近代才产生了另一次巨大的转型,标志性的成果则是沈祖荣、胡庆生两先生编制的《仿杜威十进分类法》,及杜法、刘法、皮法等几十部分类法。图书分类法是对学术转型成果的固化。 展开更多
关键词 图书分类 图书分类转型 中外学术史
“双循环”新发展格局下企业转型发展的机理、路径与政策建议 被引量:38
作者 刘勇 李丽珍 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期41-50,共10页
改革开放以来,我国外向型经济的高速发展有效解决了“双缺口”问题,但内外循环之间联系的弱化乃至割裂带来了潜在、长远、滞后的影响。双循环新发展格局下企业转型发展的逻辑机理是依托于内需牵引和创新驱动,不断向微笑曲线两端延伸。... 改革开放以来,我国外向型经济的高速发展有效解决了“双缺口”问题,但内外循环之间联系的弱化乃至割裂带来了潜在、长远、滞后的影响。双循环新发展格局下企业转型发展的逻辑机理是依托于内需牵引和创新驱动,不断向微笑曲线两端延伸。转型路径可归结为“创新为本,分类转型;内需为主,精准对接;供需匹配,动态平衡;数字赋能,提质增效”。转型困境包括要素市场化配置机制不健全、市场主体缺乏活力、企业创新动力不足、企业发展“路径依赖症”、出口转内销“水土不服”等。应从企业层面提高企业家危机意识和大局观念,精心培育和呵护创新能力与创新文化,依托内需牵引全面提升竞争力;从政府层面优化职能体系,构建亲清政商关系,完善中国特色产业政策体系。 展开更多
关键词 “双循环”新发展格局 企业转型发展 价值链低端锁定 分类转型 供需匹配
作者 吴杰 《中国文化遗产》 2022年第3期58-63,共6页
受线路改道、列车提速、城市扩容等综合因素的影响,铁路部门每年都会撤销部分站点,随着铁路工业设施废弃数量的不断增多,铁路遗产逐渐成为中国规模最大也最具代表性的工业遗产类型。这些工业遗产虽然丧失了原有的铁路运载功能,但蕴含的... 受线路改道、列车提速、城市扩容等综合因素的影响,铁路部门每年都会撤销部分站点,随着铁路工业设施废弃数量的不断增多,铁路遗产逐渐成为中国规模最大也最具代表性的工业遗产类型。这些工业遗产虽然丧失了原有的铁路运载功能,但蕴含的历史文化价值却无可估量,如何保护和利用这些宝贵的遗产成为了一个亟待解决的问题。江苏铁路工业遗产是中国近代工业发展的重要见证者,在铁路资源亟需综合化利用、文化旅游事业飞速发展的背景下,针对江苏境内近代铁路工业遗产分布现状,宜围绕原沪宁铁路、陇海铁路、津浦铁路和宁芜铁路四条线路,按照苏南区域、徐州—连云港区域、南京区域三大片区布局,结合工业遗产、工业遗迹、工业遗留不同的保护等级,从铁路工业遗产特有的跨省市的行业属性方面进行整体规划,不仅注重“硬件”保护,也强化“软件”整理;既注重显性的站点保护,也重视线路的常规保护;同时重视铁路历史“鲜活个人”的印迹。通过充分整合铁路遗产与区域资源的优势,让这些遗产继续发挥自身魅力,与区域社会经济发展相得益彰。 展开更多
关键词 铁路行业 工业遗产 分类转型 品牌重塑
基于财务共享背景下财务人员转型的思考 被引量:21
作者 刘杰 《商业会计》 2017年第11期102-103,共2页
随着跨国公司的大量出现以及越来越多本土企业扩张型战略的实施,财务核算如何集中解决的问题随之被提出,为此,财务共享的概念应运而生并传播,并且在大数据时代的催化下日趋成熟。在我国跨国企业与大型本土企业中,财务共享服务的概念方... 随着跨国公司的大量出现以及越来越多本土企业扩张型战略的实施,财务核算如何集中解决的问题随之被提出,为此,财务共享的概念应运而生并传播,并且在大数据时代的催化下日趋成熟。在我国跨国企业与大型本土企业中,财务共享服务的概念方兴未艾,诸多财务人的职业发展也不可避免地卷入这一全球性趋势中,面对这一新兴事物,财务人员转型逐渐成为必然。文章将在分析财务共享的出现及其特点后归纳出财务人员转型分为共享服务中心财务业务人员、业务财务人员和高级财务决策人员三类,并对财务人员转型中素质提升路径提出相应意见,促进传统财务人成功找到适合自己的转型路径。 展开更多
关键词 财务人员 财务共享服务 转型分类 提升路径
Geographical Space Development Zone Classification:An Essential Guide for Transformation of Mountain Resource Cities 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Jifei DENG Wei LIU Shaoquan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期361-374,共14页
Sustainable development of mountain areas and resource cities has been a significant issue worldwide. Transformation of mountain resource cities is facing tremendous difficulties. In the context of National Major Func... Sustainable development of mountain areas and resource cities has been a significant issue worldwide. Transformation of mountain resource cities is facing tremendous difficulties. In the context of National Major Function-oriented Zone Planning raised to a national strategic level in China, it is important to effectively implement the planning by studying geographical space development zone classification of prefecture- and county-level cities based on their major function orientation. This research is even more critical for the transformation of mountain resource cities. In this study, we evaluated geographical space development suitability, and classified geographical space development zones for Dongchuan Distric in Kunming City of Yunan Province, China, a typical mountain resource city. A quantitative grid-based evaluation was conducted using key-factor identification and restrictive-supportive comprehensive index determinati based on a geographic information system framework with different source data. The results included a classification of geographical space of Dongchuan into five types: the prohibited development zone, the inappropriate development zone, the controlled development zone, the moderate development zone and the preferential development zone. The distribution characteristics of geographical space development zones showed that the proportion of the prohibited development zone is the highest, while that of the other four development zones is comparatively lower and significantly fragmented. The geographical space development suitability is greatly controlled by the geomorphic pattern. Although Dongchuan is extremely restrained in terms of suitable geographical space for industrialization and urbanization, it still has the certain preferential and moderate development zones with an area of 207.81 km2 with large parts being concentrated and contiguous, which makes these areas the most favorable for development. Only by adapting to this reality and implementing centralized development strategy in the regions with higher suitability may Dongchuan achieve smooth transformation from expansion mode to compact mode and its sustainable development capacity may be improved. Suggestions with an angle of industrial and spatial development pattern were put forward for the transformation of the city in future. 展开更多
关键词 geographical space development suitability mountain resource city transformation of resource cities
Partial external biliary diversion in bile salt export pump deficiency: Association between outcome and mutation 被引量:4
作者 Philipp Ellinger Jan Stindt +13 位作者 Carola Droge Katharina Sattler Claudia Stross Stefanie Kluge Diran Herebian Sander HJ Smits Martin Burdelski Sebastian Schulz-Jürgensen Antje Ballauff Jan Schulte am Esch Ertan Mayatepek Dieter Haussinger Ralf Kubitz Lutz Schmitt 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第29期5295-5303,共9页
To investigate the relation of two different mutations to the outcome of partial external biliary diversion (PEBD) in severe bile salt export pump (BSEP) deficiency. METHODSMutations in the gene encoding BSEP leading ... To investigate the relation of two different mutations to the outcome of partial external biliary diversion (PEBD) in severe bile salt export pump (BSEP) deficiency. METHODSMutations in the gene encoding BSEP leading to severe BSEP deficiency in two unrelated patients were identified by genomic sequencing. Native liver biopsies and transiently transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells expressing either wild-type or mutated BSEP were subjected to immunofluorescence analysis to assess BSEP transporter localization. Bile acid profiles of patient and control bile samples were generated by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Wild-type and mutant BSEP transport of [<sup>3</sup>H]-labeled taurocholate (TC) and taurochenodeoxycholate (TCDC) was assessed by vesicular transport assays. RESULTSA girl (at 2 mo) presented with pruritus, jaundice and elevated serum bile salts (BS). PEBD stabilized liver function and prevented liver transplantation. She was heterozygous for the BSEP deletion p.T919del and the nonsense mutation p.R1235X. At the age of 17 years relative amounts of conjugated BS in her bile were normal, while total BS were less than 3% as compared to controls. An unrelated boy (age 1.5 years) presenting with severe pruritus and elevated serum BS was heterozygous for the same nonsense and another missense mutation, p.G1032R. PEBD failed to alleviate pruritus, eventually necessitating liver transplantation. BS concentration in bile was about 5% of controls. BS were mainly unconjugated with an unusual low amount of chenodeoxycholate derivatives (< 5%). The patients’ native liver biopsies showed canalicular BSEP expression. Both BSEP p.T919del and p.G1032R were localized in the plasma membrane in HEK293 cells. In vitro transport assays showed drastic reduction of transport by both mutations. Using purified recombinant BSEP as quantifiable reference, per-molecule transport rates for TC and TCDC were determined to be 3 and 2 BS molecules per wild-type BSEP transporter per minute, respectively. CONCLUSIONIn summary, our findings suggest that residual function of BSEP as well as substrate specificity influence the therapeutic effectiveness of PEBD in progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 (PFIC-2). 展开更多
关键词 Familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 Partial external biliary diversion Bile salt export pump ATP binding cassette transporter Intrahepatic cholestasis
Non-coding RNAs regulate tumor cell plasticity 被引量:3
作者 LIU BoDu SUN LiJuan SONG ErWei 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第10期886-890,共5页
Tumor metastasis is one of the most serious challenges for human cancers as the majority of deaths caused by cancer are associated with metastasis,rather than the primary tumor.Recent studies have demonstrated that tu... Tumor metastasis is one of the most serious challenges for human cancers as the majority of deaths caused by cancer are associated with metastasis,rather than the primary tumor.Recent studies have demonstrated that tumor cell plasticity plays a critical role in tumor metastasis by giving rise to various cell types which is necessary for tumor to invade adjacent tissues and form distant metastasis.These include differentiation of cancer stem cells(CSCs),or epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT)and its reverse process,mesenchymal-epithelial transition(MET).A growing body of evidence has demonstrated that the biology of tumor cell plasticity is tightly linked to functions of non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs),especially microRNAs(miRNAs)and long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs).Therefore,understanding the mechanisms how non-coding RNAs regulate tumor cell plasticity is essential for discovery of new diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets to overcome metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 METASTASIS tumor cell plasticity CSCs EMT MIRNA IncRNA
The Betti Numbers of Real Toric Varieties Associated to Weyl Chambers of Type B
作者 Suyoung CHOI Boram PARK Hanchul PARK 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1213-1222,共10页
The authors compute the(rational) Betti number of real toric varieties associated to Weyl chambers of type B, and furthermore show that their integral cohomology is p-torsion free for all odd primes p.
关键词 Real toric variety Real toric manifold Betti number Torsion-free cohomology Root system Weyl chambers Type B Generalized Euler number Springernumber Shellability
The Study of Model About Enterprise Crisis Early-warning Based on Fuzzy Classification and
《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 2006年第2期239-248,共10页
Toward the problem of judgement of enterprise crisis degree, the paper adopts fuzzy classification and fuzzy recognition method, forms enterprise character objective function in fuzzy condition, and brings forward to ... Toward the problem of judgement of enterprise crisis degree, the paper adopts fuzzy classification and fuzzy recognition method, forms enterprise character objective function in fuzzy condition, and brings forward to solve approach of optimal fuzzy classification center matrix, optimal fuzzy recognition matrix and optimal index weight under different crisis degree. By using the method in enterprise crisis early-warning example, it can distinguish enterprise crisis degree effectively. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy classification fuzzy recognition crisis early-warning
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