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基于惩罚距离的混合模型分量数自动估计算法 被引量:2
作者 张大明 符茂胜 +1 位作者 郭慧 罗斌 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期101-107,共7页
期望最大化(EM)算法是对有限混合模型进行参数估计的通用算法,然而标准EM算法中所需的混合模型分量数往往是未知的.文中研究了一种采用惩罚性最小匹配距离估计分量数的方法,并结合贪婪EM算法框架,提出了一种可以在进行参数估计的同时快... 期望最大化(EM)算法是对有限混合模型进行参数估计的通用算法,然而标准EM算法中所需的混合模型分量数往往是未知的.文中研究了一种采用惩罚性最小匹配距离估计分量数的方法,并结合贪婪EM算法框架,提出了一种可以在进行参数估计的同时快速准确地自动估计高斯混合模型分量数的算法,最后通过一元和二元高斯混合模型的仿真实验验证了该算法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 有限混合模型 分量数 惩罚性最小匹配距离 贪婪EM PARZEN窗 带宽
向量等分量数的保密计算及应用 被引量:1
作者 窦家维 陈明艳 成雯 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期1907-1921,共15页
随着信息技术的快速发展,在保护数据隐私的条件下进行多方合作计算变得越来越普及,安全多方计算已经成为解决这类保密计算问题的核心技术.向量的保密计算是安全多方计算的重要研究方向,目前有很多研究成果,包括保密计算向量的点积,保密... 随着信息技术的快速发展,在保护数据隐私的条件下进行多方合作计算变得越来越普及,安全多方计算已经成为解决这类保密计算问题的核心技术.向量的保密计算是安全多方计算的重要研究方向,目前有很多研究成果,包括保密计算向量的点积,保密的向量求和等.但关于保密计算向量等分量数的研究成果还很少,且主要研究向量分量在有全集限制下的两方保密计算问题.主要研究多方参与者隐私向量的等分量数以及相关阈值的安全计算问题.首先针对向量设计了分量-矩阵编码方法,结合ElGamal门限加密系统,构造了多方向量等分量数保密计算协议.进一步以向量等分量数保密计算协议为基础,研究设计了多方向量等分量数阈值问题保密计算协议.所有向量分量没有全集的限制.应用模拟范例方法对文中所有协议的安全性进行了严格证明.效率分析和实验验证表明设计的协议是简单高效的.最后,将所设计的协议应用于解决一些实际安全计算问题. 展开更多
关键词 密码学 安全多方计算 向量等分量数 同态加密 编码方法
作者 吴嘉麟 《凝聚态物理学进展》 2013年第2期27-41,共15页
在大分子的自避无规行走中,链粒子的每一步行走都伴有自旋分量数为零的瞬时自旋体系,它提供粒子合作移动所需的额外能量、体积和松弛时间。利用这些附加的瞬时自旋体系,不仅直接导出了玻璃化转变和大分子熔体蛇行模型中共同的布朗运动模... 在大分子的自避无规行走中,链粒子的每一步行走都伴有自旋分量数为零的瞬时自旋体系,它提供粒子合作移动所需的额外能量、体积和松弛时间。利用这些附加的瞬时自旋体系,不仅直接导出了玻璃化转变和大分子熔体蛇行模型中共同的布朗运动模式,证明了缠结分子量的长度对应与流体力学中的雷诺数;而且还证明了缠结链的本征扩散–离域模式,从冻结的玻璃态到熔融液态,都是横向似涟漪波的链尺度定向孤立波。它就是玻璃化转变的序参量。分量数为零的瞬时自旋体系的存在,不仅可统一现有的各种玻璃化转变理论,而且也为湍流的物理起源找到了新的理论。玻璃化转变作为一个范例,它是分子集团从无序到更无序直到湍流的所有“无规离域转变”中的第一层转变。 展开更多
关键词 玻璃化转变理论 自旋分量数为零 孤立波 反串级–串级模式
向量等分量数的两方保密计算及推广应用 被引量:1
作者 王颖囡 窦家维 葛雪 《密码学报》 CSCD 2020年第2期145-157,共13页
安全多方计算是近年来国际密码学界的研究热点.安全向量计算作为安全多方计算研究的重要内容,也是解决许多实际安全计算问题的基本工具.在科学研究中很多研究对象都可以用向量来刻画,并通过对这些向量进行各种计算从而得到所需结果,这... 安全多方计算是近年来国际密码学界的研究热点.安全向量计算作为安全多方计算研究的重要内容,也是解决许多实际安全计算问题的基本工具.在科学研究中很多研究对象都可以用向量来刻画,并通过对这些向量进行各种计算从而得到所需结果,这也使安全向量计算在电子商务推荐、保密的分类、保密聚类等研究中得到了广泛应用.本文主要研究向量等分量数计算问题,即保密计算两个向量有多少个对应分量相等,这个问题的研究对于安全多方计算和隐私保护有重要的理论与实际意义.首先设计编码方法对保密向量进行编码,并结合具有加法同态性的Paillier加密方案,针对数据范围有限制和无限制两种不同情形分别设计了高效的保密计算协议,应用模拟范例严格证明了协议的安全性.作为向量等分量数保密计算协议的应用,进一步研究了向量等分量数阈值判定问题和向量优势统计问题的解决方案.并以所设计的协议为基础解决了多个点与区间(或集合)关系判定问题和字符串模式匹配等实际应用问题.复杂性分析和实验测试都表明本文协议是高效和实用的. 展开更多
关键词 密码学 安全多方计算 向量等分量数 阈值问题
作者 冯珊珊 钱坤 《光电子》 2020年第2期38-45,共8页
谐波恢复问题是信号处理中的经典问题,对于被加性噪声污染的谐波信号,现有的多重信号分类(MUSIC)方法可以实现良好的恢复效果,但在谐波分量数未知的情况下无法发挥其超分辨率性能。本文结合实值MUSIC算法的超分辨率和逐步LSE算法的逐步... 谐波恢复问题是信号处理中的经典问题,对于被加性噪声污染的谐波信号,现有的多重信号分类(MUSIC)方法可以实现良好的恢复效果,但在谐波分量数未知的情况下无法发挥其超分辨率性能。本文结合实值MUSIC算法的超分辨率和逐步LSE算法的逐步估计的特点,提出了一种逐步MUSIC算法,该算法在分量数已知的情况下具有良好的估计性能。在分量数未知的情况下,我们利用该算法估计出一个模型集,并采用BIC准则估计谐波分量数。最后通过仿真实验对所提方法的性能进行了验证。 展开更多
关键词 谐波恢复 加性噪声 MUSIC算法 谐波分量数
作者 陈浩 金菊良 +4 位作者 崔毅 张诗懿 周亮广 刘凌 蒋尚明 《华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期25-35,共11页
为客观准确地评估区域旱灾风险,依据半偏联系数思想构建了四元联系数的迁移率矩阵,以此来修正四元联系数分量,同时提出了随样本指标变化而变化的差异度系数计算方法,计算了四元联系数中的差异度系数,构建了基于半偏联系数和动态差异度... 为客观准确地评估区域旱灾风险,依据半偏联系数思想构建了四元联系数的迁移率矩阵,以此来修正四元联系数分量,同时提出了随样本指标变化而变化的差异度系数计算方法,计算了四元联系数中的差异度系数,构建了基于半偏联系数和动态差异度系数的区域旱灾风险评估方法,在亳州市的应用结果表明:2008-2020年,亳州市旱灾风险系统中的危险性子系统基本处于轻险和中险两种状态,其中单位面积水资源占有量和土壤类型是脆弱性指标;暴露性子系统处于轻险和中险两种状态,其中人口密度和耕地率是脆弱性指标;灾损敏感性子系统基本处于微险状态,其中农业人口比例是脆弱性指标;抗旱能力子系统处于中险状态,其中水库调蓄率、单位面积现状供水能力、单位面积应急浇水能力和节水灌溉率是脆弱性指标;亳州市旱灾风险综合系统处于轻险和中险两种状态,并且整体变化趋势从中险向轻险发展。本文联系数值法和半偏减法集对势方法的评估结果基本一致,并且联系数值法的计算结果更加稳健、可靠,具有推广应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 旱灾风险评估 半偏联系 联系分量 动态差异度系
分量载频差极小时频信号的超分辨率分析方法 被引量:2
作者 杨文彬 李旦 张建秋 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1881-1889,共9页
针对多个调制形式完全相同且分量间载频差极小的时频信号,提出了一种超分辨率分析信号的模型和方法。首先,以各分量的幅度和相位为状态变量,信号的时域观测和基于相同调制形式而构建的瞬时频率斜率为测量方程,为分量间载频差极小的时频... 针对多个调制形式完全相同且分量间载频差极小的时频信号,提出了一种超分辨率分析信号的模型和方法。首先,以各分量的幅度和相位为状态变量,信号的时域观测和基于相同调制形式而构建的瞬时频率斜率为测量方程,为分量间载频差极小的时频信号构建多观测的状态空间模型。然后,为了估计模型需要的分量数目,利用匹配解调变换将原信号解调为近似平稳的窄带信号,再使用稀疏迭代自适应协方差估计该窄带信号在时间窗内的协方差,基于这一估计协方差并利用判别函数法估计该窗内的分量数目。最后,以多个滑动时间窗内估计结果的众数作为信号分量数目,就可基于提出的模型以及数据融合滤波算法对时频信号进行超分辨率分析。仿真结果表明,所提方法的性能优于其他方法。 展开更多
关键词 时频分析 多观测模型 分量数估计
四元数矩阵的行列式的一种新定义及其应用 被引量:1
作者 李莹 张丽梅 +1 位作者 贾志刚 赵琳琳 《聊城大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第2期49-52,共4页
关键词 四元 四元分量矩阵 行列式 伴随矩阵
四元数向量和矩阵的实表示 被引量:10
作者 连德忠 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期704-708,共5页
在四元数和四元数向量、矩阵空间上引入3种不同的实数表示方式,将四元数之间及四元数向量和矩阵之间的运算,化为实数域上向量与矩阵之间的运算,得到的计算结果可准确转换成四元数和四元数向量和矩阵,可以在很大程度上克服四元数之间因... 在四元数和四元数向量、矩阵空间上引入3种不同的实数表示方式,将四元数之间及四元数向量和矩阵之间的运算,化为实数域上向量与矩阵之间的运算,得到的计算结果可准确转换成四元数和四元数向量和矩阵,可以在很大程度上克服四元数之间因乘积不可交换性而造成的计算困难,为计算机处理四元数数据提供可行的操作方案. 展开更多
关键词 四元坐标 四元分量矩阵 四元蜕变矩阵 四元实表示
Improved Berry-Esseen Bound for Rademacher Sum
作者 MA li YE Liu HAN Xin-Fang 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期910-941,共32页
Let X=Σ_(i=1)^(n)a_(i)ξ_(i)be a Rademacher sum with Var(X)=1 and Z be a standard normal random variable.This paper concerns the upper bound of|P(X≤x)−P(Z≤x)|for any x∈R.Using the symmetric properties and R softwa... Let X=Σ_(i=1)^(n)a_(i)ξ_(i)be a Rademacher sum with Var(X)=1 and Z be a standard normal random variable.This paper concerns the upper bound of|P(X≤x)−P(Z≤x)|for any x∈R.Using the symmetric properties and R software,this paper gets the following improved Berry-Esseen type bound under some conditions,|P(X≤x)−P(Z≤x)|≤P(Z∈(0,a1)),∀x∈R,which is one of the modified conjecture proposed by Nathan K.and Ohad K. 展开更多
关键词 sum of i.i.d.random variables standard normal distribution QUANTILE Berry-Esseen upper bound
Effects of Phosphate Treatment on Growth Dynamics of Wheat in Wheat/Corn Intercropping System in Southwest Hilly Area 被引量:2
作者 黄蔚 王永树 +4 位作者 郭银萍 杜家会 彭延英 陈雪梅 严光娅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1345-1347,1350,共4页
We aimed to investigate the effects of phosphate treatment on growth dynamics of wheat in wheat/corn intercropping system in southwest hil y area. [Method] Five phosphate fertilization levels were designed for wheat a... We aimed to investigate the effects of phosphate treatment on growth dynamics of wheat in wheat/corn intercropping system in southwest hil y area. [Method] Five phosphate fertilization levels were designed for wheat and corn respectively to investigate the effects of phosphate fertilization level on wheat/corn intercropping system by field block experiment. [Result] The number of til ers, plant height and yield component of wheat trended to increase with the increase of phos-phate fertilization amount and al reached the peak for phosphate fertilization amount of 135 kg/hm2. However, the number of til ers, plant height and yield component of wheat al decreased significantly with the further increase of phosphate fertilization amount. [Conclusion] Phosphate fertilization contributed to the wheat growth in a certain degree. However, excessive phosphate fertilization would affect final yield. 展开更多
关键词 Phosphate fertilization level Number of til ers Plant height Yield
Customized Optimization for Vehicle Acoustic Statistical Energy Analysis
作者 Huang Yi Feng Qiuhan +3 位作者 Liu Jingqi Li Xueliang Liu Lin Yang Shaobo 《汽车文摘》 2024年第11期1-10,共10页
Statistical Energy Analysis(SEA) is one of the conventional tools for predicting vehicle high-frequency acoustic responses.This study proposes a new method that can provide customized optimization solutions to meet NV... Statistical Energy Analysis(SEA) is one of the conventional tools for predicting vehicle high-frequency acoustic responses.This study proposes a new method that can provide customized optimization solutions to meet NVH targets based on the specific needs of different project teams during the initial project stages.This approach innovatively integrates dynamic optimization,Radial Basis Function(RBF),and Fuzzy Design Variables Genetic Algorithm(FDVGA) into the optimization process of Statistical Energy Analysis(SEA),and also takes vehicle sheet metal into account in the optimization of sound packages.In the implementation process,a correlation model is established through Python scripts to link material density with acoustic parameters,weight,and cost.By combining Optimus and VaOne software,an optimization design workflow is constructed and the optimization design process is successfully executed.Under various constraints related to acoustic performance,weight and cost,a globally optimal design is achieved.This technology has been effectively applied in the field of Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV). 展开更多
关键词 Statistical Energy Analysis(SEA) Dynamic optimization Radial Basis Function(RBF) Vehicle sheet metal Sound package Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV)
Carbon pool structure and carbon density of soil in Pinus koraiensis plantation ecosystem 被引量:4
作者 丁壮 张彦东 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期177-182,I0005,共7页
The organic carbon contents,carbon density and carbon storage of the soil in the Pinus koraiensis plantation ecosystem were investigated in Maoershan experimental forest farm,Shangzhi County,Heilongjiang,on the west s... The organic carbon contents,carbon density and carbon storage of the soil in the Pinus koraiensis plantation ecosystem were investigated in Maoershan experimental forest farm,Shangzhi County,Heilongjiang,on the west slope of the Zhangguangcai Mountains in northeastern China for providing data to evaluation of the carbon balance in forest ecosystem of northeastern China.These soil carbon indicators were measured in three forest types,pure P.koraiensis plantation,P.koraiensis and Betula platyphylla mixed forest,and the P.koraiensis and Quercus mongolica mixed forest.The soil carbon pool consisted of four compartments,namely L layer,F layer,H layer and B layer.With variance analysis,we found that both organic carbon content and carbon density of the soil were significantly affected by forest types,soil compartments and slope positions.The highest soil carbon density(278.63 Mg·ha^-1).was observed in the mixed forest of P.koraiensis and Q.mongolica.The B layer had the highest carbon density(212.28 Mg·ha^-1) among all the soil compartments.In terms of slope position,the highest soil carbon density(394.18 Mg·ha^-1) presented in the low slope.Besides,soil carbon content and carbon density had a marked change with the organic matter content and vertical depth of the soil in each compartment.The results of this study implied that in the temperate humid region,the mixed ecosystem of regional Pinus koraiensis plantations and natural forest had relatively high carbon storage capability. 展开更多
关键词 soil carbon pool soil carbon density soil carbon content Pinus koraiensis plantation ecosystem mixed forest
Research on Yield and Quality of Hybrid Rice under Efficient Application Amount of Phosphorus and Potassium 被引量:3
作者 熊洪 徐富贤 +4 位作者 朱永川 张林 郭晓艺 刘茂 周兴兵 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第2期343-350,共8页
[Objective] Application of P and K was not reasonable in southwest rice producing area, with no effective method for guiding application of P and K. This study aimed to conduct experiments with the same N application ... [Objective] Application of P and K was not reasonable in southwest rice producing area, with no effective method for guiding application of P and K. This study aimed to conduct experiments with the same N application and different P and K application in different ecological points, to explore a scientific and efficient management method of P and K nutrients and provide guidance for application of P and K in rice production. [Method] Hybrid rice Chuanxiang9838 was used as experimental material to study the relationship among application amount of P and K, utilization rates of P and K, rice yield and rice quality in seven ecological points of four provinces (municipalities) including Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan and Guizhou. The application amount per hectare of P was 37.5, 75, 112.5 and 150 kg, respectively; the application amount per hectare of K was 45, 135 and 180 kg, respectively. A total of 10 treatments were set for split-plot design with three replications. [Result] Yield of Chuanxiang9838 significantly varied in different experimental locations and under different levels of P and K, interaction of ecological point and different P and K treatments varied significantly. Yield had reached the maximum in ecological point of Yunnan Binchuan and in treatment with application of N 150 kg P 75 kg K 90 kg. Efficient utilization rates of P and K varied in each ecological point, efficient application amount of P and K in Sichuan Dongpo, Sichuan Luxian, Guizhou Xiaohe and Chongqing Yongchuan was the same, while that in Sichuan Guanghan, Sichuan Zhongjiang and Yunnan Binchuan was different. The main objective of high-yield rice production was to increase the number of effective panicles per hectare and seed setting rate. Rice quality was clustered into 2 categories by locations and 6 categories by treatments. [Conclusion] Prediction models of efficient application of P and K in rice production were established, which provided guidance for high-yield rice production and rational and efficient utilization of P and K in southwest rice area. 展开更多
关键词 Phosphorus and potassium nutrients Efficient application amount Mathematic model Mid-season hybrid rice
Regression Relationship between WI and FMC at Different Growth Periods of Sawtooth Oaks Leaf 被引量:2
作者 费鲜芸 张志国 +2 位作者 卢霞 高祥伟 何润昭 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第7期49-52,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study the regression relationship between water index (WI) and fuel moisture content (FMC) of different growth periods of sawtooth oaks leaf.[Method] Taking sawtooth oaks in Huaguo Mount... [Objective] The aim was to study the regression relationship between water index (WI) and fuel moisture content (FMC) of different growth periods of sawtooth oaks leaf.[Method] Taking sawtooth oaks in Huaguo Mountain,Lianyungang City as research object,the sensitivity of WI to leaf FMC was studied at leaf level,and statistical characteristics were analyzed.[Result] The WI of sawtooth oaks leaves was sensitive to the changes of FMC,and the line regression level between them was significant.A fitting curve between leaf FMC and WI was obtained.[Conclusion] The research provides reference for acquisition methods of vegetation water remote sensing within the range of study area. 展开更多
关键词 High spectral Fuel moisture index Water content Regression analysis Swatooth oaks leaf
基于修正四元半偏减法集对势的区域农业旱灾脆弱性评估 被引量:1
作者 金菊良 陈浩 +3 位作者 崔毅 刘凌 周玉良 吴成国 《灾害学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期34-42,共9页
为增强旱灾脆弱性评估结果的可靠性和合理性,从微观层次挖掘联系数系统结构中各分量之间的迁移运动信息,根据半偏联系数思想构建了四元联系数的迁移率矩阵,以此实现了联系数系统内相邻、相隔分量的转化,将修正后的联系数分量代入四元半... 为增强旱灾脆弱性评估结果的可靠性和合理性,从微观层次挖掘联系数系统结构中各分量之间的迁移运动信息,根据半偏联系数思想构建了四元联系数的迁移率矩阵,以此实现了联系数系统内相邻、相隔分量的转化,将修正后的联系数分量代入四元半偏减法集对势中,得到修正后的四元半偏减法集对势,并将其应用于蚌埠市农业旱灾脆弱性评估中。结果表明:修正前后的四元半偏减法集对势值对蚌埠市农业旱灾脆弱性及其子系统的评估结果是一致的;修正后的四元半偏减法集对势值变化范围更小、敏感度更高,结果更为稳健,对脆弱性评估集对系统变化趋势的反映更加准确可靠,具有推广应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 农业旱灾 脆弱性评估 四元半偏减法集对势 联系分量 迁移率矩阵
Antisepsis and Fresh-keeping Effects of Natamycin Coating Compounds Treatment on Red Global Grape 被引量:3
作者 周会玲 刘美迎 +2 位作者 任小林 吴主莲 张维 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期2012-2016,2036,共6页
The aim was to research fresh-keeping effects of natamycin on cold-pre- served grape. Red globe grapes were processed with compound coating liquid of chitosan with mass fraction at 1% and natamycin with mass fractions... The aim was to research fresh-keeping effects of natamycin on cold-pre- served grape. Red globe grapes were processed with compound coating liquid of chitosan with mass fraction at 1% and natamycin with mass fractions at 0.20% (T1), 0.40% (T2) and 0.60% (T3), respectively. Grapes processed with water (CK3) and 1% chitosan (CK2) were taken as control groups. Rotten rate, seed shattering rate, mass loss rate, respiratory intensity and related physiological quality in test and control groups were compared. The results indicated that respiratory intensity, mass loss rate, rotten rate and seed shattering rate in CK1 were all higher than those in CK2. In addition, T1, T2 and T3 were lower in the indices than CK1 and CK2, but still kept at a high level in fruit hardness. Furthermore, mass fractions of Vc and titratable acid declined more slowly in T1, T2 and T3, compared with CK1 and CK2. Natamycin better preserved grapes and prolonged storage period. In general, natamycin with mass fraction at 0.4% proved best in fresh-keeping. 展开更多
关键词 NATAMYCIN CHITOSAN Red global grape ANTISEPSIS Fresh-keeping
Seed Shadow of Quercus liaotungensis in a Broad-leaved Forest in Dongling Mountain 被引量:20
作者 王巍 马克平 刘灿然 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第2期195-202,共8页
The seed shadow of oak ( Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.) was investigated in a broad_leaved deciduous forest in Dongling Mountain in 1997. The seed rain patterns under oak tree crown for three out of four oak trees fit... The seed shadow of oak ( Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.) was investigated in a broad_leaved deciduous forest in Dongling Mountain in 1997. The seed rain patterns under oak tree crown for three out of four oak trees fit quadratic distribution, with high coefficients of determination. For each of the four trees selected in this study the seed rain size estimated from the viable acorns collected from the traps deployed under the crown was low, ranging from 26 to 259. For each of the four oak trees, the average density of the seed rain under oak tree crown ranged from 0.76 to 7.26 seeds/m 2. The average seed rain density estimated from the acorns in the traps deployed randomly in the field was 1.57 seeds/m 2. After all viable acorns fell, the acorn ground density estimated from the acorns in the quadrats was 0.13 seeds/m 2, but no viable acorns were found on the ground under the tree crown of the four oak trees, although the area under the crown was over 5 folds than the area of the combined quadrats. These results indicated that a large number of acorns was removed or predated by vertebrates once the acorns fell on the ground and acorns predation was more intensive in the sites directly under the parent trees than the sites away from the parent trees; this supports the distance_dependent hypothesis. Of the total acorns of all four oak trees, the viable acorns only accounted for 18.1%, and 17.8% for acorns infected by insect larvae, 12.1% for immature acorns, 3.6% for decayed acorns, and the acorns predated by rodent directly in the crown was the highest, accounting for 48.4%. The proportion of acorns predated by animals including vertebrates and invertebrates amounts up to 78.3%, indicating that acorn predation by animals is a limiting factor affecting acorn survival before seed dispersal. The sustained time of viable acorn fall ranged from September 8 to October 3 for the four oak trees, with the peak between 16th and 26th September. The number of acorns was not significantly different among the four directions around the trunk base. 展开更多
关键词 seed shadow Quercus liaotungensis seed fate
Application of Statistic Analysis on the Selection of Quantitative Characteristics Listed in the DUS Test Guideline of Tagetes L. 被引量:1
作者 刘艳芳 张建华 +6 位作者 杨晓洪 王江民 李彦刚 陈海荣 李向东 张惠 管俊娇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期2021-2023,2033,共4页
[Objective] This paper researched how to use specific approach to select quantitative characteristics which would be listed in the DUS Test Guideline of Tagetes L. [Method] With the aid of statistic analysis, the unif... [Objective] This paper researched how to use specific approach to select quantitative characteristics which would be listed in the DUS Test Guideline of Tagetes L. [Method] With the aid of statistic analysis, the uniformity, stability and correlation of 14 pre-selected characteristics were analyzed. [Result] The expression of peduncle length of terminal flower had low uniformity within a variety; the expres- sion of main stem thickness was not stable in continuous growing cycles; there were four pairs of quantitative characteristics which are (very) significantly correlated, namely, leaf length and leaf width, diameter of flower head and length of outer ligu- late floret, number of ligulate floret whorls and number of ligulate floret, leaf width and width of terminal leaflet of pinnate leaves. Based on the requirements of char- acteristic selection and the results of statistic analysis, five characteristics including peduncle length of terminal flower, thickness of the main stem, leaf width, length of outer ligulate floret and number of ligulate floret were deleted. [Conclusion] For the first time, this paper introduced the application of statistic analysis on the selection of quantitative characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 DUS Test Guideline of Tagetes L. Quantitative characteristic Statisticanalysis
Feature Extraction of Acoustic/Seismic Signal of Target 被引量:1
作者 张中民 李科杰 +1 位作者 李贵涛 尚雅玲 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第3期312-317,共6页
A microphone and a seismic sensor always become a basic unit of UGS(unattended ground sensors) system. The mechanism of acoustic and seismic property of target and its propagation are described. The acoustic and seism... A microphone and a seismic sensor always become a basic unit of UGS(unattended ground sensors) system. The mechanism of acoustic and seismic property of target and its propagation are described. The acoustic and seismic signals of targets are analyzed with time frequency distribution according to its non stationary property. Narrow band energy function (NEF) and local power spectral density (LPSD) are proposed to extract features for target identification. Experiment results show that local power spectral density indicates corresponding target clearly. 展开更多
关键词 time frequency analysis narrow band energy function (NEF) local power spectral density(LPSD)
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