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浅谈从“国家干部”中分解出“国家公务员”的必要性 被引量:1
作者 肖争鸣 《求实》 1988年第2期24-26,共3页
赵紫阳同志在党的十三大报告中,针对“‘国家干部’这个概念过于笼统,缺乏科学分类”的状况提出:“当前干部人事制度改革的重点,是建立国家公务员制度”。正确理解“国家公务员”制度以及从“国家干部”中分解出“国家公务员”的必要性... 赵紫阳同志在党的十三大报告中,针对“‘国家干部’这个概念过于笼统,缺乏科学分类”的状况提出:“当前干部人事制度改革的重点,是建立国家公务员制度”。正确理解“国家公务员”制度以及从“国家干部”中分解出“国家公务员”的必要性,对于干部人事制度改革的顺利进行是很有益的。 展开更多
关键词 国家公务员制度 国家干部 必要性 干部人事制度 业务类公务员 分解出 政务类公务员 国家工作人员 人事管理 制度改革
CSP-2-P方案的动态平均检出质量 被引量:2
作者 邵吉光 田茹 盛炎平 《经济数学》 2002年第4期73-79,共7页
本文运用转移概率流向图及事件的动态分解等方法 ,首次成功推导出了连续抽样方案 CSP- 2 - P的动态平均检出质量 AOP(t)的理论表达式 ,并在文章最后给出了具体的算例 .
关键词 转移概率流向图 动态平均检质量 动态分解
作者 谢克财 《延安职业技术学院学报》 1998年第2期51-52,共2页
多字母多项式的分解因式,历来是大家感到困难的难题.常用到分组分解法、增项、减项的变化多半难以捉摸,特别是分解不出第一个因式,如分解出第一个因式,第二个,第三个就会大大容易了.我根据自己多年的摸索,应用一种赋值的方法,可使第一... 多字母多项式的分解因式,历来是大家感到困难的难题.常用到分组分解法、增项、减项的变化多半难以捉摸,特别是分解不出第一个因式,如分解出第一个因式,第二个,第三个就会大大容易了.我根据自己多年的摸索,应用一种赋值的方法,可使第一个因式很容易得到. 展开更多
关键词 分解因式 分组分解 多字母 感到困难 原式 分解出 不可分解 项式 乘积形式 赋值
作者 陈永立 《中学数学教学》 1996年第2期38-39,共2页
读了“中学数学教学”1995年第4期刊载的“十字相乘法的引伸——双十字相乘法”一文,关于对形如Ax^2+Dxy+By^2+Ex+Fy+C(A、D、B均不为零)的因式分解的教学所介绍的几种方法,其中法二与法三均有错,而且这种错误比较隐蔽,也较普遍,笔者觉... 读了“中学数学教学”1995年第4期刊载的“十字相乘法的引伸——双十字相乘法”一文,关于对形如Ax^2+Dxy+By^2+Ex+Fy+C(A、D、B均不为零)的因式分解的教学所介绍的几种方法,其中法二与法三均有错,而且这种错误比较隐蔽,也较普遍,笔者觉得很有必要进行错因剖析,总结归纳出可分解的充要条件,同时介绍正确使用“双十字相乘法”分解上题的几种好方法. 展开更多
关键词 双十字相乘法 中学数学教学 待定系数法 因式分解 正确思路 二次三项式 二次六项式 掌握解题思路 总结归纳 分解出
Regularized Inverse Covariance Estimation for Longitudinal Data with Informative Dropout
作者 YANG Shuning ZHENG Zhi ZHANG Weiping 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1016-1039,共24页
This paper proposes a novel method for estimating the sparse inverse covariance matrixfor longitudinal data with informative dropouts. Based on the modified Cholesky decomposition,the sparse inverse covariance matrix ... This paper proposes a novel method for estimating the sparse inverse covariance matrixfor longitudinal data with informative dropouts. Based on the modified Cholesky decomposition,the sparse inverse covariance matrix is modelled by the autoregressive regression model,which guarantees the positive definiteness of the covariance matrix. To account for the informativedropouts, we then propose a penalized estimating equation method using the inverse probabilityweighting approach. The informative dropout propensity parameters are estimated by the generalizedmethod of moments. The asymptotic properties are investigated for the resulting estimators.Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method through Monte Carlosimulations and a practical application. 展开更多
关键词 penalized estimating function modified Cholesky decomposition DROPOUT inverse probability weighting
Preparation,physicochemical characterization and cyctotoxicity of solid dispersion of paclitaxel and polyvinylpyrrolidone 被引量:2
作者 孙葭北 刘祥瑞 +3 位作者 王坚成 吕万良 张炬 张强 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2008年第2期113-117,共5页
The objective of this study was to prepare and characterize paclitaxel-polyvinylpyrrolidone (PTX-PVP) solid dispersions with the intention of improving its solubility and dissolution properties. The PTX-PVP solid di... The objective of this study was to prepare and characterize paclitaxel-polyvinylpyrrolidone (PTX-PVP) solid dispersions with the intention of improving its solubility and dissolution properties. The PTX-PVP solid dispersion systems were prepared by solvent method. The release rate ofpaclitaxel was determined from dissolution studies and the physicochemical properties of solid dispersion were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cytotoxicities ofpaclitaxel in solid dispersion to the SKOV-3 cells were assayed by a SRB staining method. The results showed that the solubility and dissolution rate of paclitaxel were significantly improved in solid dispersion system compared with that of the pure drug and physical mixture. The results of DSC and PXRD showed that the paclitaxel in solid dispersion was amorphous form. No paclitaxel crystals in the solid dispersions was found during SEM analysis. Cytotoxicity study suggested that the inhibitory rates of PTX-PVP solid dispersion to SKOV-3 cells were higher than that of pure paclitaxel. The solubility and dissolution of paclitaxel were improved by solid dispersion technique. In vitro cytotoxicity of paclitaxel in solid dispersion was higher than that of pure drug. 展开更多
关键词 PACLITAXEL POLYVINYLPYRROLIDONE Solid dispersion SOLUBILITY Dissolution rate Cytotoxicity assay
作者 刘松良 孙林 +1 位作者 王进军 王志煜 《钢铁钒钛》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期1-6,共6页
以攀枝花钛渣为原料,采用NaOH分解-HCl浸出的方法制备TiO2。通过XRD射线衍射手段分析钛渣被NaOH分解过程中的物相变化。结果表明:NaOH分解钛渣是分步进行的,即M3O5(M=Fe^2+,Ti^3+,Ti^4+)→Fe3Ti3O10→Fe2TiO5→α-NaFeO2,Na2TiO3。在HC... 以攀枝花钛渣为原料,采用NaOH分解-HCl浸出的方法制备TiO2。通过XRD射线衍射手段分析钛渣被NaOH分解过程中的物相变化。结果表明:NaOH分解钛渣是分步进行的,即M3O5(M=Fe^2+,Ti^3+,Ti^4+)→Fe3Ti3O10→Fe2TiO5→α-NaFeO2,Na2TiO3。在HCl浸出制备TiO2的试验中,分析盐酸浓度、加铁量、溶液pH值、沉积温度和沉积时间等因素对最终样品TiO2含量的影响。通过优化试验,确定最优工艺条件为:沉积温度45℃、沉积时间40min、盐酸浓度5mol/L、加铁粉量0.6g、溶液pH=2。按照最佳条件进行验证试验,所制备样品TiO2含量达98.36%。 展开更多
关键词 TIO2 钛渣 NaOH分解-HCl浸 物相
作者 李达 《解放军外国语学院学报》 1987年第2期65-68,共4页
词是语言中符号和意义的统一体.外语教学中,可以从各种角度—词汇学、形态学、句法学、构词学、形位学等角度对词进行分析.我们俄语教学中,对词汇的语义、形态特征、搭配能力、构成方法等层次的分析是比较重视的.但是,对词的形位分析,... 词是语言中符号和意义的统一体.外语教学中,可以从各种角度—词汇学、形态学、句法学、构词学、形位学等角度对词进行分析.我们俄语教学中,对词汇的语义、形态特征、搭配能力、构成方法等层次的分析是比较重视的.但是,对词的形位分析,往往没有给予应有的注意. 展开更多
关键词 形位 词尾 词根 词干 派生词 俄语 分解出 分析方法 同根词 词源
Optimization of Drying Process for Plasma Protein from Tibetan Sheep
作者 曹效海 王树林 +2 位作者 任姝 叶英 李明艳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第10期2343-2348,共6页
Fresh blood of Tibetan sheep was subjected to protein separation and spray drying, and the effects of drying process on water content, yield and nitrogen soluble index of plasma powder from blood of Tibetan sheep were... Fresh blood of Tibetan sheep was subjected to protein separation and spray drying, and the effects of drying process on water content, yield and nitrogen soluble index of plasma powder from blood of Tibetan sheep were investigated. The results showed that the optimum separation parameters were a centrifugal speed at 6 000 r/min, centrifugal time of 20 min, a mass fraction of dry matter of 20%, an inlet air temperature at 180 ℃ and a feed rate at 400 ml/h, under which the plasma protein was a pale yellow powdery solid, indicating a good separation effect. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan sheep Plasma protein powder Spray drying Centrifugal separation Powder yield Nitrogen soluble index CONCENTRATION
作者 周雪曼 《健康生活》 1997年第5期1-1,共1页
男儿志在四方,女儿志在心房,青春奔放,豪情满天涯。人的(?)无时不(?)欣赏的风景中,有时只是没有留意。只要有绿叶和鲜花在一(?)女孩和男孩在一起,只要山和水相连,只要相(?)生的奇妙,那就可欣赏,就可享受(?)可(?)其趣味,(?)无可言辞(?)。... 男儿志在四方,女儿志在心房,青春奔放,豪情满天涯。人的(?)无时不(?)欣赏的风景中,有时只是没有留意。只要有绿叶和鲜花在一(?)女孩和男孩在一起,只要山和水相连,只要相(?)生的奇妙,那就可欣赏,就可享受(?)可(?)其趣味,(?)无可言辞(?)。 (?)时需要自我欣赏一番,不够英俊漂亮的脸蛋也好,不够(?)廓线条也好,总之要克服自卑心理。 展开更多
关键词 青春奔放 情感艺术 自卑心理 志在四方 自我欣赏 有血有肉 分解出 心房 尾面 廓线
《蚕学通讯》 1997年第4期11-11,共1页
关键词 新用途 蚕丝 天然蛋白质 含丝化妆品 应用范围 癌症 新仪器 化学处理 癌细胞 分解出
作者 张凤英 李建娣 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2006年第5期2-3,共2页
关键词 工业增加值 GDP 工业总产成本费用分解
In situ assembly of metal-organic framework-derived N-doped carbon/Co/CoP catalysts on carbon paper for water splitting in alkaline electrolytes 被引量:5
作者 Meiyu Cong Deshuai Sun +1 位作者 Linlin Zhang Xin Ding 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期242-248,共7页
High-performance and cost-effective catalysts for water splitting are key components of hydrogen-based energy technologies. Metal-organic framework(MOF)-derived metal phosphide composites have immense potential as hig... High-performance and cost-effective catalysts for water splitting are key components of hydrogen-based energy technologies. Metal-organic framework(MOF)-derived metal phosphide composites have immense potential as highly active and stable electrocatalysts but suffer from the poor efficacy of available electrode assembly methods. In this study, an MOF-derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon/Co/Co P/carbon paper(NC/Co/Co P/CP) composite electrode was assembled by electrophoretic deposition and post-processing reactions. The binder-free electrode showed good catalytic activity, significantly higher than that of traditional electrodes. The electrode required overpotentials of 208 and 350 m V to achieve a current density of 10 m A/cm^2 for the hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions, respectively. This facile synthetic method provides a promising route for designing metal-doped and multi-metal phase MOF-derived composite electrodes for energy storage and conversion devices. 展开更多
关键词 Water splitting Hydrogen evolution reaction catalyst Electrophoretic deposition Metal-organic framework
In situ synthesis of a nickel boron oxide/graphdiyne hybrid for enhanced photo/electrocatalytic H_(2) evolution 被引量:4
作者 Xue-Peng Yin Shu-Wen Luo +2 位作者 Shang-Feng Tang Xiu-Li Lu Tong-Bu Lu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期1379-1386,共8页
Developing highly active catalysts for photo/electrocatalytic water splitting is an attractive strategy to produce H2 as a renewable energy source.In this study,a new nickel boron oxide/graphdiyne(NiBi/GDY)hybrid cata... Developing highly active catalysts for photo/electrocatalytic water splitting is an attractive strategy to produce H2 as a renewable energy source.In this study,a new nickel boron oxide/graphdiyne(NiBi/GDY)hybrid catalyst was prepared by a facile synthetic approach.Benefitting from the strong electron donating ability of graphdiyne,NiBi/GDY showed an optimized electronic structure containing lower valence nickel atoms and demonstrated improved catalytic performance.As expected,NiBi/GDY displayed a high photocatalytic H2 evolution rate of 4.54 mmol g^(-1)h^(-1),2.9 and 4.5 times higher than those of NiBi/graphene and NiBi,respectively.NiBi/GDY also displayed outstanding electrocatalytic H2 evolution activity in 1.0 M KOH solution,with a current density of 400 mA/cm^(2)at an overpotential of 478.0 mV,which is lower than that of commercial Pt/C(505.3 mV@400 mA/cm^(2)).This work demonstrates that GDY is an ideal support for the development of highly active catalysts for photo/electrocatalytic H2 evolution. 展开更多
关键词 Graphdiyne Hybrid material Photo/electrocatalyst Water splitting reaction H2 evolution
Layered transition-metal hydroxides for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction 被引量:4
作者 Qianfeng Liu Erdong Wang Gongquan Sun 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期574-591,共18页
Hydrogen is a promising sustainable energy to replace fossil fuels owning to its high specific energy and environmental friendliness.Alkaline water electrolysis has been considered as one of the most prospective techn... Hydrogen is a promising sustainable energy to replace fossil fuels owning to its high specific energy and environmental friendliness.Alkaline water electrolysis has been considered as one of the most prospective technologies for large scale hydrogen production.To boost the sluggish kinetics of hydrogen evolution reaction(HER)in alkaline media,abundant materials have been designed and fabricated.Herein,we summarize the key achievements in the development of layered transition-metal hydroxides[TM(OH)x]for efficient alkaline HER.Based on the structure of TM(OH)x,the mechanism of synergistic effect between TM(OH)x and HER active materials is illuminated firstly.Then,recent progress of TM(OH)x-based HER catalysts to optimize the synergistic effect are categorized as TM(OH)x and active materials,including species,structure,morphology and interaction relationship.Furthermore,TM(OH)x-based overall water splitting electrocatalysts and electrodes are summarized in the design principles for high activity and stability.Finally,some of key challenges for further developments and applications of hydrogen production are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Transition-metal hydroxides Hydrogen evolution reaction Water splitting ELECTROCATALYSIS Synergistic effect
Mechanistic understanding on oxygen evolution reaction on γ-Fe OOH(010) under alkaline condition based on DFT computational study
作者 Miru Tang Qingfeng Ge 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期1621-1628,共8页
An efficient and economical oxygen evolution reaction(OER)catalyst is critical to the widespread application of solar energy to fuel conversion.Among many potential OER catalysts,the metal oxyhydroxides,especially FeO... An efficient and economical oxygen evolution reaction(OER)catalyst is critical to the widespread application of solar energy to fuel conversion.Among many potential OER catalysts,the metal oxyhydroxides,especially FeOOH,show promising OER reactivity.In the present work,we performed a DFT+U study of the OER mechanism on theγ‐FeOOH(010)surface.In particular,we established the chemical potential of the OH?and hole pair and included the OH?anion in the reaction pathway,accounting to the alkaline conditions of anodic OER process.We then analyzed the OER pathways on the surface with OH‐,O‐and Fe‐terminations.On the surface with OH‐and O‐terminations,the O2molecule could form from either OH reacting with the surface oxygen species(-OH*and-O*)or the combination of two surface oxygen species.On the Fe‐terminated surface,O2can only form by adsorbing OH on the Fe sites first.The potential‐limiting step of the oxygen evolution with different surface terminations was determined by following the free‐energy change of the elementary steps along each pathway.Our results show that oxygen formation requires recreating the surface Fe sites,and consequently,the condition that favors the partially exposed Fe sites will promote oxygen formation. 展开更多
关键词 Water splitting Oxygen evolution reaction DFT + U Iron oxyhydroxides
Characterization of an iron oxy/hydroxide(gossan type) bearing refractory gold and silver ore by diagnostic leaching 被引量:5
作者 Oktay CELEP Vedat SERBEST 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1286-1297,共12页
A detailed characterization of an iron oxy/hydroxide(gossan type) bearing refractory gold/silver ore was performed with a new diagnostic approach for the development of a pretreatment process prior to cyanide leaching... A detailed characterization of an iron oxy/hydroxide(gossan type) bearing refractory gold/silver ore was performed with a new diagnostic approach for the development of a pretreatment process prior to cyanide leaching. Gold was observed to be present as native and electrum(6-24 μm in size) and associated with limonite, goethite and lepidocrocite within calcite and quartz matrix. Mineral liberation analysis(MLA) showed that electrum is found as free grains and in association with beudantite, limonite/goethite and quartz. Silver was mainly present as acanthite(Ag2S) and electrum and as inclusions within beudantite phase in the ore. The cyanide leaching tests showed that the extractions of gold and silver from the ore(d80: 50 μm) were limited to 76% and 23%, respectively, over a leaching period of 24 h. Diagnostic leaching tests coupled with the detailed mineralogical analysis of the ore suggest that the refractory gold and silver are mainly associated within iron oxide mineral phases such as limonite/goethite and jarosite-beudantite, which can be decomposed in alkaline solutions. Based on these characterizations, alkaline pretreatment of ore in potassium hydroxide solution was performed prior to cyanidation, which improved significantly the extraction of silver and gold up to 87% Ag and 90% Au. These findings suggest that alkaline leaching can be used as a new diagnostic approach to characterize the refractoriness of iron oxy/hydroxide bearing gold/silver ore and as a pretreatment method to overcome the refractoriness. 展开更多
关键词 refractory gold and silver ore CHARACTERIZATION diagnostic leaching mineral liberation analysis(MLA) alkaline pretreatment
Model identification of hydraulic flight simulator based on improved particle swarm optimization and wavelet analysis
作者 郭敬 董彦良 +1 位作者 赵克定 郭治富 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第5期656-660,共5页
A new model identification method of hydraulic flight simulator adopting improved panicle swarm optimization (PSO) and wavelet analysis is proposed for achieving higher identification precision. Input-output data of... A new model identification method of hydraulic flight simulator adopting improved panicle swarm optimization (PSO) and wavelet analysis is proposed for achieving higher identification precision. Input-output data of hydraulic flight simulator were decomposed by wavelet muhiresolution to get the information of different frequency bands. The reconstructed input-output data were used to build the model of hydraulic flight simulator with improved particle swarm optimization with mutation (IPSOM) to avoid the premature convergence of traditional optimization techniques effectively. Simulation results show that the proposed method is more precise than traditional system identification methods in operating frequency bands because of the consideration of design index of control system for identification. 展开更多
关键词 hydraulic flight simulator wavelet analysis multiresolution analysis (MRA) panicle swarm optimization (PSO) frequency bands weighting approach
作者 赵珏龙 李翠月 +2 位作者 李韦城 蒙信明 赵敏杰 《广东水利水电》 2003年第6期32-34,共3页
关键词 环境水 水泥灌浆 分解类溶性侵蚀 东敢水库大坝 化学灌浆 抗碳酸水泥灌浆
Selection model of trip time for rural population 被引量:2
作者 冯忠祥 袁华智 +2 位作者 刘静 高璇 张卫华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期274-278,共5页
Referring to the 1 248 survey data of rural population in 14 provinces of China, the influencing factors of trip time choice were analyzed. Based on the basic theory of disaggregate model and its modelling method, nin... Referring to the 1 248 survey data of rural population in 14 provinces of China, the influencing factors of trip time choice were analyzed. Based on the basic theory of disaggregate model and its modelling method, nine grades were selected as the alternatives of trip time, the variables affecting time choice and the method getting their values were determined, and a multinomial logit (MNL) model was developed. Another 1 200 trip data of rural population were selected to testify the model's validity. The result shows that the maximum absolute error of each period between calculated value and statistic is 3.6%, so MNL model has high calculation accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 traffic planning rural population trip time disaggregate model multinominal logit (MNL) model
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